History of Mildenhall Parish Council 1894 – 1999

Index Introduction Page 1

The History and Functions of Parish Councils Page 2

The role of parish councils Page 3

The Minutes of Mildenhall Parish Council Page 4

Appendix 1 Council Chairman between 1894 and 1999 Page 199 Appendix 2 Council Vice Chairman between 1894 and 1999 Page 199 Appendix 3 Council Clerks between 1894 and 1999 Page 200 Appendix 4 Longest serving councillors between 1894 and 1999 Page 200 Appendix 5 Estimates/Precepts between 1894 and 1999 Page 201 References Page 203 Kingsway Cemetery Page 203


Mildenhall Parish Council (MPC) was formed in 1894 and covered the Parish of Mildenhall, this comprised Mildenhall (High Town) and the villages of West Row (WR) Beck Row (BR), Holywell Row (HR) and Kenny Hill (KH).

The research for this project was carried out by Brian Sulman parish councillor from 1999 and chairman 2009/2011 and 2015/16. It is a record of the activities of the council until Beck Row, Holywell Row and Kenny Hill formed their own council in 1999 and is from research at the Bury Record Office using the official council minute books. It is acknowledged that this only a summary and readers requiring more information should see the actual records which may be found under ref EG 711/1/1 to EG 711/1/17. Please note that there are many abbreviations used in this document and the full words will be given in the first instance of their use. [ Brackets are used where notes are by B Sulman].

A database has also been produced which records the names of every person who has been a member of Mildenhall Parish Council during the period 1894 -1999. It also records the attendance of every councillor at every meeting of the full council and also includes those elected as chairman and vice chairman.

Update At the time of this update, April 2018 it has been agreed that the parish will be split from the elections to be held in May 2019. The existing ward of West Row which includes Isleham Marina will form it own parish council.

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THE HISTORY AND FUNCTIONS OF PARISH COUNCILS Parish Councils have their origins in the development of villages, all over , during Saxon and Norman times - 1000 or more years ago. Villages were ruled by the Lord of the Manor because as communications were poor and central government often weak, there was little national control. Sometimes the villages all met to make decisions which affected the whole community. Gradually, it seems, that Parish Priests and sometimes Schoolmasters joined the Lord of the Manor to become a kind of ruling clique because in small villages they were the only people who could reason right. It was probably them that became the first effective parish councils.

By the Year 1601, Church Vestry Meetings were so organised and workable that it was quite natural for legislators to give them the responsibility of levying the poor rate. These were the first effective local taxes. Everyone in the parish was entitled to attend Church Vestry Meetings but in practice the work fell to a few individuals, rather like Parish Councils today.

Although the 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act removed from Parish Vestries the responsibility for poor relief and handed it to Poor Law Unions (the origins of our present District Councils) parishes had naturally accumulated responsibility for administering local charities, managing commons under distribution of land as a consequence of the 18th Century Enclosure Acts.

In 1894 although the Squire, the Parson and sometimes the Schoolmaster were still the leaders in the village, popular education was spreading and more people wanted a say in managing local affairs.

The great Victorian Prime Minister, W.E. Gladstone, piloted the 1894 Local Government Act through the House of Commons. It met a lot of opposition, for example there were over eight hundred amendments moved during its passage through the House. Nevertheless, the Act became law and Parish Councils were formed.

Under the 1894 Act, Parish Councils were to receive their income from rates levied on agricultural land, but this was a time of agricultural depression and the money raised was so very low that soon this system was abandoned. Householders were then rated; something householders had never experienced before, and this lead to more opposition to Parish Councils. It wasn‟t until after the first world war that Central Government began to give serious responsibilities to Parish Councils. The earliest among them being the provision of allotments and playing fields. Although an Act relating to allotments had been passed in 1908.

After the second world war the National Association of Parish Councils was formed, and by 1952 half of all parishes in the country were members, Mildenhall joining in 1948. The Association became a national force and raised the profile and consequently the activity of parish councils.

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Role of Parish Councils The 1965 Royal Commission on Local Government (The Redcliffe-Maude Commission) recommended that local councils should be empowered to do what they pleased for the benefit of their people, and a consequence of this was the very important 1972 Local Government Act which removed many of the restrictions on the activities of parish councils. For example, before the 1972 Act, parish councils couldn‟t save money from one year to the next in order to fund a major project. Something all councils have to do these days to avoid having a massive council tax for each year that anything new is attempted. Subsequent legislation has added to parish council powers and now local councils can undertake any of the following things:-

The provision of allotments. Developing and improving knowledge of the arts and crafts. Provision of bars and laundrettes. Cemeteries, crematoria, maintenance of churchyards and the provision of mortuaries. Provision and maintenance of public clocks. Provision of any form of public entertainment and of any premises for giving entertainments; this includes maintaining bands or orchestras and providing for dancing. The provision of buildings for public meetings and functions, indoor sports, physical recreation, for clubs having recreation, social or athletic objectives. The provision and maintenance of footway lighting, which lights roads and pavements. The provision of litter bins and the support of anti-litter campaigns. The provision and maintenance of public open spaces, pleasure grounds and public walks, public lavatories, car parks, cycle parks, public parks and associated facilities. Maintenance of public footpaths and bridleways, planting and maintaining road side verges. Maintenance of public seats, shelters for general public use and particularly for bus passengers, erection of signs which warn of dangers, renounce a place name or indicate a bus stop. Provision of indoor or outdoor swimming pools or bathing places. Provision of facilities for conferences, the encouragement of recreation and business tourism. Powers to maintain a village or town green.

In addition to all those things, a parish council can do anything, provided it is for the general benefit of the community, and that the expenditure in any one year does not exceed (an amount fixed each year) per local government elector in that particular parish or community. But indeed, most things that the parish council might wish to do or hope to do could be covered by other legislation for which expenditure is unlimited. The only limit being imposed is that of the reluctance of parishioners to pay.

What happened next at Mildenhall was probably fairly typical. In accordance with the terms of the Act the first Parish Meeting was called at the Police Station on Monday, December 31st, 1894 and the business to be transacted was to elect a Chairman for the meeting and to elect parish councillors. The number of parish councillors, it was declared, was to be thirteen. Chas Stebbing was elected chairman with seven votes narrowly defeating Odden Read with six votes. The Rev A G Livingstone was elected vice chairman. The other councillors were as follows; Messrs Aldrich, Betts, Boyce, Rev Burt, Butcher, Carpenter, Cook, Ford, Goodrich.

The number of parish councillors is based on the population and at the 1891 census the population was 3732.

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The Minutes of Mildenhall Parish Council.

The first meeting of Mildenhall Parish Council was held on Monday December 31st 1894 at the Police station.

Mess Aldrich, Betts, Boyce, Rev Burt, Butcher, Carpenter, Cook, Ford, Goodrich, Rev Livingstone, MaClaren, Randall & Wain. Chairman elected Charles Stebbing (7 votes) Odden Read (6 votes) (voting is recorded in minute book). Vice Chairman Rev A G Livingstone, Treasurer Odden Read. Overseers, the 5 churchwarden plus Read, Aldrich, Jas Pratt, Jonas Webb and Jos Morley. Next meeting to be held on Jan 11th at 7 o clock. [minute (min) book]

January 11th 1895 All present except Mr Abraham Ford. Chief constable has said the room will not be available in future, it was agreed to write to the County Council. Trustees appointed (9) Aldrich, Betts, Wain, Rev Burt, Carpenter, MaClaren, Jno Cook, A Ford, Stebbing. First payment of £20 from overseers to the treasurer.

March 23 1895 held at the Police Court Mr Butcher resigned and James Rolfe was elected. Capt Owers reported on the condition of the High Town fire engine. It was new 74 years ago and will cost £30 to repair by Shand Mason, they offered a second hand machine for £72 10s and £10 for the old engine. Also agreed to loan an engine. It was agreed to have the old machine inspected by Burrell, Thetford. It was agreed there would be no Parish meeting. [min book]

April 19 1895 at Police Court Chairman Chas Stebbing, VC Rev Livingstone. 9 overseers, Geo Betts, Alfred Pratt, James Rolfe, Henry Butcher, O J Read, A W Aldrich, Jonas Webb, Jas Pratt, Jos Morley. [as before] Highway Surveyors, Wm Parker, Favor Parker, Jonas Webb, Jas Pratt, Fred Gittus and R Boyce. Fire Engine Letter from Eugene Unglass, it was agreed that Unglass and William Ford would inspect the engine and estimate for repair. List of applications for allotments. Meeting adjourned until April 26th [min book]

April 26th 1895 Fire Engine. Agreed to purchase new engine from Shand Mason for £70. [min book]

Sept 20th 1895 Agreed to spend £7 10s on West Row Fire Brigade. Letter from County Council ref flooding near the police station. Notice of intention to quit the workhouse, accepted. [min book]

Jan 31st 1896 Agreed the clerks salary to be £5. [min book]

Annual meeting on April 17th 1896 at the Police Court. Chairman Chas Stebbing, VC Rev Livingstone Overseers, R Fincham, E Bradfield, O J Read, Betts, A W Aldrich, James Rolfe, James Pratt, Joseph Morley, Hy Butcher. Highway surveyors, Favor Parker, William Parker, Robert Boyce, James Pratt, FredK Gittus, Butcher Curtis who replaces Jonas Webb. R A Boyce was appointed collector for the surveyor. Fire engine It was decided not to sell the old engine to Shand Mason for £10. [min book]

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At the annual meeting of Mildenhall Parish Council on Friday evening the councillors all signed declarations of office, except Councillor A W Aldrich who was absent through illness. Mr C Stebbing was unanimously re-elected Chairman, and the Rev A G Livingstone, vice-chairman, Messrs O F Reed, G L Betts, J Rolfe, J Pratt, J Morley, H Butcher, A W Aldrich, Robert Fincham and Bradfield were appointed overseers for the town and hamlets. Messrs F Parker, W Parker, J Pratt, F Gittus, R Boyce, and Butcher Curtis were appointed highway surveyors, and Mr R A Boyce was re-appointed clerk to the surveyors. A five years guarantee for the new engine was received from Messrs Shand and Mason, but their offer to purchase the old engine for £10 was not accepted. Ely Weekly Guardian 24th April 1896

July 24th 1896 Discussion on old workhouse, valued at £250, annual rent £20. The proceeds from the sale to help remove the school board dept. West Row Brigade, it was agreed that William Ford will be recognised as captain of that brigade and agreed £7 10s for maintenance of brigade. [min book]

At a parish meeting held at Mildenhall on Friday evening, Mr Charles Stebbing presiding, Mr Odden F Read proposed, and the Rev A G Livingstone seconded “That the consent of this meeting be given to the sale by the Parish Council of Mildenhall of the interest of the parish in the premises lately in the occupation of the Guardians of the Mildenhall Union as a Workhouse.” The motion was carried unanimously. Mr Read mentioned that part of the old workhouse property belonged to the Guardians; the other part the Guardians had hired from Mildenhall parish at £45 a year. The Union authorities had determined also to sell their portion of the building. With reference to the bridge about to be built over the Lark, at Jude’s Ferry, West Row, Mr Read pointed out that the County Council would bear the expenses up to £1,000. The approaches had been purchased by public subscription, at a cost of nearly £150, and for legal and other expenses some £20 further might be added; but the subscriptions fell somewhat short of the sum required, and it was thought that the parish of Mildenhall should make a contribution out of the highway rate towards the approaches. Mr W S Owers proposed, and Mr C Gee seconded, that the a sum not exceeding £25 for the purpose. Ely Weekly Guardian 16th October 1896

West County Council report of meeting held at Shire Hall Bury St Edmunds, on Monday. The building of the bridge was accepted Messrs Smith & Sons, Mildenhall for builders and engineers work, £542; Mr E W Diver, Isleham for road work to approaches and fences, £391 5s 6d. Ely Weekly Guardian 13th November 1896

December 11th 1896 W W Boughen in attendance Workhouse. It was agreed to sell the workhouse by auction by Henry Long. 1/6 owned by Union 5/6 owned by council. [min book]

At a meeting of the Mildenhall Parish Council on Friday evening, Mr Charles Stebbing presiding, it was resolved to sell the old Mildenhall Union Workhouse building (the property of Mildenhall parish in one part, the other part belonging to the Guardians) by auction; Mr H large to be the auctioneer. The Clerk produced the order and conditions of sale received from the Local Government Board. A Committee of the Council was appointed to meet a Committee of the Guardians with a view to effect a joint sale of the respective properties. Ely Weekly Guardian 16th December 1896

Feb 26th 1897 Workhouse. The sale would be held on Friday March 18th with a reserve of £350. Annual Parish meeting to be held on Monday March 15th. A public meeting at Boys Schoolroom on March 8th to consider how to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of H M Queen. [min book]

April 22 1897 5 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Chairman Chas Stebbing, VC Rev A G Livingstone Overseers and Highway surveyors appointed. R A Boyce appointed collector for £21. Mr Jno Wain had left the district. Workhouse. It was agreed that a separate account be opened for the funds, Parish Property Account. [min book]

The New Parish Council. The annual parish meeting was held in the schoolroom on Monday evening, Mr C Stebbing presiding. The nominations were as follows:- Arthur Worlledge Aldrich physician George Langridge Betts land agent Walter William Boughen coal merchant Robert Boyce gentleman Henry Matthew Burt Baptist minister James Carpenter agricultural labourer John Cook farmer Edwin George Goodrich corn and coal merchant Arthur Guiness Livingstone clerk in holy orders Duncan MaClaren tailor and outfitter Henry Randall butcher and farmer James Rolph farmer William Edward Williams grocer and draper The Chairman declared these gentlemen elected. (13)

After the parish meeting at Mildenhall on Monday evening, a meeting was held to receive suggestions for the local celebration of the Great Jubilee. The Rev A G Livingstone presided, and it was resolved to spend a sum of £60 for the purpose of adding Westminster chimes to the church clock in High Town; it was also resolved to give an entertainment, ac., to the poor of the High Town on the 21st June. A committee, consisting of the members of the Parish Council, and Messrs O F Read, E Compton, W D Owers, C Palmer, M B Wooley, J Goodrich and J D Antill were appointed to carry out arrangements, with Mr R A Boyce as secretary. Ely Weekly Guardian 19th March 1897

December 17th 1897 Fire Brigade. The High Town brigade was short of hose, it has 100 yards good plus 80-90 yards damaged, needs 400 yards. Agreed to purchase 200 yards plus couplings and 100 yards no couplings. [min book] March 18th 1898 Receive Capt Owers resignation as chief officer of High Town Brigade. Hy Randall appointed. A precept of £47 was agreed.

April 15th 1898 Annual meeting Stebbing and Livingstone both re-elected Dr Dunn made a proposition [but is not listed as a councillor] ! Overseers; Betts, Read, Jas Pratt, Rolfe, C Bradfield, R Fincham, Jos Morley, Henry Butcher & Fred Gittus Highway Surveyors; Butcher Curtis, Rob Boyce, Jas Pratt, Jas Rolfe, Favor Parker, Rob Fincham & William Parker. R A Boyce appointed as collector to the surveyor. Petition; asking for a water cart to water the streets of High Town. Voted 7 v 5 to purchase cart. Questioned if council could legally purchase a cart for just one part of the parish Stebbing, Dr Dunn & MaClaren to check.

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[BS Question was Dr Dunn a councillor] ?

November 4th 1898 at clerk’s office 1, to consider appropriation of amount raised from sale of old workhouse. 2, To consider extension to W E Williams shop front (by 6”) agreed. 3, Vote amount for High town Brigade. £7 10s 4, fill vacancies of James Rolfe (deceased) – Butcher Curtis elected Rev Livingstone (left district) – O F Read elected

February 10th 1899 To invest funds from old workhouse, £276 16/3 in 23/4 % consolidated stock

April 21st 1899 Annual meeting Stebbing re-elected chairman Odden F Read elected v c Charity Trustees A Aldrich (left district) replaced by William Pettit James Rolfe (dec) replaced by Charles Rolfe [G Jeffery in attendance but possibly not a councillor].

January 12th 1900 West Row Fire Brigade, Capt Ford asked if he could purchase 50 ft of hose Agreed to arrange a house to house collection for War Fund.

April 20th 1900 Annual meeting Stebbing and Read both re-elected

April 19th 1901 Annual meeting Stebbing and Read both re-elected Death of Queen Victoria The council regrets the news of the death of Queen Victoria and send best wishes to King Edward Vii and congratulates him on his accession to the throne.

Aug 2nd 1901 To receive accounts of Fire Brigades and resignation of High Town Officer. Members of the brigade suggested Lieut Smith be appointed Chief Officer. Councillors asked for a more suitable man and Fireman Brown was asked to take charge until an officer is appointed.

December 6th 1901 High Town Fire Brigade. Mr C E Brown was appointed Chief Officer Repairs to West Row Fire Brigade, £25 approved.

February 6th 1902 High Town Fire Brigade, Damage to hoses whilst in engine house. A reward of £5 for information leading to a conviction of offender.

April 18th 1902 Annual meeting Stebbing and Read both re-elected Henry Randall (left district) replaced by W G Ecclestone 7 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

C S Parker to arrange Coronation festivities at Beck Row W G Boyce to arrange Coronation Festivities at West Row Public meeting to arrange Coronation Festivities at High Town

February 13th 1903 Agreed to repair the footpath to Wamil. Flooding near Police Station, a matter for the highway authority. Agreed CEMETARY ROAD or (NEATWAY) NORTHWAY will be changed to KINGSWAY Eugene Unglas (engineer at H T F B) asked for an increase in salary. Agreed £7 10s pa Matters for both F B discussed.

April 21st 1903 Annual meeting Stebbing and Read both re-elected To appoint representatives to serve on managing bodies of local parish schools. List of names.

February 12th 1904 Mostly F B matters

April 15th 1904 Annual meeting Stebbing and Read both re-elected.

July 24th 1904 Letter from Local Government Board concerning the keeping of the Fire Brigade (FB) accounts. Agreed in future to pay fixed rates for firemen as follows; Officers 5/- per hour 1st hour 2/6 afterwards Firemen 3/- “ “ 1/6 “ Pumpers 1/- “ “ 6d “

April 19th 1905 Annual meeting Stebbing and Read both re-elected Chief Officer Brown reported that H T F B had attended one fire in the last year.

July 21st 1905 [nothing outstanding noted]

April 20th 1906 Annual meeting Letter from Cllr Stebbing that due to failing health he was unable to continue in the office of chairman Odden F Read elected chairman G L Betts elected VC Fireman Walter Clarke appointed engineer replacing H J Unglas (dec)

July 27th 1906 Charles Rolfe appointed trustee of New School Albert Clarke appointed trustee of New School

December 7th 1906 Mostly F B matters 8 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

April 19th 1907 Annual meeting Read and Betts both re-elected F B Matters

June 21st 1907 List of applicants for small holdings (to be sent to County Council WSCC) B R between 1 - 50 acres 21 = 293 acres W R between 1- 10 acres 43 = 167 acres Letter from Eriswell PC re footbridge over the Lode, agreed to repair at a cost of 25/-.

August 30th 1907 F B agreed to insure the members of the F B

April 22nd 1908 Annual meeting Read and Betts both re-elected To fill vacancy left by W G Boyce (dec) Eustage B Smith 6 votes, Alfred Woollard 3 votes Allotments This council will entertain applications for 1 acre and under

July 17th 1908 Allotments High Town (H T) 8 applicants for 53/4 acres, 3 not entitled , 5 need 2 ¾ acres W R 6 “ 6 acres, 2 “ , 4 need 4 acres A committee was appointed to find land and if none available to apply to CC under powers of compulsory purchase.

October 2nd 1908 Allotments H T now 4 needed 1 ¾ acres No land available in H T or W R at present.

March 26th 1909 Allotments must be for labouring classes, H T now no longer a need.

April 16th 1909 Read and Betts both re-elected. W Stebbing (dec) replaced by E J Mutton

November 5th 1909 Mr Sargent Jaggard elected to fill vacancy

April 15th 1910 Annual meeting D MaClaren elected chairman Thanks to Mr Read for four years as chairman Betts re-elected as VC Frequent complaints about footpath to Railway Station Various F B matters

November 11th 1910 9 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Insurance of firemen agreed

November 18th 1910 F B matters School manager

February 3rd 1911 Footpath repairs Resignation of Betts, vote of thanks, councillor since formation of council

April 21st 1911 Annual meeting MaClaren re-elected chairman Vice Chairman Rev Fowler 5 votes, Mutton 3 votes Betts (resigned) replaced by E V Boyce Various F B matters

May 5th 1911 [nothing noted]

July 21st 1911 WSCC letter re rent of land for use as allotments

December 29th 1911 To consider WSCC allotment land Death of W E Williams replaced by Luther C J Parker Resignation of S Jaggard replaced by W O Morley

April 19th 1912 Annual meeting MaClaren re-elected chairman Mutton elected V C Resignation of Burton replaced by Arthur Vale F B matters

April 13th 1913 Annual meeting MaClaren & Mutton both re-elected F B matters

October 24th 1913 Rent to WSCC for allotment land £60 Numerous complaints about state of streets in H T, to write to WSCC

April 24th 1914 Annual meeting MaClaren & Mutton both re-elected

February 5th 1915 More complaints about state of streets in H T, agreed to write to WSCC Councillors concerned that public money is being wasted on high salaries for teachers at Infants School.

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April 16th 1915 Annual meeting MaClaren & Mutton both re-elected Complaint about state of road near chalk pit at Kingsway entrance to town F B matters

June 25th 1915 1, Councillors concerning residents when rooms are booked for billeting or training and then the occupants disappear, letter to be written. Also Mildenhall has many facilities for accommodation and training troops i.e. 1000 yard rifle range, ample water supply, open heaths, railway station, telegraph and telephone office. 2, Letter from Sir Henry Bunbury explaining more chalk from Chalk Pit near Wamil footpath for repair of river bank.

March 3rd 1916 Letter from Sir Henry Bunbury about repairing fences at Chalk Pit at half Moon Place, wishes to discontinue to repair as boys keep breaking them. agreed

April 16th 1916 Annual meeting MaClaren and Mutton both re-elected Agreed that Fire Engine houses and contents be insured against damage by aircraft. F B reports

January 19th 1917 Untidy condition of rubbish tip near “Half Moon”, Committee appointed to investigate. Wamil footpath, agreed 8 loads of shingle may be used. Agreed to write to RDC about untidy condition of road around the churchyard.

April 20th 1917 Annual meeting MaClaren and Mutton both re-elected. F B reports including horses for fire engines, left to F B committee to investigate. Resolved to appoint R A Boyce as Assistant Overseer & Clerk to Parish Council at a salary of £892 10/- and £7 10/- respectively.

November 16th 1917 Only five councillors present. Considered forming a “Sparrow” Club, committee formed to get more information how they worked.

January 18th 1918 1, A warning to the public to take care in the event of a daylight raid, to arrange for ringing of a church bell. Members of W R and B R requested to make similar arrangements. 2, A notice board to be erected near the parish pit, rubbish to be deposited in the pit, not on the roadside. 3, Sparrow and Rat Club. It was resolved that Mildenhall R D C be asked to sanction the payment from rates from all parishes in the union in the expense of killing sparrows and rats. The members of the PC undertaking to arrange for the collection of same for Mildenhall parish.

April 19th 1918 Annual meeting MaClaren and Mutton both re-elected 11 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

F B report

January 3rd 1919 Council offered to purchase seven poplar trees near Half Moon pit when felled. Wamil footpath, used 9 yards but need an extra 3 yards to complete the job. Agreed.

February 7th 1919 To consider a letter from RDC, how many new houses are required in this parish and how many houses are there that would be reparable. Agreed 100 new houses be built and 100 be repaired.

April 17th 1919 Annual meeting Only five members present ! Those present signed the acceptance of office. MaClaren and Mutton both re-elected F B reports [NOTE THESE MINUTES WERE NOT SIGNED ! possibly as there was only 5 present which may not have been a quorum]!

October 31st 1919 An account for the repair of the pump in the market place was brought before the council when it was considered this should be paid by RDC as work was ordered by their surveyor.

Meeting ? [No date recorded] 1, Discussion re; position of inmates of workhouse at Newmarket. 2, Complaint re footpath leading to Weston Ditch. 3, Agreed to write to RDC ref state of footpath between West Row and Fen and roadway round the churchyard. 4, Write to County Surveyor about state of road at High Town near the Post Office.

April 21st 1920 Annual meeting MaClaren and Mutton both re-elected Resignation of Dunlop N J Ford 8 votes - elected Jesse Ford 8 votes - elected (William Mason 2 votes) 1, Concern at complaints about Postal Services, evening at 6.30 and Sunday at 9.30 am. Agreed a committee will get a petition together. 2, Letter from Eriswell PC ref. state of footpath between Holywell Row and Eriswell and bridge over the lode. As part borders both parishes suggested a joint expense. 3, Footbridge between MPC and Worlington at Kings Staunch, agreed to repair jointly with Worlington PC. F B report

April 26th 1920 1, Letter from WS Agricultural Committee asking if MPC wished to rent land for allotments. None needed.

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March 4th 1921 at Town Hall Letter from WS Agricultural Committee asking if MPC will surrender the lease of allotment land at W R, if not notice of termination on October 11th 1922. It was agreed to surrender the lease at once.

April 22nd 1921 Annual meeting MaClaren and Mutton both re-elected Letter from Mr A Chimney asking to be paid a retaining fee for supplying horses for H T F B. Agreed 2 guineas per year.

October 31st 1921 Meeting called at short notice. Fire Engine It was considered that the present fire engine was inefficient and that some boroughs were turning to motor engines, an opportunity to purchase a steam engine at a reasonable price had come along. Particulars of an engine at Brighton were given It was agreed to purchase a steam fire engine. It was stated subscriptions accounting for £90 had been promised to which Cllr L Parker added a further £10 with a guarantee of a further £10 if required. It was agreed to visit Brighton to inspect the engine.

April 21st 1922 Annual meeting MaClaren and Mutton both re-elected Fire engine. It was agreed to delete the minute from the last meeting ref. purchase of steam fire engine.

December 1st 1922 Death of Jesse Ford Proposed Frederick Balls by O Morley Proposed Arthur Hinds by C Rolfe. There was no seconder for either person so the appointment was adjourned till next meeting. 1, Wamil footpath, complaints due to use by horses. 2, Steam Fire Engine Committee to meet members of MPC on December 28th when the engine would be formally handed over to the council. Drill and Inspection 2.15, Meeting at Town hall 3.45.

February 16th 1923 Vacancy left by Jesse Ford (dec) Noah Bell proposed N J Ford seconded Wm N Hill Frederick Ball Ortho Morley not seconded

April 20th 1923 Annual meeting MaClaren and Mutton both re-elected 1, Notice of intention to construct 2 x 20” bore holes and pumping station ¾ mile west of Beck Row. 7” main to take water to Littleport and Isle of Ely villages. Agreed to protest to Ely RDC that this would be detrimental to water supplies to this district.

August 3rd 1923 Clerk reported the enquiry at Ely ref. proposed pumping station near Beck Row.


January 25th 1924 13 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Wamil footpath complaints Scale of hire of Fire Engines agreed Hire of Steam Fire Engine - Outside parish £6 6s per hour for first 12 hours £4 4s per hour after 12 hours Hire of manual fire engine £3 3s per hours Officer in charge 10/- first hour 5/- hour afterwards Engineer 7/6 “ 4/- “ Firemen 4/- “ 2/- “ Engineers fee for cleaning engine £2 2s

April 17th 1924 Annual meeting MaClaren and Mutton both re-elected F B matters

January 23rd 1925 1, Discussion Toombs to tow fire engine with cars. 2, Agreed to sell old manual fire engine to N J Ford for £5.

April 17th 1925 Annual meeting MaClaren & Mutton both re-elected F B matters

Oct 30th 1925 Wamil footpath cut fence and keep horses off Parish Pit Rubbish in pit or people will be prosecuted Petition to MP “Rating & Valuation Bill” committee appointed

April 16th 1926 Annual meeting MaClaren and Mutton both re-elected Death of N J Ford replaced by Rev J V Ward appointed WR FB Edward Ford appointed Chief Officer (C O) HT FB everything in order. Retaining fee for motors to tow fire engine referred to Fire Committee Housing Shortage Comm. to draft letter to RDC

July 30th 1926 HT FB retaining fee for motors C H Toombs agreed at £3 10/- Libraries duties attending, letter from WSCC. to be left in hands of Head teacher of the five schools. Eriswell PC bad state of footbridge over DOLVERS agreed to carry out repairs.

Jan 21st 1927 Rating Comm. Appointment of two representatives to be adjourned till next meeting. A Vale write to Mrs Vale and family on their bereavement. Arthur Vale replaced by (postponed until future meeting) Playing Fields ample provision already Complaint to WSCC on dangerous condition of path Mildenhall to B R

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March 4th 1927 Vacancy filled by Mrs A E Ford proposed W C Rolfe sec Mutton 4 votes Arthur Vale Jnr prop S Fincham sec S Turner 2 votes Rating Comm. MaClaren and Rev Ward appointed

April 29th 1927 Annual meeting MaClaren & Mutton both re-elected F B report Resignation of Mrs A E Ford vacancy not filled as near re-election of whole council Resolved to write to County Surveyor complaining of untidy condition of the open spaces near the Police Station due to it being used as a dumping ground for road materials and tar barrels & requests that it be returned to its former ornamental condition. FB resolved that C O to keep a book recordings, drills, Fire attendance, and any other duties performed by the members of the brigade.

March 28th 1928 Reply from W S County surveyor. Clerk to meet him and if no satisfactory arrangement to report the matter to the Highways & Bridges Comm at CC. Parish Pit Complaint by Sir Henry Banbury‟s agent about state of pit. Agreed to tidy up pit and put up new notice board.

April 28th 1928 Annual meeting MaClaren & Mutton both re-elected Two vacancies on council agreed to leave these to a future meeting. FB reports Appointment of F B Comm. W Hill, (chairman), Mutton & Turner

January 11th 1929 Resignation of Rev Ward from March next Vacancies Percy Heppard prop S Turner sec Stacey Robert Woollard prop Stacey sec Rolfe J G Remington prop Turner sec Rolfe all three elected [note No record seen of election of STACEY ?] Wamil footpath repairs needed

April 19th 1929 Annual meeting MaClaren & Mutton both re-elected Wamil footpath repairs agreed Churchyard demand for expenses from Church Council for keeping in order was considered and adjourned to get further information. Market Place Pump In need of repairs and RDC had decided it is a matter for Parish Council. Agreed to get an estimate. FB report from W R

August 30th 1929 HT FB resignation of C O C E Brown accepted. Mr Walter Clarke appointed C O in his place. William Clarke appointed engineer in place of brother Walter. 15 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

January 24th 1930 HT FB report Wamil footpath complaint about rubbish on the side of path. Parish pit bad state of fence, agreed to repair.

March 28th 1930 HTFB report including attending a fire at Tuddenham Rectory when engine worked perfectly. Asked for extension ladder of 30 rounds, referred to Fire Comm. Wamil footpath resolved to add a notice board “Any person found depositing rubbish on this footpath will be prosecuted by order of Mildenhall Parish Council” Footpath Ferry Lane to Plough Inn needs repair. To be inspected before next meeting.

May 2nd 1930 Annual meeting MaClaren & Mutton both re-elected Write to Highway Surveyor, will CC accept a corner of Parish Pit for adding to Jubilee Highway for rounding the present sharp corner. Eriswell PC Complaint about stile of footbridge over lode. To be repaired as required. HT FB reported receipt of £5 for attendance of fire engine at Tuddenham Rectory. Extension ladder to be considered by Fire Comm. W R FB report

October 31st 1930 F B reports March 28th 1931 Parish Pit bad condition. Agreed chairman & clerk to take steps as necessary to prevent continuation of past troubles.

April 24th 1931 Annual meeting MaClaren & Mutton both re-elected F B reports

September 11th 1931 Ouse Drainage tax Demand on allotments £10 14/7

March 11th 1932 Letters of apology from N G Stockley & N G Stacey. Parish Pit Acknowledgement from WSCC of the gift of part of the pit to be added to public highway near Half Moon Inn

April 22nd 1932 Annual meeting MaClaren & Mutton both re-elected Electric Poles Application for 7 poles in North Terrace & Holywell Row to be erected. No objection Footpath Pollards lane redefined on map F B reports

September 30th 1932 16 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Footpath Pollards lane diversion approved

December 9th 1932 Footpath Pollards lane confirms diversion

April 19th 1933 Annual meeting MaClaren & Mutton both re-elected Churchyard Upkeep discussion and adjourned for more information. F B reports Clerk tendered his resignation after 39 years. Appointment of successor left to next meeting.

November 3rd 1933 at The Board Room (R A Boyce, acting clerk) Churchyard Upkeep No contact from Mild Parochial Church Council Precept agreed £50 Appointment of new clerk Arthur William Neve prop Remington, sec Woollard (no other applicants) Salary agreed at £7 10/- pa as clerk of PC plus £4 pa as clerk for trustees

F B Accounting of all F B procedures need changing, agreed to change procedure. Engineer and C O must keep a log for every fire call recording Time of call, time leaving, time of return, Insurance Co involved, Names of firemen attending, damage to equipment. A full report to be given to each annual meeting of M P C. Pond WR Insanitary condition, bad smells, question raised about ownership Flooding Red House, Kingsway, county surveyor to make improvements Beetons Footpath WR obstruction problem Allotments WR inspection needed

February 16th 1934 at Clerks Office, Church lane Flooding WSCC carried out work as at last meeting Beetons Footpath resolved FB clerk has difficulty in settling fire claims especially fire at Undley Common, Jaggards farm on 3rd August 1933 [lots of detail but difficult to read] Public Water Supply Agreed to call a meeting of all ratepayers at Mild town hall on March 21st 1933 Rubbish WSCC taking action under new byelaws TRIENNIAL ELECTION OF PARISH COUNCILLORS, reviewed with WSCC [this is the first instance of an election being recorded]

March 6th 1934 Parish meeting in Manor Rooms at 6pm for electing 13 councillors to serve on MPC for 3 years ending April 15th 1937. 49 electors present Mr R A Boyce was elected chairman of the meeting pro MaClaren, sec Mothersole Nominations as follows; Name Proposer Seconder Votes Stacey William Goodge (BR) Edward Ford Frank Hinds 22 Fendick Rev Benjamin (WR) Arthur Mothersole Sidney Ford 32 Neville Henry George (M) Arthur George Sewell E ? Williams 22 Rolfe Charles (WR) R A Boyce Percy Heppard 16 Heppard Percy George (M) Spencer F Parker G P R Williams 9 Mutton Edwin James Mabbs Hall (M) J Radford E A Hagger 18 17 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Remington John Edward (M) Arthur Neve Samuel Groome 24 MaClaren Duncan (M) Arthur Neve J G Remington 32 Vale Sidney Frederick (M) D MaClaren Percy Heppard 19 Woollard Robert The Dale (M) J G Remington Samuel Turner 34 Fincham Robert (BR) P Heppard Arthur Neve 22 Morley Albert (WR) Henry Thomas Mackender A B Aspray 28 Balls Frederick Taylor (WR) Henry Thomas Mackender Harry William Bale 27 Mothersole Arthur (WR) Harry William Bale Henry Thomas Mackender 35 Carter James Smith Jnr (M) F Radford E A Hagger 26 Voting was by show of hands 13 elected, not elected Heppard and Rolfe

April 17th 1934 at Board Room, Town Hall MaClaren elected chairman Mothersole elected vice chairman Water supply see page 230 of minute book for full report F B reports Treasurer Barclays bank Ltd approved replacing Odden F Read (dec) Maps To contact Mess Green & Read, solicitors requesting the parish maps be handed on to the council. Footpaths Considerable time taken with 6” maps for use with Public Rights of way Act 1932/ Cllrs appointed to peruse the necessary maps. Precept agreed at £80 Parish Pits Considerable discussion about the pits at Mild, Kenny Hill and Holywell Row ref. conditions and equipment. WR representations to be made to Mildenhall Rural District Council (MRDC) to provide two pits for WR. Adoption of Standing Orders Adopted as shown on page 240 WR signposts request to WSCC for 2 signposts and remove the 17 dangerous corners Kerbury report its condition at WR Clerks salary Clerk applied for increase. Agreed to increase from April 1st 1934 to £15 for services to MPC and £4 as clerk to Trustees.

July 30th 1934 Water supply ongoing discussion Parish Maps ongoing discussion Footpaths ongoing discussion Mildenhall Charities appointment of trustees Robert Fincham, Charles Samuel Farve, Wm George Stacey, Charles Rolfe, Edwin James Mutton, Duncan MaClaren & Robert Woollard. Parish pits WR WSCC report no land available for pits Point of Order A difficulty had arisen between VC Mothersole and Ch MaClaren over calling a special meeting. The subject was adjourned until both present. Incinerators Request to MRDC to install incinerators School managers appointed Eriswell PC footpath requires repair. Insurance of Fire stations Mild Fire Station £100 increase to £200 One manual engine £200 W R Building £50 “ £100 One manual engine £50 “ £150 18 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Street lamps a request to re-locate one lamp.

August 31st 1934 Footpaths etc WR WSCC ref. signposts to be provided. Also improve the approach to Judes Ferry. W R Pits Inspection of possible sites Point of Order (above) after an explanation by MaClaren the matter was allowed to drop. Collection of Night Soil & Rubbish MRDC Monthly Meetings Mr Mothersole gave notice he would move monthly meetings of the council to be held. Electric Supply A plan showing the position of overhead poles by East Anglian Electric Supply Co Ltd in Mild H T for distribution of current were shown asking for observations by MPC. Questions any poles for BR. Request to put the mains underground in the town of Mild (Mildenhall).

December 5th 1934 Footpaths Letter from WSCC discussed Night soil & rubbish MRDC, it is up to individuals to make their own arrangements for disposal. Lord Iveagh has given permission to dispose Night Soil at Brandon Road, Mild Electric Supply further correspondence discussed Monthly meetings of MPC an amendment was put every 2 months. Vote 5 for 5 against, Remington abstained. Chairman exercised his vote against, therefore lost 6 to 5 Original proposal votes 6 for 5 against agreed 2nd Tuesday of each month. Death of H G Neville announced

January 8th 1935 at boardroom Mildenhall Town hall Electricity Supply 1 ½ hour discussion about posts for WR BR Kenny Hill & Holywell Row Footpaths discussion Vacancy Samuel Turner (Butcher Kingsway) to replace Henry G Neville Mild Guide request not agreed to produce a guide to Mild & District Clerks salary agreed to raise from £15 to £20 pa

February 12th 1935 Footpaths Parish Pits Electricity Postal service King & Queens visit Would it be providence to decorate the road from Mild to the Aerodrome for the visit on Sat July 6th 1935? Housing Public meeting arranged for tomorrow Feb 13th 1935

March 12th 1935 Footpath WR Parish Pit WR 1 at Cooks Drove, 1 at Bargate farm, for domestic refuse (not night soli) resolved to accept offer. Proposed to employ a man @ 2/- per week to keep pits tidy, carried 7 v 3 Electricity no more information available King & Queen Visit Official reply - NOT aware of any legal authority for expenditure in connection with visit. He would however be prepared to sanction reasonable expenditure on the part of MPC & MRDC. Council considered it at a cost of £100 (a 3d rate) and resolved NOT to

19 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

proceed with the matter. The MPC appealed to all inhabitants of Mild & Dist generally to decorate their premises as far as they are able to do so. Signposts WR Clerk to write to WSCC to expedite the erection, also Dangerous corners in WR (17) Jubilee Celebrations Considerable discussion about Monday may 6th 1935, agreed to get [after getting altered 18/1/2012 by BS] samples and quotes for cups beakers etc. from L J Judkins Mild. Bussens & Parkin Mild. and Ridgeways (Bedford works) Ltd. Number of pupils; Mild Vol School 235, Mild Infants 138, W R 222, BR 184, Burnt Fen 20+ grand total 809 approx. Agreed to order 72 doz mugs from Ridgeways. Also 1, Tea and sports in respective parts of Mild Parish 2, Cinema show on May 6th 1935 @ 2.30 pm 3, Transport arrangements to be provided by MPC. Costs approx £32 (1d rate in the pound) PC Chairman to attend all parts of parish to hand out the mugs Housing Lamps

April 9th 1935 annual meeting at Clerks Office, Church Lane MaClaren re-elected A Mothersole proposed for VC but declined, Mutton re-elected Absence of MaClaren so Mutton presided. F B reports, both typed and included with minutes HT 2 -3 vacancies, WR Engine very old, consideration for new engine, agreed to enquire about second hand machine for WR. Both brigades authorised to purchase new equipment. Parish Pits WR now ready to take over, agreement of man to operate [PHOTO OR COPY] Electricity Supply Letter from Electric Supply Co Ltd about providing a supply to BR WR HR Kenny Hill and HT Jubilee celebrations all proceeding Estimate from Morleys Grey Coaches to convey children to cinema £5 accepted. Provision of playing fields Agreed to call a meeting of whole parish to consider the purchase of playing fields. Royal Visit RDC will not be decorating Precept agreed at £90 Wamil Walk rubbish problems

May 14th 1935 Electricity maps showing positions of poles Jubilee celebrations Cinema will be provided free of charge Playing fields BR HR & KH ref meeting March 27th to call a full parish meeting. Agreed Wed May 29th 1935 at Town hall. 1, Agreed in principle to proceed to provide 3 recreation grounds 2, To include provision for both adults and children 3, MPC expenses to provide land Estimate at 7 acres for each, Total cost £1320 (HT £210, WR £700, BR £420). Possible charge £53 pa for a loan of 30 years + 2d rate plus equipment and maintenance. Council would consider sale of 21/2 % consolidated stock Footpaths Allotments 20 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Parish Pit BR Lighting authority Public meeting [PHOTO OR COPY]

May 29th 1935 Special Meeting see certified copy of meeting from newspaper [PHOTO OR COPY]

June 11th 1935 Electricity supply position of poles Resolution from parish meeting 1, To provide 3 recreation grounds in various parts of parish. subcommittee set up to find land. Playing Fields Association Letter inviting MPC to apply for grant. 2, Lighting clerk to make application to WSCC Public conveniences HT to ask MRDC & WSCC to provide in Mild HT Footpaths Signposts

June 23rd 1935 Meeting at West Row to inspect sites for recreation grounds sites 91/2 acres at WR £85 per acre 5 acres at BR no price stated 6 acres HT at the Dolvers no price stated It was agreed to purchase all three sites. It was noted that the land at HT insufficient and acquire more in future. Clerks Fee a request for an increase due to the extra work involved.

July 9th 1935 Recreation grounds 1, WR Total cost £807 10/- for 9 acres 2, Mild East Fen (The Dolvers) £300 for 5 acres 3, BR No reply from landowner (Rev Sawbridge) consider different land at cost not to exceed £250. PFA looking at 60 yr lease from Public Works Loans Board + Cost 332 = 2d rate based present product of 1d rate. Public convenience MRDC reply, not possible as no public water supply or sewerage Mill Street Fire cost to be claimed

August 13th 1935 Lighting WSCC asking Ministry of Health for guidance Recreation Grounds BR offered a lease of the site. Agreed to write to Ecclesiastical Commissioners about 5.4 acres at BR. Part of the Mildenhall Glebe was for sale. PFA cost of land £1440 plus equipment at £600, therefore annual charge of £76 (over 60 years) = to 21/2 d rate. Hanmer Trust two councillors appointed as trustees WR Highway write to WSCC ref repairs Parish Pit BR to be placed on next agenda

Sept 10th 1935 Absence of Ch & VC so A Mothersole presided

21 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Recreation Grounds BR correspondence between Ec Com, Vicar of Mild & Solicitors, land was offered to Air Ministry. Agreed to write to A M, did they require the land? Green Kings & Son letter to request a grant for proposed Bowling Green. Reply, not at present. King Georges Jubilee Funds not yet in place BR Pit Cllr R Fincham asked to find site Fire at sawmills Holywell R Claim of £18 17/6 but owner was not insured. They claimed excessive charge. Agreed £12 10s Rubbish in Market Place Fried fish papers, chocolate and other confectionary wrappers etc. Write to WSCC can a roadman clear on a Sunday morning? WR Electricity when will it be available? WR Water supply when will it be available?

October 8th 1935 Recreation Grounds BR A M might need the land but MPC could use it, agreed to write again, does the AM intend to buy the land? Suggested there may be more suitable land. FB request attendance of C O Rubbish Market Place WSCC passed request to MRDC WR Electricity Hope to provide a supply by November. Water Supply Everything being done to expedite the situation, possible a public meeting would be held in October.

November 12th 1935 BR Recreation Grounds A M letter [there are many details but it is a complicated issue B.S.] Deputation from BR with ref the above matter F B matters HT CO‟s resignation and WR Footpaths unsatisfactory way Elect Co had left the footpaths Market Place Rubbish MRDC agreed to clear rubbish at a cost of 3/- each Sunday Lighting

December 10th 1935 BR recreation A M have agreed to purchase the land from Vicar of Mild, would consider leasing the land to MPC FB HT Letter from Brigade recommending Lt Com R G Ward as CO FB WR Letter from Ely RDC giving permission to use their mains and the charges

January 14th 1936 PFA Grant of £40 towards the cost of 3 playing fields. King George Jubilee Trust have offered £90 Trust of Park House, Dunfermline have offered £200, total offered £330 Agreed not to accept the offers for the time being. BR Parish Pit discussion on land ownership HT FB now a total of 9 men agreed to buy new equipment

Feb 14th 1936 Recreation Ground asked for extension of time limits on offers

March 4th 1936 22 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

W R roads in deplorable condition, write to WSCC Precept Considerable extra expense for FB at HT &WR necessary to request for collection of additional £70 for year ending 31/3/1936. Precept 36/37 resolved to precept for £160 =4d rate as 1d+ £40. Lighting may change the precept.

April 14th 1936 Annual meeting MaClaren and Mutton both re-elected BR Pit dispute over ownership of land. Accounts presented for 12 months till 31/3/1936 [just some items shown here B.S.] Rates 160 0 0 Fire expenses 125 19/ 5 Fire claim 38 13/3 Parish Pits 13 6/ 6 Rent Allotments 20 17/3 Allotments 20 Fire(outside parish) 6 9/6 Fire Claims 38 13/2 Jubilee Costs 27 17/5 HT FB three fire calls in year new electric siren fitted, now 10 men. CO Ord requested more equipment at a cost of £55 Parking in market place Eriswell PC repair to bridge over Lode, reply, no liability to repair. Bathing Pool most public bathing in the River Lark not possible at footpath at Dolvers was not a public footpath. Write to WSCC for permission to erect a bath hut at Wamil. May meeting it was agreed not to hold a May meeting.

June 6th 1936 Resignation of Mr Duncan MaClaren as chairman of the council owing to business ties. Accepted with regret and glad he is to retain his seat on the council. Mutton elected chairman J E Remington elected VC ( R Woollard seconded) BR Pit land not available W R Roads some repairs done but conflict between MPC and WSCC over completion. Lighting WSCC are still not prepared to include the whole of the parish for lighting purposes. Agreed to accept the area defined on a map. Closing Footpath (the Dolvers) Letter from Mild W I re closure. Reply, to write to Commons Open Spaces & Footpaths Society. Greene Kings & Son Generous offer of a Beau Motor Fire Tender. Reply, gratefully received. Recreation Ground NPFA will they extend the period of grace for the grant. Bathing pool Ouse catchment Board has no objections. WSCC verbally no objections to erection of bathing hut. Clerk instructed to get costs. Meeting closed at 11.05 pm [over 3 hours]

July 14th 1936 WR roads WSCC said steam roller was working at WR from Feb 29th to April 15th. The matter was allowed to drop. Lighting British Gas Light Co Ltd were unable to quote for the supply of lights in the time allowed. The cost of the scheme was £270 (7d rate). HT 39 lamps, WR 19 lamps, BR 8 lamps, H R 6 lamps. Agreed to go ahead with East Anglian Electric Supply Co Ltd. WR FB Letter from W R ratepayers, is the equipment satisfactory? Increase in Rates General impression the increase in rates is due to heavy expenditure of FB, explained. 23 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Fire tender for M HT to be presented August 6th 1936. reg no. RO 4889 presentation at 7pm, presented by Greene King as they had purchased a new one. Full Report [PHOTO OR COPY]

August 11th 1936 Recreation Grounds NPFA agreed to extend time limit for grant till 31/12/1936 B R Pit Land now purchased by MRDC Lighting WR F B No calls during 1935/36. Still need a trailer pump. Jockey Club have agreed to sell their motor engine at £355. Agreed to inspect. Bathing Pool Cost approx. £100. Agreed to defer until new council in 1937.

September 8th 1936 W R F B Jockey Club Engine for £355. Difficulty over finances so agreed to offer £250. Lighting estimate of £283 12s in accepted . Lighting Contract. [PHOTO OR COPY]

October 2nd 1936 Special meeting WR FB engine Jockey Club unable to accept offer of £250 for Merryweather Trailer Pump and Mot Fire Tender. Proposed to purchase at lowest possible price. C O Edward Ford said he could raise £100 by public subscription in WR. Voting 5 ; 5 Chairman gave casting vote in favour of amendment 6 ; 5, explained this confirms the original offer to purchase at £250. Clerk to phone and ask again what the lowest amount the Jockey Club would accept. Agreed to sell £250 9/3 2 ½ % consolidated stock. Councillor Under L G Act 1933 section 63 Sidney F Vale not having attended for past 6 months ceased to be a member. Seat vacant to be filled at next meeting.

October 13th 1936 Lighting Additional precept of £168 for 36/37 for cost of street lighting. B R many residents think that the lighting is inadequate – agreed to add 2 extra lights Speed Limit Request WSCC impose a 30 mph limit for St John‟s Street to Bird in Hand. Also throughout WR. WR FB Jockey Club reply, will accept £320, £250 now and balance in July 1937. Adjourned HT FB Wider doors needed for fire station. NOT agreed as lack of money Vacancy Spencer Furlong Parker elected Right of Way St Andrews Street to the Dolvers Commons Open Spaces & Footpaths Society meeting arranged. Coronation arrangements next meeting

November 10th 1936 Rats in Tips Lighting WR FB Minister of Health agrees sale of 21/2% stock. Steam fire engine at HT would not last more than 2 years. Considered one motor engine at HT could cover whole parish. Chairman referred to Kings Speech ref. reorganising Fire Fighting Services in the country. It is recognised that RDC may be the authority, not PC. Considerable discussion until Mr Parker proposed “ That the matter be now put”. voting 5 for 6 against. Chairman declared lost. Names were taken and recorded. [Several more votes were taken B.S.] 24 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

WSCC representation Mr T A Hawkins (Cllr) suggested the PC should ask for an additional member. The average population per member was 2000, Mild is 4,000. Agreed to write to WSCC for extra representation. Clerks salary Request increase, over 3 years had written 943 letters and many meetings. Last year 419 letters, agreed to raise from £20 to £30 from October 1st 1936. December 8th 1936 WR FB The question was asked, What is the position? Council has agreed £250. Jockey Club want £320, if £70 could be raised the matter could proceed. I hour further discussion, including unfair distribution of funds to the rows, they pay 6d rate for services in M HT. Agreed to write to Home Office for clarification. Discussion adjourned until further information is available. Resignation of council members on Mild Rating Authority, no further representatives were appointed. Lighting NOW COMPLETE

January 12th 1937 F B ongoing with Home Office Recreation Grounds request extension to time limit for grant as more information needed. Lighting Coronation arrangements postpone to February.

