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West field SaleDays - Today -- Tomorrow - Saturday School Board ' Meets THE WESTFIELD LEADER H p.m. Tuesday THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY EIGHTIETH YEAR—No. 51~ Published WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1970 Every Thursday Pages—10 Cents 78 Center ¥ Parents Urged to Preview Nears been as Issues ° Mi>untain?idin Mountainsidt — A "brunch" waes Family Living Curriculum Opening . held on Sunday at the home of Mr. Bfforts to inform ;md involve parents about the revised family living and Mrs. Thomas Loflus on Hillside Pay Taxes Monday education program are being made by the Board of Education which Avc. to kick-off the Independent voted for its adoption, with stipulations concerning its implementation, at Officiating at Ihe cornerstone lay- Democratic Party's campaign to Property owners the public mooting of the school board earlier this month. ing «f Ms community's first nurs- elect candidates Jutin II. Palmer Jr. <H'. that third quarter real estate Copies of the outline for the revised family living curriculum for grades ing home Sunday was U, S. Senator and Rupert H. J-affee to borough (axes are due Monday, Aug. 3. kindergarten through six are avail- able for citizens to see at the board Harrison A. Williams, a champion council scats in November. The In addition to the regular offlne office, 305 Kim SI., from 9 to 4 of the cause of til and elderly in brunch, confined to District #1 res- hours- the collector's office will Christmas daily. | Congress, who returned to his home idents, will be followed )>y similar be open from 7 to 9.p.m. Mon- Parent meetings are being sche- town for this dedicator event. •affairs in each of the five districts day only. The Weslfield Convalescent Cen- •and are being held to acquaint vol- In August? duled before [he coarse begins to ter at 1515 Lambert's Mill Rd. is ex- ers with the aims of the p-irty. Mr. inform them about [he content so pected to open its 150*601 facility Palmer told the guests that in his Fire Damages •Kirsl United Methodist Church they can decide whclher they want for recuperative and rehabilitative opinion the two most important fac- Two Garages worshippers will participate in an their child in or oul of the program nunsing dare the beginning of Sep- tors to be considered for the t'oort unusual service celebrating "Advent and so they will know what will be oF the community were the highly Two garages on Cumberland St. in August" at 10 a.m. Sunday. discussed in family living eduea- tember. tion antl nla Construction of (he Center has tak- disputed rbzoning of arc-as for busi- were damaged Tuesday by fire pos- It all began when a layman hand- y follow up with at-home en one year to complete. Last July ness and "not the overpass per se,sibly caused by children playing with ed his pastor, the Rev. Dr. Clark W. discussions, Joseph A. MeGroarty, •but whether Mountainside would matches in dry grass nearby, accor- Hunt, "a clipping from the Wall board president, said. the U. S. Department of Housing H •and Unban Development announced wind up as Ihe connector load to ding to the Fire Department. It is Street Journal. The article was a re- « expressed Hi,.. i,ope that towns- print of a letter written to the Wash- Pecl>'e wl" lake advantage of stu- a closing on the $1,481,000 morbgiage Route 78. because if we do, we will belicvtd that sparks may have caus- ington Post by a psychologist wiio *""« the reviscd curriculum out- to help finance the building, HUD be in more trouble than we would ed a blaze which resulted in burning be wiUi an overpass." a hole in the roof of a garage at 520 was recommending that Christmas line and addcd: "Wc ur8e Parents insures such mont'giiges to encour- attend the mcstlm ai He said that no one appeared to Cumberland St. and damage to con- not be celebrated this year. The *? Js ><* see for age construction "of nursing homes lthem seI es hat ls tents there and to shingles and thepsychologist claimed that all the | ^ * in ">e raised for the care and treatment of con- have an answer to that possibility and suggested that Diamond Hill trim of a garage at 524 Cumberland talk once a year about peace and ^m,ly living education program." valescents and oiihers who are not Sen. Harrison A Williams of Westtield plates mortar on cornerstone of Westfield's first nursing home, the would be the ideal location for an St. Drn. Solomon J. Cohen, a local pe- acutely 111 and do not need hospital Westflflil •Convalescent Center at 1515 'Lambert's Mill Bd. Shown at ttereinonivs Sunday are Edward Aren- the Prince of Peace while the coun- leu, a local p overpass, "since ft makes more The property