1/23/2017 AI 6. 1

MAYOR Geno Martini

CITY COUNCIL Donald Abbott, Ward I Ed Lawson, Ward /I Ron Smith, Ward 11/ Charlene Bybee, Ward IV Kn'stopher Dahir, Ward V


CITY MANAGER Sieve Oriscotl

REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 2:00 P.M., Monday, January 9, 2017 City Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks,

1. Call to Order (Ti me: 2:00 p.m.) The regular meeting of the Sparks City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro Tempore Ron Smith al 2:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call (Time: 2:00 p.m.) Counc il Members Donald Abbott, Ed Lawson, Ron Smith, Charlene Bybee, Kri stopher Dahir, City Manager Steve Driscoll, City Attorney Chet Adams and City Clerk Teresa Gardner, PRESENT.

A BSENT: Mayor Gena Martini

3. Open ing Ceremonies 3.1 Invocation Speaker (Time: 2:0 1 p.m .) The invocation was provided by Pastor Omar Palmer, Sparks Seventh Day Adventist Church

3.2 Pledge of Allegiance (Ti me: 2:02 p.m.) The Pledge of Allegiance was led by City Attorney Chet Adams

4. Public Commcnt (Time: 2:02 p.m.) Anonymous, because of reI ali at ion against survivors of domestic violence, spoke regarding a claim of court documents being destroyed. Anonymous spoke of a conversation wi th City Manager Dri scoll and Chief Assistant Allorney Eit ing regard ing their investi gation in lo the claim.

5. Agenda (Time: 2:06 p.m.) 5.1 App,"v.1 of the Agenda (FOR POSSIBU: ACTION) Consideration of taking items out of sequence, deleting items and addin g ite ms which requi re action upon a fin ding that an emergency exists. City Manager Drisco ll added an emergency agenda item at the end of general business to discuss the declaration of local cmergeney, to give a sitliational llpdate and the ab il ity for Council 10 provide direction to the City Manager.

A moti on was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve the agenda as amended, adding item 9.2. COllnci l Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES . Passed unanimously. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page Z Monday, Ja nuary 9, Z017

6. Minutes (Time: 1:07 p.m.) 6.1 None.

7. Announcements, Presentations, Recognition Items and Hems of Special Interest (Time; 2;07 p.m.)

7.1 Presentation: Safe Embrace (Time: 2:07 p.m.) A presentation was given by John Etchemendy, the Executi ve Director of Safe Embrace on the serv ices provided by Safe Embrace. Mr. Etchemendy expressed the need for more beds in the Truck.ee Meadows. Mr. Etchemendy provided the 24-hour help line number, 322-3466.

7.2 Presentation: Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Agency regarding the Truckee Meadows Housing Study (Time: 2:26 p.m.) A presentati on was given by Kim Robinson, Executi ve Di rector and Jeremy Smith, GIS Coordinator of Truckee Meadows Regional Planning on the current and ruture housing needs for the Truckee Meadows area.

7.3 Presentation: Hometowne Christmas Parade 2016 Winners (Time: 2:50 p.m.) Special Events Supervisor Francine Burge announced the fo llowing winners of the 2016 Sparks Hometowne Christmas Parade:

Veh icles: Vietnam Veterans of America Community: Kiwanis Club of Downtown Sparks Marching Band: Carson Midd le School Marching Band Business: Chase International Real Estate Animal: Perez Dancing Horses Float: Sparks Heritage Museum Costume group: Jenny's School of Dance Best Ovcrall: Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada

Girl Scouts orthc Sierra Nevada won overall with the most poi nts. They wi ll have the opportuni ty to lead the parade in 2017. Each or the winners were presented with a plaque.

8. Consen' Items (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time; 2;57 p.m.) A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve consent items 8.1 through 8.4. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unan imously.

8.1 Report of Claims and Bills approved for payment and appropriation transfers for the period November 24, 2016 through Oecember 21, 2016. (FOR POSSIIlLE ACTION) An agcnda item from Financial Services Director Jcff Cronk recommending the City Council approve the report of claims and bills as presented in the staff report.

8.2 Consideration and possible approval of the destruction/disposal of original building plans and associated documcnts that have been microfilmed (City Clerk's Office). (FOR POSSIIlLE ACTION) Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 3 Monday, January 9, 2017

An agenda item from Records Technician Carrie Brooks recommending Council approve the destruction/disposal of original building plans, as requested. There is no impact to the general fund.

8.3 Municipal Court .Judge Pro Tempore list for calendar year 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Municipal Court Administrator Heidi Shaw recommending approval of Dean Heidrich, Esq.; Cheryl Field-Lang, Esq.; Michael Specchio, Esq.; Lewis Taite!, Esq.; Richard A. Molezzo, Esq.; William Gardner, Esq.; Kenneth Howard, Esq.; Matthew Addison, Esq.; and Coller Conway, Esq. for the list of Pro Tempore Judges for the calendar year 2016. The Court is increasing the cost to $150.00 for the morning session, $150.00 for the afternoon session or $300.00 for the fu ll day. This increase is within the court's budget and is consistent with the other courts in our jurisdiction. There is no impact to the general fund.

8.4 Consideration and possible award of a professional services contract (AC- 5327) to West Coast Code Consultants, Inc. for Building Permit Plan Ueview Services, in an amount not to exceed $200,000. (FOR POSSLBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Assistant Community Services Director Annando Ornelas recommending Counci l award the contract. The Bui ldi ng and Safety Division of the Community Services Department has experienced a steady increase in the number of applications for building permits. To provide timely building permit services to the dcvelopment community, the use of outside plan checking services are needed to augment those provided by existing staff. The Building and Safcty Di vision requested statements of qualifications (SOQ) from several firms that provide professional plan checking services and selected West Coast Code Consultants, Inc as a qualified professional services firm. Funding is from development serv ices fund; there is no impact to the general fimd.

9. General Business 9.1 Consideration and possible approval of reimbursement to the City of Reno in the amount of S327,040.09 for Sparks' share of a construction bid award to Savage and Son Inc for the TMWRF Water Piping Replacemcnt Phase IT project (AC-5328). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:57 p.m.) An agenda item from Assistant City Manager Neil Krutz (for Treatment Plant Manager Michael Drinkwater who is Currently at TMWRF in response to the nood emergency) recommending Council approve the reimbursement Sparks' share the contract. The # 1 water system is the potable water system used at the plant for domestic applications such as sinks, toilets, eyewash stations, etc. The #2 system utilizes reclaimed water produced by TMWRF. The #2 water is used for cleaning as well as for the cooling of mechanical equipment related to the plant proeesscs. The #3 water system is the same as the #2 system, but operatcs at higher pressures, and is used for cleaning and washing down equipment and plant infrastructure whe re hi gher pressures arc required. Most thc water fac ilities are from th e original construction of the plant and need rehabilitation. A recentl y completed facility wide water system evaluation resulted in development ofrisk/criticaJity based priority ranking of water facilities that require rehabilitation. Rehabilitation of the highest ranked infrastructure has alrcady been addressed in a completed Phase I project. This phase ofthc project addressed priority ranked watcr faci lities that require rchabilitation. The City of Sparks share of the contract will bc $327,040.09. Budgct is from the TMWRF FY 20 17 capital improvement program; there is no impact to the general fund.

A 1110tion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to approve the reimbursement to the City of Reno for Sparks ' share of the Water Piping Replacement Project, Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 4 Monday, January 9, 2017

Phase II, at TMWRF in an amount not to exceed of $327,040.09. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Oahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.2 ~:mergency agenda item requested by City Manager Driscoll to discuss the declaration of local emergency, 10 give a situational update and to ability for Council to provide direction to the City Manager. (FOR rOSS) BLE ACTION) (Time: 3:00 p.m.) An emergency agenda item from City Manager Steve Driscoll to update the Counci l on the process followed during the declaration of emergency. Mr. Driscoll reviewed the work done by city employees, stating he was proud to be the leader oflhi s team. There were over 175 thousand sand bags handcd out to citizens for protection of property against flood waters. There is no new direction from Counci l.

10. Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning 10.1 None

11. Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items 11.1 None

12. Comments 12.1 Comments from the Publie (Time: 3:23 p.m.) -None

12.2 Comments from City Council and City Manager (Time: 3:23 p.m.) City Manager Driscoll announced open comminee positions: • Western Nevada Development District, two vacancies for 2-year terms. Applications for this committee will be acccpted until the close of business on Friday, February 17 1h. at 5:00 p.m.

Mayor Pro Tempore and Council thanked everyone for their help during the flood, including but not limited to CB Concrete for their assistance with the sand bags, McDonalds for supplying Food, Target for supplying sanitizer, and Council Member Abbott and Justin Woodcock from the Drone Store for providin g aerial footage of the flood area.

13. Adjournment Council was adjourned at 3:26 p.m.

Ron Smith, Mayor P a Tempore

ATTEST: ' 0 C;tyof~ ot-eUdl'¥1';~"'"f'w.,,{'<"'-'*J

>>> 2/13/2017 Al 6.1 MAYOR Gena Martini

CITY COUNCIL Donald Abbott, Ward I ". City of Iff2 Ed Lawson, Ward /I Ron Smith. Ward 11/ Chartene Bybee, Ward IV Krislop/Jer Dahir, Ward V

'@)r(f(;j CITY ATTORNEY ChetAdams

CITY MANAGER Stephen Driscoll

CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP - Sanitary Sewer Model Update 8:30 A.M" Monday, January 23, 2017 Sparks City Hall, Lower Level, 431 Prater Way, Sparks, Nevada

1. Call to Order (Time: 8:33 a.m.) The workshop of the Sparks City Counci l was called to order by Mayor Pro Tempore Ron Smith at 8:33 a. m.

2. Roll Call (Time: 8:33 a.m. ) Council Members Donald Abbott, Ed Lawson, Ron Smith, Charlene Bybee, Kristophcr Dahir, Acting City Manager Neil Krutz, Acting Ci ty Attorney Doug Thornley and City Clerk Teresa Gardner, PRESENT.

ABSENT: Mayor Geno Martini

3. Pledge of Allegiance (Time: 8:33 a. m.) The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Acting City Attorney Doug Thornley.

4. Public Comment (Ti me: 8:33 a.m.) - None

5. Agenda

S. Presentation, discussion and possible direction to staff on the Sanitary Sewer Model update. (FOR l'OSS lBLE ACTION) (FOR l'OSSlBLE ACTION) (Time: 8:33 a.m.) An agenda item to present the results of the model and lead discussion regarding the policy implications that have arisen from this update. The sewer model update was needed due to significant improvements in GIS technology and sewer fl ow modeling capabilities. In 2015 the City Council approved a contract with Atkins to prepare an update to the 2004 Sparks Sewer Model. Atkins completed the study and staff has rcviewed the land-use assumptions and sewer generation rates used as inputs to the model and generall y agrees with the model results.

Acting City Manager Neil Krutz introduced Atkins consultant Dan Stucky and said this product is a living model representing land use, identifying investment needs, and demonstrating capacity. Uti lity Manager Andrew Hwnmcl discussed the existing wastewater system, historical nows, flow metering, existing and buildout land use, dry/wet weather model calibration, existing and buildout capacity, and budget. City Council Workshop Minutes - Page 2 Monday, January 23, 2017

Truckee Meadows Water· Reclamation Facility Manager Michael Drinkwater talked about treatment capacity, nitrogen disposal limits and sewer flow projections.

Staff identified the policy implications as: • Collection System and TMWRF Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) may necessitate user fee and/or cOlUlection fee increases. • Land use intensifications in excess of current land use assumptions will increase fut ure costs of CIP and treatment. • Delay in detcnnining CIP costs, and adopting associated user and connection fees, will increase the magnitude of future fee hikes.

Staff identified the next steps as: • Adoption of the model by City Council in February • Continue evaluating TMWRF capacity expansion options • Initiate user and connection fee rate study

Mr. Hummel demonstrated the model' s capabi liti cs. Mr. Drinkwater discussed the joint ownership with Reno and capacity requirements, as well as benefits to not pulling water back into the river. Planning Manager Jim Rundle discussed land use and said the estimates for the industrial area did not include the projected increases because the flood plan project is not completed. Mr. Krutz said this model is a powerful tool to aid policy decisions.

Mr. Krutz requested direction from Council to: 1) Adopt a standard model as a requirement at the February 27, 2017 Council meeting 2) Update the model at least every 2 years with consensus data 3) Develop options for allocating excess interceptor capacity 4) Begin a rate study including new technology testing at TMWRF

Mr. Thomley cautioned to have some flexibili ty in the policy so it is not too restrictive and recommended the policy allow for the reservation ofeapacity.

The Council provided direction for staff to move forward on items 1, 2, and 4 above and to move forward with item 3 including a percentage of overall capacity to be reserved for infill and to continue to work with Reno on capacity and discourage any additional capacity to Washoe County. Assistant Community Services Director Annando Ornelas said the recently approved Comprehensive Plan makes infill a priority.

Discussion was held regarding communication to constituents during the rate study. Community Services Director John Martini said a consultant would be hired to develop the financial model and it would bc brought before Council; and outreach would be done. Mr. Thomley said public outreach would be separate from the study.

6. Comments 8.1 Comments from the Public (Time: 10:55 a.m.) - None

8.2 Comments from City Council and City Manager (Time: 10:55 a.Ill.) Council commended staff for the work done on this project and development of a useful tool. City Council Workshop Minutes - Page 3 Monday, January 23, 2017

7. Adjournment (Time:-1O:56 a.m.) Council was adjourned at 10:56 a.m.

Ron Smith,"Mayor Pro Tempore


»> MAYOR Geno Marlini 2/13/2017 AI 6.1 CITY COUNCIL Donald Abbott. Ward I Ed Lawson, Ward /I '. City of Iff! Ron Smith, Ward 1/1 Charlene Bybee. Ward IV Kristopher Dahir, Ward V

CITY ATTORNEY fr@)riff:,~ Chet Adams

CITY MANAGER Steve Driscoll

REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 2:00 P.M., Monday, January 23, 2017 City Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, Nevada

I. Call to Order (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The regular mecting of the Sparks City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro Tempore Ron Smith at 2:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call (Time: 2:00 p.m.) Council Members Donald Abbott, Ed Lawson, Ron Smith, Charlene Bybee, Kristopher Dahir, Acting City Manager Neil Krutz, Ci ty Attorney Chet Adams and City Clerk Teresa Gardner, PRESENT.

ABSENT: Mayor Geno Martini,

3. Opening Ceremonies 3.1 Invocation Speaker (Time: 2:01 p.m.) The invocation was provided by Rajan Zed, President, Universal Society of Hinduism. Pastor Barb West of Sparks Church of the Naz.arene also provided an invocation.

3.2 Pledge of Allegiance (Time: 2:05 p.m.) The Pledge of All egiance was led by fonner City of Reno Council Member Jessica Sferrazza.

4. Public Comment (Time: 2:05 p.m.) A woman spoke anonymously because of fear of retaliation to domestic violence survivors and spoke of concern with the destruction of chil d abuse records.

Mr. Michael Alonso spoke on behalf of the Nevada Resort Association requesting an ordinance change to clarify rules associated wi lh restrictcd gaming to rectify an issue of misuse of a rcquirement Fo r gaming to be incidental to primary business, such as in bars, taverns, saloons, grocery stores, drug stores, restaurants. convenience stores or liquor stores. The Nevada Resort Association believes some operators do not comply and are operating a slot parJor in a bar, with gaming tJle primary business. The Resort Associat ion has worked and obtained clarification at the state level and is now working at the local level. They have obtained clarification in Clark County and recently in the Ci ty of Reno; the City of Henderson already had clarity.

