of Armenia-Yerevan, for the conference ear collegues, D named “God Governance and Leadership” to Being in the very epicenter of torrential discover and discuss Singapore experience on changes and reforms that have been and are government reforms and success stories and still happening in our republic, Prosperous to reopen business opportunities, investment Armenia party has demonstrated its exertion, possibilities in Armenia. During the conference endeavor and strong will to stay loyal to its own we will touch base in areas of mutual interest in values and principles, so that the latter ensure a vast majority of domains. I want to use the the wellbeing of my nation. momentum of drastically changed political Being one of the largest taxpayers, having an situation in Armenia to discuss possible edges expeditious added value in the development of of prospective political and economic a number of spheres of the Republic of cooperation with Armenia - a country that now Armenia, I consider that founding and running goes through the path of deeper European businesses is, per se, a vast field of operation integration, regional and international which endows me with the opportunity to have cooperation and strengthening democracy. my personal contribution in making my country I sincerely hope that this conference will highly stronger and more prosperous by creating contribute to the strengthening of economic, workplaces, and hence impeding brain drain diplomatic and political ties between Armenia and migration. and Singapore. As an insider in the political domain and having enough resources to launch and further Gagik TSARUKYAN, MP develop new cooperation, I would like to take President of Party this opportunity to welcome you in the capital President of Naonal Olympic Commiee of Armenia


rmenia is a country situated on the It had a short life, because of the invasion of southern side of the Caucasus massif, the Turkish Kemalist forces. The newly Aat the crossroads of Europe and Asia. established republic, weakened by the war ARMENIA The country is bordered by Turkey to the west, between Turkey and Russia, was again Georgia to the north, Azerbaijan to the east divided; Nagorno-Karabakh and Nakhichevan and southwest, and Iran to the southeast. regions were separated from the Soviet Armenia has been one of the most ancient Republic of Armenia (Armenian regions countries in the world since the times of ceded to the newly-formed state of Babylon, Assyria and Egypt, once counted Azerbaijan in 1921). The positive heritage of among the great powers. Greek historians first post-Soviet period was the expansion of referred to the land of Armenia about 3,000 industry and developments in infrastructure years ago. They also stated that in the 1st and education. century B.C., Armenia was spread from the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean.. Armenia gained its independence after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Since Although Armenia was gradually conquered then Armenia has successfully been by the Roman Empire in the first century A.D., implementing comprehensive stabilization Armenians were very strong to keep their and structural reform programs based on national distinctions. A great role in this market economy and democracy that context played the fact that Armenia was the included an impressive privatization program. first country to adopt Christianity as the state religion in 301 A.D.

In 1639, Armenia was divided into Western Armenia and Eastern Armenia by the Ottoman and Persian Empires. Early in the 19th century, Eastern Armenia came under the regime of Tsarist Russia. The end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century were tragic for the Armenians living under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. Under the deportation slogan, the Ottoman Turks massacred over 1.5 million Armenians in the genocide of 1915-1922. The collapse of Tsarist Russia in 1917 gave new breath to Armenians, and they declared independence on May 18, 1918.


rosperous Armenia Party was founded back in 2004 around the ideology of Pfostering the sustainable development of the Republic of Armenia. PAP is a center- right political power.

Throughout the parliamentary elections of 2007, which were the first ones for the newly- founded party, the PAP came second with 15.13% of the votes, thus gaining the trust of vast masses of electorate and forming a ruling coalition government.

During the years to come, the party's rating witnessed a steady growth, winning the trust of its compatriots both within the Republic of Armenia, and outside its borders. In the 2009 Yerevan municipal council elections, PAP garnered 22% of votes becoming the second largest faction in the Municipality Council of Yerevan City (The Capital of Armenia).

The aforesaid trust and devotion to the party was witnessed during the 2012 parliamentary elections, where PAP got 30.12% of the votes becoming the second largest faction in the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia. It was at this point, that the party declared not forming any coalition. Prosperous Armenia proclaimed itself a moderate opposition force “who'd work in a constructive manner”. During first elections after a constitutional referendum (transforming country from semi- presidential to parliamentary) in 2015, PAP came second again, with 31 seats, formulating "Tsarukyan" faction in the National Assembly, thus becoming the main opposition.

