1. The Senate met at 10:54 a.m. The Senate President read prayers.

2. Votes and Proceedings: The Senate President announced that he had examined the Votes and Proceedings of Tuesday, 19th June, 2012 and approved same.

By unanimous consent, the Votes and Proceedings were approved.

3. Remarks by the Senate President:

The President, Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria


Distinguished colleagues,

1. It is with utmost joy and deep sense of gratitude to God that I welcome all of us to the Second Legislative Session of the Seventh Senate. My joy stems firstly from the fact that we have not suffered any deaths since the inauguration oj this Senate. Secondly, we were able to articulate and lay thejoundations for our Legislative Agenda in the last Session, I therefore make bold to say that this hallowed Chamber has been able to acquit itself creditably. This will serve as morale booster and springboardjor the Second Legislative Year which commenced yesterday. My gratitude goes to God who made all these possible. He alone remains our mainstay and source of courage, inspiration, knowledge and wisdom in discharging our constitutional duties to the citizenry.

PRINTED BY NATIONAL ASSEMBLY PRESS, 4 Wednesday, 20th June, 2012 No.2

Dear Colleagues,

2. Youwould recall that a year ago we collectively vowed to build this Senate on integrity, honesty, hard work, unity of purpose and vision. In line with these, you have demonstrated to Nigerians your commitment to the common good. The dispatch with which you helped the President and Commander-in-Chief to set up his Cabinet through a diligent, prompt, and issues-free screening and confirmationof the Ministers; the meticulousness, patriotism and speed with which you handled the 2012 Appropriation Act; the unprecedented number of Bills passed in the last Session; your courageous motions addressing pressing and sensitive national issues; the richness, robustness and depth of the debates in this Chamber;your scrupulous and energetic pursuit of your oversight duties, and most importantty, thefraternal love and conviviality that have prevailed in this Chamber is clear proof of your commitment to the Nigerian project.

The investigations carried out by this Senate have also received accoladesfrom members of the public as thorough, transparent, and conclusive. Lest weforget, in January the Senate played . a vital role in resolving the dispute between Labour and Government over the increase in the pump price offuel. Again, I salute your courage and patriotic zeal.

Distinguished Colleagues,

3. I have considered it imperative to recall your efforts sofar to buttress my opinion and that of the general public that you have collectively laid a solid foundation for the Seventh Senate. I therefore wish to impress it on you that having done that, we cannot afford to put a poor structure on a sound and solidfoundation.

While ajob well begun is half done, we have to continue on the path of excellence in the pursuit of our legislative agenda and discharge of our constitutional responsibilities. This is the only way to sustain the trust reposed in us by the people.

4. Let me state at this point that this Senate is very mindful of the increasing security challenges facing the nation. The workers of evil have continued in the ignominious waste of lives and property through acts of terrorism and violent crimes. I wish to, on your behalf, commiserate with Nigerians, and our international friends who have lost loved ones in this violent campaign against the peace, unity, and sovereignty of our nation. As I mentioned sometime last year, I still believe that this is a struggle between light and darkness. Let me assure Nigerians that good conscience, dialogue, understanding, tolerance and pragmatic security approaches are what we require to triumph over the forces of darkness. We spent yesterday reviewing our current security situations and we are going to continue the discussion at Uyo next week. We must do everything humanly possible to restore peace and order immediately.

5. Importantly, 1wish to reassure Nigerians that we are not resting on our oars. In addition to our previous efforts and in response to the current realities and challenges, the Senate is dedicating itsforthcoming Retreat tofinding lasting solutions to this carnage and unwarranted attack on the nation. While in Uyo, we will brainstorm and interact with stakeholders and experts, to chan policy directions that will arrest this rapid descent to anarchy with consequences well beyond our imagination.

