Da Archive Annex of new links (^^) May 20th 2017

New links will be placed here for a while before adding them to Da Archive.


If you can't understand why you should support your game, go work at Burger King for 2 weeks for no pay and you might get a clue. ------Sorry for the incomplete links This way seems to be a good idea, what with all the matrixbots and cyber crotchspiders out there.

ss, @SS or $$ is Send Spaace, m3g@ is Megaa, is a period or dot as in dot com, etc.

There is a u$ercl0ud and a u$er$cl0ud, be careful to go to the correct one. Anon Has Pointed Out That A Few Sites Used Have Unwanted Clutter That Can Be Annoying. “Be warned the site it's on is rife with malware traps. When you figure it out make sure the file you're saving is a .PDF and not the same thing with .EXE stuck on the end. The second one is a million bad programs that eat your compooter like I eat Cheetos.”

Special thanks to Mageguru, Decoderfriend, RequestFiller, Agent13, TheWiz!, The Warden, and the entire Anon Brigade. You make this happen and you are Awesome.


A Hard To Find Game www an onfi les cc/file/3afdbf1484a673a0e5a0c9a2e32c0d3b

The Freebie Collection M3G4EnZed /#F!Nq5mVJqR!6WdkQ9T9awc07Uu8oaUzHg

Mirror of some stuff m E g @ #F!wWB1UbCC!MhwWhskzk7ChTD1KRSp02A

CORPS 2nd Edition (pg. 6 of annex) m3di@fir3/file/5z3xbhne43j0niz/corps-rpg.pdf

Pulp Hero (pg. 6) m3di@fir3/file/ct5011ry3bpshv4/hero-system-pulp-hero-pdf.pd

Warriors of the Red Planet (pg. 7) m3di@fir3/file/lqvv288g7bismhr/Warriors_of_the_Red_Planet.pdf

The Wasteland Hack Special Edition (pg. 8) m3di@fir3/file/u70369qsi1ed68a/The_Wasteland_Hack_Special_Edition.pdf

Random Solo Adventure - Post Apocalyptic (pg. 8) m3di@fir3/file/dk4z2c7gi9c765e/RSA-PA_EBOOK_PAGEs.pdf

Sabres and Witchery v2 (pg. 9) m3di@fir3/file/680813p1h1y1q6k/Sabres_and_Witchery_v2.pdf

Polyhedral Dungeon (pg. 9) m3di@fir3/folder/434090hddj3o9/Polyhedral_Dungeon

Protocol (pg. 9) m3di@fir3/folder/5lrfs09qk896l/Protocol

Mythoard One-Page Adventures 19-24 (pg. 9) m3di@fir3/folder/pd68cno3qleu0/Mythoard D&D 5e >5etools: https://astranauta.github.io/5etools.html

>/5eg/ Mega Trove: https://mega.nz/#F!oHwklCYb!dg1-Wu9941X8XuBVJ_JgIQ!pXhhFYqS

>Pastebin with resources and so on: http://pastebin.com/X1TFNxck (embed) - - -

Delta Green RPG (both on zippy): Observer Effect: /v/v5aXHksh/file.html

The Star Chamber: /v/9ZC9OaCR/file.html - - - Hero Kids $end$pacecom/filegroup/qFd6gnLC4nqV42CYJEIDenSUJ5SwI9pLS5k9VJEF%2BOkNGqRUxxovBrytYlAbqhTt

Sine Requie (an italian horror post-apocalyptic rpg set after ww2) and a couple of other mauals, they are in Italian. https://mega.nz/#F!tw01xbBS!OgLtr2WYsBIze4YH_THafw

Epy www$end$p @cecom /filegroup/qnWoRYVVcwtsw1OmFGro3b9MecSQX3dY

EABA https ://www$end$pacecom /file/h86f6t - - - Two creative commons www56zippysh@re.com

Secret Santicore /v/58peP7Cp/file.html

Wanderers Romance /v/mIXOr0ke/file.html

- - -

GSS stuff Here! All at http://www58.zippyshare.com

Henge candies /v/PReBmCOa/file.html

Friends final /v/TKOw2ss9/file.html

KS /v/56F71KEx/file.html https://fr.scribd.com/document/343457060/The-Dragon-An-Official-Fellowship-Expansion-Pack https://fr.scribd.com/document/343457196/The-Giant-An-Official-Fellowship-Expansion-Pack https://fr.scribd.com/document/343457412/The-Dragon-Playbook https://fr.scribd.com/document/343457844/The-Giant-High-Quality-Playbook https://fr.scribd.com/document/343456061/The-Constructed-High-Quality-Playbook

