UNLV ___r • YELL mnnm-739-3478 Vtkmtt / ■ Aprt2,mi hmß Students To Reagan Attempt React mm Assassination »_ _» » -I<»l__»U m»__il_ ._«i__ public m«»iim to nrsnr fran tho , lk> Wi*l —11 Hlnon Haul McadvF and nock. •kodi ol MoreUy ■ Inmlii it- i«ini_i*mii*lni<mr»hii»i• CimanUy, ill lour of Ifca bdond are Uapt. Of|_ AI-CIO, |MfIIt«HUMMMa I n—ln k Own WllHllMn l>M«Mn«l»«lto|llWlllK» ttoitjW IMI •llkfmimmWtt >•«•*■ . Univaraa* Hoapftal. Um UNLV op llMifcj <imn, Jamoa MkgUqr, Jr. «ko aaa bw two Quay UNtv ■iiihm »a»ii nlIn Ingnm. «*• w* taßodouacsr mna _ cUf|M 01 aaaaapuaf to la> Mojnr Sudott Uatam TV toon _m<M>_iltuWM, •«M I lull laa prialdllH., baa baaa ■itw»Hto curront i«o»mo» illidud n_aMfJ_,«Mn Aimmlv on U» i and a«»«j parth_rfc.M_ < ■MP** Jhdm HmcUoy, Jr. ud tot i aattion. Mrtou* coßdWoa of PtM Socnurr * ■' *" »■ prawM.J wwßnMMnMaww7M___ ■-~--j-> JIAM BnO>. *- * --- - • » ■* - ,m i - ■ •WMt TCHpfWI ■ MM IWn, Whlk tha Wa#a Hon* admlaiaM- vmv nu piioiiM3iip.ii cmiv »** M 9 —i - - * *n_____- WnfJTJB■ nVa*)_K Nn~ 18 ■WJ t Uaaallainp»loilonCiaaililaol»latl»a I On iitirt miJmi wrnot Ihtof wttor, Mt<-U»—nnlHI«ll»_«l»d I amoa«C«tH_lû_b—and laaajan'a i to w»t» hlppm J to ProoMox loipn Wl—Bw«n« pone, office noma i condition bapravaa ouvfcadh;. baa i -*—*r -*—*•- niniilimliii ■ii7|ii I ' i Regents To Discuss Tuition Hike ' i- kjFtrriJtmtcMatnr poaabilkjr tkt latlalatura will aproa to nbaaooontly aurhorliad Chancellor' OTKVKH HAIKU UUSNN n/guuLinuMAN tkt faM itajw. lobar! BOral aad Cnalrman ftobort NUMAEM raWaf la Milka! Sciatica BMCO n«imi Irliirw It appaan tban ■ u ba •man> to Caaball lobby againat tnrraaalng J iou* A raoimmondalioo raiM tuition at to ' 21 It la orjvjna, oecordliuj to Calami C*j Novoda'a uni.arnaiia u porcout for tuition. Junior. IMM.II tnkr» f "I'm ihottad." Uaoaj^lnapaaeMaaa.'' ■ » HH k>m*~.k*rf~ bfMMnTmlm nakhau aid S» pnreaut tor nnp ml A raport on tba atataa of ponding ■IlktltMkM." Umbynuj afmrta by lora and otbar daouwaspartofGovarawfbxiortLiat'a latabuion of Inuraal to tba hard will III! II of r 111 tha Untvaraxy off propooad budfM |ii|imil to tha lii|niiaiaiila llii flaiwili' matting il Havana Inn, nava not aHmmalad tba l lafklntura narbac tkla yaar. Clark County Community Coaxal on pronpaclat a tuba la taatiuo, bat, torn ■ ThT Inrl ni .null ii.iitao.ilj ■M Ibaro iwi to In • batter t <atoi k W lb iimml and continuad on papa 4 Daniels Dean Candidate byOteUfkftt laapuaaoUlltyoflhaainU umlil jina i UNLV bacaM of Ito "flodajrai paua- ajnlaaa of Modoßt la to "opan raoro • lial" aa a now, crootivo unjvaraity aa Oaaof hia aauor poala n* onlnctod oommiiakauofi botaaiii Wudmli and I nppind to ordat ualnnalllii toot ar» dnan of iluaißl aarvkaa would ba to ■uffaa wallai faculty.'' "Irappsd in tradition." "fadbtou tbo optbnam function of "I at Ha latudont aarvleaa) function PrawoUy Uantola la aaaodata doaa : rartoai dhtokaa la itodinl oarykjna,'' aa to rataforca atudouta u wallu itaff ' of ptudonu at tba Uiuvaratty of / ill ill 111 <lalllOX rtobbyDaainlnaaid fat a arjrrlod of wara-acratonriralr/. Maaaachuaaua. which DoaMa aald hai aodalrr," '■ Tilili] - intornaraonally and Oatuala 1 littla opportunity to bo craatlva and ITaallll. oa cmbom to moat various i told. oiporuooMboeauao itla In tbo "abadow •toffandfaculty. aUdaootharraporUnl Daniola arid bo wu atmctad to 1 of Um mora nraatiploua achoola of faiaaaiibiiialla." y . ■Miii«iajto lfara.ll,Km marato '"-■7T J '.