5. Agenda (Time: 2:1 2 p.m.) 5.1 Approval of the Agenda (FOR POSSmLE ACTION) Consideration of taking items out of sequence, deleting items and adding items which requlrc action upon a finding that an emergency exists. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 2 Monday, January 23, 2017

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve the agenda as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

6. Minutes (Time: 2: 13 p.m.) 6.1 Consideration and possible approval of the minutes of the regular Sparks City Council mcetings of December 12, 2016 and J anuary 9, 201 7. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve the minutes of the regular Sparks City Council meetings of December 12, 2016 and January 9, 2017. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

7. Annoullcements, Presentations, Recognition Items a nd Items of Special Interest (Time: 2: 14 p.m.) 7.1 Presentation by Christina Conti, EMS Program Manager for the \Vashoe County H ealth Department on the status of the EMS Oversight Program, FY16 Annual Report, and the 5-Year Strategic Plan. (Time: 2: 14 p.m.) Fire Chief Chris Maples introduced Washoe County Hea lth District Emergency Medical Services Program Manager Christina Conti who presented and update on the EMS oversight program. Ms. Conti introduced program statT and provided background on the development of the program through the interlocal agreement. Ms. Conti discussed accomplishments, the annual report, highlights of the program, and the strategic plan.

7.2 Presentation on the opening and ribbon cutting for the Spanish Springs branch of United Fcderal Credit Union United Federal Credit Union Market Vice President Danny DelaRosa shared infonnation about United Federal Credit Un ion and said they are happy to be in Sparks and look forward of being a part of the community. Sparks Branch Manager Jeff Panko said the week of January 30 wi ll included grand opening events and opportunities to support the Women and Children's Center. The ribbon cutting wi ll be on February 8, 20 17 at 5:00 p.m.

8. Consent Items (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Ti me: 2:33 p.m.) A mOlion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve the consent items 8.1 and 8.2. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously. 8.1 Report of Claims and Bills approved for payment and apllrOpriation transfers for the period I)eccmber 22 , 201 6 through J anua ry 4, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item fTom Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending the City Council approve the report of claims and bills as presented in the staff report.

8.2 Consideration and possible approval of a contract for the Pah Rah Park Restroom Site Improvements Project in the amount of $70,700 to An chor Concrete. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Capital Projects Manager Brian Cason recommending Council approve a contract. This project will provide the site work requlrcd to place a pre-manufactured restroom which was approved by Council during the September 26, 2016 council mceting. The work included in the quote provided by Anchor Concrete includes demolition of the existing restroom, Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 3 Monday, January 23, 2017 demolition of existing concrete, grading and installation of new concrete flatwork, utility work, and installation of the required foundation for the new restroom. Funds are budgeted in the Parks and Rec fund ; there is no impact to the general fu nd .

9. General Business 9.1 Consideration of and possible approval of the Mayor's recommendation of the appointment of Mary Brock and .James Gaba to the Sparks Planning Commission from the following pool ofapplieants, listcd in alphabetical order: Jeff Bowling, Mary Brock, Paul Freeman, James Gaba, Johanna Lee and David Shocke!. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Crime: 2:33 p.m.) An agenda item from City Manager Steve Driscoll, presented by Acting City Manager Neil Krutz, recommending Council confirm the Mayor's recommendation of the appointment of Mary Brock and James Gaba to the Sparks Planning Commission.

Ms. Mary Brock will fill the vacancy left by Commissioner Cammarota. Commissioner Cammarota served on the Sparks Planning Commission from 2012 - 2016. Ms. Brock has served as a Rotary Club of Reno Trustee and participated in the Reno Rotary foundation. Ms. Brock is the Executive Director of Seniors in Service, a non-profit organization in Northern Nevada.

Mr. James Gaba will fill the vacancy left by Commissioner Lean. Commissioner Lean served on the Sparks Planning Commission from 2005 - 2016. Mr. Gaba has served on an HOA Community 130ard for two years, and coached various sporting teams in the City of Sparks. There is no impact to the general fund.

Ms. Brock and Mr. Gaba introduced themselves and thanked the Council for the opportunity to serve the community.

A Illotion was made by Counci l Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Dahir. to confirm the appointment of Ms. Mary Brock and Mr. James Gaba to the Sparks Plarming Commission through December 31 , 2020. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.2 Consideration and possible acceptance of a grant from The Nell J. Redfield Foundation in the amount of $33,000 for the Sparks Parks & Recreation Department to continue various programming in 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:36 p.m.) An agenda item from Recrealion Supervisor Shauna Nelson recommending Council accept the grant. The Leisure Without Limits programs include weekly art classes and bowling as well as other seasonal events for people with disabilities. The Playground Program dates back to 1990 in Sparks. The program has been offered free of charge to children in the fust through sixth grade. With grant funding and a "home" at the Larry D. 10hnson Community Center, the program can continue with daily organized activities, crafts, swimming and weekly field trips. The program also has access to the USDA Summer Food Service Program. Free nutritious lunches arc served to program participants dai ly. Acceptance of this grant will enable the Sparks Parks and Recreation Department to continue the Nell 1. Redfield Free Neighborhood Playground Program and the Leisure Without Limits Programs. There is no impact to the gcneml fund. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 4 Monday, January 23,2017

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to accept this grant from the Nell 1. Redfield Foundation in the amount of$33,000 to continue programs as outlined by staff. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.3 Consideration, possible approval of a Forensic Support Services Agreement for FY2016/2017 between the Washoe County Sherifrs Office and the Sparks Police [)epartment, and ratification of an expenditure in the amount of $389,500. (FOR POSSIIlLE ACTION) (Time: 2:38 p.m.) An agenda item from Police Chief Brian Allen recommending Council approve the Forensic Support Services Agreement between the Washoe County Sheriffs Office and the Sparks Police Department and ratify the previously paid expenditure 0[$389,500. The Washoe County Sheri ff's Office Forensic Science Division provides forensic services to local. state and federal law enforcement agencies. The Division is a full-service forensic laboratory stafTed by more than 40 individuals in sworn and civilian capacities. The Division provides investigative support with a full-service crime unit. The scientific disciplines consist of DNA, Toxicology, Controlled Substances, Firearms and limited trace ev id ence analysis. The Breath Alcohol Section provides support for the Breath Alcohol instruments across Northem Nevada.

City staff inadvertently neglected to bring the agreement forward to the City Council before paying for the services. Therefore, staff also seeks City Council ratification for the previously paid $389,500 expcnditure. Two internal errors made this possible. First, staff neglected to bring the agreement forward last summer for City Council consideration. Secondarily, statf mi stakenly assumed the City had a multiple year agreement with Washoe County for these services and issued a purchase order for the contracted amount. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to approve the Forensic Support Services Agreement with the Washoe County Sheriffs Office and ratify the 5389,500 expenditure for those services. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee. Dahir, YES. Passed lmanimously.

9.4 Consideration and possible ratification of Resolution No. 3305 declaring a state of emergency in the City of Sparks on January 6, 2017 duc to a flood event beginning on January 3, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:42 p.m.) An agenda item from Acting Ci ty Manager Neil Krutz recommending Council ratify Resolution No. 3305. On January 6, 2017, the City Manager found that a major winter storm event wou ld occur beginning on January 3, 2017 as forecasted by the National Weather Service. City emergency teams opened the EOC on January 6, 2017, and it was determined that a major event was imminent. Acting City Manager Neil C. Krutz declared a state of emergency at 10:00 AM., with Mayor Pro Tempore Smith's concurrence, and the State OEM was notified. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to ratify Resolution No. 3305 declaring a state of emergency in the City of Sparks due to a flood event. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

10. Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning Regular City Council Meeting Minutes· Page 5 Monday, January 23,2017

10.1 None

11. Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items 11.1 None

12. Comments 12.1 Comments from the Public (Time: 2:43 p.m.) - None 12.2 Comments from City Council and City Manager (Time: 2:43 p.m.) Council Member Bybee requested Acting City Manager Krutz and staff to bring forward an agenda item for discussion and possible direction for the first meeting in February to potentially direct staff to intervene in the potential litigation regarding Washoe County's bill draft request regarding the Truckee Meadows Rcgional Planning Agency's Governing Board introduced as Assembly Bill 39 of the 2017 Legislative session.

Mayor Pro Tern Smith requested Acting City Manager Krutz have staff bring back items for the Council to consider directing staff to rectify the Property Preservation ordinance section 7.16 for consistency with Title 20. Mayor Pro Tern Smith also requested to review and propose amendments providing clarity and consistency to the administrative citation chapter of the Sparks Municipal Code (SMC 2.27); and to clean up items in the new zoning code (title 20) that are incomplete, inconsistent and/or left out, including but not limited to: permitted uses, use standards, and definition clarification.

Mayor Pro Tern Smith also said on behalf of Mayor Martini he is requesting the City Manager direct staff to review the manner by which restricted gaming is permitted in the City of Sparks and propose a solution to the circumstances described by Mr. Alonso in his comments to the Council today.

Additionally, Mayor Pro Tern Smith said the Mayor has concern with the lack of diligence demonstrated by the owners of the D' Andrea clubhouse in removing debris and other hazards from the site after the fire that destroyed it in October 2015. The property is a nuisance and must be dealt with. It was requested the City Manager direct staff to explore all available avenues for abatement.

Acting City Manager Neil Krutz announced two vacancies on the Western Nevada Development District, each for a 2-year term. Applications for this committee will be accepted until the close of business on Friday, February 17th at 5:00 p.m.

13. Adjournment Council was adjourned at 2:46 p.m.

A1TEST: £ Ron Smith, Mayor Pro Tempore (l City of d. _ -f-d~gl~e.4""-"O""-,,,,b~UA.~-~c:l.rlA..:::....=..-"",----~~~~ papfG ~a Gardner, City Clerk

»> 02/27/2017 MAYOR AI 6.1 Gena Martini

CITY COUNCIL Donald Abbott, Ward I Ed Lawson, Ward /I Ron Smith. Ward 11/ Charlene Bybee, Ward IV KIistopher Dahir, Ward V


CITY MANAGER Sieve Driscoll

REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 2:00 P.M., Monday, February 13, 2017 City Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, Nevada

1. Call to Order (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The regular meeting of the Sparks City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro Tempore Ron Smith al 2:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call (Tim e: 2:00 p.m.) Council Members Donald Abbott, Ed Lawson, Ron Smith, Charlene Bybee, Kristopher Dahir, Assistant City Manager Neil Krutz, City Attorney Chet Adams and City Clerk Teresa Gardner, PRESENT.

ABSENT: Mayor Gena Martini

3. Opening Ceremonies 3.1 Invocation Speaker (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The in vocation was provided by Pastor Barb West, Sparks Church ofthc Nazarenc.

3.2 Pledge of Allegiance (Time: 2:01 p.m.) The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Ed Lawson.

4. Public Comment (Time: 2:02 p.m.) Anonymous spoke aboutlhe unlawful destruction of documents regarding child abuse cases.

Kim Ciesynski of 39 North Downtown gave an update on some of the upcoming events that will be happening in the area.

5. Agenda (Time: 2:09 p.m.) 5.1 Approval of the Agenda (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Consideration of taking items out of sequence, deleting items and adding items which require aClion upon a finding that an emergency exists.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve the agenda as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Sm ith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes · Page 2 Monday, February 13, 2017

6. Minutes (Time: 2:10 p.m.) 6.1 Consideration and possible approval of the minutes of the Sparks City Council Workshop for the Sanitary Sewer Model Update of January 23, 2017 and the regular Sparks City Council meeting of January 23, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Cowlcil Member Abbott, to approve the minutes of the Sparks City Council Workshop for the Sanitary Sewer Model Update of January 23 , 2017 and the regular Sparks City Council meeting of January 23, 2017. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Sm ith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unani mously.

7. Announcements, Presentations, Recognition Items and Items of Special Interest Crime: 2: 10 p.m.) 7.1 Presentation from Women and Children's Center of the Sicrra (Time: 2:10 p.m.) A presentation on the Women & Children's Center of the Sicrra was given by Special Events Supervisor Francine Burge and Charles White, a volunteer board member for Women and Children's Center of the Sierra. Mr. White gave an update on the programs and services the Center provides. Francine Burge, speaking as a volunteer of the Women and Children's Center of the Sierra alIDounced the City of Sparks jewelry and accessories drive for the old treasures, new futures th Truecolors event on March 9 • Council Member Bybee presented Ms. Burge with a donation for the event.

7.2 Presentation: Community Foundation of Western Nevada (Time: 2:20 p.m.) A presentation by the President & CEO of Community Foundation of Western Nevada Chris Askin. Mr. Aski n gave an update on events, programs and services provided by the Community Foundation. Director of Community Leadership Chris Tscheekar spoke about the caregiver support initiative for caregivers of senior family members. There will be a new website called Washoecaregivers.org that will help point caregivers towards help they need.

8. Consent Items (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:33 p.m.) A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve the consent items 8.1 and 8.2 as submitted. Cmlllcil Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

8.1 Report of Claims and Bills approved for payment ~lDd appropriation transfers for the period January 5, 2017 through January 25, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending the City Council approve the report of claims and bills as presented in the stafTreport.

8.2 Consideration, review and acceptance of the receipt of grant and/or donation money which is individually under $5,000. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Accountant Rick Parton recommending Council accept the receipt of grant and/or donation money which is individually under $5,000. Donations were received from various people to the Police Department General Donations program, Violence Against Women program and Partners in Parks & Recreation program. There is no impact to the general fund. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 3 Monday, February 13, 2017

9. General Business 9.1 Consideration of and possible approval of the Mayor's recommendation of the appointment of Frank Petersen to the Truckee Meadows n.egional Planning Commission from the following potential appointees: Mary Brock, Scott Carey, James Fewins, James Gaba and Frank Petersen. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:33 p.m.) An agenda item from Assistant City Manager Neil Krutz, on behalf or Mayor Martini, recommending Council confirm the Mayor's recommendation of the appointment of Frank Petersen to the Regional Planning Commission. Mr. Petersen will fill the vacancy left By Commissioner Lean through June 30, 2019. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to confirm the Mayor's recommendation to appoint Frank Petersen to the Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Conunission to a term that expires on June 30, 2019. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.2 Consideration and possible approval of Resolution No. 3306 ratifying the declaration of the termination of a Local Emergency, effcctive 5:00 P.M. on Friday, January 27, 20J 7. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Crime: 2:34 p.m.) An agenda item from Assistant City Manager Neil Krutz on behalf of City Manager Steve Driscoll recommending Council ratify Resolution No. 3306. On January 6, 2017, Acting City Manager Neil Krutz declared a state of emergency at 10:00 A.M., with the Mayor Pro Tempore Ron Smith's concurrence.

It was determined that the emergency status of the event for the City of Sparks was past as of 5:00 P.M. on Friday, January 27, 2017, and the City Manager declared the termination of the State of Emergency. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to ratify Resolution No. 3306 declaring the temlination of a local state of emergency. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.3 Consideration and possible approval of Resolution No. 3307 directing staff to temporarily reject applications, as provided hercin, for new land uses proposing 15 or fewer slot machines or privileged gaming licenses involving such Pl"oposed uses, and matters l)rOperly related thercto. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:36 p.m.) An agenda item from Assistant City Attorney Doug Thomley recommending Council adopt the Resolution.

Council member Bybee made the statement: "I will be abstaining from this item because my husband works for a non-restricted gaming li censee that is a member of the Nevada Resort Association. I am unsure whetherthis specifically rises to the level of a disqualifying conflict under the Eth ics in Government Law, I believe it is prudent to be cautious with respect to this type of issue. Therefore, as required by state law, 1 will not vote or advocate for or against the passage of this measure. Thankyou." Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 4 Monday, February 13, 2017

On January 23, 20 17, the Sparks City Council directed staff to examine the city's licensing ordinances related to restricted gaming. Under Nevada law, restricted gaming is required to be "incidental to the primary business of the establishment." NRS 463.0189. In Sparks, restricted gaming is an accessory use, which means the gaming element of any business so licensed may not occupy more than ten percent of the building footprint (SMC 20.03.002). With respect to restricted gaming, concerns related to the relationship between primary and incidental or accessory uses have surfaced over the past several years, resulting in significant changes to state and local gaming regulations.