Touch of Class by EN5ider $end$p@ce /file/hp3x0f

Numenera: Ninth World Bestiary 2 https://tinyurl c0m /muf3fdt

Cyper System: Expanded Worlds https://www.sendspace.com/file/xeiwdl Reign: Out of the Violent Planet - is free at gregstolze.com the 15th and 16th supplements

- - - vzturlcom


A Cast of Thousands /bnh96

Anima /bnh97

Arrowflight 2nd edition /bnh98

Arrowflight Corebook /bnh99

Cold Roads /bni00

Island Nations /bni01

Lands of Enchantment /bni02

Mystic East /bni03

Northern Empires /bni04

Severed Threads /bni05 vzturlcom

Bleeding Edge Core Rulebook /bnh82

Bleeding Edge Liberty Boost /bnh83

Farflung Character Sheet /bnh84

Farflung Core Rulebook /bnh85

Farflung Playbooks /bnh86

Magenta /bnh87 - - - vzturlcom

Albedo Platinum Catalyst Structural Integrity /bnh72

Myriad - Aliens /bnh73

Myriad - Doom /bnh74

Myriad - Quest /bnh75

Myriad - Song Adventures /bnh76

Myriad - Song Core Rules /bnh77

Myriad - Threat /bnh78

Noggle Stones /bnh79

Urban Jungle /bnh80

Usagi Yojimbo RPG /bnh81 - - - vzturlcom

Ironclaw 2nd Edition

Ironclaw - Omnibus /bnh58

Book of Fools /bnh59

Book of Jade /bnh60

Book of Mysteries /bnh61

Book of Adventures /bnh62

Ironclaw Legacy Ironclaw - 1st Edition /bnh63

Bisclavret /bnh64

Doloreaux /bnh65

Extras.7z /bnh66

Phelan /bnh67

Rinaldi /bnh68

Avoirdupois /bnh69 - - - vzturlcom

League of Gothic Horror

LoGH - Core Rulebook /bnh03

LoGH - Expansion /bnh04

LoGH - Guide to Mummies /bnh00

LoGH - Guide to Shapeshifters /bnh01

LoGH - Guide to Vampires /bnh02

LoGH - Guide to Apparitions /bnh05

LoGH - Guide to Black Magic /bnh06

Leagues of Adventure

LoA Core Rulebook /bnh07

LoA Plateau of the Ape Men The Dragons of London /bnh08

LoA Weird Science Compendium /bnh09

LoA Globetrotters Guide Collection 15 Books /bnh10

LoA Adv 1 Dreaming Spires /bnh11

LoA Adv 2 Emerald Scarab Conspiracy /bnh12 vzturlcom

PF Society - S08-19 Treacherous Waves /bnh20

Ooh Shiny - 20 More Unique Weapons /bnh21

Ooh Shiny - 20 Unique Armors Shields and Helmets /bnh22

Ooh Shiny - Bardic Instrumagic /bnh23

Ooh Shiny - Entropic Equipment /bnh24

Ooh Shiny - Long Arm of the Elf /bnh25

Ooh Shiny - The Clothes Make the Man /bnh26

Rite - 30 Haunts for Objects /bnh27

Demiurge Press - Creature Codex Volume 2 Infernal Index /bnh28

FGG - Astonishing Races Leprechaun (Revised) /bnh29

- - -

Elder Godlike s3nd sp4ce d0t c0m /file/3j3k26 all on wwwmedi@firecom




/view/fay4c2092ncchud/Faerie_Skies_(First_Draft).pdf /view/h38mbc8vfcn5z82/Fantasy_Friends_First_Draft.pdf

- - -

Cathulhu, from Sixtystone Press: www$end$p@cecom /file/xjtc46 mostly air/space wargames, including a few rarer ones (Attack Vector Tactical / Saganami Island Tactical) M3G4 dot EnZee /#F!d7Q3HaRZ!gTsKc-vYWTNa5th9EspwxQ

Here's Undying w/ playbooks. htt p ://www89zippy$harecom /v/FrB3RWb6/file.html /v/qvrweCEa/file.html

