Name of meeting and date: Cabinet Meeting 12 April 2011

Title of report: Annual Consultation on Admission Arrangements

Is it likely to result in spending or NO saving £250k or more, or to have a significant effect on two or more electoral wards?

Is it in the Council’s Forward Plan? YES

Is it eligible for “call in” by Scrutiny? YES

Cabinet member portfolio Councillor Cath Harris Councillor Ken Smith Lead members for Children and Families

Electoral wards affected and ward councillors consulted: All Wards

Public or private: Public

1. Purpose of report

To seek approval of the admission arrangements and published admission numbers for community and voluntary controlled schools for 2012/13.

2. Key points

Kirklees LA, as the Admissions Authority, is responsible for determining the admission policy and admission numbers for the community and voluntary controlled schools it maintains. As the Admissions Authority, the LA has a statutory duty to consult with the governing bodies of those schools, the governing bodies of aided and foundation schools in and neighbouring LAs on the admissions policy and proposed admission numbers for schools. This report confirms the outcomes of this process which has now taken place.

Changes to note in 2012/13

Dewsbury The PANs for Earlsheaton Technology College and The Community Science College @ Thornhill have been reduced to 210 and 208 for Year 7 to use the full net capacity of both schools and provide the capacity required in the area. It has been proposed that the PAN for Westborough be set at 200 to ensure maximum use of the building.

C:\files\admissions\PAN consult\110404 Cabinet Report 12 April 2011.docx page 1 Birkenshaw, Cleckheaton and Gomersal As part of the Authority’s proposals for change in the Cleckheaton area, Gomersal CE(C) Middle School, West End Middle School and Whitechapel Middle School will close on 31st Aug 2012. Gomersal First School, Gomersal St Mary’s CE(A) First School, Heaton Avenue First and Nursery School, Howard Park Community School, Scholes First and Nursery School and the new CE(VC) school at Whitechapel Road will extend their age range by one further year to accommodate Year 6 and Year 5 children as all through primary schools.

Heaton Avenue First and Nursery School The school is planned to be wholly located on the South Parade site from September 2012 following the remodelling of the West End Middle School buildings. The school is planned to have a PAN of 40 in 2012 reducing to 30 for 2013 onwards would have an admission number of 30 places in each year, giving a total of 210

Whitechapel Road Church of England Primary School (St Luke’s CE(C) First School / Moorend CE (C) First School) The statutory decision has been taken to bring together Moorend CE (C) First School and St Luke’s CE(C) First School to create an all-through primary school which would educate pupils aged 5 to 11. The new primary school will be called Whitechapel Road Church of England Primary School and will be situated on the Whitechapel Road site from September 2012 following the remodelling of the Whitechapel Middle School buildings. Whitechapel Road Church of England Primary School will use the existing Moorend and St Luke’s school sites and buildings for the school year 2011-12 from Sep 2011 to Sep 2012. The new school is planned to have of 60 places in each year, from September 2013, giving a total of 420 places for 5 to 11 year olds in the school. Whitechapel Road Church of England Primary School will maintain a PAN of 30 places at the ‘Moorend’ site and 18 places at the ‘St Luke’s’ site (48 places in total) until the full PAN of 60 could be applied to the admission of pupils into the Reception class in the modernised Whitechapel Road building.

Crosland Moor and Lockwood Measures have been put in place to temporarily increase the capacity of Dryclough CE(VC) Infant School and Crosland Moor Junior School to accommodate an additional class of entry from 2012. The PAN for Reception at Mount Pleasant JIN has also been increased for 2012 to accommodate the increased demand for places in the area.

Appendix 1 to this report explains how the proposed published admission numbers are derived and gives details of requests for variation to the proposals.

Appendix 2 lists the recommended published admission numbers for community and voluntary controlled schools for 2012/13.

The admission numbers for aided and foundation schools are included for information only.

Appendix 3 gives the proposed arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools for 2012/13.

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3. Implications for the Council

This is a statutory requirement for the Council.

4. Consultees and their opinions

No responses were received from Kirklees Catholic, Church of England and Foundation schools academies or neighbouring admission authorities.

The responses from Kirklees community and voluntary controlled schools are given in Appendix 1 to this report.

5. Officer recommendations and reasons

It is recommended that Members:

1. approve the published admission numbers in Appendix 2 to this report.

2. approve the publishing of newspaper advertisements confirming proposed reductions in admission numbers for Royds Hall High School.

