“With God All Things Are Possible!” The Catholic Community of the East End of Pittsburgh

September 8, 2019 Twenty-Third Sunday In Ordinary Time

Pastoral Staff Rev. Thomas J. Burke, Administrator [email protected] Rev. Taylor, Senior Parochial Vicar [email protected]

In Residence Rev. James Adeoye [email protected] Rev. Augustine Temu [email protected]

Office Staff Christine Pacifico [email protected] Terri Price [email protected] Mass Schedule Joyce Broadus [email protected] Saturday 4 pm St. James 5:30 pm St. Director of Religious Education Teresa Maynor [email protected] Sunday 8 am St. Bede 9 am St. Charles Lwanga, Music Ministry Mother of Good Counsel Church Jennifer Gorske 412.370.2638; [email protected] 10 am St. James Carla LaRocca DiDonato 412.422.2460; [email protected] 11 am St. Bede Pat Morgan 412.425.3834; [email protected] Gerard Rohlf 412.657.7570; [email protected]

Monday—Saturday 9 am St. Bede Social Ministries & Community Outreach Anne Scheuermann 412.241.1309; [email protected]

Confession Communications Saturday 9:30 am - 10:30 am St. Bede Cathy Raffaele 412.241.1392; [email protected] Novenas 9:30 am St. Bede Glennen Lloyd [email protected] Monday Miraculous Medal Perpetual Novena Bulletin [email protected] Wednesday Mother of Perpetual Help Novena Thursday St. John XXIII Novena for the Sick Housekeeping/Maintenance Paul Denk, Matthew Denk, Donald Graham, Annette Shunk, Eucharistic Adoration Jim Speranza, Melissa Viator Saturday 9:30 am - 10:30 am St. Bede Principals Faith Formation (CCD) Sr. Thea Bowman Catholic Academy: Ms. Stephanie Sunday 9:45 am - 10:45 am St. Bede 412.242.3515; [email protected] Baptisms and Weddings St. Bede School: Sr. Daniela Bronka By appointment only 412.661.9425; [email protected]

St. Bede St. Charles Lwanga St. James 509 S. Dallas Ave Church 7705 Bennett Street 718 Franklin Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15208 Office 7114 Kelly Street Pittsburgh, PA 15221 Pittsburgh, PA 15208 [email protected] [email protected] 412.661.7222 [email protected] 412-241.1392 412.731.3020 Monday-Friday 8:30 am - 5 pm Monday-Wednesday 9 am - 3:30 pm Monday-Wednesday 8:30 am - 4 pm Thursday-Friday 10 am - 2 pm

Website cceepgh.org @cceepgh All our churches are accessible. Mass Intentions September 7 - 15

SATURDAY VIGIL 4 pm Chad Michael Wilkinson (Nick & Anna Olivier) Temu Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time George and Elizabeth Scuticchio 5:30 pm nd Taylor 62 Wedding Anniversary Commemoration

TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY 8 am Aileen Minnock (Sean & Bridget Kelly) Temu

9 am Dick Stein (Intention of the Donor) Taylor 10 am Harry Crawford (The Crawford Family) Temu

11 am Anne McAuley (The Gloniger Family) Taylor

MONDAY 9 am Rose Fitzgerald (Al & Mary Ann Zajko) Temu Memorial of St. , Priest TUESDAY Weekday 9 am Aileen Minnock (Alice Buchdahl) Adeoye WEDNESDAY Weekday 9 am Kevin M. Hays (Howard R. Hays Family) Temu THURSDAY 9 am Ed Bierman (Family)

FRIDAY St. , 9 am (SB) Marlene Handrahan (Sr. Daniela Bronka) Adeoye Bishop and 9 am (SJ) Anna Seeger Taylor SATURDAY Feast of the Exaltation 9 am Catherine McClain (Family) Adeoye of the Holy Cross SATURDAY VIGIL 4 pm Helen Steppling (David & Evelyn) Taylor Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:30 pm Ed Biermann (Family) Adeoye TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY 8 am Kennelly & Stack Families Adeoye IN ORDINARY TIME 9 am For the Mushi 10 am Charles Boggs (Jean Boggs) Taylor 11 am Al & Andy Von Arx (Family) Mushi

Scripture Readings Protection of God’s Children Report suspected child abuse September 8 Childline: 800.932.0313