PbtA, - Superhuman and Anime Thing htt p://wwwhappionlabscom/superhuman-rpg/

VOID books Rulebooks-Archive.zip http://www19.zippyshare.com/v/lmeiTCSa/file.html Forcebooks-Archive.zip http://www19.zippyshare.com/v/dkne6yg3/file.html Newsletters-Archive.zip http://www19.zippyshare.com/v/lTLLL408/file.html

LoFP - Slugs $end$p @ cecom /file/4qizgs

Corporia www$3nd$p @ c3com /file/itkw9k legions of middle-earth www$3nd$p @ c3com /file/32u4as

Magical Fury & Burst https:/ /wwws3ndsp @c3com /filegroup /2lDg4Rd6h1qH%2Fw5W20v3ZSyOIsx57aDI

Clockwork and Chivalry 2e https:/ /wwws3ndsp @c3c0m /file/63nvkc

Call of Cthulhu Keeper Screen Pack Only have the two scenarios found inside, not the three-panel screen. Https:/ /www.sendsp ace.com/file/theq8c

DemonWorld http s :// w wws3ndsp @c3com /file/8h521w this very ground http s: / /wwws3ndsp @cecom /file/neq1hg

Lace and Steel http s :/ /w wws3ndsp @ c3com /file/m76wqj

The Art of Dragon Age - Inquisition http s:/ /wwws3ndsp@c3com /file/x5bkb2

Cold Steel Wardens u$er$cl0ud /c4q94s8v8bbq d30 Sandbox Companion

Maps and Tiles used by defunct D&D minis game, could be re-purposed for use in rpgs; available here http://wwwwebaliceit/tosi1972/Index.htm - - - $nipli

Dawn of Twilight Collection

Dawn of Twilight Campaign Guide /184613

Dawn of Twilight Savage Primer /988

Primer v3 /1957138

Character Sheet /36915

Maps /8779868

Frigid Reflections Maps /8325898

Automata Guide to the Awakened /8405966

Children of the Hammer /493735

Children of the Wode /8733

Into the Pale Tower /1177875

Of Stave Stone and Heart /35076

Rune of Hope /8495635

The AElven Agenda /5598864

The Clockwork Primer /0646453

The Gun Priest The Blessed of Velash /014240

The Ice AElves of Niflaeheim /8242 The Jotunfolk Descended from Death /085947

Twilights Dawn Issue 1 /3435

Twilights Dawn Issue 2 /6319 - - - Heroes Against Darkness http://heroesagainstdarkness.blogspot.com/p/heroes-against-darkness-downloads.html

BW “Wheels on Fire” m3g4 /#F!Y6gSGQqD!rAAqiGFFWOHPpSZQiZPqQQ

Gold $end $pace com slash filegroup slash aVRuoW9ibHoi0bZa12o84w - - - $end$p@cecom /file/6bza13 - - - $nipli M-Space - Reflux /71404

Synthicide - Preview Adventure /58421

Vanguard RPG - Ghost Station /9437

Astulae - Gravipath /5565443

Barbarians of Lemuria - Lemurian Legends /775175 - - -

40k Inquisition Trilogy by Ian Watson ht tps:// ww w.s end sp ace. com/file/ectcvp

Taint of Madness and Adventures in Arkham Country ht tps :// www .s end space. co m/filegroup/y9yy2FCwjAg02zHKV8sjrw

7th Seas 2e M3ga n z #F!pBE1hYSK!DQKqkQgl8vs5mV9qaIWDnw!YMdlyR5J

Mercenaries, Spies, and Private Eyes htt p: / /w ww.me dia fire.co m/file/nag8mcs1e6ttbj4/Mercenaries+Spies+%26+Private+Eyes.pdf

Farflung ht tps:/ /www.sen dsp ace.c om/file/r42w3x It's a rar5 file. Need newest winRAR or find it zipped here: ht tps:// www .s end spa ce. com/file/2dgit0

Fragged Empire Core: ht tp://w ww119.zip pysh are.co m/v/3XAkhdmy/file.html

Fabled Lands - The Worn-Torn Kingdom ht tp ://w ww79.zip py sh are.co m/v/OJPO8HYT/file.html I would recommend using the fan-made java app if you just want to play the game. I put a zip in here: ht tps://m ega.nz/#F!Vrg30TII!NZzVwiobRGLaGX1uDAgaSw That version also has the illustrations incorporated. You just need to run the jar file.

