Arxiv:2102.04557V3 [Cond-Mat.Dis-Nn] 27 Mar 2021 Updates , and Modern Extensions of This Methodology During Dynamics, Without Any Algorithmic Aid1

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Arxiv:2102.04557V3 [Cond-Mat.Dis-Nn] 27 Mar 2021 Updates , and Modern Extensions of This Methodology During Dynamics, Without Any Algorithmic Aid1 Non-equilibrium criticality and efficient exploration of glassy landscapes with memory dynamics Yan Ru Pei1, ∗ and Massimiliano Di Ventra1, y 1Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego La Jolla, CA 92093 Spin glasses are notoriously difficult to study both analytically and numerically due to the presence of frustration and metastability. Their highly non-convex landscapes require collective updates to explore efficiently. Currently, most state-of-the-art algorithms rely on stochastic spin clusters to perform non-local updates, but such \cluster algorithms" lack general efficiency. Here, we introduce a non-equilibrium approach for simulating spin glasses based on classical dynamics with memory. By simulating various classes of 3d spin glasses (Edwards-Anderson, partially-frustrated, and fully- frustrated models), we find that memory dynamically promotes critical spin clusters during time evolution, in a self-organizing manner. This facilitates an efficient exploration of the low-temperature phases of spin glasses. I. INTRODUCTION which proved to be very effective for the 2d ferro- magnetic Ising model. Unfortunately, despite several The study of spin glasses has contributed substantially modifications made to account for the non-locality of 25,26 to our understanding of a wide variety of phenomena1{3, frustration , these cluster algorithms still struggle for much beyond the complex magnetic models for which high-dimensional glasses. The main reason behind their they were first introduced4. In their most basic form, inefficiency is the tendency for the cluster percolation these systems are described by the following simple process to be persistently hyper-critical, due to a mis- Hamiltonian5: match of critical temperature and cluster percolation ratio27,28. This means that the largest cluster compo- X 29 H = − Jijsisj; (1) nent generally covers the entire lattice , resulting in a ij trivial global spin-flip in most cases. At the present stage, the best known method for tam- where the spins, arranged on some d-dimensional lattice, ing the above issues is to generate clusters based on acquire the values, si = ±1, and interact via coupling replica overlaps (referred to as the \isoenergetic cluster constants, Jij = ±1, with J a multivariate random vari- move" (ICM) method)30,31, which reverses the percola- able taken from some distribution. tion ratio28. This is generally coupled with replica ex- Despite the deceptively simple form, the energy land- change methods such as parallel tempering (PT) for effi- scape of the model Hamiltonian (1) is highly non- cient thermalization32. Unfortunately, this approach re- trivial6,7 for most conceivable distributions of J. Decades lies heavily on the dimension of the lattice, and still tends of mathematical ingenuity have culminated in efficient to over-percolate in certain temperature ranges. Another (namely, polynomial-time) algorithms for computing recent trend is to use machine learning techniques to help the partition function of any realization of J in two identify efficient clusters33, by putting the hidden nodes dimensions8{11, but an efficient algorithm to simulate on the edges (or plaquettes) of the lattice34. In some glasses in d > 2 remains elusive. In fact, finding the cases, the efforts towards this direction have been half- ground state of a three-dimensional glass with arbitrary hearted attempts in under-employing the representative bonds was shown to be NP-complete12, with the task of power35 of Boltzmann machines in modeling the Boltz- computing its partition function shown to be NP-hard13. mann distribution of the Ising glass, resulting in mathe- This hardness fundamentally limits the efficiency of any matically equivalent formulations of the traditional clus- stochastic algorithm. ter algorithms25. Earlier approaches for simulating the model Hamil- Here, instead, we propose a novel non-stochastic ap- tonian (1) were based on sequential Metropolis proach to efficiently learn the critical clusters of the glass 14,15 arXiv:2102.04557v3 [cond-mat.dis-nn] 27 Mar 2021 updates , and modern extensions of this methodology during dynamics, without any algorithmic aid1. In sharp 16{20 have also been proposed . However, these algorithms contrast to previous stochastic methods, which treat the are generally plagued by a large dynamical critical expo- spins and time as discrete variables, we first linearly 21 nent, making the simulation largely inefficient . relax41 the spin variables, and then couple them to mem- Later on, a method based on the synchronous update of a large correlated cluster of spins was suggested22{24, 1 This approach is an application of the more general computing paradigm known as memcomputing36, which has been successful ∗Email: [email protected] in the solution of a variety of problems ranging from constrained yEmail: [email protected] optimization to unsupervised learning37{40. 