Ipperwash Survey Report

Prepared for

Maynard Sam George

March 2002

1 Objective

The following represents the results from a public opinion survey conducted for Maynard Sam George. The intent of the survey was to gauge the opinions of eligible voting age residents on a series of issues related to native protestor Dudley George and the incident with the OPP that occurred at Ipperwash Provincial Park in September 1995.

Methodology and Logistics

A total of 1,025 respondents, 18 years of age and older, were interviewed in the survey between the days of February 18th and February 25th 2002. The regional breakdown is as follows. Metropolitan Toronto 21% 905 Belt 21% Southwestern 24% Eastern 14% Northern & Central 20% (10% each)

The survey was conducted using computer-assisted techniques of telephone interviewing (CATI) and random number selection. The study sample was drawn using a modified method of “Random Digit Dialing” (Mitofsky-Waksberg).

A total of 30% of all interviews were monitored and the management of Oraclepoll Research supervised 100%. Initial calls were made from 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. with call-backs of no-answers and busy numbers made on a (staggered) daily rotating basis up to 5 times (from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.) until contact was made. In addition, telephone interview appointments were attempted with those respondents unable to complete the survey at the time of contact.

The margin of error for a survey of this nature is +/- 2.9%, 19/20 times.

2 Executive Summary

Vote Intent

Q2.If a Provincial election were held today in Ontario, which party’s candidate would you vote for in your riding of Timiskaming-Cochrane?

Q3.If a Provincial election were held today, which party’s candidate would you be leaning towards?



60% 50% 50%

40% 34% 30%

20% 10% 10% 6%

0% Liberal PC NDP Other

Half (50%) of decided voters in the province of Ontario back the Liberal Party, while slightly more than one third (34%) support the PC’s. 10% of the electorate would vote for the NDP and 6% cited other Parties as their preferred choice. A total of 23% of voters surveyed were undecided at the time of the interview.

Liberal support was strongest among younger voters or those aged 18-34 (72%) and among residents of the City of Toronto (63%) and the north of the province (57%). The PC’s were strongest in central (61%) and eastern Ontario (43%). The gender gap was evident at the time of the survey with more males favoring the Tories (38%), compared to females (29%) but it is still slanted in favor of the Liberals as a high percentage of both females (54%) and males (47%) back the Liberal Party.

3 is the favorite leadership candidate among likely Tory voters with 53% backing his bid to succeed outgoing premier . The remaining support is scattered amongst (14%), Elizabeth Witmer (7%), (5%) and (4%). 18% did not know who they would support. As well, half (50%) of card carrying PC Party members also support Ernie Eves.

Awareness of the Issue

“How aware would you say that you are of native protestor Dudley George and the incident with the OPP that occurred at Ipperwash Provincial Park in September 1995?”



60% 55% 50% 44%




10% 1% 0% Total unaware Total aware Don't know

The electorate is split with respect to awareness of Dudley George and the incident with the OPP at Ipperwash in 1995, with only slightly more than half (55%) of the public was aware of the incident.

Awareness increases with age (18 to 34 – 34%, 35 to 54 – 60%, 55 & older – 68%), as \well as with increasing income (under $35,000 – 43%, Under $75,000 – 59%, $75,000 & higher – 58%), while more males (59%) than females (51%) knew of the issue. Residents of central (73%) and southwestern Ontario (71%) had the highest knowledge of the incident, while northern Ontario residents were least aware (43%).

4 Use of Force

On September 4, 1995, Dudley George and approximately thirty unarmed native protestors occupied Ipperwash Provincial Park to protest the desecration of burial grounds. Shortly after, the newly elected provincial PC government of Mike Harris directed the OPP to remove the protestors, resulting in the shooting death of George. The government and the OPP maintained that the protestors first shot at police who then returned fire. However, a court ruled that the protestors were unarmed, and found an OPP Sergeant guilty of shooting Dudley George when he knew George was unarmed.

In your opinion, did the authorities use excessive force at Ipperwash or did they follow proper procedures?



60% 49% 50%


30% 26% 25%



0% Excessive force Proper procedures Don't know

All respondents were read a brief preamble describing the incident at Ipperwash and were then asked if they felt if the OPP used excessive force or followed reasonable procedures. Almost twice as many voters felt that excessive force was used (49%), compared to those who were of the opinion the OPP followed proper procedures, but a high one-quarter (25%) responded that they did not know.