Colonial Gothic 3rd Edition S3nd5pac3: /file/fypb28 u$er$cl0ud /7p2cf5apii5c bash script for stripping watermarks from cluttered PDFs. Requires qpdf It *should* work with P@iz0 files https://pastebin.com/SLTgRaYK

- - - $nipli

Amora Games Liber Xpansion /344803

Deep Magic 13 Dragon Magic 5E /6984

Symbaroum The Hunters Harbor /46296

Symbaroum The Mark of the Beast /0111557

Symbaroum Tomb of Dying Dreams /7804

Symbaroum Wrath of the Warden /4340

Symbaroum Wrath of the Warden GM Resource /712013 - - -

Rifters s3nd sp4c3 d0t c0m /filegroup /4KctkbEg9fuDf8H1FJ/6wg media firecom /folder /7aym41sqms5h6 /Rif ter

Dio's Mios Roll20 Trove p @ st3b1n /rc0tchEb

Orc Warfare and Dwarf Warfare htt p: //www.me diafire.com/file/n7d1tlfyjlfs4am/OSPREY_-_OBK_-_Dwarf_Warfare.pdf ht tp: //www.media fire.com/file/v24jzr7j9tdmtrr/OSPREY_-_OBK_-_Orc_Warfare.pdf

Dungeon Building htt p: //w ww.m ediafire.com/download/wb8n4t5499j98ig/Central+Casting+-+Dungeons.pdf htt p: // www.m ediafire.com/download/925yswz97sdm6lf/Engineering+Dungeons.pdf ht tp:/ /www.m ediafire.com/download/ol6vk60xvnftxd5/AD%26D+1st+Ed+-+Dungeoneer's+Survival+Guide.pdf

Pony - Tails of Equestria ht tp s: //w ww.4shared.com/office/sHXWSNz2ei/Tails_of_Equestria__scan_.html - - - $nipli Castle Falkenstein Firearms Margarine /241991

Castle Falkenstein The Second Tarot Variation /4543

Chill Monsters /79413

Alterkine Players Handbook /8542334

Alterkine 8 PreGens /73657

Alterkine Dossier /17446

Alterkine Planetary Survey /716814

Alterkine Escape From Utuki /8250145

Alterkine The Ones We Were /5396456 - - - PATHFINDER RPG - BESTIARY 6 https://mega.nz/#!GZlzFb6D!WNZ6R-qi8c-wXnmPB22CTUDkCtQedoGuO9CaNnoArO4

PATHFINDER AP #117 https://mega.nz/#!XIt3CD5C!jpzWlFSin5du5CRHzUbkFcYTcH7kv-2KLtRsoaPN9BI



Aethera http s: // ww w.sendspace.com/file/rkp7gz all the the expansions books for KDM u$ercl0udnet/100c

FASA Trek rebooted under Cepheus Engine 2d6 SciFi OGL.

Ht tp://w ww.m ediafire.com/file/f22onfg8dywzeq3/Star_Trek_Alpha_Quadrant.pdf

- - - $nipli

Dime Adventures - Pulp Alternate History Roleplaying /ORp

Fate - Wearing the Cape /VhYa - Broken Earth, The Radiant Grove /kBrSG

Stars Without Number - Sixteen Stars /UVbb

Welcome to Scarthey (5e) /47fA4

Welcome to Scarthey (PFRPG) /IPZp5

Wyrd Chronicles #28 /HpN0o

Wyrd Chronicles #29 /itTDD

- - - BIT CHOCOLATE! https://www.sendspace.com/file/u9qkn7

- - -


The Mists of Akuma bundle

Cursed Soul of the Scorpion Samurai /jzU51

Fangs of Revenge /k3vq

Imperial Dragons /mlV

Legendary Survivors /7dQY9

Martial Arts Feats /3H9t

Primer /KYtU

The Yai Sovereign of Storms /X71

Tsukumogami /ft8AO

- - -


Fantasy AGE - Encounters Childrens Crusade /y6s Fantasy AGE - Encounters Drive for Justice /FZW3W