at .520 is owned by try was at war out people under <^J>™tricia n ™and cchairmah n of the care but do require skilled nursing krantz.'one of the owners; Mrs. Barbara (Lanza,, director |of inurses; Dr. Robert P. Ncnnoiof Wcstfield, repre- diatrician chairman of the senting the medical staff; Senator Williams: and the Rev.,Dr. Ace L. Tubbs, chaplain, who offerled the in- ssnse and it behooves us lobe on our the Rev. Charles Gallahan of Irv- quite a bit of stress and caused board student health .committee, care and related- services. , „. , _ , , feels he revised curriculum s at)- vocation. The Center expects to open in September. (Another picture on page 4.) guard." He stressed that Ihe present inylon; the 524 Cumberland St. some internal conflict. The psycholo- According to Hichlard Roberto, di- prepri'ate for each level, will help alternate plan presented by Hie garage is owned by AJphonso Ciullo gist suggested that by planning rector of the WeetMd Convales- (Continued on page 4> of the same address. parents have discussions about it cent Home, staffing of the nursing ahead the whole Christmas build-up at home, and will provide a firm (home is almost completed. and observance could be called off foundation for family living and sex in 1970 and Dec. 25 could be ob-education in grades seven through Two lecal physicians, Drs. Gerald Has Key Role gig Variety of Bargains served as just another day for pol- ]£"" B. Dennerest and Sarlford M. Reiss, PEP Plans Student Workshop, luting the air. making war, and „, . , . .. _, •, ••,=. have been appointed to head the The cumculum medical staff. Mrs. Barfaiia Lanaa, In Consumers Study Groups on Environment carrying on business-as-usual. Brno- li-v * called fem,^ who 'has served in supervisory nurs- tionally, people would remain on a explained, more even keel, he felt. :-0-ate ,iK5rt< ing- positions; in New Jersey for 20 Federation Lures Buyers to Stores "Education of Ihe public about the shop aimed directly at ten, eleven, tent (some -estimate;,'^eifc^eG''pig. yeans, is the director of nurses. The iiniportencc; of the ecological bal- and twelve year olds," a spokesman (Dr. Hunt shared tins article with ti deals with developing ''a basic Kev. Dr. Ace .L; Tulybs has volun- Mrs. Kichard A. Zwcmer of West- An unprecedented variety of name-brand merchandise will be offered cen field, president of ..the, Consumers ances in the world is one of the most said. his minister of musite. Philip Diet- foundation for healthy attitudes of teered to act as chaplain. to the public by members of the retail division, WcstiieW Area Chamber essential parts of any anli^pollution League of New Jersey, will repre- Information will be presented on tench. family living," tor,, as the majority A series of open house tours to ac- sent Dhe league at the annual meet- of Commerce, during the semi-annual sales days promoiion today, toinor- effott," according to soiile lotfal con- an informal and less technical basis illather than call off Christmas Hie report of the citizens' review corn- cerned residents. "People are gener- jjuaint members of local profession- ing of. the Consumer Federation of a'ow and Saturday. through use of films, slides, discus- two of them decided that a celebra- niittee put it, "developing respect al groups, ssrvice. organizations and Aimertoa. She is also serving as a ally willing to work to insure their sions, etc. Participants also will be tion of Advent and Christmas might lor oneself and for others in one's clu'bs with the ConyateSeenfc Center nien\lber of tihe. Eaand iX the Con- The Summer Sales Days promotion has traditionally been one of Uie fattire mid Hi.- future of their chil- encouraged to contribute essays, be very appropriate at this time, family and community and enabling is being planned' for the autumn sumer Federation of America and shopping highlights of the year in dren,. So if people are made aware- SrOries, poetry, and artwork to a and they certainly wouldn't be ac- one to live in relationship to others that the future is endangered by all in wavs hat or is serving . on its. nominating com- Westfleld, according 'to Robert Sie- 'booklet being made of this-type of cuse'd of preaching the love of God ' e conatntctivc. and mittee for tliis meeting. types of pollution, they will try to material in the area of pollution. for mere and the Christmas message moral." Approximately 10 percent o£ gel, chairman of the division. "Mem- (Continued on page 4) Playfields help eliminate the problem. PEP "The major emphasis will be a of "Peace on earth" only once a The annual meeting of the Feder- bers of the division," Slegel said, (Pollution and Environmental Prob- positive one" the PEP representa- year.