My Bosses, , ..' "~ ~"~ No.2 Wednesday, 20th June, 2012 5

6. May I also emphasise that constitution amendment remains one of our major tasks. This is because we believe that it holds the key to our many structural deformities such as insecurity, endemic corruption, poor governance, dysfunctional and comatose local government system. Already, the Constitution Review Committee has called for memoranda from Nigerians and interest groups. The submission is still ongoing. I wish to urge Nigerians to take advantage of this opportunity as well as the subsequent public hearings to make inputs on how to make our constitution serve us better. As usual this constitution review process will be participatory, transparent, and inclusive. We did it before. We will do it again and even better because we have experience and precedence to our advantage.

Distinguished Colleagues,

7. Permit me to also emphasise that we will work to strengthen our electoral processes. There is no doubt that the Sixth National Assembly made its mark in electoral reforms which resulted in the locally and internationally acknowledged improvements in the 2011 general election, however; it is clear that more work needs to be done. We will work to ensure that the loopholes in our electoral laws and processes which unscrupulous Nigerians exploit to undermine the collective will of the electorate are plugged. The truth is that if we have to move forward as a country, we must get our processes of political recruitment right. This we are committed to doing.

My Bosses,

8. We will not relent in carrying out our oversight responsibilities. We must continue to apply the same energy exerted in passing budgets to our oversight functions. Our nation is in dire need of infra structural renewal and urgent interventions in various critical sectors. Our people are in dire need of democracy dividends. And we can only make their dreams come true by the diligent implementation of the Appropriation Act. All Standing Committees must therefore work hard to realise this goal.

9. Furthermore, this Senate will continue to work to expose corruption and poor administration in all areas of our national life. This is our constitutional duty. We must not allow ourselves to be cajoled into slumber or succumb to blackmail in the discharge of our duties. We will do all we can to uphold transparency and integrity in governance. In this regard, all pending investigations should be speedily concluded without compromising thoroughness and detail. We will however continue to bring all requisite legislative pressure to bear on the right quarters to do the right things with our reports.

10. We will continue to pursue the enactment of laws for good governance. We must not fail on this basic task. It is a duty we owe our people. It is through people oriented laws that we can respond to their needs.

Distinguished Colleagues,

11. The expectations are high, the challenges are myriad but the will is strong. Let us, therefore, continue in oneness of purpose.faith, devotion, hard work and solidarity tojustify our mandate and improve the lots of our people. 1can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Distinguished Bosses, 6 Wednesday, 20th June, 2012 No.2

12. It is on this note, that I welcome you to the Second Legislative Session of the Seventh Senate.

13. Thank you. May the good Lord bless and be with you.

(Signed) Senator (Dr) David A.B. Mark, GCON, fnim PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE

4. Announcements: (a) Appreciation: The Senate President read a letter from Senator Ike Ekwerernadu (Enugu West) as follows: ,1t;i ~ '4"

~ii. "1'- ' , '4*~ '( "";'-;'''' t",K,Sc


11thJune, 2012

His Excellency Senator (Dr) David A.B. Mark. GCON. fnim President of the Senate National Assembly Complex Abuja

My dear brother,


It is with utmost sense of appreciation that I write to convey my gratitude and that of the entire Ekweremadu family to you and the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for being there for us during the funeral of our late father. HRH Igwe Matthias Chukwuemeka Ekweremadu.

You were indeed ready shoulders upon which wefound support and solidarity at our trying time. The overwhelming presence and empathy of Senators also left no one in doubt that the Senate is indeed one big family united in love and brotherhood.

On behalf of the Ekweremadufamily and the entire people of Mpu, I thank you most sincerely. I pray God to bless you beyond measures and may you also find instant help and succour at every point of need.

While wishing you the best in all your endeavours, please accept, Your Excellency. the assurances of my highest considerations.

(Signed) SENATOR , CFR Deputy President of the Senate. Federal Republic of Nigeria No.2 Wednesday, 20th June, 2012 7



NASSICHMISCEIGLl737 20th June, 2012

To: The President of the Senate, Principal Officers, Distinguished Colleagues, The Senate, National Assembly, Abuja.