Fantasy AGE - Encounters Menace from the Mines /FxptT

Titansgrave - The Hermits Road /1gT

AGE - Bestiary Beastmen /VJzgB

AGE - Bestiary Giants /yNN http://www.mediafire.com/file/d5fyc5bza18rnd6/Cthulhu_Invictus.pdf - - - $nipli

Paranoia - Red Clearance Starter Boxset /FFZiF

O.L.D. The Fantasy Heroic Roleplaying Game /momp

Awaken - Core Rulebook /a6qa

The Rifter 47 /HJS

The Rifter 70 /pspR

The Rifter 71-72 /S7dmP

Unwanted - Lovecraft RPG and LARP /o70Zr - - -


Limitless Adventures - NPC Sample (5e) /GB7Ko

Mythic Monsters 38 - China /DnuY

Mythic Monsters 41 - India /5Aa6

No Country for Old Kobolds /fH8o

Symbaroum Adventure Pack 1 /577d

- - - a website that allows you to download from scribd without making an account. http://scribd-download.com

Tome_of_Enlargement.zip ht tp://www10.zippysharecom /v/MjKWbWGs/file.html

Saga of The Icelanders https://mega.nz/#F!tUFWyDIB!gILxs4Z06bLSx8-iF5Wxow

Expanded Worlds for Cypher System Core https ://www.s endspace.com/file/xeiwdl

Mindshadows, published by Green Ronin @$$ /file/0dqd4h

Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen original core book and the revised and expanded edition https://mega.nz/#F!wRFD2ZLa!j4x9NaivBNc08gyYPt1x0w

Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2E https://ufile.io/beag0

Star Wars Saga https://www.mediafire.com/folder/bt7ae2kv5bc9k/Star_Wars_Saga_Edition us3rscl0udcom

Vanguard - Varmisk Fallen Expanded Rules.pdf /4e8ili71ni86 Vanguard - Varmisk Fallen Core Rulebook.pdf /558jbt58q4dw Vanguard - Varmisk Fallen.pdf /pnaypa15qnn2 Vanguard - Rout from Camp Dur.pdf /eui79rfsb4uq Vanguard - Code Red On Nimbus-6.pdf /72q9kk7w0kxo

Solo of Fortune, with bookmarks: CP 2013/2020 https://mega.nz/#!Q8RWUBqJ!FzMlafFgDoRcIRkxnd4d4wp9QWUAE8qKrBqUyIzGNy0

Torchbearer - The Secret Vault of the Queen of Thieves. $end$pace /file/vds6ym

Baby Bestiary userscloud.com ieogpgeyzvh2

This Is Tha Nu Bin of THABASTICH - 5E, 7th Sea, Conan, Cyberpunk, Fate, M&M, more https://pastebin.com/ ZCuk2gs6 https://us3rscl0udcom

Fantasy Age /av4f7hirmtey Fantasy Age Bestiary /e3zdo129cvto Titansgrave /qhixfyff3e0n Titansgrave Map /5ro27wpddm6c Blue Rose /yf727j86ts7b

The Blight - TB2 Horror in the Sinks (PFRPG) $nipli/0PeFX

Powered by the Apocalypse collection https://mega.nz/#F!83hAHKZC!sqVlEyIRNca2EFSnaE3Xxg

Castles%Crusades Monsters and Treasure of Ailrhde (megaville link) #F!jIkj1YYR!7eJPSbuVGQCDv-EVCI98Nw

Spanish RPG Pdfs - direct downloads of plenilunio, blacksad... And a lot of popular rpgs elgrimorio.org

1%er The Outlaw Motorcycle Game mega: /#F!pBE1hYSK!DQKqkQgl8vs5mV9qaIWDnw!BYlnWCRA

Ultramodern5 https://userscloud.com/7j8f2pftxtoa Apex 5e https://userscloud.com/5sx88af8nibg

Martial Arts20.pdf https://userscloud.com/dlyoq2kyc0sp Fantasci20 - Characters.pdf https://userscloud.com/baxz4g8ba4fm Fantasci20 - Creature Creator.pdf https://userscloud.com/flxzav4vhr52 Modern20.pdf https://userscloud.com/unhe43w086rr Supers20.pdf https://userscloud.com/82wbhs7mplq2 The Modern Dispatch 01-129.rar https://userscloud.com/pjodoy9tyj8n