Those who most felt excessive force was used were 18-34 year olds (60%), Toronto residents (65%) as well as Liberal (67%) and NDP (64%) voters. Tories were split as to whether proper procedures were followed (38%) or if excessive force was used (38%).

5 Judicial Inquiry

The family of Dudley George has launched a civil suit for wrongful death against the OPP and the Ontario government, which they have agreed to withdraw if a Public Judicial Inquiry is held. Please respond to each of the following statements using the scale of strongly disagree, somewhat disagree, somewhat agree or strongly agree.

The provincial government of Mike Harris or his successor should call a public judicial inquiry into the death of Dudley George.

100% 90% 80% 72% 70% 60% 50% 40%

30% 19% 20% 10% 10% 0% Total disagree Total agree Don't know

More than seven in ten voting age Ontario residents agreed that the provincial government of Mike Harris or his successor should call a public judicial inquiry into the death of Dudley George. Slightly more females (74%) than males (69%) favored an inquiry, as did younger respondents 18-34 (73%) and 35-54 (75%), compared to older ones 55 and over (56%). In addition, Liberal (79%) and NDP supporters (86%) were more inclined to agree that there should be an inquiry, compared to PC’s, although a still high 65% of Tories also favored an inquiry.

6 All of those PC’s who back Stockwell (100%) favor an inquiry, as did 80% of Witmer’s backers, 75% of Clement’s, 70% of Flaherty’s, and 59% of Eves supporters.

If the provincial government would call a public judicial inquiry into the death of Dudley George, 10% of voters stated that this action would make them more likely to vote PC, 8% claimed less likely to vote Tory and 76% claimed it would have no effect on their decision, while 6% did not know. 18% of PC voters would be more likely to vote for the Party while only 4% would be less likely, 76% claimed it would have no effect on them and 3% did not know. A total of 14% of NDP voters would be more likely to vote PC under this scenario, as would 6% of Liberals and 6% of undecided voters.

The provincial government of Mike Harris was responsible 49% 31% 20% for the death of Dudley George

I feel that the government has refused to order an inquiry because the premier 32% 49% 18% and senior cabinet ministers do not want their role in George's death exposed

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Total disagree Total agree Don't know

7 The public is divided on the role the government played at Ipperwash and in the Death of Dudley George. For example, while 49% disagreed that the government was responsible for George’s death, 31% agreed that it was and one-fifth (20%) claimed that they did not know.

But on the other hand a significant number of voters feel that the government does have something to hide, as almost half of Ontario voters (49%), are of the belief that the government has refused to call an inquiry because the premier and senior cabinet ministers do not want their role exposed. A total of 36% of Tory supporters agreed, 46% disagreed and 18% did not know.

Ipperwash Survey Report

Prepared for

Maynard Sam George

8 March 2002

9 Table of Contents

Objective 3

Methodology & Logistics 3

Executive Summary4

Results by Question11


10 Objective

The following represents the results from a public opinion survey conducted for Maynard Sam George. The intent of the survey was to gauge the opinions of eligible voting age Ontario residents on a series of issues related to native protestor Dudley George and the incident with the OPP that occurred at Ipperwash Provincial Park in September 1995.

Methodology and Logistics

A total of 1,025 respondents, 18 years of age and older, were interviewed in the survey between the days of February 18th and February 25th 2002. The regional breakdown is as follows. Metropolitan Toronto 21% 905 Belt 21% Southwestern 24% Eastern 14% Northern & Central 20% (10% each)

The survey was conducted using computer-assisted techniques of telephone interviewing (CATI) and random number selection. The study sample was drawn using a modified method of “Random Digit Dialing” (Mitofsky-Waksberg).

A total of 30% of all interviews were monitored and the management of Oraclepoll Research supervised 100%. Initial calls were made from 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. with call-backs of no-answers and busy numbers made on a (staggered) daily rotating basis up to 5 times (from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.) until contact was made. In addition, telephone interview appointments were attempted with those respondents unable to complete the survey at the time of contact.

The margin of error for a survey of this nature is +/- 2.9%, 19/20 times.

11 Executive Summary

Vote Intent

Q2.If a Provincial election were held today in Ontario, which party’s candidate would you vote for in your riding of Timiskaming-Cochrane?