At present, there are no applications pending with the city to allow new restricted gaming operations. StafIis requesting the moratorium on such appli cations until July 1 orthis year or until Council takes final action. This will all ow staff the opportunity to consider the issue as directed and develop any proposals without creating a class of applicants who wou ld be grand fathered in under the existing laws but potentially out of compli ance with any amendment that may arise out of this process. There is no impact to the general fund .

Sev Carl son from Kaempfer Crowell spoke on behalf of Nevada Restaurant Services, Inc., DBA Dotty' S. Dotty's maintains its Northern Nevada headquarters and five establishments in Sparks. Mr. Carlson requested time to meet with the city to discuss Dotty' s business model and some of the specifi cs in the proposed Ordinance.

Michael Alonso wi th Lewis Roca on behalf of the Nevada Resort Association spoke in favor of the moratorium.

Council Member Lawson asked what would happen if the city received applications during the moratorium and what would happen after July I. Assistant City Attorney Thomley stated any applications received during the moratorium would be rejected. He also stated that July I was a date sclccted because it gave Council a reasonable amount oftim c to work through the issuc.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Counci l Member Lawson, to approve the moratorium as presented by staff. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Dahir, YES. Council Member Bybee, ABSTA INED. Motion carried 4-0.

9.4 Consideration and possible approval of reimbursement to the City of Reno in the amount of S401,849.70 for Sparks' share of a construction bid award to KG Walters Inc. for the TMWRF Nitrification Tower Control Valve Replacement Pbase [J project (A C-533?). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:43 p.m.) An agenda item from Treatment Plant Manager Michael Drinkwater recommending Council approve the reimbursement of Sparks' share ofthe contract. The control valves for the Nitrification Trickling Filters (NTFs) must be operated at least twice per week as part of a snail mitigation treatment procedure as well as for intermittent maintenance needs. The current valves being proposed for replacement havc bccn in service since 1985 and are at the end of their service life. This wi ll complete the valve replacement project. Funding is from the sanitary sewer cap project fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve the reimbursement to the City of Reno for Sparks' share of the Nitrification Tower Control Valve Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 5 Monday, February 13, 2011

Pbase II project at TMWRF in an amount not to exceed of$401 ,849.70. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.5 Consideration and possible approval of Consultant Agreement for construction management services with HDR Engineering, rnc. for the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility Nitrification Tower Control Valve Replacement Phase 2 Project (AC-S338) in an amount not to exceed S246,700.00 wi.h .he Cily of Sparks' portion being $77,389.79. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:45 p.m.) An agenda item from Treatment Plant Manager Michael Drinkwater reconunending Council approve the consultant agreement to provide construction management services during the construction period. The scope includes review of contractor submittals, responding to requests for information and field change clarifications, assistance in the preparation and review of change orders. It also includes preparing and processing payment applications, and conducting regularly scheduled project coordination meetings, on-site meetings and field visits. Funding is from the sanitary sewer capital project fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve the consultant agreement with HDR Engineering Inc. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.6 Consideration and possible approval of reimbursement to the City of Reno in the amount of SI23,440.95 for Sparks' share of a contract with KG. Walters Construction Co., Inc. for construction of the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF) Aeration Piping System Modification Project (AC-5339). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:4 6 p.m.) An agenda item from Treatment Plant Manager Michael Drinkwater recommending Council approve the reimbursement of Sparks' share of the contract. A comprehensive risk ranking for needed improvements at TMWRF identified the aeration system as one of the more critical Capital Improvement Projects that needs to be addressed. This improvement will allow for more balanced air deli very to the aeration tanks, improving the plant's ability to continue to reliably treat wastewater to the required standards. Funding is from the sanitary sewer capital project fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve the reimbursement to the City of Reno for Sparks' share of the Aeration Piping System Modification project at TMWRF in an amount not to exceed of $123,440.95. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.7 Consideration of and possible direction to staff to initiate amendments to Title 2 - Administration and Personnel and Title 7 - Health and Welfare of the Sparks Municipal Code. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:47 p.m.) An agenda item from Planning Manager Jim Rundle, representing an item sponsored by Council Member Smith, recommending Council instruct staff to initiate amendments to Title 2 - Administration and Personnel and Title 7 - Health and Welfare. In January 2015, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2507 to provide city officials the authority to issue civil citations. This ordinance also provided for an adjudication process including administrative hearings and an appeal process. The mcchanisms provided in the property preservation code, provided staff a tool Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 6 Monday, February 13, 2017 for gaining compliance fro m property owners that would have otherwise been far more challenging. After substantial usc of the property preservation code slaff has identified some inconsistencies in the procedures for assessing fines in Title 2, and the abatement procedures identified in Title 7. Staff believes that with some minor changes to the ordinance the public will have a clearer picture of potential fines that can be assessed against their property if thcy do not comply with the Municipal Code. There is no impact to the gcneral fund . A motion was made by Council Mcmber Dahir, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to direct staff to initiate code amendments to Title 2 - Administration and Personnel and Title 7 - Health and Wclfarc of the Sparks Municipal Code to refine the civil citation process, address inconsistencies with other municipal code tilles, and providing other matters properl y relating thereto. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.8 Consideration and possible direction to initiate amendments to Title 20 Zoning Code of the Sparks Municipal Code. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:57 p.m.) An agenda item from Planning Manager Jim Rundle recommending Council instruct staff to initiate a codc amendment to Title 20 - Zoning Code. Staff has been utilizing the new Sparks zoning code since 20 15 and has identified minor oversights and inconsistencies that should be refined. This would be an opportune time to amend Floor Area Ratios in the Mixed Use District for commercial buildings that have been carried over from the former TaD zoning distrkt.lt could also include new proposals that would incorporate City Counci l goals as adopted in (he new Comprehensive Plan. This item would direct staff to research, review and identify possible amendments to Title 20 to establish consistency and completeness to this relatively new Zoning Code. Staff may ultimately identify other related changes for future City Counci l consideration. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Counci l Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to direct staff to initiate a code amendment to Title 20 - Zoning Code of the Sparks Municipal Code to address inconsistencies, oversights, and Comprehensive Plan policies and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Oahir, YES. Passcd unanimously. 9.9 Discussion and possible direction by the City Council to intervene in the litigation regarding Washoe County's bill draft request regarding the Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Agency's Governing Board introduced as Assembly Bill 39 of the 2017 Legislative session. (For l'ossible Action) (Timc: 2:59 p.m.) An agenda item from Planning Manager Jim Rundle on behalf of Council Member Bybee as Chairperson of the Regional Planning Governing Board, recommending that the Sparks City Council consider the pending litigation between the Truckce Meadows Regional Planning Agency's Governing Board and the Washoe County Board of County Commissioners and detennine whether the City of Sparks should intervene in the li tigation. In 2002 the City of Spark s, Ci ty of Reno and Washoe County through the Truckee Meadows Regional PlalUling Agency all signed a settlement agreement that identified Spheres of Influence for Washoe County, Reno and Sparks, established required findings for annexations, and establi shed a protocol for proposing legislation to change any tenns of the settlement agreement. The settlement agreement requires that all parties jointly submit the legislation. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 7 Monday, February 13, 2017

The Washoe County Board of County Commissioners (BeC) submitted a bill draft request to change the number of representatives from the local entities on the Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Governing Board (AB 39) independent o f the Regional Planning Governing Board (RPGB); the RPGS has asserted that the BCC violated the terms of the settlement agreement. The RPGB has now filed suit against the BCC for said violation.

Councilwoman Bybee, the current chair of the RPGB, has requested the Sparks City Council to consider intervening in the lawsuit on the side of the RPGB. The City of Reno will also be considering a similar item at their February City Council meeting. There is no impact to the general fund .

Council Member Lawson stated there are three local officials out of scventecn that want to make this change and the city needs to intervene. Council Member Bybee stated no one takes litigation li ghtly, but this is something the city needs to do because Washoe County did not follow the legal process to make legislative changes to the Board.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to intervene on the side of the Regional Planning Governing Board in the lawsuit filed against Washoe County for violating the settlement agreement and specific Nevada Revised Statutes. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

10. Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning 10.1 Presentation, discussion and possible approval of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Sparks and the International Association of Firefighters Local No. 1265 (AC-5340) to add a new job title and pay for Firefighter/Paramedic; to add a special pay for Paramedic available to Firefighter, Fire Apparatus Operator and Fire Captain jobs; and, to jointly agree to convert special pay for E mergency Medical Technician - Advanced (EMT-A) to a base pay increase for Firefighter, Fire Apparatus Operator and Fire Captain in exchange for the requirement to maintain the ccrtification as a condition of employment. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:05 p.m.) An agenda item from Assistant City Manager Nei l Krutz recommending Council approve the MOU. The MOU would provide an additional 6.5% base pay for existing Firefighters who already possess Paramedic Certification and 3% additional base pay for any existing fire Apparatus Operators and Fire Captains with Paramedic Certification. The MOD would also convcrt the cllrrent special pay for EMT -A to base pay in exchange for adding the requirement to hold the EMT-A certification to the job requirements for Firefighter, Fire Apparatus Operator and Fire Captain. The MOU would create a new job title and set a new pay scale fo r Fire Fighter/Paramedic. There will be a combined seniority table in the event ofiayotTs. This allows the city to honor long lenn personnel and the ability to keep the new service if another downturn happens in the economy again. There is an anticipated $116,000 impacllo the general fund. The city agrees to pay for the maintenance of the paramedic certificati on.

The Public Hearing was opened at 3: 16 p.m. ; no comments were received. The Public Hearing was closed. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 8 Monday, February 13, 2017

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the International Association of Firefighters, Local o. 1265. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

11. Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items 11.1 None

12. Comments 12.1 Comments from the Public (Time: 3:23 p.m.) - one. 12.2 Comments from City Council and City Manager (Time: 3:23 p.m.) - None.

13. Adjournment Council was adjourned at 3:23 p.m.

Geno R. Martini, Mayor


esa Gardner, CIty Clerk

»> 3/27/2017 AI 6. 1 MAYOR Gena Marlini

CITY COUNCIL Donald Abbott, Ward I Ed Lawson, Ward /I Ron Smith, Ward 11/ Charlene Bybee, Ward IV Kn'stopher Dahir, Ward V


CITY MANAGER Stephen Driscoll

CITY COUNCIL BUDGET AND CII' WORKSHOP MINUT ES 8:30 A.M., Monday, February 27, 20] 7 Sparks Heritage Museum, 814 Victorian Ave, Sparks, Nevada

1. Call to Order (Time: 8:30 a.m.) The workshop of the Sparks City Council was called to order by Mayor Gena Martini at 8:30 a.m.

2. Roll Call Cr ime: 8:30 a.m.) Mayor Geno Martini, Council Members Donald Abbott, Ed Lawson, Ron Smith, Charlene Bybee, Kristopher Dahir, City Manager Steve Driscoll, Chief Assistant City Attorney Shirle Eiting (8:36 a.m.), Assistant City Attorney Alyson McCormick (until the arrival of Ms. Eiting) and City Clerk Teresa Gardner, PRESENT.


3. Pledge of Allegiance (Time: 8:31 a.m.) Thc Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Geno Martini.

4. Public Comment (Time: 8:31 a.m.) - None

5. Agenda (rime: 8:31 a.m .) 5.1 Approval of the Agenda (FOR POSSIRLE ACTION) Consideration of taking items out of sequence, deleting items and adding items which require action upon a finding that an emergency exists.

A motion was made by Counci l Member Smith, seconded by Counci l Member Bybee, to approve the agenda as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

6. Revi ew of current fi scal estimates for the 201 6-201 7 and 201 7-2018 fi scal years, and consid eration and possible diredion of fi scal policies to be utilized for the 201 7-2018 fi scal year budget. (FOR POSSIRLE ACTION) (Time: 8:32 a.m.) An agenda item from Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk who provided an overview of the cUlTent estimates and other fiscal considerations relating to the 2016-2017 and 20 17-2018 fiscal years. City Manager Steve Driscoll requested input from the City Council regarding fiscal policies to be integrated into the fiscal year 2017-20 18 budget. The 2017-2018 Tcntative Budget will be prepared based upon input and direction received and will be filed with the State by April 15, 2017 City Council Budget and CIP Workshop Minutes - Page 2 Monday, February 27, 2017 as required. The City Manager will direct the creation of the City Manager's Final Budget recommendations which are tentative ly scheduled to be presented to th e City Council and Redevelopment Agency for further input and possible approval on April 24, 20 17.

Additionally, State law requires a public hearing on the Tentative Budget to be held by the governing body not sooner than the third Monday in May and not later than the last day in May. This year's public hearing on the fi scal 20 17 -20 18 Tentative Budget is scheduled for May 22, 2017. The City Manager currently intends to present the 20 17-20 18 Final Budget to the City Council and Redevelopment Agency also on May 22, 2017 immediately following the public hearing on the 2017 -2018 Tentative Budgct. The Final Budget must be submitted to the State by June 1, 2017.

Discussion included the current status of the city financials, tax structure, property tax, CTAX, Jnfon11ation Technology budgct, contributions for social services (i.e. Westcare, Community Ass istance Center, CDRO, Volunteers of America, Hometirst, Vcterans Ass istance), homeicssness, river clean-up expenses, Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada, the 800 MHz radio system, and forensics.

BREAK - 10:09 a.m . - 10: 17 a.lTl.

Mr. Cronk reviewed each of the current Council fiscal policies.

Fiscal Policy I: General Fund unrestricted ending Fund balance equal to 8.3% of expenditures. A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to continue fi scal policy 1 with a target of 6.0%. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

Fiscal Policy 2: Establish a General Fund Contingency amount up to 3% of total expenditures in thc annual budget. A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to continue fisca l pol icy 2. Council Members Abbott, Lawson. Sm.ith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

Fiscal Poli cy 3: Transfer a minimwn of2.5% of total General Fund revenues plus full funding of IT Hardware & Software Replacement Plans from the General Fund to the Capital Projects Fund. Discussion was held regarding the delay of information technology upgrades, Police department HV AC system, seating in Chambers and the Plans Examiner position. A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council member Bybee, to continue fi scal policy 3 with a target of 1.2%. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unani mously.

Fiscal Policy 4: Commit a portion of alU1ual business license receipts to the Stabilization Fund up to the maximum fund balance allowed within NRS 354.611 5. A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to continue fisca l policy 4 and conuuit $200,000 to the Stabil ization Fund. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee. Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

Fiscal Policy 5: General Fund personnel costs do not exceed 78% ofGencral Fund total revenues. A motion was made by Counci l Member Lawson, seconded by Council member J3ybce , to City Council Budget and CIP Workshop Minutes· Page 3 Monday, February 27, 2017 continue fiscal policy 5 and continue working toward a goal of less than 78%. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Sm ith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

Fiscal Policy 6: Report the annual Other Post Employment Benefit (OPEB) and Workers Compensation liabilities and annually detennine strategies to reduce or fund these liabilities. Discussion of an upcomi ng GASB change that will increase the unfunded liability from approximately $8.8 million to approximately $30 million; retirement benefi ts and employee health care costs arc negotiated bene fi ts; and state law requires all employees and retirees health care charges be equal.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Smith, to continue fiscal policy 6 and continue the pay as yo u go procedure. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

7. Revi ew and discussion of the dran Capital Improvement Pl an (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2018 .hrough 2022, including priori'ies and needs. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 11:ISa.m. ) This item was not heard; it will be placed on an agenda for March 13,2017.

8. Comments 8.1 Comments from the Public (Time: 11: 18 a.m.) - None

8.2 Comments f" om City Coun cil and City Manager (Time: 11: 18 a.m.) Council Member Smith commented that he appreciated the budget process and thanked staff for their work. Council Member Dahir stated some things are being pushed down the road and he would like to see them be fo ught for if needed.