Ninja Crusade 2nd https://userscloud.com/gx0vjlgpiu3t

Bloodshadow.rar https://userscloud.com/fzb92swojsts

Legendary Games Bundle upl0@dm@ncom /79543c65f385a166 upl0@dm@ncom

Kobold Guide to Plots & Campaigns upl0@dm@ncom/338bac0f2f72ca2b

Kobold - Shadows of the Dusk Queen upl0@dm@ncom/8c8e845d283e3784 Kobold - Beyond Damage Dice (5e) upl0@dm@ncom/fa0715cd1b6a7dac

***DREAMSCARRED PRESS --- Fool's Errand*** https://mega.nz/#!qVl3SZhY!3WlN_g5UNM1EArwaywsCEgY7BTIZELtA9zogwcrBdjQ

***DREAMSCARRED PRESS --- April Psionics Augmented*** https://mega.nz/#!aNllTDTS!H8ooBcHbxroVlTbZ-ifesUZgiZTYf0Za7YmjL9Xnc3U

***EVERYMAN MINIS--- Unchained Kangaroos*** https://mega.nz/#!DBNyBTYY!h4HekJgSEpFlCIO44APGPSPtYU0Pf-rMUhF8cZZLeMY

***AETHERA CAMPAIGN SETTING*** https://mega.nz/#!3Atl2YyA!xEkIDa7RDXdFNZ-KDc6Vf9j9bDF6eY0LqjCH6xHZRuk sendsp@ce

The Crucible of Freya sendsp@ce/k46406

Glades of Death sendsp@ce/r0iats

The Bonegarden sendsp@ce/17nf9d

Temple of Existential Evil, in PDF format and OCR'd sendspace.com/file/tb5yve

CoD Hurt Locker https://www.sendspace.com/file/rnq1o4

Fortesses and Catholic Warcrimes M3G@ NZ provider with #F!jIkj1YYR!7eJPSbuVGQCDv-EVCI98Nw

Codex Astartes https://mega.nz/#!vEMGkIRR!gM4j3rH5_Gaz3oY2xjuPL5JG79ick3DpnIMsEzyrdiY

City of the Tarrasque and some others http://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/49853345/#49853345 a 40k novel http://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/51300528/#51300528 academagia http://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/51611097/#51611097

Random pdfs http://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/51886102/#51886102

>EABA http://www.mediafire.com/folder/7r2ghndmb45ee/EABA >Interlock http://www.mediafire.com/folder/w7ibtt1s8vra1 >Interlock http://www.mediafire.com/folder/w7ibtt1s8vra1/Interlock >JAGS http://www.mediafire.com/folder/5v40fac9g908c/JAGS >Masterbook http://www.mediafire.com/folder/3d8b072e5u7ic/Masterbook >PDQ http://www.mediafire.com/folder/ilwaw1zohw7fb/Tri-Stat >http://www.mediafire.com/folder/8t5ko45lo1413/Tri-Stat >Unisystem http://www.mediafire.com/folder/1vpvodou9f63m/Unisystem >Anything else I mentioned http://www.mediafire.com/folder/s3jvhv3cafckd/Miscellaneous

Hacklopedia M3G4EnZed /#F!sMxxCKQR!nLhexpEh6syHP9vkebc5eA

EABA m3di@fir3com/folder/7r2ghndmb45ee/EABA

D&D fonts on reddit. Thought it might be useful to someone. https: / /www.red dit. com/r/DnD/comments/2jwsx2/dnd_and_other_script_font_collection/ More fonts available in Mageguru's Collection

Rise of the Drow from Addventureaweek.com +Prologue, Epilogue, Player's Guide, Encounter Deck SS /file/e8k16y