Q3.If a Provincial election were held today, which party’s candidate would you be leaning towards?



60% 50% 50%

40% 34% 30%

20% 10% 10% 6%

0% Liberal PC NDP Other

Half (50%) of decided voters in the province of Ontario back the Liberal Party, while slightly more than one third (34%) support the PC’s. 10% of the electorate would vote for the NDP and 6% cited other Parties as their preferred choice. A total of 23% of voters surveyed were undecided at the time of the interview.

Liberal support was strongest among younger voters or those aged 18-34 (72%) and among residents of the City of Toronto (63%) and the north of the province (57%). The PC’s were strongest in central (61%) and eastern Ontario (43%). The gender gap was evident at the time of the survey with more males favoring the Tories (38%), compared to females (29%) but it is still slanted in favor of the Liberals as a high percentage of both females (54%) and males (47%) back the Liberal Party.

12 Ernie Eves is the favorite leadership candidate among likely Tory voters with 53% backing his bid to succeed outgoing premier Mike Harris. The remaining support is scattered amongst Jim Flaherty (14%), Elizabeth Witmer (7%), Tony Clement (5%) and Chris Stockwell (4%). 18% did not know who they would support. As well, half (50%) of card carrying PC Party members also support Ernie Eves.

13 Awareness of the Issue

“How aware would you say that you are of native protestor Dudley George and the incident with the OPP that occurred at Ipperwash Provincial Park in September 1995?”



60% 55% 50% 44%




10% 1% 0% Total unaware Total aware Don't know

The electorate is split with respect to awareness of Dudley George and the incident with the OPP at Ipperwash in 1995, with only slightly more than half (55%) of the public was aware of the incident.

Awareness increases with age (18 to 34 – 34%, 35 to 54 – 60%, 55 & older – 68%), as \well as with increasing income (under $35,000 – 43%, Under $75,000 – 59%, $75,000 & higher – 58%), while more males (59%) than females (51%) knew of the issue. Residents of central (73%) and southwestern Ontario (71%) had the highest knowledge of the incident, while northern Ontario residents were least aware (43%).

14 Use of Force

On September 4, 1995, Dudley George and approximately thirty unarmed native protestors occupied Ipperwash Provincial Park to protest the desecration of burial grounds. Shortly after, the newly elected provincial PC government of Mike Harris directed the OPP to remove the protestors, resulting in the shooting death of George. The government and the OPP maintained that the protestors first shot at police who then returned fire. However, a court ruled that the protestors were unarmed, and found an OPP Sergeant guilty of shooting Dudley George when he knew George was unarmed.

In your opinion, did the authorities use excessive force at Ipperwash or did they follow proper procedures?



60% 49% 50%


30% 26% 25%



0% Excessive force Proper procedures Don't know

All respondents were read a brief preamble describing the incident at Ipperwash and were then asked if they felt if the OPP used excessive force or followed reasonable procedures. Almost twice as many voters felt that excessive force was used (49%), compared to those who were of the opinion the OPP followed proper procedures, but a high one-quarter (25%) responded that they did not know.

Those who most felt excessive force was used were 18-34 year olds (60%), Toronto residents (65%) as well as Liberal (67%) and NDP (64%) voters. Tories were split as to whether proper procedures were followed (38%) or if excessive force was used (38%).

15 Judicial Inquiry

The family of Dudley George has launched a civil suit for wrongful death against the OPP and the Ontario government, which they have agreed to withdraw if a Public Judicial Inquiry is held. Please respond to each of the following statements using the scale of strongly disagree, somewhat disagree, somewhat agree or strongly agree.

The provincial government of Mike Harris or his successor should call a public judicial inquiry into the death of Dudley George.

100% 90% 80% 72% 70% 60% 50% 40%

30% 19% 20% 10% 10% 0% Total disagree Total agree Don't know

More than seven in ten voting age Ontario residents agreed that the provincial government of Mike Harris or his successor should call a public judicial inquiry into the death of Dudley George. Slightly more females (74%) than males (69%) favored an inquiry, as did younger respondents 18-34 (73%) and 35-54 (75%), compared to older ones 55 and over (56%). In addition, Liberal (79%) and NDP supporters (86%) were more inclined to agree that there should be an inquiry, compared to PC’s, although a still high 65% of Tories also favored an inquiry.