9. Adjournment (Time: 11 : 19 a.m.) Council was adjourned a l II : 19 a.m.



>>> 3/27/201 7 AI 6.1 MAYOR Gena Martini

CITY COUNCIL Donald Abbott, Ward I Ed Lawson, Ward /I Ron Smith, Ward 11/ Charlene Bybee, Ward IV Krislopher Dahlr, Ward V

CITY A rrORNEY Chet Adams

CITY MANAGER Steve Driscoll

REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 2:00 P.M., Monday, February 27, 2017 City Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, Nevada

I. Call to Order (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The regular meeting of the Sparks City Council was called to order by Mayor Geno Martini at 2:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call (Time: 2:00 p.m.) Mayor Geno Martini, Council Members Donald Abbott, Ed Lawson, Ron Smith, Charlene Bybee, Kristopher Dahir, City Manager Steve Driscoll, City Attorney Chet Adams and City Clcrk Teresa Gardner. PRESENT.


3. Opening Ceremonies 3.1 lnvocation Speaker (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The invocation was provided by Pastor Omar Palmer, Sparks Seventh Day Adventi st Church.

3.2 Pledge of Allegiance (Time: 2:01 p.m.) The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Bybee.

4. Public Comment (Time: 2:01 p.m.) - None.

5. Agenda (Time: 2:0 1 p.m.) 5.1 Approval of the Agenda (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Consideration of taking items out of sequence, deleting items and adding items which require action upon a finding lhat an emergency exists.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Smith, to approve the agenda as amended, moving items 9.6 and 9.7 to be heard after item 6.1. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

6. Minutes (Time: 2:02 p.m.) 6.1 Consideration and possible approval of the minutes of the regular Sparks City Council meeting of February 13, 201 7. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Regular City Council Meeting Minutes· Page 2 Monday, February 27, 2017

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee. seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve the minutes of the regular Sparks City Council meeting on February 13,2017. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.


7. Announcements, Presentations, Recognition Items and Items of Special Interest (Time: 2:34 p.m.) 7.1 Proclamation: "International Women's nay" (Time: 2:37 p.m.) Mayor Geno Martini proclaimed March 8, 20 17 as Intemational Women's Day and recognized women for their achievements without regard to division, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic, or political. The proclamation was received by Daisy Rodriguez.

7.2 Proclamation: "Excel Christian School Day" (Time: 2:34 p.m.) Mayor Geno Martini proclaimed March 11,2017 as Excel Christian School Day and congratulated Excel Christian School for their goals of incorporating college classes into their curriculum to further equip this generation to grow in leadership and responsibility. The proclan1ation was received by Middle School Faculty member Shirley Carr.

7.3 Proclamation: " Rare Disease Day" (Time: 2:40 p.m.) Mayor Gena Martini proclaimed February 28, 20 17 as Rare Disease Day in participation with the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) in a nationwide observation day. The proclamation was received by Ms. Tanm1ie Hefty and her daughter, Eva

8. Consent Items (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:44 p.m.) A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Smith to approve the consent items 8.1 through 8.3. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

8.1 Report of Claims and Bills approved for payment and appropriation transfers for thc period January 25, 2017 through February 8, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item fro m Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending the City Council approve the report of claims and bilts as presented in the staff report.

8.2 Consideration and possible approval of the destruction/disl)Osai of original building plans and associated documents that have been microfilmed (City Clerk's Office). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Records Technician Carrie Brooks recommending Council approve the destruction/disposal of original building plans and associated documents that have been scanned and microfilmed in a manner that complies with the standards of quality approved by the American National Standards Institute, and a copy of the film is stored in a manner that protects it reasonably from loss. Once the standards have been met, a reproduction of the film is considered an original. A li st of those items proposed for destruction/disposal was attached to the staff report. There is no impact to the general fund. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 3 Monday, February 27, 2017

8.3 Consideration and possible approval of funding allocations recommended by the Tourism and Marketing Committee for 2017 special events. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Parks and Recreation Director Tracy Domingues recommending Council approve the 20 17 special event Funding requests as approved by the Touri sm & Marketing Committee. The City of Sparks receives an annual a llocation of room tax revenues fro m the Reno Sparks Convention & Vis itors Authority which ca n onl y be used for the marketing and promotion or touri sm in the City of Sparks and the operati on and maintenance of capital improvements within redevelopment areas of the city. The Tourism and Marketing Committee solicits funding applications from the sponsors of the special events which take pl ace in Sparks and recommends fu ndi ng allocations to help pay for the cost of the events. The Sparks Touri sm and Marketing Committee perfonns an advisory role and may only make recommendations to the Sparks City Council concerning how these revenues should be spent. There is no impact to the general fund.

The Committee met th is year on January 24 and 25 , AND reviewed the requests for the 201 7 special event season, wi th the event producers, and approved funding requests as fo llows:

Hot August Nights $ 30,000 Best in the West Nugget Rib Cook-Off $ 30,000 Nugget Star Spangled Sparks $ 30,000 Rotary Club of Sparks Kids Free Fishi ng Day $ 2,000 PumpkinPalooza $ 20,000 US Open of Watercross $ 25,000 39 North Pole Vill age $ 10,000 39 North Marketplace $ 22,000 Nevada Veterans Memorial Flag Run $ 7,500 Sierra Nevada Lavender & Honey Festival $ 5,000 Jet Jam Racing $ 15,000 20 17 Sparks Shamrock Shuffle S 2,300 Sparks Museum Living Hi story Project $ 5,000 Artown In Sparks Series $ 10,880 Northern Nevada International Dragon Boal Festival ",$ _ _ :,1"5",0,,,0,:,:0 $ 229,680

9. General Business 9.1 Consideration, discussion and possible approval of the ratification of Truckee Meadows Water Authority's recommendation for re-appointment of Council member Ron Smith to the Western Regional Water Commission (WRWC). The applicants in alphabetical order are: Donald Abbott, Charlene Bybee, Kristophcr Dahir, Ed Lawson and Ron Smith. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:44 p.m.) An agenda item from City Manager Steve Dri scoll recommending Council ratify Truckee Meadows Watcr Authority's re-appointment of Council Member Ron Smith to a 2-ycar term expiring March 3 1, 2019. 'fhere is no impact to the general fund.

A moti on was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to rati fy Truckee Meadows Water Authority's fe -appointment of Council Member Ron Smith to the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 4 Monday, February 27, 2017

Western Regional Water Commission. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahlr, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.2 Consideration, discussion and possible approval of the Mayor's recommendation of two appointments to the Western Nevada Development District (WNDD) Committee (from the following pool of applicants listed in alphabetical order: Jeff Bowling, ShanD Carey, Jennifer Martinez and Art Sperber). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:45 p.m.) An agenda item from City Manager Steve Driscoll recommending Council confirms the Mayor's appointments of Jeff Bowling and Art Sperber to the Western Nevada Development District for two-year tenns that expire on January 31, 2019. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Smi th, to confinn the Mayor's appointments of Jeff Bowling and Art Sperber to the Western Nevada Development District Committee. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.3 Consideration and possible approval on a contract (AC-5341) for the 2017 CnBG G Street Concrete and Street Improvement - Federally Funded, Bid No. 16/17-007, PWP# WA-2017-035 to Vega Asphalt Paving Inc., in the amount of $423,281.47. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Ti me: 2:46 p.m.) An agenda item from Housing Specialist George Graham recommending Council approve the contract. The project scope of work entails replacement of the existing curb, gutter, sidewalks, driveways, concrete and asphalt paving on G Street. The 2017 CDSO funded G Street Concrete and Street Improvement Project is based upon the City's approved U, S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Ailliual Action Plan (AAP FY 2017118) and in accordance with the Five Year Consolidated Plan (CP) for 20 15- 2019. Funds are budgeted in the COBO fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to approve the contract (AC-5341) for the 2017 CDBO G Street Concrete and Street Improvement to Vega Asphah Paving Inc. , in the amount of $423,281.47. Council Membcrs Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.4 Consideration and possible approval of a contract (AC5342) for the 2017 Street Rehabilitation - Unit 2, Bid No. 16/17-008, PWP-WA-2017-054 to Sierra Nevada Construction in the amount of $1,404,007. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:49 p.m.) An agenda item from Transportation Manager Amber Sosa recommending Council approve the contract. The 2017 Street Rehabilitation - Unit 2 Project is part o[the city's Transportation System Pavement Management Program. The project was prioritized through the city's Pavement Management System and outlined in the 5-year Program of Projects. Two areas were identified for the project. The first area identified arc roads generally located north of Baring Blvd. and south of Shadow Ln. The second area identified are roads generaHy located southwest of Howard Dr. and southeast of Sparks Blvd.

A motion was made by Council Member Dabir, seconded by Council Member Smith, to approve the contract (AC-5342) for the 20 17 Street Rehabilitation - Un it 2 to Sierra Nevada Construction Regular City (ouncil Meeting Minutes - Page 5 Monday, February 27, 2017 in the amount of $1,404,007. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.5 Consideration and possiblc approval of Resolution No. 3311 adopting the 2016 SC\l'cr Model Update as the Standard for Evaluation of Sewer Line Capacity for the City of Sparks. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Tim e: 2:5 1 p. m.) An agenda item from Utility Manager Andrew Hummel recommendi ng Council approve the Resoluti on. The City Council approved a contract with Atk ins to prepare an update to the 2004 Sparks Sewer Model in 201 5. Thi s update was needed due to signi ficant improvements in GIS technology and sewer fl ow modeling capabilities. Atkins has completed the study; staff has reviewed the land-use asswnptions and sewcr gcneration rates used as inputs to the mod el and gcnerall y agrees with the model results. Adopti on of the 2016 Sewer Model Update will provide the ability to establish the baseline capacity for the City's sewer conveyance system, identi f), necessary capi tal improvements, and analyze the effects of development . The model will be updated every two years. There is no impact to the general fu nd.

City Council expressed concerns that the model could limit further growth . Commun ity Services Director John Martini stated the model is a tool fo r evaluation; the tool is fl exible and adaptable.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve Resoluti on No, 33 11 adopting the 2016 Sewer Model Update. Co uncil Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.6 Consideration, review and poss ible acccptance of advice and recommendations from the Sparks Tourism Facility and Revitalization Steering Committee regarding the expenditure of Lodging Tax proceeds for renovation of the Victorian Square cinema property (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:03 p.m.) (heard aft er agenda item 6.1 ) An agenda item from Assistant Community Services Director Armando Ornelas recommending Council accept the advice and recommendations from the Sparks Touri sm Facility and Revitali zati on Steering Committee as provided for in Resolution No.3 of the Sparks Tourism f acilit y and Rev itali zation Stee ring Committee, whi ch enabl es the city to expend, through separate action, up to $1,500,000 of Lodging Tax proceeds to incentivize substantial upgrades to the Victori an Square cinema property.

In 2003 , the Nevada Legislature enacted, and the Governor signed into law, Assembly Bill 205. Thi s legislati on, subsequently codified in Chapter 432, Statutes of Nevada, imposed an additional tax at the rate of two and half percent (2.5%) on the gross receipts from the rental of transient lodging in the City of Sparks ("Lodging Tax"). The City Counci l may expend these proceeds after obtaining the "advice and recommendati ons" of the Sparks Tourism Facility and Rev ital ization Stecring Committee ("Committee"), whi ch is created per Chapter 432. There is no im pact to th e general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to accept the Committee 's advice and recommendati ons, as provided [or in Resolution No.3 of the Sparks To uri sm Facility and Revitali zation Steering Committee, regarding the expenditure of Lodging Tax proceeds fo r renovati on of the Victori an Square cinema property. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes· Page 6 Monday, February 27, 2017

9.7 Consideration, review and possible approval of a Financial Incentive Agreement (AC-5343) between the City of Sparks and Syufy Enterprises to provide up to $1,500,000 in Lodging Tax proceeds for renovation and re­ opening of the Victorian Square cinema property. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2: 15 p.m.) (Heard aftcr agenda item 9.6) An agenda item from Assistant Community Services Director Armando Ornelas recommending Council approve the agreement. Tn late 2016 Syufy Enterprises, which owns the currently closed Victorian Square cinema property, requested the city providc Lodgin g Tax proceeds to fill a financial gap in the cost of renovating that property as a state-of-the-art 14 screen movie theater. Syufy intend s to enter a lease with Galaxy Theatres, which operates the Galaxy Imax Luxury+ Theatre in the Legends shopping center, to renovate, re-open and operate the cinema propcrty. Syufy estimated the costs of the upgrades at approximately $7.6 million and has informed the city that, but for the provision 0[$1.5 million of fi nancial assistance by the city, Syufy and Galaxy do not find it fmancially feasiblc to undertake the project.

On January 31, 20 17, the Committee considered and approved Resolution No.3 of the Sparks Tourism Facility and Revitalization Steering Committee, which fonnally advises and recommends to the City Council that it expend up to $1,500,000 of Lodging Tax proceeds, beginning in City fiscal year 2017, to incentivize substantial upgrades to the Victorian Square theater property. The City Council accepted Resolution No.3 of the Sparks Tourism Facility and Revitalization Steering Commiltee prior to considering this agenda item.

Per the proposed tenns of the Financial Incenti ve Agreement, Syufy and Galaxy would coll ectively invest at least $6,100,000 while the City would contribute $ 1,500,000 from lodging ta'(es, as follows: i) $1 ,000,000 upon the opening of all 14 auditoriums of the cinema property to the general public; and, ii) provided the cinema property remains open to the public, $100,000 per year for five years. The proposed agreement requires that the renovated cinema open to the public prior to December 31, 2017 or the agreement expires. Funds are from lodging tax proceeds; there is no impact to the general fund.

Public comment was received from Frank Rimkus of Galaxy Theatres and Andrew McCull ough from Syufy Enterpri ses thanking Council for the opportunity to go forward with this project. They believe that the city will enjoy the Galaxy Theatre.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Smith, to approve the Financial Incentive Agreement (AC-5343) between the City o f Sparks and Syufy Enterprises to provide up to $1,500,000 in Lodging Tax proceeds for renovation and re-opening of the Victori an Square cincma property. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Sm ith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.8 Consideration and possible ratification of Resolution No. 3309 declaring a state of emergency in the City of Sparks on February 9, 2017 due to a flood event whieh began on February 7, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Crime: 3:01 p.m.) An agenda item from City Manager Steve Driscoll recommending Council ratify Resolution No. 3309 declaring a state of emergency. On February 9,2017, the City Manager found that a major wintcr storm event began on february 7, 2017 that included an extended period of heavy rain ranging from the valley floor to extremely high elevations around the region coupled with wann Regular City Council Meeting Minutes· Page 7 Monday, February 27, 2017 atmospheric temperatures and a heavy and ripened snowpack and water saturated ground that would result in both urban and Truckee River flooding in the City of Sparks. City emergency teams opened the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) on February 9, 2017, and it was determined that a major event was imminent. City Manager Stephen Driscoll declared a state of emcrgcncy with Mayor Martini's concurrencc, and the State DEM was notifi ed. There is no impact to the gcneral fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to ratify Resolution No. 3309 dcclaring a state of cmcrgcncy in thc City of Sparks duc to a flood event. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Sm ith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed lmanimously.

9.9 Consideration and possible acceptance of a Business Impuct Statement (AC5344) regarding Restricted Gaming Business Licenses. (FOR POSSLBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:08 p.m.) An agenda item from Senior Assistant City Attorney Doug Thornley reconunending Council accept the Business Impact Statement. On January 23, 2017, the Sparks Ci ty Council directed city staff to examinc thc city's licensing ordinances related to restricted gaming. On January 27, 2017, letters were sent out to businesses in Sparks with gaming licenses for their in put on the proposed changes to SMC Chapter 5.24. A business impact statement was created regarding those opinions.