February 9th 1937 Recreation Grounds WR 4 acres offered by MRDC on 10 year lease, asked if they will sell the land. Lighting F B general matters Coronation Left to new council. Amendment to produce 75 dozen mugs from Ridgeways voting 9 for 3 against WR Highways & paths Elections to be held on March 15th for 13 councillors

March 9th 1937 Recreation Grounds MPC is prepared to purchase the 4 acres of land at WR for a recreation ground Lighting Cost of electricity for lighting is more in Suffolk than Cambridgeshire F B Letter of appreciation to Mr E A Bangs who has retired as a fireman after 40 years service. Old Manor Engine offered to Scole F B for £10 Estimates 1937/38 Lighting £250, general £180, therefore need a rate of 7d for 37/38. 9d in 1936/37 a reduction of 2d. Not seeking re-election Mutton, Remington and S Parker Recorded thanks to Mutton, a member for 40 years. [1909 – 1937 = 28 years B.S.]

March 15th 1937 Annual meeting Mutton in chair about 200 electors present, voting by show of hands. 21 Candidates for election Elected Turner Samuel 167 vote Mothersole Arthur 150 Fendick Rev B 125 25 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Taylor 122 Odell Mrs DE 119 Balls F T 117 Morley A C 110 Stacey W G 108 Turner J C 103 Robbins W F 101 Ord Mrs D F 99 Oldman P A 78 Pease William 77 Not elected Ord 73 Fincham Stanley 71 Parker S F 70 Norton Percy 67 Parker Donald 61 Parker Mrs J T 57 Carter J S 41 Stiles H M 34 Poll demanded by Alexander Woollard seconded C D Crawford supported by 8 other electors. Chairman declared a poll would be held on April 5th 1937

Result to Election April 5th 1937 The following thirteen were successful, other candidates are not recorded. Balls Frederick Taylor Ferry Corner WR Capell Dorothy Edith Greta House M Fendick Rev Benjamin The Manse WR Fincham Stanley Shrub House BR Morley Albert Charles The Bungalow WR Mothersole Arthur School House WR Norton Percy William Kingsway M Parker Spencer Furlong The Yews West Street M Robbins William Frederick Elm Croft BR Stacey William George Fairfield BR Taylor Walter Bury Road M Turner James Cooper Beaumont House M Turner Samuel King Street M

April 15th 1937 First meeting of new council at Clerks Office, Church Lane Mothersole elected chairman, S Turner elected v c A subcommittee was set up for WR Allotments consisting of the 5 WR cllrs Meetings Agreed 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7.30 pm Recreation Ground WR MRDC will sell the parish 4 acres at WR Lighting Agreed additional lights for 37/38 Parish Pit HT hedges trimmed FB WR agreed to buy an extra 100 yards hose FB HT more equipment needed and widening of doors of fire station both agreed 26 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Charity Trustees appointed for next 4 years, W F Robbins, F T Balls, T C Turner, S Turner, replacing R Fincham, C Rolfe, E J Mutton and D MaClaren Reps on Rating Authority A Mothersole & S Turner Ex Service Mens & British legion Club agreed to sound fire siren at 11.00 and 11.02 on armistice day Coronation Celebrations agreed £120 from rates plus £30 from balance of 37/38. HT BR & WR £50 each [Lots of discussion B.S.] Cinema offered a free show on Coronation Day Lighting of Church agreed not to provide floodlights for the church.

May 4th 1937 at 8pm Recreation Ground agreed to look for sites in HT, BR. Land at WR still with MRDC Lighting agreed extra lights for BR Minor School Managers appointed for 3 years Coronation Ch & VC to visit Comet Cinema & children at tea , WR 3.45, BR 4.00, HT. 4.30 WR Allotments some in bad condition, agreed to transfer to new tenants White Lines on Roads agreed to write to WSCC about 1, lines in Market Place, 2 provide roundabout at Police Station Corner Standing Orders agreed to get 15 copies and consider them for adoption at the next meeting

June 8th 1937 at 7.30 WR Recreation MRDC will offer 4 ½ acres to PC as a recreation ground. agreed to write to National Playing Fields Association (NPFA) to extend time limit of grant Public Conveniences HT Agreed to ask MRDC to provide, suggested OLD POUND between Fire Station & Police Station Lighting matters FB HT more hose required Standing orders agreed Ch & VC to consider Allotments WR new tenants agreed

July 13th 1937 Recreation Grounds NPFA reply to request for more time. There must be no further delay and they need an immediate reply. Major discussion and agreed to write to MRDC about risk of loss of grant of £330. Also agreed to write to Ministry of Health about terms for loan from Public Works Loan Board. Parish Pits Rats at HT due to food waste being left there. Considered closing HT pit in view of contemplated new housing FB annual inspections carried out Numbering of houses Agreed MRDC number houses in HT but not rows Lighting agreed to compare the costs for Mild and Brandon Air raid Precautions WSCC circular received

August 9th 1937 Recreation Grounds Public Works Loan Board 3 ½ % for 30 years or 3 ¾ % for 50 yrs WR letter from MRDC offering 9 acres for £800, as 3 WR cllrs absent agreed to let all 5 WR cllrs consider BR Possible site on Holmsey Green-B R road, 3 acres @ £50 per acre HT 3 ½ acres in West Street for £400 agreed to consider all sites at next meeting 27 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Parish pits HT Agreed to request MRDC to deposit rubbish at Holywell Row and not Half Moon in HT. Public Conveniences Old Pound site not suitable Lighting additional lights approved. Letter from Brandon C, Mild terms are favourable. No further action FB Permission granted to HT Brgade to test steamer by filling new gasometer Clerks salary increased work decision adjourned till next meeting

September 14th 1937 Recreation Grounds Still under discussion HT James Carter verbal offer 4 ½ acres at Dolvers for £350 BR no land available Detailed costing of whole scheme for 3 rec grds minuted including acquiring land £1440 Possibility of needing a 7d rate. Discussion include an amendment “That the question of playing field be dropped “Various amendments were voted on including “ That the offer of James Carter for 4 ½ acres at the Dolvers be accepted” and “4 ½ acres be accepted from MRDC for WR” Voting 5 for 4 against. Pits agreed to allow MRDC to continue to use Half Moon Pit until further discussion Lighting matters FB Agreed to sell old HT engine for £5 to Ford of WR Clerks Salary agreed to increase from £30 to £40 pa

October 12th 1937 Reps of MRDC and WSCC present Recreation Grounds Letter from NPFA the grants of £330 are now withdrawn. Further considerable discussion and votes including the final vote “ That the question be dropped” was carried 5 votes for 3 against. Pits MRDC will continue to use Half Moon Pit until 31/3/1938 Lighting matters BR 30 mph signs agreed to write to WSCC to impose the limit

November 9th 1937 Public Conveniences HT consider land at Church Lane near Bunbury Rooms Telephone Kiosks Plans were shown for proposed Kiosks Traffic Control HT Plans for a 1 way system near Police Station Corner were shown Car park To write to WSCC ref. letter of May 5th parking at Market Place To ask owners of Comet Cinema if they will allow parking behind the cinema on Fridays until 6pm

December 14th 1937 Public Convenience MRDC will accept the offer of Sir Charles Bunbury to sell site near Bunbury Rooms for £10 Lighting extension of mains at WR from EAESCO not possible due to very high cost Car parks Chief Constable considers not enough room for a car park at market Place Comet Cinema owners agreed to parking on Fridays. BR 30 mph speed limit WSCC will impose the limit 28 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

January 11th 1938 Public Conveniences HT letter from MRDC any expenses will be a special charge to the parish Kingsway write to WSCC to carry out repairs outside The Croft Hospital, Kingsway WR allotments agreed to write to MRDC with offer of £275 for 5 acres abutting Shop Drove WR for allotments, Votes 8 for 3 against HT FB report (2 pages typed) Motor Tender satisfactory. Steamer with iron tyres not suitable for roads, need a trailer pump. Cllrs considered forming Mild & Dist Brigade, would cost £1,200 to be met by County & Government.” The MRDC be invited to take on the Mild & WR F B on terms to be agreed” Voting 10 for

February 8th 1938 BR Road widening WSCC to consider at junction of Holmsey Green Road Kingsway No drainage on road, would MPC allow drains to Half Moon pit? Half Moon pit MRDC requested use of pit until 31/3 1939. Agreed to ask that Sanitary Inspector of MRDC agree the pit is suitable for continued use. WR Conditions of paths write to WSCC

March 8th 1938 HT Pit agreed to allow MRDC to use the pit until it is filled. carried 8 for 4 against WR Allotments MRDC asked if MPC will increase offer to £55 p a for 5 acres. Agreed not to increase offer. FB MRDC applying to Ministry of Health for whole of district agreed that all equipment will handed over Kingsway Drainage agreed not to allow drainage to the pit. Church Footpath Write to WSCC to bring in a byelaw stopping cyclists and motorists from using path between High Street and Cottage Rooms Fixing Bills on Market Cross Clerk to write to National Preservation of Ancient Monuments & Buildings regards placing advertisements on Market cross and requesting that steps be taken to stop this. Precept approved Estimate £500 = 9d rate (1d = £56), included Lighting 6d, general 3d

April 12th 1938 Annual meeting Chairman Mothersole proposed W S Turner. He felt every cllr should have the opportunity of occupying the chair and should change every year, sec WWF Robbins V C Mothersole HT FB considerable discussion about the serious position at a recent fire when there was a lack of efficient water supply. Half the town (north) was outside even moderate cover. Council agreed to consider an underground storage tank of 20,000 at North Terrace. Subcommittee set up to consider. More equipment agreed. Parish Pit considerable discussion, Resolved “ To hand over Half Moon pit to MRDC” WR FB 2 fires in past 12 months. HT 2 page typed report including 8 fires, 3 serious & 4 chimney. 2 officers and 10 men. July 8th testing Gas Company‟s new gasometer Market Cross National Preservation of Ancient Monuments & Buildings unable to take any action. Agreed to write to Sir Charles Bunbury to communicate with chief constable.

29 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

April 22nd 1938 FB subcommittee Storage Tank Prices 20,000 gallon £188 or £226. Leut D Turner is prepared to allow the tank in his garden in North terrace. Wells considered as a possible solution rather than a tank.

May 10th 1938 Parish Pit HT MRDC will not accept the offer of Half Moon Pit Public Conveniences HT still being considered FB Storage Tank the site offered in North terrace is not suitable. Wells Tests done engine needs repairs to draw from 22‟ Agreed more hoses needed Considered purchasing two new pumps but agreed not at the present time. Agreed to write to MRDC to expedite Water Supply Scheme Air Raid Precautions Letter to MRDC. List of names put forward for HT and rows Market Cross advisory letters

June 10th 1938 FB Well testing, water at 21‟, emptied after 2 mins MRDC will take on FB under Fire Brigade Bill now before Parliament. Agreed no action on purchasing new engine. Water Scheme MRDC, scheme will be started in next fortnight Burial Act 1852-1885 Notes from MPCC that present cemetery at Mild HT (extension of St Mary‟s Church Yard) will be full in 2 years time at present usage, (20 per year). Agreed to hold public meeting at M Town hall on Sept 8th 1938 to provide a burial ground. Subcommittee set up to look for land, possibly W R road.

July 28th 1938 Church Footpath WSCC will erect posts at west end of path Market Cross Sir Charles Bunbury offered to lease the cross site to MPC Recreation Grounds Letter from National Fitness. Council agreed no action to provide recreation grounds. Lighting account questions One Way Streets Clerk to write to WSCC ref. this matter and roundabout Burial Board Considerable discussion and public meeting postponed

August 9th 1938 Lighting F B Burial Board

September 13th 1938 Market Cross Lease to MPC for 21 years from 29th September 1938. Conditions, no posters, cycles, stalls or rubbish receptacles within 5 ft from the cross. LEASE APPROVED. Lighting FB Burial Board Mild PCC wish MPC to form a Burial Board

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(The law relating to burial boards and authorities was complex, with no fewer than fifteen specific Burial Acts being passed by Parliament between 1852 and 1906, not to mention the many other acts concerning local government, churches, coroners and so on which impinged upon burial law. ref Cambs CC website) Appointment of Hanmer Trustees for 3 years to Sept 13th 1941 Footpath matters write to WSCC

October 11th 1938 Market Cross Lease signed 706 sq ft, covered by roof 360 sq ft (full lease written up) [PHOTO OR COPY] Lighting Elect Co unable to extend mains to Weston Ditch WR unless MPC contributes over £350 A R Precautions considerable discussion but agreed to wait for further information F B To consider payment to firemen, after a fire covered by insurance the payment to firemen was not paid. The CO (HT) requested the sum of £6 0/8 be paid by the council. There were doubts about duties under Fire Brigade Acts. New FB Acts will overcome many of the difficulties. The council agreed it could not pay the money.

November 8th 1938 Pub Conveniences HTNo further information. Voted to remove item from agenda, votes 4 for 4 against, chairman voted to remain on agenda. FB HT Letter from CO Ord ref. remuneration, very unhappy that MPC have agreed not to pay the firemen. Will they reconsider? Considerable discussion and decided that the decision would not be changed. Wards At the next meeting to consider that Mild PC, to ensure fair representation of all parts of the parish. WSCC to divide the parish into 3 electoral districts (wards)

December 13th 1938 Footpaths WSCC agreed to repair Footpaths at Holywell Road Mild PCC various matters discussed including Burial Board. MPC agreed to meet MPCC Wards Agreed to write to WSCC to set up wards of MPC Railway facilities Letter to LNER about reduction of services Numbers on House HT The numbers will be allocated by MRDC but the householders will need to do the numbering. FB Letter from national Fire Brigade Union ref. recompense of M F B. The payment of firemen by the Insurance Companies ceased on August 31st 1938. The council agreed to pay the firemen for the period December 13th 1938 until January 29th 1939 when MRDC will become the fire fighting authority under the Fire Brigades Act 1938. Fire Brigades Act 1938 [From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Fire Brigades Act 1938 (in force until 1941, repealed 1947) was the primary legislation for Great Britain, excluding London, that placed responsibility for the provision of a fire brigade onto the local authority, and away from the insurance companies.[1] The Act was only in force for a short time before in 1941 all local authority fire services in Great Britain were transferred to the National Fire Service. After World War II new legislation was passed and the Fire Services Act 1947 took over as the primary legislation dealing with fire services in Great Britain.]

January 10th 1939 Burial Board meeting between MPC and MPCC discussed; 1, Land, possibly between Croft & New School playing field 2, Look for a site near existing cemetery

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3, Occupation of Cemetery Lodge, could be occupied by caretaker of new burial ground. It was agreed that the subcommittee would continue to look for suitable land “with all speed”. Market cross Letter from police, they would have difficulty in preventing cycles being placed under the cross & Sir Charles Bunbury will not allow signs. Collection of House Rubbish MRDC asked MPC about monthly collection of indestructible rubbish in BR & WR. agreed do not want a collection. FB The need to retain WR B as the village is only 1000 yards from the aerodrome Highway matters write to WSCC ref, flooding, heavy snow and BR 30 mph signs

February 14th 1939 Burial Board Possible sites 1, 6 acres in Wamil Lane 2, Smaller piece in West Row Road near the new school 3, 1 acre, Pit area to south of existing cemetery owned by Sir Charles Bunbury who has offered to sell for £35. BR & WR members objected to providing a site in HT (the pit). Agreed that at next annual parish meeting it be proposed to purchase this site and set up a Burial Board Highways WSCC reply 1, Snow, WSCC did all they could 2, Flooding, there is a problem with a landowner. 3, Speed limit signs are on order. Wartime Evacuation Agreed “In view of the aerodrome it would be a danger to bring children to within 5 miles of the RAF station”. FB MRDC reply that they intend to keep an Auxiliary brigade at WR in the event of a war.

March 14th 1939 FB delighted to record with grateful thanks the 32 years service to the M FB of ex-foreman, C H See and 34 years service of engineer Wm H Clarke. PC Elections Request from Mild W I “Make available a simple and inexpensive method of secret ballot for PC elections”. Annual parish Meeting March 31st 1939 “To provide a burial ground under Burial Acts 1852- 1885” Annual meeting April 18th 1939 Estimate (by clerk) Lighting 6d, Burial Board 1d, General 2d = 9d

March 31st 1939 Annual Parish meeting Burial Board “To provide a Burial Board under the Burial Acts 1852-1885” Explanation of current situation give. Agreed to adjourn the subject for 12 months, carried by show of hands. 13 for 10 against

April 18th 1939 Annual meeting Chairman In continuity of their policy to invite a member of those available from each part of the parish in succession to occupy the chair. The two BR Cllrs Robbins and Fincham were nominated. Both declined and Turner was re-elected. Mothersole VC Burial Board Agreed clerk to visit Ministry of Health to discuss the many questions that had risen. Fire Brigade MRDC suggested a valuation of equipment taken over by them under FB Act 1938 Mild HT £209 14/6, WR £31 7/6. MPC had spent £446 on equipment over past 9 years. Agreed to accept offer. MRDC also requested a valuation of Fire Stations, HT £250, WR £100 Electoral representation WSCC not able to produce wards at present.

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War Time Evacuation MRDS reply to letter from MPC ref 5 miles, agreed no action to be taken. Street Lighting Agreed all year round for ½ hour after sunset until 11pm

May 9th 1939 Burial Board Clerk reported on his visit to M of H [typed report in full, pages 127, 128 BS] Standing orders Model Standing Orders under Local Government Act 1933 adopted 4 votes to 3. War memorials at HT, WR, BR and Kenny Hill, upkeep to be the responsibility of MPC, but not to exceed 1d rates, adjourned.

June 13th 1939 FB Letter from MRDC Valuation of properties too expensive. MPC agreed to accept H T £175 W R £25 War memorial considerable discussion, to be placed before annual meeting ARP matters Meetings resolved no meetings in July or August

October 16th 1939 Clerk Mr L V Byron appointed to deputise for clerk who is in forces. Future Meetings members have difficulty in attending meetings, agreed to review. F B Further question from MRDC ref. deeds of FB properties, none available. Burial Board MPCC no longer wished for Burial Board to be set up as they had facilities for several years to come. War Memorial Letter from Mild ExServicemens & British Legion Club have no objection to MPC taking on maintenance of memorials. Water Supply Request to MRDC that BR is supplied before Lakenheath Council Houses WR MRDC had ceased work on unfinished houses. BR What steps are being taken here.

December 12th 1939 War memorials Letter from Mild ExServicemens & British Legion Club requesting the question of (ropes ?) be left to end of National Emergency. Letter Box Request for an extra letter box in Market place Water Supply MRDC cannot put BR before Lakenheath, it was reported that BR had now been done! Council Houses MRDC would secure the erection of as many houses in BR & WR as possible. MPC agreed to write again. Highways repairs needed Street lighting Suspended due to War, Electric Board agreed to revise costs to ¼ .

March 12th 1940 6pm in clerk‟s office Miss C M Neve Council Houses MRDC will complete ASAP Precept agreed £100 made up of 50% street lighting, 50% general = 2d rate for 40/41, a reduction of 7d for 39/40 Letterbox Cannot put in extra box, agreed to adjourn for 6 months Local Elections MRDC voting for PC should have taken place in March/April 1940, now postponed under „Local Elections & Register of Electors Temporary Provisions Act 1939‟ Valuation of Fire Stations Plans and deeds requested, agreed to take legal advice.

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Old Gun Proposed the old gun at HT War Memorial be sold for scrap, to check with Mild ExServicemens & British Legion Club Late Mr Robert Fincham agreed to write a letter of sympathy Clerk The acting clerk agreed to meet the clerk to check his position (Mr Neve )

April 4th 1940 Annual meeting Chairman after Robbins, Fendick, Stacey & J C Turner had been nominated but declined S Turner was re-elected saying it was the turn of a representative of BR or WR. VC Mothersole re-elected Valuation of Fire Stations Advice from Bendall & Sons, check with Lord of manor, then get an inhabitant to make a statement declaring that they had been in the possession of the PC for over 12 years. Matter adjourned until next meeting. Old German Gun agreed to sell as scrap and give proceeds to Red Cross Clerk To terminate the present clerks (Mr Neve) position from 31/3/1940 until the end of the war. Agreed to advertise position in B F P at a salary of £20. Parish Pump In need of paint, MRDC are responsible for maintenance. Clerk Mr William Hutchinson, Fairfax House appointed with 3 other named applicants.

July 9th 1940 Fire Stations continuing Air raid Shelters for public agreed to write to MRDC stressing the urgency.

August 8th 1940 Sub committee, Turner, Mothersole, Robbins & Balls to discuss getting a telephone kiosk for Kenny Hill September 9th 1940 Sub committee, Turner, Mothersole, Robbins & Balls to discuss getting a telephone kiosk for Kenny Hill will cost £4 12/- for 5 years.

December 30th 1940 Annual parish meeting Street Lighting agreement to renewal of contract at lower charges.

December 30th 1940 council meeting Tel kiosk agreed Air raid Shelter MRDC recommend one shelter for 50 persons near Market Place F B Sites Agreed that Bendall & Son produce documents Air raid Siren Not load enough, agreed contact MRDC to make louder

May 14th 1941 at clerk‟s office, Kingsway Air Raid Siren Would be in basement of White Hart Hotel and hold 75 persons Loan MRDC wished to loan amount of FB equipment at £3 12/6 per cent. Agreed WR Roads & Paths poor condition due to installation of Public Water supply. Public Convenience sub-committee appointed

November 27th 1941 Public Convenience MRDC consider 2 sites, 1 near Salisbury House, 2 in High Street, agreed the second site is not suitable. Banking As Barclays no longer has a branch in Mildenhall transfer to Lloyds 34 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

April 10th 1942 annual parish meeting Street Lighting agreed to write requesting retention of lower cost.

April 10th 1942 annual meeting at RDC offices Ch S Turner re-elected & A Mothersole re-elected VC Precept submitted by clerk, general £10, lighting £50 agreed £60 WR Pit WSCC closing suggested passing to MRDC as they took over the pits some years ago.

September 9th 1942 WR Pit write to MRDC on condition of pit Nuisance Troops causing nuisance in Market Place, agreed write to WS Police

February 3rd 1943 Closing of road BR to WR council asked for a new road as quickly as possible FB letter to C O E D Turner on his recent recognition by H M The King

July 28th 1943 annual meeting Cllrs Stacey and Robbins recently deceased Ch S Turner VC Mothersole Closing Road BR to WR Vacancies 1, Harry William Balls, Jasmine Cottage WR 2, Mrs P Oldman BR Charity Trustees appointed Mrs P Oldman & Mrs Capell Closure of Churchyard Letter from MPCC requesting that MPC takes over the churchyard, accepted and sub-committee appointed Nuisance reported that notices were being placed on Market Cross and Troops causing nuisance in Market Place.

September 15th 1943 Welcomed new members Mrs Oldman & H W Balls Nuisance letter from Police Churchyard Considerable discussion. The wall had been taken down by Rev Sawbridge, agreed to write to him stating that he (Rev Sawbridge) should have got permission from MPC. Rev Fendick could not agree with the action and resigned from the sub-committee, which was accepted.

October 5th 1943 Deputation to Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Transport about the roads near the aerodrome

October 18th 1943 Churchyard Tenders invited for walls. Agreed cost of £75 Press Council felt that the press report of the last meeting in BFP was biased, Mr Dallison (reporter) said that he had no intention of giving a biased report. Charity 4 year term has expired for R S Turner, F T Balls and J C Turner, all 4 re-elected en bloc

March 20th 1944 annual meeting S Turner & Mothersole both re-elected 35 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Precept Clerks figure, including church wall costing £135 and other charges will be total £300. Land at Mildenhall Consider the purchase of property from Sir Charles Bunbury, including Pit, Cricket Meadow, British Legion Meadow, part of St Andrews Street etc. The Pit would make a swimming pool, the cricket meadow an excellent recreation ground. Total cost £1200. A sub-committee was appointed. BR War memorial had been damaged

April 21st 1944 sub-committee for purchasing land, discussion over capital required for purchase.

September 29th 1944 Street Lighting a modified system was discussed and asked for estimates Land at Mildenhall discussion WSCC Nominations adjourned till next meeting Churchyard considered work needed

October 19th 1944 Street Lighting estimates for modified system discussed, [FULL DOCUMENT INCLUDED page 204] WSCC Nomination Mr Bertram Albert Edwards, High Post Farm WR was nominated

November 19th 1944 Sub-committee property Land at Mildenhall Consider the purchase at £1200. Capital held by MPC £491 11/3, Proposal to sell some to MRDC for £550, also Market rights and Market Cross to MRDC for £100, both carried. Sell field occupied by British Legion to them for £200.

January 29th 1945 Land at Mildenhall MRDC accepted offer of “Estate Office” for £550. Mild ExServicemens & British Legion Club accepted offer of £200. Agreed to purchase the property for £1100. Funding, to ask MRDC for loan or consider Bank Overdraft. Market Cross damage reported to pebbles Damage by Explosions Every afternoon, agreed to write to MRDC, can anything be done?

April 17th 1945 annual meeting S Turner and Mothersole both re-elected Preceptclerks figures Property £164, Lighting £128, General £48 Total £340 There were questions about the amount but it was agreed it could not be reduced. Street Lighting What date does blackout officially end? W R Recreation Ground agreed to make enquiries Land at Mildenhall A deposit of £110 to be made on exchange of contracts

August 23rd 1945 Land at Mildenhall N T R Street Lighting New contract, economy needed, when will lights be reinstated? Vehicle Park MRDC invited comments, a site is needed but there is nothing available. War memorial letter from Mild ExServicemens & British Legion Club requesting MPC undertake maintenance, it was agreed it should be dealt with by BL. Allotments WR Tenancy agreements, agreed no tenant should have more than one allotment

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September 27th 1945 Lighting report of company to discuss a new 7 year contract which was agreed Allotments sub-committee appointed BR to WR road could this be re-opened, question for MP

December 12th 1945 Street Lighting agreed to get cost of additional lights Land at Mildenhall The purchase from Sir Charles Bunbury was now complete including the conveyance to MRDC and Mild Ex Servicemen‟s & British Legion Club. Letter from Mild United Football Club to rent Cricket meadow, agreed to meet club to agree a tenancy and rent. War memorial agreed to take over responsibility Postal Collection letter to Postmaster to reinstate pre-war collections Trains letter to LNER to reinstate 8.30 Cambridge to Mildenhall service Allotments

February 21st 1946 Recreation Ground WR difficult to find land at present

March 11th 1946 Annual parish meeting at Senior School Fred Dannatt presided Nominations 24 for 13 vacancies

Election March 14th 1946 unelected Balls F T 60 Bentley H 16 Balls HW 58 Dallison W R 23 Brown A 64 Fincham S 39 Edwards BA 75 Morley G A 47 Fendick B 68 Norton P 33 Ford F 87 Peachey G R 14 Mork KA 52 Starr A J 23 Morley AC 83 Taylor John 41 Oldman PA 65 Terlan N 24 Parsons CTE 56 Webb A E 19 Turner JG 65 Williams GPR 48 Turner Samuel76 Wiseman A 62

After the count a poll was demanded and on April 1st the following were elected Balls Frederick T WR Edwards Bertram Albert WR Fendick Benjamin WR Ford Frank WR Morley Albert Charles WR Oldman Philip Arthur BR Parsons Christopher T E M Turner James Cooper M Turner Samuel M 37 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Wiseman Archie BR Norton Percy William M Williams George Philip R M Dallison William Earnest M

May 1st 1946 at MRDC offices S Turner Ch J C Turner VC LNER late train from Cambridge to Mild will run from May 6th Footpaths Now under Highways authority control Victory Celebrations agreed to have celebrations, the product of 1d rate as follows; HT £27, WR £27, BR & Holywell R £20 Kenny Hill £6 Land at Mildenhall Mild C C letter to discuss the ground occupied by them. Lighting lights to be on till midnight Council Wards Would they be possible? Charity Trustees appointed S Turner, R Woollard, Mrs Oldman, F T Balls, J C Turner, W E Dallison, Mrs G A Morley. Alms houses trustees appointed S Turner & S F Parker

July 3rd 1946 Mr P A Oldman 1st meeting Rec Grd Cricket Club tenancy expires Oct 11th 1947 Wards agreed to write to WSCC BR Members agreed to call a public meeting Footpaths alternative route for WR path Clerk resignation of Mr Hutchinson due to the return of Major Neve. Mr Hutchinson agreed to continue until next appointment made.

November 6th 1946 BR Members the public meeting was poorly attended but agreed to move memorial to behind wall of chapel. Agreed by council and sub-committee appointed. Wards registration office cannot see how it can be done. Agreed to make a plan showing ward boundaries. Church Clock Lighting, agreed that MPC will maintain the lights if MPCC will install them Pump Market Place should be repaired and preserved, agreed write to MRDC Tel Kiosk WR agreed to request moving to a better site Meetings to be held every 2 months, next meeting December 11/12th

December 12th 1946 BR Memorial agreed to move at a cost of £13 3/6 Wamil Bridge WSCC could not repair. agreed to share cost of £19 with Worlington PC Mild War memorial a suggestion to remove the figure on top of memorial was rejected and should remain intact. WR allotments The whole field needs staking out, agreed Wards plan sent to WSCC Clerk it was agreed to offer to reinstate Major Neve with the following conditions, 1, Meetings every 2 months, 2, Salary £30 pa, 3, meetings at RDC offices, 4, He to attend personally

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April 3rd 1947 Annual meeting Dr C T E Parsons elected chairman J C Turner re-elected VC Clerk Major A W Neve unable to accept position due to ill health. The present clerk (Mr Hutchinson) was engaged. Precept Lighting and Watching £220, general £54 Total £300 Parish pump estimate for reinstatement deferred to next meeting Cricket Field sub-committee appointed Allotments to be divided into 40 rod parcels and marked with iron stakes

April 13th 1947 Sub-committee Playing Fields met and measured field

June 5th 1947 Sub-committee Playing Fields plus reps of M CC, Tennis Club and Football Club. Cricket Club wished to remain, Tennis Club not sure, Football Club wished to use field. Not room to put FC at bottom of field, suggested FC play East to West at top end of field and at end of season to play fixtures away and both clubs to use ground. Both clubs were invited to suggest fair rents. Pavilion to be used by both clubs Water Supply from Mild ExServicemens & British Legion Club. Overall there are many obstacles to be overcome.

June 12th 1947 Wards WSCC agreed under the Local Government Act 1933 to be known as Mildenhall High Town with 6 seats, Mildenhall Beck Row with 4 seats and Mildenhall West Row with 3 seats. Allotments Rents agreed at £1 for 40 rod plot WR Council Houses Tenancies to be agreed Pump Water Supply to Wilde street agreed to write to MRDC Bathing at Wamil Sewerage from Mild Senior School into River Lark, agreed write to Education Authority and MRDC

July 11th 1947 Allotments discussion about posts Rubbish in Drives report from WSCC no further action Water Supply Wilde Street tender being considered

August 1st 1947 Sub-committee Council houses 63 applicants for 8 houses, selected 10 names [all listed BS] to go to MRDC in alphabetical order.

September 12th 1947 The death of Mr Arthur Mothersole was recorded Street Lighting Letter from Ministry suggesting 50% cut in lights, sub-committee appointed Churchyard reported to be in bad state, sub-committee appointed WR Allotments

September 17th 1947 sub-committee Recreation Ground

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A lot of discussion football season to end first Saturday after Easter Sunday, cricket to end last Saturday in august. Neither club had given any figure for rent.

October 22nd 1947 Lighting report of meeting Allotments owner of land wished to increase rent from £20 to £30. agreed to offer £25 Recreation Ground proceeding Churchyard proceeding Nuisance write to Highways Authority about heaps of sand etc. sub-committee appointed

December 10th 1947 Churchyard agreed to apply for faculty to move headstones Playing Field sub com to meet again Public Convenience agreed to write to MRDC

February 18th 1948 Half Moon Pit alternative site being sought Churchyard Faculty petition signed by all councillors Toc H request to place a box in the churchyard for collection of books etc. Mr Turner offered to put it in his meadow near the Comet Cinema. agreed Playing fields proceeding Public Convenience proceeding Pump MRDC wishes to remove clack from pump. PC objects and wishes it to be restored for use. Walls to Bridge agreed to write to WSCC as it is an eyesore Parish Councils Association agreed to accept the invitation to join.

April 28th 1948 Annual meeting Parsons and J C Turner both re-elected Pump MRDC agreed a notice saying water is not fit to drink Churchyard Faculty-suggested that grave stones be placed near walls, write again and ask which walls? Telephone Kiosk Junction Road request for one to be passed to Telephone Manager. Bus Service Clerk to write to Eastern Counties Omnibus Co (ECOC) ref. service Bury S E to Mild. Ouse catchment Board ref. proposal for a new river asking for PC boundaries and footpaths Car Park Long discussion after a letter from MRDC, reply not large enough and no space for coaches. Morleys Grey Coaches Ltd request for supporting its application to run daily service to London. supported Precept £300 lighting £225 general £75 PC Association Mildenhall now a member

May 26th 1948 Morleys Grey Coaches Will the council be represented at hearing, agreed yes Pub Convenience nothing more could be done Churchyard a plan to be produced Playing Fields Long discussion including fees for tennis courts 1/6 per hour Car Park Needs a centre light in Market Place 40 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Church Clock Winding to get more information Footpaths more info needed Sunday Cricket to be discussed at next meeting

June 9th 1948 Footpaths discrepancies with maps deposited with RDC in 1933 Church Clock more information Sunday Cricket agreed not to allow.

August 4th 1948 Footpaths agreed to join Commons, Open Spaces & Footpaths Preservation Society Church Clock No legal right to contribute to maintenance Lighting Request from Ministry of Transport to save 25% of pre-war consumption Recreation Ground Tennis courts are now available Police Station Round-a- bout write to WSCC Pott Hall Road poor condition, write to MRDC Naming of Roads Some suggestions are not suitable, write to MRDC

September 22nd 1948 Various matters proceeding Consols to check position

November 10th 1948 Lighting Matters Pump proceeding

January 26th 1949 Lighting agreed to light whole parish to the maximum allowed by law. Recreation Ground Pavilion requested by Football and Cricket Clubs Church Walk request for a byelaw preventing cycling, clerk instructed to write.

March 9th 1949 Rubbish request MRDC put up baskets for rubbish Recreation Ground proceeding Roadways write to Highway Authority

March 31st 1949 Annual Assembly (Annual parish Meeting)

April 7th 1949 Annual meeting Parson and J C Turner both re-elected Accounts presented and agreed Precept £300 lighting £225, general £75 council agreed to increase general to £125 making a precept of £350 Council houses 2 houses available in Junction Rd, 4 names selected and sent to MRDC War Memorial agreed to leave till later 41 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

May 9th 1949 Elections The following were elected; Dallison William E M Edwards Bertram Albert WR Parsons Christopher T E M Ford George Francis WR Pizzey Robert J M Morley Albert Charles WR Starr Arthur J M Clements William Richard BR (Holywell) Turner Horatio Edward D M Oldman Philip Arthur BR Turner James Cooper M Webb John Thomas BR (Wilde Street) Wiseman Archie BR

May 24th 1949 Parsons & J C Turner both re-elected Charity Trustees S Turner, R Woollard, W E Dallison, J C Turner, G J Morley, Mrs Oldman, F T Balls

Recreation Ground sub-committee appointed Roads problems Recreation Ground proceeding Churchyard untidy, agreed to spend up to £20 for tidying Electoral Roll agreed to write to Registration Officer after many errors with people voting in wrong wards at recent elections.

June 15th 1949 Highways patching repairs are planned Children‟s Playing Field Letter from WI about equipment, agreed 2 cllrs to attend a WI meeting. Night Soil WR letter to MRDC requesting more frequent collections Electoral Roll proceeding Recreation Ground Councils should investigate disposing of Recreation Ground to a representative body of HT people. A „White Elephant‟, the rows object to expense and benefit to HT only, request a parish meeting before any heavy expenditure incurred. Motion adopted. News reporting for next meeting

July 27th 1949 Churchyard Mowing machine obtained, can be used at other churchyards in parish. Also available to others @ 1/- day, kept and maintained at Bussen & Parkin Recreation Ground Children Equipment offer of equipment by Mildenhall W I BFP lack of reports, suggest write to editor or start a parish magazine. In discussion Newmarket Journal would publish anything. Agreed to write to editor of BFP Water Supply Wilde Street extension to mains required. Signposts clerk to write to highways requesting re-erection of signs taken down during war.

September 21st 1949 Death of L C F Parker announced Recreation Ground Children‟s 4 representatives of W I attended, suggested swings, seats, paddling pool at bottom ½ of cricket field. Agreed to meet at field to discuss West Street WSCC to pave one side of road and remove 2 trees, requested to plant more trees. BFP chairman had met the editor 42 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Brideswell still a problem Water Supply Wilde Street proceeding Sign Posts proceeding RAF BR unveiling of memorial in RAF Cemetery BR Elect roll write to MRDC to accept wards of PC

November 9th 1949 Recreation Ground Children‟s Playing area Pit might be suitable West Street Trees Possibly 8 trees, leave till WSCC do something with paths. WR Green road widening considered, leave at present Bridge Wall HT to be repaired shortly Water Supply Wilde Street matter dropped for time being British Legion Memorial HT request from BL for maintenance. To be looked into Market place RAF personnel causing problems to and near market cross Concrete Roads in Fens Ownership, put down by Min of Ag, now property of riparian owners.

January 18th 1950 Market Place decided to write to Eastern Electricity Board requesting lights till midnight Bus Service to Newmarket clerk to write to ECOC ref. a better service Council House Allocation PC sent a list of suitable tenants to RDC

March 15th 1950 Market Place Lights all lights in HT on one switch, to ask cost if all lights on till midnight instead of 11pm. Mild Horticultural Soc request use of Recreation Ground on July 15th, agreed at a cost of 10/- Market Place, Rubbish MRDC baskets on order. PC suggested a byelaw stopping litter Bus Stops recently erected by Highway Authority a danger to public. Bomb Shelter near Plough Inn WR Filthy condition, ask WSCC to remove or block off access. BR to WR Road clerk to write to Min of Transport & WSCC as nothing had been done to build this road. Footpaths PC to have access to maps with MRDC Town hall Could PC buy the Town hall which was in the market, after long discussion clerk asked to get particulars.

April 6th 1950 SPECIAL Meeting called to discuss Town Hall situation Lights Extra cost to extend till midnight £18 6/1, agreed to extension of time and extra light in Brick Kiln Lane. Town hall MRDC are not interested in purchasing. What repairs are needed? and what is the asking price? agreed a further meeting when more info. available. Council House Allocation List of prospective tenants sent to MRDC Market Place Litter a byelaw already exists, add notes to baskets.

April 20th 1950 Annual meeting Parsons and J C Turner re-elected Accounts presented (listed) Precept Lighting & Watching 1833 £270, general £80 total £350 Town Hall Clerk instructed to tender for £2,200 43 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Tennis Court in West Street Tennis club requested exclusive use on Thursdays and Saturdays, REFUSED

May 23rd 1950 Parish Meeting Parsons in Chair VC & Cllr Dallison plus 32 electors present Purchase of Town Hall carried 35 for 2 against War Memorial HT estimates for cleaning figure, renovate column and renew inscriptions cost £300. PC only responsible for maintenance estimated at £20. After a long discussion, resolved 22 for none against. “This meeting authorises MPC to put into effect the maintenance repairs to the Memorial in Mild H T under War Memorials (Local Authorities Powers) Act 1923” [I am not sure if this agreed to refurbishment or just to maintenance B S]

June 7th 1950 PC Assn request for council to appoint a representative for the Executive Comm. Mr Dallison appointed. Footpaths a review of the footpaths was to be carried out. Public Convenience MRDC letter, will MPC support the provision. Agreed Town Hall architect appointed who is writing a report. War Memorial write to CC, estimate for repairs £263 13/-, are these works maintenance? Churchyard Cars are encroaching on churchyard in SW corner, write to WSCC can anything be done?

June 30th 1950 SPECIAL Meeting to discuss Town hall Present Mr L T E Wallace Architect & Surveyor to the council Work required in 3 stages 1, alterations and additions £500 2, Decorations & repairs £450 3, soft furnishings £275 & rewiring electricity £250 Total £1475Discussed and asked for a revised estimate [FULL REPORT opposite page 39 2 pages BS]

July 26th 1950 War memorial reply form WSCC very non-committal, agreed to write to Min of Health Holywell pit Depositing of sewage in pit. MRDC said there is nowhere else, MPC said MRDC should find an alternative site. Tennis Courts Children‟s Playing Fields Committee requested use of courts for fundraising event on Sept 29th. Agreed Children‟s Playground W I have raised £280, Pit not suitable, they suggested to rent part of land Mild Ex-servicemen‟s Club, and purchase 1 set of 6 swings for older children, 1 set of 3 swings for younger children for £65, seesaw £35, Ocean Wave £70 and 3 or 4 seats £30 plus a possible slide. Suggested an area 50 yards x 10 yards. Churchyard agreed to erect some iron rails to stop cars Town hall Revised estimate £1765, clerk to apply for loan of £4,000 and inform WSCC that this council hoped for grant from Min of Education, agreed to set up a sub-committee to run hall with 7 members of PC and 5 from other organisations. PC reps. Parsons, Oldman, Webb, Morley, H E D Turner, Dallison and Starr Duplicate Minutes It was agreed that all members would receive the minutes which would save time at council meetings. [It also makes reading them much easier B S]

44 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

September 20th 1950 Children‟s Playground a site 57 yards x 20 yards had been identified at eastern end of pit area which was suitable. To be offered. Carried War Memorial no definite ruling, council will seek opinion of P C Association. PC Assn Mr Dallison wished to resign. No one was appointed as anyone could attend. Council House Allocation 5 names Council House Allocation submitted for 4 houses.

October 24th 1950 Town hall meeting Called by Parsons for various organisations to discuss the future of the town hall, 5 reps elected to join 7 PC’s Mrs Newman, Mrs Sandford, Mr Wilkins, Mr Byron and Mr Barlow

November 23rd 1950 Play Ground more questions over site suitability War Memorial Does the estimate of Jan 1949 still hold, sub comm. appointed to proceed Town hall proceeding Council House Allocation Unless MRDC supports the recommendations of MPC it was a waste of time giving opinions. Agreed to write to MRDC Nuisances in HT request that lights stay on until midnight Collection of Rubbish Mild W I requested back door collection of rubbish

January 18th 1951 Play Ground Playgrounds Appeal Committee will lease a small area of land at Mild Ex-servicemen‟s Club, and not need the land offered by M PC Refuse Collection RDC unable to extend service due to the cost. Agreed that MRDC should consider even if extra rate required. Council House Allocation Reply form RDC that they have the final say. Agreed write again to RDC “ no useful service served by MPC” Town hall proceeding War Memorial agreed the whole scheme can be paid by PC.

February 15th 1951 Town Hall Town hall Co Ltd request completion of purchase. Delay due to various Ministries concerned. War Memorial Payment over 3 years possible, agreed accept estimates. Rights of way (footpaths) will be a large job with colossal time needed.

April 12th 1951 Should have been Annual Meeting but not sufficient time had lapsed after April 1st, so ordinary meeting. Rights of Way proceeding Town Hall proceeding Nuisance in HT the nuisance is increasing agreed to write to the breweries.

May 31st 1951 Parsons & J C Turner both re-elected. Clerk Mr W H Hutchinson resignation, agreed an advert in BFP advertising position at £40 pa.

45 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Town Hall Min of Education will give a grant of approx £750, loan from Min of Local Gov & Planning waited. Tennis Courts Use by Mild secondary (Modern) School agreed. Recreation Ground Pavilion request by Mild Sports Club to erect a building. agreed

June 28th 1951 New Clerk appointed H J King Membership Pizzey Resigned Mr T A Hagger appointed as 1st on list of unsuccessful candidates. Town Hall soon to purchase Rights of way 72 forms have been completed

July 30th 1951 Welcome to T A Hagger Allotments various matters Town Hall Loan signed by Ch & VC for mortgage of £1600 and order for payment to Lloyds bank for a similar sum. Resolved to sign contract and conveyance and to check the inventory in building. Tennis Courts Letter from Children‟s Playgrounds Comm. could they lease the site as courts are not used this year. Voting 2 for 8 against. Agreed to renew offer of land to north side of Pit. Traffic Congestion Write to Chief Constable, W S Constabulary whether any steps to reduce congestion in M H T. Precept Agreed to add a further £100 be issued on RDC

August 13th 1951 Town hall Sub committee Welcomed by Parsons, the Town Hall was now owned by the parish, Parsons did not wish to be chairman. Cleaner/caretaker Mr F Feakes of St Andrews Street was suggested Charges for Users a long discussion then list of charges was agreed [all listed in minute book]

August 27th 1951 Town hall Sub committee 11 members present plus PC clerk Mr H J King Chairman H E D Turner appointed V C W E Dallison appointed Cleaner Mr Feakes at 3/- per hour with a minimum of £1 per week. Repairs a sub-committee was appointed

September 6th 1951 Welcome to new clerk H J King Allotments following an inspection some not cultivated, letters to be sent to tenants Churchyard looking better than for some years. Town hall purchase completed for £2315 11/6 as follows; Purchase £2200, Loan costs £7 4/-, Solicitor £85 17/6, Land Tax £22 10/-. Met by loan of £1600, Grant of £700 from Min of Education and £15 11/6 from revenue account. repairs will be considered. The Town hall Billiards Club will be permitted to remain a tenant. Low Flying Aircraft BR with ref to recent accident when American jet crashed at BR (29/8/51). Resolved to write to MP Mr William T Aitken that “low flying over the village of BR be discontinued at once”. 46 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Rowdyism in HT by Americans, agreed chairman to approach Officer Commanding American Forces at Mild Camp. Traffic Congestion Lorries carrying ballast to Mild Airfield are avoiding centre of town but cars are parked for long periods causing congestion Road BR to WR new road now completed Mild, Barton Mills & Dist Nursing Ass trustees appointed Mildenhall Sports Club Recreation Ground request to be able to charge admission to events. agreed Acting Clerk Mr F Dannatt for past three months agreed a fee of £10 10/-

October 17th 1951 Town Hall Sub committee Repairs estimates from F W Cocksedge, Geo Peachey, G Locke, accepted G Locke £16 8/-

November 8th 1951 Churchyard matters Rowdyism New Com Off at RAF Station who is taking strong action. Parking Sub comm. appointed to work with MRDC Churchyard Wall Seats provided by Com for Festival Exhibitions from funds raised in Town hall in May 1951. £17 any extra costs to be paid by MPC. Allotments to advertise some available Children‟s Playground the Com had negotiated with J W Morley for part of paddock of Thatched House as a site for playground. Council agreed a right of way over roadway to Cricket Field.

November 29th 1951 Parish Meeting To consider Public Rights of way agreed with maps and report provided by Mr Oldman. Sunday cricket a lengthy debate followed by a vote. 19 for 30 against and 16 abstained

January 10th 1952 Traffic Congestion Parking restrictions considered. Allotments New tenants agreed Town hall various bookings were considered

January 9th 1952 Town Hall Sub committee Full minutes attached including need to hire 60/70 chairs for pantomime from Worlington or Barton Mills village halls.

March 3rd 1952 Churchyard MPCC agreed to a small strip 18” wide be made into the roadway to ease congestion. Agreed the erection of fence. Traffic Congestion WSCC visited Mild but are not in favour of the proposals. Agreed to write to MRDC to consider the proposals. Allotments matters Town hall matters Precept for 52/53 Lighting & watching Act 1833 £300 expenses £200 carried (full estimate attached)

March 20th 1952 Town Hall Sub committee [From this point onwards although the full minutes of the Town Hall Management Committee are include in the minute book they are not include here, just the dates.BS] 47 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

April 17th 1952 Town Hall Sub committee

May 21st 1952 Town Hall Sub committee

May 5th 1952 Election uncontested Clements W R BR Haylock William George BR Oldman P A BR Webb J T BR Dallison W E HT Hagger Trevor Arthur HT Parsons C T E HT Starr A J HT Turner H E D HT Willis Kenneth Raymond HT Edwards B A WR Ford George Francis WR Morley A C WR

May 29th 1952 Annual meeting at Town Hall Parsons elected chairman P A Oldman elected VC Warm tribute to J C Turner (who did not seek re-election) Churchyard matters Traffic Congestion MPC should consider a car park with MRDC Council House Allocation Six being completed at Field Road, need tenants, suggestion to combine committee MPC/MRDC to consider. Charity Trustees Samuel Turner, Robert Woollard [Kingsway], W E Dallison, Mrs G F Morley, Mrs P A Oldman, J C Turner and A C Morley. WS P C Assoc P A Oldman appointed Town hall matters

July 24th 1952 Churchyard To construct a new path from West Door to Almshouses, accepted estimate from Walter A Clarke for £34 10/-. Traffic joint meeting arranged for 28th July Council House Allocation agreed to co-operate with RDC to find tenants. Town Hall matters Allotments at Gravel inspection, 4 or 5 not cultivated this year Town Hall Management Committee nomination accepted and filled Children‟s Playground Right of Way agreed by solicitors Coronation of H M The Queen next meeting

September 3rd 1952 Special Meeting Council House Allocation list of 122 names considered, recommended 6 plus 2 reserves

September 24th Town Hall Sub committee 48 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

October 2nd 1952 Allotments termination of some agreements due to condition of plots. Council House Allocation 4 houses in HT and 4 in WR names suggested Coronation To ask for 3 members of various organisation to attend a meeting. Cost of Elections Uncontested, £4 1/0 to be debited in parish account. (RDC) Lime Trees in West Street condition of trees to be reviewed

November 20th 1952 Town Hall Sub committee

November 27th 1952 Traffic suggested that Market Street become one-way Council House Allocation [those allocated were similar those proposed at last meeting B S] Lime Trees To be removed, request to replace with ornamental trees but PC had no powers to plant on the highway. Town Hall matters Allotments matters Charities report from Charities Commissioners that three charities combine, 1, Cottage Hospital, 2, Marshall, 3 District Nursing Association under 1 title „Mildenhall & District Sick Poor Fund‟. Flood Protection Scheme Gt Ouse River Board applying for Act of Parliament, need a list of properties liable for compulsory purchase.

January 22nd 1953 Trees in West Street enquire how many trees are needed then approach organisations to provide 2 trees each. Town Hall matters Allotments New tenants agreed Street Lighting additional light in Kingsway agreed. Coronation Voters List, Beck Row 907, H T 1210, W R 634, any rate would be apportioned BR 1/3 HT 4/9 WR 2/9 1, agreed not to expend over 4d in the £ plus 8d in year 53/54 2, Cost of transport for Rows to HT for Film of Coronation be a first charge on funds . 3, Any balance of funds to be spend in wards under same proportion. Sewage Scheme HT letter from RDC, PC welcomed the scheme and had no objection to part of the pit at end of Kingsway being used as a pumping station. Parish Pit, Kingsway what was its future use? Annual Parish Meeting to be held March 26th 1953 Huts at High Lodge Estate Deplorable condition, consider these people when next looking at tenancies for council houses. Town Hall parking some abuse with parking in front of building.

January 29th 1953 Special with 2 members of MRDC in attendance Council House Allocation 4 houses in Field Road [list of names shown]

March 26th 1953 Parish meeting 49 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Street Lighting Lighting & watching Act 1833, Agreed £300 for 52/53 and £400 for 1953/54 carried. Expenses for 53/54 Agreed to raise 8d in £ to cover extra cost of Coronation Celebrations Unanimous.

March 29th 1953 Council House Allocation clerk to write to MRDC thanking them for adopting the recommendations. Trees in West Street sub-com appointed Street Lighting the contract expire on Sept 1st 1953 Coronation discussion Precept 53/54 Lighting £400, other £800 total £1200 [full estimate shown BS] Mild HT War memorial Agreed to inscribe initials and not full Christian names.