3. approve the LA’s recommendations in respect of the schools where governing bodies requested a change to the PAN proposed by the LA.

4. approve the admission arrangements as detailed in Appendix 3.

6. Cabinet portfolio holder recommendation

To approve the Admission Arrangements for Kirklees Community and Controlled Schools for 2012-13 as detailed in the officer recommendations in section 5 above.

7. Next steps

To publish the approved arrangements on the Council’s website, make copies available on request, place notices in local newspapers to inform the public that the admission arrangements have been determined and inform all consultees of the decisions.

8. Contact officer and relevant papers

Juliet Stott, Manager – Pupil and Student Access Unit Tel: 01484 221919 e-mail: [email protected]

Margaret Hamby, Admissions Team Leader Tel: 01484 225007 e-mail: [email protected]

John Edwards, Assistant Director for Learning Tel: 01484 416678 e-mail: [email protected]

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Appendix 1


Published Admission Numbers are derived from a school’s net capacity calculation. Each school is measured in accordance with a formula provided by the Department for Education (DFE) to calculate the maximum number of workplaces available (notionally, the number of workplaces represents the ‘capacity’ of the school to accommodate pupils). The school's Net Capacity can be any figure which is 100 - 90% of that maximum number. This is referred to as the net capacity ‘range’ of workplaces available to a school and for which a maximum and minimum number can be calculated. Provided that it lies within this range, a school's Net Capacity is the figure which represents the PAN for the school x No. of age groups.

The workplace ‘range’, which is greater for very small primary schools, is intended to give all schools some flexibility in the way they operate.

Most of the PANs detailed in this report fall within the calculated workplace ‘range’ which ensures the availability of the maximum number of places in a school which is reasonable.

Some admission numbers have, however, been slightly increased above the range to give, in the school's opinion, more viable numbers of pupils.

For a minority of schools, requests have been received by the Governing Body to have a different PAN to the one recommended by the LA. For these schools, details are provided of the school’s request. A recommendation is also made as to whether or not it is considered appropriate to support the school’s proposal to change the level of the PAN and the reasons for this recommendation.

The LA, as admissions authority, must publish a statutory notice for all schools who have requested a PAN that is lower than the minimum workplace range for a school and where this is supported by the LA. The notice must give reasons for the lower PAN and advise parents on how they can object to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator about the matter.


It is proposed that a notice be published for the following school:

Royds Hall High School

The Authority has proposed a PAN of 181, the minimum indicated PAN as derived from the capacity calculation. The school has requested a PAN of 172 for class organisation and management reasons. The PAN of 172 has been set for the school for a number of years and it is anticipated that the demand for places will not exceed this figure.

It is recommended that a PAN of 172 be approved for 2012/13 for the reasons outlined above.


A number of schools have, through the consultation process, requested PANs which differ from those which the LA has recommended for 2012/13. These are detailed below, together with the LA’s recommendation on whether or not the requests for change should be approved.


Earlsheaton Technology College

The LA recommended PANs of 210 for Y7, 240 for Y8 and 180 for Y9,Y10 and Y11. The C:\files\admissions\PAN consult\110404 Cabinet Report 12 April 2011.docx page 4 school requested a PAN of 180 for all year groups.

Officers are unable to support the request as the increase in PAN is required to provide the additional pupil places needed in the Dewsbury area following the closure of at the end of the 2010/11 school year. The situation will be kept under review.

The LA recommends that PANs be set at 210 for Y7, 240 for Y8 and 180 for Y9, Y10 and Y11 for 2012/13.

Shelley College – A Specialist Centre for Science

The LA recommended a PAN of 375 based on the capacity range for the school. The school has requested that this number be reduced to 360 for 2012/13. The school feels that a PAN of 360 would allow for the admission of pupils currently in the appropriate year groups in the feeder middle schools. A PAN of 360 falls within the workplace range for the school and is sufficient to accommodate the combined PANs of the feeder middle schools.

The LA is therefore satisfied that the PAN should be set at 360 for 2012/13.

Whitcliffe Mount – Specialist Business and Enterprise College

The LA recommended PANs of 270 for Y7 and Y8 and 389 for Y9, Y10 and Y11. The school requested PANs of 270 for Y7 and Y8, 360 for Y9 and 389 for Y10 and Y11. The school feels that a PAN of 360 for Y9 will accommodate all the children currently in the appropriate year groups in the feeder middle schools and will allow a smoother transition to an 11 to 16 school.