16 All of those PC’s who back Stockwell (100%) favor an inquiry, as did 80% of Witmer’s backers, 75% of Clement’s, 70% of Flaherty’s, and 59% of Eves supporters.

If the provincial government would call a public judicial inquiry into the death of Dudley George, 10% of voters stated that this action would make them more likely to vote PC, 8% claimed less likely to vote Tory and 76% claimed it would have no effect on their decision, while 6% did not know. 18% of PC voters would be more likely to vote for the Party while only 4% would be less likely, 76% claimed it would have no effect on them and 3% did not know. A total of 14% of NDP voters would be more likely to vote PC under this scenario, as would 6% of Liberals and 6% of undecided voters.

17 The provincial government of Mike Harris was responsible 49% 31% 20% for the death of Dudley George

I feel that the government has refused to order an inquiry because the premier 32% 49% 18% and senior cabinet ministers do not want their role in George's death exposed

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Total disagree Total agree Don't know

The public is divided on the role the government played at Ipperwash and in the Death of Dudley George. For example, while 49% disagreed that the government was responsible for George’s death, 31% agreed that it was and one-fifth (20%) claimed that they did not know.

But on the other hand a significant number of voters feel that the government does have something to hide, as almost half of Ontario voters (49%), are of the belief that the government has refused to call an inquiry because the premier and senior cabinet ministers do not want their role exposed. A total of 36% of Tory supporters agreed, 46% disagreed and 18% did not know.

18 Results by Question

Q1. If a provincial election were held today in Ontario, which party’s candidate would you vote most likely vote for? READ: • Liberal (go to Q4) • NDP (go to Q4) • PC (go to Q3) • Other (go to Q4) • Will not/do not vote (go to Q4) • Don’t know (go to Q2)

Q2. If a provincial election were held today in Ontario, which party’s candidate would you most likely be leaning towards? READ: • Liberal (go to Q4) • NDP (go to Q4) • PC (go to Q3a) • Other (go to Q4) • Don’t know (go to Q4)

Liberal 39% PC 26% Q1 & Q2 Don't know 23% Combined NDP 8% Other 5%

Liberal 50% Go to Q4 PC 34% Go to Q3 NDP 10% Go to Q4 Other 6% Go to Q4

19 Q3. Which of the following PC leadership candidates do you support to succeed Mike Harris?

Ernie Eves 53% Don't know 18% Jim Flaherty 14% Elizabeth Witmer 7% Tony clement 5% Chris Stockwell 4%

Q4. How aware would you say that you are of native protestor Dudley George and the incident with the OPP that occurred at Ipperwash Provincial Park in September 1995?

Not at all aware 22% Not very aware 22% Somewhat aware 34% Very aware 21% Don't know 1%

20 Preamble On September 4, 1995, Dudley George and approximately thirty unarmed native protestors occupied Ipperwash Provincial Park to protest the desecration of burial grounds. Shortly after, the newly elected provincial PC government of Mike Harris directed the OPP to remove the protestors, resulting in the shooting death of George.

The government and the OPP maintained that the protestors first shot at police who then returned fire. However, a court ruled that the protestors were unarmed, and found an OPP Sergeant guilty of shooting Dudley George when he knew George was unarmed.

Q5. In your opinion, did the authorities use excessive force at Ipperwash or did they follow proper procedures?

Excessive force 49% Proper procedures 26% Don't know 25%

21 The family of Dudley George has launched a civil suit for wrongful death against the OPP and the Ontario government, which they have agreed to withdraw if a Public Judicial Inquiry is held. Please respond to each of the following statements using the scale of strongly disagree, somewhat disagree, somewhat agree or strongly agree.

Q6. The provincial government of Mike Harris or his successor should call a public judicial inquiry into the death of Dudley George

Strongly disagree 9% Somewhat disagree 10% Somewhat agree 25% Strongly agree 47% Don't know 10%

Q7. I feel that the government has refused to order an inquiry because the premier and senior cabinet ministers do not want their role in Dudley George's death exposed

Strongly disagree 15% Somewhat disagree 17% Somewhat agree 22% Strongly agree 27% Don't know 18%

Q8. The provincial government of mike Harris was responsible for the death of Dudley George

Strongly disagree 30% Somewhat disagree 19% Somewhat agree 19% Strongly agree 12% Don't know 20%

22 Q9. If the provincial government calls a public judicial inquiry into the death of Dudley George, would this make you more likely to vote PC in the next general election, less likely or would it have no effect on your decision.