May 7th 1953 Special Meeting with reps of Eastern Electricity Board and members of MRDC present Street Lighting fully discussed and asked to prepare estimates for an improved scheme. Council House Allocation 4 more houses in Field Road names given Precept for 53/54 now agreed at £1200

May 20th 1953 Town Hall Sub committee

May 21st 1953 Annual meeting Parsons & Oldman both re-elected Council Houses RDC propose erecting 62 Cornish Unit houses at Field Road plus 20 traditional houses now in course of erection. Trees in West Street Letter from H T Coronation Com Accounts presented Clerks salary Considered an increase as Town hall bookings now being dealt with. Increased from £40 to £70 from 1/4/1953. Street Lighting New contract in Full, now 96 lamps costing £286 12/- plus £1 for each lamp (previously owned by EEB). [COPY] Ammunition Shelter at Cricket Field agreed to retain Seats in churchyard walls 2 now ready to be placed in position.

July 10th 1953 Town Hall Sub committee

July 23rd 1953 Civil Defence Col Kennedy, County C D Officer present, full discussion and asked to consider the appointment of local organisers. Trees in West Street HT Coronation Com hope to provide the new trees. Allotments Tenancies were all the plots being put to proper use? for next meeting Town Hall matters Public Paths bad state of hedge at Field Walk Parish Pit, Kingsway MRDC still enquiring what its new use should be. MPC undecided.

August 21st 1953 Town Hall Sub committee

October 1st 1953 50 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Civil Defence local organisers Trees in West Street HT Coronation Com have raised £23 0/6 for trees. County surveyor suggests Prunus Schmittii, cost 10/- plus 5/- for planting. Suggestion that West Street is renamed Queensway. To be put to MRDC for their consideration. Footpath Rights of way Draft maps inspected, HT 3 alterations needed, WR & BR not yet inspected. Parish Pit, Kingsway MRDC proposed to purchase and use a depot for their vehicles. Resolved that MPC sell the pit to DC. Allotments considered the present use. Was it right that flowers were being grown, agreed to take no action. Town hall matters HT War Memorial request from British legion for floodlighting of memorial during remembrance week, council agreed it could not do this. Parish Church Clock Now the duty of RDC to pay for clock winding and will pay MPCC £15 pa.

October 22nd 1953 Special including members of MRDC Council House Allocation for 9 houses, full list of names suggested. Trees in West Street correspondence with CC

December 3rd 1953 Allotments War memorial members concerned about long delay in repair and renovation Council House Allocation only 6 of the 9 name put forward were selected by MRDC, long discussion then proposal; “Not to waste time on recommending names” voting for 3 against 7. Trees in West Street compromise agreed with CC Parish Charities John T Webb to fill the vacancy caused by resignation of Robert Woollard. Pedestrian Crossings Mild W I sent letter to be forwarded to CC.

February 4th 1954 Public Footpaths proceeding Street Lighting New scheme approved (with minor amendments) to add 46 new lamps =total 142 lamps, running costs £485 14/6 pa Installation cost £545 [COPY 3 pages Pg 136] Children‟s Playground request permission to lay pipe for water. Granted

February 8th 1954 Special + reps of MRDC Council House Allocation 18 new Cornish Unit houses, 4 for Air Ministry, 5 to families from “Huts”, need tenants for 9, names selected.

March 4th 1954 Town Hall Sub committee

March 15th 1954 Special + reps of MRDC Council House Allocation 12 houses, name supplied Public Convenience request from Children‟s Playground Com, where is the proposed site. Reply at North East corner of field.

March 25th 1954 Trees in West Street Planting now completed 51 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Water Supply to Cricket Field Advice from Bendall & Son, to get a Grant of Right, resolved. Request for financial help in proving water supply to Pavilion. Agreed £10. Precept54/55 Lighting £900 exp £300 Accounts presented

March 25th 1954 Parish Meeting with 15 electors Street Lighting full details of new scheme explained. Carried Nem Con

May 7th 1954 Special meeting + reps of MRDC Council House Allocation 18 houses names selected

May 20th 1954 Annual meeting Ch Parson proposed but did not wish to stand. Oldman elected chairman, K R Willis elected VC General matters Sale of 21/2 % Consols resolved to sell and use for electricity scheme HT War Memorial New “Cap” stone required. PC believed this to be included in original estimate. HT Coronation Com balance of account, agreed to provide a plague of Queensway and some extra trees for Police Station Square.

June 24th 1954 Special Queensway Wording for plaque to be fixed to wall “To commemorate the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2nd June 1953 This street was renamed Queensway and Prunus Schmittii trees were planted here and at Police Station Square” HT War memorial Stone masons add new cap was not included in original estimate, only cleaning, cost of new cap will be £38 4/6. Sub com appointed to go further into the question.

July 22nd 1954 Queensway quote from Bussens & Parkin for plaque £10 19/6. Agreed to get more quotes. HT War memorial Stonemason has agreed not to charge for new cap stone. Allotments Inspection, some in very bad state. Consols amount received £171 17/7 (bought in February 10th 1899 from sale of workhouse £276 16/3 in 2¾ % consolidated stock [poor return - loss of £105 in 55 years BS] Churchyard some used as gardens by adjacent tenants, tenants to be asked to keep them tidy.

September 17th 1954 Town Hall Sub committee

September 23rd 1954 HT War Memorial Hope that work will be complete in 2 to 3 weeks time. Street Lighting Field Road Housing – RDC will put in lights, MPC to take over maintenance and energy. Agreed. 52 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Allotment up to date list of tenants Cricket Field Youths from surrounding villages are playing football on Sundays. Agreed to ask Police what they can do. Public Liability Insurance resolved to increase from £5000 to £20000 Bus Service 138 Newmarket to BR Agreed to write to ECOC to alter timetable. Members Absence Clerk to write to Mr A J Starr ref. prolonged absence.

October 28th 1954 Special meeting Public Footpaths modifications to draft map, 3 added and 3 deleted. No further action. War memorial Now completed, unveiling and rededication on Sunday October 31st at 3 pm. It was noted that Walter Jaggard‟s name had been omitted. Agreed to get added.

November 18th 1954 + members of MRDC Council House Allocation 6 houses WR, names selected Members Absence Mr Starr said that he had been teaching mathematics to USAF students. Reason for absence not approved and therefore his office is vacant. Agreed to ask W A Moore, Bank House Mildenhall if he would like to serve. Street Lighting Field Road details also EEB gave notice that the contract will terminate on 31/3/1955. War memorial Queensway Plaque 2 further quotes, one at £15 12/6 and other at £14 10/-. Agreed to accept quite of Bussens & Parkin Public Convenience Cricket Field plan submitted, rough estimate £300. Agreed to ask Children‟s Playground Com if they wished to contribute.

January 27th 1955 + members RDC Mr Willard Archie Moore elected to fill the vacancy. Council House Allocation 2 houses in Field Road, names selected. War Memorial decided not to change grass area Public Convenience Cricket Field proceeding Sewage Scheme for HT agreed in principle

March 24th 1955 Public Convenience Cricket Field sub com formed Precept lighting £300 extras £350 Annual meeting will be May 26th 1955

March 24th 1955 Annual parish Meeting with 9 electors present Street Lighting Estimate approved Expenses 8d in the pound

May 9th 1955 Election uncontested Roberts Geoffrey Ashton BR Haylock William George BR Oldman P A BR Webb J T BR Dallison W E HT Hagger Trevor Arthur HT 53 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Moore William Archie HT Wallis Reginald Albert HT Turner H E D HT Willis Kenneth Raymond HT Edwards B A WR Ford George Francis WR Taylor-Balls Reginald William WR

May 10th 1955 Special meeting 5 parish councillors and 2 RDC councillors Parish Pit, Kingsway Proposed PC sell pit to RDC for £65 Council House Allocation 6 two bed roomed houses in Field Road, names given

June 2nd 1955 Annual meeting Oldman elected chairman and Willis v c Council House Allocation 3 Mildenhall 2 WR Public Convenience Cricket Field Site proposed in S E Corner (Near Pit) Parish Pit, Kingsway RDC agreed £65 Town Hall Man Committee appointed, [all names are listed] Charity Trustees appointed [all names listed] Street Lighting new 3 yr agreement

June 16th 1955 Parish Meeting at Town hall with 5 electors Sale of Parish Pit agreed with 3 votes for and 1 against

July 21st 1955 + 2 members of RDC Resignation of W E Dallison, a civil servant with the Board of Inland Revenue. Civil servants should not be councillors. Agreed to ask Rev Dell (new vicar of parish) if he is willing to serve. Council House Allocation 7 in Scott Avenue names given Parish Pit proceeds towards cost of Public Convenience Cricket Field Traffic Speeding in BR and Mild County Surveyor is unable to introduce speed limits are there is not enough lights, agreed to meet him. Public Convenience Cricket Field 3 tenders accepted William Clarke £209 10/- Gravel Pits at Three Hills Fenced by Forestry Commission, question of ownership, agreed write to For Com Holywell Row Pit Has been fenced in, agreed to find out who by.

September 29th 1955 Speeding BR agreed to provide an extra light Gravel Pits at Three Hills Forestry Commission bought from J W Norton, Brandon who had purchased from Bunbury Estate Sale, Members thought this area had been excluded from the sale. Holywell Row Pit Fenced by MRDC Vacancy Rev R S Dell elected to fill the vacancy

November 1st 1955 Town Hall Sub committee

November 24th 1955 54 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Ch and VC absent so Mr Edwards elected chairman for the meeting. TH Billiards Room Tenancy discussed TH Chairs agreed to purchase 100 nesting chairs at 28/9 each Precept 56/57 1d rate = £176 10/- Lighting £670, expenses £700 Civil Defence request for organiser for HT and WR

January 26th 1956 Ch and VC absent so Mr Edwards elected chairman for the meeting. Town Hall, Billiard Room condition of the walls Town hall Chairs agreed to purchase 100 tubular steel chairs at 28/9 each. Precept 1956/57 Lighting & watching £670 Other expenses £700 Annual parish meeting to be on March 22nd 1956 Public convenience insurance The clerk was requested to insure the recently erected conveniences at the Cricket Club against fire in the sum of £200.

March 22nd 1956 7pm Civil Defence PC unable to find organisers Proposed car Park HT estimated cost £4000 or a modified scheme for £1600, agreed to the modified scheme as a special charge to the parish. Gravel Pits at Three Hills MAFF letter, ownership was correct as Mr Norton purchased at sale, more checks to be made. Kingsway Pit sale agreed by the ministry Collection of Refuse 1, for collection from rear of premises , 2, weekly collection for WR, BR & Kenny Hill Trees in Churchyard request from CC for lopping

March 22nd 1956 Annual parish Meeting 8pm Street Lighting £670 agreed

May 15th 1956 Town Hall Sub committee

May 24th 1956 annual meeting Oldman elected Ch Edwards elected vice chairman Car Park HT Min of Housing & Local Government has given permission Rubbish Collection proceeding Churchyard trees now lopped by Mr Bentley T H Man Com minutes agreed Charity Trustees agreed that Mr H E D Turner replace Mr Samuel Turner (deceased) Speeding BR 30 MPH extra light now erected, write to County Surveyor

June 20th 1956 Town Hall Sub committee

July 19th 1956 Provision of Recreation Ground on Field Road Housing Estate, agreed to defer at present time. War Memorial all bedding plants round W M had been given by Mr A W Woollard of Kingsway, clerk to write, grateful thanks of the council. [Personal note BS father in law!]

September 19th 1956 55 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Appeal to Rating Authority Town hall Gross value £75 rate of £60 reduce to £30 and £22 Cricket Field Gross value £25 reduce to £5 Trees in Churchyard need more lopping

November 7th 1956 Churchyard Trees Agreed to accept W C Bentley tender for £20 for removal of all remaining branches. Burials in HT cemetery almost full. To look into forming a Burial Board Street Lighting, Field Road Estate now taken over by CC and therefore MPC is responsible for lighting.

January 30th 1957 TH Interior decoration 8 builders invited to tender, 4 sent in tenders. Accepted G Locke & Son £181, SUB Com appointed to oversee. Precept 57/58 Lighting £700 expenses £500 to include £200 for painting. Burial facilities HT MPCC sent letter that facilities only for another 12 to 18 months. Suggest RDC takes over responsibility. Night Parking in market Place to get more information.

March 12th 1957 Annual Parish Meeting with 9 electors at 7pm Street lighting 57-58 £700 agreed Parish Charities the legality of the appointment of trustees by the PC was in question. Agreed to write to Charity Commissioners to clarify the position.

March 12th 1957 7.30 Burial HT agreed to set up joint com of MPCC, RDC and MPC. Night Parking in market Place Market Place not an official car park and after a long discussion agreed to get more info. Bus Shelters Mild W I suggested four sites, Outside Church, outside Forsters (chemist), Kingsway and Field Road. Agreed to consider Judes Ferry Bridge agreed to write to WSCC about repair to the bridge

May 21st 1957 Annual meeting Oldman and Edwards both re-elected Burials RDC consider that MPC should provide facilities, after prolonged discussion agreed to refer back to RDC. Judes Ferry Bridge County Surveyor intends carrying out repairs in the near future. Appeal to Rating Authority- new rates Town hall, Gross value £50 rate of £40 Cricket Field Gross value £8 TH Man Com appointed Night Parking in market Place agreed to erect an extra light at Snushall‟s Fish Shop and write to MRDC to describe Market Place as an official Car Park Bus Shelters resolved to provide a bus shelter at Field Road and look at other sites in the whole parish, sub com appointed. Market stalls clerk to write to RDC about stalls under Market cross and vans near stalls, if move more space available for more stalls. Market Considered at some length. Agreed to communicate with local auctioneers to enquire if they would be interested in holding auction sales.

56 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

July 16th 1957 Burials following joint com RDC will consider taking on responsibility Market Stalls RDC will consider at next meeting Bus Shelters agreed in Field road opposite “Globe” public house Market following letters from auctioneers no further action at present. Transfer of overspill from London letter from RDC request 2 members for com, W A Moore and G Ashton Roberts Street Lighting, Field Road RDC proposing to replace all the lights, more info needed Charities Clerk instructed to write to clerk of Charity Trustees on the distribution of dole money

August 21st 1957 Town Hall Sub committee

September 24th 1957 Street Lighting, Field Road MPC agreed to accept the running and maintenance costs Rev Dell resignation as leaving the district on 30/9/1957. Night Parking in market Place letter from Chief Constable, it is now an official car park Charities no distribution of dole this year due to legal constitution questions. Bus Shelters Field Road 4 tenders accepted F W Cocksedge at £115 Sign Posts for footpaths CC and RDC considering, agreed unnecessary Proposed Car Parkin King Street will cost £1608 1/11. To ask how it will be paid for and if a loan to defer due to high interest rates at present. Judes Ferry Bridge clerk to write to County Surveyor Parish Council Review agreed to become a regular subscriber and get 4 copies quarterly.

November 19th 1957 Bus Shelter difficulties about site from County Surveyor. Judes Ferry County Surveyor, bridge to be rebuilt so suggest temporary repairs. Toilets WR School Still buckets, education officer cannot do anything as there is no public sewer. Agreed to write suggesting cess pits. Street Light, Folly Road get more info. Street Light, General new terms needed from EEB to be £663 13/1 from 1/4/1958, asked for reps to attend next meeting. Car park RDC costs to come from balances and charges at 2 ½ % against the parish. Agreed should proceed and spread costs over 3 years. Allotments Some plots transferred from late husband to wife.

January 21st 1958 plus reps of EEB Street Lighting full info from reps. agreed 1, not to change Tungsten to Sodium lamps due to cost, 2, to accept the new terms and 3, any new lamps to be Sodium. Toilets WR School Education Officer cannot make any improvements due to regulations. Bus Shelter Site still being considered T H Billiard Room Work needed to stop damp 4 tenders accepted William Clarke £85 Precept Lighting £750 expenses £500 Group Personal Accident Insurance under Parish Councils act 1957, PC‟s entitled to insure their members against accidents while carrying out council business, agreed to take out with Alliance Assurance Co Ltd 57 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

February 28th 1958 Special meeting Bus Shelter WSCC refused permission on proposed site. Resolved that MPC appeal the decision. Street lighting, Field Road 2 extra lights approved Snow Clearing Write to County Surveyor regarding condition of roads during recent Blizzard, suggest snow ploughs to be used by local farmers.

March 18th 1958 Annual Parish Meeting with 8 electors at 7 pm

March 18th 1958 at 7.30 pm Bus shelter still proceeding

May 5th 1958 Election notices in minute book

Roberts Geoffrey Ashton BR Haylock William George BR Oldman P A BR Webb J T BR Lee Edgar Frederick HT Hagger Trevor Arthur HT Moore William Archie HT Wallis Reginald Albert HT Turner H E D HT Willis Kenneth Raymond HT Rolfe Arthur Raymond WR Ford George Francis WR Taylor-Balls Reginald William WR

May 20th 1958 annual meeting Chairman W A Moore Vice Chairman G Ashton Roberts Bus Shelter proceeding Cricket Field Rent agreed to increase rent to Football Club from £6 to £12 Town Hall Man Com appointed Collection of Refuse to ask RDC to improve weekly service to WR BR HR and KH Telephone Facilities at BR write to Telephone Manager for better facilities

July 15th 1958 Telephone facilities reply cannot do anything this year Declaration of Acceptance G F Ford and J T Webb have not attended a meeting or sent apologies. Resolved these two offices now vacant. Street Lighting matters Prince of Wales Public House proposed change of use to Wet & Fried Fish Shop, MPC objected.

August 23rd 1958 Town Hall Sub committee

September 23rd 1958 58 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Telephone facilities agreed to write again to telephone manager Street Lighting proceeding Vacancies Beck Row Mrs C W D Moss West Row Frederick J Taylor Balls West Row School Toilets letter of support from local MP Bus Shelter agreed to erect a temporary shelter due to problems getting permission for site for permanent shelter. Sewage Scheme HT MPC agreed in principle to the scheme. War Memorial clerk directed to write to Mr K S Rivett for looking after War memorial, and Mr A W Woollard thanking him for supplying various plants free of cost. Illness of Mr J T Webb letter wishing him a speedy recovery Cricket Field rent Letter from Football Club appealing against increase in rent. Agreed Football club pay £8 and Cricket Club £4. Charities No distribution of dole money for last 2 or 3 years, agreed to ask trustees to meet

November 18th 1958 Charity Trustees agreed a distribution of dole money on November 17th 1958 W R School Toilets will be improved in year 1960/61 Bus shelter agreed a temp. shelter at BR end of present housing estate costing £57 10/- Traffic agreed when new car park ready, a 3 month trial of parking restrictions be tried. H R water pressure inadequate, a problem with a recent fire. agreed write to RDC Pub Convenience Signs in bad positions Cricket Field youths playing on pitch on Sat am before matches, PC agreed to prepare a 2nd pitch with goal posts.

January 19th 1959 Clerks salary agreed to increase from £70 to £90 pa from 1st October 1958 Precept 59/60 Lighting £680 extras £350 Council House Allocation considered at length the method of allocation and satisfied with the present system. Mild Signs resolved to investigate the possibility of Mildenhall sign at entrance to High Town. Mild RD Old Peoples Welfare Com asked for reps for BR & WR Boundaries commission members appointed to attend meetings.

March 17th 1959 Annual Parish Meeting at 7 pm with 10 electors Financial statement and account of Parish Charities

March 17th 1959 Mildenhall Signs informed that PC‟s have no authority to spend money on such signs. Refuse Pit H R Road more than full, write to RDC and ask for new site to be found. They could use the pit between Cricket Field and Cemetery. WR School Lavatories write to CC again to improve conditions.

May 27th 1959 Annual meeting Moore & Ashton Roberts both re-elected Traffic Matters proceeding Signs RDC no action. Suggest they may be paid by Local Chamber of Trade 59 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Refuse Pit H R Road proceeding Appointments made to various bodies including Charity TH repairs agreed Bus Shelter New site now agreed Parish Pump RDC suggest removal to make more space. MPC say pump should remain and be repainted in original colours. King Street possibility of footpaths on both sides of road.

July 23rd 1959 Bus Shelter Only 1 tender received and considered excessive, write again for tenders. Churchyard Com long report attached. 1, Tenants of cottages no longer be permitted to cultivate plots in churchyard, and to reseed with grass. 2, All gravestones, except tombs be removed. 3, Headstones placed around sides of churchyard. 4, Rose bushes planted and 2 or 3 seats be provided. Agreed that if MPCC agree to apply for Faculty. Swimming Pool to be placed on agenda for next meeting.

August 25th 1959 Town Hall Sub committee

September 28th 1959 Traffic Prohibition Order proceeding Churchyard MPCC agree to improvements, clerk to get faculty Bus Shelter no further tenders received so accepted K Smith £132 12/6 (if site still available) Swimming Pool for HT Possible but high cost of purchase and maintenance. Clerk to make enquiries regarding cost and any grants available. Queens way footpaths need repair Council Houses RDC report on proposals to build more houses

November 14th 1959 New Cemetery HT proposed site at Thetford Road Resignation of W R Willis as he is leave Mild on 19/12/1959 Swimming Pool Agreed, 1 enquire WSCC about grant, 2, Enquire from Newmarket UDC costs and any other info. 3, enquire how much use the schools will make of the pool. Refuse collection write to MRDC what would be the cost of weekly collections in the rows?

January 26th 1960 Vacancy Mr H G Abbs to fill vacancy of K R Willis Precept 60/61 Lighting £700 expenses £400 New Cemetery draft layout and costs provided by RDC. MPC agreed to proceed. Purchase Car Park considered purchase by MPC from RDC. agreed no action. Bus shelter a new site proposed by the new deputy County surveyor. Swimming Pool after considering costs, resolved no further action to be taken. Refuse collection proceeding

March 22nd 1960 Annual Parish Meeting 12 electors Financial statement, accounts of Parish Charities and Proposed NEW Scheme for Parish Charities

60 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

March 22nd 1960 Fencing at rear of cemetery 150 yards, agreed to get tenders Queensway request for kerbing Bust Shelter Agreed to purchase permanent shelter as agreed in 1957. Asked F W Cocksedge to submit a revised tender. Refuse Collection RDC cannot change due to costs Street Lighting an extra light in Market Place was agreed Old Tennis Courts application to rent the old courts on playing field to keep pigs, refused TH Billiard Room Repairs not yet complete Parish Charities new scheme explained

May 18th 1960 Town Hall Sub committee

May 25th 1960 Annual meeting Moore and Ashton Roberts both re-elected Queensway asked to put „NO PARKING‟ signs on road Bus Shelter F W Cocksedge revised tender £126 15/- Cemetery Fence 3 tenders, accepted G R Peachey £210 8/9 Cricket Field to consider selling to sports clubs at next meeting Churchyard to prepare plans of improvements

July 20th 1960 Parish Meeting 13 electors Footpaths a full report by Mr Oldman

July 20th 1960 Bus Shelter site agreed Cemetery fencing Letter from Peachey, tender might increase if wages rise, told he cannot vary the tender. Cricket Field sale Mr Hagger explained why the field should be sold to sports clubs and then proposed the sale. Voting 2 for 6 against, Defeated

September 28th 1960 Cemetery fencing Mr Peachey reported that he had been given a wrong price for fence posts and his new price was £420 11/10. After lengthy discussion it was agreed to ask F W Cocksedge if his quote of £266 included the correct pots. Signposts for Footpaths some in WR ward should be signposted (full report attached) Road safety letter to W S Constabulary 1, “Half Moon” road junction, 2 High Street from Market Place to Police Station Square Churchyard agreed to get 3 wrought iron seats for wall alcoves

October 25th 1960 Town Hall Sub committee

November 30th 1960 Bus shelter RDC will give a grant of £50 or 1/3 cost whichever is the lower Cemetery Fencing agreed to invite new tenders for the work

61 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Traffic at Churchyard To write to CC to close part of the road south of churchyard and open up for vehicular traffic church walk from High Street to Cottage Rooms. Voting 7 for 3 against Light Industry Ask RDC to press for light industry in view of the recent announcement of American authorities. Resolved to ask MRDC to take any steps. also WSCC

Churchyard upkeep Tidied up by 4 Americans. agreed to purchase a machine to keep grass cut. Mild Post Office complaints about poor service and lack of privacy. Agreed to write to Head Postmaster Special Subcommittee to deal with urgent matters between meetings to consist of Ch, VC and 1 other member

January 25th 1961 Town Hall Sub committee

February 1st 1961 Bus shelter site agreed WSCC will give a grant of £42 5/- Cemetery fencing 2 tenders Locke £199, Peachey £488 13/7, agreed to defer till next meeting. Churchyard seats agreed to purchase 2/3 seats at £10 10/- each for alcoves Churchyard Grass cutting machine to ask for demonstrations of machines PreceptLighting £700 expenses £500 Clerks salary agreed to increase from £90 to £100 pa New Cemetery RDC proposed to accept a tender of £5113 for levelling of the site. Subcommittee appointed. WR development planreferred to WR members Mild to B R road write to highways comm. to provide a cycle track.

March 29th 1961 Annual Parish Meeting 7 electors Financial statements, accounts of Parish Charities, New Parish Charities Scheme now in force.

March 29th 1961 Bus Shelter write to Cocksedge to proceed with erection. Churchyard MRDC „Churchyard Road‟ should be made one way. Cycle track regulations make the suggestion impossible, the cost of a new track would be £10-12,000 Fencing Cemetery resolved no further action for time being Grass cutting machine resolved to purchase 18” Atco rotary for £28 from Bussens & Parkin Chairman‟s Thanks Ch informed members that for health reasons he would not be seeking re-election to the council at the following triennial elections.

May 31st 1961 annual meeting G Ashton Roberts elected chairman and E F Lee VC All representatives of other bodies appointed Street Lighting separate committees for each ward to consider the requirements

June 29th 1961 Town Hall Sub committee

July 26th 1961 A R Rolfe did not wish to serve, to ask J D Eastham if he wished to serve 62 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Street Lighting committees reports accepted agreed to invite reps of EEB to a meeting Trees in Kingsway Some trees showing signs of disease Post box in Kingsway Head postmaster to replace with bigger box, requested to move it from near Blooms Nurseries to near the bus stop.

September 28th 1961 Vacancy John Derek Eastham elected Convenience at Cricket Field Vandalism, council considered closing but agreed to give each club a key to open when games played. Trees in Kingsway suffering from Elm disease, to be removed, also some in Queensway. Street Lighting to accept EEB quotation as attached [difficult to read in 2011 BS] County Development Plan to provide for 5000 extra people in Mild, accepted in principle. Children‟s Playground Mild report from Mild Children‟s Playground Com for MPC to take on existing playground. subcommittee formed Churchyard Traffic Letter from County Surveyor about making road to south „Churchyard‟ closed to traffic. agreed Bus shelter Field Road details Public Footpaths to request RDC provide signposts Judes Ferry Bridge fencing in bad condition, request urgent repairs War Memorial to request „Keep Left‟ signs on corners.

November 16th 1961 Convenience at Cricket Field Cricket club will hold key, no response from football club. Bus shelter extra work needed on ceiling, will cost £20, agreed to get estimates. New Cemetery Charges of £5100 financed by loan and £700 pa be charged to Parish Estimates. Resolved to apply to RDC for loan of £5100. Children‟s Playground resolved to take over playground. Bendall & Sons to act as solicitors for council Train Services Withdrawal of passenger services on Mild branch. Council raised no objections voting for 3 against 8 Proposed the council objects, carried. BR and K H War memorials. urgent need of repair, agreed to put on next agenda and get estimates from H G Neville & Son.

January 25th 1962 Cricket Field Convenience Football club has sent letter they will hold a key Churchyard Traffic County Highways agreed to closure to motor vehicles and cycles New Cemetery RDC acceded to councils request for loan of £5100 Withdrawn Passenger Services after a review announced that services will be withdrawn, possibility of a mini bus service from Shippea Hill Station to High Town Street Lighting New agreement for lighting, power £525 17/8 maintenance £223 17/11 Lighting of King Street Car Park to consider together with King Street Bus Shelter fixing ceiling 3 tenders accepted William Clarke £10 10/- Estimates for 62/63 Lighting £1800 expenses £500 (all detailed) Improvements to Churchyard To get estimates for removal of graves before applying for Faculty. Meeting agreed all future meetings to be held at RDC offices WR Flooding near Gravel/Church Lane

March 29th 1962 Annual Parish Meeting with 12 electors 63 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Financial statement and Charity statement

March 29th 1962 Footpath 18 Beck Row alterations by developers and not accurately reinstated Improvements to Churchyard verbal estimate from Cocksedge £118, H O Andrews £1000, agreed to apply for Faculty. WR Flooding County Surveyor promised to have a soakaway constructed King Street Lighting New lights considered and agreed B R & KH War Memorials agreed to repair by H G Neville Children‟s Playground agreed to grant of £50 for maintenance.

May 31st 1962 Annual meeting Ashton Roberts and Lee both re-elected Improvements to Churchyard Letter from authority would not agree to moving stones. agreed to resubmit for faculty as suggested and request a site meeting. Financial statement 61/62 All representatives appointed Churchyard Traffic letter received requesting road remains open as proposed development on Mill Street. agreed to defer until more details available. Road Conditions in Mildenhall roads in bad state in connection with laying of public sewer. [Note; it appears that the term High Town is not used very often B.S]

July 26th 1962 WR Methodist Churchyard would MPC take over this, no decision made Road Conditions in Mildenhall County Surveyor said the work will be done Footpath ( & 18 BR letter from WSCC about closure. Replied MPC do not want them closed. Flood Protection Scheme Footpath to Eriswell (No 10) over New Cut Off Channel, write to Eriswell PC Cricket Field Convenience more damage reported, will be repaired and if happens again they will be closed.

August 9th 1962 Town Hall Sub committee Considering modernization

October 4th 1962 Flood Protection Scheme Great Ouse river Board confirmed they will construct a bridge. WR Methodist Churchyard deferred for more information Improvements to Churchyard suggested move footstones and place near headstones and place some flat. Letter suggesting joint inspection. Town Hall report accepted (and included) 30 mph speed limit agreed to request 30 mph be extended along Thetford Road past cemetery and in Bury Road past “Pine Trees” Car Parking Queensway problems occurring on Mondays when court sitting

October 31st 1962 Town Hall Sub committee Modernization considered

December 6th 1962 30 mph speed limit WSCC considering 64 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Car Parking Queensway Police will put out “NO PARKING” signs on Mondays WR Methodist Churchyard Proposed that MPC does not take on graveyard but agreed that £7 grant be given in 63/64 for maintenance. Improvements to Churchyard a meeting has taken place and the following recommendation were made; 1, to put some gravestones near the wall 2, All legible stones to be moved from NE & SE sections of graveyard arranged in rows in W section. 3, Remove kerb stones form Godfrey Vault 4, Kitchener Tomb, restored or removed, Scott‟s tomb remove railings. all recommendations were agreed subject to Faculty being granted, agreed to get quotations for the work. Town hall agreed to modernization scheme Sunday cricket Mildenhall Cricket Club seek permission to play on Sundays, agreed to allow play after 12 noon, carried 5 votes to 2

January 30th 1963 Town Hall management committee Improvements 4 tenders received William Clarke accepted £159 4/6

January 31st 1963 30 mph speed limit County Surveyor could not grant this extension Improvements to Churchyard Faculty now issued, will get quotes Street Lights WR 8 extra lights required costing £209 11/- agreed Town Hall report accepted Estimate 63/64 Electricity £800 General £600 Parking in Mill Street To ask County Surveyor about prohibiting parking along whole length of street. Aspal Close BR as Aspal Farm is for sale request to County Planning Officer to provide plans showing “open space”

March 28th 1963 Annual Parish Meeting with 8 electors Financial statement and Charity statement

March 28th 1963 Swimming Pool discussion about a public pool and agreed to arrange a public meeting Aspal Close BR County Council considering Tree Preservation Order for ancient oaks Car Parking Queensway resolved to ask CC to prohibit parking from 8 am to 6 pm between New Street and Police Station Corner Gravel Allotments request from land owner to increase rent, agreed to £30 per annum Complaint about damage to crops behind goalposts on cricket field, request for 12 ft high fence. agreed to ask Football and Cricket club for their comments. Parking in Mill Street WSCC will bring in an order prohibiting waiting.

May 23rd 1963 Annual meeting Ashton Roberts and Lee both re-elected Swimming Pool Public meeting on 30th May 1963 at RDC offices St Andrews St & King St both in poor condition, County Surveyor says they need complete reconstruction. Financial statement made 65 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Representatives appointed Mill Street Mildenhall and District Chamber of Trade object to parking restrictions and wish to discuss with MPC, agreed. Complaint following letters from Football and Cricket club council agreed no action will be taken. RDC Cesspool emptying RDC will cease this service on 1/4/1964. Questions raised regarding WR, BR, HR & KH where there is no mains sewage.

July 25th 1963 Swimming Pool Public meeting well attended, voted in favour and committee formed to raise funds for the project. Agreed to give a grant of £25 for expenses. Resignation of Clerk Mr H J King from 30/9/1963 after 12 years service. Placed on record councils appreciation of his services. Appointment of new clerk Resolved that R A Wallis be appointed from 1/10/1963 on the same terms. Mr Wallis pointed out that members of the council may not be paid and that as 12 months should lapse he would resign as councillor and not take any remuneration for the first 12 months. Parking in Mill Street report of meeting held on 20 June 1963 with MP, Mild and Dist Chamber of Trade , MRDC, West Suffolk Constabulary, discussed in committee to avoid publicity. CC propose to hold a public enquiry on 5th Sept 1963. Kingsway Cemetery Mr Alfred Grantham suggested it be made a nature sanctuary as at least 80 different species of birds and 40 species of plants. agreed to pass request to MPCC. King St Car Park surfacing, drainage & fencing work costing £2500. Although the cost was rather high it was agreed to proceed.

September 4th 1963 Town Hall Sub committee

September 27th 1963 Swimming Pool Grant of £25 available if needed by fund raising committee Resignation of R A Wallis accepted, agreed to ask Donald Parker if he is willing to serve. Queensway Parking County Surveyor letter said no action will be taken. Presentation to outgoing clerk H J King of a silver salver

November 19th 1963 Parking in Mill Street Prohibition of waiting order from 1/11/1963 TH Man Committee report Council Vacancy Donald Parker declined the invitation, Roy Vincent Skelt of 7 Heath Road was elected. St Andrews St One way system considered but agreed no decision at present.

November 28th 1963 Town Hall Sub committee

January 30th 1964 TH Man Com report Estimates for 64/65 electricity £1000, expenses £1000 Britain in Bloom agreed MPC would help in organisation of the event 66 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Street Lighting more lights required in Mildenhall & BR on New estate roads WSCC will maintain and provide electricity when they take on new developments. Churchyard Road confirmed closure to traffic WR War Memorial agreed a grant of £20 towards repairs.

March 24th 1964 Annual Parish Meeting with 9 electors Financial statement and Charity statement

March 24th 1964 Estimates for 64/65 agreed to ask for extra £400 to precept for lighting New Lights agreed costing £464 15/- Churchyard Road clerk to write to CC to make the order. Footpath 3 WR ploughed up, council agreed it must be reinstated. Churchyard Gravestones to seek tenders for moving Road Safety East end of Kingsway a small island to be constructed Signposts agreed that all rights of way should be signposted

May 19th 1964 Town Hall Sub committee Improvements, 3 tenders accepted G Locke & Son £1,102

May 4th 1964 Election only 11 elected July 6th 1964 Election two more elected R W Taylor-Balls (WR) & Alfred George Winn (BR)

July 17th 1964 annual meeting Ashton Roberts re elected chairman Oldman elected VC Signposts agreed that 120 signposts be purchased Reps appointed Churchyard Gravestones only 1 estimate accepted William Clarke £221 Cesspool Emptying the service will continue where mains sewage system is not available Churchyard Road after a meeting it was agreed this will be closed Street Lighting New Developments, agreed chairman has powers to approve under highways act 1959. Footpath 1 Diversion report for diversion not decided

September 17th 1964 Signposts Rights of Way CC has no objection in principle Notifications of Planning, Major Importance decided to form 3 sub committees of 3 members of each ward

October 1st 1964 Town Hall Sub committee

November 12th 1964 Signposts Rights of Way following costings it was decided not to proceed Swimming Pool Mild & Dist Swimming Pool & Sports Development Association, asked MPC if they will provide a site off St Andrews Street. Looking for large area for pool, sports hall, running track etc.

67 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Town Map being proposed by Town & Country Planning Dept of CC. 4 members formed sub committee TH Man Com report including rewiring Street Lighting review within the parish needed T H Insurance agreed to increase Fire Insurance from £5200 to £10400 for buildings and from £200 to £1000 for contents. Churchyard Gravestones good progress being made

December 2nd 1964 Town Hall Sub committee

January 21st 1965 Swimming Pool meeting, majority preferred site next to cricket field on site known as “The Pit”. The area around the cricket field most suitable for recreation centre for Mild and district. T H Man Com report including New Heating by G Locke & Son £201 17/- New rewiring Donald Jenkins £252 15/10 Estimates for 65/66 Electricity £1500 general £1700 Estimate of penny rate for 64/65 lighting area £696, fen area £21 = total £717 Street Lighting discussion on various improvements Carnival Week Being planned by Toc H, MPC would give every encouragement

March 25th 1965 Annual Parish Meeting with 11 electors Financial statement and Charity statement

March 25th 1965 Street lighting details of extra lights discussed and agreed to get further quotes Town Hall Oil Fired Heating System 3 tenders considered £1259 to £1577, agreed all too costly, referred back to T H Com T H New Floor J A Hewetson quote of £369 4/9 accepted

April 8th 1965 Town Hall Sub committee

May 27th 1965 annual meeting Ashton Roberts and Oldman both re-elected T H Man Com report Internal Decoration 3 tenders accepted G Locke & Sons £282, and new floor as above. Street Lighting Mild Town Development, 88 houses agreed 13 concrete columns Children‟s Playground Mild Children‟s Playground Com again requests that MPC accept the playground, postponed a decision to see the trust deed.

July 17th 1965 Town Hall Sub committee July 22nd 1965 Kingsway Cemetery agreed to give a contribution of £10 for upkeep General Purposes Com agreed to set up to deal with all matters relating to Mild Town Development. Ch, VC & T A Nelson Street Lighting more lights agreed for HT and WR King Street Car Park layout plan with 78 spaces for cars and 6 for lorries submitted to RDC 68 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Swimming Pool Site letter from Mild & Dist Swimming Pool & Sports Development Association, original thought site to be old tennis courts adjacent to children‟s playground and part of pit area. Agreed to make this land available, but would not commit to taking on the running of the pool. T H Man Com report Public Convenience, High Street In poor condition, suggest to MRDC that new public convenience be erected in vicinity of King Street Car Park. Primary Schools GLC housing proceeding and ever increasing numbers of children attending schools. Agreed to write to Chief Education Officer requesting the nursery school to cater for the influx.

August 16th 1965 Town Hall Sub committee Electrical work

September 23rd 1965 Primary Schools Letter from Chief Education Officer who promised to look at situation to see what could be done. Council agreed to write to Sec of State for Education. T H Man Com report Cemetery Thetford Road Letter from MRDC about MPC taking over the cemetery on 1/4/1966, under the Burials Acts 1852-1906. Must be adopted at a parish meeting, agreed to take it over after the parish meeting agrees.

November 1st 1965 Town Hall Sub committee

November 24th 1965 Primary Schools Letter from Chief Education Officer and Sec of State for Education were read and following agreed; 1, To ask Chief Education Officer if there will be sufficient funds for extra classrooms by next summer. 2, write to Sec of State for Education for inclusion of a new primary school for Mild in building programme for 1967/8. Cemetery Thetford Road Public meeting to be held on January 20th 1966 to approve. T H Man Com report adopted Allotments WR reported that several allotments were being cultivated by persons who did not hold the tenancy. Agreed to investigate.

January 20th 1966 Parish meeting 6 electors 1, Cemetery motion carried to take over the cemetery 2, Rights of Way Act agreed that some footpaths may be deleted.

January 20th 1966 Primary Schools Letter from Chief Education Officer, the needs of Mild will be high on the list. Arranged that 2 prefab classrooms will be provided. Gravel Allotments WR 9 plots are sublet, after a letter to the tenants they all agreed to quit on 11/10/1966. Notices to quit be served, agreed. Street Lighting Bird in Hand to Mickey‟s Tea Bar agreed to liaise with USAF commander Clerks salary agreed to raise from £100 to £150 pa from 1/4/1966 Estimates 1966/67 Street lighting £2500 other expenses £88 69 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Date of Annual parish Meeting March 24th 1966

February 14th 1966 Town Hall Sub committee

March 24th 1966 Annual Parish Meeting with 5 electors Financial statement and Charity statement

March 24th 1966 Primary Schools Letter from Chief Education Officer, confirmed that 2 prefab classrooms will be provided at Mildenhall Primary Aided School. Street Lighting Bird in Hand to Mickey‟s Tea Bar, progressing Street Lighting general reviewed Estimate 66/67 agreed to increase precept for lighting by £500 Folly Road agreed to request 30 mph sign Cemetery Thetford Road as from 1/4/1966 MPC will be responsible. T H man Com report Churchyard Road WSCC have written to Min of Transport ref parking of vehicles Half Moon & Brandon Road a footpath is needed agreed to write to Co Surveyor Public Convenience, High Street is there any action?

May 26th 1966 Annual meeting Ashton Roberts and Oldman re-elected Half Moon & Brandon Road letter from Co Surveyor it is on the list to be considered Public Conv, High Street in a cul-de-sac off the high street. MRDC hope to provide near King Street Car park reps appointed Street Lighting Quotation for work for £766 16/3 agreed. Folly Road letter from Highway Surveyor, 30 mph sign will be resited Cemetery agreed to tender for grass cutting and agreed fees (attached to minutes) Swimming Pool Site Mild & Dist Swimming Pool & Sports Development Association letter, they are ready to apply for a grant but must have the legal possession of land, they suggested a lease of 99 years. It was agreed to allow a 50 year lease at a rent of £1 per annum. Toilet on Cricket Field minor repairs Churchyard Mowing both rotary mowers now unserviceable. Agreed to either buy a new mower for £75 or get a quote for mowing.

July 11th 1966 Town Hall Sub committee

July 28th 1966 Mr F Dannatt in attendance (as clerk) Gravel Allotments several new tenancies agreed at £1 per allotment Churchyard Mowing agreed a tender for mowing Swimming Pool Site Letter from Min of Housing giving consent to a lease for swimming pool. Planning Notice of application from Mess Larkville Ltd for proposed Holiday Centre on an island adjacent to Isleham Locks met with approval. Statement on Street Lighting for 3 years 1963-66 by wards 70 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Mild High Town BR & HR WR Number of lights 871 504 501 Rateable value 78632 87222 11799 Product of 1d rate 330 365 49 Present expenditure 2 5/8 D 1 3/8 D 10d

September 29th 1966 Mr F Dannatt in attendance (as clerk) Swimming Pool Site Min of housing & Local Government, for grant the lease needs to be for 60 years. Clerk note to be sent to clerk wishing him a speedy recovery Local Government Bill Proposed approval to suggest that street lighting be taken over by WSCC, Discussed at length and made following decisions; 1, Third stage of programme to be put in hand at once. 2, That HT members be authorised to inspect Brandon & Thetford Roads for additional lights 3, That eastern Electricity be invited to quote for any extra lights 4, Further enquiries to be made ref entrance to RAF Mildenhall 5, If necessary that Ch is authorised to take action to accept quotes.

November 24th 1966 Mr F Dannatt in attendance (as clerk) Street Lighting sub com report accepted, industrial estate 35 columns, stage 3 & stage 7 housing lighting, 4 extra lights in HT 19 in WR costing £696 15/- resolved. Cricket Ground Request from clubs to either purchase the land or obtain a long lease. Agreed to meet the clubs on 26/1/1967 Scouts & Guides Letter asking if council could assist with provision of a site. Discussed at length. Due to Town Plan not yet provided cannot suggest a permanent site but possibility of temp structure at back of Bunbury Rooms.

January 26th 1967 Present reps of Mild Football and Mild Cricket Clubs request to purchase or obtain along lease so that they can erect more suitable buildings. Suggested a lease of 40 or 50 years with exclusive use of ground. Mr F Dannatt outlined possibility of land in Wamil Lane area as public open space, some of which may be available for letting to clubs. The request was withdrawn and the clubs will be kept informed. Cricket Field & Pit adjoining Future Use possible development to East of cricket field and pit, would need a hard road but over land belonging to council. Agreed to ask Co Planning Officer for layout plans. Street Lighting Bird in Hand to Mickey‟s Tea Bar, costs now estimated at £2000. WSCC may take on the lighting under section 31 of Local Gov Act 1966 from 1/4/1967. Agreed no action at time being. Street Lighting Field Road resolved that extra £200 be added to precept. for extra lights Estimates for 1967/8 Lighting £1300 other £700 Community hall on New Housing Estate MRDC letter saying they will build a meeting room when circumstances allow and leave the PC to provide a larger public hall. Some members felt this would divorce the newcomers from the rest of the townsfolk. Agreed the GP com arrange to meet the RDC development com. 71 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Vote of thanks to F Dannatt for conducting the business of the council during the clerks illness.

March 23rd 1967 Annual Parish Meeting with 7 electors Financial statement and Charity statement

March 23rd 1967 Lighting Agreed to write to High Auth to ascertain which lights they would take over and on what date. Cricket Field & Pit Adjoining Site for Swimming Pool Agreed joint meeting for all groups involved. Commons Registration Act 1965 Land called Common Land at Church Garden WR and Shop Drove WR, agreed that they be registered. Street Lighting Field Road extra lights agreed and request High Survey. to move 30 mph sign Churchyard Road order prohibiting driving now confirmed. St Mary‟s Rose beds provided by F W Cocksedge, accepted with thanks. Highways request a meeting with Ch& Surveyor of Highways Com. Cycle Track on Cricket Field Request from Mild Cycling Club for use for meeting in July. Car Parking Problem in Mild. MPC to help where possible.

May 5th 1967 Election New councillors Walter Ambrose 12 Market Place Mildenhall rep BR Brigadier Peter Robert Ashburner Wamil Hall rep HT Arthur James Smith 6 Eldo Gardens rep WR

May 25th 1967 Annual meeting Ashton Roberts and Oldman both re-elected reps appointed Burial Ground & Churchyard Com Formed 4 members +Ch G P Com Ch, VC and 3 members Estate Meeting Report resume of discussion with RDC on proposed meeting room, voting in favour Cricket Field/Swimming Pool agreed use of old tennis courts and part of pit adjoining to be the site of the swimming pool. Grant a lease of 60 years at £1 per annum. Mr Musgove (Co Planning Officer) had personally planed a new car park in Mild for 600 – 700 cars on land presently occupied by ex-servicemen‟s club and south of this towards the River Lark. Present car park at King Street then available for building a community centre for whole population. Received with mixed comments from members. No action taken. Street Lighting WSCC, Highways Surveyor will take on lighting on A1101 in Mild & BR and B1102 in Mild. Agreed. A member of Co Survey team be asked to explain how the 1966 act affects MPC lighting authority. Aircraft Viewing Area PC voted against allowing parking on grass verges and suggested an area within the boundary fence of the airfield. Car Parking write to RDC requesting immediate consideration to acquire land for car parking. Land at rear of Town Hall Clerk to write to Mr M E Williams, the owner of land at the rear of the town hall, St Andrews St, is he prepared to sell to the council? Refuse Collection request for weekly collections in WR, HR and BR

72 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

July 3rd 1967 Town Hall Sub committee

July 20th 1967 Street Lighting Local Government Act 1966, County Highways Officer present and answered various questions. Trees in Kingsway some not safe, letter from Horticultural Officer, WS Education Com, suggest removal of all trees and replant with Silver Birch or Cherry. Baptist Burial Ground WR grant for upkeep requested, to get more information Queensway Parking request NO WAITING from 8am – 6pm Footpath to ...... in Bury Road report to CC G P Com report T H Man Com report

September 21st 1967 Kingsway Trees agreed to write to CC to remove and replace as suggested WR Baptist Chapel Burial Ground agreed £5 for maintenance WR ...... school agreed ? HR Weekly refuse collection requested Exclusive rights of burial listed

November 23rd 1967 Plaque Presentation by No 3 Group RAF Bomber Command‟s for their association with MPC during the years 1936- 1967. Agreed to ask RDC if it may be fixed to wall of council chamber. Queensway Parking CC will make an order prohibiting parking Kingsway Trees letter from WS Parish Councils Assoc that CC should remove trees. Allotments at Gravel WR increase in rent from £30 to £40 from 11/10/1968 BR War Mem BR Methodist wish to move from their burial ground, sites being considered Lighting Bird in Hand RAF agreed to provide 10 lights at approx £1600.

January 3rd 1968 G P Com

January 18th 1968 GP Com report Street Lighting New agreement, agreed to pay for all-night lighting throughout the parish Kingsway trees letter against removal of trees in BFP, decision by CC deferred for further information Signing of Leases Swimming Pool near Cricket Field signed 60 years @ £1 p annum Estimates Street Lighting £3750 Burial £100, other £650 Commons registration Church Gardens registered V636, Shop Drove not registered as part of Bridleway

March 21st 1968 Annual Parish Meeting with 8 electors Financial statement and Charity statement

March 21st 1968 Street Lighting lights on A1101 and B 1102 to be taken over by CC Churchyard Trees complaint about need for pruning, agreed to leave till autumn Planning applications considered 73 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

May 23rd 1968 Annual meeting Roberts and Oldman both re-elected Representatives appointed Street Lighting New agreement including all-night lighting £848 4/4 and maintenance of 253 lights at £899 18/4, both agreed. Children‟s Playground past committee no longer active, new committee formed to restore as fallen into dereliction. Council to consider a grant. New Town hall Mild & Dist Chamber of Trade believes the present hall is St Andrews Street will not be large enough as the town grows. sub com appointed. Speed Limit Field Road Industrial Estate, request for 30 mph throughout estate.

July 3rd 1968 Town Hall Study Group 1, consider enlargement of present hall 2, Ask WSCC for plans and costs for a hall to seat 300 at diners Letter from Mild & Dist Chamber of Trade suggesting, Enlarge size of current hall to double plus car parking Consider sale of present town hall and erect civic centre for 500 people on land known as Cricket Meadow. Letter from Suffolk Rural Com Council- only room for 1 venue for social & recreational use, 2 or 3 will divide the community.

July 24th 1968 Children‟s Playground new committee formed Town Hall study Group Agree to ask RDC to defer discussion on plans to build com centre on Greater London Council Housing Estate pending further discussions. Churchyard Trees Agreed to lopping in autumn for £80. Drainage Rates for 1/4/1968 Mild Internal Drainage Board will levy rates on allotment land. Clerks salary from 1/4/1968 to be £250 p a WR Sewage scheme to commence in near future.

August 29th 1968 Town Hall Man Com

September 24th 1968 Town Hall Study Estimated cost of com centre £58,000. Resolved to ask Min of Housing whether a loan of £100,000 would be possible if the larger hall was necessary.

October 17th 1968 Special Meeting Flood Damage at Dalham & Moulton Decided to help the fund with house to house collections.