Council Membcr Bybee made the statement: "1 wi ll be abstaining from this item because my husband works for a non· restricted gaming licensee that is a member of the Nevada Resort Association. 1 am unsure whether this specifically ri scs to the level of a disqualifying conflict under the Ethics in Government Law, I believe it is prudent to be cautious with rcspect to this type of issue. Therefore, as required by state law, I will not vote or advocate for or against the passage of this measure. Thankyou."

Staff has published a draft ordinance by mailing a copy of the draft to current gaming licensees and posting the draft to the city's website January 27lh to February 17th • The City Attorney's office has received one phone call and one email commenting that the proposed amendment only effected restricted gaming license holders. They Attorney's Office received one letter of substance from Dottie's.

Under Nevada law, restricted gaming is required to be "incidental to the primary business of the establi shmcnt." NRS 463.0189. fn Sparks, restricted gaming is an "accessory use," which means that the gaming elcmcnt of any business so licensed may not occupy more than ten percent of the building footprint associated with the principle use to which the restricted gaming operation is attached. SMC 20.03.002. With respect to restricted gaming, concerns related to the relationship between primary and incidental or accessory uses have surfaced over the past several years, resulting in significant changes to state and local gaming regulations. The Business Impact Statement relates to the proposed amendment to SMC Chapter 5.24 which adopts definitions and regulations that will better ensure compliance with the "incidental business" requirement for restricted gaming licensees under both state and local laws. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith to accept the Business Impact Statement related to the proposed amendment to SMC Chapter 5.24 concerning the operation of restrictcd gaming in the City of Sparks. Motion died for lack ora second. This agenda item has been resubmitted to be reheard at the May 8, 2017 City Council meeting. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 8 Monday, February 27, 2017

9.10 FIRST READING, ofBili No. 2715 amending the Sparks Municipal Code Title 5 "Business Licenses, Taxes and Regulations," Chapter 5.24 "Gambling Establishments" to add definitions and create the requirements of bars or bar­ restaurants operating slot machines through a restricted gaming license, together with other matters properly related thereto. (Time: p.m.) This item was withdrawn. This agenda item has been resubmitted to be reheard at the May 8, 2017 City Council meeting.

10. Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning 10.1 Public Hearing, consideration and possible app"oval of a request from the City of Sparks Redevelopment Agency to the City of Sparks for the abandonment of a portion of Avenue of the Oaks public right-of-way. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:35 p.m.) An agenda item from City Engineer Jon Ericson on behalf of the Sparks Redevelopment Agcney reconunending Council approve the public right-of-way abandonment ofa portion of Avenue of the Oaks public right-of-way. Staff has researched the request and believes the public will not be materially injured by the proposed abandonment. The right-of-way abandonment is located adjacent to the southerly property line of APN's 32-341-22 and 32-341-23. The City of Sparks Redevelopment Agency is the owner of property adjacent to the right-of-way and intends to sell the assembled property to SWD-Quarry FVS, LLC for the development of the Fountainhouse Phase 2 project. Each owner of property abutting the proposed abandonments have been properly notified via certified mail as required by NRS 278.480 (4) (a). The extent of the proposed abandonment and the date of the public hearing were published in the Reno Gazette Journal as required by NRS 278.480 (4) (b). There is no impact to the general fund.

The Public Hearing was opcned at 3:37 p.m. J Witt gave comment stating the abandonment that is necessary for the building project. The abandorunent updates a 12-ycar old Jand plan. Public Hearing was closed at 3:40 p.m.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve the public right-of-way abandonment request as outlined by staff. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

11. Phmning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items 11.1 None

12. Comments 12.1 Comments from the Public (Time: 3:40 p.m.) None.

12.2 Comments from City Council and City Manager (Time: 3:40 p.m.) City Manager Steve Driscoll arulOunced one vacancy for the Truckee River fund Advisory Committee. There is no term; members serve at the pleasure of the City Council. Applications will be accepted until the close of business on Friday, March 17th at 5:00 p.m.

Council Member Lawson requested City Manager Driscoll direct Community Services look at shipping containers as an alternate means of construction. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 9 Monday, February 27, 2017

Council Member Dahir invited the community to the pancake breakfast being held for the Veterans Memorial on Saturday from 7-11 a.m. The pancake breakfast will be held at the American Legion hall across from City Hall.

13. Adjournment Counci l was adjourned at 3:43 p.m.


~CLGCvtdfIA-resa Gardner, City Clerk

»> 3/27/2017 AI 6.1 MAYOR Geno Martini

CITY COUNCIL Donald Abboft, Ward I Ed Lawson. Ward /I Ron Smith, Ward 11/ Charlene Bybee, Ward IV Kristopher Dshir, Ward V


CITY MANAGER Steve Driscoll

REGULAR CITY COUNC IL MEETING MINUTES 2:00 P.M., Monday, March 13, 2017 City Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, Nevada

I. Call to Order (Ti me: 2:00 p.m.) The regular meeting of the Sparks City Council was called to order by Mayor Geno Martini at 2:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call (Time: 2:01 p.m.) Council Members Donald Abbott, Ed Lawson, Ron Smith, Charlene Bybee, Kristopher Dahir, City Manager Steve Driscoll. City Attorney Chet Adams and City Clerk Teresa Gardner, PRESENT.

ABSENT: Mayor Geno Martini

3. Opening Ceremonies 3.1 Invocation Speaker (Time: 2:01 p.m.) The invocation was provided by Pastor Steve Bond, Summit Christian Church.

3.2 Pledge of Allegiance (Time: 2:02 p.m.) The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Assistant City Manager Neil Krutz.

4. Public Comment (Time: 2:03 p.m.) An anonymous speaker, a survivor of domestic violence, sa id she was concerned with the court's destruction of child abuse evidence and said meeting minutes were inconsistent to the meeting video.

Volunteers of America's Patrick Cashell gave an update of activity regarding Ihe region's Community Assistance Center - Homeless Shelter which uses funding from City of Sparks. Mr. Cashcll spoke of housing, employment, safety training, and work programs. Mr. Cashell also thanked the city for their assistance in establishing temporary shelter during the flood. Mr. Cashell said he would like to provide regular updates and invited Council to visi t the campus.

39 North Downto\.vn's representative Angela Handler provided an update of activities they are working on including special events such as the marketplace and the lavender and honey festival, Engine 39, and they are looking for a grant writer to join their group. Their next meeting is April 11, 20 17 and additional infollllation and donation opportunities are on their website www.39nonhdowl1towl1.com. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 2 Monday, March 13, 2017

5. Agenda (Time: 2:14 p.m.) 5.1 Approval of the Agenda (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Consideration of taking items out of sequence, deleting items and adding items which require action upon a finding that an emergency exists.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve the agenda as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

6. Minutes (Time: 2: 14 p.m.) 6.1 None

7. Announcements, Presentations, Recognition Hems and Items of Special Interest (Time: 2: 14 p.m.) 7.1 Proclamation: Nevada Moves Week (Time: 2:14 p.m.) Mayor Martini proclaimed March 13-17, 2017 as "Nevada Moves Week" and encouraged citizens to walk, bike or participate in an athletic event with their children; while celebrating the benefits of increased safety and health, this week and throughoutt the year. The proclamation was read by Mayor Pro Tempore Smith.

7.2 Proclamation: World Down Syndrome Day (Time: 2: 16 p.m.) Mayor Martini proclaimed March 2 1, 2017 as "World Down Syndrome Day" with continued commitment to celebrating and recognizing the talents, potential, contributions, and achievements of those living with Down syndrome. The proclamation was read by Council Member Bybee and presented to Megan Fedcli of Down Syndrome Network of Northern Nevada who thanked the Council for their support.

7.3 Presentation: How Reno-Sparks Northern Nevada Chamber membership provides value (Time: 2:18 p.m.) The Chamber CEO Ann Silver presented information on the benefits of joining the Chamber and the value provided, supporting advocacy, education and connectivity. The updated Reno-Sparks Northern Nevada Chamber logo was presented and Ms. Silver is looking forward to putting Sparks back in the title.

7.4 Presentation: Truckee River Flood Project Update (Time: 2:22 p.m.) Truckee River flood Management Authority (TRFPA) Executive Director Jay Aldean and The Ferraro Group President Greg Ferraro gave an update on the status of the Truckee River Flood Project and discussed BDR 473 which is pursuing forming a committee to recommend a funding mechanism fo r a 2018 ballot question to SUppOI1 the TRFP A. The committee would determine the finance structure whi ch would be a direct benefit fcc and not a tax. Discussion included the inability to complete the project in its whole iradditional funding is not approved by the voters.

7.5 Introduction of New Employee: .Julie Torres, Records Coordinator Crime: 2:52 p.m.) City Clerk Teresa Gardner introduced Records Coordinator Julie Torres who began working for the City of Sparks on March 6, 20 17.

8. Consent Items (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:55 p.m.) Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 3 Monday, March 13, 2017

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve the consent item 8.1. Council Members Abbort, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

8.1 Report of Claims and Bills approved for payment and appropriation transfers for the period February 9, 2017 through February 22, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending the City Co uncil approve the report of claims and bills as presented in the staff report.

9. General Business 9.1 Review and discussion of the draft Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2018 through 2022, including priorities and needs. (CONTINUED FROM THE 212712017 SPARKS CITY COUNCIL BUDGET AND CIP WORKSHOP) (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:56 p.m.) An agenda item from Capital Projects Manager Brian Cason, along with Information Technology Manager Steve Davidek and Public Works Manager Ron Korman identifying appropriate funds to maximize capital improvements within the city. This item was originally on the agenda for the 2/27117 budget workshop but was not presented. The proposed capital improvement projects for fiscal year 2018 and a draft of the five-year capital improvement plan for fiscal years 2018 through 2022 were presented. All projects presented are subject to the City Managers recommendations and Council approval. facility projects were prioritized based on available funding in the following order: structural integrityllife safety; electrical/mechanical; disability access/grants; functional remodels; and remodels.

Discussion was held regarding asphalt patching, potholes, citizen access to street information, commendable infonnation technology customer service, the molor vehicle fund, turf replacement at Golden Eagle Regional Park (GERP), recreation fees, and creative ideas for funding turf replacemen t including possibility of a contribution from the Reno-Sparks Conventi on and Visitors Authority and/or fi eld sponsorships.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to accept the report as presented and bring additional details for turf replacement at GERP back to Council. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.2 Consideration of and possible approval of a request for an extension of time for a Tentative Map to allow a 986 lot single family residential subdivision on a site 831 acres in size in the Miramonte Planned Development generally located east of Desert Highlands Planned Development, cast of the Vista Ridge subdivision and south of Wingfield Springs, Sparks NV. Applicant: Corona, LLC (PCN040SI) (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 4:04 p.m.) An agenda item fro m Senior PlaImer Ian Crittenden recommending Council approve the two-year extension requested by Corona, LLC. The Tentative Map for the Miramonte Planned Development was approved Jan uary 24, 2005. A series of Final Maps have been subsequently recorded. The most recent approval was Phase 4B Unit 2 which was approved on August 10, 20 15. Nevada Revises Statues (NRS) 278.360 requires that successive Final Maps be approved in a timely manner with 2 years or less between approvals. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes· Page 4 Monday, March 13, 2017

At the January 19, 20 17 Planning Commission meeting the Planning Commission voted to rorward a recommendation of approval for the two-year extension of this Tentative Map to the City Council. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve a time extension for the Tentative Map for the Miramonte Planned Development associated with PCN04051 for a period not to exceed two years, expiring August 10,2019. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahu, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.3 Consideration of and possible approval of a Tentative Map request for a 1710t residential subdivision, on a site 4.22 acres in size in the SF6 (Single Family- 6,000 square foot minimum lot size) zoning district located at 7460 Wingfield Springs Road, Sparks, Nevada. Applicant: MTA Investments, LLC (PCN16- 0052) (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 4:06 p.m .) An agenda item from Senior Planner Ian Crittenden recommending approval of the tentative map for Sierra Shadows requested by MIA Investments, LLC. The Sierra Shadows subdivision had a tentative map approved by City Council on April 24,2006. At that same meeting this propcrty was also annexed, had its Master Plan designation changed, and was rezoned. The tentative map expired on April 23, 2008. The property owner would like to reactivate the tentative map on this property at thi s time to allow for a maximum of 17 single family lots. There is no impact to the general fund.

On February 16, 2017, the Sparks Planning Commission voted to forward a recommendation of approval to the Sparks City Council.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve the Tentative Map for Sierra Shadows associated with PCN 1 6~0052 , adopting Findings Tl through T I2 and the facts supporting these Findings as set forth in the staff report and subject to the Conditions of Approval 1 through 11 as li sted in the staff report. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.4 Discussion and possible direction to staff to negotiate and prepare a development agreement pursuant to NRS 278.0201 concerning the development of Highland Ranch Park, a 67.4 acre property with Washoe County Assessor Parcel Numbers of 083-011-12 and 083~11-13 located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Highland Ranch Parkway and the Pyramid Highway. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 4: 10 p.m.) An agenda item from Assistant Community Services Director Armando on behalf of American Recess LLC (project applicant) and Bruce Investment Group LLC (property owner) recommending Council direct staff to negotiate and preparc [or future consideration by the City Council a NRS 278.0201 (Agreement with governing body concerning development of land: Manner and contents; applicable ordinances, resolutions and regulations; restrictions on subsequent action by governing body) development agreement for the Highland Ranch Park property. City staff and the developer believe that a NRS 278.0201 development agreemcnt would provide greater predictability and facilitate better planning fo r development of this property. Thc proposed development agreement would cover the conditions precedent to the City changing the Comprehensive Plan land use designation, rezoning and other land use entitlements such as conditional use pennits. It would also address the timing and any phasing of development as wcll Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 5 Monday, March 13,2017 as the terms and requirements for, and financing of~ public infrastructure, including the property' s possible inclusion in Impact Fee Service Area Number I . Finally, NRS 278.0201 development agreements also permit the project applicant to waive certain NRS statutory timcframes so that various land use approvals can be considered concurrently by the Planning Commission and the City Council. There is no impact to the general fund. Council confirmed required approvals will be brought back to the Council prior to finalization.

A motion was made by Council Member Oahir, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to direct staff to negotiate and prepare for future considerati on by the City Council a NRS 278.0201 development agreement for the Highland Ranch Park property. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir. YES. Passed unanimously.

9.5 Discussion and possible direction to staff to negotiate and prepare a development agreement pursuant to NRS 278.020J concerning the development of The Quarry, a 386.7 acre property with the Washoe County Assessor Parcel Number of 083-01 1-15 located northwest of the intersection of Highland Ranch Parkway and the Pyramid Highway. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 4: 17 p.m.) An agenda item from Assistant Community Services Director Armando Ornelas on behalf ofQK, LLC (project applicant) and Jackling Aggregates, LLC (property owner) recommending Council direct staff to negotiate and prepare for future consideration by the City Council a NRS 278.0201 development agreement for The Quarry propcl1y. City staff and the developer believe that a N RS 278.0201 development agreement would enhance predictability and facili tate better planning for annexation and development of this property. The proposed development agreement would cover the condit ions precedent to the City annexing the property, changing the Comprehensive Plan land use designation, rezoning and other land use entitlements the project may require. It would also address the timing and any phasing ofdevclopmcnt as well as the terms and requirements for, and tinancing of, public infrastructure, including the property's possible inclusion in Impact Fee Service Area Number 1. Fi nally, NRS 278.0201 development agreements also permit the project applicant to waive certain NRS statutory timcframes so that various land use approvals can be considered concurrently by the Planning Commission and the City Council. There is no impactlO the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to direct staff to negotiate and prepare for future considerati on by the City Council a NRS 278.0201 development agreement for The Quarry property. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

JO. Public Hearing and Action Hcms Unrelated to Planning and Zoning 10.1 Public I-fearing, considenltion and possible al)proval of a boundary line adjustment between properties owned by the City of Sparks and City of Sparks Redevelopment Agency for the developmcnt of the Fountainhouse Ph 2 project. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 4: 19 p. m. ) An agenda item from City Engineer Jon Ericson recommending Council approve the boundary li ne adjustment (BLA) to a parcel of property owned by the City of Sparks. Transferring property from the City of Sparks (APN 32-341-30, Parcel M) lO the adjacent property owned by the City of Sparks Redevelopment Agcncy (APN 32-341-22, Parcel E and 32-341-23, Parcel D) will all ow the development of the Fountainhouse Phase 2 project. Regu lar City Council Meet ing Minutes ~ Page 6 M onday, March 13, 2017

The City o r Sparks Redevelopment Agency is the owner of properti es located along A ven ue of the Oaks (APN 32~3 41 ~22 , Parcel E and 32~34 1 ~23 , Parcel D). Both parcels are currently undeveloped . The Agency is in the process or assembl ing both parcels fo r development and has req uested that the Sparks City Council consider a BlA of a City owned parcel (A PN 32-341 -30, Parcel M) situated between the Agency parcels. The City of Sparks Redeve lopment Agency intends to sell the assembled property to SWD-Quarry FVS , LLC fo r the development of the Fountainhouse Ph 2 project. There is no impact to the general fund.

