(MCTICUT US More Necessary for Bands Volume XXXVI Storrs
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Dispute Over Senior Budget Cut Only 50% Appropriated; (MCTICUT US More Necessary for Bands Volume XXXVI Storrs. Connecticut, Friday, March 17, 1950 No. 42 "To Hell with it:' was the comment made by Nathan Zeidenberg, senator and social chairman of the Senior Class, as he tore up the budget for the Senior Class "Coronation Ball" during the battle on the Senate floor Wednesday night over the requested $4,462 appropriation. Surrealist Art by Student l^^oi*. The Senate Finance Committee recommended that a partial appro- priation of $1,500 be given the dance committee, in order that arrange- From Red ments for a band could be made. Zeidenberg, chairman of the Senior TO be Shown Next Week Professor dance committee, hotly contested the partial appropriation. The Senate A letter will be sent to Profes- later voted to add $500 to the figure, making a total of $2,000. An exhibition of frameless — Unnamed Source* Isor Herbert T. Phillips, self-avow- At the Senate finance committee paintings in the surrealist mood Scholarship Funds ed Communist Party member, by by John Gregoropoulos will be Dr. Gamow. Physicist meeting on Tuesday, the budget for For Dorothy Culp the Philosophy Club, asking what ;the dance was neither approved nor held in the Parlors of the Com- topics he would consider discuss- To Lecture Monday, disapproved. The committee feh munity House from Monday eve- Reach $300 Figure that since the budget was of such a ning, March 20 to Thursday eve- ing at this University. Terry Oliv- Evolution, Progress controversial nature, it should be ning, March 23. More than $300 has been receiv- jeri, secretary of the club announc brought up at the regular senate Dr. George Gamow, physicist and Mr. Gregoropoulos is a Senior at ed for the Dorothy Culp Memorial ed. meeting. the University of Connecticut. Scholarship according to Dr. Ed Professor Phillips was recently lecturer, will speak this Monday at However, the finance committee Born in Athens, Greece, he stu- 8:00 p.m. in Engineering 207. Spon- reported that "additional informa- died painting there, and has ex- '. mund A. Moore, acting chairman expelled from the University of Washington fur Communist Party sored by Sigma Xi, the professor tion'' concerning the place and hibited in New Orleans and else- ! of the History Department, and author will talk on "The Evolu- band for the dance was received where in this country. He is ma- The committee composed of E. , membership. He had requested ... _, . „ from sources which the committee tion of the Universe. ,., , joring in philosophy because he A Moore R A Dorwart, G. E. j permission to speak here. • did not name. feels that it forms a good back- , ^ A £ h has According to a lecent CAMPUS According to Dr. Harold Knauss, A special meeting of ^ finance erounJ ioi' creative work. He in- ' Head of the Physics Department, Dr. committee was called for Wednes- fends to make painting his life | ™t - y^-acn.d a decision^ , survey. «a samp.'ing of student and how the scholarship will function. faculty opinion revealed that al- Gamow has become renowned for , day afternoon, with Marge Plunk - work. his simple method of explaining ett, Bob Berdon_and JosephShawm- Son'-; of the paintings shown in "It will reduce the size of the most all were in favor of hearing nuclear physics and its applications fijf"^*: Frederick Chou was the exhibit tome from the col- fund if we would close it before Mr. Phillip-, but had an attitude absent. It was agreed at that meet- lection cf the artist, others from June 1st. We Might to bring to- of "cautious interest." to stellar evolution. ing to recommend the partial ap- gether ail possible ideas as to the private collections. The exhibit No action was taken on the Phil- The Monday lecture will be given propriation of $1500. cannot include paintings now in use to be made on the earnings of lips question until last Thursday, with the use of illustrations in or- Zeidenberg Protests the hands of private collectors in | tnethe jprinciple. when the group voted to write Mr. At the Senate meeting, Zeiden- Th committee will accept all phJUipa asking the topics he would der that those attending may better Greece, England, and France. understand the theories, ideas and berg protested the partial appro- Mr. Gregoroyoulos is preparing ideas as to who should benefit consider speaking on here. priation on the grounds that the for a one-man showing in New from the scholarship," says Dr. Thursday, the Philosophy Club concepts to be presented. dance committee and one member York as soon 88 he has graduated. Moore. also heard a paper by Steve Due to an error in the CAMPUS Contribution for the Memorial Chthrell on "Free Will." A general of March 10, the specific date of the Wednesday Night, the Senate Fund cat. be rent to any commit- discussion followed. lecture was not mentioned. The date also: Siam Trip Described tee member o.' Donald Molchan. should have been printed as March 1. Approved the budget for Central Treasurer, in Koons 13. Opportunities in Psychology? 