Dear Colleagues,

This is to bring to your notice the final funeral rites of Comrade Pascal Bafyau, the late President of NLC, and appeal to you for your support.

Tomorrow is the Lying-In-State ceremony in Labour House Abuja (Thursday, June 21, 2012, lIam - lpm).

The late President Bafyau died a poor man, in selfess service to the down-trodden workers. Please, help to underwrite the cost of his burial. Join in the struggle.

Please, contact Comrade Dahiru Kuta for further details.

Thank you. (Signed) Comrade Uche Chukwumerije, Senator

(c) Northern Senators' Forum: The Senate President read a letter from Senator Ahmad 1. Lawan (Yobe North) as follows: ,~> Il',"~~ '''''~~'+' ~{'-"! 's .t:'~:;\t



There will be a meeting of the Northern Senators Forum (NSF).

Date: Today, 2(JhJune, 2012

Time: 4:00 p.m. ! I

8 Wednesday, 20th June, 2012 No.2

Venue: Hearing Room 1, Old Senate Wing, National Assembly Complex.

(Signed) Senator Secretary

5. Petition: Rising on Rule 41, Senator (Kebbi South) drew the attention of the Senate to a petition from his constituent, Nasiru Ahmad, over wrongful discharge from the Nigerian Army. He urged the Senate to look into the matter.

Petition Laid and accordingly referred to the Committee on Ethics, Privileges and Public Petitions [Rule 41 (3)].

6. Presentation of Bills: (i) University of Lagos Act CAP U9 LFN 2004 (Amendment) Bill 2012 (SB. 180) - Read the First Time.

(ii) Federal Universities of Agriculture Act CAP F22 LFN 2004 (Amendment) Bill 2012 (SB. 179) - Read the First Time.

(iii) Federal Universities of Technology Act CAP F23 LFN 2004 (Amendment) Bill 2012 (SB. 181) - Read the First Time.

(iv) Public Procurement Act No. 14, 2007 (Amendment) Bill 2012 (SB. 182) - Read the First Time.

(v) Crime against Humanity, War Crimes, Genocide and Other Related Offences Bill 2012 (SB. 183) - Read the First Time.

(vI) Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun (Establishment, etc.) Bill 2012 (SB.187) - Read the First Time.

7. Committee on Health: Report on the Sickle Cell (Prevention, Control and Management) Bil12012 (SB. 59): Motion made: That the Senate do receive the Report of the Committee on Health, on the Sickle Cell (Prevention Control and Management) Bill 2012 (Senator Gyang D. Dantong - Plateau North).

Question put and agreed to.

Report Laid.

8. Committee on Federal Character and Inter-Governmental Affairs: Report on the Removal of Alhaji Muhammadu Ari Gwaska: Motion made: That the Senate do receive the Report of the Committee on Federal Character and Inter-Governmental Affairs, on the removal of Alhaji Muhammadu Ari Gwaska, as a member representing Nasarawa State from the Federal Character Commission (Senator Dahiru A. Kuta - Niger East).

Question put and agreed to.

Report Laid. No.2 Wednesday, 20th June, 2012 9

9. Chartered Institute of Management Accountants of Nigeria (Establishment, etc) Bill 2012 (HB.46):

Consideration of the Bill stood down to another Legislative Day.

10. Project Continuity Bill 2012 (SB.101): Motion made: That a Bill for an Act to Provide for Project Continuity by the Federal Government and for Other Matters Connected therewith 2012 be read the Second Time (Senator Domingo A. Obende - Edo North).


Bill withdrawn (Rule 89)

11. Adjournment: Motion made: That the Senate do now adjourn till Thursday, 21st June, 2012 at 10.00 a.m. (Senate Leader).

Adjourned accordingly at 12:20p.m.

Dr. David A. B. Mark, GcON, fnim President, Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.