UNLV ___r • YELL mnnm-739-3478 Vtkmtt / ■ Aprt2,mi hmß Students To Reagan Attempt React mm Assassination

»_ _» » -I<»l__»U m»__il_ ._«i__ public m«»iim to nrsnr fran tho , lk> Wi*l —11 Hlnon Haul McadvF and nock. •kodi ol MoreUy ■ Inmlii it- i«ini_i*mii*lniM«Mn«l»«lto|llWlllK» ttoitjW IMI •llkfmimmWtt >•«•*■ . Univaraa* Hoapftal. Um UNLV op llMifcj Mojnr Sudott Uatam TV toon _m_iltuWM, •«M I lull laa prialdllH., baa baaa ■itw»Hto curront i«o»mo» illidud n_aMfJ_,«Mn Aimmlv on U» i and a«»«j parth_rfc.M_ < ■MP** Jhdm HmcUoy, Jr. ud tot i aattion. Mrtou* coßdWoa of PtM Socnurr

* ■' *" »■ prawM.J wwßnMMnMaww7M___ ■-~--j-> JIAM BnO>. *- * --- - • » ■* - ,m i - ■ •WMt TCHpfWI ■ MM IWn, Whlk tha Wa#a Hon* admlaiaM- vmv nu piioiiM3iip.ii cmiv »** M 9 —i - - * *n_____- WnfJTJB■ nVa*)_K Nn~ 18 ■WJ t Uaaallainp»loilonCiaaililaol»latl»a I On iitirt miJmi wrnot Ihtof wttor, Mt<-U»—nnlHI«ll»_«l»d I amoa«C«tH_lû_b—and laaajan'a i to w»t» hlppm J to ProoMox loipn Wl—Bw«n« pone, office noma i condition bapravaa ouvfcadh;. baa i -*—*r -*—*•- niniilimliii ■ii7|ii I ' i Regents To Discuss Tuition Hike

' i- kjFtrriJtmtcMatnr poaabilkjr tkt latlalatura will aproa to nbaaooontly aurhorliad Chancellor' OTKVKH HAIKU UUSNN n/guuLinuMAN tkt faM itajw. lobar! BOral aad Cnalrman ftobort NUMAEM raWaf la Milka! Sciatica BMCO n«imi Irliirw It appaan tban ■ u ba •man> to Caaball lobby againat tnrraaalng J iou* A raoimmondalioo raiM tuition at to ' 21 It la orjvjna, oecordliuj to Calami C*j Novoda'a uni.arnaiia u porcout for tuition. Junior. IMM.II tnkr» f "I'm ihottad." Uaoaj^lnapaaeMaaa.'' ■ » HH k>m*~.k*rf~ bfMMnTmlm nakhau aid S» pnreaut tor nnp ml A raport on tba atataa of ponding ■IlktltMkM." Umbynuj afmrta by lora and otbar daouwaspartofGovarawfbxiortLiat'a latabuion of Inuraal to tba hard will III! II of r 111 tha Untvaraxy off propooad budfM |ii|imil to tha lii|niiaiaiila llii flaiwili' matting il Havana Inn, nava not aHmmalad tba l lafklntura narbac tkla yaar. Clark County Community Coaxal on pronpaclat a tuba la taatiuo, bat, torn ■ ThT Inrl ni .null ii.iitao.ilj ■M Ibaro iwi to In • batter t *»»«tM».hMHW campoi hu ba own apactfk (oak. ■iiiwiiTi »--. «n kww b Dankria arid, and Ibia iholbiam

"I'va ownalot of oatooaumm among tba nonpar I'va mat at tha uaharaity. and i foal that la vary Important.'' UorJataaald.Hatoidao«bualaralortbi acboai la pood for davatopawM and

Danlaki racatvad Ma aarhalnr of bckncoaoaraafromUrioaaUnhioraky

——■■■-^■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■1 ardnMrnanrofAittfromtlmUnlvorilly nhntn byU* Zakhkk of Chicago. Ho aamad a doctoral! of o£.BoMyOukb •duration from tbo Urdvoraity of Reagan Freezes Student Aid ngadttoai wwi printed in Jwraaiy), team. Imjiilwlmw Hgr famlHtl at thqr innot withdrawn tor racauidara- terawM IMW IhfcfOMMM MliaiMM *to»." by 11 W plum low >Mn •i mb mm Ith* M wUbtm Hm adMnMnlta, howmr, wuh locmvmmbcc tor BMny Hbhmh mb tompllH lIHycilteum, Una • CHENYL SULUON UAMKOOUUEA tin -Ul~ la U» nut teal UUDOMAMrTOM r ■■ ' •nrkw STiiih, o■MpTjli'i; Tto Ham of ta ■■inmUHiii mr. rw-tunta. » Hull II rrirtwa, U iipnlii to rmtan piorioj IMP tto ■i finite, ■MgiWIIIT !■■ ■rlajiialu 'lt || . I «-'l »■ I oart Of tIM ■•*- MMkadlH waaU aaw , ib*d.lttßoin M "Uk. Mr* UfObQ llMlillllllllTlll'l ■Wl ww. I , " M»tot K te—M, —1 an liiiimi &HilUMt'iioolMM.l4>Mi«MlHMlolak« ili».■■ mmtt of mm tm M IW. » «oo> I 1 I < »*»»"» Loot i to ftw ■"afl QtaaM a pot .hot.'' ■•»•■ •abaaa aWt ■■ MM*." t jajimiMiiJ lojBmnownl IWliaMlliHliii'ooliio film kW iH> awnh Wi* ■* atHfi. ■■ (tonaataatwoiMrolUMllto „,,, IM , .'...—:,ft*w*; to M Omu, aa » Hh laaho aaMtaa sen Ml Uak Ua>' «■* « ■» ttmmt Kiniii, Hr» A IXnaliir, I*l7 aafc bj to. .mom* .to •£■«•»••*•»- Cdtojt Mm nialiTlTi load load**j tto wotkkarttoaat>, too ■Mmj «teM» lmtS"oimm ■' iMMklklllaiVMnaaik anM far IU aaprfaa M aaa> far •taaaliU. STLtpa *■**« •• f«M ol "Wt aa't loao M MM to 00 ■oaaaaw *0 MR M|£> Mi ■ O00« ■y* 'j I'l'jiii.'fyyrnTi"

*• .MM -MWHM. ROTC Evaluation Planned by 4 W»t j»W* *

m * *i C«JM - ' cm JH 'Wr&Xj&Pimfir^''- "•;-'■ arear AM2.IWI Publications Guidance Committee Approved byOenitOmmt we have to offer atudetit." prolaiiianal print mourn, ana ban tba According operate and | to the pohcy, section baeavae aoma Senator* aa* information ollica Mm lIIIIIWH update tr*cortoiiUee*purpoeek,"toßaMue preened concern that the bbbbsjjMii Uv» treat U» Ccerauafcattona audiM that CHUM ■poneored pubtkationa MM may tab* power away from the Uanartmont. of \ ■}!•■ the noede of the etodente at UNLV for executive board and Uw Senate. Abo, Inn adman In abhrf weh t ■ Committee during Taiieoa'immkng. mfomatioa. free and open debate and Item A of lb* p reposal crigtoaUy CBUN nbHoMliw wB an oo noa- entortejaafleiw.'' etated. 'ToMkctfrosnaUapprkanteup mombata. Aaotkar ocManr oould to I Unlvereity Colhflt tHMor M Hal- The power, and raaponaibUUM of to three final ranrlirlatea for aabmteainn addad to tha ■i"" »■ olaraiy ■ of Um UNLV ; Update ia service deman Br*pretntodltopHMionto committee originally Include aeiacting to th* executive board. . ." The been publication la ancMad to on pnbnaaid. * YELL It is deeigned to keep our renders theSenate eeveral w*«hj ago. At that three candJdatea for fubmiaeion to the waa amended to exchide the word final otbar namlnai win bcougnt up -* informed of upcoming tvtnli on and time the item we* tabled m| ft was kxacuUve Board for the poaoioo of and. to add the word* "noo-binding during diacuadon ol lha i munann. K 's around campus. Ifyou haveinformation brought before the Senate Tnaadaj for editor-in-chief for each CSUN publica- racontnamdaaion'' to place of the word ..wMdWII. P.h.r.1... your group or organisation would lika ■pproval with the NMllllua. ejoerd tion, to beer grievancoa againet CSUN 'Submission." Kiaidlanaontlmftlttaaoutluaodfctlha < published, plaaaa type itdouble spaced, minutes Operating Foley. publication* and nuke recommenda- The proposition ako outlined the Uubnmca Committal but aeoumnng to » not and havo itin tha UNLV YELL offico by tion* to the CSUN Senate, to examine structure of the ccenanirtsi. The tha (SUM Ullllllllllllll Ihia appealed and poariMa. flmalM fauna Cohan •; Monday preceding tha Thursday Haldeman to At S»ate the pubfkaUon neoda of Uwcarapua committe* will consist of aii CSUN auf- tha eaying. member*, bo amnuilid > iaaue. "Give ua the oppaitanaty to to present policy recomrneadatloaa to twff of whom muat be (laandlhM uunuuaimalnn ''SI'N polmVationii. Spwatm-*: *our aoVbwr*. oaja fro*" the ao that tha Nllleatkaa Board aaold porfcrm tba dmioa Hall bl too taiiimaalliiii llmlin llaMimiin ilbia Hospice Considered goad withtba Man otaHnwlnalutahnia [ UNLV tfamandoua amount ol tiaot to anjand byAmyFblfd toward the endof theillneee." aha aaid. facility will indeed materialise,'' "We*- abbj at WaaloiHotOaalaaU anaacalaallaa While many cancer patianta are have looked aavaral alternative* to tan to be at home inetead of bl hoepttaJa. Laa Vagaa' * Ifthe Board ofangoata doea conunUoa bacauaa bo Mt aaaao- ; sometime*the primary caregiverin the not agree with the currant prapoaal. manta would maba tba m—am ba anal, a Information The Board oirtegante we) home* "can't handle it," or "neada a Hockhill aaid ana bebavea their baton. ■ punajliii ilaoinju. "fc'a .oneider B atop itafel duuetjaa." pfopoeeltobuiMalMa|dM M tkaUNLV rest," RocfchiU aaid. Hoapkee were *iv* piarmtog wUi pay off. ( In tba Campua at their nact aMejeng. daebjnad fill the need for an Adeleon Hoepka hop** to etart Hnalaaanld tap aalabblibminl oftba to iiaawam la A hoepice prmridM aaoanaal ■Itentative to boapiteiisation. constructs mAugiu* of this year, ebe waan't anoutb book tba \ 2 movie at • p.m. On pubacanon pnMana baao MOVIE&On April the ThaRuddy Holly Story" 7 and in a home-like ifmpnm |> Mtninal- Hoapkaa eerve only cancer patient*. aaid. They would baa to opan to wa an "at 7 campus. v J April8 and»the movie willbe "The Seduction of Joe I>nan and 9:16 p.m. ry-ill cancer pnteaaaa. . HockhiUaaid. There are eeveralreason* January, 1983. Both moviaa will bo ahown in tha Moyer Student Union ballroom. Irwin Holaahy. c laeal eas. oetate forthia. developer and CC- «6TC «*toa, Mr posted at an/®.;, ■ fl pbMttelirwfcrgagyc«Mrtig,tiggt brtoeh ef the Mtfteiy services. , ■ ■ •a^rruggevihoidWtoieurnggar MEN'SOOU-Iha ama'agolf tomn wH Mealnorth toReno to partkJpato in he CtoMM eald the EOTC should to ■ your itvorajg mbjkj the UNR Sprtog Chaste from April 4 to the8. altowsd I* fMMta on campus b# H -H SlyMtorgcgptiaValSflkWanrj ahoald be ewtotoirt on a yearly 9|^ figvrx(*N«vgdg'gplor»mh«ttag*, to flavor of the tempS I •I'M z . (Iwbanilria^liß^ilMtottMlngtrit llilf ttat to the past has I** I ■ Rgt»b'v*clOrtga,pMl«x)lulu<.. MRM the uaivsrsity ■ fl 30 lhayi»only S7.SQ.And twra fcr lii >11 I mw* dy. Ii |l l| *II u to■» I ase pennßlsd in free ef ehvgs. ■ onbiiFlniNMaMtMarNMrta. the wiwatt, fl And •*»» you ptekl* your Firgt hejtj# fll«wniirtnbngrnug,ghowugyour Oh«M MMhdtd aayiflf, | dtK* fmuQonytjur»lu3rtl.a«»jf'»■—i Mlhartthela#BwtoalwUOU to the ofl te

taaka te adUi win, li _ jUMyiMBUMW—jt.) mil I) lnJfrhltelrilM'—l.l* Maid IhmTfLt the Faculty s3| Jl .■«■ H^^

apw aapnasg oh Apni w,


1981 '

rebate ofthe Federal SlotMachine Tax. ]hl97BSeaLaxahsuceaa»Myleadthedrto loVFederalTaxoneachalot over $4millionannuallytopav for the basketball pavilions. Thel979NevafoLegisktureauthorizedasW The bonds would be paidoffwi&therßbatedFederalSlotTax. In March, 1981,the Nevada Supreme Court declaredtile baaketiball havetobe included asacharge againstNewada'sbonding capacity.