Scavengers RPG upl0@dm@ncom/7ca71c36185c24d7

Symbaroum - Advanced Players Guide v1.0.1 upl0@dm@ncom/1fa790b0c4efc0f3

These Stars are Ours upl0@dm@ncom/5f2cff26f4b49244

Kaigaku (Premium Edition) upl0@dm@ncom/e1ecde15d5785172

Kaigaku Chronicle Vol 01 Issue 1 upl0@dm@ncom/78086e5c4d711c8f

Tianxia - Accelerated upl0@dm@ncom/314823f219e2e87d

Tianxia - Path of Destiny upl0@dm@ncom/827d7baa67579e1e

Tianxia - War Iron & Stone upl0@dm@ncom/5f60b26e378259ab

Tianxia - 12 Golden Butchers upl0@dm@ncom/ca04c3e957d7777e

Wizard's Academy upl0@dm@ncom/83313b653bdcd460

Aria send SPESS /filegroup/BC8hVlytHDffvR5duwwCQg

Apocalypse Fills https://mega.nz/#F!tUFWyDIB!gILxs4Z06bLSx8-iF5Wxow

Radiance - Player's Guide upl0@dm@ncom/6f21a0e04b5fc9b6

Radiance - Masters Guide upl0@dm@ncom/b54e8dd027352937

Radiance - Monster Folio upl0@dm@ncom/c57a0b0ad0156b80

Radiance - Expansion Kit upl0@dm@ncom/93fa53475c945eaa

Lights Out - Book 2 (Novel) upl0@dm@ncom/bc981555e885b5d0

Pure Steam - Campaign Setting upl0@dm@ncom/480d7936f78b8070

Wurm - Roleplaying in the Ice Age upl0@dm@ncom/9b901322c671ec81

Wurm - Voice of the Ancestors 1 - Tales of the Antler Bearers upl0@dm@ncom/e3e0c362d68555c1

Wurm - Voice of the Ancestors 2 - Tales of the Man Eaters upl0@dm@ncom/d3572f25c0d94bf3

Wurm - Artbook upl0@dm@ncom/aa54679ebfdfdcb8

Wurm - Black Machairodus upl0@dm@ncom/9efc7b48484fc6ea success Tales from the Loop (Final) upl0@dm@ncom/f22322e986193107

Legendary Villains - Wicked Witches upl0@dm@ncom/ada1faf290b8b69a

Mists of Akuma (5e) upl0@dm@ncom/dc7a42fe527702fb

Demon Wars Reformation upl0@dm@ncom/c7d66eada847f11e Golden Oceans


Coriolis Rulebook upl0@dm@ncom/e0b77c0325486796

Coriolis Atlas Compendium upl0@dm@ncom/7960e30f328442af

3pp Iron Gods dump Cyborgs, androids and robots, oh my. anonto/zUmYW4

Leverage http://www.mediafire.com/file/l5kux9ljde4fuyw/Leverage_-_The_Rich_and_Powerful.pdf

Ex Machina http://www.mediafire.com/file/l5kux9ljde4fuyw/Leverage_-_The_Rich_and_Powerful.pdf

Ride The Spiral Collection https://me ga.nz /#F!0F90XKRT!XqBtwOU2sNdkHbmmA1RdkA!9Jk0FJaS

Primal Host class by Little Red Goblin Games for Pathfinder @$$/file/0a461y

Dark Legion Straffar Gatan 39 & Fall Of Von Hölle Venusian Apocalypse https://www.sendspace.com/filegroup/LLMYEuH5TZ5Uw5qT%2BgtqbT5g1k80MdVX

Two Hour Wargames' stuff all supports GM-less co-op play out of the box. Chain Reaction 2015 is the base system https://mega.nz/#F!9R8G2aQb!g-dZXkyCmkrljzH60tZEhQ

Similarly, The Department is a detective investigation rpg/skirmish game that's totally not-Blade Runner. Track down dangerous robots and apprehend or dismantle them: https://mega.nz/#!RVEWWKDQ!ZS6hy6-iO3IEWtIrsj7R1tcMAlXaAl-wVcIbbsozWzw

They have a nice AP on their page with some cool photos: http://www.departmentoffabricantmanagement.com/sample-of-play.html

Game Master Emulators or GMEs can be used to offload a lot of the GM stuff onto charts and tables that you then interpret as a group. Mythic was the first, but there's a bunch of them now. This guy's got most of them: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/1ecybp6dp8rix/SoloTG

WFRP 2E https://mega.nz/#F!XtcQDSiD!5fdPo1E6J-cDZCvAz9x13Q

Spycraft - World On Fire gofileio /?c=nHBpph gofileio /?c=env06X Four Horsemen - Heralds of the Apocalypse PFRPG Gaming Paper- Edgewaters Folly PFRPG gofileio /?c=qG4JmG

ACKS-Lairs-and-Encounters ACKS-Sinister-Stone-of-Sakkara Fall-of-Magic Follow-Early-Access-Edition- LARA-Core-Rules LARA-Warehouse Setting-Works-Near-Future-Detective Stars-Without-Numbers-The-Machine-Symbiont White-Star-Brimling White-Star-Combat-Medic White-Star-Companion White-Star-Old-School-Scifi-the-Hacker-Class White-Star-Rock-Star gofileio /?c=dVWBNA

