

The HEAVISIDE unit , also called the unit step function, is defined according to ⎧ ⎨⎪ 1 for t>a, ≥ − 1 for t a, − 1 H(t a):= or H(t a): 2 for t = a, (A.1a,b) 0 for t

where t is the time variable and t = a denotes a time at which a step change has been occured (Fig.A.1).

H(t-a) H(t-a) 1 1

1 2

0 a t 0 a t

Fig. A.1 HEAVISIDE functions (A.1a,b)

A step change in shear stress from τ =0to τ = τ0 at t = a may be expressed by τ(t)=τ0H(t − a) . (A.2) Another step function is shown in Fig. 11.1, which can be represented as follows

σ(t)=σ0H(t)+Δσ1H(t − Θ1)+Δσ2H(t − Θ2)+... (A.3a)

n σ(t)=σ0H(t)+ ΔσiH(t − Θi) , (A.3b) i=1 286 A The HEAVISIDE and DIRAC Functions if we use the HEAVISIDE function H(t − a) defined in (A.1). Similarly to (A.3) and Fig.11.1 the step function

h(t)=H(t − a)+2H(t − 2a)+3H(t − 4a) (A.4) is drawn in Fig. A.2.

6 h(t)



0 a 2a 4a t

Fig. A.2 Several steps

Adding and subtracting unit step functions at times t equal to a, 2a, 3a, ... we arrive at the square N h(t)=H(t)+2 (−1)nH(t − na) (A.5) n=1 illustrated in Fig. A.3.


0 a 2a 3a 4a 5a t


Fig. A.3 Square wave (A.5) ATheHEAVISIDE and DIRAC Functions 287

The unit step function (A.1) is defined in MAPLE under the name Heavi- side. For example, the influence of the HEAVISIDE function on sin(t) and cos2(t) is illustrated in Fig. A.4a. A 1.mws > alias(H=Heaviside,th=thickness): > plot1:=plot(H(t-1),t=0..Pi,th=3): > plot2:=plot(sin(t)*H(t-1), t=0..Pi, th=3): > plot3:=plot((cos(t))ˆ2*H(t-1), > t=0..Pi,th=3): > plots[display]({plot1,plot2,plot3});

1 H(t−1)

0.8 H(t−1)sin(t)


0.4 H(t−1)cos2 (t)


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 t t 2 Fig. A.4a Influence of the HEAVISIDE function on sin(t) and cos (t)

Another example is illustrated in Fig. A.4b, where the vertical lines have been produced by HEAVISIDE functions. A 2.mws > alias(H=Heaviside,th=thickness): > plot1:=plot({-1,1,2,3,4,5}, X=0..5,-1..5, > scaling=constrained, color=black,th=2): > plot2:=plot({5*H(x-1)+5*H(x-1.001), > -H(x-1)-H(x-1.001), 5*H(x-2)+5*H(x-2.001), > 2+H(x-3.5)+3*H(x-3.501),5*H(x-5)+ > 5*H(x-5),-H(x-5)-H(x-5.001)}, > x=0..5.00001, -1..5, color=black, th=3): > plots[display]({plot1,plot2}); 288 A The HEAVISIDE and DIRAC Functions






0 12345


Fig. A.4b Vertical lines generated by HEAVISIDE functions

In some Figures, for instance in Fig. B.1, HEAVISIDE functions have been used in order to generate vertical lines. Besides the HEAVISIDE unit function (A.1) the , also called the unit impulse function, plays a central role in creep mechanics, for instance in (11.11b), and is defined according to 0 for t = a, δ(t − a):= (A.6) ∞ for t = a.

This function has the properties &∞ δ(t − a)dt =1 (A.7) 0 and ATheHEAVISIDE and DIRAC Functions 289

&∞ δ(t − a) f(t)dt = f(a) (A.8) 0 for every f(t) and also valid for a =0. The property (A.7) of the delta function can geometrically interpreted as illustrated in Fig. A.5.

@A(t - a)

1 A 1/A

a t

Fig. A.5 DIRAC delta function with ε>0

In Fig. A.5 the ”modified”delta function 1/ε for aa+ ε is represented,which tends to (A.6) as ε tends to zero, where the hatched area in Fig. A.5 is always unity. Hence, the property (A.7) is valid. If any continuous function f(t) is multiplied by the DIRAC delta function δ(t − a) the product vanishes everywhere except at t = a, while the value f(a) is independent of t and can therefore be written outside the . Thus, considering (A.7), we arrive at the result (A.8), which is also applied in the collocation method according to

&L ! δ(x − xi)R(x)dx = R(Xi) =0 , (A.10) 0 where R(x) is the residuum of an approximation, for instance ΔΦ − g(x)= R(x) =0 ,andXi is an optimal selected collocation point. The integral in (A.10) is setting over a domain L considered. 290 A The HEAVISIDE and DIRAC Functions

The collocation method can be shown to be a special case of the weighted- residual method &L ! Wi(x)R(x)dx =0 , (A.11) 0 where Wi(x) are weight functions (BETTEN, 2004). A relation between the unit step function (A.1) and the unit impulse func- tion (A.6) is given by

d δ(t − a)= H(t − a) ≡ H˙ (t − a) (A.12) dt and may be deduced in the following way. The modified delta function (A.9) can be represented by the HEAVISIDE function (A.1) as 1 δ (t − a)= [H(t − a) − H(t − a − ε)] (A.13a) ε ε or for a =0according to 1 δ (t)= [H(t) − H(t − ε)] . (A.13b) ε ε Then, we immediately find the DIRAC delta function by forming the follow- ing H(t) − H(t − ε) δ(t) = lim δε(t) = lim = H˙ (t) (A.14) ε→0 ε→0 ε in accordance with (A.12), that is, the DIRAC delta function is the deriva- tion of the HEAVISIDE function. This relation is illustrated in Fig. A.6a,b by comparing Fig. A.1 with Fig. A.5. A 3.mws > with(stats): > with(statevalf): > H:=statevalf[pdf,normald[1,0.2]]: > delta:=statevalf[cdf,normald[1,0.2]]: > plot({H(t),delta(t)},t=0..2,thickness=3); > H:=statevalf[pdf,normald[1,0.03]]: > delta:=statevalf[cdf,normald[1,0.03]]: > plot({H(t),delta(t)}, > t=0..2,0..2,thickness=3); ATheHEAVISIDE and DIRAC Functions 291

2 δ (t−1; 0.2)

1.5 H(t−1; 0.2)



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 1t t

Fig. A.6a Relation between the modified HEAVISIDE function (A.16) and the modified DIRAC function (A.15); parameters: a =1, σ =0.2


1.8 δ(t−1; 0.03) 1.6

1.4 1.2 H(t−1; 0.03) 1

0.8 0.6



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 1t t

Fig. A.6b Relation between the modified HEAVISIDE function (A.16) and the modified DIRAC function (A.15); parameters: a =1, σ =0.03 292 A The HEAVISIDE and DIRAC Functions

As an example, the (GAUSS distribution)  2 1 1 t − a −∞ 0 is considered in Fig. A.6 as a modified DIRAC delta function, and is, ac- cording to (A.14), the of the modified (continuous) HEAVISIDE function &t  2 1 1 x − a H(t − a; σ):= √ exp − dx . (A.16) σ 2π 2 σ −∞

The parameter σ in (A.16) regulates the continuous transition of the HEAVI- SIDE function at the position t = a of the step. The GAUSS distribution (A.15) has the property (A.7) or &∞ δ(t − a; σ)dt =1 , (A.17) −∞ as can be shown by utilizing the MAPLE software, hence, it is a suitable impulse function. A 4.mws > delta(t):=(1/sigma/sqrt(2*Pi))* > exp((-1/2)*((t-a)/sigma)ˆ2); 2 √ (− (t−a) ) 1 2 e 2 σ2 δ(t):= √ 2 σ π > Int(delta,t=0..infinity)=int(subs(a=1, > sigma=1./10, delta(t)),t=0..infinity); & ∞ δdt=1.000000000 0

In the following, let us discuss the modified (continuous) HEAVISIDE function 1 2Dt H(t − a; D):= arctan , (A.18) π a2 − t2 where the parameter D ≥ 0 regulates the continuous transition at the posi- tion t = a of the step, (Fig. A.7). For D =0, we arrive at the ”original” HEAVISIDE function (Fig. A.7). ATheHEAVISIDE and DIRAC Functions 293

Remark: The formula (A.18) remembers us at the difference ϕ between the impressed or impressed movement and the resulting steady-state of a damped system. In that case the parameter D is the damping factor, while the variable t is interpreted as the ratio Ω/ω. > y(t):=2*D*t; x(t):=1-tˆ2; A 5.mws y(t):=2Dt

2 x(t):=1− t

> H(t):=(1/Pi)*arctan(y(t),x(t)); arctan(2 D t, 1 − t2) H(t):= π > plot1:=plot(subs(D=infinity,H(t)), > t=0..3,0..1): > plot2:=plot(subs(D=0.5,H(t)),t=0..3,0..1): > plot3:=plot(subs(D=0.1,H(t)),t=0..3,0..1): > plot4:=plot(subs(D=0.05,H(t)),t=0..3,0..1): > plot5:=plot(subs(D=0,H(t)),t=0..3,0..1): > plots[display]({plot1,plot2,plot3, > plot4,plot5});

D=0 1 H(t−1; D) D=0.1

0.8 D=0.5


D= 8



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 tt

Fig. A.7 Modified HEAVISIDE function (A.18) 294 A The HEAVISIDE and DIRAC Functions

From (A.18) we deduce the corresponding DIRAC delta functions:

2D a2 + t2 δ(t − a; D):=H˙ (t − a; D)= , (A.19) π (a2 − t2)2 +4D2t2 which are graphically represented in Fig. A.8 as MAPLE-plot. A 6.mws > delta(t):=(2*D/Pi)*(1+tˆ2)/ > ((1-tˆ2)ˆ2+4*(Dˆ2)*tˆ2); 2D(1+t2) δ(t):= π ((1 − t2)2 +4D2 t2) > plot1:=plot(subs(D=0.5,delta(t)),t=0..3): > plot2:=plot(subs(D=0.1,delta(t)),t=0..3): > plot3:=plot(subs(D=0.01,delta(t)), > t=0..3,0..2): > plots[display]({plot1,plot2,plot3});


1.8 δ(t−1; D) 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 D=0.01

0.8 D=0.1 0.6

0.4 D=0.5 0.2

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 tt

Fig. A.8 Modified DIRAC delta functions (A.19)

As we can see in the MAPLE output (Fig. A.8), the ”modified” DIRAC delta functions (A.19) have the property (A.7) for all D>0.ForD =0the delta function (A.19) is a vertical line at t = a =1with an area identi- cal to zero in contrast to the GAUSS distribution (A.15), which satisfies the condition (A.7) also for σ identical to zero. BTheLAPLACE Transformation

The LAPLACE transformation is an elegant procedure, which can be used, for instance, to solve ordinary and partial differential equations or integral equations. It often yields results more readily than other techniques. Es- pecially in the theory of viscoelasticity (Chapter 11), operational calculus, electricity, etc., many authors utilize this convenient tool. The general two-sided LAPLACE transformation is defined as &∞ − F (s):= f(t)e stdt , (B.1) −∞ where the function f(t) of t is mapped into a function F (s) of the trans- formed variable s, which may be real or complex. In the following, the lower limit of the integral in (B.1) is fixed at t =0, i.e., the one-side (right side) LAPLACE transformation &∞ − L{f(t)}≡fˆ(s):= f(t)e stdt (B.2) 0 is taken into consideration (Chapter 11). A function f(t) is transformable according to (B.2), if it is piecewise continuous with at most exponential growth, i.e., − | f(t) |≤ Meat or | e atf(t) |≤ M with M,a ∈ IR. (B.3)

Then, the L{f(t)} exists for all s>a, and the function f(t) is of exponential order a.