bonding ottiadlytotals $23/4million. Theremaining capacity is $81^00,000. fen»ilH«inffl»wfrifariF«faalSlot Tax will haveaccrued bvJunß.l96l.(sZ6millionhaH already been spentonengineermg and architectural plansfor the two haskrihall pavilions.) Ttai*onlys4Bmillionofbonds havetobeiasuedfo

surplusbondingcanaatymexcess of$34 million The Therefbre,iti*eatimBißdthatbythel963l^^ Itegentstoanthorizethe issuance ofthe $48 millionhnnd issue on thuhawbnf fane; community amdhaty needa,etc.) &K«epax>odiaithwithant?«ebye«peii£iigtte 3. Upholdtag the integrityofthe Nevada Lagialature thathas acted upon LegiiUtion pertaining to thebaakeOellpavilioniateachaMßianauice1971. j j U**e«itynondhwf|Mi^ Inconsidemtionforthepromi3eofadequatestuderUB€atinginthenew thestudents agreed topay themandatoryathletic fee. THEREGENTSCANNQT BREAK THIS PROMISEn UNLVYELLI4 Apci2,l9U Criticism 'Flung' At UNR Student Newspaper i. K,,M he i» pllUltl t In, by rWiVeen SekhtMr Thar* are a number of reaaons ihw -id rmninK . said the group nay ha riipnnilhli number of campus groups to undertake "So far we haven given 801 l "pungent event" could have occurred.I. majorserielon GonnlMfafl'iaUvitiei loc.ua. the, have pnh.shsd tiara this type of end..™ said. end tha paper isn't adsnkting cartoon depicting the with the informaital hw aaw, either. He said ke will Afterpimlistdt*the wort buiWiit Roll laid. A e doea have LTitkliingtheoVuc«re *a*—a," be responsible for the prank, Roll (CPSI-The Itapi . Two three hundred dollare lee. than To llufiiall' worriee. many *"«k> ■»*• "P : Although campus poUea am Ifcl imion or aaaa •»7 Since Coffin & Keys is s secret ' '■ 45-day lrw» on pmililn, they need." echoola ara davhaag temporary loan IbtrttHfl. »»lii>h»h»hmilmiii«. : launchad an mveetlgation, SaawArutA applio- organization, the identity of group? lions for federal flnandal M hu plans speeincally tailored to help meet Ska «ku> Ita mat ickoolp' lop prior*; ; aditor John Roll said, tha nawapapar members isn't known, the editor said. , virtually paralysed MM oalogo student Ha worriee that bills far tuition may tl»firsttuktar«Upmi*tecwr«tljr-«nilkd : staff lan't particularly opuanlatk that •twamu. oak itabjiiikijl , but it is rumored that many people ini aid officea, but pramieef to CMae even arrive before aid paeauajwa out ba ■tanuety ootee hie ecfaool baa a good «•»»■> : Urn identity of tha intruders will bo problems for revompod in theminuner.and 'thia -'cavaring suck tasMsetl- If •two-month tan tact MkfcM, student government belong to it. more Hiiiab during the that' reputotlon far summer, arrordbtt variena aid is going la causa a lot of bassist far ats aaada," aad la earn ka eea uphold •■kjikmll in pitnglT*-—'—T*" 'id officers. atudente who panic that they can't pay theiiiiiaailiiiiaslorigat eladeale tipsy howtod.JwlthiluntUsuinntar. obviouslystscoetto the mstltutlon. But Is kM aapaaaha pubic CSUN PiiaHaiillal undid** DMk .candidate to tit at a labia without delay caused by the fraaaa, however, traufcrriof Wa can't recruit ecttvaty becauaa wa wa hara to do M," ka titilttlades. (Mddai lb iqwM « , JUvoitiwft aaid Wediweday Iw tlwughtt poatora in Uw Student Union to talk to students may not boor antil the ililii ha riabaj Hktoaa the Election. Board waa "defmltory can't offer reaJantial eteidatda ntonay." Noneof the eid offkere roatarted for llmliull and J f atudonte. Ravenholt aaid "what'a the summer, when thay amy oot have by Collsg. Prate Ssrvios, lid, W«ttaW> Dym Dieted agalrwt me." point" siltingat "empty enough this erticle ■Makkf of an table" time before theOmit effall tarm however, of ap call! tta mbwatlf to UK Kkook Hie ntatßTnani cum after Uw Board I when naked why be had moved, to together amwy Adda tha Unlveraky of Wyoming's bad much hope makktf scrape from other Helhewt ftmkh "We've In a hnMlna all tha rrewerr anat if tha Beapjoji made two dachnona, band on theirr Tha ElecUona Board abw aaid any sources. mlaa wwcanimg Uw ■HHttwi of al poster with more than two flyers poetor, and Dm booth lavanhok had MtI attached to it and/or flyers protruding As a result, aome adadnbtrstors up in Uw Studaot Union ytttorday. from the perimeter of Uw poaterboard expect there moy bo m oaodus next would be in violationof Elections Board fall of students bom prhata oolleges to Eiectione Board mlaa, dielributed toi rules and would be removed, less expensive pubic oottogee. • every can didataat amandatory mating Ravenholt. a former Elections Board . barora Uw campaign bagfaa, includa member, aaid Uw rule* concerning dear The uncertainty pn»iht moet ' poatora '' thouId atay the nam*,'* in aonw tpaciflcationi for ma> financial aid offioee atnoo . tonal* and what* they may be poatad. because changing them "cauMs biae- President Reagan proposed in | meet- —in cuts During their regular Tuoeday aid pingramo hit hiding Pell inn. the Elections Board toldRavaohoK Accordlng to Elections Board Chair- ' student I Grants (formerly Baate ' that the booth not be tbt peraon Duda Stefanich, Uw board "hurt ' Educational could maid* Stu* »udenl Union with hia poetore attached gave a definition of poeters." ' Opportunity Graate), o—rati 11 dr. milo Loans, Itoletaied. slap may to start up ' dent and NationalDfcect Student DMf-Dr. MHo. a tervie* tk» UNIV assise of aelfraepeclwm be A good first be liking toil. Poatora already before the rule of your defined have ' Loons-was replaced by a MMce urgent, Be patient end good luck yourself Make a list of al A tabla is not an area rlMJgwated by waa been corrected and when Yell and the Pnyckoloitical ComhmUh§ Uw Eiectione Board to hang posters in new poatora should now conform to it, ' frustrated bat week and Evaluation CtnUr, quwttm- a aiiihskmwds eua positive sepeets of Terrel Bell to m tb* student Union. Tha told according to Botoa. ' Secretary Idncaltaa *>• Dr. Milo ofjunlpattaiidlla: aanessknaa era need Board mi tUMuwr forum thmt wiilattempt at Botoa aaid the clarification waa mad* announced' the treses. thsea ssthtla lamssdsrs. And by Ravenholt ha could either remain the would mUrvHK a/iv reaionabi* qmtthn relat- no tabla in Uw Union and remove Uw bacauM some ttudentt iprewad BoU said tha gßiiiamiiil ing meene curtail yourentrestlss to others procooo nomare Pel Orat applkatione to the pertonal, tocial, mti poatora or take both Uw tabla and Uw concern overtha lack of available potter I waj j_ aae, we can never until Congroee afthlapropoeals to emotional concanu af UNIV iludaitU. «,!. you care far. Yoa poetore outaide. room for non-election poatora. ' acted inwakabowaaotlsarwlUiwspondtous, Stefanich < change the oHgfldHty requirements for Oitettion* should ba brief, anonymotu Ravenholt moved bw labia and aaid'Dirk haa taken a lot of hottha prooseo af taking tha first thinga context. ' the grants. ■ltd eon ba submitted to either tha our poetore to Uw courtyard in frontof Uw ' wa'veeaidoul of Wean elep,bjrenern^out,Ur«laililytobe etudent union Wadneeday and aaid he not biaaed agahut him. We've given But because Pad Graate help deter- VSt V Yell, CSUN, or tha Ftychotogieai Dear Dr. MBai I aid wu»allne«.Thabana«lbtotaiastlag to root him the same consideration we've grvan ' mine what other Unds of finaodal Con-tvHng and fiihii*ii| Center. plana remain there during the of I has lemconviiicadthalnoooalkmtaM, • students can get, the frooas Nsangerhat we the campaign. » should do? itiiMai'i'iiiaw«M—awe—^^ effectively stopped the awarding of all and hurts. Whsl I ,aaa»dlsi«n»*aan7*athna.Tryk. ftderal aid during this, thebnaleet time Andbythaway. Dr. M. bhaayoo. for aooombHug aid "poefcagoe," says MakOuurfadßt ST Dallas Martin of the llaMoaul Aaeoda- Financial Aid Admin- Dear Dr. Mikr. tion of Student Dear 8.T.: Dr. Milo istrators. MgkoMK-aaTapMeh.aßrttalaaa . M One la to wait until ltl s sSw."tL office in a highly degrading, Inseneklve other ie to. as one administrator put it, manrerr.'Cstayrjasunawatnnwtoltißela Dfccounltoilud«ntiL "no through the motions." Both, aid thia? administrators say. do little more than of the freeee untilthe delay theeffects U.Z. "Going through the motions" allows Dear D.Z.: aid offices to continue to construct aid thougfctha pockafsofor students even Without knowing more paitkassra poefcagoe will probably fail apart dorian you, your your So. MtnludFkwy. tha oMMaar, says Joanne Eberin, aid about baas aad Is vary to Officer at Lehigh University. Until $0 co-workers, k dKßcuk advise 7364136 (hCotetiftw. eununer, all anyone can dois watt, she "mepeciflceJrj. In general, however, k «MB»froaUNL>k Day eays. clearly atKeaarathat you araupaat, or at '—q——^—fa«—-i • Career least ivjsMwssiad, about your washing "WocM'tdo much now in the «taraf relalkwisbsa wkh your boat. Doing eatimating awaide or projecting eHecta nothing about the ekuatloa obvloueh. CareerDayConcludes on enrolment," agrees Norman wiUrMbstp and willlikely only tacraaee YOU wnwmi—imuMwiiuiiau. director of Bali State Urnverity's rid your frustrations. Moat enpirleallj, 1 by Zmtm FwfCt ■IM OMHOOO a momto tuecMd iotoo nol office. "But now we'll be pushed bite you to CRNCOUNT 365-3451 world. think abould talk your bats ■—i ttmmt high gear near the summer, bitWMa privately and aapraas your Isshnge Cowor Do? mholM "Too moot Important thing ti to koop VV.inMitajwHlnlooctao.krid toIta , pninsstng awards and talking of the openly to has. As most traecsawvleiata ■ load hood with momcommon hm in phono itndanti and parents wha are Pfntkto Lottan. i »,"otoHd. to ara not bnalf to ba vary eeneetha er worriedthaywon'tget enough maMgrto Spotuond br tho Akuool AMOdo- iinoeretandkag, daa't expect intaiadssla tioo, go to achoot In the fall." CBUN ud too Momr »»■■■! rxieluve restiks. Timing, your tone af Union, tna kiorknn lurhlll mjoo) Becbanyo thetime between a student applyingfar aid getting voice and yrAuastf kt a ap«mii>i MMto kiekotd Aim «m, »■«"»» and the aidM asineeekn normally stretch to three or four non-etlarhiag aaaaar ara also vary loflMoowili months. enportant.la brave and lake the risk. rndAlbnckt.dlncucofUMAkn»i Perhaps wkk tkaa, ha will develop a 1" AModotioo. Slid ■pnrmrhntortr 111 A achool ocreens aid applicatiogia IB heakhlerreeeeWloryoo. At least your SSSKSSSSSff —« winter, tMOt toookoni »'■»■■ « koidwd lata forwards the surviven It tha federal government for review, and "Tk» Mor Conor Dw wm tonjor Anally hearo of the fate of aaoh »«fc|»« tworoinl maMMd. appHratlon in March, April and May. Back explaine. Then his office actOM* U olodonl lid tacooj tolomol ooopo blee to compete the aid package w*h locroaokw, Ajbrochlooid, too Aboonl money from othersources. The student inillln woold oko to npto oo' usual* bearsabout the final paduma In pngna to rotoro mm*. late May or early June. STUDENTS-buy ifat ym AlwoX Mid too muto Bj9| kM Ol MMjtof MOM* tk. OOOM But thla Mar, most students mpt •MUTfttMMfMMItoMMjIIMMto OMMOJIOOfXofeMM fatea too Itoll leoqi their until just a few wMfcg holboom to afoot 10 ll before the beginning of the fall insurance now... job BlchtrtStU imp. ooOMOtod to loouilMkn. ror thooo otudenta who life receivo lmi AoMtdta* to AJbMCM, Lm Vom from thagovernment thanthey reqgiife. BfllQ Diotrkt Attonogr takort Motor. IS ed-and many atudento will get §"■' VMM 100 boootbo UHM Moo 1010 Regents theprealdout'a budget cuts are apgeov- whileyourpremium gmTinui Md loothwool Qm Vtoo ed tbaaalaatfew weeks ■TlWtWm Kooflpß HIW oo"JoT# eoattawd from paga 1 willbe notliM oooVßttf leeethen"havoc" as they try to lo» ipiitm tooHtUMLV. Aprils. of the money they iinJS HE^H oojt-lillliill net need in tbM> «m to) Mom lo Otter action Mm» Hated aa Um > Sberle aaya. rate is low. HRH mmm pbiolot to too Mototo llddoot IHirti' Mill taduda a rafott Novsrthihoa some schools kolUojilo concantfagtha a aanfr* _OANRUSBtLL luHi.n.Tiniiitol atrial mini —tew, | "goingthroughthe regular io«j, ooVjo- nrapoaal tha aaa of vdvanto latod M lot omol oiilikooll far I "sitting la a holding pattern/ Hw il'lil Hooooor mo to loorood. far (ha pwpoaa of iiuiamiilM a | Uaiveratty of Virginia asaociauTß Inapfaaat UNLVand appaal ofaUHIY director lamssy. pwaoaafe rapanUag Jaasea Thus his s#wl dadriaa ter- ; to forgfng ahead \ whutim of Dm Id aaaembUiuTSi Irmaall— Lartiai > packsfeejustaaltdid in Mtrch year. The dlima ofS IiiWh,"Ioo1 i lie thatthis yeaglhb ￿"oornlttoo i illnl Aaaatdiattot UNLVkwtaaaa Miar, pachafae are temporary, he say,. ■M. oo* oooob Mot "onoM oopor- lieaMttvoaaatkaaof Aamntteg 111 Mojowowliioiil 11-OMIOOOMOI "haagiat" laat aaawater. Ho mark mi IN Ho cepacia ho'B "have to go ii o ooVHpmm too too to Mtd kaH tko«fd—to «d*d ag bafMfii loot 000 l boot hav*« ' I Nifi %^rr -h.r,,h, hoooo. UopodtormoMbooo. Moo tot ■*« •*■"-•■ II Wl JET} I | to;■*_»■■ SSEmtis ■ suaazr- aftha isaatd . ■otoLrf£3- " *». Li 'i »■*« *ha."'? lf'Ll «• /^j| Oastar w< tpfj- 3mo far tha ftMMfac «m*M« I » 8 J WTO. ilwaa—fa> ■ '*? jMtwoj|4«r Mm koMda al tha Matfag." f'H'lton "dr temporary." I ■ m V.p fej *8$ a