November 21st 1968 Half Moon Junction Co Surveyor land was being acquired for improving visibility. New Centre & Town Hall Meeting of Mild Tenants & Welfare Association (consisting entirely of newcomers) considered that the com centre should proceed and a larger com centre be built to replace the town hall. Folly road Lighting 2 extra lights £49 18/- agreed 74 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Kingsway Trees being removed Mild Children‟s Playground Assoc New committee formed and repaired equipment. Ownership of land to remain with the trustees. agreed to contribution of £50 for maintenance. Use of Cricket Field by Cycling Club28th June 1968 agreed and the club may charge admission. Flood Relief £57 1/10 was raised in the parish.

January 8th 1969 G P Com Trees in Kingsway ornamental cherries suggested Lime Trees in Churchyard now removed and agreed to plant copper beech trees

January 23rd 1969 Vacancy Resignation of Colonel Walter Ambrose (BR) John Barker 59 Holmsey Green to be elected Com Centre Min of Housing & Local Government, there is a shortage of loans at present, asked to be put on list for 70/71. T H M Com to prepare a scheme for enlargement and improvement to town hall. Kingsway Trees To get Townsends Ltd to quote for supply and planting Churchyard Trees 6 new trees now planted Lighting 22 tungsten type lights remain in the parish, would cost £800 to convert to sodium type, agreed. Ambulance Service recently it had taken 45 minutes to answer a call (Mild is in line for full time ambulance station in 1971/72. Agreed to write to Co Medical Off request ambulance station in coming financial year. & ask USAF if their ambulances could respond to urgent calls. Post Office Facilities inadequate, to enquire if a crown post office was possible. Estimates lighting £2200 other £1000

February 20th 1969 Town Hall Man Com

March 6th 1969 Present MPC, RDC, Co planning Officer Mild Draft Town map based on a potential population of HT of 11,500, Main recreation centre off St Andrews Street down to River Lark Pedestrian Precinct possible Proposed New Town Hall in vicinity of car park New Library, Ambulance Station and Clinic to be built near Police station in Kingsway. Agree to be treated in confidence until map is published

March 13th 1969 Annual Parish Meeting with 18 electors Financial statement and Charity statement

March 13th 1969 John Barker Welcomed Post Office amount of business transacted does not justify a Crown Office Kingsway trees agreed quotation from Townsends Ambulance provision in capital proposed for 71/72 costing £31,000 75 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

USAF agreed they would allow their ambulances in an emergency T H Man Com report attached. adopted with improvements needed to T H Draft Town map The MPC protests about site of Library to be made in Kingsway without any consultation. W R War memorial Committee asked if MPC will take over the memorial. Agreed to take over

April 10th 1969 Town Hall Study Group A, Architects to carry out inspection and report on improvements B, Builders prepared to provide plans and costs for a new building at no cost (for plans etc) to council. agreed to consider

June 18th 1969 Parish meeting with 60 electors To discuss road safety and ambulance service Many aspects were considered and discussed Agreed to send a delegation to Ministry of Health

May 21st 1969 Annual meeting Roberts and Oldman both re-elected Reps appointed Footpaths Signing under consideration under 1968 Act CC are responsible for signing. Agreed to prepare a short list. Beck Row War memorial many people asked if it could be moved in St John‟s Church Churchyard, agreed to approach vicar and get price.

July 2nd 1969 G P Com Ambulance service Road safety BR War Memorial further discussion

May 28th 1969 Com to look at Footpath Signs

July 16th 1969 Town Hall Study Group 1, report of property enlargement. Agreed to shelve report due to high cost at £12,000 2, Plans and costing of a new hall for seating 224 persons presented and discussed. Estimated cost £18,000. 3, Agreed to ask architect to do a draft plan of new hall costing £21,000 to £25,000 4, Site to be adjoining Cricket Field off St Andrews Street 5, Proposal for new hall be submitted to Min of Housing & Local Government for loan.

July 23rd 1969 GP Com Report Ambulance station report as above approved Road safety report amended and accepted T H Study Gp as above, must first have consult T H Man Com

August 20th 1969 Town Hall Man Com Agreed with report of T H Study Group 76 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

September 25th 1969 Ambulance Station Dept of Health & Social Security hope to bring forward to 70/71 T H Study Group Project now adopted so group dissolved Heating Town hall agreed to get quotes for new heating Request for Catholic Church looking for a site, Clerk instructed to write that no site or assistance could be offered. Mild Museum Agreed to give £100 towards running costs of museum. Parish Pump agreed to get estimates for repair and repainting.

October 22nd 1969 Meeting convened but only 3 councillors present, meeting cancelled. Owing to urgent matter of T H heating decided to consider in an advisory capacity. J Barker elected chairman and recommended Eastern Electricity estimate for heating £237 9/-. November 18th 1969 Ambulance Station letter from WSCC now agreed in 1970/71 programme. Road safety Matters letter from Co Surveyor with comments. Parish Pump agreed William Clarke £38 10/- Thetford Rd Cemetery Agreed to fell poplar trees due to canker. Town hall Heating agreed quote of £237 9/- Mild Children‟s Playground request that MPC take over the playground. Agreed to give a grant of £50 but not take over the playground. Car parking King Street Car Park not big enough. Clerk instructed to see about acquisition of land near Mild Social Club

November 30th 1969 G P Com Lighting Greater London ...... Town Development BR War Memorial agreed to build a wall round the memorial Water Supply to recreation Ground Water Board to install ammeter Planning application for 24 motel units behind Parkinson‟s Garden Centre, Field Road, Agree in principle. Recreation Ground Future Development consultation needed between swimming pool com. and MPC regarding new Town hall in vicinity. Derelict Properties in Town Centre write to RDC Division of Parish into 4 wards suggestion to DC as follows; BR electors 336 electors, 4 seats, WR 696 electors 3 seats, Market 1282 electors, 4 seats, Gt Heath 1348 electors 4 seats.

January 13th 1970 Traffic Kingsway/College Heath Road letter from Co Surveyor C H Rd to be signed for Industrial estate. Car Parking requisition of land off St Andrews St progressing. Trees in Thetford Rd Cemetery agreed removal of lime trees, replace with Beech trees. G P Com report as above Estimates lighting £2400 other £1400 Telephone resolved to install a telephone at the home of the clerk.

February 5th 1970 New T H Com 77 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Plans presented costing £25,000, some suggestions made including a bungalow for caretaker.

March 5th 1970 Town Hall Man Com full report

March 19th 1970 Annual parish Meeting with 26 electors Financial statement and Charity statement, also bus stops and sale of charity land at Hurst Fen, HR

March 19th 1970 Ambulance Station correspondence with Dept of Health & Social Security. Footpath Signs ongoing with WSCC New T H Com report of meeting 5/2/70 adopted Presentation to Mr P A Oldman to mark his retirement after 24 years of continuous service, (silver cigarette box) GP Com (report 23/4/70, lighting and reform of local government TH Man Com report

May 5th 1970 Election

May 21st 1970 annual meeting Roberts re-elected Ch Eastham vice chairman reps appointed G P Com report Alleged obstruction of right of way at WR lengthy discussion on correct line of paths. Footpath com appointed Mild Children‟s Playground letter asking MPC to accept responsibility of playground

June 11th 1970 Burial Ground & Churchyard Com

June 17th 1970 G P Com many matters discussed incl. Children‟s Playground To write to Society for Education and Science

July 13th 1970 T H Man Com False ceiling Removal of Stage New Curtains

July 23rd 1970 Full council Silent Tribute Late Brigadier Ashburner Burial Com report G P Com report T H Man Com report Road safety at Half Moon all traffic should go via „5 ways‟ Village signs requested for HR and WR

July 31st 1970 Footpath Com 78 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council agreed to order signposts

August 6th 1970 G P Com Insurance Lease for land for guides

September 3rd 1970 G P Com incl; Children‟s Playground agreed to proceed under Open Spaces Act 1906 to take over playground. Village nameplates CC will provide in MPC pay extra £75 Highway matters

September 14th 1970 T H Man Com Removal of stage costing £505 by F W Cocksedge

September 24th 1970 full council Footpath Com report G P com report T H Man Com report

September 24th 1970 G P Com Lighting for 102 dwellings south of Kingsway Pit Adjacent to playing fields agreed to recommend that contactors can tip soil to fill in.

November 5th 1970 G P Com BR & HR Sewage schemes agreed and to ask if Wilde Street can be included. Street Lighting various Water Supply to sports grounds etc 48,000 gallons during 6 months Swimming Pool Site Mild & Dist Swimming Pool & Sports Development Association agreed a site on playing field 1/8 site owned by MPC. Association asked to lease this site and release Pit area. Proposed to write to RDC supporting an application for grant.

November 19th 1970 full council G P Com report approved and adopted Swimming Pool Site Plan received and discussed at length, Agreed to meet reps of football and cricket clubs. Footpaths 17 signposts delivered and ready for erection Notice board in Churchyard MPCC have no objection but wish to share it.

December 3rd 1970 G P Com Site of Proposed Swimming Pool Mr Pearce, planning Dept WSCC explained the plan showing swimming pool, town hall, public conveniences, playing fields, children‟s playground social club new car park, new private housing and school site. Lots of discussion reported and 4 alternatives/ 1, Move the swimming pool westwards 2, Use the pit area as a football pitch 3, Play football on present pitch from north to south 4 Football Club to use Modern Secondary School playing fields. Footpaths 79 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Lighting Insurance recommended Royal Insurance Group Highway matters

January 6th 1971 T H Man Com & New T H Com Capital Programme Loans discussed replies for New Town hall possibly for 72/73 but must get consent of Parish meeting. Site Football Club not happy with plans for New Town hall, they would remove their objection if a ground could be found elsewhere with no cost to the club.

January 7th 1971 G P Com Swimming Pool Site Mild Football Club objected to the site, more info needed Children‟s Playground to ask the trustees are they in agreement with transfer. Street Lighting new charges from Electricity Board expected. Estimates Street Lighting £3300 Burial Ground £50 other £1640 Clerks salary recommend £350 per year from 1/4/1971

January 21st 1971 full council G P Com report 3/12/70 adopted G P Com report 7/1/71 adopted Sites for Swimming Pool 1, be sited as planned, football to play north to south 2, that RDC provide a football pitch off college heath road, agreed 3, Lease, MRDC will consider grant Bus Shelter BR proceeding T H Man Com report adopted New T H Com referred back to com.

February 22nd 1971 T H man Com

February 22nd 1971 New T H com Costings for building in autumn 1972 estimated £35,000

March 4th 1971 Burial Grd & Churchyard Com Ownership of Thetford Rd Cemetery conveyancing from RDC

March 4th 1971 G P Com Proposed footpath at North Place recommended to proceed to provide at a cost of £550 to £600. High Street Pedestrian Crossing petition for Zebra crossing Footpath problems near Judes Ferry proceeding Letter from Cricket Club re New Sports facilities at Wamil Way dated March 5th 1971 1, Original application for £13,000 excluding purchase of field ( spring 1969) 2, approval from Ministry in late 1969 3, Early 1970 estimated £16,000 to include £5,000 for land 4, Clubs funds £5,300, need grant of £10,600 but maximum available £8,700, therefore £2,000 short 5, To delay further will mean increasing costs

80 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

March 18th 1971 full council T H Man Com report 22/2/71 approved and adopted New T H Com report 22/2/71 approved and adopted Bur Grd & Ch Com report 4/3/71 approved and adopted G P Com report 4/3/71 approved and adopted New Sports facilities at Wamil Way request for £2,000 needed, lengthy discussion before voting [not sure of outcome B.S.] Street Lighting Agreement energy £1096 maintenance £1533 47p for 316 lights Refuse Collection request weekly collection in HR

April 27th 1971 T H Man Com repairs etc Parish meeting to be held July 22nd 1971 to discuss new town hall

May 6th 1971 G P Com Thetford Rd Cemetery MRDC had agreed to transfer ownership to MPC. Bendall & Son to act for MPC Signposts of Rights of Way List of footpaths agreed

May 20th 1971 Annual meeting Roberts & Eastham both re-elected Reps appointed T H Man Com report approved and adopted New T H Com report ratified Parish meeting 22/7/1971 G P Com report 6/5/71 approved and adopted Notification of Planning applications to be referred to ward members for their observations and powers to act Cricket Club Facilities Wamil Way 1, the grounds would be available for other sports. 2, Reps from other clubs to form management com Proposed MPC make contribution of £1000 carried, £500 in year 71/72 and £500 in year 72/73

June 23rd 1971 Burial Grd & Churchyard Com Consideration of employing full time groundsman-handyman in forthcoming financial year. Seats in Recess to buy 2 new seats and other repairs

July 1st 1971 G P Com recommend to consist of 8 members Swimming Pool Land to lease .0293 acre of land to Mild & Dist Swimming Pool & Sports Development Association for 60 years. part of an area of .6 acre required. Bendall & Son to prepare lease. Street lighting Footpath at Judes Ferry continuing Town Centre Redevelopment Plans received and noted without comment.

July 5th 1971 T H man com

July 22nd 1971 Parish Meeting 50 electors

81 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Purpose To raise a loan for new town hall, propose consent be not given for new town hall. 28 in favour 10 against.

July 22nd 1971 full council Burial Grd & Churchyard Com report approved and adopted G P Com report approved and adopted T H man Com report approved and adopted

August 2nd 1971 T H man Com Decorations

September 1st 1971 T H man Com Damp proofing quote £430, agreed not to proceed Minor improvements

September 2nd 1971 G P Com Swimming Pool land Sec of State for Environment given consent for lease of 60 years at nominal rent. Street lighting

1971 October 6th T H Man Com Minor improvements

September 23rd 1971 Full council T H Man Com report 2/8/71 approved and adopted T H Man Com report 1/9/71 approved and adopted G P Com report 2/9/71 approved and adopted

October 6th 1971 T H man Com Minor matters

November 4th 1971 G P Com Land at rear of Town hall agreed to reconsider that council buy this land owned by Mr M E Williams Mild football Club, Tenancy recommend a yearly tenancy 1, one year at £12 commencing 1/4/1972 2, ground and buildings to be managed by club 3, to be kept open at all times and no part enclosed. 4, Council reserves right to let to others. Highway matters specific points listed Mild Museum recommend to give grant of £100 towards running costs.

November 8th 1971 T H Man Com Purchase of second hand tables and chairs for £223 50p

November 25th 1971 full council T H Man Com report 6/10/71 approved and adopted T H Man Com report 8/11/71 approved and adopted G P Com report 4/11/71 approved and adopted 82 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Planning Application Upper School, Bury Road, no official comments but note some concerns Town hall rising damp Footways, Brandon Road, Thetford Road, Bury Road improvements needed for new school Leases of Charity Lands decided 8 votes to 3 that Mild Charity Trustees be asked to let MPC have details of each land letting.

December 29th 1971 T H man com Professional report on state of floors Routine matters

January 6th 1972 G P Com Resignation of G Ashton Roberts as chairman and ward member for medical reasons. Land at rear of town hall County planning officer, this land for residential development. Agreed to write to County Planning Officer that the following uses were being considered; 1, Youth Activities centre 2, Building for scouts, guides etc 3, Camp training facilities 4, Use of river by Canoe Clubs and for boating Proposed closure of Kingsway Cemetery Record that MPC accepts responsibility for maintenance. Supplementary precept 71/72 £1600 to meet additional costs, Town hall £1000 Cricket Club £500 Footpath £397. Estimate for 72/73 Street Lighting £4800, Burial Ground £100 other £4850, precept to be £9750 Public lighting 5% increase in energy charges

January 20th 1972 Full council Late Trevor Hagger Councillors stood in silent tribute to Trevor Hagger a former member. Election of Chairman J D Eastham elected Geoffrey Aston Roberts Ch referred to service given to parish during past 16 years. Vacancy for Gt Heath Ward Stanley C Copperthwaite 6 votes John Tweedie 5 votes T H Man Com report 29/12/71 approved and adopted G P Com report 6/1/72 approved and adopted Planning Application resolved that Mild RDC be asked to supply a list monthly of all outline planning applications for Mild Parish. Highways matters

January 20th 1972 G P Com Various matters

February 16th 1972 G P Com Various matters

February 10th 1972 T H Man Com Timber Decay in floors

March 2nd 1972 G P Com Street Lighting Energy costs for 357 lights up from £1249 65p to £1284 76p. agreed 83 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Highways Matters

March 23rd 1972 Annual parish Meeting with 12 electors Parish Charities/Financial statement/ Right of Way signs/Highways

March 23rd 1972 Full council Election of vice chairman T A Nelson G P Com report 20/1/72 approved and adopted G P Com report 16/2/72 approved and adopted G P Com report 2/3/72 approved and adopted T H Man Com report 10/2/72 approved and adopted Revised services Eastern Counties Omnibus Company Proposal to increase speed limit from 30 mph to 40 mph in Kingsway, council objected New Road, for Car Park and Swimming Pool approved subject to having entrance to Children‟s playground moved to eastern end.

April 13th 1972 G P Com Land at rear of Town Hall, to submit for outline planning for youth activities centre Football Club, Changing facilities a recent fire had destroyed club changing rooms. had FC considered using Cricket Club facilities in Wamil Way?, FC not happy and wish to return to present playing field. Rough cost £1000. At least 3 years before a pitch will be available at Gt Heath. More details needed.

May 25th 1972 Annual meeting Eastham chairman, Nelson vc Invitation to CC & DC members to attend meeting of the PC, to establish close liaison Reps appointed G P Com report 13/4/1972 approved and adopted G P Com report 3/5/1972 approved and adopted Football Club agreed to erect a prefabricated building

June 7th 1972 Parish Meeting 9 present Trevor Hagger memorial Fund

July 6th 1972 G P Com Land rear of Town hall Planning permission granted, agreed to recommend purchase of land. Road safety in Mildenhall various matters Football Club Changing Rooms to purchase „Arcon‟ prefab building Opening of new Cricket Ground at Wamil Walk on July 8th invitation to members Chapel of Rest in Thetford Road Cemetery to consider building Highway matters

July 17th 1972 T H Man Com Tender for floors £2059 considered excessive and not accepted

July 20th 1972 full council G P Com report 6/7/72 approved and adopted 84 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Football Changing Room site selected T H Man Com report 17/7/72 approved and adopted Refuse Collection WR agreed to ask DC for weekly collections

September 7th 1972 G P Com Land rear of Town hall to apply for loan Closure of Kingsway Cemetery closure for burials from October 2nd 1972 Maintenance of Burial Grounds contributions to all parish burial grounds agreed Highway matters Local Government Boundary Commission this council strongly supports the proposal to combine Newmarket UDC with Mild RDC as one new DC Rights of Way views sought on definitive map

September 14th 1972 Burial Grd & Churchyard Com New cemetery layout Chapel delay decision for further information

September 21st 1972 full council Refuse Collection WR will be made weekly GP Com report 7/9/72 approved and adopted Aircraft Noise Why are transport planes turning low over Field road? Burial Grd & Churchyard Com report 14/9/72 approved and adopted

October 12th 1972 Parish Meeting 50 electors Rights of Way maps considered and amendments made

November 2nd 1972 G P Com Rights of way confirmed at Parish Meeting Aircraft noise letter from RAF Commander giving explanation Indoor Golf School on site of old tennis courts, agreed in principle Lease of Land for Swimming Pool now signed for 60 years at annual rent of £1 be waived. Gravel Allotments rent review Revision to £6.50 per acre, agreed. Agreed to recommend 40 rod plots be £2 25 each and the two 60 rod plots be £3.25 each. Lighting on New Road from King Street to Swimming Pool

November 23rd 1972 full council G P Com report 21/11/72 approved and adopted Trevor Hagger Memorial Fund for memorial garden near swimming pool, target £750 Bus shelter Aspal Lane/St John‟s Street to select a site Road Safety a meeting is being arranged Kingsway Cemetery Order made 23/10/72 that burials discontinued forthwith MPCC made formal request that MPC to undertake maintenance Mild Children‟s Playground at annual meeting of M C P Com the trustees are prepared to transfer the property to MPC reaffirmed their previous offer to take it on.

January 4th 1973 G P Com Bus Shelter BR portable type of shelter proposed 85 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

New District Council details of warding proposals. First election to be held June 7th 1973 Public Lighting letter from Eastern Electricity will ...... on March 31st 1973 Estimates 73/74 to propose allowance for full time manual worker and grass cutting machine. Review of Clerks salary Highway matters

January 25th 1973 full council G P Com report 4/1/73 approved and adopted Bus shelter BR cost of £159.50 Football Club a contribution of £250 towards cost of building Estimate lighting £5200, Burial £500, other expenses £4100 Parish Keeper resolved to advertise @ £26.50 per week Comet Cinema offered for sale in region of £20,000. Resolved to ask electorate on 6/2/73 to consider purchase out of 72/73 rate or loan. Market Place needs resurfacing

February 6th 1973 Parish Meeting 150 electors Purchase Comet Cinema for £20,000. Lively discussion. This meeting consents to the council to spend £20,000 to be raised through a 25 year loan. 67 votes for, 27 against, motion carried.

February 6th 1973 Full council Comet Cinema resolved to get District Valuer to report on value for a loan.

February 14th 1973 Full council Comet Cinema Not possible to raise a loan, only possible to set a levy of 1.7p and consent at public meeting necessary. Lengthy discussion. Proposal to hold a public meeting voting 9 for 3 against, agreed to be on March 1st 1973.

February 21st 1973 G P meeting To appoint a parish keeper 3 applicants. Offered to Mr Bernard Smith of BR to commence 2/4/1973.

March 1st 1973 parish meeting To consider a 1.7 p rate to purchase Comet Cinema Report including repairs and decorations, fees etc now £32,000. A 3.3 p rate for parish would raise £29,700. Proposed no further action, voting 90 for 3 against, motion carried.

March 1st 1973 full council Comet Cinema agreed no further action Parish Keeper approved and adopted.

March 7th 1973 G P Com Parish keeper confirmed Pick up Truck agreed to purchase agreed to purchase 2 grass cutting machines agreed to hire a garage to store equipment Sports Facilities a shortage of football pitches Market place Dist Surveyor has no plans for resurfacing 86 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Highway Matters Clerks Salary to increase from £350 to £414 pa from 1/4/73, travel allowance of £50 pa from 1/4/73 Proposed Bus Terminal in King Street Car Park met with approval.

March 29th 1973 Annual parish Meeting at Town hall 60 electors Highways complaint about state of the roads, a report to be sent to County Highways surveyor Sports facilities more football pitches needed. Suggestion to form Sports Development Association (SDA) Airfield complaint about noise Town hall a better stage is needed Village Plans Draft plans for BR HR & WR to be discussed in each village

March 29th 1973 full council Parish Keeper Bernard S Smith (the first Parish Keeper) Report of GP com Purchase Austin-Morris JU180 pick-up trick, grass cutters and equipment for keeper to be parked in FHDC compound Trustees of Mil Parish Charities appointed Purchase of land at rear of Town Hall £3500 with condition to retain use for youth activities re. Physical Training and Recreation Act 1937. Surveyors fee £64.05 Village Plans Draft plans dates agreed for villages

April 16th 1973 Draft Plan WR ward 50 residents (full details)

April 17th 1973 Draft Plan BR ward 48 residents (full details) including a new first school south of Holmsey Green & to acquire Aspal Close

May 5th 1973 full council Adventure Playground agreed to fund 6 weeks cost £340 Market Place CC question of ownership of part of Market Place Cemetery Wall(Kingsway) no witnesses to accident so no insurance money, get 2 quotes Pedestrian Crossing (high Street) markings do not conform to regulations Mild Conservation Plan to hold a public meeting

May 31st 1973 GP Com Sports Council to be formed Huts for 1 Parish Keeper 2 Youth organisations Rights of Way Market Place to be resurfaced at a shared cost basis Cemetery Wall(Kingsway) Tender £95- seek further tenders Mild Upper School will there be a recreation complex? Land for Recreation NE of College Heath Road, possibly lease from Forestry Commission

June 11th 1973 Parish meeting Mild Conservation Plan agreed to plan 87 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

June 7th 1973 Election of 14 councillors

June 21st 1973 Annual meeting Election Ch J D Eastham VC M A Mears (elected) & J Barker Cemetery Wall(Kingsway) work done Bus Turning point meeting arranged Land for Recreation to ask Forestry Commission for 50 acres Committees formed Finance and General Purpose, Burial Ground and Churchyard, Town Hall, Footpaths, Swimming Pool July 7th 1973 Public meeting Sports Council 40 representatives of sports groups attended, agreed to form Mild & Dist Sports Council and a committee of 17 was formed July 18th 1973 Finance & GP Village Plans approved by County Planning Com on 17/6/73, no amendments to draft plans despite residents comments Street Lighting 8 new lamps agreed Bus shelter at BR to submit plans Highway matters various Grants of £20 each to all churchyards in parish for maintenance (except Mildenhall Town) Sports Facilities possible to be included at Upper School when built Children‟s Playground are the trustees ready to transfer to MPC Town Hall man Com various matters

July 19th 1973 Eric John Pryer elected to council

August 23rd 1973 full council Community Emergency Advisors agreed to appoint 3 advisors to man centres Police Matters agreed to invite a representative to attend GP com Planning to ask FHDC to notify MPC of all applications from 1/4/74

Sept 20th 1973 Finance & GP Land at rear of Town Hall would it be possible to build a new town hall. Garage for Keeper agreed to ask Woollards for quote Date of meetings agreed, full council last Thursday in alternate months. F & GP in other months

October 10th 1973 full council Village Plans explanation from County Planning Officer Garage for Keeper to get three quotes

November 3rd 1973 Burial Ground and Churchyard Thetford Rd Kingsway Churchyard in good order

November 29th 1973 Finance and General Purpose

88 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Street Lighting at present 450 lamps. accepted quote for next year £1716 for lighting, £2206 for maintenance Provision of recreational facilities as new Mild Upper School. MPC agreed to assist with costs Garage for Keeper no quotes received ask more builders Museum Grant £25 towards running costs Bunbury Rooms Grant £25 towards running costs

December 27th 1973 full council Street Lighting due to energy crisis, agreed to reduce and cut off at midnight SALC first meeting of combined group for the whole of Suffolk Planning Enquiry Aspal park & Aspal Close, Cllr Wells to represent MPC

January 24th 1974 Footpaths com

January 31st 1974 Finance and General Purpose Swimming Pool agreed to sell land leased to Swimming Pool Association for £1 to MRDC (sic) Precept £26062 (estimate of 1p rate £10425) Parish keeper BS Smith to leave

March 7th 1974 full council Planning Enquiry Aspal park & Aspal Close, Cllr Wells to represent MPC WITHDRAWN Parish Office agreed to rent office in Market Place precinct from FHDC Adventure Playground pit site suggested for permanent playground Land at rear of Town Hall is MPC still interested in purchase

March 15th 1974 Burial Ground and Churchyard Parish keeper Brian Albert Darkens to be appointed

March 28th 1974 Finance and General Purpose Clerks salary to be £750 per annum Planning proceeding

April 11th 1974 Finance and General Purpose Staff to appoint a deputy clerk/clerk-typist Land at rear of Town Hall Price is too high, District Valuer to negotiate with seller Garage for Keeper plans agreed for SW corner of old tennis courts

April 25th 1974 Annual Parish meeting Adventure Playground sites suggested, Old Pit, Rear of Town hall, Forestry Commission Land for Sport & Rec. 1, land between swimming pool, river lark and upper school 2, extra football pitch on pit area 3, 2 football pitches between Pembroke Close and St John‟s Close New Stage at Town hall request by Bunbury Players

April 29th 1974 Finance and General Purpose Staff Victor Charles Phillips appointed as first Dep Clerk

89 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

May 23rd 1974 Annual meeting Election Ch M A Mears VC E J Wells (elected) J Barker (not elected) Committees appointments made Adventure Playground (summer) agreed to give £500 for 6 weeks New Stage at Town hall Bunbury Player got quotes Museum Dr C Dring will open reconstructed museum on 16/6/74 Vacancy for WR ward

June 13th 1974 Town Hall Man Com New Town Hall Idea to be shelved and the old Town Hall improved

June 20th 1974 Finance and General Purpose Adventure Playground (permanent) detailed discussion ongoing Garage for Keeper planning refused, agreed to use garage from FHDC Commons Registration Howletts Field (9 acres) Hurst Fen question about ownership of land Children‟s Playground Trustees to hand over to MPC

June 27th 1974 Cemeteries and Churchyard Com St Mary‟s Lime trees inspected, no attention required

July 18th 1974 full council Vacancy WR J Leonard (elected) F Ford Sports Land Com appointed members Allotments more needed but no suitable land

Aug 1st 1974 Sports Land Com Land South of car park to river Lark 7 acres agreed to ask planning officers views Land at Aspal Close BR ask planning officer about use as open space Land at Chapel Rd WR Land at rear of Town Hall Mr R S Turner has offered to sell the freehold for £3500

Aug 8th 1974 Finance and General Purpose Land at rear of Town Hall recommend this be purchased at £3900 (to include cost of new garage) Adventure Playground (permanent) still under discussion

Sept 5th 1974 Town Hall Man Com Improvements tenders for the work to be invited

Sept 12th 1974 Cemeteries and Churchyard Com Kingsway Cemetery Quote from Fisons for weed control, accepted 3 year programme

Sept 19th 1974 full council Land South of car park to river Lark 10 acres for use as public open space. Owner did not want to sell at present. Land at Aspal Close BR TPO‟s on the Oak trees, possibly acquire for amenity use Land off The Street BR (adjoining school playing fields) used as children‟s playground consider purchase Land at rear of Town Hall agreed to purchase for £3900 90 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Closed Cemetery Kingsway Diocesan Registrar for permission to use weed killer- the consent of MPCC was required and also a faculty. MPCC had no objections. 3 yr contract for £1069 be accepted Pedestrian Crossing in Kingsway near Maids Head Allotments WR Possibility of purchase of 2 acres of agric land suitable for this use

October 17th 1974 Finance and General Purpose Town Hall tenders for improvements (5) from £2495 to £4777, lowest accepted Land at rear of Town Hall ongoing Town hall Insurance revalued now £40,000 Allotments WR owner did not want to sell Pedestrian Crossing in Kingsway answer form County Surveyor, need 300 crossings per hour for 4 hours. Land South of car park to river Lark Mr C Carter was now prepared to sell 11 acres. District Valuer to negotiate

October 10th 1974 Footpaths Various matters Resignation of Cllr E J Pryor

November 21st 1974 full council New Cllr Gt Heath T A Nelson (elected) K B Smith Land at Aspal Close BR owners did not want to sell Land at rear of Town Hall ongoing

December 12th 1974 Town Hall Man Com Improvements proceeding

December 19th 1974 Footpaths various matters

December 19th 1974 Finance and General Purpose Adventure Playground (permanent) do not proceed at present BR Toc H Playground might be donated to MPC to be called TOC H Diamond Jubilee Playing Fields Land at rear of Town Hall ongoing

January 2nd 1975 Cemeteries and Churchyard Com Thetford Road Rabbit fencing required Kingsway to carry out survey of grave stones for possible removal to provide park like feature St Marys Dead Beech tree, remove and replace Pit Area to continue filling with soil Mower New Haytor rotary mower proposed

January 23rd 1975 full council Estimates Precept £24,000 Traffic management Scheme letter from SCC 7/1/75 with response BR Toc H Playground agreed 91 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

February 20th 1975 Finance and General Purpose Traffic management Scheme discussed

March 6th 1975 Cemeteries and Churchyard Com Burial Fees revised, see list Kingsway to consider future of Cemetery Chapel

March 13th 1975 Town Hall Man Com Improvements Stage 1 completed Land at rear of Town Hall purchase completed Improvements Stage 2 to prepare a specification

March 20th 1975 full council Cemetery Kingsway Chapel to be retained and to be surveyed Children‟s Playground conveyance signed Land South of car park to river Lark negotiations delayed

March 27th 1975 Footpaths Commons Registration Act 1965 Village Green WR Hearing at BSE on 22/4/75. Owned by MPC

April 17th 1975 Finance and General Purpose Allotments 8 & 32 WR 8 to A J Lee, 32 to A H Fincham. Must be used for garden produce and not commercial Allotments Mild list of applicants agreed to look for more land Street names land off Brandon Road, tree names suggested Improvements Stage 2 agreed to get architect

May 20th 1975 Annual Parish meeting Town hall Portable stage discussed

May 22nd 1975 Annual Meeting committees appointed Commons Registration Act 1965 agreed owned by MPC Improvements Stage 2 tenders invited BR Toc H Playground conveyance signed

June 12th 1975 Town Hall Man Com Architects meeting

June 19th 1975 Cemeteries and Churchyard Com Thetford Road satisfactory St Marys satisfactory Kingsway 1, clear up dead growth 2, get surveyor to plot graves, Chapel list of improvements

June 26th 1975 Finance and General Purpose 92 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Land South of car park to river Lark FHDC want to purchase 3.98 acres for car park. MPC wished to proceed to explore purchase of remainder Improvements Stage 2 tenders 2143 to 3284 accepted 2143 from K Smith Accounts £6.74 to Woollards Nurseries for bedding plants [personal interest to B.S.]

July 10th 1975 Land Acquisition Com Land South of car park to river Lark to proceed with purchase of 8.5 acres. Further area of 5.66 acres adjoining Football Club letter re Toilets, Footpath from Hardy‟s, Archery, Other events. Reply on 14/7/75 (ref agreement Nov 1971)

July 24th 1975 full council Kingsway Cemetery 1, clear up dead growth 2, get surveyor to plot graves, Chapel list of improvements. Report from planning officer FHDC, one of the best examples of “Gothic” cemeteries agreed to meet Mr Starling no further action at present Children‟s Playground order new slide and repair swings Land at Aspal Lane BR no further action Football Field see letter 7/7/75

August 12th 1975 Special meeting of Cemeteries and Churchyard Com Kingsway Chapel Mr Starling approved works

August 14th 1975 Town Hall Man Com Improvements Stage 3 to provide improvements and extension would cost £88000. Would a new hall be cheaper. Abandoned the scheme but to consider scheme for new town hall (1969) at rear of Town Hall site

September 11th 1975 Town Hall Man Com 1969 scheme to be abandoned following report by architect Improvements Stage 3 suggest do not abandon new scheme costing £88,000 but consider doing in stages Improvements Stage 2 making good progress

September 18th 1975 Cemeteries and Churchyard Com Thetford Road good condition Kingsway no action re volunteer to keep clear. Parish keeper to deal with regrowth. To be reviewed on 15/5/76 Children‟s Playground upgrading including new slide

September 21st 1975 Finance and General Purpose Children‟s Playground BR Gift to MPC agreed Kingsway Cemetery ongoing

September 25th 1975 full council Kingsway Cemetery letter from P Starling, Planning Officer of DC with offer of some staff to do survey of gravestones. Children‟s Playground BR to arrange a ceremony to formally take over from TOC H Upper School Sports Hall agreed a possible financial contribution

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Recreation Land BR Law Bros are considering leasing some land to the BR Football Club, passed to Land Acquisition Committee (LAC)

October 16th 1975 Footpaths com various matters

October 23rd 1975 Finance and General Purpose Crown Post Office head postmaster BSE did not think it was possible Museum grant of £150 for year to 31/3/76 plus £150 for next year Lights at St John‟s Rec Centre vandalised then repaired and vandalised again but decided to repair again Kingsway Cemetery repair of chapel 3 tenders 295-758 lowest accepted W M Clarke Gravel Allotments WR revised rental charges Upper School Sports Hall FHDC to provide £15000 MPC to contribute Town Hall Insurance get a new valuation Town Hall Roadway quote for removal of garage and roadway £562, too high get more quotes

November 13th 1975 Land Acquisition Com Land South of car park to river Lark Seller asking a lot more than District Valuers valuation and a grant was very remote. recommend 1, to approach F Sheldrick about adjoining land, 2, seek planning officers views on use of the land, 3, Open negotiation with C Carter Adventure Playground Parker Bros had been asked about hire of 3.75 acres of land off Wamil Way and the directors agreed at £50 p a. recommend 1, to go ahead with lease, 2, develop as adventure playground and 3, get a price for removal of scrub Allotments CC have no land available but commented that the gravel contained 34 x 40 rod plots and 2 x 60 rod plots when householders only need 7-10 rood plots. Only used by 23 tenants. Possible use of 2 acres of land on Hardy Estate reserved for primary school on short term lease recommend 1, reorganise gravel plots, 2, no further action at WR 3, pursue land on Hardy Estate an 4, ask FHDC about large areas of unused land on their estates Recreation Land BR access to this land is via FHDC and MPC land. Cllr Wells to investigate

November 27th 1975 full council Lights at St John‟s Rec Centre repair of 10 lights £389 Kingsway Cemetery repair of chapel, put to vote, just passed to proceed Town Hall Insurance value now £91050 Town Hall Roadway new quote £256 and work done War memorial M quote for new walls following accident, £545 agreed no action Adventure Playground agreed to proceed as LAC Allotments WR reorganise, no action at present Hardy Estate agreed to proceed Rec Land BR Cllr Wells reported the situation Procedure for Tenders procedures discussed, names to be given to cllrs but not made public (closed session) Temp Adventure Playground report and accounts, support for site at Wamil Way

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Finance and General Purpose Much time taken to discuss these reports despite all cllrs being part of that committee. Suggested that this committee be disbanded and replaced by an extra meeting of full council. To be decided on 13/5/76 following election on 6/5/76

December 12th 1975 Town Hall Man Com TH Phase 1 completed TH Phase 11 nearly complete TH phase 111 previous consideration need to know how much money is available Town Hall Roadway there are parking issue Portable stage difficult to move in and out, can they be improved T H charges to be reviewed to include heating TH use in emergency The hall will be available and clerk had permission to provide hot drinks and light refreshments

December 18th 1976 full council Kingsway Cemetery repair of chapel. Proposed that the previous vote was invalid (reasons given). Formally resolved that it was invalid. New vote taken and agreed to proceed at cost of £295 Children‟s Playground BR ceremony took place on 11/12/76 to J Barker, for the council and some other cllrs from TOC H

December 18th 1975 Finance and General Purpose Recreation Land ask FHDC about large areas of unused land on their estates, reply that it would be landscaped and 1 football pitch provided Upper School Sports Hall representatives appointed to meeting to discuss requirements Estimates for 1976/77 £27,740 Adventure Playground Wamil Way lease agreed with Parker Bros

January 15th 1976 Cemeteries and Churchyard Com Thetford Road review of regulations Kingsway report Children‟s Playground M complaint about overhanging tree, agreed to lopping Pit Area Hardy‟s to fill with surplus soil Footpath Turnstone Close to Recreation Way to proceed also to Kingsway, clerk to get estimate of costs

January 26th 1976 full council Hardy Allotment CC lease to MPC £15 p a WR Road white lines needed. CC Surveyor said road not wide enough. MPC will continue to explore situation Footpath Turnstone Close to Recreation Way estimate £958 Kingsway to Turnstone £642 Turnstone to Recreation Way. agreed to proceed with smaller path and get estimates

February 5th 1976 Land Acquisition Com Land South of car park to river Lark 11.12 acres of land has now available from C J Carter for £8500 + £116 expenses. Formally agreed to purchase and included 2.62 acres of land which FHDC need for a car park (Paid on 22/5/76)

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February 26th 1976 Special meeting of full council Staff Matters A letter had been published in local papers about staff matters. A discussion took place after which all cllrs they had full confidence in the staff. Footpath Turnstone Close to Recreation Way formal tenders £525 to £1063, the lowest was accepted

February 26th 1976 Finance and General Purpose Hardy Allotment CC lease to MPC £15 p a to commence 1/3/76 to provide 34 plots of 7.5 roods AOB rules enquiry to SALC, response only for the exchange of information

March 11th 1976 Town Hall Man Com TH Phase 11 complete TH phase 111 invoice from architects £1943 ref to Finance and General Purpose further work 1, Redecorate inside, 2 add false ceiling, 3 visit Fordham to see false ceiling, 4, Get quotes for new gas heating Portable stage one section had been adapted, to decided if possible to do all Charges reviewed

March 18th 1976 Footpaths Review of definitive map

March 25th 1976 full council WR Road CC to review decision Footpath Turnstone Close to Recreation originally 77 metres now found to be 102 metres, cost now £693 Street names new site off Folly Road, 3 names suggested MPC prefer Melbourne Drive (after 1934 Air race) F H Athletics Club grant £25 Over 60‟s club grant £25

April 15th 1976 Cemeteries and Churchyard Com Thetford Road satisfactory St Mary‟s mostly satisfactory, only small works needed Children‟s Playground mostly satisfactory Kingsway Closed final weed control by Fisons in coming weeks. DC Planning officer offers to survey gravestones. Get informal views of Diocesan Authority about moving gravestones

April 22nd 1976 Finance and General Purpose Upper School Sports Hall recommend that financial support of not less than £2000 be confirmed. Grants BR Methodist Church £25 recommended Rec/Football Land BR request for funds for extra work, more details needed Allotments WR Gravel owner now deceased, does MPC wish to purchase. District Valuer to open negotiations TH phase 111 invoice from architects £1943, recommended for payment Chairman‟s Remarks J Barker & A J Smith not seeking re-election. Thanks to them and all other cllrs

May 6th 1976 Election results 4 for BR, 4 for Gt H, 4 for Mkt, 3 for WR all names and votes shown 96 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

May 13th 1976 Annual Parish Meeting 50 electors Land South of car park to river Lark 11.12 acres of land Plans shown Upper School Sports Hall proposed £2000 this year £2000 next year, endorsed Portable stage should it be fixed in hall?

May 13th 1976 Annual meeting Chairman M A Mears vc E J Wells, H G Abbs, Abbs elected Committees Town Hall Man Com, Community and Open Spaces, Footpaths, Planning, Land Acquisition Com Rec/Football Land BR grant of £100 agreed Street naming Hardy Estate, Brent Close

June 3rd 1976 Town Hall Man Com Phase 11 complete False ceiling get quotes Decoration get quotes Gas heating estimate £1200 - £1500. No further action Stage to remain in place but hirers may remove if needed but must replace

June 24th 1976 full council Temp Adventure Playground agreed a grant of £586 to be behind Town hall Grants St Peters WR, Baptist WR, St John‟s BR. £25 each for cemetery expenses Town Hall Food Hygiene Regs to get necessary work done to meet regulations Gravel Allotments agreed to purchase existing land but not the 9.5 acres adjoining Staff salary Clerk £1291, Deputy Clerk £1219

July 8th 1976 Community and Open Spaces Thetford Rd Cemetery changes to regulations for cremated remains & a rose garden Kingsway Cemetery vandalism Removal of gravestones -need a faculty Land South of car park to river Lark fishing rights to be retained for public of Mildenhall

July 22nd 1976 full council T H Decoration tenders of 305 and 789, lowest accepted Grant Methodist HR £25 Highway matters various Lorry Park off field road, North of industrial estate, part owned by MPC (filled former pit) Insurance schedule of insurance present incl TH (£95000)

September 9th 1976 Town Hall Man Com T H Decoration now completed

September 30th 1976 full council Town Hall Food Hygiene Regs tender for £210 to be accepted Gravel Allotments revised rents Lark Rd Allotments additional sites available now builders compound removed 97 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Temp Adventure Playground damage to fence, cost £148. If T A P required in 1977 will have to be at Wamil Way Mild Cycling Club request for grant for new HQ. agreed £150 now and £150 after 1/4/77

September 30th 1976 Community and Open Spaces Gravel Allotments price £5250 for the original 10.1 acres

October 7th 1976 Community and Open Spaces Kingsway Cemetery survey of gravestones after visit of Archdeacon about removing Thetford Rd Cemetery new regulations agreed Land South of car park to river Lark agreed to discuss access arrangements with planning officer Land South of car park to river Lark diseased Elm trees, agreed to get quotes for removal Car park Extension MPC has no objection to soak aways for this being on MPC land Wamil Way use of M Cycling Club to use land recently leased to MPC (for adventure playground) for special event, agreed Land South of car park to river Lark a meeting between Lions & MPC to discuss future use

October 19th 1976 Land Acquisition Com Consider purchase of 8.77 acres adjoining Land South.. W Sheldrick for £4825 plus fees of £90 Use of all new land to form a committee to discuss the use

October 28th 1976 full council Adventure Playground users asked to remove equipment from behind Town Hall to Wamil Way Land South of car park to river Lark diseased Elm trees, £35 for large tree, £20 for 3 small trees, agreed Wamil Way offer of clearance of scrub by Mildenhall Lions Consider purchase of 8.77 acres adjoining Land South Uses 1, Football Clubs free use if they provide pitches 2, Interested clubs to meet Cllrs re layout of field 3, LAC be renamed Recreation Development Com Gravel Allotments authorised payment of deposit for 10.03 acres Upper School Sports Hall authorised payment of £2000

November 4th 1976 Footpaths Signs a provisional sum of £1000 to be allocated in 77/78 estimates Maps members of committee to get 6” maps. Routes of paths to be on 2.5” maps

November 25th 1976 full council Wamil Way Path SCC to give estimate of costs to be shared by interested parties Adventure Playground 1, no news about claim for damaged fence. 2, Equipment not yet moved Town Hall resurfacing tenders 785- 1580, lowest accepted WR Playing Fields & VH Assoc assistance towards cost of hard tennis courts, agreed £200 now and £200 1/4/77 Mild Football Club grant towards overhaul of gang mowers £167 agreed St John‟s Ambulance cadets grant £25 Parish Pump need repainting get quotes Mild Traffic Scheme mini round a bout at Police Stn Square Lorry Park FHDC have recommended site near Ind Estate Car park Extension 120 extra spaces near swimming pool 98 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

December 9th 1976 Town Hall Man Com Car Parking check possibility to rent out spaces to businesses Piano need replacing Stage improvements discussed Town Hall Roof slates are slipping, get a price

December 30th 1976 full council Lorry Park no decision yet Town Hall Car Parking not allowed to rent space Town Hall Lighting get tenders Town Hall roof possibly around £3000, agreed to keep under observation Street Lighting increased charges from Eastern Electricity Q E II Silver Jubilee committee formed F H Athletic Club grant £25 Mild Football Club asked about floodlights and advertising at ground Mild & D Sports Council AGM Mild Traffic Scheme letter from SCC surveyor about use of College Heath Road as a permanent diversion. He said road not suitable Estimate £29800 included £8900 for lighting ( a penny rate would produce £10607)

January 6th 1977 Community and Open Spaces Adventure Playground claim for fence damage, more discussion Thetford Rd Cemetery agreed to number graves and new fees Kingsway Cemetery final chemical weed treatment has been applied Kingsway Cemetery Survey, to determine likely costs Kingsway Cemetery chapel refurbishment, not yet started St Mary‟s Lime trees thinned Mild Football Club advertising boards should be refused, Floodlights, pitch may be moved so wait

January 17th 1977 Jubilee Committee 1, rep of each organisation be invited to meeting on 2/3/77 2, New fields be officially opened on 7/6/77 and named Jubilee Fields

January 27th 1977 Full council Resignation Cllr M W Newson resigned (GH ward) Mild Football Club long discussion re tenure as a pitch by MFC. MPC confirmed that MFC will not be asked to move and given permission for floodlights Eastern Region Sports Council will advise on long term layout of new land Mild Traffic Scheme will be completed by end of March Adventure Playground to be discussed at Annual Parish Meeting Town Hall Lighting tenders £518- £584 lowest accepted Parish Pump tenders £125 -£186 lowest accepted Playground repairs to merry-go-round tenders £178 - £183 lowest accepted

February 24th 1977 full council

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College Heath Road letter from SCC surveyor about use of College Heath Road as A1101. He said road not suitable. Cllrs agreed to write again and ask for support from FHDC WR Speed Limit requested but SCC surveyor could not recommend. To be urged to review his decision Bury Thetford & Brandon roads to extend speed limits to end of houses Parish Meeting to take steps to increase attendance Mild Museum grant £200 Mild Football Club the letting of the recreation ground to MFC does not give them exclusive use Land South of car park to river Lark need to drain, survey by Cllr Wells Upper School Sports Hall when is payment of second £2000 due

March 10th 1977 Town Hall Man Com Piano only 1 offered, not good enough, place more adverts Town Hall roof agreed to get prices for refitting tiles Town Hall charges revised Baptist Chapel following new chapel in Market Street they no longer need the Town hall. Thanks for use for 15 years by Boys Brigade & from Sept 1974 by the chapel

March 17th 1977 Footpaths Signs £34 - £36 each for metal signs, too much, a cllr would get a new price

March 24th 1977 full council Member S C Copperthwaite was newly elected Land South of car park to river Lark survey of drains carried out 9th & 10th March 1977 Upper School Sports Hall second grant of £2000 for equipment Bunbury Rooms Improvements grant of £250 now and £250 if needed later. Jubilee Fields official opening following a parade by Eldon Griffiths MP

March 28th 1977 Recreation Development Com Jubilee Fields report from Eastern Sports Council Wamil Way land a number of diseased trees on the land, wait until after Parish Meeting Rear of Town hall Mild Scout Group applied for lease of the land for a new HQ, agreed subject to conditions

April 25th 1977 Special Meeting Jubilee Fields to consider uses of new land, full report included

April 28th 1977 full council New Mini Roundabout at Police Station Square is working well Jubilee Fields official opening by Eldon Griffiths MP, letter of acceptance Town Hall roof repair of slipped tiles for £48

May 5th 1977 Footpaths Signs cost approx £16.50 each. CC to provide wooden posts @ £3 each, agreed to see sample Maps of Footpaths to be kept at BR Post Office, WR Post Office, MPC office

100 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

May 19th 1977 Annual Parish meeting Jubilee Fields use of the 20 acres, a good discussion Adventure Playground lots of discussion both for and against

May 26th 1977 Annual meeting of MPC Ch M A Mears vc H G Abbs Resignation Cllr A Garrick-Browne (GH ward) Committees approved Adventure Playground agreed that council to give financial support at Wamil Way Grants to Mild Judo, St Peters WR, Baptist WR, £25 each WR Bowls Club wish to extend the indoor rink costing £10000 would MPC consider a grant, possibly in next financial year.