4 As a result of party's continuous development On July 3, 2014 becoming a member of the Throughout the years, the PAP's main purpose has “Trasukryan alliance” was formed on a base Alliance of Conservatives and Reformists in been contribution to the formation of a social, legal of PAP and on behalf of Gagik Tsarukyan to Europe, Prosperous Armenia Party fully and democratic country, where the protection of the participate in the parliamentary elections of realized the importance of sovereignty, free rights and interests of each individual is a priority. The 2017. markets, private property, and economic roadmap of the party has always been keeping the liberalization to the success of small nations. peace, fostering progress in human achievement, Alongside with an array of important events and enhancing dignity and integrity among peoples Throughout 2018 drastic changes in the which followed the said membership, the and among nations. political panorama of the RA; during the Velvet most important was the “Yerevan Summit Revolution, the Prosperous Armenia Party 2017: Building a More Prosperous World”, joined the pan-republican movement and is which, together with the ACRE Council currently a part of so called “national Meeting, was organized in Armenia with the government” that fully supports and The PAP firmly believes in the importance of open economies and advancement of social and participation of 670 delegates from more contributes to immediate reforms in public political values that can be reached by means of cooperation and peace between nations. The than 30 countries. administration, new governmental ethics and PA believes that the power of cooperation leads not only to a just and lasting peace and freedom management, creating new incentives to but also to human betterment. Hence, PAP's involvement in the said procedures will boost economic development in the country. demonstrate its commitment to a better world, where our children and their future will be safeguarded.

5 6 luxury carpets here that has transitioned into a world class expertise in textile production in general. Jewelry is also an area where Armenians leverage their historical traditions to offer some of the highest quality skilled labor on the globe. Finally, Armenian wine and brandy are legendary products that have been produced here for millennia. This has transitioned into a specialization in the agricultural production that allows the country to take advantage of its excellent land and water resources.

The North-South Road Corridor Investment

program; a major infrastructure project, has MULTI REST HOUSE an objective to connect the Southern border of the country with its northern point by reconstruction of 556 km-long Meghri - Yerevan - Bavra highway. The construction of this highly important strategic road will ensure TRANSITIONS easier traffic from the southern border of Armenia to the Georgian border and up to the NORTHERN AVENUE AND DEVELOPMENTS Black Sea ports and will allow passenger and cargo transportation in accordance with European standards. The highway will also provide serious development opportunities for rmenia has historically been on the The foreign institutions include five Russian all communities from the north to the south of MULTI CITY HOUSE intersection of all major trading routes universities, American University of Armenia, Armenia. The North-South Road Corridor Aof the Silk Road, connecting the East French University in Armenia, European investment project is aimed at reconstruction to the West and the North to the South. Today, Regional Academy, and the UWC Dilijan of limit of 30-90 km/hour that runs 556 km given its unique geographical location and College of United World Colleges network. In from the Armenian border with Georgia at political and economic ties with Eurasia, recent years, Armenia has asserted itself as a Bavra to the border with Iran at Agarak and Europe, and the Americas, Armenia still leader in the IT sphere with many schools and upgrading it to 470 km-long 1st category serves as a gateway to many major markets. educational programs devoted to teaching to high-speed carriageway with a speed limit of code and computer programming. 100-110 km/hour enabling to cross the The total adult literacy rate in Armenia is mentioned section during decreased 4.5-5 99.8%. The standard of education is high. MULTI WELLNESS CENTER There are many areas where Armenia's hours instead of current 9.5-10 hours. Education continues to be one of the core storied history and cultural traditions lend an values of the Armenian society. Today, there advantage to its labor force. For example, are more than 60 state and private institutions there is a high standard for craftsmanship in operating in Armenia with over 120,000 students 9 10 OLYMPAVAN

rates on import or production of some goods, Convention on Protection of Investor Rights for example, alcohol, tobacco and petrol. with CIS countries.