*' ... i y.' ' ' ; y m

4 —.-. _a_ i UNLVYELLI April i 1981 5 editorial Controlling Hostile Aggression

Viewpoint In poroKuUou. too people agaiaal raeeekenlof S>ivifoare wor and religious »**"* ftv BtHlim.it Sport. M.D. society suspends tba prohibitionsgainot their own family. » a rage: murder. Then even conortontioua aad .mfalmfm husband. felk«lu»uoaeet hoslihty to net If we could all find out whore hostile gentle individual! can be Uofbt to kill. daugmar. So. Intense to all peculiar to a namkar of amaen"" aggroesion comes from, there night be i So hoatile aggression latent in small m mora chance of contnuung k. humons-lo varying degreaa. Aad it to humans but to close la Ike surface Honminobk)and doeeomingthat . made palatable to the nation's con- many. and rape heanane are theonly species who will go i science by the paranoid mechantom Yet murder,aimed loahary, out andkill us ol their«nkind as which lays the entire Mama on the other do notcrop up in Urn enme paroaseefes nun? i to can ley uMrhejHka«i--lorpatriotic : country. Clergymen on both sidesclaim in dilferent couatrios. Ike lenee Mil IWT or raUgkHM reasons. Rjr comml othor God's partiaanahip. European countries are ■ Wo Anuejlnens ' eatnivono Milonly for food end many A majority of murdere an not muck lower than ksea. ■pedes here rituals for ensuring Hut l committed by cow-blooded thugs (who have a tor* tradUc * <+**»*. tMrquwrokiraa'tffoontomurdoror r are thuga because they were treated violence, ami an Intense sMllnattm even bodily bum. cruelly in chiktboodl but by ordinary- withk. Wkawaa Ike eacuees. enemaceo popularity ofwestern crime, aadkmnre violence, on lelevUeon aad m newlee- which then, In nee*, looters mora *»ced by tradition, by eiperience, and friends and perenta, while amiltej to brutaUty. by show nine cynics say an eountrtoebecome teaching. that It's make-believe. By Soma Spock . book «*»j m eearj Yet Some anthropologists believe thatour years of age conscience has become so Iteukunln rips for war giunallnn. Cart, remoteancestors acquired their cruelty strong-end rigid-that children must < Child a clootie irafkcoveiiatU tetters Svvkaerland and Sweden lam haw troll aophjr»lcnlaopocai when gave emotional ao disproved that. Cane* and Ike U.S. they up the security of trees perform superstitious rituals ("step on < to back") « childhood, hao told 28,000,000 mole war-en* aeeturee toward hunt other animals on the plains. ■ crack, break your mother's to have made no . Moot publlonod boot and a half. 1 believe that the intensity of the ward off even thoughts of harm to D> Spock each other for a century litcmt owl JnoVconl: Oi peace asanas*, It* lovingness of human beings has come, people. Andin their gory '•comics" and Include Quaker, remain moat JVraoiud and Witteol AVAavkn- or has grown pjenant sen by evolution, from the need to bold the T.V. violence, the good guys America as it Cofldroa 111 • I*n. to family together while children go triumph in the end. Jtau.'»» /Wfcll* the m- the bean ujsadsd has kaenmt never through kindness that keeps hostility Slnco UN ho hao mitten a month iiaaalngf/ arrogant In mill Hag In the uniquely complicated The stagesof under control inmost people most of the > column for Mbook Mnfonme. other, emaller. aatlons laenaUy at Ike human physical endemotional developmentwhich takes loor 20yeara, time comes from being loved in For bolpiDl to circulate "A CaU 1 deraaadofoiirnninMriaalasllhMiwas ml* so we have the illogical combination of childhood and loving In return. Thle is i lUoletuTetlliir»Authority ns Ood-gban privilege. One oaidran wuchanjed-alonf with to capacities to love madly and to hate thebasis of conscience; He strength and I Dt. Spock meUugMmschooltkMwnwlnlnamaao othtra, t~fc"«"g tho Chaplain of Ya editor right. erhfck feffocioualy. Us particular profile-in each group and I Jane*, lo Ihe preacher ,! level we are In the tocouoMl,a Ifco anv Ytll walcomoa lauara n refuted moilIα nuuttol aphis, Nice babies bite their mothers and in each family-are taught by parent* I ol and attempted lopoee previously revered the Noiitanco to tho draft. It Iromkaraadimoa] lotto aflmarwHo of . entail children bite each other. But by and school teachers. This la where i and abot AU MM II Ihoughtprovoking end politely put heahadahormofwmssncolUiuehlma U.B. Court of Appealo ultimata Iba ■hwallj communkj. NagaaaU. In neonle'a attendee tb* age of three, children are beginning kindlier values for America can be I miiifKaliiiod, although namoawill ba q quesUona. end lovoioad a lowor oourt'o gulltj vordir etu- can be dtamelkslrr lush- to learn to merely pretend to kill their forged. withhold uponraquaal. Prawraneo will Admittedly, there were eome toward war baftvtnUMlanlobapiibllaiiodwlUi d dentewho reeorted toridicule, but Unm otudenta were aignaturw. The {WIV rVU rMwvM « were few. Mo* of the Iha right Iα «Ut or rafuaa to print my p poring queallona. either lo try ml ■ndaUMUn.TtMCWienUirillDot d determine why he n eaying eome- STUDENTS eny aenee •capt (or publication Wan akbar II thlng which didn't nuke u> try end voice the other andoralngornolaupporlillg univaraltj « k> them, or INSOKB WMJR "A" mTH...- polkkalcaiididataa. AllbManmuatbo • .ide of the toues presented. s|^/?w\/ mwi. Some Kudenta claimed that the preacher had no right to be on "our", campua. PenonaUy I am gladto bo in an "Paper Chase" |fB||SSp' Hate Promoted .environment in which all viewa an permitted lo be aired. EepedaUy la «*•*•» « .«lc inotancee in which we diaagne, la papers "tA permitted to openly term |b»«L< good that we are report* noae queationa. We can eccompliah t*3\ Uvlm'i common [ letter* I atiM wtlli Its theae diacuaaiona without reaorling to f k__iV tha prwclur Ihal wu on matter now.Uongiy manuscripts You! coneornini phyaical attack no y^F^V I It's ampul Mondajr itumoon. * we diaagree. Congratulationa; We live Ibrt «U In •■• quoud u »>i«l , in a free eoriety. ralifioua bnolko pramoU baU. Wbr. pick-upmddJiwßryitKlNKO'S/^i^fi at Molhor Thoraia, aba baa , look - -t ■•]•»"'' promoud hala n much Ihal » driva. ' ?■'.. ""wJTtak'a. a IbV-lliapMla-M I* Congrats Day or Might!' Quality Guarantees."! orpbaaajai bulk bjr Ibaaa r.vtal along a laaiqr k'a Didyou know that time t*3 mauaca, m> Ood BarHjrl , Dear Editor:

