Worksheet for Catechism HomeWork Questions 226-232 1. Do Worksheet rd Circle the letter which gives the best ending to each statement. 2. Memorize: 3 Article and Explanation “ But the Holy 01. God looks upon our good works as being good Spirit…one true faith.” a. for Christ's sake when they are prompted by his love. b. when they're done according to the . c. when they're done for the good of our neighbor and the world.

02. When we say the has sanctified us we mean a. he has forgiven us. b. he has declared us holy and set us apart from the unbelieving world. c. he makes us want to be saints.

03. If what we do is a good work it must be done a. in faith for the glory of God according to his law. b. for the good of our neighbor and for society. c. sincerely, knowing that if we are sincere, we will be saved.

04. If we are kept in the faith and stand at God's right hand on Judgment Day a. it'll be because we've worked hard and tried to do God's will. b. it'll be because many good people have encouraged us. c. it'll be entirely the grace of God which kept us in the faith.

05. Works which unbelievers do according to God's Ten Commandments a. are accepted as good works by God. b. are called civic and are only outwardly good. c. are like the works which every true Christian performs for Jesus.

True or False

Sanctification in the wide sense is all the Spirit does for our faith. 01. _____ T in the narrow sense is the Spirit's leading us to do good works. 02. _____ T/F Believers and unbelievers are sanctified by the Holy Spirit. 03. _____ T Sanctification (good works) naturally follows (being declared holy). 04. _____ F Good works are everything a Christian does. 05. _____ F An unbeliever may do good works which are pleasing to God. 06. _____ T A believer still sins many times. 07. _____ F What is not done according to God's law cannot be a good work. 08. _____ T God and God's grace alone through the Spirit keep us in faith. 09. _____ T The life of a Christian should be different than that of the unbeliever.

TAKING IT DEEPER… (Do any 4. Be thorough and complete in explaining your answer)

A. Agree or Disagree – You can’t live a perfectly holy life until you become a Christian.

Agree- Only a Christian’s life is seen as holy by God through Jesus’ life and death Disagree – even Christian’s sin

B. Agree or Disagree – The work of Jesus Christ gives us the chance to win eternal life by following his example.

Disagree – Jesus won eternal life for us through his life and death.

C. Agree or Disagree – A Christian does not go to heaven because of their good works. Agree – a Christian goes to heaven through faith in Jesus’ life and death

D. Agree or Disagree – I deserve some credit for the good works I do. Agree – even though the Holy Spirit works in me to do good works, I still cooperate in doing them.

Disagree – the works I do out of love for Jesus aren’t for credit, but are results of my faith

E. Agree or Disagree – Christians, who are justified, still continue to commit sins.

Agree – Christians still sin because we still have a sinful nature Disagree – through Jesus perfect life and death, God no longer sees our sin

F. Agree or Disagree – When I sin, I lose my salvation. Disagree – only impenitence – not being sorry for sin – or unbelief causes one to lose salvation.

G. Agree or Disagree – Saving faith will always produces good works. It won’t produce them perfectly.

Disagree – Any work done in faith according to God’s law is a perfect work – because Jesus’ perfect life is substituted for it.

H. Agree or Disagree – Because we are justified by grace, through faith, God doesn’t care whether a Christian does good works or not. He cares whether or not we have faith.

Disagree – God wants and commands us to do good works flowing from faith

I. What do you think? Would you agree with the following statement? “The most important thing about our lives is that we do good works. It’s not so important why we do them.”

Disagree – God wants our hearts, our attitudes, first. Good works must flow out of love for Jesus.