The Public I learing was opened at 4:20 p.m.: no commcnts were received.

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve the boundary line adjustment request as outlined by stafT. Counci l Mcmbcrs Abbott , La \-vson, Smith, Bybce, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

11. Pl anning a nd Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items Il.l NO li e

12. Comments 12.1 Comments from the Public (Time: 4 :21 p.m.) - None 12.2 Comments from City Council and C ity Manager (Time: 4:2 1 p. m.) City Manager Driscoll announ ced avail able Committee appointments: • Truckec Ri ver Fund Advisory Commi ttee - 1 member serving at the pleasure of the Ci ty Counci l fo r an undcteml ined terrn. Appl ications will be accepted until the closc ofbusincss on Friday, March 17,201 7. • Reno Tahoe Airport Authority - I member serving a partial term to end June 30, 2019. Applicat ions will be accepted until the close of business on Friday March 31, 2017.

Mayor Pro Tempore Smith requested a Resolution be brought to Council regarding support for the Flood Project.

Mayor Pro Tcmpore Smith also said the Council commented on a proposed Rcsolution via email and may be in violati on of the Open Meetin g Law. The action was scl f~ r e po t1 cd and Mr. Smith requested the City Attorney place an item on the next agenda to rectify the situati on.

13. Adjournment Counci l was adj ourned at 4:24 p.m . Jful1tJ-- RON SMITH, Mayor Pro Temporc ATTEST:

~~.keresa Gardner\0,,..p CityWi~ ClecL~rftk.-.k ",,----,~~,Bp~ >>> 4/10/2017 MAYOR Geno Martmi AI 6.1

CITY COUNCIL Donald Abbo/t, Ward I Ed Lawson, Ward /I Ron Smilh, Ward 11/ City of 11 Charlene Bybee, Ward IV Krislopher Oahir, Ward V

CITY ATTORNEY _paf-fKS ChelAdams CITY MANAGER SIeve Driscoll

REGULAR CITY COUNClL MEETING MINUTES 2:00 P.M., Monday, March 27, 2017 City Council C hambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, Nevada

1. Call to Order (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The regular meeting of the Sparks City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro Tern Ron Smith at 2:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call (Time: 2:01p.m.) Council Members Donald Abbott, Ed Lawson, Ron Smith, Charlene Bybee, Kri stopher Dahir, City Manager Steve Dri scoll, City Anorney Chet Adams and City Clerk Teresa Gardner, PRESENT.

ABSENT: Mayor Geno Martini

3. Opening Ceremonies 3.1 Invocation Speaker (Time: 2: 01p.m.) The invocation was provided by Pastor Pete Vossler, Crosswinds Assembly of God.

3.2 Pledge of Allegiance (Time: 2:02 p.m.) The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Donald Abbott.

4. Public Comment (Time: 2:02 p.m.) An anonymous speaker, a su rvi vor of domestic violence, said the municipal court is destroying ch ild abuse evidence and legal procedures are being considered.

Steve Trollope of D'Andrea Rising sa id he is ava ilable to answer any questions concernin g the situation descri bed in agenda item 9.8 regarding D'Andrea.

5. Agenda (rime: 2:08 p.m.) 5.1 Approval of the Agenda (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Consideration of taking item s out of seq uence, deleting item s and adding items which require action upon a finding that an emergency exists.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to move agenda items 11.1 and 11 .2 after the consent item s and approve the agenda as amended. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 2 Monday, March 27, 2017

6. Minutes (rime: 2:09 p.m.) 6_1 Consideration and possible approval of the minutes of the Sparks City Council Budget and crp Workshop and regular Sparks City Council meeting of February 27, 2017 and the regular Sparks City Council meeting of March 13, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to approve the minutes of the Sparks City Council Budget and crp Workshop of February 27, 20 17 and regular Sparks City Council meetings of February 27, 2017 and March 13,2017. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

7. Announcements, Presentations, Recognition Hems and Items of Special Interest 7.1 None_

8. Consent Items (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:09 p.m.) A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve the consent items 8.1 through 8.5 as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Sm ith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

8.1 Report of Claims and Bills approved for payment and appropriation transfers for the period February 23, 2017 through March 8,2017. (FORPOSSmLE ACTION) An agenda item from Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending the City Council approve the report or claims and bills as presented in the staff report.

8.2 Consideration and possible acceptance ofa Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Fiscal Year 2016-1 7 Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) grant award (AC- 5350) in the amount 0[$9,600. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Police Chief Brian Allen recommending Council accept a $9,600 grant from the Bureau of Ju stice Assistance (DJA) BulletproofYest Partnership (BYP) Program for FY 2016- 20 17. The BYP Program reimburses 50% of the purchase cost for body armor purchased by the police department. The Sparks Police Department budgets and purchases body armor for all police officers when they are hired as well as on a 5-year replacement cycle. Budget exists in the general fund.

8.3 Consideration and possible approval of a contract (AC-5351 ) with the State of Nevada for wildland expenses and emergency incidents (flood) for the period of July 1, 2017-June 30, 2019 in the amount of $20,000. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Division Chief Jim Reid recommending Council approve the proposed 20 17- 19 contract. The Sparks Fire Department maintains cooperative agreements with local, state, and federal tire agencies to provide resources to assist each other with emergencies that exceed the capabilities ol'a single agency. The cu rrent contract between the Sparks Fire Department and the State of Nevada is expiring on June 30, 2017. This new contract will be etTective July I, 2017. Budget exists in the general fund.

8.4 Consideration and possible approval of the 2017 Street Patching, Bid No_ 16/17-015, PWP-WA-2017-124 contract (AC-5352) to Sierra Nevada Construction in the amount ofSI57,800. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 3 Monday. March 27. 2017

An agenda item from Transportation Manager Amber Sosa recommending Council approve the contract. The 20 17 Street Patch ing Project will provide patching for known and unknown areas of failing roadway throughout the City of Sparks. The work under this contract will patch areas of asphalt failure at the direction provided by Community Services staff. The known areas of patching are to prepare the city for preventative maintenance activities while the unknown areas of patching are intended to be a proactive measure to address damage this heavy winter may have caused. Funding is from the road fund and capital improvements fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

8.5 Consideration and possible approval of a refund of building permit fees to First Tee Development, LLC for issued permit #SBLDI6-23252 in the a mount 0[$8,386.07 (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Development Services Manager Karen Melby recommending Council approve a partial refund on this permit. DF Altmann / First Tee Development, LLC applied for permit SBLD16-23252 to construct a new single family residence at 961 Marble Hills Circle and was assessed the standard impact and connection fees. After issuance of the new penn it, it was detennined that the Impact Fees for Service Area # I , the residential construction tax and the sewer connection had been previously paid at this address under permit #A0503392 in 2005. Funding is from the enterprise fund; there is no impact to the general fund.


9. General Business 9.1 Consideration and possible approval of the ratification of Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility's recommendation for .1 joint appointment of Reno Councilman Paul McKenzie to the Western Regional Water Commission. The applicants in alphabetical order arc: Paul McKenzie. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2/19 p.m.) An agenda item from City Manager Steve Driscoll recommending Council ratify Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility's recommendation for a joint appointment of Reno Councilman Paul McKenzie to the Western Regional Water Commission.

Pursuant to the Western Regional Water Comm iss ion Act (Chapter 531, Statutes of Nevada 2007, Sec. 25): "The owners of the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility or its successor shall jointly appoint one trustee for an initial term of two years." On March 14,2016, the Sparks City Council appointed Mayor Geno Martini to the WR WC and the City of Reno appointed Councilman Paul McKenzie, creating a situation wherein there was no val id appointment to the committee. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahi r, seconded by Counci l Member Bybee, to ratify the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility's recommendation for joint appointment of Paul McKenzie to the Western Regional Water Commission for the remainder of the current tenn of April I, 20 161hrough March 31, 2018. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.2 Consideration and possible ratification of Resolution No. 33J 0 declaring Termination of a Local Emergcncy, cffective 5:00 P.M. on Friday, March 10, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:2 1 p.m.) Regular City Council Meeting Minutes · Page 4 ••• Monday, March 27, 2017 '. '"N 0, An agenda item from City Manager Steve Driscoll recommending Council ratify Resolution No. •••• .. , 33 10, a Resolut ion declaring Ihe termination afloeal State o f Emergency. On February 9, 2017, the City Manager found that a major winter storm event would occur as forecasted by the National Weather Services. City emergency teams opened the Emergency Operations Center all February 9, 2017, and it was determined th at a major event was imminent. The City Manager declared a state of emergency with the Mayor's concurrence and the State DEM was notified. The event was deemed to be within the control of normal protective services, personnel, equipment and facilities of and with in the City of Sparks as of 5:00 P.M. on Friday, March 10,201 7, and the City Manager declared the termination of the State of Emergency. There is no impact (0 the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to ratify Resolut ion No. 33 10 declaring the termination of a local state of emergency. Council Members Abbot!, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.3 Consideration and I)Ossible adoption of Resolution No. 3312 to augment the FY17 budget in various funds to provide appropriations for capital projects approved, hut not completed in FYI6. (FOR POSSfBLE ACTiON) (Time: 2:24 p.m.) An agenda item from Budget Administrator Stacie Hemmerling recommending Council adopllhe resolution. Certain capital projects were approved in prior year Capital Improvement Plans (CfP), but were not completed in FY 16, and the budget authority lapsed. The FY 17 budget will be augmented to re-appropriate those funds. Funding is from parks & recreation project fund, capital projects tlllld, drains capital fillld, effluent operations fund, motor vehicle fLlnd , and the sewer capital fund. Council asked about the reality of the projects being completed this fiscal year and City Manager Driscoll said once the funds are encumbered they will be connected to the project. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to adopt Resolution No. 3312 to augment the FY 17 Capital Projects Funds, Enterprise Fund and Intemal Service Fund budgets. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.4 Consideration and possible award of the 2017 Curb, Cutter, Sidewalk and Pavement Rehabilitation Project, Bid No. 16/17-010, PWP-WA-2017-079 contract (AC-5353) to Spanish Springs Construction in the amount of 5637,444. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:28 p.m.) An agenda item from Capital Projects Coordinator Andy Echeita recommending Council approve the contract to Spanish Springs Construction. This rehabilitation project involves the complete replacement and rehabilitation of curb, gutter, sidewalk, driveway approaches, and asphalt on K Street, L Street, and M Street from Stanford Way to Probasco Way. The existing curb and gutter infrastructure has deteriorated over time and does not function as designed as flow of storm water runoff is restricted. Because the curb and gutter is to be completely removed and replaced, the adjacent sidewalk will also be replaced. In lieu of patching the pavement surface adjacent to the new curb and gutter, the street surface will be rehabilitated. The area to be rehabilitated is identified within the fiscal year 2017 crp. Funding is from the road fund; there is no impact to the general fund. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 5 Monday, March 27, 2017

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve the 2017 Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk and Pavement Rehabilitation Project contract to Spanish Springs Construction in the amount of$637,444. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.5 Consideration and possible approval of the 2017 Street Rehabilitation ~ Unit 3~ Bid No. 16/17-014, PWP-WA-2017-108 contract (AC-5354) to Sierra Nevada Construction in the amount of51,309,007. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:30 p.m.) An agenda item from Transportation Manager Amber Sosa recommending Council approve the contract to Sierra Nevada Construction. The 2017 Street Rehabilitation - Unit 3 Project is part of the Ci ty' s Transportation System - Pavement Management Program.

The projecl was prioritized through the City' s Pavement Management System and outlined in the 5-ycar Program of Projects. The project to remove and replace as needed rundown curb & gutter, driveway approaches, sidewalk ramps and reconstruct the roadway with new asphalt on the slreets identified and generally located at Richards Place, south of Prater Way and west of Rock Blvd, and south of Prater way and east of Pyramid Way. Funding is from the road fund, sanitary sewer operating fund, and the sanitary sewer capital projcct fund. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve the 2017 Street Rehabilitation - Unit 3 contract to Sierra Nevada Construction in the amount of $1 ,309,007. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.6 Consideration and possible rejection of all bids for flow monitoring services for the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:32 p.m.) An agenda item from Community Services Director John Martini recommending Council rejects all bids received for the flow monitoring services bid. The Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF) utilizes a third-party contractor for monitoring the wastewater flow in the collection system to proportion the operational costs between the Cities of Reno and Sparks. The currenl contract has expired and services are being provided on a month-to-month basis. A competitive bid was held to secure a contract for service for a multi-year period.

The City of Sparks' purchasing department held an open, competitive bid for the fl ow monitoring services. Two bidders, ADS Inc. and Uti lity Systems Science and Software, submitted bids. Aftcr bid s were opened a challenge was made regarding language in the technical specification requiring rso 900 I ccrtilication s. The specific language in question was reviewed by the Sparks' City Attorney's office and determined to be ambiguous. Each bidder interpreted the language to their own advantage and both readings were reasonable. Because the issue had a financial cost that could have afrected the final bid price, thc attorney's office recommended that all bids be rejected. There is a current month-to-month contract in place; this may delay the contract for approximately 60 days. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Counci l Member Bybee, to reject all bids for the TMWRf Flow Monitoring Services. Counci l Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passcd unanimously. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes · Page 6 Monday, March 27, 2017

9.7 Presentation, discussion and possible direction to participate in development of the Integrated Source Water Protection Program (lSWP) with the Nevada Department of Environmental Protection (NJlEP) (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:35 p.m.) An agenda item from Dcvc!opment Services Manager Karen Melby recommending Council support and participate in the Integrated Source Water Protection Program (" ISWP Program") and issue a lener to Nevada Department of Environmental Protection (NDEP) for staff participation with NDEP and community representatives toward completion of the Truckee River Watershed Management Plan.

Ms. Melby introduced Kim Borgzinner and Birgit Henson who presented infonnation on the ISWP Program which is a voluntary, county-wide approach designed to help develop and implement a plan that protects the quality of public drinking water supplies. To date, Source Water Protection Plans have been completed in 7 of Nevada's 17 counti es. This plan will address the Truckee River and its watershed. The Western Regional Water Commi ssion and the Truckee Meadows Water Authority have already endorsed thi s planning effort and have provided leuers requesting the participation of local governments. There is no impact to the general fund.

Council discussed watcr quality issues, education, and pri vate party water issues. Ms. Borgzinner said this is a voluntary program with implementation by the stakeholders. Counci l Member Dahir said the Health Committee and Truckee Meadows Water Authority are supporting thi s program.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Membcr Lawson, to support and participate in the Intcgrated Source Water Protection Program (" ISWP Program") and issue a letter to Nevada Department of Environmental Protection (N DEP) for staff participation with NDEP and community representatives toward completion of the Truckee River Watershed Management Plan. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unani mously.