niarabouUbaiobifloaeboiilaKlba Through n> WHY TELL, we would !S agoOaitmmesttdinalandfar Nf*l MUancbad mma humanitarian pur- , Uke u> eapnea our appreciation aad Paul Nila auch aa diacujami John eongralulaUoM to CSUN, Patrick Mel- faraway(notrtnUybutit hjjj Sartra'a aiiatanllaliam, Ludwig Fuar- ] toy. and all Ihoee who generoualy batk'a coßoapt ol "wk* tamUmam" contrlbuled their limeand abiUiea b> soundegood) people started (1.a..-|daairaQodloa«iat.tbarafaraba organliinglhia year's highly .ucceaeh] doan'l aiiat," or aa put in mora International FeaUval. praelieal larma, "I daakadawnlocomo dUrani«btolpain,lbaraloi.dawnwul Several aludenla merit special com- mendation. One ia Patrick Malloy who v oolcoma."BrilliantUidwif.l.Barlrand of all »uaoaUaco»caplollnliniurafraaaioii akillfully managed the acheduling 'vcafetenas.~jLjjWeW^ ,, aa Ood evenU begnning with the Cakano (La., "Who craalad God?. or evening wouldaajtoßarKy.icraaladjwi.and poetry reading on Wodneaday A Career and ending with the Roumanian and jou hava lo onawar 10 ma, it doaan'l ? yoßrpn*BNjfnwßoVww 2* Mld-Eaatern dancera.and a Chicane jdu mattar IIa poalor fod craalad ma. jou That Nourishes ft at or Ika lealro performance on Friday evening. whowertxumenoughtobuy >•/ bm arrlnd jourcnaw."l. (officer,ofthe idaaol and aril (1.a.."8 Hi. and Mra. ArifKhan «hoto food Cultural Society! and tow coma /International Ood ■ a load Ood, Ibau of Ike a>wir6oo*»oeaWy,u>e/i.. W "Br Bealrla OuUema (Preeldent Hlapenk Aaeocia- dvajouhaowlU aril, I Univeraity of Nevada and joucommit meet- § amatjraiil.bulillinakajounbouwho lionl attended all organiialional odKiMoMcirtv ■liwiinrtl 5a inga for the FeaUval. Through u»lr co.lonnlomjwill,rmunlair.liuaaal » tupporl and dedication, . and roMo»«o woo M irtjwfcVoterieAtwwnonrf wtowb*jou."l. ever-preaent mM* on M*ikod »"■» ;g£ can't FeaUval became internationally aad Mktovou : aoraanillona bay. the hfcjMiiaai Hoiprla of fti>OH,lto4i*Ktowc*,oiid :- paapto m all ethically repraeaiHaUve. Jim Nhm ear osM «r no* W teg UHad orar 5.000.000- worked eoopera. roaordad ">akfkm baa Ike Hotel AeeociaUon ... lively and diligently k> provide ethnic U.QIO) O.WM4 (IU)MMtH Qfi itiyou, JtoftertScouettoond Cj : UlaWlMiaaia|la>ha»anjtbmlalaa." aaSpM Hiatmcha would food for two of the noon evenU. ■:or tad ajj. want to reeognb. the :: Dkfc't our bill ovor W.OOO. Wo eopodauy pbb>onbloa ahMble contribution wide by Ike : : (aota Ika a»»7»jaara?"l. American Federation of Hwktaaa. it*you,BobShaddyand Local SW, which provided True) funde ■If laoWdy*r«ardb»ttlkapoaalbllkj lor Gormen, Marloch. and Dbdekad : l mllk»>tWfaraa. fcM i«kyou,loDeonoOomWt Q f •dataMwaara banda on lore, coneaculive day.. •: a> ol Ika crkkkm. ol ajtoa IMa, Studomaenlhuilaelirally applaudedIke ji Uaion'. gonerookyand themuokana' S 5 "*K»«wa«alok«.al»«italltb. talawt which enrichedIke FeaUval. ' WeU,thtSHgomon,but i; graat J^ To Dr. Stephen Duffy, Director tor C»1 {j^ International Service, wo oapme our hamo. naod. akaafkw "ptapa. ml J ' 'f — { "ilium i r'" ama. To Ike College ofIdatatioa. w. KlTildmidUaana wb. bolp thai. THE MAN'S HOTEL 6uyjwirlflMii>ifc*u« l .piw giverecognition tor bemgtag Dr. Jama, BUSINESS I; S, gT»a |!bll M >» «HIMII fcotn rirpofl Mot «M«0 !*£J 5 * " J - Cummine, Ike laeenmlhm Jry-recaf- HdM,»*' : lABp<» ( Wj ii»irr- I ntaad Canadian Baajuha, to preaaM l £»*j Ae/owititofafe - tka aim. o< §Mtagl»fto" i toqiM.mi. Daakle Talh or Doohli Unrvonilr ; Wa'l mob jou tto Hyar "Umgaaham: 10 MlrwM (Ml ConvenliMiCooior (Sum meet) rialml- aoteowredga Naeeba Think?" We Dr. ,-.' Conference noon

C m*.«T. • Dill (College'of 111 illill and FraaV Cotrmol Tor.. Sliow MorrMim on prop"*

of the Pakkaani Aaarakna - - DUI Hmom (locol all. (re.) iMiMMik, dent-atat Pool Color TV Olioci r Cakarel ChiM tor bar gnUi.ri m tht Copter or WrOrrr Servkcr witi.li on property TimmbtT.ymtoaktgo up tost3fafter ■Mltrlan of Mld-taomro artkaa. Netlirteftfag 0»pmlWgalinn aa raaaky reWearl thebookcm*out,sormrveyourcopy ; far Ike eternal anmrrf ißteraamaanl a challenging mid tower* •■ DoarMUr ' ImaJval waa today $9^ fag tanerietice. We look torward u for oDeaeamg awareat fa and rampatl at

■• •> pnaakar ttfaawfatfaraamayaara. aaka Maaoaaa m> ! o> — rr - - TSjT ni ii Caremny. getaFKEEimEpiloguewithevery ;; laeAanHayaa ■: Sm-».-»--*«»«---'2adllmwMmVaM wmkaaksdn rjhaafat of lalfagual fduiaain tea 9MB*yrEv^~^^ lmEpibgueyoupwvhme-. *JM KIM— Ml» tkmTtekwag JjtjftlMlll \ 01 tTmHTS -*-• -•» PtetlrfcA; C»aaer,Pb.D. entertainment Adler.Laffer, Liddy, JordanTo Speak at UNLV

oecond Since earning his et Columbia He has been a Nl Profeejo, of Southern California Center for the waa a cceetihant to the SecreUriee of 30 in the Moyer Student Union Speakers featured 111 CSUN'a spring Ph.D. floor University In 19SS, Adler haa written Business Economic ealWUrdvsraity of Study of Private Enterprise, a meonber Treasury and rjetwoee. loungee. iMturu MriMwill b* AmrkAnphiloM- the committee Jordan, who nmd Be Praahwnt mora than 10booka. Southern California obese 197g He was of policy and the board of Laffer received a B.A, fat KrwtfSTirre pher Mortimer Adtor.econoinjstArthur Proleaeor of of the et Carler'e Chief of Suit and . appearance here la jointly Associate ftestaees Econ- directors American Council for Vele University In 1963. He received Q. Gordon Adler B. Laffer. Llddy. lad the UNLV philos- omics St the Universal from CapilelForroalion. Hole aleo a member an MBA. In 1966 and a Ph.D. in director of the Carter-Mondale preei- Hunlhon Jordan. sponsored by CSUN. CWcngo at and an eipenditure 1970 to 1976. of the Monetary Advisory Board to the tVtmnttilrs from Stsnford University In dentlal campaign, will tpeak 8 p.m. Adler a, at ophy department, is 4 Artomue wUle|iesi Thursday. April university's indirect coat Laffer cunwntcjr a member of the Securitiee Groupend theadvleory board 197 J. on May In UNLV'i Ham '•> 7 p.m. in FDH from the 109. account authorized by UNLV Los Angeles TimesBoard of Econom- for the Tea Payere Foundation. Uddy, author of the beeteetler t'oncert Hall. > Mi> lock will bo 'God and Iho recovery to lecture le free. President Leonard Ooodall The re- ic., Director of Ike University of During the years 197JM977. Latter ••WILL." win speak at S p.m. on April Adrnlaafon each , Modem World." the eerlea In iponoored Adlor la currently diroetor of (he mainder of entirely by CSUN. Institute tor Phildeonhical rlaeearch, currently a member of edilorul planning director for''Ency- Laffer ia 5 Economic Policy l clopedia Britannica." and rhalrmnn of President Reagan's Luisa Triana-Flamenco Dancer and Teacher I Its board of editors. Advisory Board SylorJaeßHagguret Amor Brujo" balletby Manuel do Fella Tana Woman'a Unrveroity. century. st the Palace of Fate Arte in Mettico He u preparing to become the Bret Hordancing haa boon daecrfbedan CRy. mala in Taiaa to receive a doctorate ■daaalmf and ■übtle, drametlelng the Ruth St. Denis flamenco ia the llfeblood and daaraa to nance Hei related ana. Ha temperment and life otylo of ■i people, inspiration of Lulse ,Triune, who has Her rather, Antonis Trlana, toured plana to ntujuehTriana'abkMjranhy for Of her tearhmg at UNLV aha conquered America u the foremost the United States, Europe, and Sowth the TWU Department of Dance. enye,Tveiieverto»lhtat.o >«*«*> Dancers inLas Vegas petitioner of this denes form AtrMricswhhntunemeodsscers Argen- Bora to Zapata and a reeident of beforebutlvebeenteacningallmyafe want itfor history, tiniu aad Caravan Amaya. He Laredo tor many yeara, bo bee taught and probably will continue doing a being lnepirad by a pieces In danco noted Kae. The Uard.i&rida, j, from and longtime." Imagine cifarette niece premiered 75 years ago, with St. Trinutad m TH, n, triumph to triumph eventually dance at the Beverly HlUe High School I sdvertieemont Co devote yourentire life districtof Seville, she became u Luiea became hie partner. Toswthsr She fa preeenUy choreographing dancng aa child-beauty known tor ill yeare. He le uneiully on to dance. It mayamtnd envy, but Ihat'e Denis the lead 'La Nine de TrlareV' la recognition itertraveled around the world. "Hlest earjbotfcal doctorate, dancea for "Kaleidcecope lflrjl," the Ruth of leaveto obtain Ui essctly pioneer St. Salome. father's sbimj th, nslural eietdinlly would Gotietrai 1 what dance St. Denis her la fJamenco seemed that I aafd of Trtone, "She haa Contemporary Dance Theater'a annual -. Denie from octree! Not only will the original in traraformed her an be the company dence. Trlana is the rmesrusthi where become Ue dance partner," oho said. mfroeoced toe Spaniah dance the moat aprlng concert and will alao perform a dancer in 1806. dances featured, but dance V- into costumes, flowing music and merge to form the In the U.S. through bar that prodonion. 75 yean Vegas will wear original wiotim Now, aome later, Las capes flamenco. She has appeered In Lea Vegaa on the pwtalloanioi and teaching. She'i the She le Juat aa fiery and eidting a dance fane will have an opportunity to veils, swirling skirts, and colorful Luiaa was irsrotluxed anyone I cheracterued the late choreographer a todsnce before strip aa aa opening act aad la aaw mother of Spaniah dance in California, dancer ai ihe ever wee end aeeeomeofSt. Denie' moot memorable she even walked sad costumes, will be was taking lessons leeching danro at UNLV. She appeared having rnffcilncid or taught every aaaing her perform anowa they an Saturday, April 11, at the many of which at age of fast. dancee. to Smithsonian Institu- the At til. her natural ae alar performer ia the Lulse Tirana important Rpnojeh itnnnt ftnm the wont watching a manor of the flamenco Charleelon Helfhte Arte Center. transferred the ability and asass of rhythm coaot dance tion later this year, to be placed on was and Spanish Dsnce f-T™Tf Troupe to the eacood half of the 10th Aa part of National Dance Wee, recognised by Iks Bamenco dancer t!mt|Mrtbnnedoraindtltocoiintry and Contemporary Donee Theater permanent display. UNLV'a play Argentiniu, who smted Triana to had many triumphs, esflsreyjr/ et AlliedArteCouncil bringingthe St. Denis*butod™ stage In the end are the perform with her pilllleil II in a Caraaajs Hall, where she appeared Dancer, to Lao Vagal for "Du Barry" In early 1900a. Her UNLV Chamber Ensemble Ruth St. Denie turn, when, aa concert In Busans Aires. also. the one-nlght-only performance, est for destiny took a sudden appeared, eiplained In a later Interview. "I She at IBs age of eight, Bp.m. The company willaleo conduct a she in a flamenco concoct at Now rents Her producer end artistic director, et sittingin s drugstorehavinga soda Iscture-rtoriKiiwtraiion April 10 18:30 was Guild Theslsrsrai at age NeoOutierres, he.recently invited her To Perform in UNLV'a with one of my actress pale when 1 llaitheSan p.m. In the dance studio Francisco Opera House At 16 she to be a guest artist la Tens. He haa Physical Education Center. looked up and ssw this big poster Several worka by inJenuttiooally beenchown to appealto • wide range of i McDermott advertising Deitiee-No Bat- became the youagaat dancer to Interp- choeen her lifeas the theme for Ids According to Carole Haa, artietice Egyptian ret the title role fa Ore to at known cornpceote will be featured muaical taatea. ter Turkish Cigarettes Can Be Made. ess-piste "El thesis obtain bis Ph.D. In dsnce director for CUT, St. Denie was duringa hoeconcert Teaaday, April 7 to responsible for initiating the modern Suddenly, my whole Ufa waschanged." "Enaambla worka for voice, clarinet long premiered UNLV'i ArUmue Han Cancer Hall. dance movement in America. Her Net alter, St. Dents and piano, aa wall aa entirely tnatni* "Redha" in New York, ends numerous rnentalpieces, the range students included Martha Graham, Tlw UNLV Chamber will diapeij full Charles Weld- international lours followed. A lifelong Ineetnble wiU LVCP'i eneembw capabUHlaa," Doris Humphrey and perform worka by Xaaaiaa, of the man, all of whom later became pioneers dance devotee, St. Denie continued German, baaddad. of dance in their own rights performing into her 80e. Ciackhoakwatiaa, Praoch and Aroari- available throught the eta compoeen during The April 7 concert iione of eeveral The highlightof the April 11 dance Tickets are the 0 p.m. pre the St. UNLV department of physical educa- wntad froato tba public aachyaar by program will the recreation of tba Chamber Dents' "Dance of the Sevan Veils,' 1 tion. Call TSMS9I or eee-MOl for Playara. still one of the moat highly regarded in formation. Conductor aadmuaical director Yoehi For information call the UNLV muafc lahikewe note*tba concert program baa department, 789-3892. "****" 'TheFinal Conflict'