June 2nd 1977 Town Hall Man Com Piano check prices from music shops various other matters

June 21st 1977 Recreation Development Com Jubilee Fields Drainage Cllr Wells full report “ seepage through the bank “ Fishing rights for parishioners only and Mildenhall Angling Club

June 23rd 1977 full council Vacancy co-option of member A W F Palmer (8 votes) J Barker (2 votes) Highway matters various Jubilee Fields Drainage to be done by Ford Motor Co (when possible but no charge) Jubilee Fields Layout ongoing Street Lighting various matters Adventure Playground at Wamil Way grant £500 agreed BR Methodist £25 grant for burial ground

July 7th 1977 Community and Open Spaces Thetford Rd Cemetery various maintenance works Kingsway Cemetery FHDC staff (2) to do survey for £250 Allotments Lark Road various matters Children‟s Playground fencing discussed

July 28th 1977 full council Kingsway Cemetery FHDC staff (2) to do survey for £250 Offer not accepted Dr C Dring & Local history group to do, no charge Bunbury Rooms grant of £167 towards improvements Over 60‟s club £20 Piano a reconditioned one available for £218, agreed to purchase Footpath Signs agreed to purchase a further 20 @ £15.10 each = £302

September 8th 1977 Town Hall Man Com Piano recommend to charge £1.50 per hiring 101 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Roof repairs a quote for £242 +VAT was accepted

September 29th full council The Dolvers quote to fell 5 ash trees £175 Town Hall coloured lights recommend acceptance of quote for £177.65 H R Methodist £25 grant Trees agree to recommend accept 10 free trees from CC Street Lighting problems with vandalism and other reasons for lights not working Parish Council Office possibly move into first floor of Town hall

October 6th 1977 Community and Open Spaces Thetford Road Cemetery agreed to plant 3 free trees Lark Road Allotments minor matters Gravel Allotments reletting

October 27th 1977 full council Parish Council Office agreed to move Population estimated at 11280 RATE SUPPORT GRANT PAPER

November 3rd 1977 Footpaths Footpath Signs sites agreed

November 15th 1977 Recreation Development Com Jubilee Fields A Jubilee Fields Liaison Com to be formed with Mild & Dist Sports Ass Jubilee Fields Layout plan to be considered Jubilee Fields possibly to include Road Cycling Circuit Jubilee Fields Drainage ongoing- looking for contractors Youth Centre agreement in principle for Mild Angling Club HQ on former Tennis Court Youth Centre to consider after the plan for Jubilee Fields is agreed Skateboard Park suggested from FHDC Estimate 1978/79 to include £7,500 for Jubilee Fields River Bank Leeks Anglian Water Authority to rectify

November 24th 1977 full council Lighting outside Upper School agreed to provide £500 towards the cost Parish Council Office accept quote of £102 for electrical work Footpaths agreed to purchase 12 more sign arms at £120 Trees Ladies Circle offer to provide trees, suggested 1 Cedar outside Thetford Road cemetery and 2 Leylandii inside gates Kingsway cemetery £222 for rebuilding the wall Proposed new FHDC Offices asked about the possibility of rear of Town hall

December 1st 1977 Town Hall Man Com Scout HQ considered lease behind Town Hall, Lease to be for 60 years, 2, Rear of and west of Eastern boundary to River, 3, to include 2 Parish Council members as Trustees Estimate 1978/79 to include £3,700 for Town Hall

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December 8th 1977 Recreation Development Com Upper School Sports hall recommend a further £2,000 commencing 1/4/78 Scout HQ this committee agrees Estimate 1978/79 recommends £36480 including £11,110 for lighting. Rate relief £6480 Staff wages Clerk £1825 Deputy Clerk £1730

December 29th 1977 full council Scout HQ considered lease behind Town Hall, Lease to be for 60 years, 2, Rear of and west of Eastern boundary to River, 3, to include 2 Parish Council members as Trustees - Cllrs Ford and Madeley Estimate 1978/79 agreed £36480 including £11,110 for lighting. Rate relief £6480 Mildenhall Museum grant of £200 BR Land Law Bros have plans for 12 dwellings, may possibly donate 40 acres to MPC for recreation purposes

January 5th 1978 Community and Open Spaces Mild Football Club at recreation way recommend to increase rent to £24 pa (by casting vote) from 1/4/178 Kingsway cemetery Survey completed, 710 memorials. Copy to be passed to MPC

Kingsway Cemetery Information from book containing list of gravestones at Bury Record Office, collected November 2016 Opened in 1856 and used by the whole parish until St Peters WR and St John BR were opened in 1874 and 1875. No original records or maps exist except the church burial register. Last burial January 1970 but names were added to gravestones until 1975. Formally closed on 23/10/1972 and control passed to Mildenhall Parish Council (and later to FHDC) [I Brian Sulman do not understand it being passed to the district council as the parish council is still responsible for all maintenance (November 2016)]. Surveyed in 1973 by the local history club and report given to MPC. Survey requested by DC in 1994 when a map was prepared by John Zeal, the inscriptions had deteriorated in those 20 years. Dr C Dring 4/4/1996

Thetford Road Cemetery Grave maintenance, proposed that undertakers be responsible for first 3 month [personal note Grave 241 to Queenie Beatrice Woollard]

January 26th 1978 full council Mild Football Club at recreation way agreed not to increase rent, to remain at £12 pa Scout HQ ongoing Staff Clerk £1611 Deputy Clerk ? Parish Keeper £56 per week

February 2nd 1978 Jubilee Field Liaison Com Layout ongoing discussion incl Cycle Track February 2nd 1978 (incorrectly titled 26/1/72) Recreation Development Com J F Drainage now completed at cost of £200 J F River Bank seepage cost £3000 to be shared between AWA, MPC and Parker Bros, site meeting to be held

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February 23rd 1978 full council Scout HQ solicitor to FHDC to undertake preparation of lease J F Tree roots to be removed Ladies Circle did not want to plant trees at cemetery but still at J F, matter ongoing BR Football Club grant £25

March 2nd 1978 Town Hall Man Com Chairs to consider purchasing 200 new stackable chairs Tables to consider purchasing 25 new tables Hire charges amended

March 30th 1978 full council WR Bowls Club improvements to indoor rink costing £22260. Council agreed grant of £500 Vacancy resignation of A W F Palmer

April 24th 1978 Town Hall Man Com Hire charges amended

April 27th 1975 full council Election notice received Poll on 25/5/78 [possible misprint for 25/5/79] T H Chairs agreed to purchasing 200 new stackable chairs @ £4.06 each Grants BR Methodist, WR St Peters for churchyard maintenance £30 each BR Football Club disappointed with grant of £25, agreed a further £25 to be given Parish Boundary Revision MPC see no reason for revision Adventure Playground grant of £500 Upper School Music Club grant of £120 TH External Decoration 2 quotes, 525-726, lowest accepted

May 4th 1978 Footpaths various matters

May 18th 1978 Annual Parish Meeting with 12 electors present Jubilee Fields Development Plan discussed and various aspects but drainage is the first priority Various matters discussed

May 25th 1978 Annual Meeting of MPC Chairman H G Abbs, thanks to M A Mears for 4 years leadership Future elections suggestion that elections be held every two years and the VC will succeed CH. Decided not legal but a good idea. VC J K Madeley (3 votes) H E Turner (6 votes) T H Tables agreed to buy 25 @ £14.19 each Committees appointed Community and Open Spaces, Footpaths, Town Hall Man Com, Recreation Development Com and Planning Grant BR Baptist £30

June 1st 1978 Town Hall Man Com, Hire of Tables & Chairs recommend to hire out old chairs and tables 104 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

June 15th 1978 Recreation Development Com J F drainage ongoing discussion J F tree roots not done yet JF levelling of part discussed Recreation ground lettings agreed J F Layout report by County Grounds & Playing Fields officer.

June 22nd 1978 full council New Member welcome Mrs J Tweedie Street Naming new homes off Lark Road, suggested Plover Close & Dunnock Close, not accepted prefer Wren Close & Robin Close

July 6th 1978 Community and Open Spaces Thetford Road Cemetery suggest a new Leylandii hedge along W and part E boundaries Kingsway Cemetery 1, repair wall, 2, condition of chapel, 3, entrance to old Lime Kiln to be retained Lark Road Allotments reletting Pit area now filled Children‟s Playground to get tenders for new 6 ft fence with concrete posts on Northern Boundary Recreation land reviewed

July 27th 1978 full council Thetford Road Cemetery agreed a new Leylandii hedge along W boundary only Kingsway Cemetery 1, repair wall quotes 168-316, accepted lowest WR Speed Limit agreed council to try again to get a speed limit of 30 accepted by Highways Wamil Way condition letter from Mild Cricket Club about condition, agreed to give £200

September 7th 1978 Town Hall Man Com Fire at Hall damage reported and bookings Piano some fire damage

September 28th 1978 full council Planning application for 2.5 acre Gipsy Caravan Site at Wilde Street Children‟s Playground tenders for new 6 ft fence on Northern Boundary, 5 quotes 564 – 986 accepted lowest Levelling Pit area 4 tenders 440 – 1000 accepted lowest Thetford Road Cemetery agreed a new Leylandii hedge along West boundary 2 quotes 403-495 accepted lowest Grants Mild Over 60‟s £23, St John‟s Ambulance BR £30 Water Supply possible pollution of Public Water Supply at BR by an oil leak on airfield. Agreed to ask AWA true position.

October 5th 1978 Community and Open Spaces Kingsway Cemetery to be cleared by Parish Keeper Kingsway C Chapel agreed that in 1973 this council accepted responsibility, should it be demolished?

October 12th 1978 Extra Full Council meeting 105 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

T H External Painting council is satisfied with the work done

October 26th 1978 full council ongoing matters discussed

November 2nd 1978 Footpaths Footpath 10 obstructed Signs recommend to purchase a further 12 new signs

November 16th 1978 Recreation Development Com J F drainage long discussion about power supply and pumps for new system, Elect cost £467 River Bank agreed to make up with 450 cub yds of soil, no cost JF for roller skating refer to plans of FHDC Scout GP HQ details of the lease

November 30th 1978 full council J F drainage Elect extension to pump £618 - £798, lowest accepted Pump to cost £640 less approx £90 Mild Judu Kwai grant of £60 Standing Orders arrangements for contracts to be reviewed Street Lights there are now 543 under the control of MPC

December 6th 1978 Town Hall Man Com various mattes discussed

December 28th 1978 full council Standing Orders new arrangements for contracts adopted Keepers Van agreed £3000 to be included in estimates

January 5th 1979 Community and Open Spaces Kingsway Cemetery Chapel to get quotes for its repair Kingsway Cemetery Survey Dr C Dring apologised for delay in providing map BR Playground access FHDC have agreed to accept some MPC land to provide access

January 18th 1979 Recreation Development Com J F Drainage pump net cost £625.70 More quotes for field drainage required Bank leakage leakage due to water levels higher than had been agreed with AWA Roller Skating not yet possible to put on JF. Pit area is not yet suitable due to settling Site for Sea Cadets HQ recommended to look for a site

January 25th 1979 full council BR Playground access letter from FHDC received Kingsway Cemetery Chapel to be discussed at Annual Parish Meeting Estimate agreed £34740 including lighting £11800 Mildenhall Museum a grant was approved, amount to be decided later

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February 22nd 1979 full council Mildenhall Museum agreed £250 grant WR Speed Limit SCC a 30 mph limit would be recommended WR Road White Lines SCC surveyor asked to provide Lorry & Car Parking to meet FHDC to discuss

March 1st 1979 Town Hall Man Com Scout HQ to consider a foundation stone laid by MR M R Williams TH Charges reviewed

March 29th 1979 full council WR Road White Lines SCC surveyor considering Scout HQ to consider a foundation stone laid by MR M R Williams information, not being built until 1981 J F Drainage a brick built cubicle for the electrical supply 2 quotes £389-£557, lowest accepted J F Drainage to get quote from Coupland & Co Ltd for land drains

April 5th 1979 Community and Open Spaces Kingsway Cemetery. Chapel recommend no further action on repairs Kingsway Cemetery regrowth recommend get tenders to deal with clearance

April 12th 1979 Recreation Development Com J F Drainage quote from Coupland & Co Ltd for land drains accepted J F Drainage Pump Chamber no quotes received J F Bank seepage AWA to take measures to prevent

April 26th 1979 full council Kingsway Cemetery regrowth get tenders to deal with clearance, agreed no action but to use knapsack sprayer J F Drainage Cllrs questioned total amount, Cllrs Wells explained and was accepted for land drains Mild Parish Charities Trustees appointed Summer Adventure Playground a grant of £600 was agreed Chairman‟s remarks M A Mears & P J R Pendleton not seeking re-election both thanked

May 17th 1979 Annual Parish Meeting Just Chairman and 2 Cllrs present, no members of the public Kingsway Closed Cemetery to continue with policy of no repairs to chapel

[Minute Book REF EG711/1/9 starts here]

Election 24/5/79 BR 4 incl J B Barker, WR 3 Incl Gerald Harry Balls, GT Heath 4, Mkt 4

June 14th 1979 Annual meeting of MPC Ch H G Abbs, vc H E Turner Welcome to Gerald and John J F Drainage now completed 107 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Committees appointed Community and Open Spaces, Footpaths, Town Hall Man Com, Recreation Development Com, Planning Annual Parish Meeting discussion re poor attendance Grants WR Baptist, WR St Peters £30 each, Suffolk Assn of Youth £10 TH redecoration of fire damaged area 18/19 May, estimates £487-£507 lowest accepted

July 5th 1979 Town Hall Man Com fire damaged area explanation. Insurance paid full amount £687

July 18th 1979 Recreation Development Com Standing Orders re J F Development, recommended changes J F Fencing 6 ft around drainage reservoir 6 quotes £1012-£1475 accepted £1097 J F Sub Com recommended to set up JF Bank leakage AWA provided clay for leaks and will do at no charge JF access to be agreed MTFC /Rec Ground letter from MFC about improvements to their facilities, would JF include any? – rely it‟s too early to say JF Pumping Chamber quote for £1824, too much, new quote £1150 recommended Land Preparation Costing‟s Ploughing, Harrowing & seeding £10,000, long discussion 1, Actions taken confirmed, 2, competitive quotes not required, 3, SCC Grounds officer to be asked his opinion, 4, if OK to proceed

July 19th 1979 Footpaths Path 10 discussion Definitive map review (present map 1949) Agreed to walk all paths “ Letter from Ramblers Assn with comments

July 26th 1979 full council Pastoral Measures Letter from Rev J Elliston explaining the position. Considerable debate and a proposal to, withdraw MPC objection Voted 5 for 7 against. Confirmed MPC still objected to changes. JF Land Preparation Costing‟s SCC Grounds Officer reported £18,000 is reasonable Definitive map review to be discussed at parish meeting on 13/9/79 Over 60‟s Club grant £30 Highway matters various Riverside Walk to Barton Mills a formal agreement to be signed

August 28th 1979 Footpaths Definitive map review full details of all paths

September 6th 1979 Community and Open Spaces Thetford Road Cemetery fees reviewed Pastoral Measures further correspondence to ask views of Freckenham PC Kingsway Cemetery grounds discussed Recreation Ground trees Dutch Elm Disease, to get tenders BR Children‟s playground recommend to transfer land for access to FHDC

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September 13th 1979 Parish Meeting Footpaths Definitive maps discussed

September 27th 1979 full council Definitive map review following public meeting on 13/9/79. Accepted Grants BR Methodist, HR Methodist, £30 each. WR Football Club £300 towards new pavilion Payment of accounts included Couplands (Drains etc) £2812

October 4th 1979 Town Hall Man Com Fire damage now repaired other matters

October 9th 1979 Sub Com Community and Open Spaces Kingsway Cemetery clearance of scrub by Parish Keeper is progressing Transport for Parish Keeper recommend a second hand 18cwt Ford Transit be purchased

October 25th 1979 full council various matters

November 1st 1979 Recreation Development Com JF updated report JF Development changing rooms and toilets will be needed Estimates for JF £8000 Drainage Couplands questions over the invoice. Rec Grounds recommend no further bookings for travelling circus following damage

November 7th 1979 Recreation Development Com JF layout long discussion, paddling pool now omitted, cycle track not at present. Changing rooms and meeting rooms to be near swimming pool car park. Apply for grants

November 29th 1979 full council Mild District Plan discussion with chief planning officer FHDC P R Starling Pastoral Measures objection now withdrawn following information from Freckenham PC River Lark Pollution discussion and considered restocking of fish but decided no action Fen Tigers Speedway Team congratulations on winning 1979 National Title, letter to be sent JF Tree felling 2 quotes but agreed to get more to include removal of roots

December 6th 1979 Community and Open Spaces Lark Road Allotments condition of some poor BR Aspal Park stray dogs causing problems, considered a RSPCA trap but not agreed JF Tree felling new quote £235 accepted Estimate for 1980/81 £41,120 (includes lighting £13820)

December 20th 1979 full council Estimate for 1980/81 £41,120 (includes lighting £13820) approved

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January 3rd 1980 Town Hall Man Com TH revision of charges, recommend no increase

January 31st 1980 full council Cycling Club grant £150 for road rollers St John‟s BR £30 Suffolk Passenger Transport Plan discussed SCC review of Electoral arrangements HR Play scheme grant of £50 Mild District Plan dated 29/11/79 discussed

February 28th 1980 full council River Lark Pollution further discussion Community Mini-Bus discussion Transport for Parish Keeper purchased Ford Transit for £1000 plus VAT. agreed to sell old van for £35

March 6th 1980 Community and Open Spaces Street Lighting a number of lights not working, members asked to carry out a survey before next meeting Thetford Road Cemetery review of charges Lark Road Allotments 48 plots discussed Gravel Allotments hirings discussed

March 27th 1980 full council River Lark Pollution ongoing discussion Mild & Dist Swimming Pool grant of £150 War Memorial Restoration quotes as follows, M £347, BR £186, WR £157, KH £50 agreed to go ahead with WR and if satisfactory to do others

April 3rd 1980 Town Hall Man Com Bookings Lions Club reduced fees for charity event recommended Scout HQ need suitable wording for foundation stone with M E Williams for June 14 Cleaners pay new rates proposed

April 24th 1980 full council Fen Tigers Speedway Team scroll to be presented on 11/5/80 Suffolk Accident Rescue Service grant £100 River Lark Pollution ongoing discussion, unhappy with AWA response Community Mini-Bus agreed no further action WR 30 mph signs agreed to ask SCC to move sign Gipsy Sites agreed to object Use of Recreation Ground Mild Cycling Club for Gala 24/25 Aug. Mild Town Football Club objected but MCC given permission with conditions Staff wages discussed

May 1st 1980 Recreation Development Com JF layout a scale plan was considered 110 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Drainage works paid £1341 and a further charge of £632 was requested, recommended £500

May 15th 1980 Annual parish meeting Present Ch plus 8 cllrs and 7 electors Gipsy Sites discussion and objection to proposed sites JF development discussion of uses

May 22nd 1980 Annual meeting of MPC Ch H G Abbs Vacancy H N Mitchell resigned Mkt Ward Vc H E Turner Committees appointed Community and Open Spaces, Footpaths, Town Hall Man Com, Recreation Development Com & Planning Drainage works paid £1341 and a further charge of £632 was requested, agreed to offer £380 Grants BR Methodist, WR Baptist, Royal British legion (new standard) £40 each, Mild Over 60‟s £50 War Memorial Restoration WR complete agreed to do BR and KH

June 5th 1980 Community and Open Spaces Thetford Road Cemetery various matters Kingsway Cemetery clearance of scrub by keeper continues “ Fence needed on E boundary Pit Area / Rec Ground Area recommend Round Table be given consent for Bonfire & fireworks JF recommend erect bollards an end of Raven & Turnstone Closes to stop access to JF Children‟s Playground recommended to carry out repairs

June 19th 1980 full council Gipsy Sites for Public Enquiry agreed to make £700 available for legal fees Street naming South of Thetford Road Mulberry Close agreed Grants Bunbury Rooms £100, FH Sea Cadet Corps £50, St Mary‟s Church £1000 National Tree Campaign JF an excellent site Vacancy Market ward to be left till next meeting Parish Emergency Group names to be submitted School Buses MPC objected to introduction of charges Football Club asked for permission for Drinks Licence for club house, agreed

July 3rd 1980 Town Hall Man Com Charges reviewed recommended to increase TH Fencing E boundary recommend be repaired

July 31st 1980 full council Gipsy Sites public enquire now in progress. Petition signed by 700 residents Vacancy Mrs J Harmes to fill Mkt Ward Adventure Playground at Wamil Way agreed to give a grant of £300 Children‟s Playground agreed to get quotes for 2 junior swings Grants Eagles Tug of War, £50, BR Football £100 111 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Kingsway Cemetery Damaged wall, 4 tenders £287 - £480 lowest accepted “ “ Fence to E Boundary 3 tenders £731 – £1650, lowest accepted JF Willow Trees £90 confirmed Public Safety at Air Show council concerned about emergency services access because of congested roads on 23/24 Aug. agreed to advise local police of their concerns Howlett‟s Hill Pond 7 acres of land at N/E of Hurst Fen Drove, Holywell Row, Common Land [see June 20th 1974 9 acres]. Long minute about a request to fill in the pond, not agreed

August 14th 1980 Recreation Development Com J F maintenance ongoing following seeding, recommend payment of £180 for each cut needed plus £180 for each of 2 cuts done Pavilion/Changing Rooms discussion, hoped to build in 1982. Plans and costing‟s required J F Bridge footbridge over River Lark by FHDC for footpath to Barton Mills

September 4th 1980 Community and Open Spaces Children‟s Playground 4 tenders for repairs £385-£935 recommend accept lowest “ “ 2 new junior swings £207.50 plus VAT Tree Planting 10 free trees recommend E boundary of JF recommend a new com be formed TH Fence 1 m high on E boundary 4 tenders £413-£972 lowest accepted Mild Football Club recommend grant of £50 Planning 14A Kingsway recommend object to change of use to builders yard Grass cutting equipment review of various equipment and recommend 2 new mowers at cost of £1000 Keepers Van recommend must be kept in MPC premises at Junction Road

September 25th 1980 full council Gipsy Sites enquiry lasted 7 days, legal fees £2505. Outstanding costs of £426 to be met by a further grant Adventure Playground at Wamil Way total estimate of costs £608, agreed to a further £308 Public Safety at Air Show a letter of thanks to be sent to Chief Inspector E Hunt Howlett‟s Hill Pond update of information following a public meeting at HR. Pond not to be filled J F maintenance agreed to get further tenders for work Pavilion/Changing Rooms agreed to get plans & costs Tree Planting committee appointed Grass cutting equipment agreed to get prices War Memorial Restoration agreed to get work done on Mild

October 2nd 1980 Town Hall Man Com TH Fence estimated cost of £1000, alternative to plant Cupressus hedge, planted and care by Scouts

October 30th 1980 full council Grants Mild Judo Kwai £50, Mild Music & Drama £50, Suffolk Assn of Youth £15 Remembrance wreaths agreed follow usual practice of 5 wreathes @£6.80, agreed £50 JF Grant letter to FHDC re Grant to MPC for Jubilee Fields project. Total cost to date £35,090, estimate of £60,000 for changing rooms etc. With FHDC give a grant of 50% and a loan of 50%. Signed H G Abbs [This is very good report]

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November 20th 1980 Recreation Development Com JF Grant letter to FHDC re Grant to MPC for Jubilee Fields project. Total cost to date £35,090, estimate of £60,000 for changing rooms etc. With FHDC give a grant of 50% and a loan of 50%. Signed H G Abbs [This is very good report] Cycle Track report of a meeting held 9/10/80 with Eastern Cycling Federation. MPC cannot help with cost of cycling track but would consider a lease of the ground if Eastern Cycling Federation provide money

November 27th 1980 full council Pavilion/Changing Rooms reply from FHDC, subject will be discussed on 10/12/80 Roadside Seats £200 from Mild Sick & Poor Fund for 2 seats Grass cutting equipment 2 tenders for 3 machines agreed to accept Barclay Motors £800 less £70 for old machines Adventure Playground report Wamil Way is not suitable, can they use site at old Tip area. 10 day programme suggested. request to MPC for £800 to include WR & BR Estimate 81/82 £50920 (lighting £15,800)

December 18th 1980 full council Roadside Seats reply from SCC awaited Tree Planting agreed to plant 10 trees at E end of JF Gipsy Site public enquiry gave permission for site at Wilde Street BR. SCC agreed on a casting vote. MPC to send a letter protesting Adventure Playground further discussion needed Grant WR Brownies £50 JF safety agreed to erect notices near river DANGER DEEP WATER Estimate 81/82 £50920 (lighting £15,800) agreed

December 18th 1980 Town Hall Man Com T H Hedges recommend purchase plants for planting by the Scouts T H lettings considered Sea Cadets HQ at rear of Scout HQ, deferred for more info.

January 15th 1981 Recreation Development Com J F maintenance tenders £3750-£3800 recommend accept lowest JF Moles recommend accept price 12 months for £216 JF Pavilion & Changing Rooms Planning applied to FHDC, need draft plans & costs Thetford Road Cemetery Planning application for houses on south of cemetery. Did MPC need this land for cemetery extension. Possibly enough space in existing cemetery for 50 years

January 29th 1981 full council Roadside Seats reply from SCC sites agreed Adventure Playground discussed but not decided Sea Cadets HQ a site opposite and in line with the Scout HQ was possible JF Pavilion & Changing Rooms FHDC would consider financial assistance Pedestrian Crossing Kingsway SCC be asked to provide “ “ BR “

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Grants Mild & Dist Museum £330, HR Youth club £150, Suffolk Accident rescue Service £100 HR Village Hall com request a notice board, agreed to provide

February 26th 1981 full council JF Pavilion & Changing Rooms Estimated cost £113,000. FHDC would give a grant of £95,000 towards cost Gipsy Site SCC considering a different site. MPC to consult FHDC Children‟s Playground BR Letter from M Croughton on behalf of developers. Agreed to allow access over MPC land 30 mph Speed limit to ask SCC to extend area on Brandon Road, Thetford Road & Bury Road to limit of housing Land at Wamil Way lease at £50 pa, agreed to continue at present

March 5th 1981 Community and Open Spaces Adventure Playground recommend to agree a site between football club and Kingsway Lark Road Allotments reletting discussed Recreation Ground bookings considered

March 19th 1981 Recreation Development Com JF Pavilion & Changing Rooms architect present to discuss plans JF Nature Conservation Suffolk Trust for Nature Conservation requested restricted access to river bank. Not agreed JF Drainage surface water lying in a low spot, to consider a new drainage pipe

March 26th 1981 full council JF Pavilion & Changing Rooms attended by FHDC Chief Financial Officer and Architect. Lots of detail recorded including possibility to build a hall for 200 people with a possible total cost of £150,000. Suggestion that this building will replace Town Hall and costs between grant of £95,000 and £150,000 be met by sale of town hall. It was agreed that the £95,000 has been received and may be used for this purpose. The £95,000 has been invested with FHDC and may provide interest of £10,000. A long discussion took place. Some members just wanted the changing room project at a cost of about £100,000. After further discussion it was agreed to put to a Parish Meeting. Mild Methodist Church agreed a grant of £200 towards improvements Street Lighting to be £6686 for energy and £7662 for maintenance

April 2nd 1981 Town Hall Man Com Bunbury Players request for stage & lighting improvements Bookings considered

April 30th 1981 full council Grants Mild Music & Drama £50, HR Village Hall £250, Mild & Dist Advent Play £800 J F Drainage an extra drain agreed Salaries agreed

May 14th 1981 Annual Parish meeting 114 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Present 90 electors JF Pavilion & Changing Rooms details as 26/3/81 explained followed by long discussion. The meeting voted on whether this meeting should vote on the two different proposals. carried 40 for 20 against. A vote was then taken proposing that the changing room/toilets scheme only should go ahead. this was agreed 38 for and 21 against.

May 21st 1981 Annual meeting of MPC Ch proposed H E Turner who did not want to stand. Prop H G Abbs, elected VC L J E Wallace Committees appointed Community and Open Spaces, Footpaths, Town Hall Man Com, Recreation Development Com, Planning JF Pavilion & Changing Rooms following the parish meeting there was further discussion Grant Mild over 60‟s £100 Church burial ground maintenance grants BR Methodist, St Peters WR, £50 each Gipsy Site Wilde Street, planning permission now granted for housing.

June 11th 1981 Community and Open Spaces Thetford Road Cemetery various maintenance matters Kingsway Cemetery regrowth, recommend employ a man for 3 months Children‟s Playground lots of complaints about ball from King Street residents, recommend extend fence height on N side by 4‟ 30 mph Speed limit SCC highways, not possible to extend on Thetford or Brandon Roads but impose a 40 mph on Bury Road Pedestrian Crossing Kingsway SCC census taken and numbers fall far short “ “ BR “

June 26th 1981 full council Planning Matters discussed forming a planning committee rather than ward representatives, agreed Kingsway Cemetery regrowth, employ a man for 3 months, agreed Conditions of Employment varied School Governors Cllrs nominated

July 2nd 1981 Town Hall Man Com Bunbury Players request for stage & lighting improvements, further discussion Bookings bookings for Dog training (ref complaint) to ask FHDC

July 9th 1981 Footpaths Footpath 10 now diverted New Signposts agreed Review SCC have not yet started this review

July 16th 1981 Recreation Development Com J F Drainage more work needed rec £388 agreed J F Drainage Adjoining Land owner complained that the recent drainage works had affected his land and now flooded J F Drainage Reservoir to consider planting Leylandii inside the fence

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July 30th 1981 full council Kingsway Cemetery a man has been appointed for clearance Bookings of TH bookings for Dog training FHDC Environment Health said it is undesirable where food is consumed, passed back to the committee Sports Pavilion Com to be set up Council Office a fire proof storage cabinet is required, approx cost £90, agreed to get quote Street naming agreed Campbell Close off Melbourne Drive School Buses SCC to start charging £17 per term, agreed to send a letter objecting to charges

September 3rd 1981 Community and Open Spaces Recreation Ground use by Football Club discussion about exclusive use by football club, recommend to remain as is, to be free access to the public Recreation Ground Trees following lightning damage, ref felling J F litter Bins recommend 3 bins be purchased JF Firework Display by Round Table, recommend charges for admission to JF can be made but no bonfire on JF

September 24th 1981 full council School Buses letter from SCC the matter is being considered Grants WR St Peters £300, Suffolk Assn of Youth £20 Citizens Advise Bureau can MPC provide a site for 9‟ x 30‟ Portokabin, agreed to pass to FHDC

October 1st 1981 Town Hall Man Com Bookings of TH bookings for Dog training. No further bookings will be accepted T H stage recommend to get quotes for a new portable stage T H maintenance various matters

October 1st 1981 Sports Pavilion Com Plans County architect will draw up plans if needed. discussion

October 29th 1981 full council School Governors appointed School Buses answer from SCC, no exceptions can be made.MPC to continue with the issue JF Pavilion & Changing Rooms ongoing discussion BR Playgroup grant of £250 towards cost of mobile classroom

November 12th 1981 Footpaths Rights of Way Review many points discussed including Cllr D Hagger SCC

November 26th 1981 full council Rights of Way Review many points discussed Grant St John‟s BR £300 towards cost of roof repairs costing £10,000

December 3rd 1981 Community and Open Spaces Thetford Road Cemetery Shelter damage done by children Allotments Gravel various matters 116 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

JF Pumping station to get quotes for a heater in the pump house Moles recommend to renew contract Wamil Way recommend lease to terminate 31/12/1982 St Mary‟s Church bollards costing £160 recommend grant of £50

December 17th 1981 full council Holiday Playscheme £400 grant, £200 Mild £100 BR £100 WR Estimate 82/93 £65,000 (including Lighting £17,500, Jubilee Fields £11,800) agreed to take £10,000 from balances to make precept £55,000

January 7th 1982 Town Hall Man Com Panelling need replacing Tenders (4) £190 - £354 lowest accepted Hire charges reviewed Disused Old Chairs Offer from MPCC to buy 50 at £1 each, recommended to accept offer

January 7th 1982 Sports Pavilion Com J F Pavilion discussed two plans of pavilions and sites, recommend 1, check on planning 2, Check on services

January 28th 1982 full council J F Pavilion long discussed about two plans of pavilions and sites, recommend 1, check on planning 2, check on services and agreed to pass back to committee Grant West Suffolk Voluntary Ass Blind £100 Cycle Paths letter from FHDC to SCC surveyor about the need for cycle paths agreed to write to SCC in support BR Community Assn well attended meeting to form Community Association and provide Com Centre, proposed near children‟s playground. Would MPC lease a site? MPC agreed in principle

February 4th 1982 Recreation Development Com J F grass cutting recommend Tilbrooks contract for £4000 for 1982 J F drainage new extra drains discussed, 1, up to £500, 2, put top soil on low areas of field J F drainage original drains now affected by “iron rust”, needed to pump out drains and will be needed for 2-3 years Riverside walk request from FHDC for discussion of a suggested path Aspal Close BR 48 acres offered for sale by Law Bros. Cllr Wells expressed a view this should be purchased for public open space, resolved to make provisional expression of interest for loan of £40,000 from SCC for 82/83 Gipsy site Dept of Environment notice in local press to make a compulsory purchase order for the land as a gipsy site. MPC objected

February 23rd 1982 Sports Pavilion Com J F Pavilion detailed discussion recommend 1, propose a site immediately South of swimming pool 2, Check to make formal application for outline planning consent. Sketch plans discussed recommend they be approved

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Rec Ground Mild Football Club submitted an application to FHDC for Arcon prefab building for new changing rooms and toilets. Committee not happy with some of the proposals

February 25th 1982 full council Cycle Paths reply from SCC not possible for technical reasons J F grass cutting agreed as recommend on 4/2/82 JF drainage quote for extra drains £464, agreed Aspal Close land considerable discussion and agreed not to pursue at present Gipsy Site agreed to protest JF Pavilion 1, site of building accepted, 2, Sketch plan accepted and agreed to employ architects to do a detailed plan with costings Recreation Ground Football Club to be considered by committee Grant Suffolk Accident Rescue Service £125 Footpath extension, Recreation Way FHDC said it will cost £855, MPC share £315, approved

March 4th 1982 Community and Open Spaces Rec Ground Football Club letter explaining building an Arcon building to install toilet and social facilities, this committee supports the proposals Rec Ground use by Football Club review of conditions about sole use by FC, rent £12 pa, revision of terms of lease to be reviewed when J F ready for use Parking Church Walk difficulties at funerals, recommend SCC surveyor be approached about a solution

March 4th 1982 Recreation Development Com Rec Ground Football Club this comm. agrees as above

March 25th 1982 full council Cycle Paths council agreed to send a letter of support to Mild Cycling Club Aspal Close land application for loan re purchase, too late for 82/83. resolved 1, no further action for loan at present, 2, agreed to enquire the purchase price of the land Street Lighting will cost £15270 for the year JF Pavilion Discussion about appointment of architect to produce plans as this had been done previously. 1, agreed to proceed with new architect and to act as quantity surveyor. Fees of 8%. Cost expected to be £85,000 plus cost of services. Resolved 1, sketch plan agreed, 2, Mull Assoc Architects to be appointed, 3, to proceed with tenders, 4, to arrange a formal meeting with Mr Mull Police Liaison letter from Ch Inspector that Chief Constable wanted closer involvement with Parish Councils. An officer would be invited to future meetings Bus Shelter King Street resolved to get quotes and to ask about planning permission A1101 Maintenance letters to be sent to all interested parties, including other parish councils about the condition of the road Staff Establishment Review There was a request for a review but it was agreed that it was not needed Salaries increased

April 1st 1982 Town Hall Man Com Stage rec 1,a carpenter to be asked how to improve the present stage 2, to get tenders for any work 118 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Curtains ongoing discussion about fire proof curtains for the stage

April 1st 1982 Town Hall Man Com Stage recommend 1, carpenter be asked how to improve existing stage, 2, get tenders for work Curtains ongoing discussion about Fire Proof Curtains for stage

April 7th 1982 Sports Pavilion Com Pavilion committee agreed various amendments to the sketch

April 14th 1982 Sports Pavilion Com Pavilion meeting with architect who was instructed to proceed. Rec that selected building contactors be invited to tender

April 29th 1982 Full council Police Liaison various matters discussed Aspal Close land sellers are asking between £30,000 and £40,000. agreed no further action at present Street lighting faults many reported and agreed to take action A1101 Area surveyor SCC had inspected but could not justify the large expense necessary, it was agreed to wait for replies from other councils Pavilion Plan submitted and agreed in principle Grant Mild over 60‟s £120 Round Table mini bus they could no longer run it, offered to MPC as a gift agreed 1, set up sub comm. to meet Round Table, 2, to decide at next meeting

May 6th 1982 Footpaths Public Right of Way officer from SCC present. A very long report (three pages) attached including reference to many individual paths.

May 13th 1982 Annual Parish meeting 20 present Street Lighting complaints to Eastern Electricity, agreed to consider using Photo Electric Cells rather than time switches Minibus resolved to check into taking this on School Crossing Kingsway following an accident agreed that MPC ask SCC for a pedestrian crossing in Kingsway F H District Council appointment of J Haylock as chairman

May 20th 1982 Annual council meeting Chairman H G Abbs VC L J E Wallace Police various matters Aspal Close gipsy encampment established, resolved to inform FHDC Pavilion minor changes made, tenders to be invited Committee Appointments Footpaths committee not to be continued. Town Hall Man Com. Cemetery and Open Spaces Com. Recreation Development Com. Sports Pavilion Com. Planning Public Rights of Way general discussion 119 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Street Lighting agreed to get estimate for converting all lights to Photo Electric Cells Minibus it may be taken over by British Legion, if not possibly by MPC School Crossing Kingsway agreed to write to SCC Gipsy Site HR discussed site at Slacks Drove HR, resolved to write to FHDC that MPC is not in favour of a gypsy site anywhere in the parish Kingsway Closed Cemetery resolved to employ casual labour to do clearance work

June 10th 1982 Cemetery and Open Spaces Com Thetford Road Cemetery various matters following inspection by the com Children‟s Playground “ “ “ “ Former Pit Area residents complaints about recent fair, rec to amend rules Recreation Ground various matters following inspection by the com Bus Shelter King Street recommend 1, it be provided, 2, enquire if grant from FHDC is available

June 24th 1982 full council Police pupils crossing Bury Road to Upper School, one crossing place would be better Pavilion agreed to invite 8 firms to tender Minibus to be taken over by MPC from 1/7/82 Pedestrian Crossing Kingsway SCC replied that the position has not changed since 1981 and is not possible Bus shelter to get a firm quotation Grants WR Baptist, BR Methodist £50 each, Mild & Dist Museum £350, Request from Mild Branch of British Legion for HQ, deferred for more info Outside Bodies item to be on agenda every 2 months for reports

July 1st 1982 Town Hall Man Com Stage ongoing discussion Curtains recommend to get quotes

July 15th 1982 Recreation Development Com J F allocation of pitches, 4 football pitches to be provided JF use by Motor Cycle Display Team Mild Lions for Sept 1983, recommend no objection JF use by Round Table for Firework Display rec yes but no bonfire List of reports by other bodies (page 519 ref EG 711/1/10)

July 29th 1982 full council Bus shelter received quote for £948 Children‟s Playground various repairs to equipment and fencing quotes £266- £513, lowest accepted Parish Tree Planting SCC offered 10 trees, resolved to plant at Gravel Drove WR, also to request 10 for BR and if not available to be purchased by MPC

September 2nd 1982 Cemetery and Open Spaces Com Thetford Road Cemetery 253 new plots now provided plus new drive and footpaths Cemetery Grave Shoring Equipment recommend that a demonstration be held Kingsway Cemetery a complaint to be answered Playground a letter suggesting that playground be for young children and a new play area for older children be provided on JF, not recommended

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Children‟s Playground BR site for Community Centre, recommend to ask FHDC the situation legal about lease ref TOC H gift Street Lights WR 34 damaged, recommend repair at cost of £850

September 13th 1982 Sports Pavilion Com Pavilion Tenders form 8 firms £125,000 - £162854. agreed that Architects to meet lowest tender to eliminate some items to reduce tender price to £115,000

September 29th 1982 Sports Pavilion Com Pavilion Tenders meeting with Mr Grayson of Arthur Mills who presented a full report. List of proposed savings of £18171 to give a price of £106,929, agreed to recommend to full council

September 30th 1982 Full council A1101 the recent repairs had improved the condition of the road Minibus insurance cover arranged BR Children‟s Playground site for Community Centre, solicitor is checking legal position but MPC agrees in principle to a lease Grants Mild F Council ?, Mild Army Cadets £100 each Exclusion of Press resolved to accept tender for Sports Pavilion

October 7th 1982 Town Hall Man Com Stage tenders for improvements £522-£650, debate about need for carpeting and recommend that firms be invited to retender without carpets Curtains quote £748 plus fitting, recommend too much, no further action Citizens Advice Bureau increased usage, could they have a Portakabin at the rear of Town Hall, recommend approval

October 28th 1982 full council A1101 further work needed, letter to be sent to SCC surveyor M Children‟s Playground FHDC will lock and unlock for £1.40 per week, resolved T H Stage more info re costings before final decision TH Curtains agreed to get another quote Citizens Advice Bureau resolved that CAB get planning permission and consent will be given Grants WR Football Club BR Football Club £100 each, Suffolk Assn of Youth £25 Village Pictorial Signs comm. birth of P R Williams, resolved to allow in estimates Estimates 83/84 £89550 (incl Lighting £26150, J F £9870, Pavilion £11600)

November 25th 1982 full council A1101 further work needed, letter to be sent to SCC surveyor. reply work will be done in new year Street Lights repairs costing £565, still no quote for Photo Electric Cells Hurst Fen HR Letter from Mild Parish Charities about wood clearance St Mary‟s Church quotes for pollarding 8 lime trees £500- £570 lowest accepted Bus Shelter Planning officer said site is acceptable but design is not, further discussion needed Salaries Clerk £3880 Deputy Clerk £2963 121 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

December 2nd 1982 Cemetery and Open Spaces Com Bus Shelter King Street recommend 1, that it be erected as suggested by planning officer, 2,Clerk to prepare a plan, FHDC may provide a grant towards cost Closed Churchyard recommend tenders be invited for maintenance JF lettings various matters discussed JF Maintenance recommend, 1, Tilbrooks be invited to quote for 1 year, 2, get quote for mole catching for 1 year. Children‟s Playground offer from Dr Flynn, Headmaster Mild Upper School to repaint shelter Children‟s Playground repairs done as needed Former Pit Area neighbour requesting if some of this could be sold to increase his garden, rec no sale as against council policy Thetford Road Cemetery review of fees

December 9th 1982 Sports Pavilion Com Pavilion additional works an area of soft ground has been found and therefore extra costs two alternatives (A) £2900 B £2000 recommended to proceed with A

December 16th 1982 full council Street Lighting quotation to change to Photo Electric Cells £8000 plus £900, resolved to accept quotes Gravel Allotments Letter to holders of plots 6,7 & 9. also to be 364 day tenancy and not yearly Bus Shelter plans approved Grant Mild Judo Kwai £50 Road Safety Half Moon Junction renewal of planning permission for back land extending Hardy Estate eastwards. Suggest a roundabout and 30 mph limit be extended past Upper School. Also no right turn at this junction, all resolved Estimates 83/84 £89550 (taking £12,000 from reserves to make £77,550)

January 6th 1983 Town Hall Man Com Stage 6 tenders £522 - £650, question about fire insurance situation to be researched, recommend accept lowest tender Sub Lease land at Rear of TH Sea Cadets HQ advice to contact Scouts about a sub-lease PC Office recommend to get quotes for heating

January 27th 1983 Full council Road Safety Half Moon Junction renewal of planning permission for back land extending Hardy Estate eastwards. Suggest a roundabout and 30 mph limit be extended past Upper School. Also no right turn at this junction, all resolved S C C Surveyor response, 30 mph not appropriate but suggested 40 mph, agreed to pressure for 30 mph roundabout and safety aspects being considered by SCC surveyor Sub Lease land at Rear of TH Sea Cadets HQ a proposed meeting of all parties to take place Closed Kingsway Cemetery 2 tenders for annual maintenance £550 - £640, lowest accepted JF Maintenance resolved to accept quote of £4150 for annual maintenance Pavilion tenders for electrical and mechanical services £4821- £10608, lowest accepted

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Hurst Fen HR Commons commissioners stated that the ownership considered to be MPC but rights of three tenements involved are not affected

February 17th 1983 Recreation Development Com Sea Cadets HQ lots of discussion mainly about parking for all users. Scouts would agree, reg 1, MPC to give consent to Scouts to sub let to Sea Cadets, 2, various rights of access, 3, provide gates and keys and 4, E gate to be Entrance and W to be Exit JF Anglo-American Com wish to donate 5 large picnic tables, recommend accept

February 24th 1983 full council Road Safety Half Moon Junction further letter from surveyor , 40 mph now proceeding Highway Priority Which is most important, A, replacement bridge at Mill Street or B Half Moon roundabout. resolved A Bus Shelter tenders £1616- £2860 1, lowest accepted 2, agreed to apply for grant from FHDC Aspal Close re gipsies resolved 1, letter to FHDC, 2, copy to chairman FHDC, 3, copy to Chief Inspector at Police Station Grants Mild Music & Drama £175, Suffolk Acc Rescue Ser £150, Mild Museum £400 Insurance Children‟s playground resolved to get a quotation for regular inspections Insurance General agreed to increase in cover

March 3rd 1983 Cemetery and Open Spaces Com Thetford Road Cemetery general maintenance RAF Mildenhall Golden Jubilee to be discussed

March 31st 1983 full council PC Office heating 2 quotes £501 - £548 lowest accepted Aspal Close Gypsies Now gone RAF Mildenhall Golden Jubilee two cllrs to represent MPC Grant Mild Swimming Club £50 WR Foot way request for a foot way from Village Hall to School, res to write to SCC Surveyor in support WR Road White Lines to write to SCC Surveyor requesting these

April 7th 1983 Town Hall Man Com various matters

April 14th 1983 Annual Parish meeting 32 present Street Lighting progress being made installing Photo Electric Cells various other matters Retirement Cllr Turner will not be seeking re-election

April 28th 1983 full council WR Foot way SCC surveyor replied no funds are available Retirement Cllr H E Turner, a member for 34 years TH Parking resolved to get quotes for gates

123 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

TH Land at rear the trustees are not in favour of sub lease to Sea Cadets for HQ because of lack of space. Full discussion, reso0lved that MPC in principle had no objection to HQ being south of Scouts HQ PC Office (double glazing) 2 tenders £171 - £198, higher accepted as higher spec. Pavilion progress is satisfactory

May 5th 1983 Election BR 4 cllrs, Gt Heath 4 cllrs incl Nigel Roman, Market 4 cllrs, WR 3 cllrs

May 19th 1983 Annual meeting of Council Ch H G Abbs, VC L J E Wallace WR Road White Lines SCC surveyor gave reasons this could not be done, MPC resolved to send a further letter Retirement Cllr Turner A whisky decanter costing £42 from MPC Committees appointed Planning, decided that reps of all wards should meet together before each full council meeting, agreed on a trial for 6 months. also Town Hall Man Com, Cemetery and Open Spaces Com, Recreation Development Com, Recreation Management and Sports Pavilion Hurst Fen HR on 25/1/1983 the Commons Commissioners held a full inquiry regarding this common land. They decided that in the absence of any owner the land would remain subject to protection under section 9 of the commons registration act 1965. RAF Mild Golden Jubilee com appointed

June 2nd 1983 Cemetery and Open Spaces Com Thetford Road Cemetery The Grave Support Equipment would cost £2400 and recommend no further action Thetford Road Cemetery extension to roadway, tenders had been invited Kingsway Closed Cemetery in better condition now Grant WR ST Peters £50 WR Foot way further discussion about situation

June 30th 1983 full council Council Dinner arranged for H E Turner, suggested an annual event with FHDC Chairman & wife as quests, all costs to be paid by Cllrs attending, resolved to adopt Pedestrian Crossing Kingsway a census had been carried out and criteria not met, no further action Thetford Road Cemetery extension tenders for roadway £2843-£4744, accept lowest Recreation Ground Fairs sitting discussed following petition complaining of noise at Pit area, resolved that in future fairs will be on JF Kingsway Closed Cemetery request from War Graves Commission to remove grave of E W Williams, family had no wish to remove Town hall Gates Scout Trustees objected to gates but MPC agreed to proceed with 2 tenders £1441- £1548, lowest accepted Grants Mild Over 60‟s £132 Gipsy Site at Wilde Street BR public enquiry rejected compulsory purchase order of SCC

July 7th 1983 Town Hall Man Com 124 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Retiring Chairman H E Turner was chairman for 33 years. Town Hall purchased in 1951 with a 30 year loan at 3% TH lettings discussed TH Front Entrance handrails to get quotes TH Exterior painting discussion and recommend to get tenders

July 14th 1983 Recreation Development Com Site for Sea Cadets HQ letter saying not possible to proceed with TH site. Could MPC lease a site on former tennis courts, recommend in principle to include conditions 47 ft wide 102 ft deep Sports Pavilion landscaping buildings will be completed by end of July, recommend temporary fencing to protect grass etc

July 14th 1983 Recreation Management Sports Pavilion Official opening to be on 15/9/83 Sports Pavilion Custodians required to look after building J F maintenance bill from Tilbrook‟s of £400 for extra work because of flooded area, recommend they reduce this bill

July 27th 1983 Recreation Management Sports Pavilion Custodians job descriptions formed

July 29th 1983 Full council WR Foot way SCC surveyor, no funds available, further discussion Bus Shelter contactor cannot find Oak, possibly use metal posts TH Exterior painting tenders for work to be invited Sea Cadets HQ agreed to employ a solicitor to prepare lease Pavilion Opening details discussed J F maintenance re above, maximum to be paid should be £200 Community Emergency Advisor appointed Aspal Close Management Comm FHDC invited 2 reps of MPC. Cllrs Wallace and Rogers appointed

August 8th 1983 Recreation Management Sports Pavilion Official opening to be on 15/9/83 details of quests invited Sports Pavilion equipment all equipment and furniture required is listed

August 19th 1983 Recreation Management Sub comm. To appoint custodian Thomas McCourt appointed

September 1st 1983 Extra full council Exclusion of Press resignation of clerk R A Wallis from 31/10/83 (service 20 years). Also deputy clerk V C Phillips notice of retirement at end of year when 65. Discussion to appoint one full time clerk to replace above (15 hours each). resolved 1, applications invited ,2, salary to be agreed, 3, advertising, 4, interviewing. Agreed a gratuity payment. Sports Pavilion Official opening details confirmed

125 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Barton Mills Bypass FHDC invited MPC to express views of two different schemes. Resolved to support scheme by Department of the Environment.