9.8 Consideration a nd possible direction to the City Manager to petition the appropriate court for injunctive and declaratory relief and/or to abate the nuisance on the property at 2900 South D'Andrea Parkway (D'Andrea Golf Course Clubhouse) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION. (Time: 2:46 p.m.) An agenda item from Planning Manager Jim Rundl e recommending Council direct the City Manager to seek injunctive and declaratory rel ief and possibly direction to proceed with abatement and to what extent the nuisance should be abated. The former D' Andrea Golf Course Clubhouse burned in 2015 and was deemed a nu isance on January 20, 2017.

Council Member Bybee said the Nevada's Ethics in Govern ment Law requires that she disclose for the record that Randi Thompson, who served as her campaign manager for her election to the Sparks City Council, is a partner in D'Andrea Rising, LLC, a neighborhood advocacy group that is working to purchase the D'A ndrea development after being hired by the property's current owner to assist in evaluating redevelopment options fo r the neighborhood. Because her vot ing on this matter could im pact the success or failure or that business venture and might be construed as being unduly influenced by her pol itical relationshi p with Ms. Thompson or an unwarranted benefit conferred on her business as a result of their prior relationship, she reluctantly bas been advised by legal counsel to abstain from voting on thi s issue. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes· Page 7 Monday, March 27, 2017

Council Member Smith said the Nevada's Ethics in Government Law required he disclose for the record that he owns a home and lives in the D'Andrea development. However, under the law of thi s state, he may vote on the matter because any benefit or detriment that may accrue to him personally as a result of this agenda item is not greater than that which may accrue to all of the homeowners and residents of the D'Andrea community.

Public comment was received by D' Andrea board member Ray Rocha said he encouraged Council to give direction to the City Manager to clean up this area as soon as possible.

Two courtesy notices were sent to the property owner on January 24, 20 r 7 identifying violations and requiring a plan for compliance to be coordinated with the city. Receiving no response from the property owner, cit y staf'fsent a third letter on February 7, 2017 by certifi ed mail identifying the issues and corrective actions required at the fanner clubhouse site and a deadline for compliance of March 13 ,2017. This letter also stated that if the violations were not corrected, the ci ty could petition the appropriate court for injunctive relief, abate the nuisance, or both. The impact to the general fund would be dependent on the level of abatement.

Public comment was received by D'Andrea homeowners board of directors member and homeowner Joe Canali who said he has been talking to the city about code enforcement issues since the time the golf course closed in 2012 and asked why the cit y could nOI take this blighted area by eminent domain. Steve Trollope of D' Andrea RiSing who said he is working on trying to close the purchase of this property and he wi ll abate the nuisance once he owns the property.

Council discussed the risk, responsibility and liability associated with this property and the City of Sparks. Assistant City Attorney Alyson McCormick discussed th e various liability for damages associated with partial abatement, the condition of the structure and awareness. Council also discussed the financial impact, special assessment, property li ens, effect on the entire city, waiting for the inju nction before deciding how to proceed with abatement. City Attorney Adams discussed the procedure to file for an injunction and risks associated with the property and recommended moving forward on this issue.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Oahir, to direct the City Manager to petition the appropriate court for injunctive and declaratory relief to abate the nuisance at the D'Andrea Golf Course Clubhouse located at 2900 South D'Andrea Parkway and to bring the recommended next steps back to Council [or approval. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Dahir, YES. Council Member Bybee, ABSTAINED. The mOlion carried 4-0 with one abstention.

9.9 Self-Corrective Action by the Sparks City Council under the Open Meeting Law; Rescission or Prior Approval of a Draft Resolution. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:30 p.m.) An agenda item from Senior Assistant City Attorney Doug Thornley recommending Council rescind their electronic approval of the February 28, 2017 draft Resolution emailed to all Council Members by the City Attorney regarding a possible legislative bi ll which intended to unilaterally amend the Sparks City Charter without the benefit of either public input from Sparks' citizens or the Sparks Charter Committee. The City Attorney said it all eged that the Sparks City Charter would be amended to revoke Sparks' citizens right to vote for their non-partisan city attorney by changing the ci ty attorney' s position from ejected to appointed. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 8 Monday, March 27, 2017

On February 28, 2017, the Sparks City Attorney forwarded a dratl resolution to all City Council Members via a group email. On March I, 2017, three (3) City Council Members responded to the City Attorney indicating they su pported the Mayor' s draft resolution using the "reply all" email feature thereby disclosing their approval to their fellow Council Members. This agenda item takes corrective action on the matter. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to move that the email approval of the February 28, 20 17 draft of the proposed Mayor's Resolution presented be rescinded. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

10. Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning 10.1 None

11. Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Hems .11.1 Public hearing, consideration of and I)ossiblc approval for Greenleaf Enterprises, Jnc. to move a medical marijuana dispensary from an approved but not yct establisbed location at 1825 Frceport Boulevard to a location at 1730 Glendale Avenue. (PCNI7-0007) (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2: 10 p.m.) An agenda item from Development Services Manager Karen Melby recommending Council approve the request from Greenleaf Enterprises, In c. to relocate a medical marijuana dispensary.

Greenleaf Enterprises, Inc. has requested, in writing, that the Sparks City Council conduct a public hearing and approve a change of location for Greenleaf Enterprises, lnc. to operate a medical marijuana dispensary. Greenleaf is requesting to move the dispensary from a proposed location at 1825 Freeport Boulevard to 1730 Glendale Avenue. There is no impact to the general fund.

The Public Hearing was opened at 2: 12 p.m.; no comments were received.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve the request rrom Grcenleaf Enterprises, Inc. to relocate a medical marijuana dispensary from 1825 Freeport Boulevard to 1730 Glendale Avenue. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

11.2 Public hearing, consideration of and possible approval for NV Green, Inc. to move a medical marijuana cultivation facility from an apI}roved but not yet established location at 1492 Linda Way to a location at 1475 Hymer Avenue. (pCN17-0008) (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:13 p.m.) An agenda item from Development Services Manager Karen Melby recommending Council approve the request from NY Grecn, Inc. to relocate a medical marijuana cultivat ion facility.

NY Green, Inc. has requested, in writing, that the Sparks City Council conduct a public hearing and approve a change of location for NY Green, Inc. to operate a med ical marijuana cultivation facility. NY Green is request ing to move the cultivation facility from a proposed location at 1492 Linda Way to 14 75 Hymer Avenue There is no impact to the general fund. I~j "Il.. ,' ~ : I it Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 9

,~ Monday, March 27, 2017 ••.,', >•• '.' The Public Hearing was opened at 2: 15 p.m. NV Green representative Eric Sjogren said their co~~ intent was to request to move both cultivation and production, which is what was approved at 1492 .>.,• Linda Way. Ms. Mclby said thc application only included cultivation and was only processed for cuJ\ivation. The applicant will need to submit another application for production. Mr. Sjogren requested Council consider the cultivation at this time so he can start working on the cultivation facility and he will submit another application for production.

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to approve the request from NV Grecn, Inc. to relocate a medical marijuana cultivation facility from 1492 Linda Way to 1475 Hymer Avenue. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

12. Comments 12.1 Comments from the Public (Time: 3:35 p.m .) William Gilbert AKA Benjamin Warren Creveling IV spoke regarding watershed issues in the regIOn.

12.2 Comments from City Council and City Manager (Time: 3:38 p.m.) Council Member Bybee requested the Ci ty Manager consider adding additional liquor license categories that include options for only beer and wine or only wine if you not a restaurant or bar.

Mayor Pro Tern Ron Smith thanked Mr. Adam Mayberry for his 11 Y2 years of service and the support and assistance he has given over the years. A. thank you video was shown.

City Manager Steve Driscoll said Adam Mayberry served on the Reno Tahoe Airpon Authority Board of Trustees and his resignation has created one vacancy for a term from present to June 30, 2019. Qualifications for this appointment include experience in the aviation, business or tourism industry; experience in finance or accounting; or other qualifications that the appointing authority determines necessary or appropriate for carrying out the duties of the board. Applications will be accepted until the close of business on Wednesday, March 29, 2017.

J 3. Adjournment Council was adjoumed at 3:56 p.m.


ATTEST: OCtyofg ~a I eM Gu;J"-R ~',i)pt:lJ

»> 4/24/17 AI 6.1 MAYOR Gena Martini

CITY COUNCIL Donald Abbott, Ward I Ed Lawson, Ward /I Ron Smith, Ward //I Char/ene Bybee, Ward IV Kristopher Oshir, Ward V


CITY MANAGER Steve Driscoll

REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 2:00 P.M., Monday, April 10,2017 City Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, Nevada

1. Call to Order (Time: 2:02 p.m.) The regular meeting of the Sparks City Council was called to order by Mayor Geno Martini at 2:02 p.m .

2. Roll Call (Time: 2:02 p.m.) Mayor Geno Martini, Council Members Donald Abbott, Ed Lawson, Ron Smith, Charlene Bybee, Kristopher Dahir, City Manager Steve Driscoll, City Attorney Chet Adams and City Clerk Teresa Gardner, PRESENT.


3. Opening Ceremonies 3.1 Invocation Speaker (Time: 2;03 p.m.) The invocation was provided by Pastor Barb West, Sparks Church of the Nazarene.

3.2 Pledge of Allegiance (Time: 2:04 p.m.) The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Sm ith.

4. Public Comment (Time: 2:02 p.m.) Ben Elliot, Viee President of the Reno Tahoe Aviation Group, spoke in support of appointing Shaun Carey to the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority Board of Trustees. John Howitt, a commercial pilot and flight instructor spoke in support of appointing ShaUll Carey to the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority Board of Trustees.

Jackson Sourwine of 39 North gave an update of upcoming events withi n the City of Sparks and a few of their accomplishments during the last three years.

Ardena Perry spoke in opposition of AB432. Attorney Jason Guinasso spoke in opposition of recreational marijuana sales, asking the City Council to wai t until after Legislature before moving forward with deciding policy on recreational marijuana cultivation and sales.

5. Agenda (Time: 2:20 p.m.) 5.1 Approval of the Agenda (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 2 Monday, April 10, 2017

Consideration of taking items out of sequence, deleting items and adding items which require action upon a finding that an emergency exists.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to approve the agenda as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

6. Minutes (Time: 2:2 1 p.m.) 6.1 Consideration and possible approval of the minutes of the regular Sparks City Council meeting of March 27, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to appro.ve the minutes of the regular Sparks Cily Council meeting of March 27, 2017. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

7. Announcements, Presentations, Recognition Items and Items of Special Interest (Time: 2:2 1 p.m.)

7.1 Proclamation: Fair Housing Month (Time: 2:21 p.m.) Mayor Martini proclaimed April, 2017 as Fair Housing Month. April is the 49th anniversary of the Federal Fair Housing Act. The Proclamation was presented to City of Sparks Housing Speciali st George Graham and Roberto Ortiz, Director of Programs for the Si lver State Fair Housing Council.

7.2 Proclamation: Donate Life Month & Wear Blue and Green Day (Time: 2:27 p.m.) Mayor Martini proclaimed the month of April as Donate Life Month and Friday, April 21, 2017 as Wear Blue & Green Day. Mayor Marini urged all citizens and businesses to show their support in commemorating this day by honoring organ donations and wearing the colors blue and green andlor decorating windows, doors or displaying the colors on a marquee. The Prodamatioll was presented to Candee Candler, Community Development Liaison at Donor Network West.

7.3 Proclamation: Public Safety Telecommunications Week Crime: 2;31 p.m.) Mayor Martini proclaimed April 9-15 as Public Safety Telecommunications Week, joining with the City Council in acknowledging and thanking the City of Sparks' Public Safcty Dispatchers David Brown, Stephanie Buck, Lisa BuckJ es, Shelley Burkhart, Maureen DycHe, Mary Hail, Mary Holbrook, Christopher Luciano, Lydia McCoy, Mieka MeGhin, Lori Montelatici, Melissa Nabong, Rebecca Ormsby, Nancy Owcns, Lisa Rose-Brown, Cherie Terry, and Denise Wagner. Police Chief Brian Allen introduced and the Proclamati on was presented to Lisa Rose-Brown, Mary I lolbrook, and Lori Montclatici.


8. Consent Items (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:44 p.m.) A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve consent items 8.1 through 8.20 as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 3 Monday, April 10, 2017

8.1 Report of Claims and Bills approved for payment and appropriation transfers for the period March 9,2017 through March 22, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending the City Council approve the report of claims and bills as presented in the staff report.

8.2 Consideration and possible approval of a Final Map for Kiley Ranch Village 38 - Phase 2 Subdivision. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from City Engineer Jon Ericson recommending Council approve the final map. The Kiley Ranch Vi llage 38 - Phase 2 Subdivision is a continuation of the Kiley Ranch North New Urban District and will be generally located east of Sparks Boulevard, south of Kiley Parkway and west of Henry Orr Parkway. This subdivision will create 44 residential lots on 5.80 acres. The developer will be Jenuane Communities Kiley Ranch, LLC. 'J'here is no impact to the general fund.

8.3 Consideration and possible approval to purchase two vehicles from Carson Ilodge in the amount of $59,335.50. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Public Works Manager Ron Konnan recommending Council approve the purchase ofa Ram 1500 Quad Cab and a Ram 3500 Standard Cab SRW 4x2 w/ ulility body. The first vehicle is a replacement for #2 101 for the Police Department which was destroyed in an accident. The second vehicle will be a replacement vehicle utilized for maintenance oflhe existing effluent system. This vehicle has reached the end of its scheduled service life. The utility truck will be reevaluated to see if it can serve as a reserve vehicle, The city will utilize the "joinder" provision allowed under NRS 332. 11 5, and purchase these vehicles utilizing the state of Nevada vehicle bid. Utilizing existing bids have historically been the most competitive. Utilizing the 'joiner" provision allows the city to precisely define the ve hicles needed while foregoing the need to formally bid the item. Funds are budgeted in the motor vehicle fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

8.4 Consideration and possible approval of an application for Sartini Gaming, LLC, a subsidiary of Golden Gaming LLC, dbat The Elbo,," Room located at 2002 Victorian Ave., Sparks, Nevada submitted by Mr. Stephen Antbony Arcana. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Police Chief Brian Allen on behalr of Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana recommending Council approve Mr. Arcana's application for a gaming li cense contingent upon the location being inspected and approved by every city, county, district, and state agency having jurisdiction over the matter and upon fingerprints being returned from the FBI/CJIS that do not reflect any disqualifying arrests/convictions. There is an estimated increase 0[$300 per quarter to the general fund.

8.5 Consideration and possible approval of an application for Sartini Gaming, LLC, a subsidiary of Golden Gaming LLC, dbat Smith's Food & Drug #357 located at 1255 Baring Blvd., Sparks, NV submitted by Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Police Chief Brian Allen on behalf of Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana recommending Council approve Mr. Arcana's application for a gaming li cense contin gent upon the location being inspected and approved by every city, county, di strict, and state agency having jurisdiction over the matter and upon fi ngerprints being returned from the FBUCJIS that do not Regular City Council M eeting Minutes - Page 4 Monday, April 10, Z017

reflect any disqualifying arrests/convictions. There is an estimated increase of $450 per quarter to the general fun d.

8.6 Consideration and possible approv al of an application for Sartini Gaming, LLC, a subsidiary of Golden Gaming LLC, dbat David's Bar & Grill located at 6590 N. Wingfield Parkway, Sparks, NV submitted by Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Pol ice Chief Brian All en on behalf of Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana recommending Council approve Mr. Arcana's application for a gaming license contingent upon the location being inspected and approved by every city, county, district, and state agency having jurisdiction over the matter and upon fi ngerprints being returned from the FBUCJ IS that do not refl ect any disqualify ing arrests/convictions. There is an estimated increase of$450 per quarter to the general fund.