by MkhadantHblatt Goldsmith did the musk lor all three, In 1976, 20th Century-Foa studios ' and baa gone downhill with maw. released a film called "The Oman." Although trying to protect •serious YDCONUTTKffS Conflict" turns out to J B(iica it want ovar wall, they continuad film, "The Pinal atory "Damien, Oman 11" in be mora of a comedy.One example of f the with shows Daroten ordering roe V 1978. In IWI thay rained a thing. tola REAPPEAR food to kill all the infanta born The Yogonut lo . The bssk story describes three stages disciples tree, thought ba extinct, hen bock. in the life of the Antichrist, whom the within a certain period of tuna because bounced And ift fullof thote movie calla the aon of the devil. one of them ia the Nenaraae (Christ*. . ipackil glftl that once mode ita legend, rang* priaet Applet, raipberriet, raitlni, The first film ahowed We birth and These deaths from a wnflowar bob* daring baptism a awn little cups of yogurt. covered hii firat five yeara, aa aon of ' drowning ■ to Mm... coupUofboyanrntedssnuugtossithosT Once found everywhere, the Yogonut the Ambaaaador to the Court of St. ' good deed. tree dropped out of light due lorgely to a Jamei, England. i puoHc main Altbe earn* time, eeren prieeta have preference for factory food in the Since all the characters eicept 1»30V Thii hat irtelf, Damien juet to in found tant of daggers which are the trend reverted happen die the firat eamput ipoketperton 'Damien, only thing that can kill Damien. m the however. A announced one. Oman II" showed him fnotfno treat nave been Drought to original OJm, all eeren bad to need m on living In the United Stalaa with his eamput for the good of all. to vent sequence In various parte of Daesiau'i uncle, hair a fortune and Now Ifi eoty to protect me Yogonut powerful company at 18. body. Now, one will dothe Job. to matter the tree. And good fasting too. lecauaa all the The other main character* in thia film k doaan't seem smce imirural rhing t from the Yogonut tree are dent know what they are deang •lao findtheir demiae, ao the atory shine priaata pacHed intothe Yogonut bar* Which it merrily ahead to what promlaaa to be - and go about their teak as if ha worn a pocttoa In ttorot everywhere. -*— the final chapter of the trilogy. tiiimr f— —*i r"*r**T 90 enjoy tne eogonut bar And protect Sam Neill portrays Damien en the have onlybad 38 years to prepare for It. 32-yev-old head of Thorn Induetriee, a Robert Hunger, originator of "The corporationthat dkreetly cauaaa acci- Oman," now serves aa production dentsinother countrieesothat theycan coruMbantfer' The Pinal Conflict. "He Mm iurnprnandsavethedayandlokgoodra says be feels that making these movies hi apartof his missionto warn theworld pubkc. He is also the new Ambaaaador of what ia coming. u> previoue the Court of St. James. The Munger, a bom again Christian, says smbassedorretired himself witha gun. ha behove*that the man whowill bo the The beet way to view thia film ia in i Antkhrlat may bo alrve today. The first step \ comparison to the firat two. Those who The biggeet problem with the film la imsaedthefirettwoaliouldn'tinaJntbia i that It became too robgknis for the for your one an aiception. The atory ie be* the i taatoa of some. The audience gate a therest tf leet chapter of a book, and difficult to, deep feeling of being preached to, Jjj view on fca own. especially whan Christ cornea down LIFE The muelc, an important port of the from the heavens In a glowing light, '' with angels ringing. Why should you thinkabout movie, helped kill It. Early, the musk What ierlsprssaim lethal there could wuUtmandfraniied.AUofaauddod, life insurance now, when l • be another sequel if the studio* decide ! hmellowß.like entering a church. Jerryf tomato It. vou'ic-ttill young? Became, avary yeir that you wait, it com mow 10 < PREGNANCY A start your financial PROBLEM? planning. 1V|^I jwwrflmi h Tjtat'swhy. ~ 00MHDUT1AL Let yourfWeluy UnioaUfe associate i low you I Emm ?™yr9*f?opia>o" o'<' wSi ttihu. Mribifc, Cull ™llegeplanpurchai ThgpWwahtwbaothat JE UIIMIOOHI more senfl| wan any other. OajVtMMfilm fjl- A-H ■ naOrocO-JWrt. Fidelity Union Ufc FieWRefiwantative: r^

OF NEVADA jf3Saaßßj| m«i ■" ■ ~-~-*r April 2,1981 CDT's 'Kaleidoscope 1981'This Week UNLV's Contemporary Dance The- as several jazz and modern dance ater kicks off National Dance Week in pieces. Southern Nevada with "Kaleidoscope Former flamenco dancer Luisa Tri- 1981," the company's annual spring ana, now a UNLV dance instructor, has concert, April 3-5. choregraphed the festive Spanish work Although National Dance Week for CDT. Dr. Carole ftae, CDT artistic director, Our ENTIRE Selection of Our ENTIRE Selection ol Our ENTIRE Selection of officially runs April 5-11, the UNLV credits Triana with promoting concert will serve to launch the interest in Spanish dance in the numerous dance activities scheduled community, adding, "She possesses during that week. the highest professional skills as both teacher and artist. - - - ON SALE INCLUDING ... ON SALE INCLUDING... INCLUDING... "Kaleidoscope 1981" Hae herself will bring back the ON SALE performances CkcotoliPhys Lta' Akk> tributeshe 60343 ' "moStd, piano «/# MwtfJ: 7*« Four Smiom - Cotermofl/ AGKI-3885 Hoist. The Htoffi OrrFw^/WKto- are set for 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, popular debuted last year to Symphony■ ■ eWU Schubert: Iff. nflnlihed, . N#w yort orchestra April 3and 4, and 2 p.m. Sunday, April the music of the late Jim Morrison and Giulini/Phtlharmonia Orchww a^ 5 in UNLV's Judy Bayley Theater. his rock group The Doors. Others of 33926 Swius. HWfjw - Ormandy/Philadelphia AGKI-3883 Giuliani: Concerto for Guitar and 60286 Beethoven: Moonlight, Orchestra String Orchestra Julian Bream Highlights of the upcoming concert Hat' s workson the program includetwo Paihrnque, Ap- ■ passionataSonaias-Solomon, piam, )m6 RaH(; BoltfQ , - Spanish work humorous dances, Ormandy/Phitadelphio AGKI-3879 Liszt/Smetana: Rhapsodies Sto- will include a entitled "At the Gym" and Orchestra kowski/RCA Symphony "Jaleo "On the Run." -60282 Rossini: Overtures - Davit/Royal Phil Orchestra ttspanol," several ballet pieces HarmonkOrchestra UNLV ballet For information . AGKI-3879 grj^&^^ffl^./y choreographed by instruct- on the upcoming omanay/PMa Symphony ors, the reprise of a popular CDT work CDT performances, contact the UNLV 60276 Handel: Water Musk and Ro>a, r^wks . delphiaOrchestra SirMalcolm Sargent/Royal department ,„„, ~.. „. ~ „ „ „, based on the music and lyrics of the of physical education at Philharmonic PaMgorsky/ 739-3291. Orchestra 33200 Tekmann: Fantasies for Flute - Jean-Pierre AGKI-3878 Dvorak: Celh Oxicem ■ popularrock group The Doors, as well Rampal Munch/BostonSymphony