Proof: &∞ &∞ − −( − ) M | L{f(x)}|≤ | f(t) | e stdt ≤ M e s a tdt = . (B.4) s − a 0 0 296 B The LAPLACE Transformation

Since M/(s − a) has a finite value for s>a, the integral in (B.2) is bounded. This establishes the of the integral defining L{f(t)}. The convergence is uniform,ifs ≥ α0 >a,whereα0 is fixed. If s is complex, the above integral converges absolutely, provided the real part Re(s) ≥ α0 >a. Due to the theorem (B.3) the class of admissible functions f(t), for which the LAPLACE transform (B.2) exists, is large enough for practical applica- tions. A lot of LAPLACE transform pairs, fˆ(s) ⇐⇒ f(t), is listed in a table at the end of this appendix. Further examples can be found in the MAPLE program. The exponential function exp(at) is admissible as has been shown in (B.4) for M =1. Any periodic function that is piecewise continuous on its periodic is transformable. Polynomials are also admissible. Let f(t)=exp(at) with a = iωt. Then, the LAPLACE transformation (B.2) yields 1 s + iω L{eiωt} = L{cos ωt + i sin ωt} = ≡ . (B.5) s − iω s2 + ω2 Since the operator L{} is linear,

L{αf(t)+βg(t)} = αL{f(t)} + βL{g(t)} , (B.6) we arrive from (B.5) at the decomposition s ω L{cos ωt} + iL{sin ωt} = + i , (B.7) s2 + ω2 s2 + ω2 hence: s ω L{cos ωt} = and L{sin ωt} = (B.8a,b) s2 + ω2 s2 + ω2 for all real s and ω. The (B.6) immediately follows from the definiton (B.2). Differ- entiation of the transforms (B.8a,b) with respect to ω yields 2sω s2 − ω2 L{t sin ωt} = and L{t cos ωt} = . (B.9a,b) (s2 + ω2)2 (s2 + ω2)2 Another example is f(t)=tp. Introducing the substitution st ≡ x,we obtain the following LAPLACE transform: &∞ &∞  &∞ − x p − dx 1 − L{tp}≡ tpe stdt = e x = xpe xdx , (B.10) s s sp+1 0 0 0 BTheLAPLACE Transformation 297 where the latter integral is convergent for p>−1 and represents the GAMMA function (11.33) defined as &∞ − Γ (p +1):= xpe xdx with p>−1 (B.11a) 0 or &∞ −1 − Γ (r):= xr e xdx with r>0 . (B.11b) 0 Partial integration of the latter integral yields &∞ 1 − 1 Γ (r):= xre xdx ≡ Γ (r +1). (B.12) r r 0

The GAMMA function (B.11b) is drawn with MAPLE in Fig. B.1, where some points are marked. B 1.mws > alias(H=Heaviside, th=thickness): > plot1:=plot({6,6*H(r-4)},r=0..4.001): > plot2:=plot(GAMMA(r),r=0..4,0..6,th=3): > plots[display]({plot1, plot2});


5 Γ(r) 4

3 Γ (n+1)=n!



0 1234 rr

Fig. B.1 GAMMA function 298 B The LAPLACE Transformation

For r =1we obtain from (B.11b) &∞ − Γ (1) = e xdx =1 0 and then by considering (B.12) for the following :

Γ (2) = 1 · Γ (1) ≡ 1!,Γ(3) = 2 · Γ (2) ≡ 2!,Γ(4) = 3 · Γ (3) ≡ 3!, and finally Γ (n +1)=n! , (B.13) where n ≥ 0 is an integer. Because of this connection with n! the function Γ (n +1)may be called the factorial function. Comparing (B.11a) or (B.13) with (B.10), we obtain the following alter- native LAPLACE transforms

Γ (p +1) n! L{tp} = or L{tn} = , (B.14a,b) sp+1 sn+1 where s>0 and p>−1, while n ≥ 0 is an integer. For p = −1 the condition (B.3) is not satisfied, and for the function f(t)=1/t the LAPLACE transform L{1/t} does not exist, since the inte- gral (B.2) is divergent in that case. However, there may be transformable functions, which do not satisfy the criterion (B.3). Thus, the condition is suf- ficient,butnot necessary. The essential advantage and usefulness of the LAPLACE transformation is that it is necessary to know only some simple rules for solving practical prob- lems. Therefore, the most important properties and rules of the LAPLACE transformation should be collected in the following.

B.1 Linearity

The linearity according to (B.6) of the operator L{} immediately follows from the definition (B.2) and has been utilized in order to find the LAPLACE transforms (B.8a,b), for instance. Another example is:

1 1 − ω L{sinh ωt} = L{eωt}− L{e ωt} = , (B.15) 2 2 s2 − ω2 where s>ω. B.4 Shift Rule 299

B.2 Inverse LAPLACE Transforms

The inverse LAPLACE transform of (B.2) is written in the form

−1 f(t)=L {fˆ(s)} (B.16) and is unique, if f(t) satisfies the condition (B.3). Example:

3+2s −5 7 2 fˆ(s)= = + = L{−5et +7e t} . (B.17) 2 − 3s + s2 s − 1 s − 2 Its inverse form according to (B.16) yields 2 f(t)=−5et +7e t . (B.18) Note, we have used the partial fraction expansion and the linearity (B.6) and the transform L{eωt} =1/(s − ω) in the decomposition (B.17).

B.3 Similarity Rule

The similarity rule   1 1 L{f(ωt)} = fˆ s with ω>0 (B.19) ω ω can be proofed by substituting ϕ = ωt in (B.2). The rule (B.19) is also valid for ω =1/α.

B.4 Shift Rule

The shift rule − L{f(t − a)} = e asfˆ(s) (B.20a) or &a L{f(t + a)} = eas[fˆ(s) − f(t)dt] (B.20b) 0 with a>0 can be proofed by substituting τ = t − a or τ = t + a, respectively, in (B.2). 300 B The LAPLACE Transformation

B.5 Damping Rule

The damping rule − L{f(t)e at} = fˆ(s + a) (B.21a) immediately follows from (B.2): &∞ − −( + ) L{f(t)e at} := f(t)e s a tdt ≡ fˆ(s + a) , (B.21b) 0

where the parameter a is real and positiv.

B.6 LAPLACE Transforms of

In order to utilize the LAPLACE transformation for solving ordinary differ- ential equations we need the transform of the derivative f (n)(t), which is given by the rule

L{f (n)(t)} = snL{f(t)}−sn−1f(0+) − sn−2f (0+) . (B.22) −sn−3f (0+) − ...− f (n−1)(0+)

It is assumed that f (n)(t) is admissible in the sense of (B.3) and that all the lower derivatives are continuous for t>0. The values at 0+ are limits as t → 0 from the right. The derivative rule (B.22) can be deduced by induction in the following way. Assuming that f(t) is a continuous function which an admissible deriva- tive f (t), integration by parts yields: &∞ &∞ {  }  −st −st∞ −st L f (t) = f (t)e dt = f(t)e 0 + s f(t)e dt , 0 0 where the upper limit of the first term on the right-hand side vanishes, while the lower limit is equal to f(0+). Thus, we obtain the following fundamental result:  + L{f (t)} = sL{f(t)}−f(0 ) . (B.23) B.7 Differentiation of LAPLACE Transforms 301

Substituting f(t) ≡ g(t), we arrive from (B.23) at the following relations:  {  } {  }−  + L g (t) = sL g (t) g (0 ) ⇒ L {g(t)} = sL{g(t)}−g(0+)

 2 +  + L{g (t)} = s L{g(t)}−sg(0 ) − g (0 ) . (B.24)

Continuing this process, we finally arrive at the derivative rule (B.22). As an example, let us solve the initial-value problem

x¨ +6˙x +5x =0 with x(0) = 1 and x˙(0) = −2. (B.25)

Taking into consideration (B.23) and (B.24), the (B.25) with the initial values transforms according to

2 (s L{x(t)}−s +2)+6(sL{x(t)}−1) + 5L{x(t)} =0, hence s +4 s +4 3 1 L{x(t)} = = = + s2 +6s +5 (s +1)(s +5) 4(s +1) 4(s +5) and, similar to (B.17), the inverse transform, taken from the table of trans- forms, is the solution 3 − 1 −5 x(t)= e t + e t (B.26) 4 4 of the initial-value problem (B.25).

B.7 Differentiation of LAPLACE Transforms

The differentiation of the transform fˆ(s) with respect to the transformed variable s yields

(n) ( ) d fˆ(s) fˆ n (s)= =(−1)nL{tnf(t)} . (B.27) dsn

This rule can be obtained as follows. The first derivative of (B.2) with respect to s is: &∞ dfˆ(s) − = − tf(t)e stdt ≡−L{tf(t)} , ds 0 302 B The LAPLACE Transformation the second one is: ∞ 2 & d fˆ(s) 2 − 2 = − t f(t)e stdt ≡ +L{t f(t)} . ds2 0 Following this way, we finally arrive at the rule (B.27). For f(t)=cosωt we obtain from (B.27) by considering (B.8a) the fol- lowing result d s2 − ω2 L{t cos ωt} = − L{cos ωt} = , ds (s2 + ω2)2 which is identical to (B.9b). Another example is f(t)=eωt with L{eωt} =1/(s − ω), hence 2 2 d 2 L{t eωt} =+ L{eωt} = . ds2 (s − ω)3 Continuing this procedure, we finally obtain the following result:

n! L{tneωt} = . (B.28) (s − ω)n+1

B.8 LAPLACE Transform of an Integral

The LAPLACE transform of an integral, ⎧ ⎫ ⎡ ⎤ ⎨&t ⎬ &∞ &t − 1 L f(τ)dτ := e st ⎣ f(τ)dτ⎦ dt = L{f(t)} , (B.29) ⎩ ⎭ s 0 0 0 can be obtained in the following way. Bearing in mind that

&t d f(τ)dτ = f(t) dt 0 and integrating by parts, we arrive at ⎡ ⎤ &∞ &t &t &∞ ∞ −st ⎣ ⎦ 1 −st 1 −st e f(τ)dτ dt = − e f(τ)dτ + e f(t)dt , s =0 s 0 0 0 t 0 B.9 Theorem 303 where the first term on the right-hand side is zero at both limits, t =0and ∞ t = ∞, if the integral f(τ)dτ converges. Thus, the integration rule (B.29) 0 has been proofed. As an example, we find ⎧ ⎫ ⎨&t ⎬ 1 ω L sin ωτdτ = L{sin ωt}≡ , (B.30) ⎩ ⎭ s s(s2 + ω2) 0 where (B.8b) has been taken into account.