More likely 10% Less likely 8% No effect 76% Don't know 6%

23 Crosstabulations

Decided Vote Intent

% within D1AGE

Liberal NDP PC Other 18-34 72% 7% 16% 5% 35-54 41% 13% 38% 8% 55 & older 46% 8% 43% 3%

% within D2INCOME

Liberal NDP PC Other Under $35,000 46% 20% 29% 5% Under $75,000 51% 5% 38% 6% $75,000 & over 50% 10% 32% 8%

% within D3GENDER

Liberal NDP PC Other Male 47% 8% 38% 6% Female 54% 12% 29% 5%

% within AREA Combined variables of Vote intent and Leaning towards, excluding will not vote and refused Liberal NDP PC Other South west 50% 15% 25% 10% Metro 63% 9% 27% 1% GTA 52% 7% 35% 7% AREA Central 33% 4% 61% 2% North 57% 17% 18% 8% East 41% 11% 43% 5%

24 Q3. Which of the following PC leadership candidates do you support to succeed Mike Harris?

% within D1AGE

Tony Jim Chris Elizabeth clement Ernie Eves Flaherty Stockwell Witmer Don't know 18-34 22% 22% 22% 33% 35-54 5% 69% 10% 3% 13% 55 & older 8% 38% 23% 4% 8% 19%

% within D2INCOME

Tony Jim Chris Elizabeth Clement Ernie Eves Flaherty Stockwell Witmer Don't know Under $35,000 8% 33% 8% 17% 33% Under $75,000 3% 50% 13% 3% 7% 23% $75,000 & over 4% 71% 17% 4% 4%

D3GENDER * Q3BSUCCE Crosstabulation

% within D3GENDER Q3BSUCCE Tony Jim Chris Elizabeth Clement Ernie eves Flaherty Stockwell Witmer Don't know Male 7% 60% 7% 5% 5% 17% Female 3% 44% 22% 3% 9% 19%

% within AREA

Tony Jim Chris Elizabeth Clement Ernie Eves Flaherty Stockwell Witmer Don't know South west 8% 46% 15% 15% 15% Metro 50% 8% 8% 8% 25% GTA 6% 63% 13% 6% 13% Central 7% 64% 21% 7% North 20% 55% 10% 15% East 44% 13% 6% 13% 25%

25 Q4. How aware would you say that you are of native protestor Dudley George and the incident with the OPP that occurred at Ipperwash Provincial Park in September 1995?

% within D1AGE

Not at all Not very Somewhat aware aware aware Very aware Don't know 18-34 35% 30% 19% 15% 2% 35-54 21% 19% 40% 20% 55 & older 12% 18% 38% 30% 2%

% within D2INCOME

Not at all Not very Somewhat aware aware aware Very aware Don't know Under $35,000 19% 36% 19% 24% 3% Under $75,000 22% 18% 40% 19% $75,000 & over 22% 19% 37% 22%

% within D3GENDER

Not at all Not very Somewhat aware aware aware Very aware Don't know Male 20% 19% 36% 23% 2% Female 24% 25% 31% 20% 1%

% within AREA Q4DUDLEY Not at all Not very Somewhat aware aware aware Very aware Don't know South west 14% 14% 36% 35% 1% Metro 23% 29% 32% 16% GTA 21% 24% 29% 23% 3% Central 10% 17% 50% 23% North 30% 27% 33% 10% East 39% 20% 27% 11% 2%

26 % within Combined variables of Vote intent and Leaning towards, excluding will not vote and refused

Not at all Not very Somewhat aware aware aware Very aware Don't know Liberal Combined variables of 23% 26% 33% 18% Vote intent and Leaning NDP 9% 27% 27% 36% towards, excluding will PC 14% 22% 39% 23% 3% not vote and refused Other 8% 46% 46%

27 Q5. In your opinion, did the authorities use excessive force at Ipperwash or did they follow proper procedures?

% within D1AGE

Excessive Proper force procedures Don't know 18-34 60% 19% 21% 35-54 51% 24% 25% 55 & older 36% 36% 29%