Uri K'" 60271 ' nMTm 't, ' lV - AGKI-3790 Barber: Adagio Strings - Chamberh^ln^,',^Orchestra *»« Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition for Munch/ Szell/Cleveland Orchestra Boston Symphony Concerto _ Piano So. - _ . . AGKI-3711 Salnt-Saens: 60237 Rachmaninoff: 2 ~„„ _~ _ , Symphony No. 3 (Or- i,m SyrnphonieFantastique Leonard Angel* Philhar- Bertlov - Otawa/ ggß) . virgilFox/Ormandv/Phila- PennarioJLos Toronto monk Orchestra Symphony delphiaOrchestra ° - 3067 T h"ikm : *"•¥>**•> No - J ' s^/ - 60236 Orff: Comma Bunrn Stokonaki/Homton H jk J! AGKI37OB Canuvat de Rampal"" Jean-Pierre Symphony Orchestra Cleveland Orchestra Bampa, 60198 Copland: Rodeo and AppalachianSpring ■ 30489 Sibelius: Violin Concerto ■ Oistrakh/ AGKI-3638 The Virtuoso Flute Vol. 2 ■ Jean Irving/ConcertArts Orchestra Ormandy/PhiladelphiaOrchestra Pierre Rampal

60173 Hobl-ThePlanets-Stokomki/Los 10M9 Smtma: The Moldau - Stell/Chtveland AGKI-3636 Stokowski Conducts Bach Aneeles Orchestra PhilharmonicOrchestra AGKI-3633 Ravel: Bolero/La Vols* - Munch/ Bm,on sym koH> OrOmun 60138 Verdiand Rossini Overtures ciulini/ 30048 Mown: Erne Kkine NachtmusSi - Walter/ P PhilharmoniaOrchestra Columbia Symphony AGKI-3650 Williams: Muskfrom Star Wars and Third 60118 VtvoktLFdurConanosMTwOnhestrm- 30046 Sibelius: Symphony No. 2 ■ Ormandy/ glKfiWMnWtfrtf! Kind- I Soloisiidi Milam, PhiladelphiaOrchestra orrnunn AGKI-3649 Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue/An 60096 Faure: Requiem - Phil- 30045 Dvorak: Symphony No. 9 (New World) American in Paris - Fiedler/Boston harmonia Wblfocks/Nevi ■ | Orchestra Walter/Columbia Symphony PopsOrchestra 60069 Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. i (Em- 30044 Borodin: Poloveislan Dances - Steil/ AGKI-3366 Rachmaninoff Porno Concerto No. perort . Giesekmg/PhanarmomaOrchestra Cleveland Orchestra 3 ■ Weissenberg/Chkago Symphony 60023 Tchaikovsky: 1812Overture - Sargent/ 30042 Beethoven: Violin Concerto ■ Francexatti/ AGKI-336S Pacheibel: honor, in D-1 Soloist! Royal PhilharmonkOrchestra Walter/Columbia Symphony Venefi

f \ W l/wA SI \W Wmkm ili SkMI LrSPS \W\\ salelimiii?d (xi am->\ W UIH ■ ■ WWmmW ■ .Mm WwMmm \ W ■ ■ ■■ WW Tostockon I I Hl*ilj ■ I ■ C B kBI Wmwm Wmm K ■ Br ■ BBw El h *n d ill am m hh h h mhh mmm I ■ ■ ■ ■ ml~ suikiio M Pf"°n s*i-E W M urn kW mWmm W\ H Brl W WM umWm H Bk HA\ UVj BjA

■V W/Jf *n\\\*LZ*&JUL& SALE ENDS vMV wffff fmVmMWA weonesd** "P/ ApfilLB

4624 South Maryland Parkway Phone: 736-9555

CDT'sDenise Bloom, JayeKnutson and Sue Puente r ""'* ' CSUfI rpresents n IIIJ .' tainmentand Anril3F l^^^j^^^^—=lffr rreumauuyunuWednesdayand'Thursday ...IRAMMING BOARD Mnumuuy Thank God It's Friday!!!! *£?' fam. 7and 9:15p.m. tM MSUBallroom