B.9 Convolution Theorem

The convolution is of major importance, for instance, in the study of heat conduction, wave motion, plastic flow, creep, and, especially, in the theory of viscoelasticity (Section 11.1). Based upon BOLTZMANN’s superposition principle, the creep response of linear viscoelastic materials can be described by the hereditary integral (11.3) or, starting in the history at time Θ =0, by the constitutive equation

&t ∂σ(Θ) Eε(t)= κ(t − Θ)dΘ . (B.31) ∂Θ 0

The integral in (B.31) can be interpreted as a convolution integral. Definition: The convolution of two functions, say f1(t) and f2(t),isde- fined according to

&t ϕ(t):= f1(Θ)f2(t − Θ)dΘ ≡ f1 ∗ f2 . (B.32a) 0 Introducing the substitution τ = t − Θ, the definition (B.32a) can alterna- tively be expressed in the form

&t ϕ(t):= f2(τ)f1(t − τ)dτ ≡ f2 ∗ f1 . (B.32b) 0

Comparing both forms, we see that the convolution of two functions is com- mutative, i.e., 304 B The LAPLACE Transformation

f1 ∗ f2 = f2 ∗ f1 . (B.33)

Applying the LAPLACE transform (B.2) to the convolution integral ϕ(t), we arrive at the convolution theorem

ϕˆ(s) ≡ L{f1 ∗ f2} = L{f1(t)}L{f2(t)} = fˆ1(s)fˆ2(s) , (B.34) which states that the convolution in the original region corresponds to the usual multiplication in the transformed region. In other words:

The LAPLACE transform of the convolution of two functions is identical with the product of the LAPLACE transforms of these two functions. This theorem can be proofed in the following way. For &∞ &∞ −su −sv fˆ1(s)= e f1(u)du and fˆ2(s)= e f2(v)dv , (B.35a,b) 0 0

the right-hand side in (B.34) can be written as: ⎡ ⎤ &∞ &∞ &∞ −su ⎣ −s(u+v) ⎦ fˆ1(s)fˆ2(s)= e fˆ2(s)f1(u)du = f2(v)e dv f1(u)du . 0 0 0 (B.36) To make this integral applicable to a LAPLACE transformation, let us introduce a substitution  u = u(t, w) t = t(u, v) ⇐⇒ (B.37) v = v(t, w) w = w(u, v) according to the  u = t − w t = u + v ⇐⇒ (B.38) v = w w = v where the JACOBI determinant is given by: ∂u ∂v ∂t ∂w ∂t ∂t (−1) ∂u ∂u J := =1 or J := =1. (B.39) ∂u ∂v ∂t ∂w ∂w ∂w ∂v ∂v B.9 Convolution Theorem 305

Thus, the area element dtdw in the mapped t-w-plane is equal to the corre- sponding area element dudv in the u-v-plane (Fig. B.2). Then, the double integral in (B.36) can be expressed as ⎡ ⎤ &∞ &t ⎣ ⎦ −st fˆ1(s)fˆ2(s)= f2(w)f1(t − w)dw e dt ≡ L{f2 ∗ f1} (B.40) 0 0 in accordance with (B.34) and (B.33). The ranges of integration of the double in (B.36) and (B.40) are illustrated in Fig. B.2.

vwu=0 3 3 u=1

2 2 w=t u=2

1 1 u=3

u t 1 2 3 1 2 3 Fig. B.2 Ranges of integration in the u-v-andt-w-plane

Utilizing the convolution theorem (B.34) it is easy to proof the associative property (f1 ∗ f2) ∗ f3 = f1 ∗ (f2 ∗ f3) , (B.41a) which can alternatively be expressed as

g ∗ f3 = f1 ∗ h (B.41b) by substituting g ≡ f1 ∗ f2 and h ≡ f2 ∗ f3 . (B.42a,b) Applying the convolution theorem to the left-hand side and right-hand side of (B.41b), we obtain

L{g ∗ f3} =ˆgfˆ3 = L{f1 ∗ f2}fˆ3 =(fˆ1fˆ2)fˆ3 (B.43a) 306 B The LAPLACE Transformation and L{f1 ∗ h} = fˆ1hˆ = fˆ1L{f2 ∗ f3} = fˆ1(fˆ2fˆ3) , (B.43b) respectively. Since the ordinary multiplication on the right-hand sides in (B.43a,b) is associative,

(fˆ1fˆ2)fˆ3 = fˆ1(fˆ2fˆ3) , (B.44) it follows that the convolution of three functions is associative according to (B.41a,b). In a similar way, the distributive property,

f1 ∗ (f2 + f3)=f1 ∗ f2 + f1 ∗ f3 (B.45) can be proofed: Substituting k ≡ f2 + f3 and considering the linearity (B.6), we obtain the following relations

L{f1 ∗ k} = fˆ1kˆ = fˆ1L{f2 + f3} = fˆ1(L{f2} + L{f3})= = fˆ1(fˆ2 + fˆ3)=fˆ1fˆ2 + fˆ1fˆ3 (B.46) L{f1 ∗ (f2 + f3)} = L{f1 ∗ f2} + L{f1 ∗ f3} in accordance with (B.46). To illustrade the convolution theorem, let us consider the equation of mo- tion mx¨ + kx = F (t) (B.47a) or 2 2 x¨ + ω x = ω f(t) with x(0) =x ˙(0) = 0 , (B.47b) where the abbreviations ω2 = k/m and f(t)=F (t)/k have been intro- duced. The LAPLACE transformation &∞ &∞ 2 − 2 − (¨x + ω x)e stdt = ω f(t)e stdt (B.48) 0 0 carried out on both sides of the equation of motion (B.47b) by taking the transform (B.24) into account yields

2 2 2 s L{x(t)}−sx(0) − x˙(0) + ω L{x(t)} = ω L{f(t)} .

Inserting the initial values x(0) =x ˙(0) = 0, we obtain B.9 Convolution Theorem 307

ω2 L{x(t)} = L{f(t)}≡L{g(t)}L{f(t)} . (B.49) s2 + ω2 Thus, applying the convolution theorem (B.34), the solution of the problem (B.47b) can be represented as (B.32a,b), i.e.:

&t x(t)=g(t) ∗ f(t)= f(Θ)g(t − Θ)dΘ , (B.50) 0 and because of (B.8b), we finally arrive at the solution

&t x(t)=ω f(Θ)sinω(t − Θ)dΘ (B.51) 0 with an arbitrary forcing function F (t)=kf(t) and with the assumed initial values x(0) = 0 and x˙(0) = 0. If the system is subjected to an external of magnitude F (t)=F0 sin Ωt, we obtain the following special solution:

&t F0 x(t)=ω sin ΩΘ sin ω(t − Θ)dΘ , k 0

&t F0 x(t)=ω Im eiΩΘ sin ω(t − Θ)dΘ , k 0   F0/k Ω F (t)=F0 sin Ωt =⇒ x(t)= sin Ωt − sin ωt . − Ω 2 ω 1 ( ω ) (B.52a)

If the external harmonic function has a magnitude of F (t)=F0 cos Ωt,we find in a similar way the following solution of the initial-value problem (B.47b):   F0/k F (t)=F0 cos Ωt =⇒ x(t)= cos Ωt − cos ωt . − Ω 2 1 ( ω ) (B.52b) 308 B The LAPLACE Transformation

B.10 LAPLACE Transforms of the HEAVISIDE and DIRAC Functions

The HEAVISIDE and DIRAC functions (Appendix A) play a central role, for instance, in the theory of viscoelasticity (Chapter 11). The LAPLACE transform of the HEAVISIDE function (A.1a) is given by

1 − L{H(t − a)} = e as , (B.53a) s since

&∞ &a &∞ − − − 1 − L{H(t − a)} = H(t − a)e stdt = 0 · e stdt + 1 · e stdt ≡ e sa . s 0 0 a Similarly, we find the following transform

f(t)   1 1 − − L{H(t − a) − H(t − b)} = e as − e bs , s abt (B.53b) which is utilized, when the response of the KELVIN model subjected to the shear stress τ(t)=τ0 [H(t − a) − H(t − b)] (B.54) should be analysed. The differential equation (11.19) of the KELVIN model can be written as

γ˙ + γ/λ = τ/η with λ ≡ η/G. (B.55)

Applying the LAPLACE transformation with (B.23) and taking the loading (B.54) with its transform (B.53b) into account, we arrive at the LAPLACE transform − − τ0 e as − e bs L{γ(t)} = , (B.56) G s(1 + λs) the inverse of which is the response γ = γ(t) of the KELVIN model. First let us find the inverse of the transform e−as L{ϕ(s)} = ≡ fˆ1(s)fˆ2(s) , (B.57) s(1 + λs) B.10 LAPLACE Transforms of the HEAVISIDE and DIRAC Functions 309 where e−as 1 fˆ1(s) ≡ and fˆ2(s) ≡ (B.58a,b) s 1+λs have been introduced. Because of (B.53a) and by considering (B.28) with n =0and ω = −1/λ, the inverse forms of (B.58a,b) are given by −1 L {fˆ1(s)}≡f1(t)=H(t − a) (B.59a) and

−1 1 −t/λ L {fˆ2(s)}≡f2(t)= e . (B.59b) λ Applying the convolution theorem (B.34) with (B.32a) and (B.57) to (B.59a, b), we find the inverse of (B.57) according to

&t 1 −(t−Θ)/λ ϕ(t)=f1 ∗ f2 = H(Θ − a) e dΘ (B.60a) λ 0 or

&t 1 −( − ) −( − ) ϕ(t)= e t Θ /λdΘ =1− e t a /λ . (B.60b) λ a

Thus, the solution γ = γ(t) of (B.56), i.e., the creep behavior of the KELVIN model subjected to a step loading (B.54) can be expressed by the following creep function: G −( − ) −( − ) γ(t)=H(t − a) 1 − e t a /λ − H(t − b) 1 − e t b /λ τ0 (B.61)

This function and the HEAVISIDE function (B.54) are illustrated in Fig. B.3.

B 2.mws > alias(H=Heaviside, th=thickness): > plot1:=plot(H(t-1)-H(t-6),t=0..12,th=3): > plot2:=plot(H(t-1)*(1-exp(-(1/2)*(t-1))- > H(t-6)*(1-exp(-(1/2)*(t-6))),t=0..12,th=3): > plots[display]({plot1,plot2}); 310 B The LAPLACE Transformation


0.8 λ = 2




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 t

Fig. B.3 Creep behavior of a KELVIN model subjected to a constand load between t =1and t =6

The LAPLACE transform of the DIRAC function (A.6) is given by

− L{δ(t − a)} = e as and L{δ(t)} =1 . (B.62a,b)

This can be deduced as follows. The LAPLACE transform of the modified distribution (A.9), represented in Fig. A.5, is

&∞ &a+ε 1 − 1 − L{δ (t − a)} = e stdt = e stdt = ε ε ε 0 a 1 − ( + ) − = − e s a ε − e sa . sε Then, by forming the limit ε → 0 and applying the L’HOSPITAL rule, we obtain: −as L{δ(t − a)} = lim L{δε(t − a)} = e ε→0 in accordance with (B.62a), and for a → 0 identical to (B.62b). One can find the transform (B.62a) also in the following way. Since δ(t − a)=H˙ (t − a) according to (A.12) and because of (B.23) together with H(0) = 0 and (B.53a), we immediately arrive at the result B.10 LAPLACE Transforms of the HEAVISIDE and DIRAC Functions 311

− L{δ(t − a)} = L{H˙ (t − a)} = sL{H(t − a)}≡e as , (B.63) which agrees with (B.62a). As an example, in which the transform (B.62b) is taken into account, let us discuss the response of an undamped vibration-system to a unit impulse at time t =0. This initial-value problem is described according to the differ- ential equation

2 F0 x¨ + ω x = ωδ(t) with x(0) = 0 and x˙(0) = 0 . (B.64) k Because of (B.24), (B.62b), and (B.8b) we obtain:

F0 ω F0 L{x(t)} = ⇒ x(t)= sin ωt (B.65) k s2 + ω2 k for t>0. The initial value x˙(0) = 0 assumed in (B.64) is not satisfied. Because of F0 F0 x˙(t)= ω cos ωt → x˙(0) = ω, k k the unit DIRAC impuls produces a jump of magnitude ωF0/k in the velocity x˙(0) at time t =0. Thus, the function x(t) is continuous indeed, but not differentiable at t =0. Another example is concerned with the deflection curve of a statically in- determinate beam rigidly clamped at both ends and loaded by a concentrated Force F as schown in Fig. B.4.


x a


Fig. B.4 Statically interdeterminate beam

This problem can easily be solved by applying the LAPLACE transforma- tion to the differential equation 312 B The LAPLACE Transformation

d4y F = δ(x − a) (B.66) dx4 EI taking the following boundary conditions into account:

  y(0) = 0,y(0) = 0,y()=0,y()=0. (B.67a-d)