First Reading Wisdom 9:13-18b If a child is in imminent danger, call 911 You sent your holy spirit from on high and thus were the paths of those on earth made straight. Second Reading Philemon 9-10, 12-17 Anointing of the Sick Paul asks Philemon to accept back his slave Onesimus For those seriously ill, elderly, or preparing for surgery, as a brother. please call Fr. Tom at 412.661.7222 Gospel Luke 14:25-33 or Fr. Taylor at 412. 731.3020. Which of you wishing to construct a tower does not first Those who are in hospitals or nursing homes may sit down and calculate the cost to see if there is enough request the Catholic Chaplain on duty for the Sacrament. for its completion? September 15 Hospitalized and Homebound If you, a family First Reading Exodus 32:7-11 member or if you know a parishioner who is unable to Second Reading 1 Timothy 1:12-17 get to church and would like to receive Communion, please contact us at 412.241.1392.

Pastor’s Note St. Vincent de Paul/ CCEEP Ministry Center We welcome Anne Scheuermann, our new Coordina- Give Us Wisdom! tor of Social Services Ministries and Community Out- reach, who will speak at all the Masses. Recently I was asked what made me to decide to become a priest. St. Bede’s and St. Charles Lwanga’s St. Vincent de Thinking I was going to work in the Paul Society have joined forces and will also be work- broadcasting industry after college, ing with the CCEEP Ministry Center and the St. God had other plans. I am glad I Charles Lwanga Food Bank. If you would like to help, did go to college, graduate and work in the business please contact Dave Havern at 412-654-1604 or e- mail at [email protected]. field for a few years then decided to enter the semi- nary. When you are older, you are wiser, and look at Parish Assemblies things different. Now, after being ordained a priest for As we move forward to becoming one parish family in eighteen years, I continue to learn and grow in my January, 2020 we are making preparations to merge. faith. I love being a priest! To be transparent with our parish communities Fr,

This weekend we celebrate the Twenty-Third Sunday Taylor and I, along with the Joint Pastoral and Finance Council, will be hosting three Assemblies: of Ordinary Time. The readings this weekend focus on wisdom and discipleship. Sunday, September 22 after the 9 am Mass at

In the first reading from Wisdom, we are encouraged Mother of Good Counsel Church and after the 11 am to ask God for wisdom. We read King ’s Mass at St. Bede Church and Sunday, September prayer as he prays to rule justly and in a worthy man- 29 after the 10 am Mass at St.James Church. Please join us for one of the sessions. ner. With God’s help the King will be able to move be- yond his human limitations and enable him to stay fo- Online Giving cused. Soon, we are going to be using one Online Giving pro-

In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus teaches that discipleship vider, Faith Direct. St. James and St. Charles Lwanga demands absolute loyalty to him and let go of posses- already use Faith Direct and St. Bede parishioners will sions. The gospel continues the theme of discipleship as of October 1. Those who currently use on-line giv- as Jesus offers a series of sayings that require com- ing will be contacted the next few weeks via letter on mitment. The overall message is that all authentic dis- how to make the change. More information will be coming. cipleship is a journey that takes place under the sign of the cross. Vacation 2019

As we begin a new school year and back to our busy Please note that I am currently on my annual vacation fall schedule, let us set priorities and put God first in to the Atlantic Coast through next Sunday, Septem- our life. ber 15. Please hold emails and phone calls until I re- turn to the office, Monday, September 16. th This Wednesday, September 11, marks the 18 Anni- versary of the Terroristic Attacks on the Thank You Special thanks to CCEEP parishioner Kevin Laird for at the Word Trade Center in , the Pen- th tagon in Washington D.C., and in Shanksville, Somer- purchasing the 150 Anniversary Banner for St. James. set County. We pray for all those who perished on this horrific day and seek out unity and peace in our coun- Welcome try and our world. God Bless America! A special welcome to Natalie Hemlick and Daniel

Give Us Wisdom! Tomkins who recently registered at CCEEP.

This Sunday’s Second Collection is for the Bishop’s Mission Co-Op Appeal Education Fund to help families receive scholarships Next weekend we welcome Fr. Peter Mushi from the for Catholic Education. Please be as generous as pos- Apostles of Jesus who will be conducting the annual sible. Diocesan Mission Appeal. He will be speaking at all of the Masses. A second collection will take place to Something to Think About… benefit the Apostles of Jesus. Please be as generous We are all something, but none of us are everything. as possible. Blaise Pascal Are you Registered If you are attending Mass here at CCEEP on a regular basis and not officially registered, please contact the With God All Things Are Possible! office. It is very important to be registered at a parish in order to receive envelopes and to obtain sponsor Fr. Tom Burke, Administrator letters to be a Godparent or Confirmation Sponsor. [email protected] Father Taylor’s Reflection

At first glance this weekend's gospel appears to be earth-shattering. Jesus is making demands that none of us can meet. He is making these statements to everyone in every Walk of Life. He means it not only for clergy, religious, and missionaries but for everyone who gives him a hear- ing.