ATDTFr'IJT "Ka&vssif M ffl M M ************************************* mThere'll be plenty on the MSU Patio ofbeer!!!! Lecture Series featuring a specialairbrush display by Cosmic CustomAirbrush 20%discow,tonanyshirtHitha Greek logo MorfimerAmr AHHVB.f^J*LOJfer ********************************************* Thursday April2 Member ofthe President's AmessagefromtheE&POiairman 7p.m. FDHIO9 Economic PoScy AdvisoryBoard Tuesday April? i G. GordonLlddy . */u». MSUBallroom A»3tt£*t« r Watergate "Mastermind" Hamilton.Jordanzi„ m.;u/nm w„^m rmd Ptoni,oiiwofo,.doitarb.s,.tood. Ondauthoroftne-L—*«.«#*. Former WhiteHouse Ouefoffru-jrStaff «er.rtippto !Ui..uppl,oflon.a.r -SSSTSSrsar-w bestsellermBUSKUKT "WILL"TTIUL, tt.MforCSUN UNLV ferity •!...> b l nudenu. MonaayMnmdnu May 'jL,,.-.„. -.„„,. and«.fi. mdi3.wpn«.i.Th.teiibe i*.„j-.. 4 c.i, Thursday April 30m JSSJJS. tVJiLS3S: information. atudenta more sports April 2,1981 College SeniorsFrom Across Nation To Play In Pizza Hut Classic regional semi-finals before tha J ly. by West coach Larry Brown, rest. Johnson, a 8-8 forward from Bradshaw, the theft artist from DePaul, The 10th Annual Piaxa Hut Classic This year, the Classic will feature a added with the hawks lost to Wichita State. formerly of UCLA and now the coach of Illinois, was a big man for the Ilunl as end Lewis Lloyd of Drake, who to will take place this Saturday, April 4, at load of talent. Starting West Tom of the foot, nine and Chambers of the New Jersey Nets National they got to the regional semi-finals probably the moat underrated player in 1:00 pm, in the Las Vegaa Convention squad, Durand Macklln. a six will Vegas LSU, the big Utah also be In Laa for the Basketball Association. Lister, a 7-0 before getting knocked off. the classic. . inch forward from willbe Center. four Classic. Both were instrumental to from Arizona State, held Steve , whose In For the East, and Classic, game top figure. He led his team to the final the center Jumper The a with the in their two wins over tha Johnson, Oregon Stele'a big man in the against a 6-6 seniors collage basketball through- of the NCAA before they bowed out Utea Rebels final seconds Oregon State will lead this squad. Lamp, of another Devils handed the All-Americafrom team to against Saturday. Darnell this season as was Western check as the Sun knocked the Beavers out of the NCAA Virginia, led his outthe nation, gives Its' proceeds the Indiana last first loss of season last is starplayer who will Athletic Conference player, Charles Beavers their the Tournament, willalso be in Las Vegas to the final four before being knocked Southern Nevada Independent Valentine another of to for the Classic. A 6-2 Bradley Wyoming. month. Johnson was invited the the tournament. Also malting out by Wood's North Carolina Tar Youth Athletic Association and other be in Las Vegas for Hawaii for way and Eddie Johnson were classic, butsettled togo to a appearances in the classic are Clyde Heete. Wood scored 39 points against fine charities throughout Las Vegas. guard, he ledKansas all the to the Lamp's Cavaliers In the semi-finals of the tournament. of Notre Dame and Reb Football Opens Spring Practice with 80 Prospects of Ohio State will also participate in the Classic. Tripucka has Irish team for with the Rebels of and techniques." Wyoming." growth and development from every- been a stalwart for the UNLV's footballseason began Satur- r- five-year total Looking four years and Williams, dubbed "The veteran y 41-14-2. Everything the Rebels dothis spring at things from a different one. We have a new co-offensive line day when head coach Tony Knap Aircraft Carrier", can stop anything KnapgreetedSOcandidatesforhis 1981 Said Knap, "We have never been in will have a direct bearing and affect on perspective, comments, "Offens- coach in Pat Hill and the names of his 1 fall, and, to unit unknown, coming up the middle. Rebel football team. The occasion kicks better physical shape going into spring the team this with that in ively, we'll be able throw the ball as are relatively but are a Knap comments, "The well run itand be able to adapt to the going to have to become heroic quick in Ray Tolbert of the champion Indiana off the start of this year's spring g practice since have been here. mind, coming as I order for our to Hooslers, major cog in helping has been very in season presents us with gnat diversity opponent defenses. At the same time, offense work the way was a practice. Everyone conscientous Indiana get to thefinal four. Also, Mike The out of challenge. We have to play great we'll try to develop our defense to the that we know it can." Rebels' 20-daya of spring drillsi working duringthe winter. We have McGee, the 10's 9 of out we can passing teams like San Jose Stale, point where we can be extremely big all-time leading will continuethrough Thursday April 9 a lot talent there and if scorer, will be in Las Vegas for the when the for the teach to play the game, we Brigham Young, Long Beach State and aggressive or conservative upon our Springpractice can be a tough time of troops willbreak school 1 them how year game. return to action on should have a very good football team. San Diego .State. On the other end. we own choosing." the for football players, especially "spring break" and i The 7-4 Added to the roster by East coach Monday, April 20, concluding oni TheRebels will holdtwo-hour drills in have to play great run oriented teams Rebels were last season and when they don't have the weekly "big game" to Denny Crum of Louisville, Wayne 2 at 7:30 pro • pads beginning Saturday from Wyoming, Utah and the Air Force several areas were hit by graduation, work towards and anticipate. Saturday, May in the full and the Johns, of scrimmages will last Academy." hut coach Knap feels two areas of the McKoy of St. Prank Edwards 32.000 aeat Las Vegas Silver Bowl with i "game-situation" little-known but high scoring Cleveland for hours, according to "So, our defense *■« to have game willbe his biggest concern during But, aa coach Knap puts it, "There's The playingot theAnnual UNLV Scarlet l about three some State, range. It needs to b. -ough when the spring-the kicking game and the always an excitementof playing football Elston Turnerof Mississippi and and Gray intrasquad game. current coaching plans. we Louisville. "game- of 43 lettermen face the run, and skillful against the offensive line. and the players enjoy it. There is Roger Burkman of UNLV has scheduled three UNLV has a nucleus The East holds a 5-4 advantage in the scrimmages preparation upon whkh to build the 1981 Rebel pass. We anticipate tha same great "We need to develop our kicking something aboutseeing how you rate aa aituation" in classic, which is the second oldest of all forthe spring game, but, as coach Knap footballteam. Added to that this spring range from our opponents on defense game," said Knap,"we lost our two a player compared to a year ago. And, ■ national all-star games In the country. says, "we'll be scrimmaging a little will be eight juniorcollege transfers and with the great bliuing teams like New placekkkers and our punter had his maybe moat importantly, they want to season among every day of spring practice." The a host of "walk-on" athletes, including Mexico, Hawaii and Fresno State as problems last and during thisoff make a place for themselves the formal scrimmages have been set for several who have been a part of the well as the highly-dieciplinad, ready, season. Our offensive line is a place regulars. Spring practice la where they cont.onpg.lo Saturday, April 4, Thursday, April 9, program for at least one season. and control-type defense* of BYU and where we will need some come-through make it or break It." and Saturday, April 26. All UNLV Explaining what it means to have his weekday practices will be held at 3:30 squad in such apparent good shape pin and Saturday drillswill startat 9:00 going into spring drills, Knap elaborat- am. Sunday'sduringthespringwill be ed, "We can afford to be a lot more off-days for the Rebels, and only the physical now. Our number one priority Scarlet and Gray game will he held at i is to develop technique on both offense the Silver Bowl, the rest on the campus i and defense and the only way to develop practice fields, I this is through individual combat in VenerableheadcoachKnapiseicited < co-ordination with good sled work and about the prospects for Spring Practice, t theory instruction. If we are successful, the results of whkh gave him his 18th t then its relatively easy to put together college team and siith at UNLV. In 17 c effective strategy this fall; conversely, seasons, Knap has an overall coaching i itsvery difficultto have successful team BJSSUME record of IJ7-47-4, which includes a t play without those fundamental skills Hustlin' Rebs Continue Chase forNCAABerth By Chariei Bloom from the Diablos 18-17 and 12-4. In the I first game, probably the mostexciting I The UNLV Hustlin' Rebel baseball of the year, the Rebels came from team continued theirchase to a second behind numerous times in batting straight NCAA berth in the Regional*, CSLA/ aping 4-1 this wmlhmh! and increasing their record to 33-13. Cal State, got on thescoreboard in the '.'■ In the first game of the series against first inning when the visitors touched ;Csl Stale,L.A.. theRebels won 11-0 in a starter Willy Finnegan for sevenruns on reJnshortenedfiveinningcontest. Kurt i only four hits. From then on, UNLV Mattson picked up what .was to be his ■ would be involved in an uphill chase. first of three victories against CSLA. The Rebels scored four runs in the ioi-TTTS Bill Nader picked up three hits, and bottom of the first inning and one more coordinator Save Kinsel and Bill Mai hit home runs in the second to close the gap to 7-6. Richie Davis in ; to spur on the Rebels. came to pitch for the Company- '" The Rebels' weekend suited Thurs- Rebels and struck out the aide In the Coors lons> day afternoon with the first game of a second inning for UNLV. Cal State Sh - lour game series against the Cal State •cored once off Davis in the third but ; Los Angeles DiabLoa. UNLV played one that was all CSLA would get until the game with the Northern Colorado Bears seventh inning. Meanwhile, UNLV - on Friday morning. scored once inthe fifth and four limes in '■/ TheRebels used s record 24 hits offof the seventh, mostly on a two run triple - Northern Colorado pitching to win ha' by Max, to give the Rebels a 10-9 lead. lethgameoflheyear. But,theßebsdid But in the seventh inning, CSLA it the hard way. UNC scored first with scored four runs to put themselves back jthree runs in the top of the first Inning on lop 13-10. In the bottom half of the off starter Mike Hall, who stayed in the seventh, the Rebels scored five times ; contest until the seventh inning and won withRandy Ward's three run homer the : After it becomes' calling his second gameof the year against four bigkeyasUNLVtookaltVl3lead. But %urresume. college, your ; Josses. that waa short lived. card.So ifyou expect it to open doors foryou, it had . The Rebels came back with two rum CSLA scored three times in the eighth in the second and third innings to gain i to givethe Diablos the lead at 16-15, but better say something. the lead from the Beam, 4-3. UNLV UNLV came back with one run in the One great way toprepare your resume for the future increased its' leadwith two runs each in i bottom halfof theninth inningto tiethe r_...... ^ - the third and fourth innings whileUNC ' game and send it into extra innings. is toStart working now, as a Coors Campus Representa- 1 i storedonce in the fifth,as UNLV tookan i Then, CSLA scored once on two tive,lt'saunique opportunity to work for a major cor- I ' ieV4 lead going into the aisth inning. consecutive doubles and the Diablos A 1' *' That's when the Rebel bats started to i were leading 17-16. porattort whilestill in school-something any employer \ crank. Thebat ofFrank DeSantis cameto the J AppLlCdtlOTlS impressed .* ..* . Eight times Rebel players crossed 1 rescue for UN LV withatworun single In wilt be by You'll gain valuablebusiness expe- ■ home plate in the siith inning as UNLV ' the bottom halfof the tenth inning to rience. Earn a rewarding salary. And because the |ob • CLCCBptBCt CLt tfl6 I ; built a commanding 16-4 lend. UNC J give the Rebels probably their toughest ; scored twice in the seventh, once in the victory of the season. flexible, class i hoursare you can work around your , i eighth and four times in the ninth to Mattaon picked up his sixth win of the rnrrirn i i schedule. Vbu'll meeting " finish with their 11 runs. UNLV scored 1 season in relief and then went on to also enjoy the extra bonus of i UNLVStud€Tlt ; only once in the seventh whiletallying pitch the second game of the double- I newpeople all over campus. _ ; sit runs in the eighthinningto close out t header. He had beaten the Diablos J , J ; their scoring. before on Thursday with a shut-out Any student of legal drinking age may apply. Just [ iLTnpiOyYti&it " i ; ftill Max hit a home run and hit for thes performance. r ; cycle in the game, while Randy Wardd Max had four hits for UNLV with bis •sendmthiscoupontofindoutmore.Andgetgoingon i knocked two balls over the fence (or hiss cycle, the second in two days for the a career in business .vhile you're still in college. ; sixth and seventh homers of the year. third baseman, and BUI Nader, Kinsel /' i OU6o»(kil|>liCo: UNLV scored ones in the fifth and d while DeSantis, Ward and Chris Smith . sixth innings but it wasn't enough too had two hits apiece. : beat the Cal Stats squad John Una lad d UNLV next takes the field for a : ell Rebel betters with three hits. Chrisla doublsbeaderon Friday and Saturday at ; Hopper bee, first sgainstit Bamson against University took the his Field the of c IMI ADOLPH COOBS COMPANY QOLOEN. COLORADO five wms for the season. New Mexico with both days' action ;'' On Saturday, the Rebs won a pairir beginning at 11:00am. UNLVYELI 9 Hamblin Finishes Second toLead Reb Golfers mil but — Prepare; Rebs Win By Tnm Cubans HamUla then hit en Wron only 10 feet Utter UNLV golhti plaqrad Fails To"-. 7 AFA T hujhor awajr. Both players came wars dose to thanrlml koptlhalracoroaa Utile normal. Tain Eubank acored an Cr Unwind throwing hajk aad we wan Jud i up early wkh Ika faatkdl, thanpal 'an The UNLV golf.r. flniehed feHlk than I knocktailhabaJlowlafUw part."laid away wkh tba offapaad atari. Of Ika pUeeinafieldollOteenulaiiwaekat I maUlwtlvjvputulrothad to settle for 10-76. MattKlabacka had 7642. Kick i I'd aay tin 00 ( blrdiee. Tim eecoid hole long par Snail 86-77. Rob Kroafar 61-66 and ladaprkaj. wkea ke wna member Ajraia. ' aevea drkaooU, wan thePacilic oaat ChamfaaaalUß., which wue haaiball Ma AfUwAyonnnihlaiadflaloajemln Ikedraage." wen held in Santa Barbara. CaUornta- 4 into the wind. Both players drone Cart Von Haka nnlanad with 87-67. Ike Nenda AAA I Bnlah tha Rabal Chaparral Cowboya, Jack iba lap of Ika fird leaiag-an inning Wake Ann waa "potting Ika down themiddle. Hamblin bit diet and Tha fourth placa for amptoa rod the green. waa Iho boat Onlah tho jrear. ran a aagrfaf. He need to tell which-w Mm bedthe beenaad walk I Faleoaa awajr" daIka pack, Ika af Tbt Rebel, plsyad the 7100 raid left hie shot just short of ■olfara of had away sandpiper wen Otrumane then hit itInto within M feet and Mka HambUn waa onlj lh» medf, "Ifcoee whs fail Is prepam, homo enia-Ike Band araoad cane to I Ika tabdaaaiajMilllallaani wkh course in wtnda east havinc Ika aavaa hone glutton up lo 60 Deep** Ua> of the hole end proceeded u mahe the aaeond ptarar in tha UNLV (Olf hlUor; all prepare* Bull" kia nana to Ika bottom of tbo aama i Ika bet Along wkk mph. strong a putt lor birdie. Hamblin mede a par to coma in aaeond plan In a top Led WioniHey d Baraeon Field, inning. ■><>> X"*". *■»•> w"» mi nina,UNLVbbattdiakkaki«ll>ißato >.ind , Mike Hombuata>i for the e lead with Km and an taw but lost the paajott. rcilaiiata tonmamant. rmeroaa*backlhdw.riniham the John Ikt aaek bokod ado name ram, the plate. AltartkalkiaaaolaakaUId B round 70 pad aad and k lo lu talk* which contributed to giving Ika fmah- Ika flnl Inning, tka Bebale codiawad amaeingone under partotalotfltothe cot ki round MM. Aadwkattahelpoleeliffwind man pkekar iiiim cuahioo wkk their record anting koraa nra apna final Hamblin wee tied with a Da»adia aad USC player, id a aehad imd eeno homo m which lo work wkh. lha fourth inning whan KonCommena, wboehot 75 collegiate trouble throwing into BUI Mai hk badno-back round witha 72 final round. yen captured ale tint iahranhava tlwikouje M-10, oter the Air runt wind," Ann add. "B'e juM a trippere. Tony Scott lied rune The playoff for tint piece began on don. Ika wkk per htaa, Ike HeaWn' Bebale najatnl black, Tir— hl-g I kan to record for UNLVtoUddMhbiakyj the five firat hole. Both players hit cedent/ Mettineon long gklfc hiihiliii wki and their ddk i overcome, lwwe trying to be 100 fine, 1 a Ihraa ran blaal aad Babba drives down the middle of the the CadMa. .houkl have gone after tharo." ■an lha labda Ikair ackool record fairway. L'ommnna waa away* and tut a relgkt mi Juet tka "I baa thatI couldn't gd mgt wkk "Frank IDaSaaHel callad a fnd ee»ealh koraa run wkk a aolobak la long iron to the front of the grosu. ' aavaalh tordait. o many pkakaa Ilk. Felcoaa'l wan gene/'Ayoraiinalaiiarl. "Woad'em ____ 5.557.ae/UeUST,U>OMTAPE Indiana Captures NCAA Championship FOROURTOPM lha In the Eastern Conference playoffs, Ika apecaldlrai la finally over. A balk Cherln Bradley of Wyouung aad I Ike find game of the find day of I paired. Amor* Indiana «ill meet Philadelphia with the lanpkM kee baaa crowaad that ] JohneonollLltooU. Both will ba aaaaon to aetlmlaame TOt»-MLiW and Eddie I ■ winner playing Milwaukee and New INCLUWWOTMtW am ia tka Indiana Hooatora, who | bare for the Claadc on Saturday. the taenia thd an getting Brd round ' Milwaukee, Bodon, San York willplay Chicago with the winner | I ■aaakakad enr* opponent that cama In pro haanlball, lha playoff pairing ■ byn an Antonio and Pkoaoii. playing Boston. wlrwar In Ike NCAA Tournamentand | ban bean anwrancad and k took until 1 the Coajefooce. Los Ujogc H in Ike Bade . In Western an bad North Carolina Angelas will play Houston with the MO. lalakThomaa,lnaHooaien|rad goingagainst Antonio and to winner flan add, ecoredM potato toad Indiana ■ Max, Mattson Honored as Portland willplay Koneaa we* the 20 in the Ooal half. Cn» Ith ol Ikon coming winner going against Phoenls. Irdlana liralounualrent wed Brrortafr In the National Hockey League, the eating every loam by mora Ikaa 10 Lou'jßlueestill he,ve the beet record And they bntlSU by li Athletes ofthe Week St. dda. when wee also In the overall with 104 points. They have alao When •baeiball player hUa for the Hu'i encond crde 0 Saturday, lima could only tall whan the Division title. The cycle inany one game, itif coueidered tailgame ofedmbbheadoregainetCal clinched Smythe toy would bo national fhampiona. York lalanders have a ahare of the For North Carolina, they ban to quits an ■crwnplHjhmiii. Even m New LA., in Bebela won bast record wth 104 points but null have rule lor aecond place one mora time. cycle I • etagie. doobU. triple end SUM. which the pretty MeaeVwtadhiallthliomeruoof to getby atonghPWledeujhla team that nee again, coach Dean Smith haa tod home rani in a eeaeaa ia good. M-17. two IhM to iMd UKLV. bee 96 pointaoverall lo win the Patrick «atfl » Tar Hnla into the finalaonly to lon How about two cycle! in daye. the MHon in Kami Division title. That • whet BillMm, Ike Hmtlln' Hebe • lad fame. Montreal and Los Angeles are tka Virginia third baseman, didefainel Cel SUM, Metteon'irublierara came to hand; In Ikeconaotolion fame, a the Nonas L..A. and Northern Colorado tbia i nlheMrioeegeinettheDlabloi, lib* involved in dogfight in iveliere, wko wen beaten by North with the Canadians holding a defeated weekend. won the first game of the series Division •oVna by 13 on Saturday, one point edge on the Kings. Bnttalo to down the for Whan pitcher wiae three games in Thursday, pitching fiveanting! in arein IU 8440 wind aaaaon a . Divkana title Uireeooiiaecutivedaya,thatiacoMider- shortened game and winning hit fifth has clinched the Adams accomplialunent. That'a of tha taaaoo. On Saturdar, with 06 overall pointa. ditaenia. ad quite en i game | Oakland teame what Kurt Matteon didthia weekend aa Matuoo came hao the game in rebel u exhibition baseball, the 1 member of all four of Ikon i A'ssmdtheMontreeliapoemleading for tka ha pitched the Rebela to eietorlee In during the firel game and packed two , I belnUaVeaaathiawaehead i , leaguea. The A'e are HutClaaalclobe held Hum gamee afalmt Cel State L.A. andtwo-lhiidamnnun,iUlaingontfiva their reepeaive hAnnudPtaa going through spring training with a Saturday in Ike Lea Veeae Couven- Both have been named FIDELITY The wiU be UNION ATHLETES OF THE WEEK. and winning hi* sunk game of the I lMracordwhilellmaamoßoaraatlM. aCanlerdlpm. fame > BiußogerswontheHerltageClaalcat Bret cycle came against t eßaeon. He came on again in the ad on Cn»TV. Mail with a ail under par Northern Colorado Friday in the Brat I nightcap and held the Diablo, to eightI Hilton Head, S.C. wbik) stroke above four other In anotfcar collaga all-dar beakdball awjmofthedoubleheader. Theßebele I bite in Seven Inning* atrtking oat I total of 278, a and winning hia aaventh game. ■oilers. For hie eflorte. Roger, wine ame, the Ndaond Baabatkall Aeeoda- won that game 84-11 with Mai going I 10 In all-alar betted in. Mattson's record now etanda at 7-8 I 664,000. to ttoLIWA Kemper Open on of Coacbae had their fame four tor ail with Ave rune CoatoMssja,CA,Patßraiileywonwitba loam tka run in that game wee hie I and he struckout 16 Cal State battenin MB U» ¥■!■■ ndkwn tka Wad baathn Mail home i over Debbie Maaeey. lad team OUT behind 16potato from ninth, which led the teem at that point. nine innings. five stroke win INTRAMURALS REPORT '81 SoftballDivisions Announced buckeye ooose"~~ wolppack „.„„.,„ WULVMIHL OTIEE DIVISION BADOER WOLVERINE H LAIRETTES nimnvflllirrrmu I KE STABBUSTEES THEWALI WIZARD'S ALPHA EPSLON PI BOCKNOCKEBB SSwaSSJS« I»H WIZARDSLAIE TOE WAIL < AIHIATAUOIIEOAI HOTEL ™EhS£ aVoUTTLE SISTERS BUNDYS BUTCHERS D MA TEKELnTLESSTERS O.J.S«?JKSS2S.DINETTES CASINO H»H COUNTRY E£?S?BXUIANU !Sl¥?S FROCKNICKB THE""«?*S™'WAEEIOBS JMaepsilon Ee&Jccowboys SSSSSS- «»«-— ]



