Da Archive Annex of new links (^^) May 20th 2017 New links will be placed here for a while before adding them to Da Archive. PLEASE BUY A COPY OF THE BOOKS THAT YOU USE. If you can't understand why you should support your game, go work at Burger King for 2 weeks for no pay and you might get a clue. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sorry for the incomplete links This way seems to be a good idea, what with all the matrixbots and cyber crotchspiders out there. ss, @SS or $$ is Send Spaace, m3g@ is Megaa, <d0t> is a period or dot as in dot com, etc. There is a u$ercl0ud and a u$er$cl0ud, be careful to go to the correct one. Anon Has Pointed Out That A Few Sites Used Have Unwanted Clutter That Can Be Annoying. “Be warned the site it's on is rife with malware traps. When you figure it out make sure the file you're saving is a .PDF and not the same thing with .EXE stuck on the end. The second one is a million bad programs that eat your compooter like I eat Cheetos.” Special thanks to Mageguru, Decoderfriend, RequestFiller, Agent13, TheWiz!, The Warden, and the entire Anon Brigade. You make this happen and you are Awesome. --- --- --- --- --- ---- --- --- --- --- A Hard To Find Game www an onfi les cc/file/3afdbf1484a673a0e5a0c9a2e32c0d3b The Freebie Collection M3G4<dot>EnZed /#F!Nq5mVJqR!6WdkQ9T9awc07Uu8oaUzHg Mirror of some stuff m E g @ #F!wWB1UbCC!MhwWhskzk7ChTD1KRSp02A CORPS 2nd Edition (pg. 6 of annex) m3di@fir3/file/5z3xbhne43j0niz/corps-rpg.pdf Pulp Hero (pg. 6) m3di@fir3/file/ct5011ry3bpshv4/hero-system-pulp-hero-pdf.pd Warriors of the Red Planet (pg. 7) m3di@fir3/file/lqvv288g7bismhr/Warriors_of_the_Red_Planet.pdf The Wasteland Hack Special Edition (pg. 8) m3di@fir3/file/u70369qsi1ed68a/The_Wasteland_Hack_Special_Edition.pdf Random Solo Adventure - Post Apocalyptic (pg. 8) m3di@fir3/file/dk4z2c7gi9c765e/RSA-PA_EBOOK_PAGEs.pdf Sabres and Witchery v2 (pg. 9) m3di@fir3/file/680813p1h1y1q6k/Sabres_and_Witchery_v2.pdf Polyhedral Dungeon (pg. 9) m3di@fir3/folder/434090hddj3o9/Polyhedral_Dungeon Protocol (pg. 9) m3di@fir3/folder/5lrfs09qk896l/Protocol Mythoard One-Page Adventures 19-24 (pg. 9) m3di@fir3/folder/pd68cno3qleu0/Mythoard D&D 5e >5etools: https://astranauta.github.io/5etools.html >/5eg/ Mega Trove: https://mega.nz/#F!oHwklCYb!dg1-Wu9941X8XuBVJ_JgIQ!pXhhFYqS >Pastebin with resources and so on: http://pastebin.com/X1TFNxck (embed) - - - Delta Green RPG (both on zippy): Observer Effect: /v/v5aXHksh/file.html The Star Chamber: /v/9ZC9OaCR/file.html - - - Hero Kids $end$pace<dot>com/filegroup/qFd6gnLC4nqV42CYJEIDenSUJ5SwI9pLS5k9VJEF%2BOkNGqRUxxovBrytYlAbqhTt Sine Requie (an italian horror post-apocalyptic rpg set after ww2) and a couple of other mauals, they are in Italian. https://mega.nz/#F!tw01xbBS!OgLtr2WYsBIze4YH_THafw Epy www<d0t>$end$p @ce<d0t>com /filegroup/qnWoRYVVcwtsw1OmFGro3b9MecSQX3dY EABA https ://www<d0t>$end$pace<d0t>com /file/h86f6t - - - Two creative commons www56<d0t>zippysh@re<d0t>.com Secret Santicore /v/58peP7Cp/file.html Wanderers Romance /v/mIXOr0ke/file.html - - - GSS stuff Here! All at http://www58.zippyshare.com Henge candies /v/PReBmCOa/file.html Friends final /v/TKOw2ss9/file.html KS /v/56F71KEx/file.html https://fr.scribd.com/document/343457060/The-Dragon-An-Official-Fellowship-Expansion-Pack https://fr.scribd.com/document/343457196/The-Giant-An-Official-Fellowship-Expansion-Pack