September 8th 1983 Cemetery and Open Spaces Com [Gerald Balls Chairman] Thetford Road Cemetery extension of roadways now complete Riverside Walk public path from JF to Upper school playing fields Litter general recommend 1, send letter to FHDC, 2, copy to 5 DC members who represent the parish, 3, schools competition to draw attention to the problem BR community Ass Com Centre about leasing land from MPC,. Lease to be prepared by Bendall & Sons on formal request by Beck Row Community Association would lease land for 60 years for a community Centre plus access etc HR Traffic would MPC ask to SCC to exclude Heavy Traffic from the street HR, recommend to ask base commanders for their comments Church Walk parking no action Recreation Ground tenders invited for 1, construction of footpath from Raven Close to Swimming Pool Car park, 2, Bollards to stop vehicles from entering J F from Raven Close Mildenhall Aerodrome Water Tower proposed 112‟ tower on WR road, recommend to object Bus Service withdrawal of some services recommend that MPC object

September 29th 1983 full council J F maintenance re above, agreed £300 Pavilion Insurance agreed Sports Pavilion custodian minor details, back to Recreation Management Com BR community Ass Com Centre about leasing land from MPC. letter from BRCA they would like to lease the whole of the land including the children‟s playground for proposed community centre, resolved to lease whole area TH Exterior painting 3 tenders £1445- £2408, lowest accepted but leave work until spring TH glazing 3 tenders £170 - £280, lowest accepted TH Cleaning Bricks 2 tenders £830 - £5270 agreed to treat a trial area by lowest priced tender Tree Planting request for 12 trees from FHDC for Parkside BR Grant Volunteer Ass for Blind £105 Local Councils Information Circular what was the value of the 56 items? Cllr Barker to answer Children‟s Playground slide following a claim after an accident the insurance company was not happy with slide, agreed to remove Chain of Office Mr H E Turner offered to present MPC with a Chain of Office for the chairman, resolved to accept

October 6th 1983 Town Hall Man Com TH frontage recommend that tenders be invited for Tarmac TH Interior woodwork recommend to ask for specialist advice

TH gates FHDC, planning consent is required, recommend to submit an application

October 24th 1983 To appoint a sub-committee Clerk to council 26 applicants, 6 interviewed, resolved to offer to Mr T Coombs on a salary of £9714 to commence 1/12/83 [full list of all applicants included]

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October 27th 1983 full council WR Road White Lines SCC surveyor now agreed this could be done, TH glazing lowest contract could not do, so accept tender for £209 Trees 10 not at Parkside but at Lamble Close BR Children‟s Playground slide now removed, offer from Mild Round Table to provide equipment. TH frontage resolved that tenders be invited for Tarmac Bus Service now taken over my Morleys Grey Coaches Ltd Exclusion of Press new clerk Extension of employment Mr Wallace to continue to 30/11/83 to prepare estimates

November 3rd 1983 Recreation Management Pavilion details of custodians duties “ charges for use of changing rooms recommended “ charges for use of common room recommended JF charges for use of playing area recommended JF Toilet use recommended that hirers of field can use toilets free Sea Cadets HQ plans now with planners

November 10th 1983 Recreation Development Com Sea Cadets HQ site to be leased not large enough for proposed building, recommended to increase size to 122‟ x 67‟. Terms of lease 60 years at annual rent of £5 pa BR community Ass Com Centre proposed cost of building £107,000 and would ask MPC for £11,000 Estimates 84/85 £99980 less from balance £21980, therefore precept for £78,000 (lighting £22160, Town Hall £6300)

November 24th 1983 full council New Clerk Mr T Coombs introduced TH glazing accept tender for £280 Pavilion charges agreed BR community Ass Com Centre proposed cost of building £107,000 and would ask MPC for £11,000 resolved to allow £11,000 in estimates WR football Club asked for grant of £1000 towards new pavilion, £1200 agreed Recreation Ground Footpath to Raven Close 4 tenders £1800-£3199 lowest accepted

December 1st 1983 Cemetery and Open Spaces Com Children‟s Playground Equipment Mild & Dist Round table to give £2500, recommended 1, A joint working party be set up, 2, to get professional advice, 3, members of working party, 4, to return to this committee. Kingsway Cemetery local Citizens Band Club offered to assist with clearance, recommended to accept offer Litter schools competition details JF Picnic Tables from Anglo-American Com to be stored until ground is ready

December 15th 1983 full council Condition of Roads resolved to send letter to SCC surveyor Sea Cadets HQ planning consent obtained Grant Suffolk Assn of Youth £25 127 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Mowing Machine cost of repair £327 (1.2 cost of new machine) resolved 1, new mower be purchased, 2, present mower be traded in

January 5th 1984 Town Hall Man Com TH treatment of exterior trial carried out but unacceptable, no further work TH gates FHDC planning could not agree with sitting, recommended to discuss with planning officer TH and Pavilion Caretaking to consider combining the role but recommended no change

January 19th 1984 Recreation Management Damage to Pavilion door discussed Electricity Charges excessive, new meter fitted to take a lower rate Pavilion Hiring for Tug of War Club, agreed Pavilion use as day centre recommended the use and purchase of furniture Pavilion Pay Phone recommended installation ASAP Pavilion letting agreement Pavilion resignation of custodian recommended continue with use of Parish Keeper and review situation Sea Cadets HQ ongoing Grass cutting JF £4200 recommended

January 26th 1984 full council Death of Cllr G R Peachey Presentation of chain of office by H E Turner Vacancy BR ward Condition of roads reply from SCC surveyor Sea Cadets HQ ongoing TH defective woodwork lots of problems and much discussion. Several members felt that the building would always require money spending on it. Finally agreed 1, Work to be done ASAP, 2, com proposed to spend up to £10,000 Pavilion Pay Phone recommended installation ASAP, council did not agree, ask if phone on car park is possible Beck Row Methodist extension to Sunday Small hall costing £6500 agreed £600 Bus Shelter King Street cost now £1710 instead of £949, to ask FHDC for grant

February 23rd 1984 full council TH Registrar agreed to hire Grants Suffolk Acc Rescue Service £50 Com centre £50 Pavilion External Works extra landscaping costs up to £1066 agreed Pavilion External Works temporary fencing required, agreed chestnut paling with metal poles £369 Planning Application discussion about procedure, copies to be displayed for members to see

March 1st 1984 Cemetery and Open Spaces Com Children‟s Playground Equipment recommended sale of slide for £50 Closed Kingsway Cemetery quotes for clearing to be obtained various other matters

March 22nd 1984 Recreation Management 128 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Condition of Hire Jubilee Fields and Town Hall discussed and rec Sports Pavilion/Town Hall Caretaker agreed to recommended joint but relief Parish Keeper separate Social Club Football section matters discussed including outstanding account JF & Pavilion hiring fees discussed Pavilion Pay Phone laying of cable costing £90 recommended Pavilion outstanding work 90 items on list Fire Damage Pavilion to door

March 29th 1984 full council Holiday Play scheme Grant £100 Planning Application informal meetings will take place when necessary Children‟s Playground Equipment Round table will give up to £2500 for MPC to match, agreed to proceed Sports Pavilion/Town Hall Caretaker a good time to combine roles T H Gates planning permission refused, MPC to appeal to Dept of Environment TH Dry Rot etc quotation of £13582 + £3974 = £17556 + VAT, discussed and agreed to ask for full cost to bring to a good state of repair Air Race Commemoration Com 20/10/1984 Grant Mild Swimming Club Gala £50 Hurst Fen (Charity Land) & Howletts Hills Common HR drove obstructed by farmer Councillor resignation of Mrs Harmes

April 5th 1984 Town Hall Man Com TH Registrar agreed to hire from 3/4/84 Charges restructuring of all charges

April 12th 1984 Annual parish meeting 30 present Air Race Com help needed JF/Pavilion charges various other matters

April 26th 1984 full council New Councillor Welcome to A F J Peachey Air Race Commemoration Com public meeting 16/5/1984 to consider TH Charges reviewed Committees Reorganisation Town Hall Man Com, Recreation Management, General Purposes (all with names) lengthy discussion and approved Part Time Assistant Clerk sub com to discuss Best Kept Village 1984 for BR and WR, agreed not to participate

May 31st 1984 parish council annual meeting Ch H G Abbs, VC L J E Wallace Footpaths various matters Council Minibus repairs, 3 quotes £460, £612, £1070 accept £612 Committees as on schedule attached, Recreation Management, Town Hall management, General Purposes Grants Mild Football Club £250, WR PCC £50, HR Methodist Church Roof £500 Footpaths various matters Planning procedure discussed 129 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Exclusion of Press duties of clerk & clerks assistant

June 28th 1984 full council By Election welcome to Cllr Reg Wallis (former clerk) Air race Ann. 8 day programme 14th -21st October agreed £500 for expenses Plantation Corner now a high accident location, work to be done to change from Y junction to T junction. Planning matters 6 applications discussed Closed Cemetery Kingsway quote £250 per visit agreed 1 visit and then review Sea Cadets HQ tenders for double gates and fencing ASAP Standing Orders re contracts, increase from £2000 to £4000 Grant BR Methodist, WR Baptist £50 each, Mild Museum £400

June 7th 1984 General Purposes Appointment of Chairman J Madely, VC N Roman Cemetery Thetford Road change of regulations Cemetery Thetford Road maintenance Closed Cemetery Kingsway ongoing maintenance Bus Shelter King Street vandalism St Mary‟s Churchyard replace roses Planning sub committee

June 21st 1984 Recreation Management Appointment of Chairman J Barker VC D J Rogers Children‟s Playground Equipment visit to Wicksteed re new equipment Chairs for Pavilion for Day Centre users, recommended 12 chairs in 1984/85 and 12 for 1985/86 @ £21.84 each Lettings considered Pavilion landscaping now done Caretaker/Custodian no applications received Sea Cadets HQ tenders for double gates and fencing invited

July 7th 1984 Town Hall Man Com Appointment of Chairman F Ford VC R A Wallis Town Hall Dry Rot lengthy discussion, agreed to recommended no action at present but to ask FHDC if they have any plans for the future.

July 26th 1984 full council Planning as at sub com Clerk Holiday relief alternatives suggested to appoint a part time assistant for 12 hrs per week, agreed to advertise Children‟s Playground Equipment resolved to purchase Fort, Swings and Swings parts, approx cost £6000 Town hall Dry Rot no action at present Sea Cadets HQ water supply discussed Water Supply Mild Town Football Club resolved that MTFC pay for a meter Air race Ann programme explained including Concorde flight Mildenhall to Heathrow on 22/10/84 130 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Lark Road Allotments letter from SCC to increase rent from £15 to £137.50 from 1/3/85, referred to com Exclusion of Press enquiry about use of Children‟s Playground for proposed car park. send letter objecting

September 13th 1984 General Purposes Cemetery Thetford Road provide electric supply for a light £500 Mild Memorial recommended to repair Planning various applications considered W R allotments recommended increase in rent Part Time Clerk recommended Mrs Eva Thompson to commence 17/9/84

September 27th 1984 full council Children‟s Playground Equipment some delivered Dome Management Structure between SCC and FHDC Children‟s Playground FHDC confirmed they have no plans to include in retail development at this time Closed Cemetery Kingsway ongoing maintenance W R allotments discussion about problems with multiple holdings, to be referred to com Caretaker/Custodian interviews to be 4/10/94 BR fatal Accident SCC have been asked for a pedestrian crossing, agreed to make a formal request for a crossing at The Street BR Council Minibus rates raised Grants BR St John‟s burial ground £50, planning fees £47 HR burial ground £50, Mild over 60‟s £145 School Bus issues with this

October 11th 1984 Recreation Management Children‟s Playground Equipment Fort Wicksteed delivered but not erected JF Picnic Tables now fixed down, 4 on JF 2 in Children‟s Playground Hire fees discussed JF rough areas are untidy Caretaker/Custodian Mr B Read appointed Bonfire & BBQ on BR playground, recommended approval Footpaths several discussed

October 25th 1984 full council Vacancy Cllr Mrs J A Tweedie resigned Post Office Mr Munro Head Postmaster Bury visited and explained addresses and rules for Crown Offices W R allotments review of all allotment holders Children‟s Playground Equipment Fort Wicksteed now erected £2000 paid by Round Table J F lettings discussed Footpath matters including signage Contractors a list of approved contractors attached

November 8th 1984 Town Hall Man Com T H Gates no decision yet T H Dry Rot recommended minimal repairs to be done 131 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Future use of Town Hall letter from Jehovah Witnesses about taking on the Town Hall on a lease or rental. Planning Officer said TH could be used for this or flats or retail.Ch of council suggested a valuation of the site and County Land Agent (CLA) be asked for his advice. TH Equipment fire extinguisher and trolley for moving chairs

November 29th 1984 full council W R allotments discussed full list of tenants, agreed to make no changes as no waiting list Grant Mild Music & Drama £185 Future use of Town Hall CLA will start in January Sea Cadets HQ lease, various conditions agreed JF Pill Box agreed to close entrance due to “glue sniffing” Grants HR Village Hall Com £120 for renewal of 3 windows, WR Playing Field Assn £120 for resurfacing car park

December 6th 1984 General Purposes Draft estimate 85/86 various matters plus possible tractor & trailer instead of van for parish keeper, recommended estimates be accepted Street Lighting additional light considered Lark Road Allotment rent review, recommended increase rents Burial Fees recommended increase all fees Disposal of Duplicator recommended change from duplicator to photocopying Planning discussion about regular meetings being held, recommended that all members of Planning Committee receive a copy of applications and if 2 members request a meeting it will be held

December 20th 1984 full council Estimates for 1985/86 £107,714 less from balances £19,124 = £88590 Listed buildings FHDC notified clerk that grants are available towards Market Cross & Parish Pump in market place Mildenhall Larger Local Councils discussed

January 10th 1985 Recreation Management Pavilion equipment & work, various matters JF site clearing (East) quote £425 +VAT recommended Dogs Fouling recommended no dogs in Children‟s Playground & not on playing pitches of JF Sea Cadets HQ fence & gates recommended lowest £1621 (-£220 by Sea Cadets) Hiring review of conditions including insurance provision

February 14th 1985 Town Hall Man Com Gates permission refused and appeal dismissed by Dept of Environment Dry Rot account of builders paid Future of Town Hall CLA had visited and is working on the valuation TH Maintenance discussed Charity Shop request access across TH site, recommended no permission be granted

February 28th 1985 full council 132 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Street Lighting additional lights agreed Gates agreed to be removed Charity Shop recommendation agreed Grants M & Dist Swimming Club £50, Suffolk Acc Rescue Service £150, St Nicholas £100

March 14th 1985 General Purposes War memorials cleaning, last done 1980. M £175, WR £98, BR £42, KH £45 FHDC Official Guide recommended full page advert for £236 for 1 year Village Signs discussed sitting new village signs, Mildenhall at St Mary‟s church Exclusion of Press sub com status Establishment Com should be Ch & VC plus com Ch and clerk Parish Keeper recommended to include a bonus Keepers Van/ Tractor & Trailer tractor ordered but at higher cost, rec £5000 be available

March 28th 1985 full council Howletts Hill & Hurst Fen ongoing Footways HR, WR & M ongoing War memorials agreed plus £80 for silicon treatment FHDC Official Guide agreed Exclusion of Press all matters discussed as above Keepers Van/ Tractor & Trailer purchase of 1981 Ford 4600 for £5980 + VAT agreed. Trailer £735 + VAT agreed JF Grass cutting quote £4250 plus VAT (=£150 per cut), agreed Cemetery Kingsway £250 for first cut and £200 others , agreed Gates for JF tender £636.70 +VAT confirmed

[END OF EG711/1/10] April 11th 1985 Recreation Management JF clearance E side done JF New Football Pitches & trim trail equipment £740 + VAT JF Gates ordered Pavilion heating to be increased Sea Cadets HQ lease signed

April 25th 1985 Full council B R Community Hall Grant see 24/22/83 confirmed up to £11,000 based on 10% of total cost Splitting of the Parish discussion about split in the future

May 9th 1985 Annual Parish Meeting 16 present Litter, Parking & Town hall discussed

May 16th 1985 Town Hall management Committee Gates removed & stored Future Policy County Land Agent valued the site at £35,000 - £30,000, repairs needed £17,500 +VAT. £3,500 per year for maintenance. Jehovah‟s witnessed offered to buy or lease. In 1983/84 there was a loss of £4777 and in 1984/85 £4312. 133 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Voted (A) to recommend selling the town hall, carried 5 for 3 against (B) to recommend replacing with another public building

May 30th 1985 Footpaths Various footpaths discussed including 5,18, 20, 32, 30 and 4

May 30th 1985 Annual meeting of Mildenhall parish Council Chairman Abbs, V Chair Wallace Committees formed Recreation Management (ch Barker) Town Hall management Committee (ch Ford) General Purposes (ch Madely) all members are listed Future Policy of Town Hall valuation above very low. Voted (A) to sell the town hall, carried 9 for 5 against, 1 abstention (B) to replace with another public building 11 for 4 abstentions

June 13th 1985 General Purposes Cemetery Thetford Road inspection, various matters incl Fencing E side, Paths require treatment with tar and chippings, Regulations Closed Cemetery Kingsway Work done by Tilbrooks Mowers reviewed Minibus to consider replacing as over 8 years old.

June 25th 1985 Full council Future Policy of Town Hall confirmed to proceed Ongoing matters several

July 7th 1985 Recreation Management River Lark Navigation preliminary discussion Toilets for major events discussion Trim Trail recommended to do with two tenders accept lowest £321 Various hirings

July 11th 1985 Footpaths various matters

July 25th 1985 Full council Minibus Round Table about to start a fund to raise £10,000 to replace existing bus. Town Hall agreed to stop taking bookings after 31/12/85

August 31st 1985 Footpaths Urgent matters discussed

September 9th 1985 Mini Bus Group recommend to (1) purchase a new Ford 15 seater bus (2) to be Diesel plus other details

September 12th 1985 Town Hall management Committee Update recommended to seek planning permission for residential use of old site 134 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

September 26th 1985 Full council replacement minibus no public meeting arranged, Round Table have not followed up their offer Grants West Row Flaying Fields & Village Hall Association request to help purchase .85 acres to extend area at cost of £6,000. Agreed to defer. Mildenhall Museum, £500 approved, Church yard maintenance £60 each Hurst Fen & Howlett Hill Suffolk Trust for Nature Conservation discussion about future management of 13 acres, no decision taken

October 10th 1985 General Purposes Cemetery Thetford Road Fencing E boundary, recommended replacing for £436 Surface Dressing, should be left until May 1986 Move Keepers garage to cemetery Allotments W R reletting Lark Road reletting which leaves no one on waiting list Planning applications arrangements discussed Suffolk Manuscript Appeal recommended to give £500 Drug taking & glue sniffing Mr B J Sulman, Youth Officer of Mildenhall & District Lions Club spoke about the Lions plans. Exclusion of Press & Public Lark Valley Association

October 31st 1985 Full council Mini Bus agreed to purchase £9389 +VAT Keepers Garage agreed to move to cemetery Thetford Road Suffolk Manuscript Appeal agreed to give £500 Grants West Row Flaying Fields & Village Hall Association request to help purchase .85 acres to extend area at cost of £6,000. After a lengthy discussion there was a tied vote and the chairman‟s vote agreed £2000. Mildenhall Town Football Club request to erect floodlights, (originally granted on 31/1/77) was agreed Parish Council Office clerk to get information about sitting near pavilion

November 14th 1985 Recreation Management Hurst Fen & Howlett Hill visit by Suffolk Trust for Nature Conservation discussion about future management of 13 acres. HF owned by Mildenhall Charities Trustees, HH with no registered owner. Agreed in principle that MPC share the management for HF & HH in conjunction with Suffolk Trust for Nature Conservation. Lark Valley Navigation recommended MPC take no action at this stage Mildenhall ladies Hockey Club possible use of field Toilets for major events ongoing discussion J F Electric use cost of a new meter £131 (income for use last year £127) recommended no further action New Playground Equipment recommended 6 items at cost of £1500 Review of charges

November 28th 1985 Full council Police Superintendant visit Minibus old bus sold for £695 135 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Council Meetings review of advertising, 3 months cost £96, about 14 members of public attended to 14 meetings, agreed no further advertising

December 19th 1985 Full council Estimate 1986/87 £92,298 (after £13,000 from balances) Comet Cinema Now for sale, agreed to review

January 9th 1986 General Purposes Byelaws for RAF Mildenhall The RAF commander be invited to explain Gt Heath Playgroup recommended grant of £100 Street Lighting £6000 put aside for replacement of damaged concrete posts & other matters Cemetery Thetford Road various matters incl removal and reassembly of garage cost £443 and subject to planning permission Exclusion of Press & Public Staffing matters & trailer problems

January 22nd 1986 Full council Extraordinary 1 item Press Excluded Comet Cinema vote on whether negotiations should commence re purchase Vote 8 for 5 against 2 abstentions. Vote offer of £75,000 subject to survey 9 for 5 against 1 abstention

January 30th 1986 Full council Road Junction at half Moon, Brandon Road, Thetford Road & Bury Road county surveyor about possible mini round about. Comet Cinema the offer was insufficient and no survey was ordered

February 13th 1986 Recreation Management Lark Valley Navigation letter from chairman of Inland Waterways Association & MPC reply Toilets for major events explained and recommended no further action MTFC recommended (1) increase rent from £12 (for many years) to £25 (2) request from MTFC for resurfacing near clubhouse. More details required. JF Grass cutting recommended continue for 1986 as 1985 Pavilion As temp building rejected by planners. Consider changing rooms 3 & 4 into an office. There was concern but recommended to submit plans. New Playground Equipment rec 6 new items at cost of £1500 Mildenhall Cycling Club Asked for grant for 1986 Gala, recommended £30 i.e. 50% of hire fees.

February 13th 1986 Footpaths relocation of some paths

February 27th 1986 Full council Road Junction at half Moon, Brandon Road, Thetford Road & Bury Road county surveyor repeated he will include mini round about in 1987/88 program. Byelaws for RAF Mildenhall The RAF commander attended and explained

Meeting of Extra Council meeting 22/1/86 Pavilion As temp building rejected by planners. Consider changing rooms 3 & 4 into an office. There was concern but recommended to submit plans. Vote taken 7 for 6 against change of use. 136 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Town hall (A) plans for flats/shops/ offices displayed (B) working party to consider replacement hall (12 members) Grants (A) Mild & Dist Swimming Club £60, (B) Forest Heath Arts Festival £250, (c) agreed that all grant requests would be decided on their merits. Road names off extension to Lark Road, either Falcon or Nightingale Close. [Nightingale chosen]

March 17th 1986 New Town hall W G CONFIDENTIAL Suffolk Education Committee need some facilities which cannot be provided at the Upper School. Possible joint effort would work. To consider (A) SCC buying Town Hall site (B) providing at Upper School Cllr Rogers asked about a joint venture somewhere in Mildenhall. Three possible venues, A, Town Hall site, B, Jubilee Fields, C, Near St John‟s Community Centre. Proposed “That the Parish Council develop a new town hall (community centre) complex on land owned by the Parish Council with or without the support of Suffolk Education Committee”. Further this report to be put to full council on 27/3/86

March 27th 1986 Full council Toilets for major events „Portaloo‟ available. Chairman made offer of £1000 & accepted for both Ladies & Gents. Action confirmed Mildenhall Army Cadets Force Detachment Lease of premises at Enfield Box Co expires in July 1986, discussion and suggestions made. Street Naming Bridewell Court, Richards Court and Walkers Court Exclusion of Press & Public report of New Town hall working group, received and adopted.

April 10th 1986 General Purposes Cemetery Thetford Road various matters Closed cemetery Kingsway tree lopping Drug Abuse report of talk organised by Mild & District Lions Club Minibus details of insurance claim Clerk‟s Office planning approval for conversion of two (out of 8) changing rooms into an office. Order placed with E & P Building Design £1128 (lowest tender) Tractor running costs high, also garaging discussed

April 17th 1986 New Town hall W G Report on possible shared facilities new the new pavilion

April 24th 1986 Full council New Town hall approved a joint scheme preferred Air show 1986 “MPC regret the action by an American authorities in not calling off the Air Show in 1986” Agreed 7 for 6 against.

May 8th 1986 Annual parish Meeting 35 members of the public present Sale of Town Hall delays explained New Town Hall joint scheme being considered. Parking & Potholes complaints 137 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

May 15th 1986 Recreation Management Pavilion to Offices changing rooms to offices, possible accept late July/August. Toilets for major events (A) various repairs needed, (B) Hiring conditions considered. Trevor Hagger Memorial to be removed from Town Hall and hung in Pavilion

May 15th & 17th 1986 Footpaths meetings and walking one path

May 29th 1986 Annual meeting of Mildenhall parish Council Chairman Abbs, V Chair, Wallace 4 votes, Barker 5 votes. Closed cemetery Kingsway dilapidated state New Town Hall work progress, SCC had money available. Proposed start date Jan 1987. Appointment of committees Recreation Management & General Purposes Grant to Mild & Dist Lions Club £92 Town Hall Sale plans withdrawn for redevelopment but approved for demolition. Site meeting with Scouts etc about rights of way, revised plans to be submitted

May 29th 1986 Footpaths Bridleway 1

June 26th 1986 Full council Closed cemetery Kingsway G P committee to implement a long term policy West Row request for a separate parish. agreed to consider later.

July 10th 1986 General Purposes Thetford Road cemetery various matters Closed cemetery Kingsway inspection Mild War memorial improvements inspected Allotments finance discussed Village Signs suggested contact Upper School Craft Department for designs and making for Mildenhall, West Row & Holywell Row Council Appointments Voting suggested voting should be in secret. Clerk advised no reason not to change this in standing orders. Agree to change. Chairman‟s Allowance Proposed £100 but equal votes for and against.

July 24th 1986 Full council Council Appointments Voting Agreed to retain rules. i.e. open nomination & voting by show of hands. Chairman‟s Allowance Voted on and lost 4 to 5 Fishing rights on JF to be discussed Sept 1986 Town Hall plans now passed River Bank Anglian Water Authority had put a seam of clay to the bank to prevent seepage on condition that no trees be planted. ANY ATTEMPTS IN THE FUTURE SHOULD BE REFUSED Repairs to (?) £1224

July 24th 1986 Footpaths 138 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council various matters

September 24th 1986 Recreation Management Holywell Row Land rear of 15/23 The Street for use as a playground (.3 acres) to ask residents views. Fishing rights on JF agreed to remain open to Mildenhall parishioners (as agreed in 1977) Pavilion/Changing Rooms 2 now offices, 2 storage of Town hall equipment, only 2 double now available. Portable Toilets letter written to seller about cost of repairs, seller replied “sold in good faith”. Rental charge to be £50 per day. Mildenhall Town Football Club agreed to improvement of frontage and MPC will pay up to £500.

October 13th 1986 New Town Hall Group with reps of user groups Uses to include MPC staff office Small reception room Hall to seat 200-250 for dining 2 changing rooms for stage Kitchen Large garage for MPC equipment, tractor etc Toilets for inside and outside usage Day centre for 50 elderly Caretakers flat car parking for 20-30 cars

October 15th 1986 Lark Valley Navigation meeting [detailed notes in minutes]

October 10th 1986 General Purposes Footpath near (E) closed cemetery FHDC offer to MPC Closed cemetery Kingsway general upkeep Allotments review of charges, recommended to increase Minibus recommended to increase Grants Mildenhall Museum £500 Street Lighting contract energy £6555, maintenance £9894 for 621 lights Exclusion of Press & Public clerical assistance 2 sharing 17 hours per week agreed

October 30th 1986 Full council Town Hall sold for £66,000 New Town Hall Group report (see above) approved Footpath near (E) closed cemetery MPC agreed to take over Allotments review of charges, agreed to increase Minibus agreed to increase Exclusion of Press & Public clerical assistance 2 sharing 17 hours per week agreed Holywell Row Land Public meeting 17/10/86 agreed to accept the offer of the land rear of 15-25 The Street Taxi Rank to consider being in the car park Howletts Hill & Hurst Fen Leases for two areas not yet drawn up. Suffolk Trust for Nature Conservation is still interested in the two sites.

139 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

November 13th 1986 Proposed New Town hall/Jubilee Fields Joint meeting MPC/SCC Detailed list of requirements Finance from SCC No money available until 1/4/1986 (sic 1987?). A reverse of previously stated situation. MPC to seek grant aid. Name agreed to be Jubilee Centre

November 27th 1986 Full council CAB agreed financial assistance, £1000 over next two years. Town Hall sale to Messrs F Bonnet Ltd for £61598 Net Figure of £62,453 from the sale less expenses.

December 4th 1986 Recreation Management J F drainage problems with the pump JF Trees recommended not near bank Pavilion Frost precaution & security lighting Holywell Row Land recommended to accept land but problems with access Estimates as provided by the clerk were approved [no figures in minutes !] M T F C concreting of poor standard, not good enough for MPC to pay grant.

December 18th 1986 Full council Estimates 87/88 £106,420 approved J F drainage problems with the pump JF Trees council confirmed not near river bank Grants Community Council for Suffolk £75, Mildenhall Youth Club 50% of cost of disco equipment up to £150.

January 15th 1987 General Purposes Cemetery Thetford Road Fencing SW, three tenders, £566, £853, £938. Clerk to check out lowest. Mole control £38 per quarter New regulations recommended Closed Cemetery Kingsway clean up progress Radio communications for parish keeper CB radio discussed Jehovah‟s Witnesses need help to find premises, recommended no action Village Signs Upper School, ongoing Street lighting

January 24th 1987 Full council Cemetery Thetford Road Fencing SW, lowest now £775, accepted Closed Cemetery Kingsway Beck Row Youth Club to commence clean up 31/1/87 Radio communications for parish keeper CB radio unfeasible Jehovah‟s Witnesses planning application for old GPO building in Queensway Holywell Row Land ongoing re access Ship Site developer suggested The Mallards, MPC suggested Ship Gardens Grant Mild day centre £550 agreed

February 26th 1987 Full council 140 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Closed Cemetery Kingsway praise for Beck Row Youth Club for work done New Town Hall W G full report and approved as part of minutes. Finance £140,000 to be made available voting 9 for 2 against Cost estimated at £252,000 with 50%/50% MPC/SCC [DOC 961] Holywell Row Land MPC request a 21 year lease from FHDC

March 5th 1987 Recreation Management JF drainage discussed JF Grass cutting £4200 +VAT for 28 cuts Pavilion security lighting costing £631 +VAT now done CAB to use part of changing rooms on 5 year lease, will cost £1,000 for conversion. A rent of £2,500 was considered. West Row Playing Fields & Village Hall Committee request for grant for grass cutting. recommended £500 Stowmarket Motor Cycle Club recent event on Forestry Commission & Parish land. FHDC be requested not to grant further permission.

March 12th 1987 New Town hall WG Plans discussed

March 23rd 1987 New Town Hall W G [DOC 976] Estimate now £269,000 + possible extra £60,000 Work schedule End April 1987 plans to FHDC tenders Sept – Dec 1987 Start Jan 1988 Open Summer 1989 Terms of Agreement (A) Ownership – Land MPC lease to SCC for 99 years for use of facilities (B) Maintenance is MPC responsibility (C) Booking rights (D) Some joint use (E) Overall management by a small joint committee (F) Running costs an agreed proportional basis (G) letting conditions

March 26th 1987 Full council Councillor Frank Ford death announced Ship Site FHDC confirmed Ship Gardens Holywell Row Land FHDC working on a 21 year lease Neighbourhood Watch Schemes passed to GP com for consideration CAB to use part of changing rooms on 5 year lease, will cost £1,000 for conversion. A rent of £2,500 was agreed.

April 9th 1987 General Purposes Cemetery Thetford Road fencing done but thinner wire used, reduce fee paid. Closed Cemetery Kingsway various matters including state of chapel, recommended write to M PCC asking for building to be secured. Garage/Storage Facilities to consider an independent site Neighbourhood Watch Schemes recommended that MPC start and then hand over to groups

141 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

April 30th 1987 Full council Stowmarket Motor Cycle Club Forestry Commission reply that no further event would be allowed New Town Hall ready to apply for planning permission Grants Forest Heath Arts Festival £300 agreed Chairman Closing address all councillors were thanked.

April 30th 1987 New Town Hall W G [DOC 977] Further details Terms of Agreement Ownership – Land MPC lease to SCC for 99 years for use of facilities. Agreed plus a peppercorn rent. confirmed MPC own the building. There are three areas, MPC, SCC and shared.

Election 7/5/1987 Market ward Great Heath ward Beck Row ward West Row ward Margaret Hagger Harbord Abbs Adrian Peachey Gerald Taylor-Balls John Madeley John Barker David Rogers James Leonard Reginald Wallis Nigel Roman Laurence Wallis Arthur Smith John Zeal Leonard Wigmore Edward Wells

May 21st 1987 Full council Appointments Chairman Abbs, VC Madely 6 votes, Barker 4 votes Closed Cemetery Kingsway waiting for reply from PCC Committees appointed Recreation Management & General Purposes Groups appointed as reported by clerk [DOC 989]

May 28th 1987 Annual parish Meeting 6 public 11 councillors Neighbourhood Watch Schemes various other matters

June 2nd 1987 Twinning Group Councillors & Public

June 4th 1987 Footpaths Annual Walk suggested, all paths

June 4th 1987 Recreation Management Howletts Hill & Hurst Fen 1 part common land, 1 part Mildenhall Parish Charities Trustees. Joint meeting MPC/ Suffolk Trust for Nature Conservation to consider lease to Suffolk Trust for Nature Conservation.. JF drainage consider filling in reservoir, recommended to fill in half Children‟s Playground consider safety surface. New sign, up to 15 years of age.

June 22nd 1987 Twinning Group Councillors & Public

June 25th 1987 Full council Neighbourhood Watch Schemes agreed no action Annual parish Meeting poor attendance discussed Twinning Group agreed to grant of £250 Howletts Hill & Hurst Fen lease to be considered 142 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Scouts Trustee agreed G Taylor-Balls Grants Mildenhall Museum £750 St John‟s Beck Row, churchyard extension cost £1834

July 16th 1987 General Purposes Thetford Road cemetery card index system be set up and to investigate a computer system in the future. Garage/Store to consider at rear of Sea Cadets building

July 30th 1987 Full council Garage/Store to apply for planning permission at rear of Sea Cadets building. Possible cost £8,000 Grants (A), Day Centre 2 x £290 agreed, (B) Music & Drama £100 agreed, (C) Friends of Wamil Court, Lift for minibus £500 agreed. (D) Cycling Club £256 agreed. Street naming Lapwing Court, Jubilee Way and St Mary‟s Close approved by FHDC.

August 10th 1987 New Town hall W G details including car parking

September 17th 1987 New Town hall W G Pavilion Shower problems Office accommodation clerk explained improvements Jubilee Centre amended plans and rec increase MPC share to £150,000

September 10th 1987 Recreation Management Pavilion vandalism, noise etc Pavilion Heating/Ventilation CAB moved in 20/7/87 Parking for J C (60 spaces) to be paid by FHDC Children‟s Playground consider safety surface. Details to be obtained. “ New fencing, 2 quotes £1862 +VAT, £1977 +VAT, recommended accept lowest. [Ref EG711/1/12] September 24th 1987 full council Children‟s Playground consider safety surface. over £7,000, clerk to get other quotes. Highways SCC Cllr Mrs Madeley reported on a pedestrian crossing like that proposed at Kingsway had been agreed by SCC. Round about at Half Moon corner is in the programme for after 1987/88.

October 10th 1987 New Town hall W G Pavilion services Car parking Jubilee Centre details

October 15th 1987 General Purposes All charges reviewed Cemetery Thetford Road tree planting scheme, cherries etc various other matters

143 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

October 29th 1987 Full council Kingsway Crossing Petition of 700 signatures to go to SCC highways. Hurricane damage on 16/10/87, various trees blown down.

November 17th 1987 Footpaths Various matters Howletts Hill & Hurst Fen management agreement now with Suffolk Trust for Nature Conservation for two areas with the trust for agreement. 21 years lease

November 26th 1987 Full council River Lark Water Levels complaint to Anglian Water Authority about flooding of Jubilee Fields Kingsway Crossing Now Petition of 800 signatures to go to SCC highways. Twinning Difficulties with Pornic (France). To look for another possible twin.

December 3rd 1987 Recreation Management Review of charges MTFC increase from £25 to £35. Children‟s Playground safety surface costly recommended delay decision “ Fencing, now completed JF Flooding river overflowing between the two bridges. JF reservoir still being discussed

December 17th 1987 Full council Estimates 1988/89 £129120 minus £20,000 from balances Office conversion cost £3996 +VAT agreed Exclusion of Press & Public payments to staff

January 14th 1988 General Purposes Cemetery Thetford Road Cherry Trees, recommended to plant Closed Cemetery Kingsway Maintenance, Cllr Hagger to prepare a report for natural ...... B R War memorial urgent repairs carried out Highway various matters Grants St Louis family service £100. B R Community Centre MPC committed to a grant of £11,000. Cllr Wallace explained now looking at a joint scheme with primary school costing £161,000 (Association) and £180,000 (SCC). Would MPC increase the grant to 10% of £161,000. Exclusion of Press & Public staff superannuation fund

January 20th 1988 Mildenhall Jubilee Centre C P [DOC 56] Heads of Agreement

January 28th 1988 Full council River Lark Water Levels A W A District manager explained the situation including the policy of the cut off channel. B R Community Centre agreed to raise to £16,150 Beacon Brazier reluctantly agree to site along River bank but not ideal.

January 28th 1988 Footpaths 144 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

FP 30 discussion

February 28th 1988 Full council Highway Present SCC surveyor and SCC Highways chairman, list of works requested by MPC as far back as 1967. Individual matters discussed including pedestrian crossing in Kingsway at a cost of £20,000, it might happen. [note by B J Sulman, finally provided in 2017] Closed Cemetery Kingsway Maintenance, matter deferred to next GP meeting.

March 10th 1988 Recreation Management Recreation Ground 3 reps of MTFC attended to explain requirements to enter a higher league. FC given permission to get planning permission/ JF hiring matters JF Drainage Reservoir various discussion

March 24th 1988 Jubilee Centre Com Tenders MPC recommended to increase funds available to £170,000.

March 31st 1988 Full council Highway matters agreed to write thanking visitors, SCC Surveyors Dept to last meeting but MPC unhappy with responses to them. Tenders MPC agreed to increase funds available to £170,000.

April 14th 1988 General Purposes Cemetery Thetford Road A, Cherry trees planted, B, Cupressus on W boundary cut to 8‟ Closed cemetery Kingsway report by Cllr Hagger to maintain as a conservation area and preserve chapel of rest. recommended 1, spray weeds this year, 2, detailed specification to get tenders for maintenance, 3, chapel be secured by boarding, 4, A survey be discussed. Notice Board all purpose boards in town centre and at JC when completed. Street Lighting quotation Energy £7623, maintenance £12634 Folly Road Development Phase 3 agreed to ask Dr Dring for „Air race‟names Grants recommended Holiday Playscheme £200, Swimming Club £200 Exclusion staff matters

April 28th 1988 Full council JC contactors not on site until after 16/5/88 Grant Forest Heath Arts Festival £300

May 12th 1988 Annual Parish Meeting incl 1 public & 8 cllrs Kingsway Pedestrian Crossing petition presented and every effort to get in next 2 years. JC contractor F W Mulley & Sons expected on 16/5/88 and expected to be completed by Sept 1989.

May 26th 1988 Annual meeting of MPC Ch Abbs, VC Madeley Committees and groups membership to remain for further year. 145 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

June 2nd 1988 Recreation Management JF recommended change main football pitch N/S JF Circus problems MTFC planning asked that galvanised fence be changed to green plastic fence.

June 2nd 1988 Footpaths various matters

June 9th 1988 General Purposes Cemetery Thetford Road W Boundary hedge at 8‟ or panels at 6‟, E Boundary recommended plant quickthorn hedge Closed Cemetery Kingsway Chapel – MPC not responsible recommended to contact Diocese Grants various including Mild Museum £750 St Mary‟s Churchyard recommended to get advice on present trees Village Signs Upper School have got some designs

June 23rd 1988 Full council Closed Cemetery Kingsway Chapel – MPC not responsible agreed to contact Mildenhall PCC Traffic Report (1987) favourable to MPC Baptist Church agreed to sale of 52 chairs for £2 each

July 28th 1988 Full council Mild Museum Time capsule photo taken MTFC the need to formalise a lease agreement was made. Garage/Store at rear of Sea Cadets Building, planning application not yet approved.

August 25th 1988 Footpaths RUPP 26 discussed

September 8th 1988 Recreation Management Circus‟s recommended be banned for next 5 years JF Football Pitches now turned N/S Grants recommended W R P F A V H Assoc £450 for grass cutting

September 15th 1988 General Purposes Cemetery Thetford Road W boundary fencing panels purchased and some erected Allotments Lark Road matter of water supply raised, recommended no action Closed Cemetery Kingsway ongoing Grants various Mildenhall Day Centre a grave financial situation Street names more needed for Folly Road development Office Adaption now complete at total cost of £4,000.

September 29th 1988 Footpaths various matters 146 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

September 29th 1988 Full council MTFC the need to formalise a lease agreement was made. REMINDED JC Car Parking lease to FHDC for land for 60 cars in return for their payment of all costs of building. MPC to be involved with any discussion about charges. Garage/Store planning approval now given behind Sea Cadets HQ Highway Matters flooding in Holywell Row opposite Wildmere Lane Mildenhall Town Centre Improvements discussed

November 3rd 1988 Recreation Management Review of charges Requirements for 1989/90 Playgrounds £4,000, J F Drainage £1,000, JC/JF £1500

November 10th 1988 General Purposes Review of charges Requirements for 1989/90 Grants Mildenhall Day Centre recommended £500 in 2 parts Mini bus 2 recent accidents (by the same driver). Need users permits, more info needed. Ship Gardens request that FHDC be reminded of the name and not The Mallards

November 24th 1988 Full council Jehovah‟s Witnesses‟ interested in Pit Area to build a hall. Suggested ask FHDC for planning approval.

December 5th 1988 Establishment Group Estimates to include (garage/store approx £10,000) gross £124,850 - £11,000 from balances = net £113850

December 15th 1988 Full council Holywell Row Play Area letter to FHDC to progress the lease.

January 26th 1989 Full council Holywell Row Play Area no reply from FHDC Jehovah‟s Witnesses‟ Hall interested in Pit Area to build a hall. referred to GP Payments noted £1355 to Beck R Community Association (for Community Centre) 1st payment £1643 to Beck R Community Association (for Community Centre) 2nd payment

February 9th 1989 General Purposes Bus Shelters Five donated by Mildenhall Base for villages, 1 WR, 1 KH, 1HR, 2BR Beck Row ward future following rumour in BR discussed but no action recommended Jehovah‟s Witnesses‟ Hall discussion and problems recommended to wait for more details Grants Mildenhall & Brandon CAB £100 recommended Car Park Height barriers considered Village signs ongoing War Memorial at Kenny Hill suggested resiteing at New Testament Church Closed Cemetery Kingsway recommended to continue with past treatment Garage/store 4 tenders, lowest £8713 + VAT accepted Beck Row War Memorial some names are missing 147 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

February 23rd 1989 Full council Holywell Row Play Area CEO of FHDC apologised for the delay which commenced Aug 1986. Closed Cemetery Kingsway confirmed no changes for 25 years following closure which will be 23/10/1997 Highway, Thetford Road petition from 109 residents for lighting and footway with history, 1967, 1984, 1985, 1987 (including pedestrian crossing in Kingsway) [see DOC 139] Footpaths RUPP‟s results

March 9th 1989 Recreation Management Lark Valley Association talk by founder member Holywell Row Play Area still pending, also discussed new equipment for BR recommended later JF & Pit Area Grass cutting 1989 to continue as before JF Tree surgery recommended £1115 +VAT MTFC leasing agreement meeting between MTFC and MPC on 29/3/89

March 9th 1989 Footpaths RUPP 11 discussed

March 30th 1989 Full council Bus Shelters (Donated) need restoration and may need to rethink if suitable Beck Row Ward was not on the agenda of the AGM of Beck Row Community Association Highway, Thetford Road SCC surveyor replied not for 10-15 years time MTFC report of meeting Phase 1, fencing (done) Phase 2, build a stand (planning permission given) Phase 3 floodlighting, Phase 4 club house and 2nd stand. Street Lighting quotation for 89/90 for 654 lights, total £20,138. Grants Suffolk Accident Rescue \Service £200 agreed, Mild Ambulance Heart monitor (2) £1000 agreed

April 27th 1989 Full council Highways Grants CAB £200 for AMSTRAD processor Payment noted £1389 to Beck R Community Association (for Community Centre)

April 20th 1989 Annual parish Meeting incl 17 public various matters

May 11th 1989 General Purposes Mildenhall Sewage Treatment Works to be updated in 1990 Jehovah‟s Witnesses‟ Hall Pit Area discussion with reps of Jehovah‟s Witnesses‟ afterwards recommended to go ahead voted 5:2 Thetford Road Cemetery Trees, garage/store and regulations Highway Matters meeting with SCC highway staff incl footway on Queensway and West Row road. St Mary‟s Church clock winding, recommended £100 and paid annually Holywell Row Village Hall kitchen improvements recommended £2282

May 25th 1989 Full council 148 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Ch Abbs (13) Madely (2) by secret ballot VC Madely, Barker was nominated but declined Committees & groups appointed as last year Jehovah‟s Witnesses‟ Hall a recorded vote was taken on going ahead but was lost 8:7 Payments Noted £170,000 to SCC for Jubilee Centre

June 15th 1989 Recreation Management Jubilee Fields complaint about noise of fair Howletts Hill & Hurst Fen agreement now signed with Suffolk Wildlife Trust Footpath matters various Children‟s Playground safety surfaces discussed

June 29th 1989 Full council Community Charge CEO of FHDC advised MPC Village Signs pictures shown, agreed to proceed Garage/Store £11707 plus base £4425, both explained and discussed Exclusion of press & public staff matters Payments Noted £1111 to Beck R Community Association (for Community Centre) 6th payment

July 13th 1989 General Purposes Cemetery Thetford Road annual inspection Woodlands Way recommended removal of part of footway Minibus Insurance now £655, usage dropped, need to discus if to continue Grants St Peters WR £70, BR Methodist £70 Taxi Rank recommended moving from High Street to car park Exclusion of press & public staff matters

July 27th 1989 Footpath various matters

July 27th 1989 Full council J C working group minutes accepted Village signs siteing, Mildenhall near Trustee Savings Bank, W R on village green, HR junction of Wildemere & The Street, Can not be done by Upper School, agreed employ sign writer. Thanks to design artists David Mann & Trevor Richardson. Exclusion of press & public staff matters

July 27th 1989 Joint MPC/SCC [DOC 175] Jubilee Centre Leasing various matters discussed incl. MPC right to buy out SCC part if they wish to sell.

August 23rd 1989 Footpaths Gravel Drove long discussion (1 hour) with SCC solicitors office about status, no decision taken. various other matters

September 14th 1989 Recreation Management Pavilion vandalism 149 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

JF Football pitches discussed JF Future Plans passed to sub-committee to get ideas Children‟s playground Safety surfaces, two quotes £18976 and £11,000, agreed to get more info. Grants Lions Club recommended £150, WR PF & VH A grass cutting recommended £300, Mild Cycling Club Dairytime Rally £150. Howletts Hill & Hurst Fen appointment of Honorary Warden B Vallack Lions Carnival Household Cavalry on 23/6/90, permission sought for horses & car park, recommended horses yes, car park to decide later.

September 28th 1989 Full council Donated Bus Shelters agreed back to GP to consider Gravel Drove agreed to confirm as footpath Jubilee Centre furniture, kitchen equipment etc. £16000 agreed. Interviews forcustodian & cleaners to be done.

October 12th 1989 General Purposes Revision of charges cemetery plus 10%, allotments no change, minibus no change and service to continue at present. Estimate reduction of this committees £8102 Mildenhall Army Cadets request for lease of MPC land, more discussion needed. Street lighting additional lights needed at car park/swimming pool St Johns Close Youth Club Donated Bus Shelters agreed to inspect and see if suitable Decorative Improvements to Mildenhall Town to pass to Rec Man Isleham Marina further 100 lodges proposed, rec to write to Isleham PC Grants WR Baptist £70, CAB £250, FHD Victim Support £200, Mildenhall Museum £750, RBL rec £60 to £100.

October 26th 1989 Full council J C delays to complete due to flooring. Custodian appointed Beck Row referendum 640 people voted for and 241 voted against to apply for the establishment of a separate Parish Council for Beck Row. Chairman asked for patience as a long procedure to be debated by E & P on 5/12/89.

November 16th 1989 Recreation Management Review of charges general rise of 10%. MTFC to renew at £50 for next 3 years. JC rec charges as attached sheet Estimates 90/91 This com £49139 (£11,000 over 88/89 due to safety surfaces) Grant WR PF & VH A grass cutting rec £225 Children‟s Playground & JF discussion about equipment needed for playground and JF Portaloo now sold for £1250

November 16th 1989 Footpaths Various matters

November 30th 1989 Full council Isleham Marina report of meeting 150 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

JC several minor matters remain. Parish Meeting at Beck Row Village Hall 61 residents attended and told ward councillors did not want a separate Parish Council “Boundaries of Mildenhall parish be reviewed and form a new parish to be known as Beck Row & Kenny Hill” [DOC 195] Various comments made including Holywell Row voted 58 to 46 against a separate council. agreed matter to go to Establishment group on 5/12/89 & Full council on 14/12/89.

December 5th 1989 Establishment Group [DOC 207] Separate Parishing Extract of Minute of FHDC on 29/11/89 “ Resolved that this council review the parish boundary of Mildenhall so that a new parish of Beck Row, Holywell Row with Kenny Hill can be created and the Boundary Commission be asked to ratify the new boundaries so created”. It appears that HR residents did not agree. 27/9/89 & 2/12/89. MPC would like HR kept with Mildenhall. Estimates gross £127,655 - £8000 from balances = £119,655 (incl lighting £29157) JC Financial matters more equipment needed, preparation for official opening on 4/1/90 Exclusion of press & public Staff Matters Recorded sequence of events from 9/2/89 to 30/11/89 [DOCs 209-10]

January 4th 1990 JC working Party JC Lease with solicitors at present

January 11th 1990 General Purposes Procedure discussed and to put to full council Misc actions by clerk reported Village signs still ongoing Grants HR Methodist £70, St John‟s BR £70, St Louis £200.

February 8th 1990 Recreation Management MTFC a) Clubhouse & floodlighting proposals b) Lease 21 years with rent review every 3 years Army Cadets request for land, update on proposal at rear of Sea Cadets HQ Children‟s Play Area HR conditions received but more detail needed BR agreed to visit site Mild to view equipment Mowing Equipment repairs needed £415 or replacement of 2 mowers £1500, recommended replacement Water Bowser to consider purchase up to £400 Payments Noted £7071 to Beck R Community Association (for Community Centre) 7th payment

February 22nd 1990 Full council Grants as recommended by GP agreed MTFC agreed b) Lease 21 years with rent review every 3 years British Red Cross request for land, agreed to consider later Land for playground HR roads & fencing at least £7- 8,000 agreed no further action until after a site visit Water Bowser agreed to purchased at £150 +VAT 151 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Low Trailer for Mowers agreed to purchase Village Signs BR need refurbishment Review of Parish Arrangements FHDC gave formal notice of intention to carry out a review of parish.

March 29th 1990 Full council Land for playground HR site visit to be 24/5/90 Low Trailer for Mowers purchased cost £125 Village signs to be made by Upper School cost £1200 for 3 signs, sitting still being decided Fixing of signs estimate £595 +VAT per site BR refurbishment £185 +VAT agreed JC Working Group official opening to be 11/5/90

April 12th 1990 General Purposes Mini Bus charges recommended to increase by 6% Allotments Lark Road discussed BR memorial missing names – ongoing Closed cemetery KW until expiry of 25 years from date of closure in Oct 1972 i.e. October 1997 only clearance of weed growth could be undertaken Grants Suffolk Accident R S £250 recommended Bunbury Rooms recommended £500 for heaters Street Lighting £21675 for 663 lights

April 26th 1990 Full council BR memorial missing names – ongoing KH War memorial moving not yet done but will be soon Wildemere Lane/The Street HR a new soakaway should stop flooding

May 3rd 1990 Annual Parish Meeting including 35 public Separate parish for West Row plus regular reports

May 24th 1990 Recreation Management Land for playground HR site visit, poor access, small area, recommended no longer wish to proceed JF various matters Army Cadets HQ request for land, at side of Sea Cadets HQ, plans approved

May 31st 1990 Full council Election of chairman secret ballot Abbs 6 Madeley 4 Vice Chairman secret ballot Barker 4 Madeley 6 Resignation Cllr J Zeal Committee structure agreed to set up Establishment & Property committee, 5 elected members plus Ch & Vch of council plus Ch of Rec Man and GP. all agreed Other committees members named Term of Office agreed that the new E & P would consider this DC representation GT Heath ward was underrepresented on FHDC, agreed Land for playground HR (behind 15-23 The Street) re decisions made 4 years ago, agreed no further action 10: 2 152 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Grant Swimming club for gala £250 confirmed Village Signs problems with sites Exclusion of Press & Public staff matters

June 14th 1990 General Purposes Grant St Peters WR £70

June 28th 1990 Full council Vacancy filled by P B V Dawson for Market ward Establishment & Property to replace with name E & Policy was defeated. Establishment Committee was agreed. Composition (9) agreed, Powers and responsibilities, Financial matters, staffing and overall policy was agreed [DOC 249/50] Jubilee Centre Joint Management Com report Reconstitution of Planning & Footpaths groups

July 12th 1990 Recreation Management JF various matters Children‟s playground locking at night discussed Grant Mildenhall Lions Club for carnival recommended £200

July 7th 1990 Footpaths various matters

July 26th 1990 Full Council Village signs still ongoing Parish for Beck Row MPC dissatisfied with FHDC on this matter [DOCS 256/7] Grant BR Methodist £70 agreed, WRPF& VHA fencing £1000 agreed

September 6th 1990 Establishment Terms of Office suggestion of between 1 and 4 years for VCH and CH. No recommended made as voting was equal Parish for Beck Row proposals were discussed including representation. Suggested by DC 9 members for BR and 11 for Mildenhall. MPC suggested 7-8 for BR and 14 for Mildenhall, 6 Market, 5 Gt Heath, 3 WR, further suggestion 6:6:3. [DOC 265] Recreation Way Car Park changes suggested by FHDC not agreed by this committee Pavilion Heating new sub com to be set up Office copier suggested purchase of new machine costing up to £3,000 recommended

September 27th 1990 Full council Terms of Office agreed to remain with no term of office i.e. vote annually Parish for Beck Row FHDC reject MPC proposal that HR remain with MPC but agreed that MPC has 15 members as above. Both proposals to be agreed by full council & boundary commission. Office copier agreed purchase of new machine £1,700 Report of JCJMC various minor matters discussed Closed Cemetery Cottage it was noted that planning permission for the demolition of the cottage and replacement with 4 flats was approved 153 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

[End of EG711/1/12]

October 11th 1990 General Purposes Cemetery charges reviewed Allotments charges reviewed Minibus recommended to continue until end of financial year and then review Cemetery Thetford Road various matters Closed cemetery KW noted demolition of cottage and clean up by volunteers Tidy Town Competition discussed Grants BR St John‟s £70

October 25th 1990 Full council Parish for Beck Row 6 week consultation period Minibus agreed to continue until end of financial year and then review + various other matters

November 9th 1990 Jubilee Centre Joint Management Committee (JCJMC) attendance 3 MPC councillors plus 2 SCC officers Lease & Management Agreement discussion re recharge to include cost of heating & lighting for various areas. Improvements MPC intend to install Gas central heating to pavilion Meetings agreed 3 meetings per annum

November 9th 1990 Sub Com of Establishment- Heating Pavilion Report decisions plus cost (£46,000), tender by Feb 1991 and start made before April.