Most of us do not think of religion in this way that we must give up all to follow the Lord. For many, religion is just a nice thing to have. Church is a good place to go for baptisms weddings and funerals. It is also where we receive our sacraments of initiation and healing.

But discipleship, the following of Christ, is something very serious. We must examine all of our moral values to see if they are in line with those of the Lord. - ship touches us at the deepest levels of life. It affects our values priorities and way of living.

If we have indeed decided to follow Jesus, we must in- deed be willing to go all the way. We do not usually think of our faith in this way. We go to the Lord for comfort and STEWARDSHIP security and so we should. But there's always a real The collection for August 25 and September 1 and 8 price to pay. Jesus went the extra mile for us on the will be reported at a later date. cross. Are we willing to go that extra mile for the sake of others? Becoming One... Thank you to everyone who submitted names for our new parish. Over 50 names were submitted to Bishop Zubik for review. Once the names are accepted, parishioners will have the oppor- Joint Advisory Councils tunity to make their choices. A short list will then be sent to Bishop Zubik who will make the final decision. Each of our parishes have four people serving on the CCEEP Joint Pastoral and Finance Councils. The decree for the new parish will be announced at the end of November. Pastoral Council Finance Council St. Bede Love As a Faith Community Denise Charron-Prochownik Stefanie Bonavita Joan Price Linda Burke & Prayers we remember parishioners Dante Romito Jerry Conner who cannot be with us Eric Setzler Gartner and those who care for them. St. Charles Lwanga Linda Atkins Michael Polite are available for the 9 am Teresa Maynor Judy Prata Daily Mass at St. Bede. Janice Reed Bill Rawlings Please contact the parish Geloria White Victor Thorpe office at 412.661.7222 or St. James [email protected]. Patricia Albacete Martin Albacete Lois Campbell David Aleva Please note change in deadline. Anne Kovalan-Santoni Michael Myers Bulletin Submissions Peter Lahoda Mara Sullivan are due no later than Noon on Fridays. Larger announcements must be submitted a week prior to the Friday deadline. [email protected] Schedule September 7 - 15 State of the Union Report for Our CCEEP Society of St. Bede 9:30 am Adoration & Confession SAT 4 & /5:30 pm Speaker: Anne Scheuermann St. Vincent de Paul Masses Year to date the following support Grandparents Day has been offered to friends in need in the CCEEP SUN Speaker: Anne Scheuermann All Masses area: Donut Sunday SJ Chapel 11 am  Utility/Rent Assistance: $10,524 Miraculous Medal Novena SB 9:30 am MON  Furniture/Appliance Assistance: $4,282 SCL Food Bank Packing HR Rectory 10 am  CCEEP Ministries (Food Banks; Ministry Center; and Senior Citizens Picnic SB Activities Room Sister’s Place Drive): $2,614 TUE SJ 150th Anniversary Meeting SJ Chapel 7 pm Wilkinsburg Solidarity Vigil SJ Chapel 7 pm In addition, here are some common questions we are often asked: SJ Food Bank Pick Up Ministry Ctr 8:30 am WED Mother of Perpetual Help Novena St. Bede 9:30 am What is the difference between the St. Bede SVDP, St. John XXIII Novena the St. Charles Lwanga SVDP & the CCEEP SVDP? THURS St. Bede 9:30 am for the Sick We collectively refer to the St. Bede SVDP as the St. Bede School Mass St. Bede 9 am CCEEP SVDP given our group’s focus on social min- FRI STBCA School Mass St. James 9 am istries within all three of our merging parishes and in- Ladies Auxiliary (KPC) SJ Chapel 10:30 AM dividuals in need in those communities. When we offi- SAT Evans//Drnevich Wedding St. James 2 pm cially merge in early 2020, we will become one SVDP Missionary Appeal and our group will take on the name of our new par- ish. Missionary Appeal SUN CCD St. Bede 9:45 am At St. Bede, there are contribution envelopes for SVDP and Social Ministries and Community Out- Second Collections reach. How do the two groups work together?