In 2014, Armenia became a member of Armenia also has a “GSP” beneficiary status Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), a with Canada, Japan, Norway, Switzerland, and successor of the Eurasian Customs Union the United States. Under the US GSP, duty- (ECU). The EEU is considered as a tool for free treatment covers most manufactured reintegrating the post-Soviet region. It items, many types of chemicals, minerals and stipulates a common market of goods, building stone, jewelry, carpets, and certain capital and labor, and the operation of agricultural and fishery products. With Canada, common macroeconomic, competition, the GSP product list includes agricultural and NOY BRANDY WINE VODKA FACTORY financial and other regulation, including industrial goods, excluding certain textiles, harmonization of policies such as energy and footwear, products of the chemical, plastic transport. Currently, there are five EEU and allied industries. Japan's GSP list includes member states: Armenia, Belarus, agricultural and fishery products (337 items) INCENTIVES Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan and Russia. and industrial products (3,141 items). FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH Currently, Armenia has bilateral investment Norway's tariff duties are zero based on the treaties on reciprocal promotion and most favored nation (MFN) basis for almost all Armenia offers great opportunities to foreign and favorable investment regimes among protection of FDI with 41 countries and industrial goods and in the range of 5-15% for investors as it has a unique geographical emerging economies with a stable double taxation treaties with 43 countries, a few textile products. The Swiss GSP covers location and cultural heritage that provides a macroeconomic environment. including China. . Armenia is a member of the all industrial goods (except for textile and strategic access for businesses to markets in Armenia has been a member of the World International Centre for the Settlement of clothing) and many agricultural products, and Russia and CIS countries, the European Trade Organization (WTO) since 2003. The Investment Disputes (ICSID). ). Armenia is provides preferential treatment in the form of Union and the Middle East. Today Armenia Customs Code streamlines customs also one of the countries that ratified the reduction of, or exemption from, duties. In acts a gateway to a market of 800 mln procedures and was complied with the WTO C o n v e n t i o n o n t h e S e t t l e m e n t o f general, among the products that are not consumers. With trade agreements with the Regulation. Today, Armenia has a liberal InvestmentDisputes between States and eligible for GSP duty-free treatment are most Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), EU, USA, foreign trade regime with no taxes on N a t i o n a l s o f O t h e r S t a t e s ( “ I C S I D textiles and apparel, watches, and most CIS, Georgia, Canada, Japan, Norway and export.There are no limits on hard currency Convention”), as well as the International footwear, handbags and luggage products. Switzerland it provides one of the most liberal import. Excise taxes are charged at various



rmenia's skilled and highly educated foreign direct investment including refining the labor force contributes to the robust legislative framework, tax and customs Adevelopment of high-tech industries legislation enforcement and corruption and services sectors, it continuously develops elimination. the E-governance in the country, democracy, open door policy for foreign direct Drastically changed political situation in investments. The country has developed a Armenia brings new expectations and positive sound and well-regulated banking system in perception both from locals, Diaspora accordance with international standards. representative and foreign investors for a better quality of life and justice against those The EU-Armenia Comprehensive and w h o h a v e p i l l a g e d A r m e n i a s i n c e Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA); independence. Armenia will thus remain initiated in March 2017 and signed within a embedded within the Russian sphere as a year, presents a fresh start for the deepening member of the EEU and the Collective of relations between the two parties. The Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). On this European Parliament and its national perspective CEPA has widespread support in counterparts are currently ratifying the new Armenia, and contains tools and mechanisms CEPA between the EU and Armenia. that reform-minded government can use. Armenia continues to position itself a gateway Armenia's investment climate is continuously to major markets with high potential for growth being improved and now there is a strong and new enthusiasm on reforms and government commitment to attracting more transformations.


Governance refers to how a government or organization is run, directed and controlled. Today good governance implies that a government or organization will design and put in place policies and procedures that will make sure the government or organization runs effectively.

The term "governance" is as old as human civilization. Until recent times, "governance" was largely used in the context of the State. In the 21st century, governance is interpreted in a wider connotation to include State as well as organization, whether small or big. Governance describes the mechanisms an organization uses to ensure that its constituents follow its established processes and policies. Governance is primarily to ensure compliance with laws, integrity, ethics and policies.

Governance relates to decisions that define expectations, grant power, or verify performance. Four pillars of good governance are Fairness, Accountability, Transparency and Independence. Effort in this one day's workshop is to share the nuances of GOOD GOVERNANCE and LEADERSHIP.


The conference will have a special focus on strengthening the management and governance of institutions delivering cohesion policy, thus the objectives of the conference will be;

џ Discuss how good governance and џ Exchange experience with and get administrative capacity should be inspiration from the relevant work of promoted with particular emphasis on representatives of political parties, Singapore experience. finance, banking, legal and other industries both from Armenia and Singapore.


Topics of the conference include, yet are not limited to talks around the below-given key issues:

џ Asia's Model of Good џ Importance of good џ Investment Governance and governance and leadership attractiveness and Leadership with focus on for sustainable cross-sectorial Singapore experiences development. presentations on and success stories. energy, transport, agribusiness, construction, IT and telecommunication, etc.