November 15th 1990 Recreation Management Review of charges Territorial Army & Volunteer Reserve proposed lease of site (at pit area), is anything happening, recommended no further action at present. Children‟s Playground cost of locking by FHDC up from £73 to £1115 p a recommended service to cease Sept 1990.

November 29th 1990 Full council J Pavilion Heating & Ventilation report accepted Recreation Man minutes accepted recommendations Grant Dairytime Cycling Rally £150 agreed Parish for Beck Row agreed no representation from MPC necessary FHD Local Plan report of public meeting held on 28/11/90 Grants CAB £110 for equipment agreed, HR Methodist £70 Isleham marina suggested that FHDC may consider moving boundary, i.e. into Cambridgeshire

December 6th 1990 Establishment Estimates 91/92 £75,542 Net (£23,000 from balances) J Pavilion Heating & Ventilation report accepted confirmed up to £46,000

December 13th 1990 Full council 154 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Tidy Town Comp poor attendance at public meeting, to pass to GP com J Pavilion Heating & Ventilation report accepted confirmed up to £46,000 Twinning with Luc-Sur-Mer. Mrs Bristow be invited to attend GP meeting. B R War Memorial missing names ongoing Grants Mild Swimming Gala £250 agreed, Mild Museum £825 agreed

January 17th 1991 General Purposes Twinning with Luc-Sur-Mer. Mrs Bristow attended recommended to set up working group Youth Involvement with MPC recommended to ask the new council to consider Brighten Up Mildenhall Anglo-American Com rec MPC put up baskets and help with watering. Old Town Hall Site redevelopment developer suggested Cobblers Court but MPC did not like, recommended discussion with developers Village signs sites still being considered Closed cemetery KW discussion about state of chapel, Archdeacon to get faculty for demolition of chapel.

January 31st 1991 Full council Village signs sites still being considered. Upper school say signs will be ready July 1991. Closed cemetery KW discussion about chapel. Reported to the meeting that MPCC were considering calling a public meeting with a view to sell the entire piece of land. MPC agreed to meet archdeacon to discuss future of the site. JC resolved that MPC enter an agreement with SCC about use and management. Isleham Marina FHDC will not be asking boundary commission to move into Cambridgeshire.

February 14th 1991 Recreation Management Playground recommended that all hard surfaces be removed BR Playground fencing to cost £4880 recommended to grant £2,000 MTFC proposed new clubhouse/changing rooms, grant request for help, expected cost £84,000 to £125,000. recommended MTFC look at a more viable building Footpath matters Mildenhall to Barton Mills, discussed in 1988, hoped to see progress this year

February 28th 1991 Full council Old Town Hall Site agreed St Andrews Court Playground recommended that all hard surfaces be removed, to be visited by com Isleham Marina to be left until new council formed Closed cemetery KW spraying with weedkiller to be reviewed later. MPC agreed to meet archdeacon D J Smith on 20/3/91. Twinning £250 agreed for Pornic is still available and agreed can be used for Luc-Sur-Mer. Grants Community Council for Suffolk £200 agreed, Newmarket Hospital Fighting Fund £250 agreed

March 19th 1991 Tenders for Pavilion Works [DOC 313] 7 tenders £2,918 to £48,288

March 20th 1991 Closed Cemetery Kingsway meeting with archdeacon [DOC 312]

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Development It is possible that MPCC might wish to sell the whole site for development at some time. MPC could apply to turn site into Public Open Space. TPO‟s could be sought. Suggested a meeting between MPC and MPCC is necessary.

March 20th 1991+ other dates Tenders for Pavilion Works given to DMS for £38,701

March 28th 1991 Full council Closed cemetery KW report of meeting 20/3/91 to go to GP com Tenders for Pavilion Works confirmed. Works given to DMS for £38,701 Grants SARS £250 agreed, Mild & Dist Swimming Club £250 agreed.

April 11th 1991 General Purposes Minibus full report of costs and usage, recommended to continue for 1 year Closed cemetery KW letter from MPCC on 16/4/91, the faculty must be by MPCC and could take up to two years. Street Lighting A, upgrade in Scott Ave, joint with SCC possibly cost £5,500 B, other areas, recommended whole parish be reviewed Grant BR Playgroup need a new classroom at a cost of £5,000 recommended £500

April 25th 1991 Full council Minibus full report of costs and usage, confirmed to continue for 1 year Closed cemetery KW PCC that churchyard be developed to include a garden of rest. MPC agreed to put on agenda of Parish Meeting on 15/5/91 Street Lighting agreed to bring all papers to GP Grant BR Playgroup need a new classroom at a cost of £5,000 agreed £750 Chairman‟s Closing remarks thanks to all councillors including retiring members Wells and Wallis.

May 15th 1991 Annual Parish Meeting including 12 public Closed cemetery KW Discussion about options available. Agreed that MPC and MPCC meet to resolve the matter. Royal British Legion HQ to go to MPC committee.

May 16th 1991 Annual meeting of Mildenhall parish Council Ch Madeley, VCH secret ballot Roman 12 Barker 3 Committees appointed Recreation Management, General Purposes, Establishment Guidance notes see [DOC 324] Meetings agreed December meeting be deleted

May 30th 1991 General Purposes Twinning visit of reps to Luc-Sur-Mer Youth Council recommended to set up Youth Council for a minimum of 2 years Brighten up Mildenhall recommended to buy pump for bowser £200 and 6 x 16” baskets to be provided Village signs still ongoing War memorials K H to move as agreed previously BR missing names ongoing

June 6th 1991 Establishment 156 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Ch & VC elected Abbs & Roman

June 6th 1991 Recreation Management JF Fishing rights recommended to remain Parishioners Only JC New sign recommended cost £530 Royal British Legion HQ recommended to write explaining current situation Skateboarding raised at Parish meeting, recommended clerk write to FHDC

June 6th 1991 Footpaths various matters

June 27th 1991 Full council Twinning agreed to hold public meeting Grants WRPF & VHA grass cutting £616, Mildenhall Lions, use of field £211 plus many more ongoing matters

July 11th 1991 General Purposes Closed cemetery KW meeting with reps of MPCC who recommend that chapel be demolished and land disposed of. recommended that MPC did not support these views Youth council recommended to write to schools Allotments reletting Donated Seats Ten from Mildenhall Charity shop, sites suggested Public lighting review ongoing Grants BR St John‟s for mower £178 recommended

July 12th 1991 JCJMC [DOC 345] Lease & management Agreement now signed. recharge agreed 50% in all respects including heating and lighting Accounts 90/91 £13501 invoice to Chief Education Officer 91/92 £13648 (subject to actual lighting/heating) Theft, Vandalism etc agreed to remove porch from back of building.

July 25th 1991 Full council Closed cemetery KW To discuss with FHDC about them taking over as a town park, agreed. TPO now on whole area. Grants BR St John‟s for mower £178 agreed Theft, Vandalism etc agreed to remove porch from back of building. Chairman‟s Board agreed to provide with record of all past chairmen Chairman‟s Chain of Office bars to chain of office deferred Mini Bus due to cost of insurance agreed to sell and also to assist Mildenhall Over 60‟s with transport costs.

September 12th 1991 Recreation Management JF & Pavilion & JC charges reviewed MTFC new clubhouse grant report cost £81,000 recommended £5,500 West Row Tennis Club improvements costing £9630 recommended £780 J F various matters 157 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Children‟s playground various matters

September 26th 1991 Full council Council Minibus not yet sold but should be worth £2800 JF & Pavilion & JC charges reviewed and agreed West Row Tennis Club improvements costing £9630 agreed £1000

October 17th 1991 General Purposes review of charges Estimates 92/93 this com £85,950 included £29,000 for upgrade of lighting Twinning Public meeting poorly attended, steering group to be formed Youth Council in progress Closed cemetery KW ongoing problems with maintenance Donated seats still trying to find sites Grants St Peters WR, Baptist WR, HR Methodist all £75 each, St Louis family service £500 War memorial KH now repositioned

October 18th 1991 JCJMC recharge of 91/92 £13,648 Porch now removed at rear of pavilion (SCC section) Pavilion New Gas heating is very efficient Estimates 92/93 this committee £14,470

October 31st 1991 Full council Minibus still not sold Grant Tennis Club £1050 agreed Youth Council 7 members present Closed cemetery KW FHDC to discuss on 5/11/91

November 5th 1991 Establishments Estimates this committee £23,200, Total £145,549 less £45,000 from balances MTFC proposed agreement re foul drainage Council Insurance reviewed Standing Orders contracts reviewed Twinning recommended £100 be available

November 16th 1991 First meeting of Mildenhall Junior Parish Council 7 youth present and 1 apology plus Cllrs Hagger and Barker various matters discussed

November 28th 1991 Full council Closed cemetery KW FHDC desired to see it remain and not be used for commercial purposes, with approval to place gravestones round the edge. They prefer chapel to be demolished, refer to next GP. Precept 92/93 Total £145,549 less £55,000 from balances =£90,549 (lighting £59,490) BR Play area agreed £2406 for clearing and fencing 158 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Grant BR Methodist £75

December 11th 1991 Mildenhall Town Twinning Com minutes included

December 14th 1991 second meeting of Mildenhall Junior Parish Council minutes included

January 7th 1992 Traffic Matters

January 16th 1992 Recreation Management Grant Mildenhall Lions recommended £58.72 and recommended Establishment committee look at grant policy JC various matters

January 16th 1992 Footpaths Riverside walk although agreed over 10 years ago still not done due to objection by Upper School various other matters

January 25th 1992 third meeting of Mildenhall Junior Parish Council only three in attendance minutes included

January 30th 1992 Full council Grant Mildenhall Lions agreed £58.72 and agreed Establishment committee look at grant policy JC purchase scaffold tower agreed £1132 Planning Isleham Marina removal of condition about non occupation during February. MPC would not object.

February 10th 1992 Sub Com Recreation Man Play areas Hard surfaces (concrete) wood chip etc considered as replacement

February 13th 1992 General Purposes [DOC 399] Closed cemetery KW PCC view that limited suitable „development‟ would provide finance for a „garden of remembrance‟. FHDC planning officer had no ready solution. Housing likely to be resited. English Nature interested as a nature reserve. Restoration of chapel would cost £30,000 to £40,000. Funding difficult. Recommended tree cutting and various fence repairs. Donated seats agreed to put up quickly. Town Sign recommended in front of Court House Cemetery Thetford Road various matters Lighting scheme ongoing Speeding Traffic at Upper School SCC surveyor, not possible to reduce speed limit from 40 to 30 but other means may be possible. Grant Campaigners Group 1992 trip recommended £400, HR Village Hall, new toilets costing £4586, recommended £2,000 159 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Mildenhall Junior Council numbers made up to 8

February 19th 1992 Twinning report

February 27th 1992 Full council Isleham Marina removal of planning restriction refused BR Village sign still ongoing Minibus no sale yet

March 7th 1992 fourth meeting of Mildenhall Junior Parish Council 7 in attendance minutes included

March 17th 1992 Establishment Change of Com Nights recommended change to 1st Tue from June 1992 Grant policy discussed Word processing recommended to be left to clerk, when he would like equipment. Annual Parish Meeting date and attendance Beck Row Village Sign new one on order Mildenhall Sign still delayed

March 26th 1992 Full council Junior council present and minutes Change of Committee Nights agreed change to 1st Tue from June 1992 Grant policy agreed Annual Parish Meeting date 19/5/92 Clerks salary agreed Cemetery Thetford Road various works at £4881, agreed Brighten up Mildenhall by Anglo-American Committee, the organisers suggested it being taken over by MPC, referred to Recreation Management committee.

March 30th 1992 Sub Com Rec Man Play areas [DOCS 424/426] visits within parish WR, BR (former Toc H land) Mildenhall list of proposals included

April 6th 1992 Establishment Local Government Reorganisation, questionnaire completed for FHDC Change of Com Nights recommended meetings should remain on last Thursday.

April 11th 1992 fifth meeting of Mildenhall Junior Parish Council 5 present minutes attached

April 14th 1992 Recreation Management Playground surfaces wood chippings recommended Brighten up Mildenhall recommended to support but not to take over JF donated seats for river bank Football Pitch equipment and improvement recommended £500 160 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Grants MTFC for foul drainage £200, Mild Swimming Club £250, WRPF&VHA more information required. Howletts Hill & Hurst Fen Nature reserve, draft management plan approved.

April 30th 1992 Full council Play surfaces (see minutes of meetings above) still ongoing plus other matters

May 14th 1992 General Purposes Highway matters with SCC surveyors dept representative Street Lighting improvement ongoing Grants SARS increase to £300 recommended, Mildenhall Sea Cadets £200 recommended, WRPF7VHA £11,000 recommended Closed Cemetery KW FHDC ongoing Donated seats some now fitted Lark Road Allotments planning application by SCC for housing. Chairman‟s Board proceeding

May 16th 1992 6th meeting of Junior Parish Council 5 present minutes attached

May 19th 1992 Annual Parish Meeting including 30 public Lark Road Allotments used since 1976 planning application by SCC for housing and may not be available after Feb 1993 Highways and Lighting matters

May 28th 1992 Annual meeting of Mildenhall Parish Council Ch Madeley, VCH Roman various ongoing matters

June 2nd 1992 Recreation Management minor matters discussed

June 25th 1992 Full council Closed cemetery Kingsway some clearance work by FHDC Allotments Lark Road MPC would like a long lease from SCC

July 11th 1992 7th meeting of Junior Parish Council 4 youths & 2 cllrs Many various matters minutes included

July 16th 1992 General Purposes Cemetery Thetford Road various matters Closed cemetery Kingsway visited Allotments Lark Road Development affected by MPC and FHDC, Secretary of State “called the matter in” Minibus recommended to offer to F H Sea Cadet Corps 161 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Street Lighting still waiting for report on upgrading of street lights New Bus Shelter at College Heath Road near St Helena Walk, cost up to £3,800 recommended Grants St John‟s BR, St Peters WR £75 each New Town/Village signs discussion about siting each 12‟ high weighing about 1 ton. Planning permission necessary, order of priority M, WR, HR Beck Row sign replacement still waiting for quote Donated seats 5 now on river bank, 2 at WR (2 at BR and 1 at HR to follow) Twinning Public meeting planned for 20/10/92

July 30th 1992 Full council Minibus agreed to offer to F H Sea Cadet Corps New Bus Shelter £2720 plus erection & base costs, agreed New Town/Village signs planning application for 3 new signs made Mildenhall market FHDC agreed not to move but make improvements MTFC need extra land to increase size of pitch from 100 to 110 yards. Agreed to increase but FC to pay for all legal fees. HD Official Guide agreed ¼ page advert at £275. Brandon & Mildenhall Bypasses SCC to commence shortly, Mildenhall scheduled to start in 4 years time.

September 1st 1992 Recreation Management Children‟s Playgrounds Mildenhall to meet on 14/9/92 to review all matters. Check surfaces, this might cost £12,500. Beck Row, ward members to draw up list and send to FHDC costing £20,768, hoping for a 50% grant West Row possible new round-a-bout, more information needed. JF hire & rights of access following legal consultation, revised conditions. JF Erosion of river bank National River Authority (NRA) said is a matter for land owners to repair. May be included in 93/94 estimates. Stray Dogs & Fouling FHDC applied for byelaws sent to home office in March 1992, no replies yet Mole control JF unlikely that Strychnine baited worms would be allowed. JCJMC no meeting has taken place since February but should be held shortly. Building insurance to revise Pavilion changing rooms work for re-decorating needed. MTFC letter that they had applied for removal of 5 year temporary planning permission for prefab building used as changing rooms as new building is awaiting completion. Grants Lions Club for cost of hiring facilities £200 recommended Footpaths various matters

September 14th 1992 Recreation Management sub-committee Mildenhall Playground very detailed report of improvements WR round-a-bout replacement costing £1933 recommended

September 19th 1992 8th meeting of Junior Parish Council 3 members + 2 cllrs Discussion elections, meeting times and membership in general.

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September 24th 1992 Full council Closed cemetery Kingsway report on botanical survey on behalf of FHDC sent to English Nature who support the proposal to make the site a Local Nature Reserve, refer to GP on 6/10/92 Minibus ownership transferred to FH Sea Cadets Street Light upgrading meeting 29/9/92 with SCC officers to discuss and costings. JF hire & rights of access, revised conditions agreed. JC warning system, to check opening of roof lights JC Insurance £574 agreed Grants Lions Club for cost of hiring facilities £200 agreed Youth Council matters discussed Children‟s Playgrounds tree work agreed New Bus Shelter objections from residents, to go back to committee, agreed Town twinning constitution drawn up and allowed for nomination of two PC members. Judes Ferry Bridge reconstruction, work to be done 1993. MPC request temporary bridge during work.

October 10th 1992 Recreation Management Cemetery Thetford Road charges reviewed Allotments Lark Road, no changes, WR increase by 12.8% for 2 year period Proposed Bus Shelter revised that simpler shelter costing £1450 +VAT be purchased, recommended Lighting Matters A, Joint scheme MPC/SCC costing £83,000 of which MPC would pay £,37,000, timetable including completion by June 1993. Other works in other areas £13,900 giving overall cost to MPC £57,000. Mostly met from balances plus £14,500 in estimates for 93/94. The Rows to be examined ASAP. Committee estimate 93/94 £75,661 recommended Closed cemetery Kingsway meeting arranged 14/10/93 between all interested parties Grants HR Methodist for repair work, recommended no grant Scouts Trustees, difficulties of making changes to named members, could it be office holders rather than individuals,- to ask solicitor.

October 29th 1992 Full council Dog Fouling Byelaws nothing heard yet Day centre for elderly in JC discussed. Judes Ferry Bridge Temporary bridge not possible but will try to build new bridge “off line”. Closed cemetery Kingsway Future policy discussed, English Nature and FHDC for a joint management scheme for which a long lease from MPCC would be needed. “ Dilapidated Chapel being closed on 9/11/92 for demolition. Mildenhall Junior Council rethink of membership needed. Insurance Municipal Mutual Insurance to be taken over by Zurich Insurance. Computer Equipment costing £695 +VAT agreed Chairman‟s Board showing names and length of service from 1894 to present now hung in main hall of JC. [End of EG 711/1/13]

November 3rd 1992 Recreation Management JF Pavilion & JC charges reviewed, to remain as previous MTFC Lease first review after 3 years, recommended from £50 to £75 163 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Committee estimates £37328 recommended (including Children‟s playground £5,000, JF cutting to continue with existing contractor, Pavilion internal decoration £3484 – £6930, recommended accept lowest JC repairs needed WR replacement round a bout £1933 +VAT recommended Grant Day centre, projected overall budget, need £44,000 – need more information

November 3rd 1992 Footpaths details of various footpaths discussed

November 10th 1992 Mildenhall Town Twinning Committee Minutes full set including MPC invited to nominate 2 representatives

November 25th 1992 JCJMC Present 3 SCC officers, 2 MPC councillors and MPC clerk 1991/92 accounts £16952 Estimate 93/94 recharge estimate £4,000 for pavilion, £12,000 for JC, accepted

November 26th 1992 Full council Allotments Lark Road SCC agreed to continual use while public enquire decision publicised Village/Town signs Finance, so far school had spent £1272. MPC had agreed £1200 for 3 signs. agreed to pay £1200 and refer to establishment committee Insurance renewal agreed £1344 JF fencing on South Side referred to recreation management [I think this should be N side?B.S.] NALC twelfth Assembly for Larger Councils The chairman congratulated Cllr Barker on his appointment to Large Council advisory group. Matters for information College Heath Road/ Field Road, work to commence in 1993 for new mini round- a-bout.

October 29th 1992 Youth Council present 4 youth plus 2 cloncillors Minutes attached including “rethink” needed on membership.

December 1st 1992 Establishment committee Estimate total required £134,913, lengthy discussion about balances, recommended use £35,000 reducing precept to £99,913. (includes £49,169 for lighting). Grant Policy report received [Doc 492A] Village/Town signs lengthy discussion and sub group set up BR sign recommended to accept quote of Swainland, Cambridge

December 10th 1992 Full council Mildenhall Parish Charities Grant request, £2,000 agreed (note trustees & persons of age declared an interest and did not vote) Vote 3;3, casting vote of chairman, carried Suffolk Options SCC consultation, various options reported Village/Town signs will not be completed by 31/8/93 extra funds up to max £250 agreed. Town twining two representatives needed to serve, referred to GP

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January 5th 1993 General Purposes Allotments Lark Road new licence from SCC until 24/2/94 Town twining no names put forward, possibly put in newspaper to get volunteers Cherry Trees Kingsway planted in 1969 now coursing damage to residents property Street Lighting Upgrade cost to MPC approx £35,000 BR sign revised quote now £905+VAT, recommended Grants BR Methodists, HR Methodists £75 each, Mildenhall Over 60‟s (to review arrangements currently £600 pa, recommended 3 months at 50% & 3 months at 25%)

January 28th 1993 Full council Sea cadets presented gift of plague of T S Fox from Sea Cadets for gift of mini bus Junior council composition being rearranged and no meetings until carried out Cherry Trees Kingsway Insurers advise no action until investigation Grants Mildenhall over 60‟s letter from club thanking MPC for grants and to cease on 31/3/93, agreed Proposed New Play area Mildenhall at St John‟s Close, payment of 50% (£9,000) be made to FHDC for equipment, agreed

February 4th 1993 Recreation Management Playgrounds Mildenhall relocating swings and safety surfaces Beck Row various equipment ordered West Row equipment ordered JC maintenance flooring recommended MPC £1,450, SCC £1,450 JC grant for charity event, recommended £32.50 JF Moles difficult to control due to not being able to use Stycnine JF Fencing alternative temp fencing with orange polyethelene and wire stakes costing £311, recommended. Grass cutting Tilbrooks Landscape quoted same as last year Football pitch repairs Tilbrooks landscape costing £470 +VAT recommended Mildenhall Cycling Club concern about a good surface for National 8 km championship Grant Mildenhall Swimming Club £250 recommended

February 25th 1993 Full council Junior council arrangement for new council proceeding Highways matters various Street Lighting increase in cost of town scheme of £9,000, now £107,887 and MPC responsible for £46,806. Neighbourhood Watch agreed to pay for signs at £23 each. Proposed footway to cemetery Thetford Road, MPC requested in 1967 and still no action. Playgrounds & Equipment (see Feb 4th above) Mildenhall quote of £5,255 +VAT agreed JC hiring matter an event proposed to sell tickets at door and have a drinks licence was refused. JF Moles letter from MAFF Cambridge of no help. Grass cutting council agreed to discuss going out to tender for 1994. Isleham marina removal of the planning condition regarding occupation during February being considered by FHDC. Isleham PC objected and MPC supported the objection. Election expenses FHDC had agreed to future payment of all parish council election expenses. 165 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

March 10th 1993 JCJMC Flooding agreed to repair during summer holiday. External lighting considered

March 25th 1993 Full council Proposed footway Thetford Road, possibly in new financial year. JF Moles trapping the only likely solution Neighbourhood watch some requests for signs agreed Twinning representatives to be council chairman plus one other (Barker) Committee meetings agreed to revert back to Thursday evenings Fax machine agreed to purchase costing £400, agreed

April 6th 1993 General Purposes Police matters there had been a representative of the local police at meeting of the full council for several years and PC Reed gave details of neighbourhood watch scheme. Cemetery Thetford Road revision of some regulations Closed cemetery Kingsway hoped to have a management plan ready for 1994. Community Service Team to carry out some work at £30 per occasion, recommended Parish Meeting agenda and advertising discussed Lighting BR 34 new lights needed and 8 moved. Grants Mildenhall Museum, an error was reported as no grant was made in 92/93, so recommended £1,100 this year. SARS £325 recommended, Breckland Middle School £250 recommended, WR Baptist £75 recommended, Brandon & Mildenhall CAB £120 recommended.

April 21st 1993 Annual parish meeting incl 5 public and 8 councillors Twinning report by chairman of twinning association Highways & lighting many matters reported by the clerk

May 4th 1993 Recreation Management Playgrounds Mildenhall all work now completed Beck Row most work now completed West Row equipment delivered but not yet installed Dog Fouling Byelaws more details are required JF river bridge area plans proposed by FHDC recommended JC break in agreed to fir full intruder alarm system costing £876, £500 to be paid by SCC Footpaths discussed Grants WRPF & VHA, grass cutting need more information. Proposed New Village Hall WR more information needed.

May 27th 1993 Annual meeting of Mildenhall parish Council Elections Ch Madeley, Vch Roman visitors Jack Haylock SCC spoke about many items especially a separate parish for Beck Row. Also Mildenhall relief road, increase in numbers of USAF personnel, planning at the Smoke House Inn. Junior council to consider at June meeting 166 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Committees agreed no changes necessary Playground matters various Separate Parish for Beck Row agree “That this council urges the responsible authorities urgently to make a decision in respect of the possible parishing of the Beck Row area of Mildenhall Parish Council” Mildenhall relief Road exhibition at JC. A proposal for 1998 start and 1999 completion be brought forward due to increase of numbers of base personnel.

June 10th 1993 Establishment Committee Mildenhall relief Road routes A & B discussed and recommended that route B be accepted. JC memorial recommended that meeting room be called “The David Rogers Committee Room” with a commemorative plague. Grant Beck Row Community Association £16,150 agreed in January 1988, £14,363 paid now and need £656 for furniture, recommended. Payments noted Wicksteed leisure (BR equipment £17,087, Mild equipment £5,024, WR equipment £2146)

July 15th 1993 General Purposes Closed cemetery Kingsway plans and proposals from FHDC for fencing on southern boundary expected to cost £2,500 (£5,000 remains in budget from 90/91) recommended to do at council expense. Intention of DC to prepare a maintenance plan and then kept in a condition to satisfy English nature & FHDC who between them would fund the cost of maintenance. Proposed ACF HQ building plans very similar to those of three years previous, recommended to agree Bus shelters New at College Heath Road, not as originally quoted. recommended that clerk liaise with suppliers. Lighting matters A, Major scheme now being done. B, Village scheme- ward members to add required lights to maps. Village signs BR replacement now due to be replaced 16/7/93 Grants BR Methodist, St Peters WR, St John‟s BR £75 each BR relief road discussed Footways Thetford Road & College Heath Road to be constructed. Street naming four dwellings at BR to be Middleton Close Magistrates Court proposal to merge Newmarket and Mildenhall Petty Sessions with Bury St Edmunds was discussed. MPC strongly objects. Allotments Lark Road clerk trying to get an extension to the lease from SCC.

July 29th 1993 Full council Village/Town signs permission from Department of Transport still awaited Mildenhall Town Name & Twinning signs council agreed to part fund signs £550. Grants BR Methodist, St Peters WR, St John‟s BR £75 each agreed. BR Mildenhall relief road update on information

August 19th 1993 Recreation Management Sub committee Children‟s Playground Mildenhall Young peoples swings, recommended to get quote plus other items JF equipment Barbeque discussion

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September 23rd 1993 Recreation Management Swings replace costing £3,314 +VAT JF Dog Fouling Byelaws FHDC ongoing Football pitches both now useable following repair Grass cutting recommended to get tenders for next season Riverbank clerk to write to River Authority seeking financial assistance. Moles Gas tablets and equipment to be purchased £160-£200 recommended MTFC (4 matters) A, Drainage easement arrangement costing £150, recommended new arrangement. B, Water, Anglian Water charges to be paid by MTFC with own water meter. C, Dumping grass cuttings, problem D, Excess soil from site of new pavilion to be moved. JC various matters CAB Pavilion agreement discussion about renewal of 5 year agreement, recommended £1,750 pa for next 5 years Grants WRVH & PFA grass cutting, recommended £1,000 to cover 2 years, request for £616 for parts for swings, deferred. Lions £57.75 recommended

July 29th 1993 JCJMC External lighting costing £1,400, agreed £700 SCC, £700 MPC or FHDC

July 30th 1993 Full council Footways Thetford Road now complete and Brandon Road work in progress. BR Mildenhall relief road Route 1 has been agreed Children‟s play equipment various matters Grants WRVH & PFA grass cutting, £1,000 to cover 2 years, request for £616 for parts for swings, deferred. Lions £57.75 all agreed CAB Pavilion agreement renewal of 5 year agreement, £1,750 pa for next 5 years, agreed Parish Boundary Review reply saying no decision until after the Local Government Commission have revised the borders of the shire counties. Isleham Marina clerk informed Isleham marina Landowners Association to make its feelings known about possible boundary changes. Exclusion of public & press staff matters

[End of EG 711/1/14]

October 10th 1993 General Purposes Cemetery Thetford Road review of charges, recommended increase by 7.7% Allotments Lark Road MPC offered alternative site on WR road. Charges revised Lighting matters discussed Highway matters SCC will extend 30 mph signs beyond Upper School. Committee estimate 94/95 £116,528 recommended to allow £55,000 for improved lighting. Closed cemetery Kingsway DC planning officer confirmed hopes for Local Nature Reserve in 1995. Present maintenance by volunteers to continue. Village/Town signs signs are now ready but permission to erect is unresolved. Grants HR Methodist Chapel £75 recommended

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October 28th 1993 Full council Visitors Chairman & CEO of FHDC Judes Ferry bridge WR planned for rebuild April 1994. GP committee reports see above

November 4th 1993 Recreation Management JF, Pavilion and JC recommended increase charges by 5% Committee estimate 94/95 £35,587 (including details) JF Riverbank National River Authority will do the work. JF Moles Gas treatment worked on treated area. David Rogers Room dedicated 14/11/93 Children‟s playgrounds various matters Riverside Project work on the sloping area to south of reservoir due to commence.

November 25th 1993 Full council Parish boundaries still no response from Isleham Marina Lodge owners Association Mildenhall relief road no decision as far as is known Planning Erection of ACF hut off recreation way now agreed. Territorial Army & Volunteer Reserve Association now seeking a draft lease. Recreation Management report received and recommendations adopted. Children‟s playground BR need a meeting to discuss vandalism etc. NALC Larger councils Cllr Barker re-elected for a further 2 years. Exclusion of public & press reporting of council meetings.

December 2nd 1993 Establishment Standing Orders 1987 copies are out of date, clerk had failed to establish when original orders had been adopted, recommended that copies of current (1991) be adopted. Committee estimate 94/95 £19,819 Council estimate 94/95 £171,934 (increase due to new village lighting) [Public lighting now £94,962]Take £14,810 from balances = net £157,124

December 14th 1993 Full council RAF Mildenhall information about major works in 1994. Local Government Review report Establishment report received and recommendations adopted NALC Cllr Barker congratulated on election as chairman of Larger Councils Advisory Panel.

January 13th 1994 General Purposes Mildenhall relief road FHDC agreed to Route 1, County Planning Committee to discuss on 13/1/94. Decision expected 3/2/94 or 15/3/94. Highways various matters Mower replacement to be investigated. Street naming Sand Acre Close and Middleton Close BR, agreed Bunbury Rooms Roof repair recommended £1,000 be given as grant. Street lighting matters discussed. 169 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

January 27th 1994 Full council Local Government Review update General Purposes report received and recommendations adopted Closed cemetery Kingsway damaged wall to be repaired Planning matters Isleham Marina, deletion of condition 4 (non occupation during February) agreed for a 2 year trial period. NALC centenary fund appeal £1,300 paid which completed the payments.

February 10th 1994 Recreation Management Riverside project completed by FHDC Reservoir Pump failure (after 14 years) agreed to replace £1,100. Dog Fouling Byelaws Department of Environment still not agreed. Grass cutting 1994 clerk advertised for local contractors and four invited to tender, 2 received and Tilbrooks Ltd lowest. Grants Brecks Countryside Project, hedge for Upper School, red £210, WRVH & PFA, upgrading swings, rec £400, Area Support Centre rec £250, Mildenhall & District Swimming Club £250 rec. Letter from MPC to Local Government Commission [DOCS 612-618] Information included, Mildenhall is the largest parish in Suffolk with 14,000 acres and in 1991 census a population of 12,827.

February 24th 1994 Full council Mower replacement Kubuto 15 HP diesel & trailer £4,543, agreed Closed cemetery Kingsway the wall repairs cost £1,500 +VAT Recreation Management report received and recommendations adopted except that grant to Swimming Club was £300. Village/Town signs permission to erect finally arrived.

March 17th 1994 General Purposes Street Lighting many matters discussed Street Naming Ford Place WR agreed Grants Mildenhall Museum £1,000 recommended, SARS £325 recommended, Winged Fellowship £400 recommended Centenary Year 31/12/1894, first council meeting at Police Station Mildenhall. Possible events discussed.

March 31st 1994 Full council Gas JC & pavilion supplies by Eastern Electricity Village/Town signs document for tendering by end April 1994. General Purposes report received and recommendations adopted. Street Lighting Improvements cost of bringing up to SCC standards might be too high. MPC now responsible for 699 lights. Centenary Year Annual dinner to be 3/1/94 at Riverside Hotel MTFC grant for floodlighting, 10% of cost at £27,810, i.e. £2,781 agreed JF Drainage Reservoir expected to cost £6,600. Footpath matters discussed. 170 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

April 19th 1994 Annual Parish meeting 6 public & 9 councillors Lark Road Allotments public enquire on 8/4/94. Twinning report including loss of David Rogers and meeting room named after him. Local Council review report

April 28th 1994 Full council Proposed ACF HQ Building draft lease to be scrutinised on 12/5/94.

May 12th 1994 Recreation Management JF Mildenhall Cycling Club requested improvements of cycle track for National 400 m Championship. JF Pump for Bowser recommended to purchase pump to fill water bowser. JC Matters various ACF Building lease not yet available Grants WRVH & PFA, grass cutting £967 recommended, Suffolk Wildlife Trust £50, Mildenhall Retailers Association £300 recommended. Roadside Nature Reserve now established at College Heath Road & A1065. Droves plan showed 17 droves, Ramblers Association wanted them included on Definitive Map, more information required.

May 26th 1994 Annual meeting of Mildenhall Parish Council Officers Chairman Madeley re-elected. Agreed that the matter of terms of chairmanship should go to establishment committee. No more than 4 years for any chairman of committee or council. [DOC 634] V Ch Roman Village/Town signs Moons of Newmarket lowest tender of £5,354 to erect the new signs. Mildenhall Town sign already erected. Committees no changes of membership required. Representation on outside bodies list attached Representation on Anglo-American Committee to select one councillor, 6 names put forward. Recreation Management report received and recommendations adopted plus re-turf goal areas £770 and water pump £499 +VAT agreed. MTFC the agreed extension to the area has now been carried out. Fishing Rights confirmed that only parishioners have the right to fish. Street Lighting standard to be raised for adoption by SCC. Agreed to go ahead with submitted scheme.

June 2nd 1994 General Purposes Cemetery Thetford Road in good condition Closed cemetery Kingsway & War memorials various matters including grant from Suffolk Acre £1,050.

Street Naming suggestion to possibly use „Normandy Way‟ for new relief road. Grants Mildenhall Methodist for refurbishment, recommended no grant Mildenhall Town Sign members not happy with quality of brickwork. Commemorative seat members to consider location.

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June 30th 1994 Full council General Purposes report received and recommendations adopted Grants Mildenhall Methodist for refurbishment, no grant for building but £500 for chairs agreed. St Lois Family Service £250 for recycling project agreed.

July 14th 1994 Establishment Officers Agreed that the matter of terms of chairmanship should go to establishment committee. No more than 4 years for any chairman of committee or council. A, Chairman & Vice Chairman of Council. Proposed shall serve for not more than 6 years and eligible for 2 years after leaving office. Amended that re-election after 1 year carried 5:3. B, Chairman & Vice Chairman of committees. Proposed shall serve for not more than 6 years and re-eligible 2 years after leaving office. Amended that re-election after 1 year carried 6:2. Grant Scheme reviewed Anglo-American committee to consider the 6 councillors names submitted.

July 28th 1994 Full council Mildenhall Town Sign brickwork, ongoing Establishment committee report received and recommendations adopted Length of Service A, Chairman & Vice Chairman of Council. shall serve for not more than 6 years and eligible for 1 year after leaving office. agreed B, Chairman & Vice Chairman of committees. Proposed shall serve for not more than 6 years (elected biennially) and re-eligible for 1 years after leaving office. Agreed. Indoor Market JC following petition by retailers restrictions recommended by committee, vote markets not to be held 7:5 agreed. ACF HQ Building proposed lease Term 25 years not 50 agreed. Planning extended use of Motor-cycle track, no comment.

September 8th 1994 Recreation Management JF condition of football pitch, recommended turn E-W and re-turf goals. Reservoir work costing £5,320 Dog Fouling Byelaws FHDC nearing implementation. Mole control by gas pellets to be continued. Cycling Rally was very successful. JC & Pavilion problems with alarms now solved JC Main hall curtains cleaned and relined £404 +VAT confirmed JCJMC to be held 3/10/94 Grants WRVH & PFA £70 for swing, recommended. Brecks Countryside Project £150 recommended. BR Football Club £534.50 for equipment, recommended. Payments noted SCC, Street lighting £54,997

September 29th 1994 Full council ACF HQ Building proposed lease Term 25 years not 50 agreed. With solicitors 172 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Indoor Market JC following petition by retailers restrictions recommended by committee, vote markets not to be held 7:5 agreed. More information needed. Smoking Ban at all council meetings agreed 7:3. Recreation Management report received and recommendations adopted Reservoir work costing £5,320 agreed JC Main hall curtains cleaned and relined £404 +VAT confirmed, agreed Planning matters Change of use, The Comet (cinema) to place of worship. recommended that name be preserved by a plaque. Change of use, Volunteer Arms 16 North Terrace to residential. Former Town Hall site as temporary doctors surgery. Register of Electors 16/2/1994, WR 943 voters, BR 1571 voters, Market 2935 voters, Great Heath 2535 voters. Local Centenary Events A, Area service 27th November, B, Soiree in JC 2nd December, C, Dinner for Parish Council and quests at Riverside Hotel on 3rd December. MPC to help to fund, agreed

October 13th 1994 JCJMC Joint Venture all agreed that the joint venture was a success. Recharge to SCC for 95/96 £20,000

October 13th 1994 General Purposes Cemetery Thetford Road charges reviewed Allotments recommended no change Committee estimates 95/96 £63,762 (reduction of £52,766 due to improving lighting) Mildenhall Town Sign agreed that bricks should match the courthouse. Ward representation to request to FHDC to change the representation to 5 councillors for Mkt & Gt heath wards in time for elections in May 1995. War memorials cleaning all four memorials cost £760 recommended Highway matters pedestrian crossing from precinct to car park in King Street, SCC be asked to consider. Street Lighting WR improvements £15,493, BR improvements not yet priced. Grant requests Upkeep of churchyards, ST John‟s BR, Methodist HR, St Peter‟s WR all £80 each.

October 27th 1994 Full council Centenary Dinner 3/12/1994, various matters discussed General Purposes report received and recommendations adopted RBL celebration in 1995 to mark VJ or VE day. Grants available from FHDC for organised celebrations, Mildenhall £750, BR £500, WR £500, HR £100. Agreed to hold a public meeting.

November 3rd 1994 Recreation Management Charges reviewed JC, no change, Pavilion & JF no change, recommended Committee estimate 95/96 £22,432 (£13,000 less than current years) JC Indoor market & craft fair hirings MPC to request permission from FHDC to hold 6 fairs any day but Friday. Grant Suffolk Acre £250 rec. 173 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

November 24th 1994 Full council Visitors FHDC chairman Roger Crane, Cllr Mrs Madeley & solicitor of FHDC David Burnip Reservoir works completed Recreation Management report received and recommendations adopted JC Indoor market & craft fair hirings MPC to request permission from FHDC to hold 6 fairs any day but Friday. Agreed to apply for planning permission. Dog Fouling Byelaws FHDC will write shortly. Centenary celebrations Soiree postponed, final details about seat from SALC awaited.

December 1st 1994 Establishment Committee estimate 95/96 £20,277 Council estimate 95/96 £106,471 less £36,000 from balances = £70,471 (lighting £39,107) Salaries & Pay settlement discussed Society of Local Council Clerks Suffolk branch formed. Clerk be allowed to attend first AGM and conference. Petty Cash recommended to raise to £100.

December 15th 1994 Full council Establishment report received and recommendations adopted Public meeting for VJ/VE celebrations held on 6/12/94 by RBL, meeting agreed to “There should be in Mildenhall in 1995 a celebration of the end of WWII” held over the weekend 2/3 September 1995 and a steering committee to be formed. Various suggestions discussed. Local government review it has been agreed “status Quo” Book “Parish Government 1894-1994” 3 copies to be ordered by PC [DOC 683]

January 12th 1995 General Purposes Judes Ferry Bridge now postponed due to lack of finance Local government review it has been agreed “status Quo” Lark Road allotments SCC extended lease until October 1995. Mildenhall sign replacement bricks collected to be done when weather suitable. Lighting matters discussed including improvements to BR/HR now started. MPC representation two additional seats approved by DC and passed to Local Government Commission for approval.

January 26th 1995 Full council Book “Parish Government 1894-1994” 3 copies purchased two with Cllrs one in office. General Purposes report received and recommendations adopted Judes Ferry Bridge now postponed due to lack of finance, MPC suggested a „Bailey Bridge‟. Lark Road allotments following the inspectors report that this land should be retained for leisure MPC to request purchase of land from SCC. Royal Mail Box in North Terrace to be re-sited.

February 9th 1995 Recreation Management JC application for markets in JC refused by FHDC (see report) 174 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

JF grass cutting for 1995, recommended continue with current contractor. Playgrounds BR damage to seat reported. Dog Fouling Byelaws for FHDC now confirmed. MPC to seek their own byelaws. WRVH & PFA grant requested for swings recommended a further £50. List of grants to WR over last 10 years attached [DOCS 706/707] recommended 1/3 cost of grass cutting = £270 for 1994. For 1995 £945 recommended to be considered by new council. Grant Mildenhall & District Swimming Club £300 rec.

February 23rd 1995 Full council Judes Ferry Bridge „Bailey Bridge‟ could not be sustained. Lark Road Allotments SCC were waiting a report before considering selling land. Recreation Management report received and recommendations adopted Planning application JC sales, agreed to re-apply. JF grass cutting quote was 15-20% increase, agreed to get tenders. JF fertilization of field agreed to get advice. Dog Fouling Byelaws agreed MPC to seek their own byelaws. MPC representation two additional seats will be ready for May elections Highway matters 1, Folly Road, correspondence over past 10 years to control traffic 2, Half Moon junction, County Surveyor asked about a mini round-a-bout, agreed to refer to GP Planning Mabbs Hall to consider a nursing home, favourable comments. UN Peace Keeper Rose Offer request 100 bushes, 50 for M, 25 BR/HR, 25 WR.

March 9th 1995 General Purposes Lark Road allotments reply from SCC, they will not sell land to MPC Highway matters Half Moon junction, County Surveyor asked about a mini round-a-bout. first considered December 1982, recommended to press SCC into action.

St Mary‟s Churchyard front wall and lime trees need attention, considered replacing railings and remove lower branches of Beech trees, more information needed. Grants 1, FH Sea Cadets recommended £1,500 towards £10,000 needed. 2, FH Voluntary Organisation Forum , rec £100 for answering machine, 3. SARS recommended £350, 4, Suffolk Guides recommended £200. Mildenhall sign replacement brickwork cost £401 Parish meeting agenda various matters to be put onto agenda. Possibility of WR wishing to form its own PC was noted. Agreed that if request is made in time it will be added to the agenda. JF grass cutting 1995 tenders out to six contactors JF fertilization decision to be made at next council meeting.

March 30th 1995 Full council Royal mail Box North Terrace, to be moved as requested. Planning JC sales Mabbs Hall, 24 bedroom nursing home recommended for refusal by FHDC GP committee report received and adopted. Half Moon Junction Accident reported to County Surveyor. 175 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

St Mary‟s Churchyard Tree work agreed £390 + VAT MPCC did not want railings. Agreed to put on Annual parish Meeting agenda. Street Lighting additional lights at BR cost £548 +VAT agreed. also improvements to Gonville Close £989 agreed. Crass Cutting & Fertilization for 1995 2 tenders, SCC lowest and agreed for cutting and fertilization for 6 acres £220. [End of DOC EG 711/1/14]

April 4th 1995 Annual Parish meeting 18 public & 8 cllrs Lark Road Allotments History explained, to seek a lease until 2001. Highway matters Half Moon & College Heath Road junctions. Judes Ferry Bridge Dog Byelaws explanation by FHDC and MPC to apply for their own byelaw in due course. St Mary‟s Churchyard Trees at front pollarded & trimmed, wall rebuilt, seats re-polished, agreed 3 seats to replace 2.

April 27th 1995 Full council JC sales planning permission now granted. Report of Annual parish Meeting 1, Lark Road Allotments, lease matters 2, Judes Ferry Bridge, to write to MP 3, Half Moon & College Heath Road, no action yet. 4, St Mary‟s Churchyard, new wall but no railings. JC Pavilion Internal decoration Tenders A, lowest accepted £3310 +VAT B, Recharge SCC £994 (for their part, agreed, C, MPC to pay for works in CAB £1067, agreed. Chairman‟s thanks to all members especially Cllr „Bill‟ Abbs who had served the council for a number of years including 13 as chairman.

May 18th 1995 Annual meeting of MPC Chairman N Roman Co-option of ward cllr for BR five candidates, secret ballot and P J Kemp appointed. Election of VC Taylor-Balls & J Taylor nominated voted 11;5 BR Lighting good progress being made Lark Road Allotments CLA considering purchase of land by MPC. St Mary‟s Churchyard Pollarding should be finished in Autumn, and the wall, seats and footway after that. Committees appointed Recreation Management including 11 members, GP including 13 members, Establishment to be formed later.

June 1st 1995 Recreation Management Footpath committee formed JF dog Fouling bins provided JF reservoir pumping station work needed £16,000 available Pavilion repainting almost complete. Vandalism discussed. Playground sub-committee formed. Grant System reviewed WRVH & PFA grass cutting, recommended 25 cuts @ £15 each cut.

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June 29th 1995 Full council Councillors all 17 present. Recreation Management report accepted and adopted. BR Playground improvements agreed. WRVH & PFA grass cutting, recommended 25 cuts @ £15 each cut. Agreed £10 each cut. Planning relief road details considered. BR Village Hall scheme. BR War memorial to be moved to Lamble Close.

July 13th 1995 General Purposes Cemetery Thetford Road repair of gates £231 +VAT rec. Lark Road Allotments no response from SCC about lease. Gravel Allotments multiple tenancies discussed. Street Lighting various requests Highway matters Half Moon junction, County Surveyor asked about a mini round-a-bout. first considered December 1982. SCC reply, work unlikely due to major expense. Footways sub-committee formed. Street naming Granville Gardens suggested by FHDC, MPC recommended Douglas Drive. WR proposed new Village Hall possibility of MPC applying for planning permission. St Mary‟s Church Clock winding grant, recommended increase from £100 to £120. Grants St John‟s BR, BR Methodist, recommended £80 each. Tractor/trailer replacement Ford 4600 purchased in 1985. Kubuto part exchange £16,700, Trailer £1800. No recommendations made, leave for council to decide.

July 27th 1995 Full council JF reservoir pumping station specification and plans drawn up by NRA to be sent out to tender. BR Playground improvements General Purposes report accepted and adopted. Street naming Granville Gardens suggested by FHDC, MPC recommended Douglas Drive, to be put to FHDC. Establishment committee formed with 9 members. Planning outline application for 100 houses at Smoke House BR.

August 3rd 1995 Establishment Parish Charter from FHDC Allotments Lark Road continue to pursue purchase from SCC. Presentation of reports recommended new methods. Junior council to consider reforming for 11-15 year olds and 16-23 year olds. Change of title To Establishment and Policy Committee Exclusion of press & public staff matters incl. travel expenses.

September 14th 1995 Recreation Management JF reservoir A, £3889 lowest quote accepted and work completed. B, Drainage quote £7232 incl VAT accepted. Noted that total cost £9465 +VAT and £16,000 was held in reserves. JF condition fields in poor condition 177 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

JF Buildings minor damage JC painting both internal & external, tender forms sent to five firms. JC paving and steps on ramp Lowest tender accepted £5929 JC Main Hall screening for inside considered. JC Name Sign considered BR Playground repairs costing £225 +VAT confirmed. MTFC members viewed plans for final phase of improvements. Grants discussed JCJMC meeting to be held 6/10/95

September 28th 1995 Full council Visit to Mildenhall Base on 22/9/95 by 10 councillors. Street naming Douglas Drive agreed by FHDC. Mildenhall Town Centre Business Plan report by Planning Officer FHDC received. Establishment and Policy report accepted and adopted. Recreation Management report accepted and adopted. JC painting both internal & external, £7395 accepted.. BR War memorial removal from wall of Methodist Chapel to Holmsey Green, extra cost £122 +VAT. Planning including development of Comet Leisure Centre.

October 6th 1995 JCJMC Minutes of last meeting (3/10/94) noted and suggested 3 meetings each year. Pavilion internal painting Total cost £2636, SCC recharge £744 JC painting Total cost £6294, SCC recharge £2032 Financial Matters 95/96 recharge estimated £19,835, 96/97 expected to be similar.

October 12th 1995 General Purposes Cemetery Thetford Road recommended charges be increased by 5% Allotments WR & Mildenhall recommended charges be increased by 5% Committee estimate for 96/97 £48,626 recommended WR Allotments questionnaire regarding lettings not yet received. St Mary‟s Church front wall and other works, tenders sent out. Closed cemetery Kingsway the designation as a „Local Nature Reserve‟ has been held up. Purchase of tractor recommended purchase of Massey Ferguson 362 at £17,500. Purchase of trailer quote £1025 agreed to inspect. Grants Bunbury Rooms redecoration, recommended £350, Mild & District Museum, recommended £500, BR Methodist & HR Methodist, recommended £80 each. Mildenhall Retailers Assn. for watering 60 hanging baskets costing £6,156, recommended to leave to full council for decision. FH crime Prevention Panel, recommended to leave to full council. Highway/Lighting various matters including Half Moon & College Heath Road.

