Author generated version of accepted manuscript to appear in Applied Rheology (open access) Mapping linear viscoelasticity for design and tactile intuition R.E. Corman, Randy H. Ewoldt∗ Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801, USA October 17, 2019 Abstract We propose and study methods to improve tactile intuition for linear viscoelastic flu- ids. This includes (i) Pipkin mapping with amplitude based on stress rather than strain or strain-rate to map perception to rheological test conditions; and (ii) data reduction of linear viscoelastic functions to generate multi-dimensional Ashby-style cross-property plots. Two model materials are used, specifically chosen to be easily accessible and safe to handle, with variable elastic, viscous, and relaxation time distributions. First, a com- mercially available polymer melt known as physical therapy putty, reminiscent of Silly Putty, designed for a range of user experiences (extra-soft to extra-firm). Second, a transiently cross-linked aqueous polymer solution (Polyvinyl alcohol-Sodium Tetraborate, PVA-Borax). Readers are encouraged to procure or produce the samples themselves to build intuition. The methods studied here reduce the complexity of the function-valued viscoelastic data, identifying what key features we sense and see when handling these materials, and provide a framework for tactile intuition, material selection, and material design for linear viscoelastic fluids generally. ∗Corresponding author:
[email protected] 1 1 Introduction Intuition with viscoelastic materials is central to integrating them into the design toolbox. Engineering design with elastic solids and Newtonian fluids is well established, as demonstrated through extensive cross-property Ashby Diagrams [1, 2, 3] and materials databases [4, 5].