Because of (B.22) and (B.62a) we obtain

4 3 2    F − s L{y(x)}−s y(0) − s y (0) − sy (0) − y (0) = e as , EI   and with (B.67a,b) and y (0) ≡ C1 and y (0) = C2 we find: − C1 C2 F e as L{y(x)} = + + . (B.68) s3 s4 EI s4 From (B.28) we read the inverse transforms 2 3 −1 3 x −1 4 x L {1/s } = and L {1/s } = . (B69a,b) 2! 3! The third term on the right-hand side in (B.68) can be decomposed according to exp(−as) = fˆ1(s)fˆ2(s) , (B.70) s4 where the transforms 1 exp(−as) fˆ1(s):= and fˆ2(s):= , (B.71a,b) s3 s have been introduced. The inverse transforms can be read from (B.69a) and (B.53a), respectively, 2 −1 x f1(x):=L {fˆ1(s)} = (B.72a) 2! and

−1 f2(x):=L {fˆ2(s)} = H(x − a) . (B.72b)

Thus, utilizing the convolution theorem (B.34) and considering (B.32b), we arrive at the inverse transform of the product (B.70):

&x 2 −1 (x − τ) L {fˆ1(s)fˆ2(s)} = f1(x) ∗ f2(x)= H(τ − a)dτ 2! 0 B.10 LAPLACE Transforms of the HEAVISIDE and DIRAC Functions 313 or   &x 2 3 −1 1 (x − τ) (x − a) L exp(−as) = dτ = . (B.73) s4 2! 3! a Adding the parts (B.69a,b) and (B.73) we obtain from (B.68) the deflection curve of the statically indeterminate beam (Fig. B.4) according to 3 C1 2 C2 3 F (x − a) y(x)= x + x + H(x − a) , (B.74) 2! 3! EI 3! where the constants C1 and C2 can be determined by inserting the end con- ditions (B.67c,d) into (B.74) as:

2 F 2 F C1 = α(1 − α) and C2 = −(1 + 2α)(1 − α) , (B.75a,b) EI EI respectively. Thus, the final solution in dimensionless representation is given by EI 1 192 y(ξ) ≡ η(ξ; α) = 96(1 − α)2 α − (1 + 2α)ξ ξ2 F3 3 (B.76) +32(ξ − α)3H(ξ − α) where ξ ≡ x/ and α ≡ a/.Thedeflection curve (B.76) has a maximum at

ξopt =1/(3 − 2α) for α ≤ 1/2 (B.77a) and

ξopt =2α/(1 + 2α) for α ≥ 1/2 (B.77b) as can be seen in Fig. B.5. B 3.mws > alias(H=Heaviside): > eta(xi):=96*((1-alpha)ˆ2)*(alpha-(1+2*alpha)* > xi/3)*(xiˆ2)+32*((xi-alpha)ˆ3)*H(xi-alpha);

2 1 2 3 η(ξ):=96(1− α) (α − (1 + 2 α) ξ) ξ +32(ξ − α) H(ξ − α) 3

> plot1:=plot(subs(alpha=1/4,-eta(xi)),xi=0..1): > plot2:=plot(subs(alpha=1/2,-eta(xi)),xi=0..1): > plot3:=plot(subs(alpha=2/3,-eta(xi)),xi=0..1): > plots[display]({plot1,plot2,plot3}); 314 B The LAPLACE Transformation

ξ 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0

–0.2 α α =2/3 =1/4



–0.8 α=1/2


Fig. B.5 Deflection curve (B.76) of a beam clamped at both ends according to Fig. B4

B.11 LAPLACE Transformation for Integral Equations

Integral equations, for instance,

&b y(t)=f(t)+ K(Θ, t) y(Θ)d(Θ) , (B.78) a where the function f(t) and the kernel function K(Θ, t) are known, while y(t) is unknown, can easily be solved by utilizing the LAPLACE transforma- tion: We differentiate the following types: ❒ If a and b are constant, then equation (B.78) is called a FRED- HOLM integral equation. ❒ If a is constant and b = t we have a VOLTERRA integral equation. ❒ If a =0and b = t, the equation (B.78) is an integral equation of a convolution type. The last type, &t y(t)=f(t)+ K(t − Θ)y(Θ)d(Θ) , (B.79) 0 B.11 LAPLACE Transformation for Integral Equations 315 can be written as y(t)=f(t)+K(t) ∗ y(t) , (B.80) since the integral in (B.79) is the convolution of the kernel function K(t) and the unknown function y(t) according to the definition (B.32a,b). Applying the LAPLACE transformation to (B.80) and taking the convolu- tion theorem (B.34) into account, we arrive at the transforms:

L{y(t)} = L{f(t)} + L{K(t)}L{y(t)} or L{y(t)} = L{f(t)}/ [1 − L{K(t)}] , (B.81) from which we find the solution by forming the inverse:  −1 −1 y(t)=L {yˆ(s)} = L fˆ(s) 1 − Kˆ (s) . (B.82)

To find the creep function (11.7) of a MAXWELL fluid, if the relaxation function (11.11a) is assumed to be known, then we have to solve the integral equation &t ∂r(t − Θ) κ(Θ)dΘ + r(0)κ(t)=1, (B.83) ∂t 0 which follows from (11.15b) by differentiation with respect to time t. In- serting (11.11a), i.e., r(t)=exp(−t/λ), into (B.83), we obtain the integral equation of the convolution type (B.79) according to

&t 1 −( − ) κ(t)=1+ e t Θ /λκ(Θ)dΘ . (B.84) λ 0

The Laplace transformation yields

1 1 1+λs κˆ(s)= + κ(s)=⇒ κˆ(s)= . (B.85) 2 1+λs λs2 Using a table of transforms, we obtain the inverse of (B.85), i.e. the creep function κ(t)=1+t/λ (B.86) of the MAXWELL fluid in accordance with (11.7). Similar to (B.83) we arrive from (11.15b) at the integral equation 316 B The LAPLACE Transformation

&t ∂κ(t − Θ) r(Θ)d(Θ)+κ(0)r(t)=1, (B.87) ∂t 0 which takes the form

&t 1 −( − ) e t Θ /λr(Θ)d(Θ)=1 (B.88) λ 0 for the KELVIN creep function (11.8). The LAPLACE transformation yields 1 1 1 rˆ(s)= =⇒ rˆ(s)= + λ. (B.89) 1+λs s s Using a table of transforms, we obtain the inverse of (B.89), i.e. the relax- ation function r(t)=1+λδ(t) (B.90) of the KELVIN model in accordance with (11.11b). Another example is the integral equation

&t − 1 −( − ) y(t)=1− e t/λ + e t Θ /λy(Θ)d(Θ) , (B.91) λ 0 the LAPLACE transform of which is given by 1 1 1 yˆ(s)= + yˆ(s) ⇒ yˆ(s)= . (B.92) s(1 + λs) 1+λs λs2 Thus, from a table of transforms we read the solution

y(t)=t/λ . (B.93)

This solution satisfies the integral equation (B.91). The integral equation

&t y(t)=ωt + ω sin ω(t − θ)y(θ)dθ (B.94) 0 has the LAPLACE transform B.11 LAPLACE Transformation for Integral Equations 317   ω ω2 1 ω2 yˆ(s)= + yˆ(s) ⇒ yˆ(s)=ω + , (B.95) s2 s2 + ω2 s2 s4 hence the solution can be taken from a table of transforms: ( ) 1 2 y(t)=ωt 1+ (ωt) . (B.96) 6

This result has been checked by utilizing the following MAPLE program: B 4.mws > int_eqn:=y(t)- > omega*int((sin(omega*(t-Theta))*y(Theta), > Theta=0..t))=omega*t; & t int eqn := y(t) − ω sin(ω (t − Θ)) y(Θ) dΘ = ωt 0

> with(inttrans): > laplace(int_eqn,t,s);

ω2 laplace(y(t),t,s) ω laplace(y(t),t,s) − = s2 + ω2 s2 > readlib(isolate)(%,laplace(y(t),t,s)): > simplify(%);

ω (s2 + ω2) laplace(y(t),t,s)= s4 > invlaplace(%,s,t): > y(t,omega):=simplify(rhs(%));

ωt(6 + ω2 t2) y(t, ω):= 6 > Y(Theta,omega):=subs(t=Theta, y(t,omega));

ωΘ(6 + ω2 Θ2) Y(Θ, ω):= 6 318 B The LAPLACE Transformation

> # check: > int_eqn:=simplify(y(t,omega)- > omega*int(sin(omega*(t-Theta))* > Y(Theta,omega),Theta=0..t)); int eqn := ωt > # Thus, the solution (B.96) is correct. Further integral equations are solved in the next MAPLE programs. B 5.mws > int_eqn:=y(t)+ > omega*integrate((sin(omega*(t-Theta))* > y(Theta),Theta=0..t))=1; & t int eqn := y(t)+ω sin(ω (t − Θ)) y(Θ) dΘ =1 0

> with(inttrans): > laplace(int_eqn,t,s);

ω2 laplace(y(t),t,s) 1 laplace(y(t),t,s)+ = s2 + ω2 s > readlib(isolate)(%,laplace(y(t),t,s)): > simplify(%);

s2 + ω2 laplace(y(t),t,s)= s (s2 +2ω2)

> invlaplace(%,s,t): > y(t,omega):=simplify(rhs(%)); 1 1 √ y(t, ω):= + cos( 2 ωt) 2 2 > Y(Theta,omega):=subs(t=Theta,y(t,omega)); 1 1 √ Y(Θ, ω):= + cos( 2 ωΘ) 2 2

> # check > int_eqn:=y(t,omega)+ > omega*int(sin(omega*(t-Theta)) > *Y(Theta,omega),Theta=0..t); int eqn := 1 B.11 LAPLACE Transformation for Integral Equations 319 B 6.mws > int_eqn:= > y(t)+omega*integrate((cos(omega*(t-Theta)) > *y(Theta),Theta=0..t))=1; & t int eqn := y(t)+ω cos(ω (t − Θ)) y(Θ) dΘ =1 0

> with(inttrans): > laplace(int_eqn,t,s);

ω laplace(y(t),t,s) s 1 laplace(y(t),t,s)+ = s2 + ω2 s > readlib(isolate)(%,laplace(y(t),t,s)): > simplify(%);

s2 + ω2 laplace(y(t),t,s)= s (s2 + ω2 + ωs)

> evalc(invlaplace(%,s,t)): > y(t,omega):=simplify(rhs(%)); √ √ 2 (− ωt) t 3 ω y(t, ω):=1− e 2 3sin( ) 3 2 > Y(Theta,omega):=subs(t=Theta,%); √ √ 2 (− ωΘ) Θ 3 ω Y(Θ, ω):=1− e 2 3sin( ) 3 2 > # check: > int_eqn:=y(t,omega)+ > omega*int(cos(omega*(t-Theta))* > Y(Theta,omega),Theta=0..t); int eqn := 1

> # Thus, the solution is correct. > y(t,1/2):=subs(omega=1/2,y(t,omega)); √ √ 1 2 (− t ) t 3 y(t, ):=1− e 4 3sin( ) 2 3 4 > y(t,2):=subs(omega=2,y(t,omega)); 320 B The LAPLACE Transformation

2 √ √ y(t, 2) := 1 − e(−t) 3sin(t 3) 3 > alias(H=Heaviside, th=thickness,c=color): > plot1:=plot({1,1.1,1.1*H(t-8*Pi/sqrt(3))}, > t=0..8.001*Pi/sqrt(3),c=black): > plot2:=plot({y(t,1/2),y(t,2)}, > t=0..8.001*Pi/sqrt(3),0.4..1.1001,c=black): > plots[display]({plot1,plot2});



0.9 ω = 2 ω =1/2 0.8




0.4 02 4 6 8101214 t Fig. B.6 Solution of the above integral equation for ω =1/2 and ω =2