% within D2INCOME

Excessive Proper force procedures Don't know Under $35,000 54% 17% 29% Under $75,000 54% 28% 17% $75,000 & over 50% 24% 26%

% within D3GENDER

Excessive Proper force procedures Don't know Male 49% 26% 25% Female 50% 25% 25%

AREA * Q5EXCEES Crosstabulation

% within AREA

Excessive Proper force procedures Don't know South west 42% 42% 17% Metro 65% 16% 19% GTA 44% 23% 34% Central 33% 30% 37% North 53% 17% 30% East 57% 20% 23%

% within Combined variables of Vote intent and Leaning towards, excluding will not vote and refused

Excessive Proper force procedures Don't know Liberal Combined variables of 67% 18% 15% Vote intent and Leaning NDP 64% 23% 14% towards, excluding will PC 36% 38% 26% not vote and refused Other 38% 38% 23%

28 % within Q4DUDLEY Q5 Excessive Proper force procedures Don't know Q4. How aware would Not at all aware 48% 20% 32% you say that you are of native protestor Dudley Not very aware 48% 25% 28% George and the incident with the OPP that occurred Somewhat aware 55% 22% 23% at Ipperwash Provincial Park in September 1995? Very aware 42% 39% 19%

29 Q6. The provincial government of Mike Harris or his successor should call a public judicial inquiry into the death of Dudley George

% within D1AGE

Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly disagree disagree agree agree Don't know 18-34 4% 5% 30% 53% 9% 35-54 7% 10% 26% 49% 7% 55 & older 15% 13% 19% 37% 15%

% within D2INCOME

Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly disagree disagree agree agree Don't know Under $35,000 8% 5% 25% 49% 12% Under $75,000 6% 15% 28% 45% 7% $75,000 & over 9% 8% 23% 52% 8% Don't know / refused 15% 8% 21% 38% 19%

% within D3GENDER

Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly disagree disagree agree agree Don't know Male 11% 11% 22% 47% 9% Female 7% 9% 28% 46% 11%

AREA * Q6INQUIR Crosstabulation

% within AREA

Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly disagree disagree agree agree Don't know South west 14% 10% 25% 42% 10% Metro 8% 31% 53% 8% GTA 10% 16% 19% 44% 11% Central 20% 10% 13% 43% 13% North 10% 7% 23% 50% 10% East 2% 5% 34% 50% 9%

% within Combined variables of Vote intent and Leaning towards, excluding will not vote and ref

Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly disagree disagree agree agree Don't know Liberal Combined variables of 6% 9% 27% 52% 5% Vote intent and Leaning NDP 5% 5% 18% 68% 5% towards, excluding will PC 12% 12% 34% 31% 11% not vote and refused Other 8% 23% 69%

30 % within Q4DUDLEY Q6 Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly disagree disagree agree agree Don't know Q4. How aware would Not at all aware 5% 12% 27% 38% 18% you say that you are of native protestor Dudley Not very aware 6% 5% 29% 45% 15% George and the incident with the OPP that occurred Somewhat aware 6% 10% 27% 51% 6% at Ipperwash Provincial Park in September 1995? Very aware 19% 13% 17% 48% 3%

31 Q7. I feel that the government has refused to order an inquiry because the premier and senior cabinet ministers do not want their role in Dudley George's death exposed

% within D1AGE

Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly disagree disagree agree agree Don't know 18-34 11% 19% 28% 23% 19% 35-54 16% 20% 16% 30% 17% 55 & older 18% 11% 26% 25% 20%

% within D2INCOME

Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly disagree disagree agree agree Don't know Under $35,000 17% 10% 22% 27% 24% Under $75,000 17% 22% 19% 31% 10% $75,000 & over 13% 19% 23% 24% 20%

% within D3GENDER

Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly disagree disagree agree agree Don't know Male 13% 18% 20% 29% 19% Female 17% 16% 25% 25% 17%

% within AREA

Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly disagree disagree agree agree Don't know South west 18% 18% 21% 25% 18% Metro 11% 21% 27% 26% 15% GTA 16% 19% 19% 24% 21% Central 30% 10% 27% 17% 17% North 7% 10% 20% 37% 27% East 11% 16% 20% 36% 16%