October 16th 1995 Full council General Purposes report accepted and adopted St Mary‟s Church front wall and other works, £12,601 - £25,642, lowest accepted. Purchase of tractor purchase of Massey Ferguson 362 at £17,500 agreed. 178 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Purchase of trailer quote £1025 to inspect agreed. Grants see GP above, all agreed except Mild Museum and Mildenhall Retailers Assn. for watering 60 hanging baskets costing £6,156, deferred. FH crime Prevention Panel, agreed a one off grant of £500.

November 9th 1995 Recreation Management JC recommended 5% increase in charges JF recommended 5% increase in charges Committee estimate for 96/97 £27,630 JC Main Hall screening for inside considered and deferred for 6 months.

November 30th 1995 Full council Recreation Management report accepted and adopted St Mary‟s Church front wall and other works, £12,601 agreed to seek grant from FHDC. Post box alteration noted. Street Lighting Alternative quote from Pearce & Kemp, Halesworth for lighting maintenance was 34% less than Eastern Electricity, agreed to accept. Extra street lights 11 new lights costing £5,646 +VAT was agreed.

December 7th 1995 Establishment and Policy Committee estimate 96/97 £30,216 (including £8,000 for extra staff) Council estimate 96/97 £106,472 minus £7364 from balances = £99,108 rec. (lighting £23,116) Grant policy reviewed. Planning Permission for WR Village Hall, recommended that MPC applies on their behalf. Grants Mildenhall Retailers Assn. for watering 60 hanging baskets costing £6,156, recommended to support to £3,000. CCTV by FHDC would MPC contribute to costs. Exclusion of press & public

December 12th 1995 Full council Establishment and Policy report accepted and adopted Estimate 96/97 £99,108 agreed. Grants Mildenhall Retailers Assn. for watering 60 hanging baskets costing £6,156, after various amendments agreed to support £3,000 7 votes to 6. CCTV by FHDC would MPC contribute to costs, £13,500 for 7 cameras, further meetings needed.

January 11th 1996 General Purposes CCTV £4684 for 5 cameras, £2862 for 3 cameras, This is 20% of total cost, rest of money to be provided by local traders. recommended support the 7 camera scheme. St Mary‟s Church wall letter from MPCC but no faculty yet or planning approval. Closed cemetery Kingsway repairs to wall and discuss whole area with FHDC. Street Lighting Pearce & Kemp for 96/97 & 97/98 at 34% less than Eastern Electricity for 669 lights. Recommended to be given contract for 2 years from 1/4/96.

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Precinct lighting the owners, Davies Knight suggest that MPC take over the full responsibility for the lights, recommended by committee. Highways various matters discussed. Allotments WR questionnaire now returned and sub-committee to discuss. Allotments Lark Road a meeting with SCC, CLA held. Street naming developers wanted Granville Gardens and MPC Douglas Way, FHDC supported MPC. Developers are going to court, possible cost to MPC £1,500, recommended to contest action. [DOC 802] Grants St John‟s Ambulance equipment, recommended £300, St Peter‟s church WR, recommended £80.

January 25th 1996 Full council Guest FHDC chairman & CEO. General Purposes report accepted and adopted CCTV agreed to support the scheme. St Mary‟s Church wall the delay my put the cost up £4,000. Closed cemetery Kingsway repairs to the wall will cost £8,000, confirmed. Street Lighting following satisfactory references from Waveney DC, Halesworth TC and Weeting PC agreed to appoint Pearce & Kemp in place of Eastern Electricity. Precinct lighting the owners, Davies Knight suggest that MPC take over the full responsibility for the lights, agreed. Street naming compromise, the play area will be called „Douglas Park‟ and the street „Granville Gardens‟. [DOC 797]

February 8th 1996 Recreation Management JF Grass cutting & fertilization Fishing Rights representatives of two local clubs attended and discussed the fishing rights. Pavilion/Jubilee Centre alterations to office premises, tenders now out. “ Breakins/vandalism, discussed. JCJMC proposed meeting for 9/2/96 called off by SCC. Playground matters minor matters discussed Grants MTFC changing facilities £2,000 rec. M & D Swimming Club £300 rec. Winged Fellowship to go to E & P. Mildenhall & District Lions Club, hire costs for carnival recommended.

February 22nd 1996 Full council Watering Hanging Baskets no response from Mildenhall Retailers Assn. Additional part time cleaners appointed. CCTV report of meeting at Riverside Hotel, need early decision from Mild retailers Assn about going ahead. St Mary‟s Church Wall Faculty received and planning approval received. Grants also available and agreed to proceed. Street Naming The whole estate off West Row Road to be known as „Douglas Park‟. Recreation Management report accepted and adopted Fishing Bailiffs discussed Pavilion/Jubilee Centre alterations to office premises, lowest tender £1341, agreed. 180 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Grants MTFC changing facilities £2,000 agreed subject to other funding being available. Planning Isleham marina Condition no. 4 about occupation during February. MPC object to this condition being removed.

March 14th 1996 Establishment and Policy Watering Hanging Baskets recommended to purchase 550 gallon water tank to replace smaller bowser to use for watering hanging baskets. Office accommodation now altered. MPC to visit Saffron Walden Town Council and Edge Designs about software for office. Expected that manual and computer accounts would both be used for next financial year. Storage of old council records recommended that they be sent to Archives Office at Bury St Edmunds Parishioners Surgeries Cllr Horne wished to hold. MPC has no policy. Exclusion of Press & public various staffing matters.

March 28th 1996 Full council CCTV MPC contributed £4685 towards 5% of capital costs. St Mary‟s Church Wall need an extra £1,000, agreed. Street Naming „Douglas Park‟, Cllr Taylor explained the situation. Establishment and Policy report accepted and adopted Half Moon/College Heath junctions Funding of £40,000 towards a scheme including a mini roundabout at Half Moon and traffic lights at College Heath Road. agreed Ferry Bridge WR letter from SCC to start Feb/Mar 1997. Street Lighting 2 year contract with Pearce & Kemp now signed from maintenance. Contract for supply of electricity from Eastern Electricity also signed.

April 4th 1996 General Purposes St Mary‟s Church Wall Active tree roots stopping rebuilding of the wall. Trees need to be felled and faculty needed, cost implications. [DOC 823] Cemetery Thetford Road Moles causing problems. No of reserved plots increased. Burial statistics 47 (12 in garden of rest) for 99/96 compared to 48 (5) for 95/95. Closed cemetery Kingsway meeting with officers of FHDC, still intend to designate as Local Nature Reserve, agreed to continue with planned maintenance. Allotments Gravel Drove site inspection, to consider splitting plots. Allotments Lark Road SCC lease till September 2001. 15 out of 50 plots now vacant. Bus Shelter King Street rec replace the light. Grants Suffolk Accident Rescue Service £350 recommended, Royal British Legion £144 recommended.

April 25th 1996 Full council [First computer produced minutes] Street Naming „Douglas Park‟ estate agreed £150 for display for Museum. Half Moon/College Heath junctions need details of the scheme costing £100,000 of which MPC had agreed £40,000. General Purposes report accepted and adopted St Mary‟s Church Wall Tender for felling 6 lime trees lowest £1375 +VAT agreed. Confirmation of a grant from FHDC of £4091 would offset costs. Updated costs for next meeting. Reference to minute 8/1/1969 when agreed that 6 beech trees be planted to make provision for when the lime trees were removed. 181 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Closed cemetery Kingsway Letter from planning officer FHDC re Local Nature Reserve. It need FHDC members agreement which had not been given. Allotments Gravel Drove letters sent to tenants. Allotments Lark Road 11 plots not let but clearance done. Grants Suffolk Accident Rescue Service £350 agreed, Royal British Legion £144 agreed. Planning matters included extension of BR school, extension of Museum, erection of village hall at WR.

May 2nd 1996 Annual parish meeting 13 cllrs and 3 public Allotments Lark Road SCC agreed long term lease until October 2001. Folly Road DC waiting for a report. Confirmed this matter under consideration since 1985. Judes Ferry Bridge WR due to start 1997/98 assuming funding available, cost £650,000. St Mary‟s Church faculty now granted to fell lime trees. Audited accounts 94/95 plus unaudited to 31/3/96 reported.

May 16th 1996 Recreation Management JF condition of field Dog Fouling „The Fogs (fouling of land) Bill‟ currently before parliament will allow all DC to designate parish land and so avoid poop-scoop byelaws for each area of land. River Lark navigation Proposals FHDC be asked to clarify the situation. Hiring matters to consider letting JC for local associations have display stands on 28/9/96, rec. Playground BR various rec made to full council Playground Mildenhall repairs needed. Grants Bunbury Players curtains more info needed, SCC Education Dept £50 – 75 recommended, M& D Lions, £20 recommended, Mildenhall Cricket Club building works etc costing £48,810, no recommended until September.

May 30th 1996 Annual meeting of MPC Ch Roman, VCh Taylor-Balls St Mary‟s Church Wall updated costings provided but still less than original sum agreed. Faculty now granted. Appointment of committees [see DOC 832] Recreation Management report accepted and adopted River Lark navigation letter from SCC the new bridge will not affect navigation. letter from FHDC, no action to be taken Playground BR various matters Grants Bunbury Players, agreed to provide new track for curtains. Planning Isleham marina Condition no. 4 about occupation during February. MPC object to this condition being removed. Application withdrawn.

June 13th 1996 Establishment and Policy New Computer report of visit to Saffron Walden Town Council, recommended to purchase finance module and planning module and other modules later if needed. Additional phone line needed, recommended. Delegation of spending powers to committees recommended to council to consider each committee having the power to spend a sum not exceeding the budget, agreed 7:4.

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Chain of Office & Insignia to purchase a chain of office to replace ribbon and also an insignia and ribbon for V Ch, rec. Possible adaption‟s to David Rogers meeting room to give council a place to meet as District Council Chamber is not always available. It would not solely be a council chamber, rec.

June 17th 1996 Full council Meeting in David Rogers Room [First time] St Mary‟s Church Wall trees now removed. Establishment and Policy report accepted and adopted Additional phone line decision deferred. Delegation of spending powers not agreed refer back to committee. Chain of Office & Insignia Chairman‟s chain £175 similar insignia on ribbon for V Ch £135 agreed. David Rogers meeting room extension as storage space agreed. Planning includes Place of worship at former Comet Leisure Centre.

July 7th 1996 General Purposes Cemetery Thetford Road various matters Allotments WR to be advertised. Allotments Lark Road 8 still vacant. Highway matters annual tour of the rows. Lighting matters various general matters Street naming at St John‟s Street BR suggested „Eagle Place‟ but comm. recommended Peachey Court. Grants St Louis family Service 2 chairs £330 +VAT rec. Burial grounds St John‟s BR & BR Methodist, recommended £80 each

July 25th 1996 Full council St Mary‟s Church Wall trees now removed. Chain of Office & Insignia Chairman‟s chain £327.50 similar insignia on ribbon for V Ch £135 confirmed. Adaptions to David Rogers room referred to recreation management committee. General Purposes report accepted and adopted Bus shelter light £400 +VAT agreed. Street naming Peachey Court recommended to FHDC. Half Moon/College Heath junctions more details of the scheme needed. Council records agreed to have records placed on micro film and purchase of a reader £355 +VAT. Staff vacancy part time assistant to clerk. Events Council dinner 17/10/96, Sell Yourself Day 28/9/96.

September 12th 1996 Recreation Management Charges reviewed recommended no increases Comm. Estimates £39,730 recommended JC main hall new windows costing £920.60 recommended Playground Mildenhall clerk concerned that the playground conveyed to parish council in 1979 and still subject to charity commission control and annual returned were required. Grants MTFC, information given by FC about the scheme costing £111,628. Old changing room now used as a store and PC to ask FC to remove. Mildenhall Cricket Club recommended £2,000 towards a new building. 183 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

WRVH & PFA seat £28 +VAT recommended, Community Education Road Show £50 recommended. CAB £18 recommended. British Red Cross request for land alongside the proposed Army Cadet Force building on pit area, recommended 30 m x 50 m be granted. JC David Rogers Room (Closed session) 4 tenders for extension discussed and rec. Improvement, plan to lower ceiling, improve lighting, add colour. Details and costings discussed at length, agreed to defer till next meeting.

September 26th 1996 Full council at FHDC St Mary‟s church wall ongoing work Recreation Management report accepted and adopted JC main hall new windows costing £350 per window agreed. JF recommended about a total ban on golfing, agreed. MTFC the old building will be removed in November. Sea Cadets mini-bus Sea Cadets wished to dispose of mini-bus which was given by PC in 1992, agreed. Exclusion of press & public JC David Rogers Room (Improvement, plan to lower ceiling, improve lighting, add colour. Agreed to go to tender. Estimate Recreation Man £51,830 to include these improvements, agreed.

October 10th 1996 General Purposes Half Moon/College Heath junctions scheme explained by SCC Folly Road SCC may block off at the end. Lighting of Precinct to check MPC responsibilities. Cemetery charges 5% increase, allotments no increase. Allotments WR allocation deferred. Com estimate £62,773 rec.

October 15th 1996 Recreation man sub. committee Playgrounds Various matters plus Tee-Pee possible replacement, 1 quote £5435, agreed to get 2nd quote. JF recommended to purchase two more seats for river bank. recommended to get expert opinion about the poor state of the field with possible re-levelling. St Mary‟s church wall done, recommended replace concrete post with cast iron estimated cost £240 rec. MPCC requested that a Christmas tree be placed in front of church, rec that MPCC should ask Round Table. Grants HR Methodist £80 recommended, St Peters Wr £80 recommended, Mildenhall & District Museum for wall hanging £1000 recommended, Crime Prevention Panel £200 recommended. MTFC request to use of floodlighting, no details so no decision. Sell Yourself day report of event.

October 31st 1996 Full council JC David Rogers room store extension 5 tenders, lowest £12,480 +VAT agreed. Planning approval not yet received. General Purposes report accepted and adopted 184 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Barton Mills round-a-bout to write to SCC Highways and MP Richard Spring. Folly Road ongoing discussion WR allotments allocations agreed St Mary‟s church wall recommended replace concrete post with cast iron cost £144.50 agreed. Grants all in GP report agreed. Transfer of funds agreed to move £25,000 to an account which gives a better return.

November 7th 1996 Establishment and Policy com estimate £34,843, GP estimate £62,733 (includes £32,905 for lighting) RM £62,830 97/98 estimate £160,356 recommended. Sell yourself day report Grant Police cycle recommended £150 Requirements of RFO [DOC 897/898]

November 28th 1996 Full council in David Rogers room JF Byelaws working group formed. JF Survey SCC quote £1,300, National Playing Fields Assn £1,672. SCC accepted. Establishment and Policy report accepted and adopted 97/98 estimate £160,406 agreed. Grant Police cycle £150 agreed. River Lark leak from river, emergency work costing £822 was agreed. Still leaking and responsibility being investigated. Extension to JC planning officers had some questions. Highway matters A1101, new footway between BR primary school & Holmsey Green. Does MPC wish to pay the whole cost (£15,000) if not the work will not be done. To check details and see if FHDC would assist. Highway/Footway Group priority list of works needed, group formed. Street naming FHDC confirmed “Eagle Place” will be used.

December 19th 1996 Full council JF Survey done by SCC Computer need more basic memory from 8 mb to 24 mb and will cost £113 +VAT agreed. River Lark leak Environment Agency suggested that FHDC/MPC were responsible. Suggested remedial work trench with clay back/filling to be jointly funded by 3 authorities, agreed to proceed.

January 9th 1997 Recreation Management JC extension work ongoing. Sell yourself day recommended to go ahead in 1997. JF remedial work SCC had done tests, reports and costings to follow. JF reservoir leak from river. Playground shelter needs repairs £250 rec. Equipment ongoing. Grant request WRPF & VHA for grass cutting £625 rec. British Red Cross request for land alongside the proposed Army Cadet Force building on pit area, 25 m x 50 m recommended.

January 23rd 1997 Full council 185 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Respect minutes silence for SCC Jack Haylock. Recreation Management report accepted and adopted British Red Cross request for land alongside the proposed Army Cadet Force building on pit area, 25 m x 50 m agreed. MTFC extension of original lease dated 30/3/90 for 21 years required. The lease should be extended with conditions remaining as before with a review of the rent should be undertaken in 1997. agreed. Kingsway Highway works to start 3/2/97. Traffic management review for Mildenhall, report to be forth coming.

January 30th 1997 Establishment and Policy Precept recommended to take £11,137 from balances to give precept of £149,269. Members refreshments recommended that these be financed by members payments.

January 30th 1997 Special meeting of full council report of meeting of E & P agreed.

February 6th 1997 General Purposes Lighting of Precinct clerk could not find MPC responsibilities. Matter deferred. Other lighting matters Clerk concerned about costs of repairs and replacements. St Mary‟s church wall final cost £18,914, grant of £5,365 from FHDC. Allotments Mildenhall now 9 vacant.

February 24th 1997 Rec. Man. working group Replacement of Tee-Pee with “Pineapple Whirl” costing £3,249 Report engineers report on equipment included.

February 27th 1997 Full council Reservoir leak from river FHDC need costings. MTFC confirmed that lease has been extended by 7 years and signed. Special meeting of E & P report accepted and adopted Special meeting of MPC report accepted and adopted General Purposes report accepted and adopted Replacement of Tee-Pee with “Pineapple Whirl” costing £3,249, agreed.

March 27th 1997 Full council Reservoir leak from river likely costs to be £4,500 to be shared by 3 authorities. St Mary‟s church wall claim for damages from SCC £895.50 Highways Kingsway to be completed by 11/4/1997. Total cost £96,000 therefore MPC share £38,400. Computerisation of lighting records. over 700 lights £311 agreed. River Lark Extension of navigation, report of a meeting on 21/3/1997.

[End of DOC EG 711/1/15] [Start of DOC EG 711/1/16]

List of all archived files with bag numbers List of all Footpath archives.

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April 10th 1997 Recreation Management JC storage extension viewed. David Rogers room Draft specification discussed also furniture costing £4,000, recommended that existing furniture be used for the next 6 months. JF levelled and seeding has been completed. Lark seepage letter from MPC to FHDC about costs. Grants Mild & Dist Swimming Club £325 for annual gala recommended, Mild & Dist Twinning, meal for 50 Luc-Ser-Mer £250 recommended Playgrounds Mild various matters Charity commissioners, clerk asked to charity could be wound up in favour of MPC. Public right of way discussed

April 24th 1997 Full council Highways A1101 at BR, agreed to fund £4,000. Recreation Management report accepted and adopted Lark seepage MPC agreed to pay 1/3 cost. agreed Standing Orders & conduct of meetings reviewed.

May 15th 1997 General Purposes Lighting of Thetford road Highway/Footway Priority lists to be drawn up. Cemetery Thetford Road Botanical survey by Suffolk Wildlife Trust, one of the best 46 in Suffolk. rec to take up offer of management plan. Store repairs needed and extra security, £634.41 recommended. Closed cemetery Kingsway recommended that 2 cllrs be appointed for liaison. Grants SARS £350 recommended St John‟s BR £85 recommended. Exclusion of press & public hiring of field by Jubilee 66 football club.

May 28th 1997 Annual meeting of MPC Ch Roman, VCH Taylor-Balls Highways A1101 confirm £4,000 be paid to SCC for footway works. Footpaths ongoing matters Appointment of committees General Purposes, Recreation Management and Establishment and Policy [DOC 949] Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting held on 8/5/97 received and discussed. Low numbers of public attendance. Judes Ferry bridge unlikely to start until 1998. General Purposes report accepted and adopted Grants as above agreed. Closed cemetery Kingsway clearing by volunteers, 4 seats donated by charity shop, open day 1/8/97, 2 cllrs appointed as liaison members with FHDC.. Internal refurb. of David Rogers room 2 tenders but more detail needed.

June 12th 1997 Establishment and Policy DC representation request to FHDC for 2 members for Great Heath ward, first requested in 1993. Millennium celebrations group to be set up. Standing orders for contractors reviewed. 187 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Flag Pole recommended to have a council flag pole. Riverside Middle School access, new plans to be investigated. Exclusion of press & public Jubilee 66 football club.

June 26th 1997 Full council Establishment and Policy report accepted and adopted Flag Pole estimated cost £500 agreed. Riverside Middle School access, agreed to support the school. Highway A1101 work now to take place 30/6/97 British Red Cross land alongside the proposed Army Cadet Force building on pit area, lease signed 23/1/97. Exclusion of press & public Jubilee 66 football club.

July 10th 1997 Recreation Management Working groups appointed JC repairs to railings £779.66 +VAT rec. JC leaking skylight Internal refurb. of David Rogers room (other than furnishings) 5 tenders lowest £7017 +VAT recommended. Curtains & track 2 tenders, accepted £835.72 +VAT JF renovated areas further work has taken place. Go For Green 1, improve hedge at E side, 2, clear area in SE corner, 3, plant a line of trees NE to SW. Children‟s playground Mild 1, letters of complaint from adjacent property owners, replies with action taken. 2, repairs to concrete posts, 3, damage to Fort Wicksteed.

July 3rd 1997 Personnel Working Group minutes attached (12 staff)

July 31st 1997 Full council Personnel Working Group first meeting on 3/7/97 Recreation Management report accepted and adopted Go For Green items 1 & 2, above agreed. Children‟s playground report accepted and adopted Grant WRVH & PFA £375 +VAT agreed. Children‟s playground Charitable Status. Proposed and agreed “that MPC agrees that the children‟s playground off recreation way Mildenhall should no longer be signed to charitable trust status, and this charity (Reg No. 304920) should be wound up forthwith”.

September 11th 1997 General Purposes Review of charges Cemetery plus 5%, allotments plus 5%. recommended Committee estimate £63,409 Grants F H Sea Cadets £200 recommended, Brandon & Mild CAB £50, St Peters WR £85 recommended, Methodist BR £85 recommended. Town Signs recommended they say “Mildenhall High Town” to recognise the ancient charter of 1339.

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September 25th 1997 Full council JC Floor problems to replace wood block floor for £9,000 with MPC paying 60% and SCC 40%. County architect had apportioned cost of £4,780 i.e. 50%/50%, agreed. General Purposes report accepted and adopted. Watering of hanging baskets £3,300 agreed. Douglas Park Estate name board will cost £2,000 to £2,500, agreed to get more quotes. Grants as above agreed. Removal of 10 caravans from pit area. Legal fees £810.20 +VAT agreed. Quotation for 2 bollards to stop access £126 +VAT agreed.

October 9th 1997 Recreation Management review of charges JC/JF increase by 5% rec. committee estimate £55,825 JF renovated area still not satisfactory, withhold money until satisfied. Basket ball Facility request from resident. River lark seepage problem now solved by Environment Agency. BR Playground repairs to equipment £673 rec. Hurst Fen & Howlett Hills letter from Suffolk Wildlife Trust about work needed, agreed. Grants Mildenhall Lions £36 recommended, St Peter‟s WR £85 recommended.

October 30th 1997 Full council Visitors present Judes Ferry Bridge revised scheme costing £650,000 starting in March 98, agreed. Recreation Management report accepted and adopted. Review of charges JC/Pavilion/JF to increase by 6%, vote 7:7 chairman‟s casting vote to increase by 6%. JC Flooring no final decision of split of costs. JF renovation the work to be done has been agreed with SCC. Planning included Proposed British Red Cross building off recreation way. It was noted that no work had yet started on the proposed Territorial Army Volunteer Reserve building. Grants HR Methodist Chapel £85 agreed.

November 13th 1997 Establishment and Policy Estimates committee £40,970, GP £62,409, RM £50,825 Total £154,204 Delegated Powers recommended that standing orders be changed. Council strategy 1998-2003 groups to be set up. Use of pavilion by CAB who owe money. recommended to find suitable tenants. Isleham Marina various matters discussed Exclusion of press & public to discuss clerk‟s salary.

November 27th 1997 Full council JC flooring SCC agreed split 60%/40%, MPC to pay £3,824, agreed. Planning British Red Cross brief to be prepared. Territorial Army Volunteer Reserve building requested an extra 2 years (3 to 5) to start work. Establishment and Policy report accepted and adopted. 189 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Estimate 98/99 £158.204 confirmed. Grant Suffolk Regiment Museum Appeal £100 agreed Clerk‟s salary increase agreed.

December 18th 1997 Full council JF renovation Mild Cycling club will not be using the JF in 1998 despite the improvement work done. Go For Green Hedge planted on E boundary of JF. Budget & precept £154,154 (incl lighting) CAB office no new user identified. Proposed TAVR and British Red Cross buildings, due to complications, 1, TAVR wish to terminate their lease on February 1st 1998, 2, Red Cross to be offered TAVR site, agreed. Traffic management comm. report included. Magistrates Court possible closure. MPC agreed to write to MP. Community Action Plans for WR agreed to spend £75 as an initial cost.

January 15th 1998 General Purposes Allotments WR “ Mild currently 16 unlet (out of the 50 available). Mild Relief Road rumours concerned the deletion of this road from the programme of major works. Clerk to clarify position. Isleham Marina requests from residents for parish notice board. Agreed to request permission from site owners. St Mary‟s church wall still no response from SCC about the claim for damages. St Mary‟s church notice board repositioned. Grant request St Louis Family Service, 4 tables cost £368.95 rec.

January 29th 1998 Full council Community Action Plans meeting planned for 2/3/98. Suffolk Housing Assn. name suggested “St Andrews Court” General Purposes report accepted and adopted Mild Relief Road Letter from SCC “ this scheme will be abandoned” noted and agreed to write a strong letter to be retained, agreed. Council strategy 1998-2003 ongoing. Traffic study King Street only 8 cllrs responded, report to be sent to FHDC. Planning included Little Chef/Burger King at Barton Mills round-a-bout, strongly opposed. Thetford Road Lighting new light at £600 agreed. Exclusion of press & public St Mary‟s church wall. Offer of £350 made and increased to £500, accepted.

February 5th 1998 Recreation Management JG Go for Green update 1, agreed to plant alder trees in October 1998. 2, Provide a footpath from Barton Mills to Gas Pool JF Dog Fouling The 1996 act covers the JF JF grass cutting recommended SCC JC main hall flooring repaired JC David Rogers Room recommended to buy 24 chairs but no tables. CAB looking for new premises continuing. 190 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Pit Area two options put forward by FHDC, Option B preferred and rec. British Red Cross request for a longer lease than 25 years. Grants Mildenhall Swimming Club, Gala £325 recommended. MTFC recommended to pay the £2,000 agreed in February 1996. Mildenhall Scout Group recommended £100 to attend Jamboree.

February 26th 1998 Full council Recreation Management report accepted and adopted except where noted to the contrary. JF Dog Fouling The 1996 act covers the JF, to come into force 1/5/1998. JC David Rogers Room recommended to buy 24 chairs but no tables. Amended to include tables, now 24 chairs (£2878) and 9 tables (£1605) total cost £4,484, agreed on casting vote of chairman. British Red Cross request for a 99 year lease, more information required. Grants as above agreed except Scouts. Plus Mildenhall Museum £500 agreed. Pavilion maintenance works to go out to tender. Highways report of programme of works, estimated cost for 98/99 £111,500. A1101 not expected in 98/99 as cost is £48,000. Chairman‟s itinerary noted Attendance at opening of new changing rooms at MTFC on 19/2/98.

March 12th 1998 Establishment and Policy Parish Strategy to go to special meeting on 5/5/98. Parish Review for BR Public meeting 17/2/98 with 90 parishioners. Referendum to be held 23/4/98, recommended to Secretary of State by 7/8/98. Beck Row Community Centre would not be subsidised or taken over by the new council. No recommendation given.[DOC 37]. Grants policy reviewed. Grant requests Printing a Lark Valley Book expected to cost £6,300, recommended to refer to Rec. Man. SARS refer to GP, Mildenhall Cricket Club refer to Rec. Man. Planning WRPF & VHA request that MPC apply for planning permission for change of use of new land. agreed.

March 26th 1998 Full council British Red Cross request for a 99 year lease, agreed. Pavilion maintenance works lowest tender accepted £6,573 agreed. E &p report accepted and adopted. Specimen Financial Regulations agreed to adopt. Parish Review for BR it was agreed that MPC should register a view. A1101 Relief Road SCC seeking views of MPC. Judes Ferry Bridge latest details.

April 9th 1998 General Purposes Allotments 5 unlet at Mildenhall, 2 at WR. Thetford Road cemetery sale of some grave plots confirmed & regulations reviewed. “ future extension negotiations should commence with the Forestry Commission. Street lighting renewal of maintenance agreements discussed. Bus shelters at BR & WR should they be provided, discussion. 191 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

War memorials require cleaning. Comet Way information board ongoing discussion. Folly Road traffic problem residents questionnaire, more information needed. Grants SARS to deal with after Annual Parish Meeting on 7/5/98.

April 30th 1998 Full council GP report accepted and adopted Street lighting renewal of maintenance agreements, ongoing. Parish Review for BR referendum results, 483 votes at BR, 85 votes at HR, [DOC 45] BR 343 for separate PC 140 against, HR 40 for separate PC 45 against, overall turnout 34.5%. (HW turnout 61%). It was agreed to request that HR should stay with MPC as a separate ward.

May 14th 1998 Recreation Management Play area BR long discussion (37 minutes) regarding proposals by Beck Row Youth Action Group. JF Dog Fouling & other byelaw matters discussed. J C J M C minutes of meeting held on 1/5/98. Grant requests Lark Valley Book, recommended £50, WRVH & PFA, recommended to 1/3 cost of grass cutting £570, i.e. £190. Children‟s playground Mild byelaws needed.

May 14th 1998 Footpaths Group Footpath 24 Footpath 30

28/5/98 Annual meeting of Parish council Ch Roman, VC Taylor-Balls Cllr Mrs P Barker congratulated on her election as chairman of FHDC. Appointments of committees to remain as before. Strategy Document had been discussed on 5/5/98. Annual Parish Meeting minutes received. Parish Review for BR proposals by FHDC given [DOC 55] Recreation Management report accepted and agreed Grant requests as above agreed FHDC guide entry agreed at cost of £720 +VAT.

June 11th 1998 Establishment and Policy Street lighting maintenance agreements, quotes from Pearce & Kemp & Eastern Electricity recommended Pearce & Kemp £32,444.20 for 3 years. Legal expenses insurance cost £174.50 rec be taken. Health & Safety Regulations Advisory service by Zurich Insurance £220 +VAT recommended. Grant requests SARS £360 recommended, Centre for Brain Injuries £50 recommended. Millennium Working Group agreed to set up a group. Playground Equipment Group met on 1/6/98 and their proposals were agreed and recommended. [DOC 68] BR Playground discussed. Skate Board Park BR a proposal that this should not be sited on PC land. 192 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

JF Basketball courts site near pavilion. Possible grant of £15,000 for 50/50 % funding. Exclusion of press & public Strategy Document 1998-2003, minor amendments made and recommended. Sick leave Development Land off Recreation Way, report from FHDC.

June 25th 1998 Full council Judes Ferry Bridge work started. Footpaths group meeting 14/5/98 received and accepted Establishment and Policy report accepted and agreed Skate Board Park BR on ext Toc H land, MPC agreed not to proceed. Development Land off Recreation Way agreed to ask FHDC for a public exhibition. Strategy Document 1998-2003 agreed to content and adopted.[Note by B Sulman, I have not seen this document included with any minutes.] JC furniture need 2 extra tables costing £241.93 agreed. CAB possible extension of pavilion considered.

July 9th 1998 General Purposes Allotments Lark road 4 vacant, Gravel WR 2 vacant. Thetford Road cemetery Land purchase being progressed by Forestry Commission. Closed cemetery Kingsway some clearance work done by base personnel. Agreed to a site visit before October meeting. Street Lighting 1, New lights considered. 2, Numbering of lights ongoing. Highway/footway future works programme discussed. Playground BR BR football Club have difficulties with access to their pitch. Grant requests BR Methodist, St John‟s BR £85 each recommended CAB possible extension of pavilion considered. Agree in principle but finance must not come from parish council, recommended. Millennium Working Group funding available from Millennium Commission for schemes over £5,000 to be agreed by 31 July. recommended a copy of Mildenhall Treasure should be a project. Projects under £5,000 including new seats around new trees on JF, clock on top if JC and a nature booklet for the parish. Proposed a budget of £7,,000 spread over 2 years.

July 30th 1998 Full council Skate Board Park BR noted details of the conveyance document dated 24/7/1975. Development Land off Recreation Way details of „Pit area‟ available to the public. Strategy Document 1998-2003 publicly launched on 27/7/98 at a press conference. General Purposes report accepted and adopted. Comet way information sign progressing. Grants as above agreed. CAB the area that may be available is too small, no further action, agreed. Millennium Working Group application for Mildenhall Treasure sent. Increase funding from £7,000 to £10,000 agreed. BR football Club sought permission from MPC to cross their land to get to the pitch, agreed. Pavilion Changing room urgent repair work needed, £2,902 +VAT agreed. Policy public being allowed to speak at council meetings commencing 24/9/98 for 12 months trial period. 193 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Street lighting numbering of lights cost estimate £1,500 agreed. Planning matters including Isleham Marina to delete condition 4, February occupancy. MPC still object. USAFE Band use of JC for concert and request for refund of fees, agreed.

September 10th 1998 Recreation Management Review of charges recommended MTFC lease due for rent review April 1999, last altered 1993, no change in 1996. Recommended to increase from £75 to £150. Committee Estimate 99/00 £41,631 (39,000 less than current years) recommended JC Main hall floor to be examined. JF bailiff duties various problems discussed. Basketball court quotes for surfacing, lowest £5,540 accepted. Mildenhall Children‟s playground Fort Wicksteed need repairs £894 +VAT BR football Club access agreement to go to solicitor. Grant requests Mildenhall Lions £78.90 for hire charges recommended, St Peters WR £85 recommended, Crime Prevention Panel £15 for an award recommended British Red Cross lease off recreation way, Red Cross cannot proceed for 12-18 months. Confirmed no lease arrangements for the site.

September 24th 1998 Full council Public participation first introduced. Request for pedestrian crossing in BR. Town Signs agreed to write to SCC asking for High Town to be added to town signs. Recreation Management report accepted and adopted Parish Review BR recommended by Secretary of State, agreed. Access to Riverside Middle School meeting arranged for 30/9/98. St Mary‟s churchyard trimming two lime trees £180 agreed. BT pager for parish keeper needs replacement. Agreed to pay allowance to keeper and caretaker, agreed.

October 15th 1998 General Purposes Review of charges allotments no change. Committee estimate £68,079 Thetford Road cemetery regulations to be reviewed. “ Proposed extension nothing to report “ Garden of rest to be extended to east. Street Lighting additional lights discussed. Barton Mills round-a-bout long awaited report still not received. Access to Riverside Middle School meeting held.

October 29th 1998 Full council Millennium Working Group replicas are not allowed. JF Basketball courts application made to FHDC for grant of 50%, cost to MPC expected to be £3,600. GP report accepted and adopted Cemetery regulations set up a working group. JF & children‟s playground draft byelaws to be agreed TAVR now relinquished the lease, chairman & vice chairman signed. 194 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Vacancy Cllr M A Stephenson resigned.

November 12th 1998 Establishment and Policy Estimates 99/00 E & P £45,610, RM £45,431, GP £62,279. Total £153,320 - £3,000 from reserves = £150,320. Vacancy election for Market Ward on December 10th. Development south of closed cemetery Kingsway, ongoing. JF tree planting to consider 3 oak trees instead of 4 alders. Grant request HR Methodist £85 rec.

November 26th 1998 Full council New councillor Mrs M E Kowalyk confirmed. Establishment and Policy report accepted and adopted Estimate 99/00 £150,320 Grants as above agreed. Mildenhall relief road letter from SCC confirming abandonment. Millennium Working Group Charity shop has offered £5,000 to purchase a copy of the great dish, clock on JC, wildlife booklet and new seats are ongoing.

December 17th 1998 Establishment and Policy Budget/precept special meeting as new parish of BR ward as from 1/4/99. Precept to be agreed on 21/1/99.

December 17th 1998 Full council BR, HR & KH details of separate arrangements given. Change of name proposed “Mildenhall High Town and West Row Parish Council”, refer to E & P. Budget/precept special meeting as new parish of BR ward as from 1/4/99. Precept to be agreed on 21/1/99. Children‟s playground Mildenhall members noted a document from Charity Commissioners which confirmed that trusteeship was now vested in the PC as a collective body. Folly road traffic ongoing. Barton Mills round-a-bout report now received.

January 7th 1999 Recreation Management JC main hall floor extra ventilation and repairs needed. JF moles control at south end of field. JF tree planting 3 oaks at end February 1999. Byelaws updated and revised version agreed and recommended for adoption. Basketball pitch removal of trees and cutting back £375 plus £80 recommended Grants requested WR FC refurbishment of changing rooms £1,500 recommended, WR Tennis Club £3,000 recommended, Mildenhall Cricket Club £2,000 for tree work recommended

January 21st 1999 Full council Special E & P minutes approved. Precept now £131,744 (£51.60 per D band property) Precept for BR set by finance director FHDC £19,152 (£30 per D band property) 195 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Recreation Management report accepted and adopted JC main hall floor more work, costs to be borne by SCC. JC public entertainments licence need curtains cleaned and fireproofed £375.60 +VAT. JF grass cutting quotation up 5% on last year. Clerk to negotiate. JF Moles cost of £150 +Vat agreed. Basketball courts new quote for tree work £425 +VAT agreed. Grants as above agreed. Highway matters major matters discussed. Reports included letter from CAB that they would vacate in January.

February 4th 1999 General Purposes Thetford Road cemetery review of regulations. Thetford Road purchase of extra land ongoing. Barton Mills round-a-bout notes of meeting held on 29/1/99. Highway Agency proposed work between Chalk Hill and round-a-bout costing £187,172 but only minor changes to round-a- bout. Street lighting additional lights agreed.

February 25th 1999 Full council JF byelaws update of current situation. General Purposes report accepted and adopted Working group regulations. Highways matters discussed. Planning applications included 39 dwellings for Blooms Nursery, concern about access.

March 11th 1999 Establishment and Policy Statutory Instrument for BR, HR, 7 KH Parish Council from 1/4/1999 – 10/5/1999 BR ward members would act for both present and new council. Staff pensions discussed. Office equipment copier now 8 years old and needs replacement. Outdated TANDON 286 computer and printer to be disposed of. Thetford Road cemetery review of regulations. Water trailer purchased in 1985 with 500 gallon tank now in dangerous condition. Need to buy second hand machine at approximate cost of £500, agreed. Grants requests Mildenhall & District Twinning recommended £240, SARS £375 recommended, Suffolk Wildlife Trust £50 recommended Land at Lark Road/Kingsway request by resident to purchase, MPC to object. Old Town hall Site request from purchaser of town hall site for MPC to give up some access rights to land at rear. agreed to discuss with Scouts. Annual parish meeting agenda discussed. Exclusion of press & public re-letting of part of pavilion (ex CAB). Retirement of clerk to take place at end of September 1999. [there has been a full time clerk since 1983 B.S.]

March 25th 1999 Full council Establishment and Policy report accepted and adopted. Pavilion ex CAB to be let to Mildenhall & Lakenheath Drainage Board for 5 years. 196 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

Byelaws now advertised and ongoing. Street Lighting 3 new lights costing £2,197, others to be considered by new GP committee.

April 4th 1999 Annual parish meeting Police report Highway matters New perishing arrangements from 1/4/99. Nominations for new councillors closed on 8/4/99 with elections needed in both Mildenhall wards, WR ward elected unopposed. Noted that no election for BR, HR & KH as 9 nominations for 9 seats. Restitution of name changes to 4 entry post road signs agreed 20 for 11 against. Change of name to include West Row, only 6 voted for the change.

April 15th 1999 Recreation Management JC main hall floor repairs carried out. JF byelaws are with the Home Office for approval. Basketball court details confirmed. Children‟s playground problems with balls going into neighbouring gardens, consider raising fence on north side. Grants requested Mildenhall Lions to bring „White Helmets‟ to carnival asked for funding, rejected but hiring field cost £82.35 rec. Mildenhall Cricket Club, sponsorship, not possible, NSPCC for family fun sports day, £68.24 recommended

April 29th 1999 Full council Byelaws now approved by Home Office from 20/5/99. Training in JC on 5 Wednesday evenings. Annual Parish Meeting report of meeting held on 8/4/99. Restitution of name Mildenhall High Town, agreed to put on agenda for first E & P meeting of new council but not to change to „Mildenhall High Town and West Row Parish Council‟ agreed. Lark road allotments possible sale to fund new road to Riverside Middle School, to go to first GP meeting of new council. Recreation Management minutes accepted and adopted. JF river bank breached on adjoining land and some flooding of JF. Environment Agency had plugged the gap. BR councillors to continue until 10/5/99. Grants as above agreed. Planning matters included Isleham Marina Ltd had again asked for February occupation clause to be excluded, MPC that previous comments that the clause should remain still stood. Purchase of trailer for tractor second hand trailer purchased for £375 +VAT confirmed. Mildenhall Town Forum flood lighting of St Mary‟s Church at estimated cost of £10,000, be deferred to next E & P agreed. Financial report BR, HR, & KH PC would get 19.25% of the current balance.

This concludes the minutes of the Mildenhall Parish Council from its inception in 1894 to the formation of the separate parish council for Beck Row, Holywell Row and Kenny Hill in 1999.

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A new council held its first meeting on May 13th 1999 when chairman Gerald Taylor-Balls and vice chairman John Barker were elected. Amongst the new councillors was Brian Sulman author of these notes. updated 15/12/17

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Appendix 1 Council Chairman between 1894 and 1999 Stebbing 1894 – 1906 12 years Read 1906 – 1910 4 years MaClaren 1910 – 1936 26 years Mutton 1936 – 1937 1 year Mothersole 1937 – 1938 1 year Turner Samuel 1938 – 1946 8 years Parsons Dr C T E 1947 – 1954 7 years Oldman P A 1954 - 1958 4 years Moore William Archie 1958 – 1961 3 years Roberts G Ashton 1961 - January 1972 11 years Eastham J D January 1972 - 1974 2 years Mears 1974 – 1978 4 years Abbs 1978 – 1991 13 years Madeley John 1991 - 1995 4 years Roman Nigel Anthony 1995 – 1999 4 years

Appendix 2 Council Vice Chairman between 1894 and 1999 Livingstone Rev 1894 – 1898 4 years Read 1898- 1906 8 years Betts 1906 – 1911 5 years Fowler 1911 – 1912 1 year Mutton 1912 – 1934 22 years Mothersole Arthur 1934 – 1935 1 year Mutton 1935 – 1936 1 year Remington J E 1936 – 1937 1 year Turner Samuel 1937 – 1938 1 year Mothersole Arthur 1938 – 1946 8 years Turner J C 1946 – 1952 6 years Oldman P A 1952 – 1954 2 years plus 1964 – 1970 6 years Willis K R 1954 – 1956 2 years Edwards Bertram Albert 1956 – 1958 2 years Roberts G Ashton 1958 – 1961 3 years Lee E F 1961 – 1964 3 years Eastham John Derek 1970 - 1972 2 years Nelson T A 1972 – 1973 1 year Mears 1973 - 1974 1 year Wells 1974 - 1976 2 years Abbs 1976 – 1978 2 years Turner Horatio Edward Daniel 1978 - 1981 3 years Wallace Laurence John Edwin 1981 – 1986 5 years Barker John 1986 - 1987 1 year Madeley John 1987 - 1991 4 years Roman Nigel Anthony 1991 - 1995 4 years Taylor-Balls Gerald 1995 – 1999 4 years

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Appendix 3 Council Clerks between 1894 and 1999 Boyce Robert Adolphus 1894 – 1933 39 years Neve Arthur William 1933 – 1939 6 years then in forces Byron L V Oct 1939- Dec 1939 Neve Miss C M Mar 1940- Apr 1940 Hutchinson William H July 1940 - May 1951 11 years Dannatt F June 1951 - Sept 1951 July 1966 – January 1967 King H J Sept 1951 – Sept 1963 12 years (presentation silver salver) Wallace R E Oct 1963 – 31/10/1983 20 years Coombs Terence 1/12/1983 – 30/9/1999 16 years

Clerks salary between 1894 and 1999 1896 £5 1974 £750 1976 £1291 Dep £1219 1978 Clerk £1611 Dep Clerk ? Parish Keeper £56 per week 1982 Clerk £3880 Dep Clerk £2963 1983 full time clerk £9714

Deputy Clerk V C Phillips appointed April 1974 - December 1983

Council Treasurer Read Odden F 1894 - 1934 Barclays Bank Ltd 1934 – 1941 Lloyds Bank Ltd 1942 – present (2017)

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Appendix 4 Longest serving councillors between 1894 and 1999 Barker John 13/3/1969 22/4/1976 7 + (40) (resigned March 2017, almost 45 years) MaClaren Duncan 31/12/1894 – 9/3/1937 42 years 8 months 3 days Balls Gerald Harry 24/5/1979 after 2017 38+ Fincham Robert 10/2/1899 - 9/3/1937 38 Rolfe Charles 21/4/1899 6/3/1934 35 Abbs Harbord George 22/3/1960 27/4/1995 35 Roman Nigel Anthony 19/5/1983 after 2017 34+ Turner Horatio Edward Daniel 24/5/1949 28/4/1983 34 Peachey Adrian Frederick John26/4/1984 after 2017 32+ Mothersole Arthur 06/03/1934 (21/2/1946) 32 Madeley John Kenneth 21/5/1970 29/4/1999 29 Parker Charles Samuel 15/4/1898 (17/4/1924) 26 Mutton Edwin James 16/04/1909 9/3/1937 26 Turner Samuel 17/04/1925 7/4/1949 24 Oldman Philip Arthur 1/5/1946 4/5/1970 24 Presentation (Silver cigarette box) Wallace Laurence John Edwin 13/5/1976 29/4/1999 23 Gooch-Taylor-Balls Mrs Terresa A 18/5/1995 after 2017 22+ Smith Malcolm K 16/5/1991 31/10/2013 22 Parker Luther C J 19/04/1912 (19/4/1933) 21 Morley Albert Charles 06/03/1934 24/3/1955 21 Leonard James 18/7/1974 27/4/1995 21 Hill William 13/04/1913 (3/11/1933) 20

Appendix 5 Estimates/Precepts between 1894 and 1999 1898 £47 1933 £50 1934 £80 1935 £90 1936 £160 plus lighting £136 1938 £500 (lighting £330 other £166) 1940 £100 (lighting £50 other £50) 1942 £60 (lighting £50 other £10) 1944 £300 1945 £340 (lighting £128, property £164, General £48) 1947 £300 (lighting £220, General £54) ?? 1948 £300 (lighting £225, general £75) 1949 £350 (lighting £225, General £125) 1950 £350 (lighting £270, General £80) 52/53 £500 (lighting £300, general £200) 53/54 £1200 (lighting £400, general £800) 54/55 £1200 (lighting £900, general £300) 55/56 £650 (lighting £300, general £350) 56/57 £1370 (lighting £670, general £700) 1d rate = £176 10/- 59/60 Lighting £680 extras £350 60/61 Lighting £700 expenses £400 61/62 Lighting £700 expenses £500 201 | 2 7 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 8 H i s t o r y of Mildenhall Parish Council

64/65 agreed to ask for extra £400 to precept for lighting 66/67 agreed to increase precept for lighting by £500 Supplementary precept 71/72 £1600 to meet additional costs, Town Hall £1000 Cricket Club £500 Footpath £397. 72/73 Street Lighting £4800, Burial Ground £100 other £4850, precept to be £9750 1974/75 £26062 1975/76 £24000 1976/77 £27,740 1977/78 £29800 (lighting £8900) 1978/79 agreed £36480 including £11,110 for lighting. Rate relief £6480 1979/80 agreed £34740 including lighting £11,800 1980/81 £41,120 (includes lighting £13820) 1981/82 £50920 (lighting £15,800) 1982/93 £65,000 (including Lighting £17,500, Jubilee Fields £11,800) agreed to take £10,000 from balances to make precept £55,000 1983/84 £89550 (incl Lighting £26150, J F £9870, Pavilion £11600) (taking £12,000 from reserves to make £77,550) 1984/85 £99980 less from balance £21980, therefore precept for £78,000 (lighting £22160, Town Hall £6300) 1985/86 £107,714 less from balances £19,124 = £88590 1986/87 £92298 (after £13,000 from balances) 1987/88 £106,420 approved 1988/89 £129,120 minus £20,000 from balances 1989/90 gross £124,850 - £11,000 from balances == net £113850 1990/91 gross £127,655 - £8,000 from balances = £119,655 (incl lighting £29157) 1991/92 £75,542 Net (£23,000 from balances) 1992/93 Total £145,549 less £55,000 from balances =£90,549 (lighting £59,490) 1993/94 total £134,913 less £35,000 from balances reducing precept to £99,913. (£49,169 for lighting). 1994/95 £171,934 (increase due to new village lighting) [Public lighting now £94,962] Take £14,810 from balances = net £157,124 1995/96 £106,471 less £36,000 from balances = £70,471 (lighting £39,107) 1996/97 £106,472 minus £7364 from balances = £99,108 rec. (lighting £23,116) 1997/98 £160,406 agreed. (includes £32,905 for lighting) revised 97/98 £11,137 from balances to give precept of £149,269. 1998/99 Budget & precept, £154,154 (incl lighting) 1999/00 £131, 744 (£51.60 per D band property) [This is for the new parish council with BR, HR & KH separated].

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References Mildenhall in Old Picture Postcards (MIOPP) Mildenhall in Old Postcards (MIOP) Mildenhall Monthly Journal 1872 – 1900 esp Oct 1897 fire at Morleys furniture Simpsons Almanac 1873 – 1946 Frank Parker Auctioneer (1896) is this FAVOR Parker ? NO ref Kelly 1925/6 Henry Burt with his shop pg 47 Mildenhall in Old picture photographs (MIOPP) Flooding Arthur Vale pg 58 (MIOPP) Steam Fire Engine pg 59 (MIOPP) Fire Engine House pg 60 (MIOPP) E V Boyce butchers shop pg 66 (MIOPP) Neatway later Kingsway pg 67 (MIOPP) Old Workhouses near church ? (not new workhouse in Kingsway built in 1895 costing £11,000) (MIOPP) Bridge Mill Fire 21 August 1921 with old fire engine pg43 Around Mildenhall in old photographs (MIOP) Hockey team incl H Stebbing pg 48 (MIOP) Robert Fincham pg 68 (MIOP) Jesse Ford with blacksmith yard pg106 (MIOP) West Row fire engine pg 110 (MIOP) West Row Fire engine house pg 110 (MIOP) Rev Fowler baptism pg 114 (MIOP) James Dunlop in car pg 117 (MIOP)

Kingsway Cemetery Information from book containing list of gravestones at Bury Record Office, collected November 2016 Opened in 1856 and used by the whole parish until St Peters WR and St John BR were opened in 1874 and 1875. No original records or maps exist except the church burial register. Last burial January 1970 but names were added to gravestones until 1975. Formally closed on 23/10/1972 and control passed to Mildenhall Parish Council (and later to FHDC) [I Brian Sulman do not understand it being passed to the district council as the parish council is still (2017) responsible for all maintenance.] Surveyed in 1973 by the local history club and report given to MPC. Survey requested by DC in 1994 when a map was prepared by John Zeal, the inscriptions had deteriorated in those 20 years. Dr C Dring 4/4/1996

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