B 7.mws > VOLTERRA:=y(t)-omega*integrate((t-Theta)* > y(Theta),Theta=0..t)=exp(I*omega*t); & t VOLTERRA := y(t) − ω (t − Θ)y(Θ) dΘ = e(ωtI) 0 > VOLTERRA:=convert(%,‘trig‘); & t VOLTERRA := y(t) − ω (t − Θ)y(Θ) dΘ =cos(ωt)+sin(ωt) I 0 > with(inttrans): > laplace(VOLTERRA,t,s); ω laplace(y(t),t,s) s ωI laplace(y(t),t,s) − = + s2 s2 + ω2 s2 + ω2 > readlib(isolate)(%,laplace(y(t),t,s)): B.11 LAPLACE Transformation for Integral Equations 321

> simplify(%); (s + ωI) s2 laplace(y(t),t,s)= (s2 + ω2)(s2 − ω) > invlaplace(%,s,t): > y(t,omega):=simplify(rhs(%)); √ √ √ ω cos(ωt)+cosh( ωt)+ ω sinh( ωt) I + ω sin(ωt) I y(t, ω):= 1+ω > y[re](t,omega):=(omega*cos(omega*t)+

> cosh(sqrt(omega) t))/(1+omega); * √ ω cos(ωt)+cosh( ωt) y (t, ω):= re 1+ω > y[im](t,omega):=(omega*sin(omega*t)+ > sqrt(omega) sinh(sqrt(omega) t))/(1+omega); * √ * √ ω sin(ωt)+ ω sinh( ωt) y (t, ω):= im 1+ω > # check of the real part: > Y[re](t,omega):=subs(t=Theta,%%); √ ω cos(ωΘ)+cosh( ωΘ) Y (t, ω):= re 1+ω > VOLTERRA[re]:=simplify(y[re](t,omega)-

> omega*int((t-Theta)*%,Theta=0..t)): > VOLTERRA[re]:=simplify(convert(%,‘trig‘));

VOLTERRAre := cos(ωt) > # Thus the real part of the above solution > is correct. > # In a similar way one can check the > imiginary part. 322 B The LAPLACE Transformation B 8.mws > volterra:=y(t)-int((t-Theta)ˆ3*y(Theta), Theta=0..t)=1-t+tˆ2-tˆ3; & t volterra := y(t) − (t − Θ)3 y(Θ) dΘ =1− t + t2 − t3 0 > with(inttrans): > laplace(volterra,t,s);

6 laplace(y(t),t,s) 1 1 2 6 laplace(y(t),t,s) − = − + − s4 s s2 s3 s4 > simplify(readlib(isolate) > (%,laplace(y(t),t,s)));

s3 − s2 +2s − 6 laplace(y(t),t,s)= s4 − 6 > Digits:=4; > evalf(invlaplace(%%,s,t)); Digits := 4

y(t)=0.9082 cosh(1.565 t)+0.0918 cos(1.565 t) − 1.102 sinh(1.565 t)+0.4631 sin(1.565 t) > 0.9082=convert(0.9082,‘rational‘): > 0.0918=convert(0.0918,‘rational‘): > 1.102=convert(1.102,‘rational‘): > 0.4631=convert(0.4631,‘rational‘): > 1.565=convert(1.565,‘rational‘): > macro(a=36/23): > Y(t):=(10/11)*cosh(a*t)+(9/98)*cos(a*t)- > (54/49)*sinh(a*t)+(19/41)*sin(a*t); 10 36 t 9 36 t 54 36 t 19 36 t Y(t):= cosh( )+ cos( ) − sinh( )+ sin( ) 11 23 98 23 49 23 41 23 > Y[i](Theta):=subs(t=Theta,%);

10 36 Θ 9 36 Θ 54 36 Θ Y (Θ):= cosh( )+ cos( ) − sinh( ) i 11 23 98 23 49 23 19 36 Θ + sin( ) 41 23 > volterra:=Y(t)-int((t-Theta)ˆ3*Y[i](Theta), > Theta=0..t):DELTA(t):=1-t+tˆ2-tˆ3-%: B.11 LAPLACE Transformation for Integral Equations 323

> error_norm:= > L[2]=evalf(sqrt(int(%ˆ2,t=0..1)),15);

error norm := L2 =0.00142880337743571 −6 For Digits:=10 the error-norm is given by L2 =0.2246731 10 as shown on the CD-ROM B 9.mws . B 10.mws > ABEL:=int((1/sqrt(t-Theta))*y(Theta), > Theta=0..t)=T; & t y(Θ) ABEL := √ dΘ = T 0 t − Θ This is a singular integral equation. For the special case of the tautochrone the right hand side T is independent of t. > with (inttrans): > laplace(ABEL,t,s); &  t y(Θ) T laplace √ dΘ, t, s = 0 t − Θ s

# appliction of the convolution theorem:

> laplace(1/sqrt(t),t,s)*laplace(y(t),t,s)= > laplace(T,t,s); √ π laplace(y(t),t,s) T √ = s s

> readlib(isolate)(%,laplace(y(t),t,s));

T laplace(y(t),t,s)=√ √ s π

> invlaplace(%,s,t);

T y(t)= √ π t # check:

> ABEL:=Int(T/Pi/sqrt(Theta)/sqrt(t-Theta), > Theta=0..t)=int(T/Pi/sqrt(Theta)/ > sqrt(t-Theta),Theta=0..t); 324 B The LAPLACE Transformation

& t T ABEL := √ √ dΘ = T 0 π Θ t − Θ

# Thus, the solution is correct.

Further results are listed in the following Table: √ T const. at at2 at3/2 a t ln(at) T 2 a√ 8 a 3 a a 1 y(t) √ t t3/2 t √ ln(4at) π t π 3π 4 2 π t

The last result in the table is explained in more detail in the following MAPLE-program. B 11.mws > abel:=int((1/sqrt(t-Theta))*y(Theta), Theta=0..t)=ln(a*t); & t y(Θ) abel := √ dΘ =ln(at) 0 t − Θ This is a singular integral equation. > with (inttrans): > laplace(abel,t,s); &  t y(Θ) γ +ln(s) ln(a) laplace √ dΘ, t, s = − + 0 t − Θ s s appliction of the convolution theorem: > laplace(1/sqrt(t),t,s)*laplace(y(t),t,s)=

> laplace(ln(a t),t,s); √ * π laplace(y(t),t,s) γ +ln(s) ln(a) √ = − + s s s > readlib(isolate)(%,laplace(y(t),t,s)); γ +ln(s) ln(a) √ (− + ) s laplace(y(t),t,s)= s √ s π > invlaplace(%,s,t); 2ln(2) ln(t) ln(a) √ √ + √ √ + √ √ π t π t t π y(t)= √ π > simplify(%); B.11 LAPLACE Transformation for Integral Equations 325

2 ln(2) + ln(t)+ln(a) y(t)= √ π t > y(t):=ln(4*a*t)/Pi/sqrt(t); ln(4 at) y(t):= √ π t > # check: > Int(ln(4*a*Theta)/Pi/sqrt(Theta)/ > sqrt(t-Theta),Theta=0..t)= > simplify(int(ln(4*a*Theta)/Pi/sqrt(Theta)/ > sqrt(t-Theta),Theta=0..t)); & t ln(4 aΘ) √ √ dΘ =ln(t)+ln(a) 0 π Θ t − Θ > # Thus, the solution is correct. B 12.mws > integro_diff_eqn:= > diff(y(t),t)+int(cos(omega*(t-Theta))* > y(Theta),Theta=0..t)=sin(omega*t); & t d − integro diff eqn := ( dt y(t)) + cos(ω (t Θ)) y(Θ) dΘ =sin(ωt) 0 > # initial value y(0) > with(inttrans): > laplace(integro_diff_eqn,t,s); laplace(y(t),t,s) s ω s laplace(y(t),t,s) − y(0) + = s2 + ω2 s2 + ω2 > simplify(readlib(isolate) > (%,laplace(y(t),t,s))); ω +y(0)s2 + y(0) ω2 laplace(y(t),t,s)= s (s2 + ω2 +1) > invlaplace(%,s,t); √ (y(0) − ω)cosh( −ω2 − 1 t)+ω (1 + y(0) ω) y(t)= ω2 +1 > # example: y(0)=1, omega = 4 > subs (y(0)=1, omega=4,%); 3 √ 20 y(t)=− cosh( −17 t)+ 17 17 > simplify(%); 326 B The LAPLACE Transformation

3 √ 20 y(t)=− cos( 17 t)+ 17 17 > # check: > > Diff(y(t),t)+Int(cos(4*(t-Theta))*(20/17-(3/17)* > cos(sqrt(17)*Theta)),Theta=0..t)=(3/sqrt(17))* > sin(sqrt(17)*t)+int(cos(4*(t-Theta))* > (20/17-(3/17)*cos(sqrt(17)*Theta)),Theta=0..t): > Delta:=rhs(%)-sin(4*t); Δ := 8 sin(t)cos(t)3 − 4sin(t)cos(t) − sin(4 t) > Delta:=simplify(%); Δ := 0 > # Thus, the solution is correct.

B.12 Periodic Functions

A function f(x) is said to be periodic if f(x + L)=f(x) for all x ∈ IR, where L is a nonzero constant. Any number L with this property is a period of the function f(x). For instance, sin x has the periods 2π, −2π, 4π, ... In the following we take into consideration a periodic function with a period T>0 and defined as f(t + nT ), where t>0 and n ∈ IN f(t)= (B.97) 0 for t<0.

Its LAPLACE transform can be calculated by the fundamental formula

&T 1 L{f(t)} = f(t)exp(−st) dt , (B.98) 1 − exp (−sT ) 0 which can be deduced in the following way. We represent the LAPLACE transformation (B.2) as an infinite ac- cording to B.12 Periodic Functions 327

&∞ − L{f(t)} = f(t)e stdt = 0 &T &2T (n&+1)T − − − = f(t)e stdt + f(t)e stdt + ... f(t)e stdt + ... 0 T nT ( +1) ∞ n& T − L{f(t)} = f(t)e stdt . =0 n nT (B.99)

Substituting t ≡ τ + nT yields

∞ &T − ( + ) L{f(t)} = f(t + nT )e s τ nT dτ = n=0 0 (B.100) ∞ &T − − = e snT f(τ + nT )e sτ dτ , n=0 0 where the converges to: ∞ − 1 − exp (−snT ) 1 e snT = lim = (B.101) n→∞ 1 − exp(−sT ) 1 − exp(−sT ) n=0 since | exp(−sT )| < 1, and because f(τ + nT )=f(τ) by periodicity (B.97), we finally obtain from (B.100) the formula (B.98). As an example, let us consider the periodic function ∞ f(t)=H(t)+2 (−1)nH(t − na) (B.102) n=1 illustrated in Fig. B.7. > alias(H=Heaviside,th=thickness): B 13.mws > f:=H(t)+2*sum(((-1)ˆn)*H(t-n*a), > n=1..infinity); ∞ f := H(t)+2( (−1)n H(t − na)) n=1 328 B The LAPLACE Transformation

> assume(a>0): > f[1]:=H(t)+2*sum(((-1)ˆn)*H(t-n*a),n=1..5): > plot(subs(a=1,f[1]),t=0..5,th=3,scaling= > constrained,style=point,numpoints=10000);

1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2

0 12345 –0.2 t –0.4 –0.6 –0.8 –1

Fig. B.7 Periodic function (B.102) with a =1

The function (B.102) has a period of T =2a. Thus, we have to insert into the formula (B.98) only the following part of the periodic function(B.102),

f(t)=H(t) − 2H(t − a)+H(t − 2a) , (B.103) which represents (B.102) within the first period 0 ≤ t<2a. The result is given by   1 1 − exp (−as) 1 as L{f(t)} = ≡ tanh , (B.104) s 1+exp(−as) s 2 which has been calculated by using the following MAPLE programm. B 14.mws > LAPLACE(f(t)):=(1/(1-exp(-s*T)))*Int(f(t)* > exp(-s*t),t=0..T); & T f(t) e(−st) dt 0 LAPLACE(f(t)) := (B.98) 1 − e(−sT)

> alias(H=Heaviside): > f:=H(t)-2*H(t-a)+H(t-2*a); B.13 Application to Partial Differential Equations 329

f := H(t) − 2H(t − a)+H(t − 2 a) (B.103) > LAPLACE:=simplify((1/(1-exp(-2*a*s)))* > int(f*exp(-s*t),t=0..2*a)); −e(−as) +2H(a) e(−as) − 2H(a)+1 LAPLACE := − s (e(−as) +1)

> LAPLACE:=subs(H(a)=1,%); e(−as) − 1 LAPLACE := − (B.104) s (e(−as) +1)

> Alternatitively, we can find the LAPLACE transform (B.104) in the fol- lowing way. Because of the LAPLACE transform (B.53a) and taking the linearity rule (B.6) into account, we immediately arrive at the LAPLACE transform ∞ 1 L{f(t)} = 1+2 (−1)n exp (−nas) (B.105) s n=1 of the periodic function (B.102), where the infinite series can be expressed as ∞ ∞ (−1)n exp (−nas)= (−1)n exp (−nas) − 1 . (B.106) n=1 n=0 The first term on the right-hand side in (B.106) is a geometric series, which converges to the limit 1 − (−1)n exp (−nas) 1 lim = . (B.107) n→∞ 1 + exp(−as) 1+exp(−as)

Hence, the LAPLACE transform (B.105) yields the result (B.104). Another example is f(t)=sin(ωt) with a period of T =2π/ω.The formula (B.98) immediately furnishes the LAPLACE transform (B.8b).