After further consideration officers are able to support this request as part of the transition arrangements which will see the school admit pupils to Y9 in September 2012 under the normal admission arrangements and from the school’s current priority admission area.

The LA is therefore satisfied that the PANs should be set at 270 for Y7 and Y8, 360 for Y9 and 389 for Y10 and Y11 for 2012/13.


Birkby Infant and Nursery School

The LA recommended a PAN of 112. The school requested a PAN of 120. The net capacity calculation for the school gives an indicated PAN of 113 to 102. The requested PAN of 120 is above the maximum indicated by the net capacity calculation, however, it will allow the school to manage the class size pledge of no more than 30 children with one teacher.

The LA recommends that the PAN be set at 120 for 2012/13.

Crosland Moor Junior School

The LA recommended a PAN of 150. The school requested a PAN of 120 due to concerns about access to the site and safety issues.

Officers are engaging with the school to mitigate the wider concerns and wish to ensure that the recently refurbished school capacity is used in full to meet the increasing demand for places within the Crosland Moor area. The PAN will be reviewed for 2013/14.

The LA recommends that the PAN be set at 150 for year 3 and 120 for years 4,5 & 6 for 2012/13 and the LA will continue to ensure that the Governing Body concerns are given due consideration.

C:\files\admissions\PAN consult\110404 Cabinet Report 12 April 2011.docx page 5 Crossley Fields Junior and Infant School

The LA recommended a PAN of 89. The school requested a PAN of 84.

Officers are unable to support the request as demand for places within the Mirfield area is increasing. The PAN will be reviewed for 2013/14.

The LA recommends that the PAN be set at 89 for 2012/13.

Dryclough CE(VC) Infant School

The LA proposed a PAN of 150. The school requested a PAN of 140 .

The LA recommends that the PAN be set at 140 for 2012/13.

High Bank First and Nursery School

The LA proposed a PAN of 16. The school requested a PAN of 20.

The LA recommends that the PAN be set at 20 for 2012/13 but to be kept under review.

Linthwaite Clough Junior, Infant and Early Years School

The LA proposed a PAN of 40. The school requested a PAN of 45.

The school has 11 class bases and is confident that they can accommodate numbers above the maximum net capacity in sensible class organisation.

The LA recommends that the PAN be set at 45 for 2012/13 subject to a written assurance from the governing body that they will be able to accommodate the number without requiring any additional space. The PAN should be kept under review.

Lowerhouses CE(VC) Junior, Infant and Early Years School

The LA recommended a PAN of 28. The school requested a PAN of 29.

29 is within the workplace range for the school and demand for places is increasing.

The LA recommends that the PAN be set at 29 for 2012/13.

Mill Lane Junior, Infant and early Years School

The LA recommended a PAN of 22. The school requested a PAN of 27.

Officers are unable to support the request as projected pupil numbers do not indicate an increase in demand. The situation will be reviewed for 2013/14.

The LA recommends that the PAN be set at 22 for 2012/13.

Old Bank Junior, Infant and Nursery School

The LA recommended a PAN of 25. The school requested a PAN of 22.

Officers are unable to support the request as demand for places within the Mirfield area is increasing. The PAN will be reviewed for 2013/14.

The LA recommends that the PAN be set at 25 for 2012/13. C:\files\admissions\PAN consult\110404 Cabinet Report 12 April 2011.docx page 6

Wellhouse Junior and Infant School

The LA recommended a PAN of 10 for KS1 and 12 for KS2. The school requested a PAN of 12 for all year groups.

12 is within the workplace range for the school as indicated by the net capacity calculation.

The LA recommends that the PAN be set at 12 for all year groups for 2012/13.

C:\files\admissions\PAN consult\110404 Cabinet Report 12 April 2011.docx page 7 Appendix 2

