
Vestibular () System – Information and

To best understand balance, we should first look at The are filled with fluid. At the . The consists of the visible ear, the base of each canal is a bulge called an ampulla. the , and the outside of the . The ampulla contains sensory cells that send waves travel through the outer ear to the eardrum to messages to the . As the position of your get to the . The middle ear is just behind changes, the fluid in the ear moves and bends the tiny the eardrum. It is a hollow chamber that contains . This sends a message to the brain about the three tiny called the . The bones carry speed and direction that you are moving. In response sound to the . A small tube leading from to the message, the brain sends commands to move the back of the to the middle ear is called the your eyes so you can see clearly as you move your . It keeps the middle ear filled with head. The brain may also send commands to your air. The inner ear is filled with fluid. It contains the muscles to help you keep your balance as you sit, , the semicircular canals, the and stand, and move around. . The cochlea is the of . The semicircular canals with the saccule and utricle are All of the balance parts of both of your inner are the organs of balance. called the . If the vestibular organs are damaged or diseased, they may send too many Sensors inside the three semicircular canals detect or too few impulses to the brain. The brain interprets movements made by the head and rest of the body. these abnormal messages as an imbalance of the Sensors inside the saccule and utricle detect whether body. The person then has a false of motion, the body is upright, upside-down or in between. or dizziness. This condition is also called .

Inner Ear or Labyrinth

Semicircular Saccule Utricle Canais Vestibular

Bone Auditory Nerve Eardrum Cochlea

Round Window

Middle Ear

Eustachian Tube

The information presented is intended for general information and educational purposes. It is not intended to replace the advice of your health care provider. X20541 (Rev. 12/2019) ©AAHC Vertigo/Vestibular Contact your health care provider if you believe you have a health problem.