•■ ■, , '■ Afwtotdo-nmarbmtaaUoMiaajol lllilmbaiini to ba "aa gnat a* it aonUba." rreatuan. 18 UNLV and Urn Unlvormty 01 Nando, "I'm aborted. I htva datt) aoaaaiK I "Ha taaMa. It la »at—aaattteaa ■Una donot bora aa mar* compotitlon hallava thai K la an but* to Ika I ■■»• ■• m • mm mmm t* m» If ilk »MHk h a«i»w, mm aa MumbniHli, Dantala raid. Kaeb American peopa." I pablidll.nMlMawkotatllaiak*." i in mm iniil>*»»«tM».hMHW campoi hu ba own apactfk (oak. ■iiiwiiTi »--. «n kww b Dankria arid, and Ibia iholbiam "I'va ownalot of oatooaumm among tba nonpar I'va mat at tha uaharaity. and i foal that la vary Important.'' UorJataaald.Hatoidao«bualaralortbi acboai la pood for davatopawM and Danlaki racatvad Ma aarhalnr of bckncoaoaraafromUrioaaUnhioraky ——■■■-^■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■1 ardnMrnanrofAittfromtlmUnlvorilly nhntn byU* Zakhkk of Chicago. Ho aamad a doctoral! of o£.BoMyOukb •duration from tbo Urdvoraity of Reagan Freezes Student Aid ngadttoai wwi printed in Jwraaiy), team. Imjiilwlmw Hgr famlHtl at thqr innot withdrawn tor racauidara- terawM IMW IhfcfOMMM MliaiMM *to»." by 11 W plum low >Mn •i mb mm Ith* M wUbtm Hm adMnMnlta, howmr, wuh locmvmmbcc tor BMny Hbhmh mb tompllH lIHycilteum, Una • CHENYL SULUON UAMKOOUUEA tin -Ul~ la U» nut teal UUDOMAMrTOM r ■■ ' •nrkw STiiih, o■MpTjli'i; Tto Ham of ta ■■inmUHiii mr. rw-tunta. » Hull II rrirtwa, U iipnlii to rmtan piorioj IMP tto ■i finite, ■MgiWIIIT !■■ ■rlajiialu 'lt || . I «-'l »■ I oart Of tIM ■•*- MMkadlH waaU aaw , ib*d.lttßoin M "Uk. Mr* UfObQ llMlillllllllTlll'l ■Wl ww. I , " M»tot K te—M, —1 an liiiimi &HilUMt'iioolMM.l4>Mi«MlHMlolak« ili<inl.iiw%.|iw ■».<«>».■■ mmtt of mm tm M IW. » «oo> I 1 I < »*»»"» Loot i to ftw ■"afl QtaaM a pot .hot.'' ■•»•■ •abaaa aWt ■■ MM*." t jajimiMiiJ lojBmnownl IWliaMlliHliii'ooliio film kW iH> awnh Wi* ■* atHfi. ■■ (tonaataatwoiMrolUMllto „,,, IM , .'...—:,ft*w*; to M Omu, aa » Hh laaho aaMtaa sen Ml Uak Ua>' «■* « ■» ttmmt Kiniii, Hr» A IXnaliir, I*l7 aafc bj to. .mom* .to •£■«•»••*•»- Cdtojt Mm nialiTlTi load load**j tto wotkkarttoaat>, too ■Mmj «teM» lmtS"oimm ■' iMMklklllaiVMnaaik anM far IU aaprfaa M aaa> far •taaaliU. STLtpa *■**« •• f«M ol "Wt aa't loao M MM to 00 ■oaaaaw *0 MR M|£> Mi ■ O00« ■y* 'j I'l'jiii.'fyyrnTi" *• .MM -MWHM. ROTC Evaluation Planned by 4 W»t j»W* * m * *i C«JM - ' cm JH 'Wr&Xj&Pimfir^''- "•;-'■ arear AM2.IWI Publications Guidance Committee Approved byOenitOmmt we have to offer atudetit." prolaiiianal print mourn, ana ban tba According operate and | to the pohcy, section baeavae aoma Senator* aa* information ollica Mm lIIIIIWH update tr*cortoiiUee*purpoeek,"toßaMue preened concern that the bbbbsjjMii Uv» treat U» Ccerauafcattona audiM that CHUM ■poneored pubtkationa MM may tab* power away from the Uanartmont. of \ ■}!•■ the noede of the etodente at UNLV for executive board and Uw Senate. Abo, Inn adman In abhrf weh t ■ Committee during Taiieoa'immkng. mfomatioa. free and open debate and Item A of lb* p reposal crigtoaUy CBUN nbHoMliw wB an oo noa- entortejaafleiw.'' etated. 