B.13 Application to Partial Differential Equations

The LAPLACE transformation is also suitable to solve partial differential equations. 330 B The LAPLACE Transformation

In creep mechanics the diffusion equation

∂c ∂2c = D with t ≥ 0 and x ≥ 0 (B.108) ∂t ∂x2 plays an important role, since creep of metals, for instance, at temperatures in the range 0.4 ≤ T/TM ≤ 0.5 can be interpreted as a diffusion controlled process (BETTEN, 1971).The diffusion coefficient D in (B.108) according to (11.42) is assumed to be independent on distance x and on concentration c = c(x, t). The usual integration method has been discussed in section 11.3.3 in more detail. In the following the LAPLACE transformation should be applied to the diffusion equation (B.108). Because of (B.23) the LAPLACE transform of the left-hand side in (B.108) is given by L{∂c(x, t)/∂t} = sL{c(x, t)}−c(x, 0) . (B.109) In contrast to this, we find: ∂ ∂ L{∂c(x, t)/∂x} = L{c(x, t)} = cˆ(x, s) , (B.110) ∂x ∂x 2 2 2 ∂ ∂ L{∂ c(x, t)/∂x } = L{∂c(x, t)/∂x} = cˆ(x, s) . (B.111) ∂x ∂x2

Note that the L{...} in (B.109) to (B.111) is taken with respect to the transformed variable t: &∞ L{c(x, t)} =ˆc(x, s):= c(x, t)exp(−st)dt. (B.112) 0

We call cˆ(x, s) the time transform of c(x, t). Thus, the LAPLACE transforma- tion in (B.110) and (B.111) is assumed to be interchangeable with the partial derivative ∂/∂x with respect to the non-transformed spatial variable x. Assuming the conditions

c(x, 0) = 0 and c(0,t)=c0 (B.113a,b) we arrive from the partial differential equation (B.108) by considering the LAPLACE transforms (B.109), (B.111) and (B.112) at the ordinary differen- tial equation ∂2cˆ(x, s) D − scˆ(x, s)=0, (B.114) ∂x2 B.13 Application to Partial Differential Equations 331 where s>0 and D>0 are constant. Its solution is given by

cˆ(x, s)=A exp(−x s/D)+B exp(x s/D) . (B.115)

Since the growth of cˆ(x, s) is restricted, the second constant B in (B.115) must be equal to zero, while the first constant A follows from the condition (B.113b) to A =ˆc(0,s)=L{c0} = c0/s , (B.116) hence 1 cˆ(x, s)=c0 exp(−x s/D) . (B.117) s From a table of transforms or using the MAPLE software we find the inverse of (B.117), i.e. the solution   x c(x, t)=c0 erfc √ ≡ c0 erfc(ξ) , (B.118a) 2 Dt where the mixed dimensionless variable ξ has already been introduced in (11.44). Instead of the complementary error function erfc(ξ) in (B.118a) one can use the GAUSS error function erf(ξ). Hence, the solution (B.118a) can be written as

x c(ξ,t)=c0 [1 − erf(ξ)] with ξ ≡ √ (B.118b) 2 Dt in accordance with (11.48a,b). Some details about the best approximation to the error function erf(ξ) on [0,r] by tanh(aξ) and the corresponding inverse function are explained in the following MAPLE program. B 15.mws

Best approximation to the error function erf(xi) on [0, r] by tanh(a*xi) and the corresponding inverse function: > approximant:=tanh(a*xi); approximant := tanh(aξ) This function is suitable because it is similar to erf(xi). Furthermore, the inverse can easily be determined: > inverse:=(1/a)*arctanh(xi); arctanh(ξ) inverse := a 332 B The LAPLACE Transformation

Note that the Area Tangent, artanh(...), is indicated as arctanh(...) in MAPLE. The best approximation by the hyperbolic tangent is guaranteed by an optimal parameter a which minimizes the L-two error norm: > L[2][r]:=sqrt((1/r)*int((erf(xi)- > tanh(a*xi))ˆ2,xi=0..r))=minimum; & r 1 − 2 L2r := (erf(ξ) tanh(aξ)) dξ = minimum r 0 Thus, the derivative of the integral with respect to the parameter a should be equal to zero. > derivative[r]:= > diff(int((erf(xi)-tanh(a xi))ˆ2, xi=0..r),a); & * r 2 derivativer := − 2(erf(ξ) − tanh(aξ)) (1 − tanh(aξ) ) ξdξ 0 Depending on the range [0, r] considered, we obtain the following opti- mal parameters: > for r in [1,2,3,4,5,infinity] do > a[optimal][r]:= fsolve(int(xi*(erf(xi)- > tanh(a_*xi))*(1-(tanh(a_*xi))ˆ2), > xi=0..r)=0,a_) od;

aoptimal 1 := 1.172868316

aoptimal 2 := 1.201270935

aoptimal 3 := 1.202760580

aoptimal 4 := 1.202782281

aoptimal 5 := 1.202782515

aoptimal ∞ := 1.202782517 The corresponding L-two error norms are given as: > for r in [1,2,3,4,5,infinity] do > L[2][r]:=evalf(sqrt((1/r)*int((erf(xi)- > tanh(a[optimal][r]*xi))ˆ2,xi=0..r))) > od;

L21 := 0.008219954058 B.13 Application to Partial Differential Equations 333

L22 := 0.01428838030

L23 := 0.01216051374

L24 := 0.01053649880

L25 := 0.009424169402

L2∞ := 0. Depending on the range [0, r] we obtain the following inverse functions: > for r in [1,2,3,4,5,infinity] do > inverse[r]:=(1/a[optimal][r])*arctanh(xi) > od;

inverse1 := 0.8526106353 arctanh(ξ)

inverse2 := 0.8324516734 arctanh(ξ)

inverse3 := 0.8314206640 arctanh(ξ)

inverse4 := 0.8314056632 arctanh(ξ)

inverse5 := 0.8314055014 arctanh(ξ)

inverse∞ := 0.8314055001 arctanh(ξ) In the following some examples should be plotted: > alias(H=Heaviside,th=thickness, > con=constrained): > plot({1,H(xi-2),erf(xi),tanh(a[optimal][2]* > xi)},xi=0..2.001,color=black);






0 0.5 1 1.5 2 xi Fig. B.8 Error function and approximant on [0, 2] 334 B The LAPLACE Transformation

> Delta(xi):=erf(xi)-tanh(a[optimal][2]*xi); Δ(ξ):=erf(ξ) − tanh(1.201270935 ξ) > for i from 1 to 3 do > zero[i-1]:=fsolve(Delta(xi)=0, > xi,(i-1)/2..i/2) od; zero0 := 0. zero1 := 0.8439158081 3 zero2 := fsolve(erf(ξ) − tanh(1.201270935 ξ)=0,ξ,1.. ) 2 > plot1:= > plot({-0.02,0.02,0.02*H(xi-5),-0.02*H(xi-5)}, > xi=0..5.001,color=black): > plot2:= > plot(erf(xi)-tanh(a[optimal][5]*xi), > xi=0..5,color=black,th=3): > plots[display]({plot1,plot2});



0 12345 xi



Fig. B.9 Deviation between erf(ξ) and tanh(a, ξ) on [0, 5]

> L[2][5]:=sqrt((1/5)*Int((Delta)ˆ2,xi=0..5))= > evalf(sqrt((1/5)*int((erf(xi)- > tanh(a[optimal][5]*xi))ˆ2,xi=0..5))); & √ 5 1 2 L25 := 5 Δ dξ =0.009424169402 5 0 The following Figures illustrate the erro function erf(xi) and some inverse approximations (1/a)*arctanh(xi): > plot1:=plot({1,xi,H(xi-1)},xi=0..1.001, > scaling=con,color=black): B.13 Application to Partial Differential Equations 335

> plot2:=plot({erf(xi),(1/a[optimal][1])* > arctanh(xi)},xi=0..1,0..1,color=black,th=2): > plots[display]({plot1,plot2});






0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 xi Fig. B.10a erf(ξ) and (1/a) arctanh(ξ) on [0, 1]

> plot1:=plot({1,2,xi,2*H(xi-2),2*H(xi-1), > -2*H(xi-1.002)},xi=0..2.001,scaling=con): > plot2:=plot({erf(xi),(1/a[optimal][2])* > arctanh(xi)},xi=0..2,0..2,th=2): > plots[display]({plot1,plot2});

2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 xi Fig. B.10b erf(ξ) and (1/a) arctanh(ξ) on [0, 2] 336 B The LAPLACE Transformation

> plot1:=plot({1,5,xi,5*H(xi-5), > 5*H(xi-1),-5*H(xi-1.002)}, > xi=0..5.001,scaling=con,color=black): > plot2:=plot({erf(xi), > (1/a[optimal][5])*arctanh(xi)}, > xi=0..5,0..5,color=black,th=2): > plots[display]({plot1,plot2});






0 12345 xi Fig. B.10c erf(ξ) and (1/a) arctanh(ξ) on [0, 5]

The results show that the approximant tanh(aξ) furnishes a suitable ap- proximation to the error function erf(xi). In view of the inverse (1/a)tanh(ξ) and the approximant tanh(aξ) the influence of the range [0,r] on the param- eter a is less important. In the following tables some pairs of LAPLACE transforms are listed. Ad- ditional examples can be found in many textbooks, for instance in the books of AMELING (1984), BRONSTEIN et al.(2000; 2004), DOETSCH (1971-73), to name just a few. Furthermore, it is very convenient to use modern com- puter algebra systems, for instance MATHEMATICA or MAPLE, which are powerful tools indispensable in modern pure and applied scientific research and education. B.13 Application to Partial Differential Equations 337

Table B.1: LAPLACE transform pairs

∞ f(t) for t>0 L{f(t)}≡fˆ(s)= f(t)e−stdt 0

a a/s

at a/s2

(1/2!)t2 1/s3

(1/3!)t3 1/s4 1 (1/n!)tn ;(n ≥ 0, integer) sn+1 (n − 1)! tn−1 exp(at) ;(n ≥ 1, integer) (s − a)n n! tn ;(n ≥ 0, integer) sn+1 Γ (p +1) tp ;(p>−1) sp+1

δ(t) DIRAC 1

δ(t − a) exp(−as) 1 exp(at) s − a 1 1 exp(−t/λ) λ 1+λs 1 1 − exp(−t/λ) s(1 + λs) 1 t exp(at) (s − a)2 1 1 t exp(−t/a) a2 (1 + as)2

continued on next page 338 B The LAPLACE Transformation

Table B.1: LAPLACE transform pairs

∞ f(t) for t>0 L{f(t)}≡fˆ(s)= f(t)e−stdt 0 exp(at) − exp(bt) 1 a − b (s − a)(s − b) a exp(at) − b exp(bt) s a − b (s − a)(s − b) s (1 + at)exp(at) (s − a)2