20. the Junior Weekend, which tot-, By Smiley of Brown als $1940.10, after a heated de- In Illustrated Talk Who's Who The Psychology Club will con- G. I. Deadline bate concerning an item for tinue its series of lectures on Op- punch ($70), during which the Nominees to be portunities in the Field of Psycho- The deadline date for issu- motion was made and carried Dr. Charles H. Smiley, profes- ance of books and supplies to sor of astronomy at Brown Uni- logy next Monday night at 7 in that such items be approved in Selected by Com. Koons 217. He will speak on Op- students studying under the versity, took his audience on a fig- the future only for the class portunities in Child Psychologygy! G.I. Bill will be March 18. 1950. dances and the Co-ed Weekend. urative trip to Siam during a talk , and will discuss the plans for the All veteran students are re- sponsoieJ by the Mathematics De- Final selection of nominees for 2. Heard report from the "Who's Who in American Colleges Psychology Department at the quested to secure all authorized Steering Committee: Fred Chou partment last Wednesday night. University. A question and answer books for all courses by this He first prepared his listeners and Universities" was placed in was appointed chairman of the the hands of the Student-Faculty period will follow. date. Extra-curricular Council, to re- for an air trip to Bankok, Siam, Advisory committee by Dr. Ar- place Harry Mustakos, who re- with many illustrations and amus- wood S. Northby, Director of Stu- signed because of other com- ing anecdotes, and then showed mittments. and commented upon colored dent Personnel, when the group Famed Spanish Pionisi ana ~™»»»"~ "*"" " ■ met on Tuesday of this week, 3. Voted to purchase perma- slides of many Siamese buildings, c.ommittee voted that iist nent ballot boxes for class and particularly the Buddhist temples. of (ualified Juniors be obtained senate elections. Siamese people, and scenes of the from th? Deans of the various col- To Give Recital Thursday streets and canals of the city. leges, the offices of Miss French of the finance committee were not Dr. Smiley led the expedition to and Mr Johnson, and the Stu- notified, and had no chance to air Siam at the request of the Nation- Narcisco Figueroa will present a piano recital at Storrs Congrega- dent Senate. These lists are to be tional Church on Thursday, March 23, at 8:30 p. m.. under sponsorship o! their views. He maintained that turned in t0 an anSr^lipse Of the sun in ^committee by the j ,'h~e"Spanish"Club, according to information released by Club officers. the partial appropriation was inade- first week in May. The final list | A" natjve „f puerto Rico, Mr. Figueroa is a member of a family of ar- quate for his committee to function May, 1948. as far as obtaining bands was con- The purpose of the trip was to svill be sent to the publication \{ists_ Hc was trained to play piano by his parents, who instructed him next October. cerned. obtain information a^t the pre- «£ as soon as his hands were large enough to manipulate the keyboard. artist be- The finance committee felt the cise time of the arrival and depart- Figueroa was a guest Senior dance budget should be re- ure of the shadow of the eclipse j fort to secure complete ^presenta- | fore King Alfonso XIII and Queen \ B/ue and White Plans tion from the University of Con- turned to committee for further dis- from Siam. By asembling this in- al« recomrnend- Maria Cristina' Monarch* of ,SPain' j Future Dancing Room cussion and deliberation. formation taken at several points necticut It was His last concert for the Royal Fam- ed that students be requested to The Senate voted to keep the on the earth, scientists hope to be ily was given before the fall of the write to their senators offering Situated about a hundred yards budget on the floor, to be taken up able to determine the exact shape Monarchy in 1931. suggestions >f possible names. from the fraternity houses on item by item. Slightly over half of of the earth. At the outbreak of World War II, North Sagleville Road is a student thc original amount. $2,207. was ap- Since the official pictures of the Mr. Figueroa left his home in Paris center that contains Elge's Blue proved. eclipse itself have not yet been re- Presents Siam Lecture and moved to New York City.