https://fr.scribd.com/document/343457412/The-Dragon-Playbook https://fr.scribd.com/document/343457844/The-Giant-High-Quality-Playbook https://fr.scribd.com/document/343456061/The-Constructed-High-Quality-Playbook Touch of Class by EN5ider $end$p@ce /file/hp3x0f Numenera: Ninth World Bestiary 2 https://tinyurl c0m /muf3fdt Cyper System: Expanded Worlds https://www.sendspace.com/file/xeiwdl Reign: Out of the Violent Planet - is free at gregstolze.com the 15th and 16th supplements - - - vzturl<dot>com Arrowflight A Cast of Thousands /bnh96 Anima /bnh97 Arrowflight 2nd edition /bnh98 Arrowflight Corebook /bnh99 Cold Roads /bni00 Island Nations /bni01 Lands of Enchantment /bni02 Mystic East /bni03 Northern Empires /bni04 Severed Threads /bni05 vzturl<dot>com Bleeding Edge Core Rulebook /bnh82 Bleeding Edge Liberty Boost /bnh83 Farflung Character Sheet /bnh84 Farflung Core Rulebook /bnh85 Farflung Playbooks /bnh86 Magenta /bnh87 - - - vzturl<dot>com Albedo Platinum Catalyst Structural Integrity /bnh72 Myriad - Aliens /bnh73 Myriad - Doom /bnh74 Myriad - Quest /bnh75 Myriad - Song Adventures /bnh76 Myriad - Song Core Rules /bnh77 Myriad - Threat /bnh78 Noggle Stones /bnh79 Urban Jungle /bnh80 Usagi Yojimbo RPG /bnh81 - - - vzturl<dot>com Ironclaw 2nd Edition Ironclaw - Omnibus /bnh58 Book of Fools /bnh59 Book of Jade /bnh60 Book of Mysteries /bnh61 Book of Adventures /bnh62 Ironclaw Legacy Ironclaw - 1st Edition /bnh63 Bisclavret /bnh64 Doloreaux /bnh65 Extras.7z /bnh66 Phelan /bnh67 Rinaldi /bnh68 Avoirdupois /bnh69 - - - vzturl<dot>com League of Gothic Horror LoGH - Core Rulebook /bnh03 LoGH - Expansion /bnh04 LoGH - Guide to Mummies /bnh00 LoGH - Guide to Shapeshifters /bnh01 LoGH - Guide to Vampires /bnh02 LoGH - Guide to Apparitions /bnh05 LoGH - Guide to Black Magic /bnh06 Leagues of Adventure LoA Core Rulebook /bnh07 LoA Plateau of the Ape Men The Dragons of London /bnh08 LoA Weird Science Compendium /bnh09 LoA Globetrotters Guide Collection 15 Books /bnh10 LoA Adv 1 Dreaming Spires /bnh11 LoA Adv 2 Emerald Scarab Conspiracy /bnh12 vzturl<dot>com PF Society - S08-19 Treacherous Waves /bnh20 Ooh Shiny - 20 More Unique Weapons /bnh21 Ooh Shiny - 20 Unique Armors Shields and Helmets /bnh22 Ooh Shiny - Bardic Instrumagic /bnh23 Ooh Shiny - Entropic Equipment /bnh24 Ooh Shiny - Long Arm of the Elf /bnh25 Ooh Shiny - The Clothes Make the Man /bnh26 Rite - 30 Haunts for Objects /bnh27 Demiurge Press - Creature Codex Volume 2 Infernal Index /bnh28 FGG - Astonishing Races Leprechaun (Revised) /bnh29 - - - Elder Godlike s3nd sp4ce d0t c0m /file/3j3k26 all on www<d0t>medi@fire<d0t>com /view/uvssu2u1i9b1dc/GSS-KickstarterMaterial-081413.pdf /view/1l9ywwy0z9q3391/GSS-Book-PDF-Final.pdf /view/vn0nuvj5xu2hno2/Engine_Sky.pdf /view/fay4c2092ncchud/Faerie_Skies_(First_Draft).pdf /view/h38mbc8vfcn5z82/Fantasy_Friends_First_Draft.pdf - - - Cathulhu, from Sixtystone Press: www<d0t>$end$p@ce<d0t>com /file/xjtc46 mostly air/space wargames, including a few rarer ones (Attack Vector Tactical / Saganami Island Tactical) M3G4 dot EnZee /#F!d7Q3HaRZ!gTsKc-vYWTNa5th9EspwxQ Here's Undying w/ playbooks. htt p ://www89<d0t>zippy$hare<d0t>com /v/FrB3RWb6/file.html /v/qvrweCEa/file.html PbtA, - Superhuman and Anime Thing htt p://www<d0t>happionlabs<d0t>com/superhuman-rpg/ VOID books Rulebooks-Archive.zip http://www19.zippyshare.com/v/lmeiTCSa/file.html