b. mm* am on* a tkt CSUN rite, MB)UOOka famr lanaanl "to ' I TonamcalßtobeitamMo^ay

INTRAMURALSFEVER- CATCHITIIII April. UNLVYELL 10 I*l Reb Tracksters Prepare for ToughMeet

State. CaWtate Bakerafield, Several member, of lha UNLV eophomere Michael Adklna, currently Cal State, in L.A., Utah State. San j mo«'a and Din' ■ track willMa luM a. an alternate, could compete ose State. mm Poly Pomona, and Cal •dimthie weak at Um U»l Am Awel the aOO-mater ran. Cal Ply-SLO, aa Claeeic in Tempo, Ariaona. by theSun An(el Founda- wall aa aeveral Canadian collegiatea. &Vonec

Alto 15crntaof Greek WeeMere.ro the ami. frompg. 8 ■COfffK In a late breaking note, A! Wood of North Carolina haa decided not to play ATO in the Claaaic. Zambolist "Zam" 74 Frederick of Booth Carolina, tha nation'a leading acorer, will play for. SJg».Nu3B Wood. Tickata coat110 ft* floor Mating and rUppiStië33 au dollars for balcony. Tickets may ba purcbaaed at the Convention Center 1 '" *'* ticket office. Pago's, the Laa Vagaa M.U McUoupl iml IkuM HMHT are tto Ballon. McDoufal. .town ton ?"" d b,,, , i oouMnJ* Mam~f".?•■»**• Sk«*iCU27 Sporting Houae and the IYAA Gym. oinofltototttrUiilllidMlbtalMißHto and Hunter hava not loat a dosblaa i—fjfcvin AtykaEptiMFlS Sr|hm»CW»rttfcet^ottae(Wt»4aTigcfctanploits ScienceDean Candidates Selected

of Greek Week. by Gertie Gamer chairman of the geology department. huber. Ha withdrew Ida anpacetton for ■bout the Ik* of UfhouK Mrtag OB ThcTearetlgeee^wotweiietrtloiitft. The remaining two randidatoe are; reaeona ha didnot wiah to mention. cwnpua but, be Hid. "In thi* ilhwtkiii The final four caodidatee for the i John D. Taylor from Wayne State He did atpraaa concern, although, thoM argument* cMUWt bt UMd." * ' poefUon of dean of the college of i Dniveraity. Detroit. Michigan where he ■deuce, math and engineering have i eervee aa the chairman of the biology bean choaan by the eamrch committee, , department and Harol Weinatoch from .THE WORRY '""CLASS^mD""" • —-• according to Committee Chairman i the Illinois Inetitute of Technology. TAKE 'ozT"~~ EXTRA LARGE PRIVATE etudio apta. David Woidt. Chicago,Illinois where he eervee aa the I'm eerioua thl» time-I'll do kl , 777 E. Harmon, excellent location The rand.dat«i are;' David W. director of the educational technology Tevle ■ acrom from UNLV tennia courta. Emereon from the University of I cantor. OUT OF BEING CLOSE/ completely rarsialied raonty of parking. Michigan, Dearborn where heaerveeaa i The candidates will be oncampua all SwmaNu- 800 monthly. GAVIK REALTY 1M- the dean of the college of arte, eciencee i through the month of April, according In proud! Una or 7IS-7MS Apt. fl. Mr. and kritere, and William 8. Fyfe from i to Weide. Clinic Univerelty There candidate for Contraception conducted by. Fat Boy- TENNIS INSTRUCTORS the of Weatera Ontario. wae one in-houee WANTED: London, Canada ha aarvaa aa the acting Dean, Fred Bach' Family Planning Hawaii la a "«l a»ajr. Better peel Excellent high paring Summer Joba where i position, Clark County Clink aoma akin, or buy a awimault that haa Idube, roaorta, campal araileUa good yearon it. through Winhjngloa Tennia Sarrfaee etudenu with taenia playing PART-TIME Secretary needed hr or lor im- leeching aiperienoa. Call Pet at 19011 WEDNESDAY,APRILB port/export > twi rt«i. M4JTTO far torlaoc kthrmalliai. GOODBmmty Salon W« aid •alary dopendaon erporlofao. GerretiLOOKIN' 9.30 AM.'to. 2.00 Mrl. M»« Dpaoa GUUAN 4 ENGLISH MtrykmlParkway SMoppimgCtnfr Sludtnt HeoWi Center Call 711-1111. STUDENT BARGAINS-Polareld Pronto /MSO-i.'W Sonar camera, like new, 166, complete OVERSEAS JOBS-Bemaer/yeer STUDENT ataciAL round. Europa, B. America. Australia, A/apolntment .neceuory .Call 79V—5370 Asa. All Aeide. MOMUOO monthly. =£535*815 20%0ff Slgbliiiing. rraa infa. Write UC Id , MO, I*ll Kawasaki 100, greatgaa M«laW4NMalat,ttykaUowar]r. tjtiukulS' U-NVI Coroona Dal Mar, CAIMM. ' mileage. H». Call M4-SOO3. aak far Mark. Yamterdtager, Char- 9anto9pm PORDYCE KID: KUNVwiUbasolngontbeairaoonand 7374*533 pfiwaSßn Sculptured ley Printer, H'a mat Burprieer Sweat Nohraeka mo nlaaai nibblingon the [motion! ereatlU available. H you have Big Chaaaa. Hope to bear bom you, Interanta In mualc, nowa or aporta, ! | nails ■all Mlaa ja. contact Phil Hairmgkm at 75W177 or up DOING EUROPE ON TWENTY coma to MSU 107. Doilara a Day, Mature female modem leaving May 29; weald like to ahare PUR SALE-Modera. chrocne-lrarne cola, traveling eipcnooo with aama. Call chair andottoman. Bora baa Deign „ bandy at4l>-49S7aiKllat'alalkaboutit. uphoiatory, chairand ottoman era dark. "PAPERS" tDGBBTJUJIUD •110. Call Kirk. 71*4717. FUR SALE-Hoode 400 BuDarapott. Hjjo Mast aee. Aakaig auuiard. ttoata. maouacrrpt nan. Day excellent condition. ". | orwedding band* nmrUNLV ; PUR BALE-' EUMKJ NAUTIC'A aiiclnkhlaaivfca.liiahlotoaapacialtjr. 1 two-Call Moaique at 717-0140. Leave brand top maamge. new. ol theline movie camera 73Mmor(4UUSr^ and proyactor.Worka on land and under Acnm Iran PMtV. MOM NEEDS A BABYHTTER water! 11100 value, aaaing 17(10. Plaeoa wbo drtvao-lnndblen lebday and woee- - contact Nancy at UNLV eat. MIH or at Eamnooaa end boura. required. Call• p.m. aflUgtt 733-9177 7D0J1160 alter 7:30 any : time ll II NUkl. I I i ■ i rXIKSALaVItM Dataun PUII SEDAN *IUO. Needawork, call Arthur. 7547101 I'USrOM JEAN PATCHING done( . overnight. Reetore Ihoaa old Levi'e. • WANTED-Uve to barryaltter and bouaa- H.uhir« and embroidery. Call Kelly el I keener, free room and board pfaa MI4IH, •10.00 a weak: Call ail-on* aak far Mindy. FREE DINNER aid Foliowehip at Ike I Student Union. Comeramus far ' TVPIHO-nnaoooblo rail Bua 316-6411 run Monday and relaiatloa every night' altar 1p.m. at 6:30. 1413 E. University Avaaua. **—- at "I TTITTI npaa ilallj flam 11 HI, TYPINO-done by atpononcad lypiat M-r. Aak far Pan. laiaonahai ratee. Call 7H-HIB. s^ySSF*^


• —ww BttooniM ipmw >l_mu OMNPONNNMI •Aawtoptiklni .CSUTTrpiM I SfSS •.•"•»"•••« THEUNLVYELL 4505M«7h«IPkwy ! LmV«*NV 19154 "-SB feoB CXI as HB_ MOW« WtCMti 7TH OW HWMOWTM W WW UMW

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