HIGH SCHOOLS Proposed Explanatory Note PAN 2012/13 All Saints Catholic College, Specialist in 200 Information Only Humanities Almondbury High School and Language 206 College Business & Enterprise College 175 Batley Girls’ High School - Visual Arts 210 College Castle Hall School : A Specialist 174 Information Only Language College Colne Valley Specialist Arts College 287 Earlsheaton Technology College 210 for The school requested a PAN of 180 for all Yr 7, 240 year groups. This is outside the workplace for Yr 8, range. The proposed PANs will provide the 180 for Yrs increased capacity required in the 9,10 &11 Dewsbury area when Birkdale High School closes on 31st August 2011. North Huddersfield Secondary School 180 Information Only Heckmondwike Grammar School 150 Information Only High School 260 264 King James’s School 180 Moor End Technology College 186 Netherhall Learning Campus High 131 school School and Kirklees Creative & Media 60 Studio Studio School school Newsome High School and Sports 180 College Royds Hall High School 172 Statutory Notice to be published. Salendine Nook High School 265 . – A Specialist Centre 360 The LA proposed a PAN of 375. The school for Science requested a reduction in the PAN to 360 to enable the school to accommodate the children in the middle schools Spen Valley Sports College 180 St John Fisher Catholic High School 198 Information Only The Community Science College @ 208 for Y7 The proposed PANs are required to provide Thornhill 240 for Y8, the increased capacity needed in the 180 for Yrs Dewsbury area following the closure of 9,10&11 Birkdale High School at the end of the 2010/11 school year. The Mirfield Free Grammar and Sixth 221 Information Only Form Westborough High School 200 for Yr 7 Information Only Whitcliffe Mount – Specialist Business 270 for Y7- The school requested a PAN of 360 for Y9 and Enterprise College 8, 360 for to accommodate all the children currently in Y9, 389 for the appropriate year groups in the feeder Y10-11 middle schools and allow a smoother transition to an 11 to 16 school.

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Proposed MIDDLE SCHOOLS PAN Explanatory Note 2011/12 Kirkburton Middle 167 Scissett Middle 189 Birkenshaw Middle Yr 5 – 0 The school will not admit pupils to Yrs 6,7,8 - Year 5, the normal first year, in 95 September 2012.

Proposed PRIMARY SCHOOLS PAN Explanatory Note 2012/13 Batley Birstall Primary 25 Brownhill Infant 60 Carlinghow Princess Royal J I & N 45 Field Lane J I & N 30 Fieldhead J I & N 30 Alterations to form a 210 place primary school are currently in progress. Healey J I & N 55 Hyrstmount Junior 90 Lydgate J & I 45 Manorfield I & N 90 Mill Lane J I & E Y 22 Park Road J I & N 30 Purlwell I & N 90 Staincliffe CE (VC) Junior 90 Warwick Road J I & N 45 C of E Aided Schools Batley Parish CE (A) J I & N 30 Information Only Brownhill St Saviour's CE (A) Junior 64 Information Only St Peter's CE (A) J I & N 30 Information Only RC Aided Schools St Mary's Catholic Primary 45 Information Only St Patrick's Catholic Primary (Batley) 35 Information Only

Cleckheaton Birkenshaw CE (VC) F & N 60 East Bierley CE (VC) First 30 Gomersal First 60 Heaton Avenue First & Nursery 40 High Bank F & N 20 Hightown F & N 30 Howard Park Community 30 Moorend CE (VC) First* 30 New CE(VC) Primary School to st St Luke's CE (VC) First* 18 replace on 1 September 2011 with a PAN of 48 for Sep 2012 Scholes F & N 30 C of E Aided Schools Gomersal St Mary's CE (A) F & N 30 Information Only

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Colne Valley Beech E Y I & J 30 Clough Head J & I 12 Golcar J I & N 60 Linthwaite Clough J I & E Y 45 The school requested a PAN of 45. This is above the workplace range but organisationally appropriate. Marsden I & N 52 Marsden Junior 52 Nields J I & N 30 Scapegoat Hill J & I 12 Slaithwaite CE (VC) J & I 20 KS2 – 23 Wellhouse J & I 12 The school requested a PAN of 12 for all year groups. This is within the workplace range. Wilberlee J & I 11 C of E Aided Schools Linthwaite Ardron Memorial CE (A) J & I 30 Information Only St John's CE (A) J & I 30 Information Only

Dewsbury Boothroyd J & I 60 Bywell CE (VC) Junior 97 Carlton J & I 30 KS2 – 33 Chickenley Community J I & N 50 Earlsheaton Infant 40 Eastborough J I & N 30 Hanging Heaton CE (VC) J & I 20 Headfield CE (VC) Junior 146 Knowles Hill I & N 40 Overthorpe CE (VC) J I & N 42 Pentland I & N 49 Ravensthorpe CE (VC) Junior 108 Ravensthorpe I & N 108 Savile Town CE (C) I & N 60 Shaw Cross I & N 60 St John’s CE (C) Infant 60 Thornhill J & I 60 Thornhill Lees CE (VC) I & N 81 Westmoor Junior 90 RC Aided Schools St Joseph’s Catholic Primary 30 KS2 – 32 Information Only (Dewsbury) St Paulinus Catholic Primary 60 Information Only Heckmondwike & Liversedge Cawley Lane J I & N 60 Hartshead J & I 12 Headlands CE (VC) J I & N 55 Leeside J I & N 45 Littletown J I & N 25 Millbridge J I & N 47 Norristhorpe J & I 60 Roberttown CE (VC) J & I 34 RC Aided Schools Holy Spirit Catholic Primary 30 Information Only