September 14 and 15 for the Missionary Ap- The Social Ministries Center donations are directly peal 2019. Father Peter Mushi will speak at all the allocated to the social ministry programs and over- Masses on behalf of the Apostles of Jesus, Mission- head costs of our ministry center on the St. James aries for Africa and the World. campus. Those donations support our new Coordina- tor of Social Ministries as well. September 21 and 22 for the removal of the current inappropriate sound system equipment at The SVDP donations go towards traditional SVDP Mother of Good Counsel Church and replacing it with expenses such as furniture & utility assistance for indi- unused sound components from Holy Rosary Church. viduals in need. Many of those individuals are sent to Please note: this collection was originally scheduled us through the ministry center programs. In the sec- for September 7 and 8. ond half of 2019 our CCEEP SVDP will also focus on offering additional support directly to the ministry cen- ter. Parish Assemblies Parishioners in the Catho- lic Community of the East End of Pittsburgh are en- A sincere thank you to everyone who has helped con- couraged to join us for one of three parish assemblies tribute to our efforts. As always, if you have any ques- to learn more about the financial state of our grouping tions or concerns please feel free to contact SVDP and the timeline of the next few months as we prepare Co-Treasurer Dave Havern, CCEEP SVDP to officially mergeinto one parish family on January 6, [email protected] 2020. Each assembly will be one hour with a power point presentation followed by an opportunity for ques- tions and discussion. Society of St. Vincent De Paul Meeting

September 22: St. Charles Lwanga after the 9 am on Monday, September 23, at 7 pm in St. James Mass and St. Bede after the 11 am Mass. Chapel. We are working to merge our two SVDP councils into one for service throughout our combined September 29: St. James after the 10 am Mass. geographic area of Point Breeze, Homewood, Lincoln- Lemington, and Wilkinsburg. Please plan to attend if CCEEP Social Ministries requests napkins you interested in learning more about the society or in for the month of September for the St. James and St. becoming a member. Charles Lwanga pantries. Items can be placed in con- tainers provided at all the campuses. For more information: David Havern at 412.654.1604 Thank you for your ongoing support. or Victor Thorpe at 412.793.8558. Cub Scouts Pack 646 will be kicking off the Kelly School Uniform scouting season with a sign-up information night on Drive Thank You I am Monday, September 9, between 6:30 to 7:30 pm in the excited to report back on the St. Bede School cafeteria/playground to register for outcome of my Eagle Scout the coming year and to get more information! Project, which was to collect and donate uniforms to Kelly The Pack at St. Bede meets Monday evenings at 6:30 Elementary in Wilkinsburg. On August 27, I delivered pm September to March and welcomes boys K to 5th 170+ uniforms and nearly $2000 worth of gift cards for grade from the community. If you have questions or future uniform-related purchases to the School! The would like additional information, contact Kari Romito Principal and teachers were stunned by the huge ([email protected]). show of support from the community. They want all of you to know how deeply moved they are by your gen- erous donations. Point Breeze Yard Sale Come to the St. Bede Used Book Sale on Saturday, September 21, It is almost impossible for me to express my gratitude from 9 am to 3 pm. Shop for used books and eat as well. I never expected to make such an impact, but lunch at several food trucks! together we did, and I will never forget this experi- ence. I was a stranger to this parish grouping when I Please donate books, especially your children’s books contacted Father Tom about my project. He enthusi- or any book collections, on Sunday, September 15, astically welcomed and encouraged me every step of from 9 am to 12 pm in the driveway behind the St. the way, and I am so thankful for all of his help.

