Capt. Michael, John and Capt. William Pierce
NO. IV, BEING THE RECORD OF THE POSTERITY OF CAPT. MICHAEL, JOHN AND CAPT. WILLIAM PIERCE, WHO CAME TO THIS COUNTRY FROM ENGLAND. BY FREDERICK CLIFTON PIERCE, OP_ ltOCKFORD, ILL., AutJ,.o-,, of Hi.story of Grafton, HistorJI of Bat't'tt Masf•1 Compiler of Ifar.wood, Gibs,,n, Pei-rce1 Pi,r,:11 and Pea1"ce Genealogies. ! love the linea.ges of heroes: but I l~e merit more, Patents o{ nobility are but pnantoms; true worth is within, Kings are nothing but men, and all men are equal, KING FREDERICK OF P1u.1ss~A, ALBANY1 N. Y.: PUBLISHED FOR THE AUTHOR BY JOEL MUNSELVS SONS~ 1889. COPYRIGHT, z889. !<~RED.ERICK. CLIFTON PIERCE. WEED, PARSONS & CO,, PRINTERS AND ELECTROTYPERS, ALBANY, N. V. Edition Limited. TO MY PARENTS, MR. AND MRS. SILAS A. PIERCE, THIS WORK IS MOST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY THEIR SON, THE A UT HOR. Concerning this nebular history, then.,· £sit a human invention or is it a divine record? Is it " a tale told by an i~iot signifying noth ing," or i's # a plan of lnfinite imagination signifying immortalz"ty f Prof. BENJAMIN PEIRCE, of Harvard University. AUTHOR'S PREF.A.OE. Fifteen years ago while at work compiling data for the History and Genealogy of the Pierce family (my own branch), considerable information was obtained of the family of Captain Michael Pierce, an early inhabitant of Plymouth Colony, who moved from Weymouth to Scituate. Having been urged by numerous members of this family to complete the work as far as possible, the attempt was made, with what success the reader of this volume can judge.
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