C:\files\admissions\PAN consult\110404 Cabinet Report 12 April 2011.docx page 10 Holmfirth, Netherthong & Upperthong Hade Edge J & I 12 Hepworth J & I 16 Hinchliffe Mill J & I 16 Holme J & I 5 Holmfirth J I & N 30 KS2 – 34 Kirkroyds Infant 60 Netherthong Primary 30 KS2 – 32 Scholes J & I 30 KS2 – 33 Upperthong J & I 30 KS2 – 32 Wooldale Junior 60 Honley & Meltham Brockholes CE (VC) J & I 30 Honley CE (VC) I & N 66 Honley CE (VC) Junior 68 Meltham CE (VC) Primary 60 Meltham Moor Primary 30 C of E Aided Helme CE (VA) J & I 21 Information Only

Huddersfield Almondbury CE (C) I & N 50 Almondbury Junior 95 Ashbrow I & N 45 Ashbrow Junior 45 Berry Brow I & N 60 Birkby I & N 120 The LA proposed a PAN of 112. The school requested a PAN of 120. 120 is outside the workplace range but will allow the school to comply with class legislation of 30 children to one teacher. Birkby Junior 90 St Thomas’s CE (VC) Primary 60 Cowlersley Primary 50 Crosland Moor Junior 150 for Y3 120 for Y4-6 Crow Lane J I & N 33 Dalton School (J I & N) 70 Dryclough CE (C) Infant 140 Fixby J & I 45 Greenside I & N 60 Hillside Primary School 45 Lindley Junior 120 Lowerhouses CE (VC) J I & E Y 29 The LA proposed a PAN of 28. The school requested a PAN of 29 which is within the range Moldgreen Community Primary 50 Moorlands Primary 90 Mount Pleasant J I & N 90 Netherton I & N 60 Newsome Junior 60 Paddock J I & N 50 Rawthorpe St James CE (VC) I & N 90 Rawthorpe Junior 90 Reinwood I & N 90 C:\files\admissions\PAN consult\110404 Cabinet Report 12 April 2011.docx page 11 Reinwood Community Junior 90 Spring Grove J I & N 30

C of E Aided Schools Christ Church Woodhouse CE (A) N I & J 30 Information Only Lindley CE (A) Infant 120 Information Only South Crosland CE (A) Junior 60 Information Only RC Aided Schools Our Lady Of Lourdes Catholic Primary 30 Information Only St Joseph's Catholic Primary (Huddersfield) 50 Information Only St Patrick's Catholic Primary (Huddersfield) 60 Information Only

King James's Kirkheaton Primary 60 Lepton CE (VC) J I & N 30 KS2 – 33 Rowley Lane J I & N 60 KS2 – 66 Upper Whitley J & I 15

Mirfield Battyeford CE (VC) Primary 60 KS2 – 62 Crossley Fields J & I 89 The school requested a PAN of 84 but demand for places in the Mirfield area is increasing. Crowlees CE (VC) J & I 60 Hopton J I & N 40 The school requested a PAN of 22 but demand for places in the Old Bank J I & N 25 Mirfield area is increasing.

Shelley Birdsedge First 15 Emley First 25 Farnley Tyas CE (VC) First 8 Flockton CE (VC) First 15 Gilthwaites First 30 KS2 – 33 Highburton CE (VC) First 30 Kayes First & Nursery 30 KS2 – 32 Shelley First 34 Shepley First 30 Skelmanthorpe F & N 30 Thurstonland Endowed (VC) First 10 C of E Aided Schools Cumberworth CE (A) First 20 Information Only Denby CE (A) First 10 Information Only Kirkburton CE (A) First 20 Information Only Scissett CE (A) First 28 Information Only St Aidan's CE (VA) First 25 Information Only

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Appendix 3

Kirklees Admission Arrangements for Community and Controlled Schools for 2012/13

If there are fewer applicants than there are places available, everyone who applies will be offered a place. When there are more applicants than there are places available there has to be a way of deciding which children are offered places. This is done by having admission criteria, also known as oversubscription criteria, which are considered in order. The Kirklees admission criteria are:

1. children in public care (looked after children); 2. children who live in the school’s Priority Admission Area (PAA) who have an older brother or sister attending from the same address at the date of admission (the younger sibling rule); 3. children who live in the school’s PAA; 4. children who live outside the school’s PAA who have an older brother or sister attending from the same address at the date of admission (the younger sibling rule); 5. children who live outside the school’s PAA.