Mr. Gagik Tsarukyan Chair of "Tsarukyan" Faction of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, President of Prosperous Armenia Party, President of National Olympic Committee of Armenia

Mr. Mikayel Melqumyan Ms. Naira Zohrabyan Mr. Mher Grigoryan Mr. Arthur Grigoryan Vice President of the National Assembly Chair of the Standing Committee on Deputy Prime Minister Minister of Energy Infrastructures and of the Republic of Armenia, Vice President European Integration of the National of the Republic of Armenia Natural Resources of the of the Prosperous Armenia Party Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, Republic of Armenia Secretary General of the Prosperous Armenia Party


Mr. Armen Arzumanyan Vice President of the Prosperous Armenia Party, Head of International Relations Department, Council Member of Alliance of Conservatives and Reformists in Europe

17 18 AGENDA 13 th July 2018 ( Friday )

Delegates' arrival Zvartnots international airport Registration at the hotel Multy Grand Hotel 13:00-14:00 Lunch Restaurant of Multy Grand Hotel 14:30-15:00 Visit to the New Multi Business Area City 15:30-16:00 Visit to the Olympic Complex Yerevan Davtashen District 16:30-17:00 Visit to the Multi Wellness Center Yerevan city center Visit to the 17:30-18:30 9 Tsovakal Isakov Avenue, Yerevan "Noy Brandy-Wine-Vodka Factory"

19:00-22:00 Dinner at Tsirani restaurant village

14 th July 2018 ( Saturday )

08:30-09:30 Breakfast Multy Grand Hotel 10:00-13:00 Courtesy meeting with the Conference hall of Board of PAP and the President of Multy Grand Hotel the party Mr. Gagik Tsarukyan MP Press conference Conference on Good Governance & Leadership 13:00-14:00 Lunch at Ginetun restaurant Arinj village 14:00-14:30 Visit to the Abovyan city Saint Hovhannes Mkrtich Church 14:30-15:30 Visit to the Armenian Genocide Memorial Tsitsernakaberd and The Armenian Genocide Museum – Institute 16:00-17:00 TBC TBC 17:30-18:30 TBC TBC 18:30-19:45 Free time Multy Grand Hotel 20:00-22:00 Official dinner on behalf of Paravon Restaurant Mr. Gagik Tsarukyan MP

15 th July 2018 ( Sunday ) 5 Yerevan-Abovyan Highway E-mail: [email protected] 08:30-09:30 Breakfast Multy Grand Hotel Kotayk, Armenia 11:00- Touristic Program and Lunch Yerevan city Tel.: +374 43 610055 Web: Delegates' departure Zvartnots International Airport 19 20 ADDITIONAL INFOMRATION

Working files Working materials and documents will be made available in English and Armenian and hard copies will be provided at the conference. Other written contributions by speakers on the topics of the conference are welcome. They should have a summary in English and will be made available to participants at the conference. There will be around 150 participants attending the conference.

Working languages The conference will be conducted in English and Armenian. Interpretation in two languages will be provided.

SINGAPORE Visa and Insurance Participants should obtain appropriate entry visas from a diplomatic or consular mission of the Government of Armenian at their point of origin. Participants may wish to obtain information on visa requirements and other travel-related information from either the embassy or consulate of the Republic of Armenia in their countries. Note: Singapore Passport Holders are not required to obtain a visa for entry to Armenia for a 180 day- period within one-year period. Participants should arrange travel insurance themselves, therefore please ensure that you have adequate travel, medical and repatriation insurances.

Flight, accommodation and pick up at the airport

The host PROSPEROUS ARMENIA PARTY will provide complimentary flight ticket for participants. Participants will need to purchase their tickets at county of origin and the airfare reimbursement will be in Yerevan. The host PROSPEROUS ARMENIA PARTY will provide complimentary 2 nights' accommodation and meals for participants at Hotel Multi Grand. Airport protocol and pick up / sent off will be arranged by the host.

Weather Dress Code Contacts Summer (July and August) Business suits or Dr. Tee Ching Seng the average temperature equivalent are required Tel.: +6010-2333908 exceeds 30 degrees for the conference and E-mail: [email protected] Celsius (86° F). Yerevan is dinners for the first two at a height between 900 days. Please also bring Dr. Armen Arzumanyan and 1200 meters (2952 practical outdoor Tel.: +374-99 775557 and 3937 ft). clothing E-mail: [email protected]