Bede rectory. When I spoke at Mass, I felt welcomed and supported

by all of you. Your words of support, donations of For more information: clothing and money for uniforms exceeded all of my Monica Costlow at [email protected] expectations to say the least. or Colleen Luptak at [email protected] Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me make a difference. Please join us for the 5th Annual St Vincent Scaglione Bede PTG Golf Outing at the Westwood Golf Club on Saturday, October 5. The scramble tourna- Golden Wedding Anniversaries Each ment format makes this a fun day for golfers of all skill year, the Diocese of Pittsburgh recognizes couples levels. The $125 entry fee includes 18 hole greens celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary at a Mass fee, cart, lunch, and dinner on the course. Hole spon- with Bishop Zubik at St. Paul Cathedral followed by a sorships are also available for $100. Sign up as a sin- light reception. The Golden Wedding Anniversary gle, twosome, threesome or a complete foursome. Celebration will take place on Sunday, November 17, at 2:30 pm. If you are celebrating your 50th anniver- All proceeds benefit St Bede School. The registration sary this year and would like to participate, please deadline is September 25. Contact Jerry Conner at RSVP by Friday, October 11, to St. Bede’s parish [email protected] or 412.667.8722 for a regis- office at [email protected] or mail to 509 tration form South Dallas Avenue, 15208 with your names, includ- ing maiden name; date of marriage; mailing address; Radio Program, and phone number. with Fr. Tom Burke as host, highlights elemen- Participants will receive a personal invitation with in- tary and secondary structions from diocesan offices after the parish sub- schools; colleges; youth ministry programs; and more, mits the names of those who will attend. Couples are and is broadcast every other Sunday morning on welcome to bring as many loved ones to the celebra- KDKA-AM tion as they wish.

Fr. Tom’s next program is on September 15 abd his guests will be Emily Cunningham, Director of Camp Are you interested in volunteering to Lajas Wilderness, a Catholic youth wilderness experi- assist a local refugee? There are lots of op- portunities available at Casa San Jose. Call Sr. Val- ence and C. J. Keely, a participant in the program. erie at 412.343.3111.

See the homepage of our website, cceepgh.org for Casa San Jose now has an office at East Liberty the link to podcasts of the programs. Presbyterian Church here in the East End. Our Schools

Sr. Thea Bowman St. Bede School Catholic Academy Principal Sr. Daniela Bronka Principal Ms. Stephanie Michael 6920 Edgerton Avenue Pittsburgh PA 15208 721 Rebecca Avenue

Wilkinsburg PA 15221 412.661.9425; [email protected]

412.242.3515; [email protected] saintbedeschool.com sistertheabowman.org

St. James School 69th All Class Reunion All alumni, friends, parents and teachers are invited to participate in our reun- ion at the Edgewood Country Club, 100 Churchill Road, 15235 on Saturday, Septem- ber 28. Meet & Greet begins at 10:30 am with a buffet luncheon to follow. Cost is $25 with an added charge of $5.00 for walk-ins. For reserva- tions, contact St. James parish office at 412.241.1392 or email [email protected]. Checks made payable to St. James Church. Brochures are available at St. James. Proceeds from the event will go toward St. September 8 James organ repairs.

RSVP by September 18. : Warrior, Mystic, , and Martyr presented by Paul Osterman on Thursday, September 19, at 7 pm at the Word of God Sacred Spaces II, an Architectural Parish Library, 7436 McClure Avenue, Swissvale, Tour of Wilkinsburg, presented by the Reli- 15218. The program will take an in-depth focus on gious Architectural Heritage Committee of Preserva- the personal attributes of this great saint. Light re- tion Pittsburgh, on Saturday, October 12, from 11 am freshments will be served. For more information and to 4 pm. St. James Church will be on the tour until directions, contact Karen at 412.243.1078 or email: 3:30 pm. The tour is an “open house” in which partici- [email protected]. pants can learn about the various houses of worship in Wilkinsburg, the City of Churches”. Volunteers are Endow is an international women’s ministry seek- needed at St. James to be hosts and tour guides. For ing to build encouraging community through education more information: 412.241.1392 or email: and allowing each woman to encounter her infinite [email protected]. value and dignity. Through their small groups, women are learning how to be the best version of themselves Angel Tree/Magi Tree Project It is not –made in the image and likeness of God–and reach- ing out to those around them. too early to begin thinking about Christmas season and our annual Angel Tree Project. Last year, parish- You are invited to join the Endow group to study the ioners from our three worship sites purchased well life of St. in an 8 week course on Tuesday over 500 gifts for those in need across 7 or 8 agencies evenings from 7 to 9 pm beginning Tuesday, Septem- in the city and neighborhood. This year, our three ber 24. Meetings will be in the St. 's Activities campuses will be combining efforts in this project, with Room, 1118 Chislett Street 15206. our sights set on furthering our vision of becom- To reserve your spot and get the link to order your ing one parish in January. Anyone interested in help- book: [email protected] ing with this year's Angel Tree/Magi TreeTree Project can contact Bobbi Cass at [email protected]. "The world doesn't need what women have. It needs what women are." Watch for upcoming meeting date! St. Edith Stein

CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Catholic Community of the East End of Pittsburgh #100550 509 South Dallas Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15208

TELEPHONE 412 241.1392 or 412.636.2834 412 661.7222 ext 205


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