Forcebooks-Archive.zip http://www19.zippyshare.com/v/dkne6yg3/file.html Newsletters-Archive.zip http://www19.zippyshare.com/v/lTLLL408/file.html LoFP - Slugs $end$p @ ce<dot>com /file/4qizgs Corporia www<d0t>$3nd$p @ c3<d0t>com /file/itkw9k legions of middle-earth www<d0t>$3nd$p @ c3<d0t>com /file/32u4as Magical Fury & Burst https:/ /www<d0t>s3ndsp @c3<d0t>com /filegroup /2lDg4Rd6h1qH%2Fw5W20v3ZSyOIsx57aDI Clockwork and Chivalry 2e https:/ /www<d0t>s3ndsp @c3<d0t>c0m /file/63nvkc Call of Cthulhu Keeper Screen Pack Only have the two scenarios found inside, not the three-panel screen. Https:/ /www.sendsp ace.com/file/theq8c DemonWorld http s :// w ww<d0t>s3ndsp @c3<d0t>com /file/8h521w this very ground http s: / /www<d0t>s3ndsp @ce<d0t>com /file/neq1hg Lace and Steel http s :/ /w ww<d0t>s3ndsp @ c3<d0t>com /file/m76wqj The Art of Dragon Age - Inquisition http s:/ /www<d0t>s3ndsp@c3<d0t>com /file/x5bkb2 Cold Steel Wardens u$er$cl0ud /c4q94s8v8bbq d30 Sandbox Companion Maps and Tiles used by defunct D&D minis game, could be re-purposed for use in rpgs; available here http://www<d0t>webalice<d0t>it/tosi1972/Index.htm - - - $nip<dot>li Dawn of Twilight Collection Dawn of Twilight Campaign Guide /184613 Dawn of Twilight Savage Primer /988 Primer v3 /1957138 Character Sheet /36915 Maps /8779868 Frigid Reflections Maps /8325898 Automata Guide to the Awakened /8405966 Children of the Hammer /493735 Children of the Wode /8733 Into the Pale Tower /1177875 Of Stave Stone and Heart /35076 Rune of Hope /8495635 The AElven Agenda /5598864 The Clockwork Primer /0646453 The Gun Priest The Blessed of Velash /014240 The Ice AElves of Niflaeheim /8242 The Jotunfolk Descended from Death /085947 Twilights Dawn Issue 1 /3435 Twilights Dawn Issue 2 /6319 - - - Heroes Against Darkness http://heroesagainstdarkness.blogspot.com/p/heroes-against-darkness-downloads.html BW “Wheels on Fire” m3g4 /#F!Y6gSGQqD!rAAqiGFFWOHPpSZQiZPqQQ Gold $end $pace com slash filegroup slash aVRuoW9ibHoi0bZa12o84w - - - $end$p@ce<dot>com /file/6bza13 - - - $nip<dot>li M-Space - Reflux /71404 Synthicide - Preview Adventure /58421 Vanguard RPG - Ghost Station /9437 Astulae - Gravipath /5565443 Barbarians of Lemuria - Lemurian Legends /775175 - - - 40k Inquisition Trilogy by Ian Watson ht tps:// ww w.s end sp ace. com/file/ectcvp Taint of Madness and Adventures in Arkham Country ht tps :// www .s end space. co m/filegroup/y9yy2FCwjAg02zHKV8sjrw 7th Seas 2e M3ga n z #F!pBE1hYSK!DQKqkQgl8vs5mV9qaIWDnw!YMdlyR5J Mercenaries, Spies, and Private Eyes htt p: / /w ww.me dia fire.co m/file/nag8mcs1e6ttbj4/Mercenaries+Spies+%26+Private+Eyes.pdf Farflung ht tps:/ /www.sen dsp ace.c om/file/r42w3x It's a rar5 file. Need newest winRAR or find it zipped here: ht tps:// www .s end spa ce. com/file/2dgit0 Fragged Empire Core: ht tp://w ww119.zip pysh are.co m/v/3XAkhdmy/file.html Fabled Lands - The Worn-Torn Kingdom ht tp ://w ww79.zip py sh are.co m/v/OJPO8HYT/file.html I would recommend using the fan-made java app if you just want to play the game. I put a zip in here: ht tps://m ega.nz/#F!Vrg30TII!NZzVwiobRGLaGX1uDAgaSw That version also has the illustrations incorporated. You just need to run the jar file. Colonial Gothic 3rd Edition S3nd5pac3: /file/fypb28 u$er$cl0ud /7p2cf5apii5c bash script for stripping watermarks from cluttered PDFs.
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