';'' C« "'"Deckhouse
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* £ \^^r r*^^ » iM» Jwiff^fir^mTiW^^ .m * V^^HIi^^^^M^Htf^^^^^H .^V^^a* Kb N^^^^ VOL 20,1>61. LXII N°- NEW YORK. WEDNESDAY. MAY 7, 1002. -SIXTEEN PAGES.- *^3^VrL«~ PRICE THBEE CENTS. THE FUNERALON FRIDAY CYCLONK WRECKS MILL. PEAR FOR QUERN'S LIFE. ADMIRALSAMPSON DEAD TWO THOUSAND MEN IN PANIC IN BKI wn.HELMINAS CONDITION BKLIsTTaTD BODY TO ARCHBISHOP'S LIE T!MM.ATE WORKS. TO RE CRITICAL. PASSED .WWW AT ///> //' >ME IN STATE. The Hague, May ".—Advices received here Newcastle. Perm., May t!.- The Shenango Tin IN WASHINGTON. Plate Works, in this city, the largest tinplate from Castle Loo at 1 o'clock this morning de- plant in th" world, wr.s almost wrecked by a clare that Queen WHhelmina's condition again SORROW IN ALL CLASSES OF THE cyclone to-day. Every stack was torn from its excites grave anxiety. Another consultation of CEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE THE IMME- foundations and hurled through the roof of the COMMUNITY-VICAR GENERAL the Queen's doctors was held at 11 o'clock last building, steam ptpea were broken and torn DIATE CAUSE OF I»L.\r:i HIS away, night. The result of this consultation is not MOONEY IN CHARGE. and the roof was crushed in. A panic occurred among the 2,08(1 m^n employed at the known. Extreme secrecy is maintained as to FAMILY AT HIS 1 plant, but, strange say, Sorrow for the death of Archbishop Corrigan to not a slngje employe the contents of the telegrams dispatched from was injured. • on Hondas' r.igM was expressed yesterday by the castle. This and other measures are he- Washington. May (..—Rear Admiral William The wind came from the southwest. It T. Sampson, retired, died at his home in people in every walk of in the city. wan to of her this almost life preceded by lieved indicate that the condition and prominent a nerlcd of extreme sultriness, which city at ."> o'clock this afternoon. The Immediate Rich poor, and lowly people majesty graver appeals the greatly affected the men at work in the mill. is much than from cause of death was h severe cerebral hentOf were among the mourners who went to the Shortly the cyclone official Itis said the is weak rhig.e. this forenoon. He archiepipcopal residence, at Madison-aye. and afterward came with a bulletins. Queen so which he suffered had frightful rush and roar. The tin days. Fiftleth-st., to give personal expression of their mill seemed that she has been unable to take any nourish- been in a semi-conscious state for several to he the obj ct of its special fury, as compara- At the bedside when ib« admiral breathed his grief, or who knelt and prayed in St. Patrick's ment since last Saturday. tively little damage was done in Sampson. Mrs. Cluverius, the Cathedral. Religious, social and political or- elsewhere the I>r. Roessingh never leaves her majesty's bed- test .ere Mrs. city. admiral's married daughter; his iro young sons, ganizations joined in bearing testimony to the side, for rest, when always For a or two it became totally except a brief he Is Ralph Dixon, th« at- high character ar.d worth of the dead prelate. • ?ninu»e almost and Harold Sampson; Dr. dark, as the wind whirled along. Then, through replaced by Dr. Pot. tending physician, and nurses .mi attendants". \u25a0 Vicar General Ifooney, who was in temporary the darkness, came the crash of the broken the chr.rpe of the affairs of the archdiocese, an- roofing After the consultation held last night Pro- Mrs. Sampson has down under tearing- away, the breaking of guy wires, and strain, ill all day. But r.ounc^d that the funeral of Archbishop Corri- fessor Rosensteln was summoned to the palace. severe and was for the then the falling of the stacks. The stacks critical condition of the admiral she would have gan would take place in the Cathedral at 10:30 crashed through the roof into the tin mil!, and He was consulted before the operation of last their been confined to her bed. 8. m. "n Friday. The ceremonies, he said, would in fall broke the steam pipes which run to Sunday. every part of the mill. In an instant the mill The arrangements for the funeral willnot *• he srlf i-'did and imposing, similar to those which every wan filled with scalding steam, which hid A special government telegraph wire has been completed until tc-morrow. It has been su#> were witnessed at the funeral of Cardinal Me- exit, and left the workmen, already in a panic, to struggle about in the darkness. established between Castle Loo and The Hague, The entire day force in the big mills was at and Dr. Kuyper, the Dutch Premier, is \u25a0work, but every man escaped without injury informed further thnn a bruise or two, received in