'ToMkctfrosnaUapprkanteup mombata. Aaotkar ocManr oould to I Unlvereity Colhflt tHMor M Hal- The power, and raaponaibUUM of to three final ranrlirlatea for aabmteainn addad to tha ■i"" »■ olaraiy ■ of Um UNLV ; Update ia service deman Br*pretntodltopHMionto committee originally Include aeiacting to th* executive board. ." The been publication la ancMad to on pnbnaaid. * YELL It is deeigned to keep our renders theSenate eeveral w*«hj ago. At that three candJdatea for fubmiaeion to the waa amended to exchide the word final otbar namlnai win bcougnt up -* informed of upcoming tvtnli on and time the item we* tabled m| ft was kxacuUve Board for the poaoioo of and. to add the word* "noo-binding during diacuadon ol lha i munann. K 's around campus. Ifyou haveinformation brought before the Senate Tnaadaj for editor-in-chief for each CSUN publica- racontnamdaaion'' to place of the word ..wMdWII. P.h.r.1... your group or organisation would lika ■pproval with the NMllllua. ejoerd tion, to beer grievancoa againet CSUN 'Submission." Kiaidlanaontlmftlttaaoutluaodfctlha < published, plaaaa type itdouble spaced, minutes Operating Foley. publication* and nuke recommenda- The proposition ako outlined the Uubnmca Committal but aeoumnng to » not and havo itin tha UNLV YELL offico by tion* to the CSUN Senate, to examine structure of the ccenanirtsi. The tha (SUM Ullllllllllllll Ihia appealed and poariMa. flmalM fauna Cohan •; Monday preceding tha Thursday Haldeman to At S»ate the pubfkaUon neoda of Uwcarapua committe* will consist of aii CSUN auf- tha eaying. member*, bo amnuilid > iaaue. "Give ua the oppaitanaty to to present policy recomrneadatloaa to twff of whom muat be (laandlhM uunuuaimalnn ''SI'N polmVationii. Spwatm-*: *our aoVbwr*. oaja fro*" the ao that tha Nllleatkaa Board aaold porfcrm tba dmioa Hall bl too taiiimaalliiii llmlin llaMimiin ilbia Hospice Considered goad withtba Man otaHnwlnalutahnia [ UNLV tfamandoua amount ol tiaot to anjand byAmyFblfd toward the endof theillneee." aha aaid. facility will indeed materialise,'' "We*- abbj at WaaloiHotOaalaaU anaacalaallaa While many cancer patianta are have looked aavaral alternative* to tan to be at home inetead of bl hoepttaJa. Laa Vagaa' * Ifthe Board ofangoata doea conunUoa bacauaa bo Mt aaaao- ; sometime*the primary caregiverin the not agree with the currant prapoaal. manta would maba tba m—am ba anal, a Information The Board oirtegante we) home* "can't handle it," or "neada a Hockhill aaid ana bebavea their baton. ■ punajliii ilaoinju. "fc'a .oneider B atop itafel duuetjaa." pfopoeeltobuiMalMa|dM M tkaUNLV rest," RocfchiU aaid. Hoapkee were *iv* piarmtog wUi pay off. ( In tba Campua at their nact aMejeng. daebjnad fill the need for an Adeleon Hoepka hop** to etart Hnalaaanld tap aalabblibminl oftba to iiaawam la A hoepice prmridM aaoanaal ■Itentative to boapiteiisation. constructs mAugiu* of this year, ebe waan't anoutb book tba \ 2 movie at • p.m. On pubacanon pnMana baao MOVIE&On April the ThaRuddy Holly Story" 7 and in a home-like ifmpnm |> Mtninal- Hoapkaa eerve only cancer patient*. aaid. They would baa to opan to wa an "at 7 campus. v J April8 and»the movie willbe "The Seduction of Joe I>nan and 9:16 p.m.
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