Community and controlled schools will admit children with Statements of Special Educational Needs where the school is named on the Statement.

Notes a) Children in priority 1 above may be admitted above the PAN. b) If we cannot agree to requests for admission in priorities 2 to 5 above without exceeding the PAN, we will give priority up to the PAN to children living nearest the school. c) Distance is measured in a straight line from a child’s home address to the school. Measurements are calculated using six-figure grid references for each address taken from Ordnance Survey ADDRESS-POINT® data. This grid reference relates to a point that falls within the permanent building structure corresponding to the address. The boundary of the building structure for the address is derived from Ordnance Survey Land-Line data. For smaller, residential properties the grid reference denotes a point near the centre of the building. For larger properties, like schools with, for example, multiple buildings and large grounds, the grid reference relates to a point inside the main addressable building structure. The distance calculated is accurate to within 1.0 metres. d) ‘Live’ means the child’s permanent home at the date when applications close or, if a significant house move is involved, the latest reasonable date before the final allocation of places. e) For children transferring from first or middle schools, we will give preference in priorities 2-5 above (up to the PAN) to children attending a first or middle school in the middle or high school PAA. f) A PAA means a geographical area determined by Kirklees in consultation with the governing body of the school. It is called this because children living there normally have priority for admission over children who live elsewhere. It is also referred to as the catchment area. g) Children with Statements of Special Educational Needs are admitted to mainstream schools, special units and special schools separately from the general admission policies in this booklet.

C:\files\admissions\PAN consult\110404 Cabinet Report 12 April 2011.docx page 13 Application Procedures

Transfer to High School

Kirklees residents will apply for a high school place by completing the Secondary Common Application Form (SCAF) or using the on-line facility. The application period will run from the week beginning 5 September 2011 to 31 October 2011.

Transfer to Junior/Middle School

Kirklees residents will apply for a junior or middle school place by completing the common application form (TCAF) or by using the online facility. The application period will run from the week beginning 31 October 2011 to 15 January 2012.

Admission to Full-time School (Rising Fives)

Kirklees residents will apply for admission to full-time school (rising fives) by completing the primary common application form (PCAF) or by using the online facility which will be available from early September 2011. The closing date for application in paper or online will be 15 January 2012.

Late Applications

Applications received after the appropriate closing date will be regarded as late unless, in Kirklees’ judgement, there are significant and exceptional reasons for the lateness. Proof of special circumstances will be required.

Late applications are not considered until all on-time applicants have been allocated places.

Forms submitted after the closing date due to a significant house move will be regarded as on-time provided that documentary evidence to confirm the move is provided and the allocation process has not begun.

Waiting Lists

A child’s name will automatically be placed on the waiting list for any Kirklees community school where they have been refused a place in the school’s normal year of entry, eg, Year 7 at high school (except Shelley College – A Specialist Centre for Science and Whitcliffe Mount - Specialist Business and Enterprise College).

The waiting lists will be held in admission criteria order and will close on the final day of the 2012/13 school year.

In Year Admissions

Kirklees residents who wish to apply for a place in the first year at a school after the first school day in September 2012, or to any other age group at any time, will apply on the common application form.

Twins or Triplets

Where a family of twins or triplets or brothers and sisters living in the same household and requiring admission to the same school year, request admission and there is only one school place available, it will be left for the family to decide whether

C:\files\admissions\PAN consult\110404 Cabinet Report 12 April 2011.docx page 14 or not they wish to take up the place for one of their children, and appeal for the second or third child in the same year group, or to decline a place.


In the event of two or more children living equidistant from the school, eg, blocks of flats, the place will be decided by drawing lots, the first name drawn out of the bag will be offered the place.

Rising Fives

Full time places will be available from the September following a child’s fourth birthday. Parents may defer their child’s entry until later in the school year and the allocated place will be held for the child. Parents may not defer entry beyond the beginning of the term after the child’s fifth birthday, nor beyond the school year for which the original application was accepted.

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