(MCTICUT US More Necessary for Bands Volume XXXVI Storrs
Dispute Over Senior Budget Cut Only 50% Appropriated; (MCTICUT US More Necessary for Bands Volume XXXVI Storrs. Connecticut, Friday, March 17, 1950 No. 42 "To Hell with it:' was the comment made by Nathan Zeidenberg, senator and social chairman of the Senior Class, as he tore up the budget for the Senior Class "Coronation Ball" during the battle on the Senate floor Wednesday night over the requested $4,462 appropriation. Surrealist Art by Student l^^oi*. The Senate Finance Committee recommended that a partial appro- priation of $1,500 be given the dance committee, in order that arrange- From Red ments for a band could be made. Zeidenberg, chairman of the Senior TO be Shown Next Week Professor dance committee, hotly contested the partial appropriation. The Senate A letter will be sent to Profes- later voted to add $500 to the figure, making a total of $2,000. An exhibition of frameless — Unnamed Source* Isor Herbert T. Phillips, self-avow- At the Senate finance committee paintings in the surrealist mood Scholarship Funds ed Communist Party member, by by John Gregoropoulos will be Dr. Gamow. Physicist meeting on Tuesday, the budget for For Dorothy Culp the Philosophy Club, asking what ;the dance was neither approved nor held in the Parlors of the Com- topics he would consider discuss- To Lecture Monday, disapproved. The committee feh munity House from Monday eve- Reach $300 Figure that since the budget was of such a ning, March 20 to Thursday eve- ing at this University. Terry Oliv- Evolution, Progress controversial nature, it should be ning, March 23.
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