1 2 1 t exp(at) 2 (s − a)3   1 2 s t + at exp(at) 2 (s − a)3 1 s + iω exp(iωt) ≡ s − iω s2 + ω2 ω sin ωt s2 + ω2 s cos ωt s2 + ω2 2ω2 sin2 ωt s(s2 +4ω2) s2 +2ω2 cos2 ωt s(s2 +4ω2) s sin ϕ + ω cos ϕ sin(ωt + ϕ) s2 + ω2 s cos ϕ − ω sin ϕ cos(ωt + ϕ) s2 + ω2 ω exp(αt)sinωt (s − α)2 + ω2 s − α exp αt cos ωt (s − α)2 + ω2

continued on next page B.13 Application to Partial Differential Equations 339

Table B.1: LAPLACE transform pairs

∞ f(t) for t>0 L{f(t)}≡fˆ(s)= f(t)e−stdt 0 ω sinh ωt s2 − ω2 s cosh ωt s2 − ω2 2 2 2ω sinh ωt s(s2 − 4ω2) 2 2 2 s − 2ω cosh ωt s(s2 − 4ω2) ω exp(αt)sinhωt (s − α)2 − ω2 s − α exp(αt)coshωt (s − α)2 − ω2 t ωs sin ωt 2 (s2 + ω2)2 s2 − ω2 t cos ωt (s2 + ω2)2 t ωs sinh ωt 2 (s2 − ω2)2 s2 + ω2 t cosh ωt (s2 − ω2)2 t2 sinh ωt 3s2 + ω2 2ω (s2 − ω2)3 3 2 1 2 s +3ω s t cosh ωt 2 (s2 − ω2)3 √1 √1 πt s t 1 2 √ π s s

continued on next page 340 B The LAPLACE Transformation

Table B.1: LAPLACE transform pairs

∞ f(t) for t>0 L{f(t)}≡fˆ(s)= f(t)e−stdt 0 4 t 1 t √ 3 π s2 s − exp(√ at) √ 1 √πt s + a erf√ at √ 1 a s s + a tν−1 1 exp(−at) Γ (ν) (s + a)ν a a2 √ √ exp(− ) exp(−a) s 3 4t 2 πt 2 a √ exp(− ) − √ 4t exp(√a s) πt s   x 1 erf √ 1 − exp(−x s/D) 2 Dt s     x 1 erfc √ exp −x s/D 2 Dt s 1 − exp(at) s − a ln t s exp(bt) − exp(at) s + a ln − t s a  a 1 1 a + b [1 − exp(−ct)] + b − s s s +c   √ c2 c bc π exp erfc √ √ a 1 4s 2 s a + b 1 − exp(−c t) + s 2 s3/2 exp(s2/4) erfc(s/2) erf(t) s B.13 Application to Partial Differential Equations 341

Table B.2: LAPLACE transfrom of HEAVISIDE functions


1 1 H (t−a) exp(−as) s a t

1 1 [exp(−as) − exp(−bs)] H (t−a) − H (t−b) s

a b t

H(t − a)+2H(t − 2a)+3H(t − 4a)

6 1 [exp(−as)+2exp(−2as) s 3 +3 exp(−4as)]


a 2a 4a t

N (geometrical series) H(t)+2 (−1)nH(t − na) N 1 n n=1 1+2 (−1) exp(−nas) s n=1 1 for N →∞ a 2a 3a 4a t ⇓ − − −1 1 · 1 exp( as) s 1+exp(−as)

continued on next page 342 B The LAPLACE Transformation

Table B.2: LAPLACE transfrom of HEAVISIDE functions

HEAVISIDE H(t) 1/s N N 1 1 − (−1)n exp(−nas) H(t) − (−1)nH(t − na) s n=0 n=0 →∞ 1 for N ⇓ 1 a 2a 3a 4a t s(1 + exp(as))

H(t−a)−H(t−b)−H(t−c)+H(t−d) 1 1 [exp(−as) − exp(−bs) s − exp(−cs)+exp(−ds)] a b c d t −1

(t − a)H(t − a) − (t − b)H(t − b)

1 1 [exp(−as) − exp(−bs)] s2

a b t

exp [−(t − a)/λ] H(t − a)

1 λ exp(−as) 1+λs

a a+λ t

{1 − exp [−(t − a)/λ]} H(t − a) λ 1 1 exp(−as) s(1 + λs)

a a+λ t B.13 Application to Partial Differential Equations 343

Table B.3: LAPLACE transfrom of periodic functions

&T 1 (− ) f(t)=f(t + nT ) n ∈ IN f(t)e st dt 1 − e(−sT ) 0

H(t) − 2H(t − a)+2H(t − 2a)

T = 2a 1   1 1 − exp(−as) as · ≡ tanh s 1+exp(−as) 2 a 2a 3a t

H(t − a) − 2H(t − 2a)

1 T = 2a 1 s [1 + exp(as)]

a 2a 3a t

cos ωt; T =2π/ω

1 s s2 + ω2 π/ω 2π/ω t


sin ωt; T =2π/ω

1 ω s2 + ω2 π/ω 2π/ω t

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√ t-law, 218, 222-224, 229 C L2-error norm, 224 C-S-D effect, 123 canonical form, 82, 113–114, 136–137 A capillar flows, 193 ABEL integral equation, 315-316 CAUCHY’s equation of motion, 47, 177 accelerating creep, 51 CAUCHY’s stress tensor, 44–48, 80, 138, activation energy for creep, 219 149, 155, 261 activation energy for self-diffusion, 219 CAUCHY’s tetrahedron, 81 actual net-stress tensor, 135, 150 cavitation, 255 alternating symbol, 11 cavity growth, 256 anisotropic, 3, 113, 115 characteristic equation, 14–15, 45, 132 anisotropic damage, 138, 156-157 characteristic polynomial, 127–130 anisotropic damage growth, 81 Chi-square distribution, 204–205 anisotropic damage state, 81, 135 CHRISTOFFEL symbols, 29–30 anisotropic damage tensors, 3, 77, 126 CHRISTOFFEL symbols of the first kind, 24, anisotropic hardening, 262 27 anisotropic materials, 109 CHRISTOFFEL symbols of the second kind, anisotropic primary creep, 2, 61 24, 27 anisotropic viscoplastic solids, 248 circumferential stresses, 95 anisotropy tensor, 82 classical flow rule, 111 anomalous flows, 194 classical normality rule, 109 approximant, 331 classical strain tensor, 38 ARRHENIUS function, 219 climbing of dislocations, 218 asymmetric effective stress tensor, 156 coaxial, 156 austenite, 250 collocation method, 289 austenitic steel, 52–61 collocation point, 289 compatibility equations, 39 B complementary energy, 157 BAUSCHINGER effect, 68, 97 complementary error function, 331 best approximation, 266, 331–332 complex compliance, 234, 236 BINGHAM model, 246, 248 complex modulus, 234 bivector, 81, 140–143 complex parameters, 234, 236 biaxial specimen, 262 complex shear modulus, 234 body-fixed, 86 complex shear viscosity, 235 BOLTZMANN’s axiom, 44 complex viscosity, 234, 237 BOLTZMANN’s superposition principle, compliance, 205 189, 197 compressible fluids, 178 brain tissue 231 computer algebra systems, 336 BURGERS model, 229–236, condition of form invariance, 119 bulk modulus, 173, 176 conditions of compatibility, 117 bulk viscosity, 173–174 conjugate variables, 48 362 Index constitutive equations, 31, 48–49, 119, 139, creep potential hypothesis, 2, 61, 109, 239, 253–256 113–115 continuous transition, 292 creep rate, 52, 61, 63, 78–79, 98, 165, Continuum Damage Mechanics, 3 282–283 Continuum Mechanics, 31 creep relation, 196 contravariance, 17 creep response, 198 contravariant base, 22–23 creep spectra, 213, 215 contravariant base vectors, 19 creep strain, 218 contravariant components, 17, 22 creep tensor, 196 contravariant components of a vector, 36 creep velocity potential, 2 contravariant metric tensors, 20 creep-failure, 108 contravariant tensor components, 29 creep-strength-differential effect, 122–123 convection rate of change, 34 cubic splines, 267 convective rate, 178 curve fitting, 266 convective stress rate, 182 curvlinear coordinates, 16 convexity, 249 cylindrical coordinates, 29 convolution, 199–200, 303, 315 convolution integral, 303 D convolution theorem, 199–200, 304–307, D’ALEMBERT’s principle, 46 309, 312, 315 damage effective stress, 139, 155, 157 convolution type, 314 damage effective tensor, 156, 158 copolymer, 218 damage equivalence hypothesis, 158 COSSERAT continuum, 41, 44 damage equivalence principles, 157 damage isotropy principle, 158 COUETTE-flow, 185 couple stresses, 47 damage mechanics, 3–4 damage state, 254 couple-stress vector, 41 damage tensor, 3, 80, 82, 115, 126, 139, 144 covariance, 17 damage variables, 156 covariant base vectors, 19, 22 damaged continuum, 141, 143, 149 covariant basis, 19, 23 damaged materials, 115 covariant components, 17, 22 damped free vibration, 233 covariant components of a vector, 36 damping factor, 233, 293 covariant derivatives, 25 damping rule, 300 covariant metric tensors, 20 deflection curve, 311, 313 covariant tensor components, 29 deformation gradient, 182, 202 creep acceleration, 282–284 del operator, 23 creep behavior, 237 deviator, 14 creep behavior of concrete, 215 deviatoric, 118, 123 creep buckling, 2, 61 die swell, 194 creep condition, 63, 121, 125, 253–254 differentiation of the transform, 301 creep criterion, 119 diffusion coefficient, 219 creep curve, 50–54, 58, 60, 165, 216– diffusion controlled process, 218–219, 330 218,224, 279–284 diffusional creep, 218 creep curves for concrete, 217–218 diffusion equation, 330 creep damage, 3, 77 diffusion way, 222 creep function, 196–199, 201, 203–204, DIRAC function, 197, 288, 290, 294, 308, 206, 209, 211, 213, 215, 223, 239, 309, 310 315 discrete relaxation spectrum, 227 creep integral, 198 discrete retardation spectrum, 205–206 creep mechanics, 1, 51, 330 dislocation creep, 218–219, 256, 262 creep parameters, 67, 282 displacement vector, 34 creep potential, 2, 53, 62–63, 65, 70–71, 80, dissipation power, 174 109–110, 116 dissipative energy, 233 Index 363 dissipative force, 232 finite theory of elasticity, 47 dissipative stress, 232 finite-strain theory, 38, 108 distortion, 14, 174 first PIOLA-KIRCHHOFF stress tensor, 47, divergence of a vector field , 23 186 divergence theorem of GAUSS,45 flow potential, 61 double tensor, 87 flow rule, 63-64 dual basis, 19 fourth-order constitutive tensor, 81 dual damage tensor, 144 fourth-order damage tensors, 139 dual tensor of continuity, 144 fourth-order material tensor, 132 dyadic product, 25 fourth-order permutation tensor, 133 dynamic behavior, 231 fourth-order symmetric tensor, 133 dynamic shear modulus, 235 fourth-order tensor, 15, 118, 138 dynamic shear viscosity, 235 FREDHOLM integral equation, 300 frequency ratio, 293 E effective stress tensor, 155, 158 G eigenfrequency, 233 , 207 eigenvalue problem, 128, 131–132 gamma function, 207, 297 eigenvalues, 45 GAUSS distribution, 292 eigenvectors, 45 GAUSS error function, 220, 331 elastic modulus, 196, 203 generalized creep function, 205 elastic solids, 195 generalized relaxation function, 226 elastoviscoplastic, 245 geometrical non-linearities, 38 elementary symmetric functions, 15 gradient of a vector, 25 elliptical , 233 grain boundary cavitation, 256 energy equivalence hypothesis, 157, 275, grain boundary diffusion, 255 372 growth mechanisms, 255 energy dissipation, 231 equation of state, 171 H equations of equilibrium, 26, 28, 46 HAMILTON-CAYLEY theorem, 15, 69, 119, equivalent creep strain, 91 160–161, 181 equivalent stresses, 106 hardening of aluminium alloy, 272–274 , 16, 49 harmonic loading, 231, 236 EULER’s theorem on homogeneous HEAVISIDE function, 95, 204, 239–241, functions, 65 285–288, 290, 308 EULERian coordinates, 33 HENCKY equation, 252 EULERian finite strain tensor, 37, 183–184 HENCKY’s strain tensor, 89, 108 EULERian infinitesimal strain tensor, 38 hereditary integral, 189, 195–198, 303 EVA copolymer, 218 HILL-condition, 68 evolution of damage, 257 HOOKE element, 204, 226 evolutional equations, 135, 253 hypothesis of energy equivalence, 157, 275, experimental foundations of solid 372 mechanics, 253 hypothesis of strain equivalence, 157, 275, extension flow, 167 377 expotential growth, 295 hypothesis of the equivalent dissipation rate, expotential order, 295 65, 164, 248 extension viscosity, 175, 203 hysteresis, 231-234 external variables, 238 hysteresis loop, 231 extra stress tensor, 171 I F ideal material response, 49 fading memory, 189–190, 193, 202 impulse function, 292 failure time, 106 incompatibility tensor, 39 364 Index

