ANNUAL REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2018 Informing the legislative debate since 1914 ANNUAL REPORT Congressional Research Service Library of Congress Fiscal Year 2018 To the Joint Committee on the Library United States Congress Pursuant to Section 321 Public Law 91-510 Mary B. Mazanec Director January 2019 Congressional Research Service Library of Congress 101 Independence Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20540 The annual report is prepared by the Office of the Director, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, 202-707-5700,
[email protected] CONTENTS Letter from the Director 1 Leadership 2 Mission, Vision and Core Values 3 5 SERVING CONGRESS Products and Services 6 Major Policy Issues 19 83 OPTIMIZING RESOURCES Strategic and Directional Planning 84 Human Resources Management 84 Technology 86 Knowledge Management and Intranet Governance 87 Policies and Guidelines 88 Communications 88 89 APPENDIXES A. Organization Chart 90 B. Offices and Divisions 91 C. Budget, Resources and Other Funding 94 D. New Products 95 iii LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR Mary B. Mazanec, Director exists to serve Congress. From the enactment of legislation in 1914 establishing the Service, to the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970 and into its second century, CRS has served Cas a vitalRS source of nonpartisan, objective, confidential and authoritative information, research and analysis. We continue to evolve and transform the organization to ensure that we are best positioned to support a 21st century Congress as it grapples with critical legislative and legal issues. This report highlights our accomplishments in fiscal 2018 in support of our mission, which remains the focus of all of our work.