Beasties OSR Guardians Power of Fear OSR OneDice B Movies Double Features OneDice Pulp The Thousand Headed Man OneDice Spies Martinis and Masterminds OneDice Urban Fantasy Underworld OneDice WW2 Achtung Commando PC1 The OSR Warlock PC10 The OSR Beguiler PC2 The OSR Exorcist v1.1 PC3 The OSR Witch Hunter PC4 The OSR Dervish PC5 The OSR Tomb Robber PC7 The OSR Summoner PC8 The OSR Amazon Warrior Warriors of the Red Planet Mechanized Men of Mars OSR YS1 The Outpost of the Outer Ones OSR

Drawing Books and Tutorials: https://mega.co.nz/#F!2RARFaLA!VTiQb6eRXfV4V6mYQ6FJTA https://www.dropbox.com/s/kno4yv719g88pol/Tutorials.zip?dl=0

Figure Drawing: http://www.quickposes.com/pages/random

Beginners Guide to Drawing: https://archive.is/GNIq1

The w/ic/i art Guide: >https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/

Over the Edge 2nd Ed rules, and the modules The Myth of Self, Unauthorized Broadcast and Welcome to Sylvan Pines http://www.mediafire.com/file/co836ku80xzt62g/Over+The+Edge.rar https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/comments/5zj464/pdf_collection_of_grant_howitts_free_microgames/ https://mega.nz/#F!GgZGlKAY!MRRUIHUqlPNXS58UTppRIQ!38BA3RTC Orphans of the Hanged Man $$ /file/28aula http://scribd-download.com/d-amp-d-4th-edition-neverwinter-campaign- setting_58c387bddc0d60b157339029_pdf.htm l gofileio /?c=ZReUXW

Baby Bestiary Handbook Vol.2

Legendary Kineticists 2 a number of GMEs, including Mythic, in here: http://pastebin.com/F8teW7rr - Solo links https://www.mediafire.com/folder/1ecybp6dp8rix/SoloTG gofileio /?c=AnzEQN

The Sprawl The Downtown Dataheist Timewatch Behind Enemy Times v2 Timewatch Core Rulebook v2 Timewatch The Book of Changing Years VtR Reap the Whirlwind WW Beast the Primordial Ready Made Characters Shadowrun Missions Special Investigation Unit 0703 Spacenoir A Technoir Transmission Starjammer Prometheus Protocols Strange Stars Rule Book OSR

gofileio /?c=oqvPIT

Misfit Studios Playing Lycantropes Numenera Exploring Numenera Strand Numenera The Bridges we Burn v1 Scorched Earth American Wastelands PFRPG Scorched Earth Core Rulebook PFRPG Scorched Earth Warriors of Scorched Earth PFRPG Breachworld 402 Character Folio 1 Breachworld Achievements Game Mechanics Folio Chronica Age of Exploration PFRPG CyberKittens ProjectBakeneko Playbook v1 CyberKittens ProjectBakeneko v2 Cypher Assault on Singularity Base Kobold Press Deep Magic 9 Ring Magic 5

Living Items @ss /file/88gxn8

Black Tokyo Core and two of its supps Eclipse Phase- X Risks added to "Another RPG Fan's" collection in Da Archive.

– ------S07-00- The Sky Key Solution S07-14- Faithless and Forgotten, Part 1: Let Bygones Be S07-15- The Deepmarket Deception The earlier Season 8 adventures (01-05) mega.nz/#F!kBAn3TBR!49_iwDup24kSiIJmwTPwjA!0YQAmbDD

------– - - - --

ASE2-3! https://0x0.st/VAD.pdf

PF Society S8 S08-14 To Seal the Shadow S08-15 Hrethnar's Throne gofileio/?c=RJQ14K gofileio/?c=mzGyMl

Drow of Porphyra - Strivog Forest Guardian Press The Savage Forest Guardian Press Uncommon Callings Kineticists of Porphyra IV Kobold Press Cat and Mouse Legendary Hybrids - Doomguard Monster of NE - Dragons of the Mind Pyromaniac Press What Lies Beyond Reason Campaign Guide