32 % within Combined variables of Vote intent and Leaning towards, excluding will not vote and ref Q7EXPOSE Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly disagree disagree agree agree Don't know Liberal Combined variables of 14% 15% 26% 29% 15% Vote intent and Leaning NDP 18% 9% 5% 64% 5% towards, excluding will PC 23% 23% 20% 16% 18% not vote and refused Other 15% 8% 15% 46% 15%

% within Q4DUDLEY Q7 Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly disagree disagree agree agree Don't know Q4. How aware would Not at all aware 12% 18% 23% 24% 23% you say that you are of native protestor Dudley Not very aware 12% 20% 22% 18% 28% George and the incident with the OPP that occurred Somewhat aware 13% 20% 26% 31% 11% at Ipperwash Provincial Park in September 1995? Very aware 27% 9% 16% 34% 14%

33 Q8. The provincial government of mike Harris was responsible for the death of Dudley George

% within D1AGE

Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly disagree disagree agree agree Don't know 18-34 27% 25% 17% 17% 14% 35-54 29% 20% 21% 10% 21% 55 & older 33% 13% 18% 11% 25%

% within D2INCOME

Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly disagree disagree agree agree Don't know Under $35,000 22% 10% 20% 20% 27% Under $75,000 32% 19% 21% 13% 15% $75,000 & over 28% 24% 19% 8% 21%

% within D3GENDER

Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly disagree disagree agree agree Don't know Male 29% 20% 18% 11% 21% Female 30% 19% 20% 13% 19%

% within AREA

Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly disagree disagree agree agree Don't know South west 36% 19% 10% 14% 21% Metro 23% 23% 19% 8% 27% GTA 32% 16% 21% 10% 21% Central 47% 17% 17% 10% 10% North 23% 13% 30% 13% 20% East 18% 25% 25% 18% 14%

34 % within Combined variables of Vote intent and Leaning towards, excluding will not vote and ref Q8RESPON Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly disagree disagree agree agree Don't know Liberal Combined variables of 21% 26% 22% 14% 17% Vote intent and Leaning NDP 14% 14% 32% 23% 18% towards, excluding will PC 45% 20% 12% 3% 20% not vote and refused Other 38% 8% 38% 15%

% within Q4DUDLEY Q8 Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly disagree disagree agree agree Don't know Q4. How aware would Not at all aware 20% 17% 23% 12% 29% you say that you are of native protestor Dudley Not very aware 32% 20% 14% 12% 22% George and the incident with the OPP that occurred Somewhat aware 26% 25% 23% 10% 17% at Ipperwash Provincial Park in September 1995? Very aware 44% 14% 16% 14% 13%

35 Q9. If the provincial government calls a public judicial inquiry into the death of Dudley George, would this make you more likely to vote PC in the next general election, less likely or would it have no effect on your decision.

% within D1AGE

More likely Less likely No effect Don't know 18-34 12% 9% 78% 1% 35-54 11% 4% 78% 7% 55 & older 6% 13% 71% 10%

% within D2INCOME

More likely Less likely No effect Don't know Under $35,000 19% 14% 59% 8% Under $75,000 7% 9% 81% 4% $75,000 & over 9% 2% 87% 2%

% within D3GENDER

More likely Less likely No effect Don't know Male 13% 7% 77% 4% Female 7% 9% 75% 8%

% within AREA

More likely Less likely No effect Don't know South west 11% 10% 72% 7% Metro 11% 5% 81% 3% GTA 6% 6% 77% 10% Central 17% 83% North 10% 13% 67% 10% East 7% 14% 75% 5%

36 % within Combined variables of Vote intent and Leaning towards, excluding will no vote and refused

More likely Less likely No effect Don't know Liberal Combined variables of 6% 9% 83% 2% Vote intent and Leaning NDP 14% 18% 68% towards, excluding will PC 18% 4% 76% 3% not vote and refused Other 15% 8% 77%

% within Q4DUDLEY Q9 More likely Less likely No effect Don't know Q4. How aware would Not at all aware 5% 11% 71% 14% you say that you are of native protestor Dudley Not very aware 6% 8% 83% 3% George and the incident with the OPP that occurred Somewhat aware 12% 2% 83% 3% at Ipperwash Provincial Park in September 1995? Very aware 14% 16% 67% 3%