2 II. MEMORY DYNAMICS To introduce the memory dynamics, we first introduce the continuously relaxed spin glass Hamiltonian44, X 1 H = − J σ σ − µ (σ2 + σ2); σ 2 [−1; +1]; ij i j 2 ij i j i ij (2) where µ are non-uniform memory variables acting as dy- namic Lagrange multipliers for constraints on the spin magnitude. If µ were fixed in time, then the standard dynamics7 X @tσi = −∇σi H = Jijσj − µijσi ; (3) j would suffer from long auto-correlation times (critical slowing down), due to the presence of metastable states, even when the spins are continuously relaxed. -1≤σ≤+1 Therefore, in order to efficiently escape these states, 0≤μ≤+1 we can continuously deform the energy local minima, and transform them into saddle points38,46 by letting the memory variables to evolve as FIG. 1: An instance of using memory to learn long-range dynamics in a 2d ferromagnet, where both spins and memory variables are linearly relaxed. The memory variables \live" @tµij = (Jijσiσj − γ); (4) on the bonds (denoted by green squares), and they are cou- 39 pled to the interaction between adjacent spin states (denoted where γ is some constant restricting the growth of µij , by blue/orange circles), in such a way that positive interac- and µij 2 [0; 1]. By providing dynamics to the vari- tions increase the memory magnitudes. A potential memory ables µ , we see that the \gradient term" P J σ for cluster is shaded in green, where the memory variables can ij j ij j the spins in Eq. (3) is compensated by the \cluster-like" be interpreted as percolation ratios. P update term − j µijσi in the same equation (see dis- cussion below). By simulating the coupled Eqs. (3) and (4) until the system reaches a fixed time-out, we can take si = sgn(σi) ory variables. The coupled spin-memory system is then for a recorded state that minimizes the Ising energy evolved in continuous time. in Eq. (1). Many numerical strategies can be used to improve the stability and convergence properties of 39 The memory variables learn from the evolution of the the simulation . They are also included in the codes 45 interacting continuous spins, and their magnitudes corre- of the repository PeaBrane/Ising-Simulation , which spond to the (non-uniform) percolation ratios that help can be used to directly reproduce Figs.2 and3. The par- generate critical clusters. This, in turn, induces non- ticular numerical implementation we used in this work is local updates of the spins, allowing them to easily transit given as between different Gibbs states of the glass. The evo- X X lution of the spins and memory variables occurs simul- σ_ i = α Jijσj − 2β xijσi taneously, meaning that the memory variables do not j j \wait" for the spins to equilibrate before updating them- (5) x_ ij = γCij − yij selves. This process induces a non-equilibrium critical- ity which persists throughout the entire evolution of the y_ij = δxij − ζ; system, regardless of the underlying temperature or lat- 1 tice size. We verify this by simulating the memory dy- where Cij = 2 (Jijσiσj + 1) 2 [0; 1], y is a secondary namics on three different classes of 3d spin glasses: the long-term memory ensuring stability39, and α; β; γ; δ; ζ Edwards-Anderson4, partially-frustrated, and the fully- are time-scale parameters, fixed for all system sizes. We frustrated model42 (EA, PF, and FF) models. Similar used the Euler method to integrate forward the above results for other types of spin glasses on various graph equations. More implementation details and the choice structures2,43,44 may be reproduced using the codes as- of parameters are given in the Supplementary Material sociated with this work45. (SM) SectionD. 3 1.4 100 1.3 -1 1.2 10 1.1 10-2 1 0.9 10-3 0.8 0.7 10-4 0.6 10-5 100 101 102 103 10-3 10-2 10-1 FIG. 2: Simulations performed on 1000 fully-frustrated 3d Ising glasses (see SMF2) sized 6 3 to 123. (Left) The effective 3 temperature, Teff , of the memory dynamics is tracked in time (see SMF3 for how we estimate this temperature) for the 6 lattice. The critical temperature, Tc, of the fully frustrated glass is determined using the crossing of Binder's cumulant (see SM F 4). Note that the time it takes Teff to dive below Tc is extremely short, less than 4 units of time, after which the memory 2 dynamics remain persistently below Tc. (Right) An arbitrary point in time t0 = 10 is chosen, and the cluster size distribution (CSD) is collected over the disorder realizations, and a ∆t = 26 time window. Other than the tailing drop-off resulting from finite-size effects, the CSD follows a power-law decay with the Fischer exponent beingτ ^ = 2:20 ± 0:01 for all simulated sizes. See Fig.5 in the SM for further empirical evidence that the Fischer exponent is insensitive to the underlying temperature and lattice size, though it is dependent on the frustration profile of the underlying glass.
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