run- every half hour of the condition of the royal ning. The entire plant is shut down, and will patient. remain so for a month, while repairs are under way. The queen mother and the prince consort remain continually «t her majesty's bedside. BURDENS AGAIN ROBBED. Dr. Roessingh carefully dictates the news con- cerning Queen Wilhelminas condition which is THIEVES? TAKE ARTICLES MUCH PRIZED issue.] from the palace, and he declines to say ST. PATRICK'S CATHEDRAL THE ON WHICH ARCHBTRHOP anything further concerning patient. BY THE FAMILY. AXD CATAFAT.QFE his Itis CORRIGAN WILL LIE IN STATE TO-DAY. understood that, although the official bulletins report - A was mad- to the police of the West (QSnWtßjSt h> p- F McMamu ) represent the Que-n's temperature as normal, Thirtieth-st station last night that thieves it invariably rise-; toward midnight, and that had again entered the home of I. Townsend never for Burden, at \o. ." East Twenty-sixth-st., and a moment since last SaturdaY has stolen a number of articles. Detectives Fogarty PALMA DEFINES POLICY. STRIKE LIKELYTO COME. there been any cessation of anxiety. and Deering were assigned to investigate the The weather at Castle Loo continues cold. case. The police would not talk concerning the robbery, but at the house it was learned that GLOOMY REPORTS RECEIVED. the goods taken were of small value, greatly PLANS OF PRESIDENT-ELECT PRESIDENT MITCHELL SEES but London. May 7— Telegraphing from Brussels prized by the family owing to their associations. WAY OF the correspondent there of "The Daily Tele- The Burden home was robbed in 1885 of dia- TO IMPROVE CUBA. NO AVERTING IT. mond Jewelry amounting in value to something graph" says the Netherlands Legation at Brus- like 150,000. Mr. Burden offered larK^ reward a sels has to for the capture of tbe thief, and later the butler received a dispatch the effect that and footman were arrested in connection with WANTS LOWER TARIFF RATES FROM HE GOES TO SCRANTON. RT'T CARRIES Queen VVilhelmlna's physicians still fear peri- the theft tonitis and blood poisoning in the case of the UNITED STATES-ECONOMY NO CONCESSIONS TO THE MINERS— ACSTRIA AXD HUNGARY AT ODD*. Queen. IN SALARIES. REST'LT OF MEETINGS HERE. MORE SAILORS ARRESTED.' WIU.IAM T. SAMP3ON. (Copyright; ll>02: By The Association.) Before Fresident Mitchell ADMIRA& THE 1 ATK ARCHBISHOP CORRIGAN. THE RENEWAL nr THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM Tribune of the rnit«d Mine Who died yesterday. (BY CABLE TRIBUNE.] Workers left this City for Scranton, yes- MAY NOT PE APPROVED. TO THE Perm.. (Copyright by Chickarlns.) Closkey years ago. After the funeral the body Cienfuegos, May H.—The President-elect. Gen- terday, it seemed to be the general opinion FOIR OF THE CHICAGO*! MEN RE- <\u25a0' \rohbishop corrigan will be laid away in Accordins tn the Vienna among those ramiliar with th situation that London. May 7- eial Palma. "gave to The Tribune's correspondent a PORTED IN PRISON AT TRIESTE. nested to Mrs. Sampson that the Naval Ceme- Th- rypt.. high altar, be- correspondent strike nf the Cathedral under the of -The Tim^s" serious difficulties anthracite miners Is inevitable un- tery at Annapolis a proper spot to-day th» first statement regarding the subjects London, dispatch would be fee* side the bodies of Archbishop Hughes and Cardi- have arisen between the Austrian and Hun- less the executive committee of twenty-eight, May 7—ln a from Rome the husband, which; the last resting place of her while) garian governments, their negotiations for Stl he will embody In his first message 10 which meets in to-day to vote correspondent of "The Daily Chronicle" says nal McClostof. in Scranton on the other friends have represented that he should- Cardinal the Papal Delegate to renewal of (Yr strike, that sailors from the United States cruiser Chi- Marttnelli. autonomous customs tariff and the cress and his treatment of them. All Cuba backs down utterly That this would be be burled In Arlington National Cemetery, near the United was invited yesterday to sing the Ausgrleich. the result was not thought likely,and, cago have been disorderly in a cafe at Trieste. ' Stat*=. has long been awaiting this outline of the although this city. Admiral Sampson lived In Annapolis th*- requiem mass in the Cathedral on Friday, Mr. Mitchell would not say there would Bottles and glares were thrown about, says the Aupgleich is agreement between Aus- message, as on the President's treatment of the be a eight years, during four years of which he was but he. sent word that he would be unable to at- The an strike, he that there correspondent, and four of the Chicago's men " tria and Hungary on the subject of finance*.