incompressibility, 250 LAPLACE transformation, 207, 295, 298, incompressible NEWTONian fluid, 174 306 index notation, 9 LAPLACE transform of an integral, 302 inertial force, 46, 178 LAPLACE transform pairs, 337-340 initial anisotropy, 81, 135, 139 leastsquare curve fitting, 268–269 integral equation, 295, 314–318 LEHR’s damping measure, 233 integrity basis, 29, 109, 112, 116, 118–120, limiting creep stresses, 123 122, 131, 136, 165 linear functional, 190, 193, 202 integro differential equation, 325 linear operator, 15, 44 intergranular creep fracture, 79, 255 linear standard solid model, 225 internal variables, 238, 251 linear transformation, 13, 62, 156 interpolation methods for tensor functions, linear viscoelastic, 198 135, 159–160 linear viscous fluids, 171 invariant damage models, 158 linearity rule, 329 invariant forms, 158 local rate, 178 inverse LAPLACE transform, 215, 299 local rate of change, 34 irreducible invariants, 14–15, 28–29, 45, logarithmic strain tensor, 37–38, 90 135, 165–166 longitudinal stresses, 95 irreducible tensor-generators, 134 loss angle, 232 isochoric, 90 loss compliance, 234 isochoric distortion, 38 loss factor, 234 isotropic, 2, 114, 148 loss modulus, 234 isotropic creep potential, 63 LUDWIK-deformations, 89 isotropic material, 81 isotropic tensor function, 158, 180 M mapped stress tensor, 63, 260 J MARQUART-LEVENBERG algorithm, 215, JAUMANN derivative, 80, 135 224, 250 JAUMANN stress rate, 181 joint invariants, 119 material contravariant , 89 material coordinates, 33, 86 K material damping, 233 KELVIN creep function, 316 material deformation gradient, 34, 87 KELVIN elements, 204 material description, 33, 186 KELVIN model, 202–203, 205, 225, 26–237, material displacement gradient, 34 308–309, 316 material objectivity, 181, 191, 202 KELVIN solid, 197 material tensor of rank four, 118 kernel function, 190, 315 material time derivative, 33, 39 kinetic equation, 78 material time derivative of the EULERian KOHLRAUSCH function, 230 strain tensor, 185 KRONECKER tensor, 20 material time derivative of the LAGRANGE strain tensor, 183 L matrix notation, 9 LAGRANGE finite strain tensor, 36–38, 48, MAXWELL distribution function, 210, 212, 182 215 LAGRANGE’s multiplier, 64 MAXWELL fluid, 197, 201, 315 LAGRANGE infinitesimal strain tensor, 38 MAXWELL model, 189, 225, 237 LAGRANGE multiplier method, 131–132 measure of strain, 36 LAGRANGian coordinates, 33 mechanical equation of state, 52 LAME constants, 128 mechanical damping, 234 LAPLACE operator, 25, 28 memory fluid, 189 LAPLACE parameter, 236–237 mesocracks, 262 LAPLACE transform, 198, 207, 227–228, metallographical analysis, 256 236, 295, 298, 308, 310, 316, 326 metric tensor, 21, 87 Index 365 micro-cracks, 255 orthotropic material, 67 microscopic mechanisms, 255 microstructural creep, 263 P minimum polynomial, 111, 113 parabolic exponential function, 215 minimum polynomial representation, 109, partial differential equation, 295, 329 249 partial fraction expansion, 241, 299 MISES solid, 248 perforated materials, 115 mixed metric tensor, 20 perforation tensor, 115 mixed tensor components, 29 phenomenological, 255 model of MONKMAN and GRANT,79 physical components, 26 modified DIRAC delta functions, 294 PIOLA-KIRCHHOFF stress tensors, 47 modified POYNTING-THOMSON model, plastic potential, 61, 63–64, 90, 92 229 plastic viscosity, 246 modified flow rule, 116–118 polar decomposition theorem, 35 modified standard solid model, 229 polymer melt, 237 modified (continuous) HEAVISIDE polymer solution, 237 function, 292 polymers, 195, 202, 218 modified delta function, 289 POISEUILLE-flow, 193 MONKMAN-GRANT product, 80 , 207–209, 228 multi-axial creep behavior, 196 POYNTING effect, 70–71 multiaxial, 159 POYNTING-THOMSON model, 226 multiaxial state of stress, 139 primary creep curve, 53-54, 58 primary stage, 263 N principal directions, 44 NAVIER-STOKES equations, 177–178 principal invariants, 127 net-stress concept, 79 principal minors, 15 net-stress tensor, 80–81, 149, 155, 157 principal planes, 44 NEWTONian fluid, 172, 177, 248 principal stresses, 44 nominal (engineering) stress, 254 principal values, 160 non-NEWTONian fluids, 171, 176, 179, 181, principle of duality, 87 189, 193 principle of material frame-indifference, 50, nonlinear creep behavior, 223 172, 179, 191 nonlinear dashpot, 223 principle of material objectivity, 50, 179 nonlinear effects, 232 principle of maximum dissipation rate, 63 nonlinear viscous fluids, 171, 174 PRONY-series, 218, 231 nonpolar case, 47 projection concept, 165 normal distribution, 221, 292 pseudo-net-stress tensor, 135, 137–138, 151, normal stress effects, 194 157 normality rule, 112 normalized creep spectra, 206 R normalized relaxation spectra, 227 RAMBERG-OSGOOD relation, 270–271 NORTON-BAILEY creep law, 61, 64, 78–79, rate of dissipation, 164 162, 165 rate of dissipation of creep energy, 65, 121, 127 O rate-of-deformation tensor, 39, 48, 82, 109, objective tensor, 184 179–180 OLDROYD time derivative, 185 reciprocal basis, 19 OLDROYD time derivative of the EULERian reference configuration, 32 strain tensor, 185 reference time, 32 operational calculus, 295 REINER-RIVLIN fluids, 181 orthogonal tensor, 184 relative deformation gradient, 191-192 orthonormal basis, 10, 16 relative right CAUCHY-GREEN tensor, 191 orthotropic behavior, 114 relaxation, 196 366 Index relaxation function, 197–199, 201, 225–227, standard solid model, 204–205, 224, 239 235, 240–243, 316 steady creep, 51 relaxation integral, 198 STOKES condition, 174, 178 relaxation modulus, 227 STOKES fluid, 174 relaxation spectra, 225, 227, 229 storage compliance, 234 relaxation time, 189, 225–226, 237 storage modulus, 234 representations for tensor functions, 158 strain equivalence hypothesis, 157, 275, 372 residual stresses, 97 strain history, 189 , 234 strain-hardening-theory, 52, 54, 60 retardation time, 203–205, 237 strain-to-rupture, 80 rheological models, 195 stress deviator, 162, 174 right CAUCHY-GREEN tensor, 36, 89, 192, stress relaxation, 197–199, 223, 229 202 stress tensor, 2, 40, 42 right stretch tensor, 89 stress vector, 40–41 rigid rotation, 35 structural relaxation, 229 rigid-body motion, 36 substantial derivative, 33 RIMROTT’s solution, 100 substitution rule, 177 ROMBERG’s integration method, 103 substitution tensor, 10 rule of lowering and raising the indices, 21, sufficient and necessary conditions of 23 compatibility, 118 summation convention, 10 S superposition principle, 197 second PIOLA-KIRCHHOFF tensor, 47, 48, SYLVESTER theorem, 160 185 symbolic notation, 9 second law of thermodynamics, 175 second-order effect, 70–72, 75–76, T 115–116, 249–250 tautochrone, 323 second-rank tensor, 13, 139 tensor analysis, 23 secondary creep, 263 tensor function theory, 2, 109 secondary stage, 165 tensor functions, 49 shear effect, 174 tensor generators, 81, 112–113, 119, shear flow, 189 134–136 shear modulus, 197, 203 tensor of continuity, 126, 142–143 shear viscosity, 172, 175, 189, 203, 248 tensor-valued functional, 190, 193 shearing flow, 172 tensor-valued functions, 80 shift rule, 299 tensorial constitutive equations, 159 similarity rule, 299 tensorial generalization, 79 simplified representations, 135 tensorial interpolation method, 165, 252 simplified theory, 260–261 tensorial nature, 156 simultaneous invariants, 119, 125 tensorial nonlinear constitutive equation, 61 small-strain theory, 38 tensorial nonlinear constitutive equations solid part, 247 involving the strain hardening hypothesis, spatial coordinates, 33, 86 2 spatial covariant metric tensor, 90 tensorial nonlinearities, 2, 61, 252 spatial deformation gradient, 34, 87 tensors of continuity, 80 spatial description, 33, 37, 186 tertiary creep, 77, 80, 263 spatial displacement gradient, 34 theorem of conjugate shear stresses, 44 spherical coordinates, 30 theory of viscoplasticity, 245 spherical tensor, 14, 148 thermodynamic pressure, 174 spring-dashpot models, 202 thin-walled shells, 61 square wave, 286 thin-walled tube, 74 stabilized glass, 230 time transform, 330 standard form, 114 time-dependence, 254 Index 367 time-dependent measurement, 254 viscoplastic constitutive equation, 250 time-hardening-theory, 52, 55–56, 60–61 viscoplastic materials, 245 tissue, 231 viscoplastic model, 246 traceless tensor, 14, 124 viscosity tensor, 171 traction vector, 41 viscous fluids, 178, 195 transformable functions, 298 viscous part, 247 transformed net-stress tensor, 150 viscous stress, 171 transient creep, 51–52 viscous stress tensor, 171, 189 transvections, 132, 134 void nucleation, 255 transverse contraction ratio, 175, 232 VOLTERRA integral equation, 314 transversely isotropic, 82, 114 volume change, 38, 174 TROUTON number, 176 volume elasticity modulus, 173, 176 true stress, 254 volume viscosity, 173–176 two-sided LAPLACE transformation, 295 vorticity tensor, 179, 181 U W unit impulse function, 288 unit step function, 285, 287 weight function, 189, 290 weighted-residual method, 290 V WEISSENBERG effect, 194 vector functions, 49 velocity gradient tensor, 180 Y vibro creep, 162 yield condition, 245 viscoelastic, 195 yield function, 247, 249–250 viscometric flows, 193 yield strength in pure shear, 248 viscometric functions, 193 YOUNG’s modulus, 203