When Dick and Nan Walden Met at A
the stallions picante jullyen v (*jullyen el jamaal x precious v) and macnificent rs (maclintock v x ravvens skylark). by GARY DEARTH hen Dick and Nan Walden met at a environmental attorney and consultant for over wedding in 1998, Dick was a lifelong fifteen years before she met Dick. Her professional W farmer and rancher, and Nan was a city background also included serving as Chief of Staff to girl. Dick grew up with ranch horses and had been Senator Bill Bradley and counsel to Senator Daniel riding since he was four years old. He attended the Patrick Moynihan. Thacher School in Ojai, California, where horses Nan was a typical horse crazy young girl. “I had are part of the curriculum. While there, he competed Breyer horses complete with handmade blankets in horse shows, gymkhanas, and packed out in the with their names embroidered on them. I read every Sespe wilderness. horse book written, including all the Walter Farley Meanwhile, Nan Stockholm Walden earned books. Dad bought me Shetland and Hackney ponies her B.A. in Environmental Studies from Stanford when I was a girl, but sadly, I had terrible childhood University. Later she graduated from the Stanford asthma,” she said. “When I was in law school at University Law School where she was the Stanford Stanford, I received a series of shots, which were Environmental Law Society President. She was an much improved by then. It changed my life.” KENNEALLY PHOTO KENNEALLY SONADO˜ > 1 < WORLD Dick was skeptical, “Green rider, high-energy horse, she will probably hurt or kill us both,” he thought.
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