8.7 Consideration and possible approval of an application for Sartini Gaming, LLC, a subsidiary of Golden Gaming LLC, dbat Citi Mart located at 91 E. Prater Way, Sparks, NV submitted by Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Police Chief Brian Allen on behalf of Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana recommending Counci l approve Mr. Arcana's application for a gaming license co ntingent upon the location being inspected and approved by every city, county, district, and state agency having jurisdicti on over the matter and upon fi ngerprints being retumed from the Flll/ClIS that do not reflect any disqualifying arrestslconvictions. There is an estimated increase of $120 per quarter to the general fund.

8.8 Consideration and possible approval of an application for Sartini Gaming, LLC, a suhsidiary of Golden Gaming LLC, dbat Lisa Mae's G Street Saloon located at 2285 G Street, Spa rks, Nevada submitted by Mr. Stephen An thony Arcana. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Police Chi ef Brian Allen on behalf of Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana recommending Co uncil approve Mr. Arcana's application for a gaming license contingent upo n the location being inspected and approved by every city, county, district, and state agency having jurisdiction over the matter and upon fi ngerprints being returned from the FBUCJIS that do not reflect any disqualifyi ng arrests/convictions. There is an estimated increase of $240 per quarter to the general fund.

8.9 Consideration and poss ible approval of an application for Sartini Gaming, LLC, a subsidiary of Golden Gaming LLC, dbat Sparks Lounge located at 1237 Baring Blvd., Spa rks, Nevada submitted by Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An age nda item from Police Chief Brian Allen on behalf of Mr. Ste phen Anthony Arcana recommendi ng Council approve Mr. Arcana's application fo r a gaming license contingent upon the location being inspected and approved by every city, county, district, and stale agency having jurisdiction over the matter and upon fi ngerprints bei ng returned from the FBVClIS that do not re fl ect any disqualifying arrests/convictions. There is an estimated increase of $450 per quarter to the general fu nd. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 5 Monday, April 10, 2017

8.1 0 Consideration and possible approval of an application for Sartini Gaming, LLC, a subsidiary of Golden Gaming LLC, dbat 7-11 #33023 located at 1400 East Prater Way, Sparks, Nevada submitted by Mr_ Stephen Anthony Arcana. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Police Chief Brian Allen on behalf of Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana recommending Co uncil approve Mr. Arcana's application for a gaming license contingent upon the location being inspected and approved by every city, county, district, and state agency having jurisdiction over the matter and upon fingerprints being returned from the FBI/CllS that do not reflect any disquali fying arrests/convictions. There is an esti mated increase 0[$150 per quarter to the general fund.

8.11 Consideration and possible approval of an application for Sartini Gaming, LLC, a subsidiary of Golden Gaming LLC, dbat Gold Midget Market located at 128 Victorian Avenue, Sparks, Nevada submitted by Mr_ Stephen Anthony Arcana. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Police Chi ef Brian Allen on behalf of Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana recommending Council approve Mr. Arcana's appli cation fo r a gami ng li cense contingent upon the location being inspected and approved by every city, county, district, and state agency having jurisdiction over the matter and upon fingerprints being returned from the FBI/CJ LS that do not reflect any dlsqualifying arrests/convictions. There is an estimated increase of $120 per quarter to the general fund.

8.12 Consideration and possible approval of an application for Sartini Gaming, LLC, a subsidiary of Golden Gaming LLC, dbat AM PM #82385 located at 1701 Victorian Avenue, Sparks, Nevada submitted by Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item fro m Police Chief Brian All en on behalf of Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana recommending Council approve MJ'. Arcana's application for a gami ng license contingent upon the location being inspected and approved by every city, county, district, and state agency having jurisdiction over the matter and upon fingerprints being returned from the FBI/ellS that do not rell ect any disquali fy in g arrests/convictions. There is an estimated increase of $90 per quaner to the general fund.

8.13 Consideration and possible approval of an application for Sartini Gaming, LLC, a subsidiary of Golden Gaming LLC, dbat Paddy & Irene's located at 906 Victorian Avenue #A, Sparks, Nevada submitted by Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item rrom Police Chief Brian Allen on behalf or Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana recommending Counci l approve Mr. Arcana' s application for a gaming license contingent upon the location being inspected and approved by every city, county, district, and slate agency having jurisdict ion over the matter and upon fingerprints being returned from the FBI/CllS that do not reflect any disquali fy ing arrestslconvictions. There is an estimated increase of $300 per quarter to the general fund.

8.14 Consideration and possible approval of an application for Sartini Gaming, LLC, a subsidiary of Golden Gaming LLC, dbat Navjots Discount Liquor located at 545 Nichols Blvd., Sparks, Nevada submitted by Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Regular City Council Meeting M inutes - Page 6 Monday, April 10, 2017

An agenda item from Police Chief Brian Allen on behalf of Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana recommending Council approve Mr. Arcana's application for a gaming li cense contingent upon the location being inspected and approved by every city, county, di strict, and state agency hav in g j urisdiction over the matter and upon fin gerpri nts being returned from the FBI/CJIS that do not refl ect any di squalifying arrests/convictions. There is an estimated increase of $90 per quarter to the general fu nd . 8.15 Consideration and possible approval of an application for Sartini Gaming, LLC, a subsidiary ofGoldcn Gaming LLC, dbat CVS Pharmacy #9965 located at 680 North McCarran Blvd., Sparks, Nevada submitted by Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Police Chief Brian All en on behalf of Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana recommending Council approve Mr. Arcana's ap plication ror a gami ng lice nse conti ngent upon the location being inspected and approved by every city, county, district, and state agency hav in g j urisdiction over the matter and upon fi ngerprints being returned fro m the FBrlCJfS that do not reflect any di squalifying arrests/con victions. There is an estimated increase of $390 per quarter to the general fund.

8.16 Consideration and possible approval of an applic~ltion for Sartini Gaming, LLC, a subsidiary of Golden Gaming LLC, dbat Food Maxx #7225 located at 565 East Prater Way, Sparks, Nevada submitted by Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Police Chief Brian All en on behalf of Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana recommending Co uncil approve Mr. Arcana's application fo r a gami ng license contingent upon the location being inspected and approved by every city, county, district, and state agency having j uri sdiction over the matter and upon fingerprints being returned from the FBI/CJIS that do not refl ect any di squalifying arrests/convictions. There is an estimated increase of $3 60 per quarter to the general fund .

8.17 Consideration and possible approval of an application for Sartini Gaming, LLC, a subsidiary of Golden Gaming LLC, dbat Raley's #102 located at 2895 North McCarran Blvd., Sparks, Nevada submitted by Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Po lice Chief Brian Allen on behalf of Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana recommending Council approve Mr. Arcana's application for a gaming li cense contingent upon the locati on being inspected and approved by every city, county, district, and state agency having jurisdiction over the matter and upon fin gerprints being returned from the FBI/CJIS that do not reflect any disquali fy in g arrests/convictions. There is an estimated increase of $390 per quarter to the general fun d.

8.18 Consideration and possible approval of an application for Sartini Gaming, LLC, a subsidiary of Golden Gaming LLC, dbat Safeway #2656 located at 2858 Vista Blvd., Sparks, Nevada submitted by Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Police Chi ef Brian All en on behalf of Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana recommending Council approve Mr. Arcana's appli cati on for a ganling li cense contingent upon the location being inspected and approved by every ci ty, county, district, and state agency having jurisdi cti on over the matter and upon fingerprints bei ng returned from the FBI/CJI S that do not Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 7 Monday, April 10, 2017

reflect any disqualifying arrests/convictions. There is an cstimated increase of $450 per quarter to the general fund.

8. t 9 Consideration and possible approval of an application for Sartini Gaming, LLC, a subsidiary of Golden Gaming LLC, dbat Raley's #110 located at 2389 Wingfield Hills, Sparks, Nevada submitted by Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Police Chief Brian Allen on behalr of Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana recommcnding Council approve Mr. Arcana's application [or a gaming license contingent upon the location being inspected and approved by every city, county, district, and state agency having jurisdiction over the matter and upon fingerprints being returned from the FBUCliS that do not reflect any disqualifying arrests/convictions. There is an estimated increase of $300 per quarter to the general fund.

8.20 Consideration and possible approval of an application for Sartini Gaming, LLC, a subsidiary of Golden Gaming LLC, dbat Quik Stop #170 located at t25 Salomon Court, Sparks, Nevada submitted by Mr. Stephen Anthony Arc"n". (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Police Chief Brian Allen on behalf of Mr. Stephen Anthony Arcana recommending Council approve Mr. Arcana's application for a gaming license contingent upon the location being inspected and approved by every city, county, district, and state agency having jurisdiction ovcr thc matter and upon fingerprints being rcturned from the FBI/ClIS that do not reflect any disquali fying arrestslconvictions. There is an estimated increase of $2 10 per quarter to the general fund.

9. General Business 9.1 Consideration, discussion and possible appointment of a City Council member to the Regional Animal Services Advisory Board from the following pool of applicants listed in alphabetical order: Donald Abbott, Charlene Bybee, Kristophcr Dahir, Ed Lawson and Ron Smith. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:45 p.m.) An agenda item from Assistant Ci ty Manager Neil Krutz recommending Council appoint a member to represent the city on the Regional Animal Services Advisory Board. The Washoe County Commission created an Animal Services Advisory Board, through adoption of an ordinance, on August 23, 2016. The animal services advisory board consists of seven members, all residents of Washoe County, one member from each ofthc following groups:

(a) a veterinarian or veterinary technician licensed to practice in Nevada, and who is not employed by Washoe County; (b) a real estate or business professional with knowledge or experience related to homeowners' associations, business organizations and/or financial operations; (c) a representative ofa humane or rescue organization; (d) an individual with an interest in promoting the health and safety of animals in Washoe County; (e) an elected member of the Washoe County Board of County Commissioners; (f) an elected member of the Reno City Council; (g) an elected member of the Sparks City Council. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes · Page 8 Monday, April 10, 2017

The members listed as (a)·(e) are appointed by Washoe County Board ofCounly Commissioners. The elected members from the Reno and Sparks' City Councils are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of each respective City Council. Washoe County code is silent on the topic of alternate member selection. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Membcr Abbott, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to appoint Council Member Bybee to the Regional Animal Services Advisory Board. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.2 Consideration, discussion and possible approval of the Mayor's recommendation of an appointment to the Truckee River Fund Advisory Committee (from the following pool of applicants listed in alphabetical order: Ron Penrose). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:54 p.m.) (Heard After Item 9.3) An agcnd a item from City Manager Stephen Driscoll recommending Council confirms the Mayor's appointment to the Truckee River Fund Advisory Committee. The Truckee River Fund, an advisory fund administered by the Community Foundation ofWeslern Nevada, was established in 2005 for the purpose of protecting the Truckee Ri ver and its tributaries. The advisory cOllunittee meets quarterly to consider projects for funding, review completed project feports, and heaf reports about wo rk being done to protect and enhance the Truckee River. Mr. Tom Swan recently resigned after 12 years of dedicated service. There is no impact to the generaJ fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to confinn the Mayor's appoinunent of Ron Penrose to the Truckee River Fund Advisory Committee. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.3 Consideration and possible approval of the Mayorts recommendation of an appointment to the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority Board of Trustees from the following pool of applicants listed in alphabetical order: Jeff Bowling; Shaun Carey; Katie Jo Cromeenes; David Shocke!. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:51 p.m.) (I·lcard After Item 9.1 ) An agenda item from City Manager Stephen Driscoll recommending Council coniinn the Mayor's appointment to the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority Board of Trustees. The City of Sparks had a vacancy for an appointment to serve a partial tenn on the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority Board of Trustees, replacing Mr. Adam Mayberry who resigned from the city on April 3, 201 7 and is leaving the area. The term of this appointment expires on June 30, 20 19. Announcements of this vacancy was made at the March 13th and 27th council meetings. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to confirm the Mayor's appointment of Shaun Carey to the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority Boar.d of Trustees. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.4 Consideration and possible acceptance of gifts from citizens for purchase of bullet resistant vests for two Sparks Police Department police service dogs. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:39 p.m.) (Heard after agenda item 7.3) An agenda item from Police Chief Brian Allen recommending Council accept the gifts from the citi zens. The Police Department had contact with ci ti zens who wished to provide funding for the purchase of bullet resistant vests for two police service dogs. Each vest costs $ I ,085 dollars and is Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 9 Monday, Ap ril 10, 2017 custom fit to each K-9. The ci tizens contacted the Sparks Police Department of thei r own volition to make these donations. Dr. John Crumley and his wife Juieanne wish to donate funds to be used to purchase K-9 Rox's vest. I3ruce Jacobson and Gloria Derby wish to donate the funds to purchase K-9 Hitch's vest. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Smith, to accept flmds from citizens to purchase bullet resistant vests for two police service dogs . Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.5 Consideration and possible direction to the City Manager for possible amendments to Title 5 and Title 20 of the Sparks Municipal Code regarding the operations, sales and taxing of recreation .. 1 marijuana in the City of Sparks. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:56 p.m.) An agenda item from Development Services Manager Karen Melby and Assistant Community Services Director Armando Ornelas recommending Council provide direction to the City Manager on how to proceed with cultivation, production, testing and sales of recreational marij uana in the City of Sparks. Ms. Melby discussed the timelines and options for the City Council to consider.

Staff presented questions for the Council to consider. The first question was does the City Council want to pennit the sale, cultivation, production, testing and distribution of recreational marij uana in Sparks? Or a combination of these uses such as only cult ivation, production, testing or distribution? The second question was should the City Council adopt a moratorium for licensing of Recreational Marijuana Establishments (RMEs) to permit the City Manager time to write the regulations for operation and taxing?

The six alternatives provided by staff for the Council to consider are: I . City Council could establi sh the policy of not allowing RMEs within the City of Sparks. 2. City Council could establi sh the po licy of not allowing existing Medical Marijuana Establi shments (MMEs) to expand their operations into recreational marijuana establishments within the City of Sparks. This process would also require the preparation of a business impact statement and the public comment period. 3. City Council could direct the City Manager to prepare code amendments thaI pennit only limited existing medical marijuana operations to expand into RlVlEs such as cultivation, production and testing while not allowing sales. This process would also require the preparation of a business impact statement and the public comment period. 4. City Council could direct the City Manager to prepare code amendments to permit all existing MMEs in Sparks to add recreational marijuana operations. This process would also require the preparation of a business impact statement and the public comment period. 5. City Council could direct the City Manager to prepare a moratorium for future City Council consideration, to all ow the City Manager time to prepare regulations for RtVfEs. This process would also require the prcparation of a business impact statement and the public comment period. 6. City Council could direct the City Manager to wait for the final State regulations adoption (later 2017) before amending the Sparks Municipal Code.

Public Comment was opened at 3:06 p.m. Shane Johnson spoke in support of an accelerated time frame for code amendments regarding the cultivation and sale of recreational marijuana. Alec Garcia stated that the businesses were already established and the only change would be one more Regula r Ci ty Co unci l Meeting Minutes - Page 10 Monday. April 10. 2017 type of customer. He also spoke in support of an accelerated time frame for the code amendments. Brell Scolari is also in favor of an accelerated ti meline and stated that people are already allowed legally to possess an ounce of marijuana and if the establishments are not able to setl rccreational marijuana the purchases will be made on the black markct.

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Smith, to direct the City Manager to prepare code amendments to permit all existing MMEs in Sparks to add recreational marijuana operations. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, YES. Council Members Bybee, Dahir, NO. Motion carricd 3-2.

9.6 })resentation, discussion and possible direction on 20 17 Nevada Legislative Session Assembly Bill 039 (Regional Planning), Assembly Bi ll 193 (Water Fluoridation), and Senate Bill 434 (Charter Change). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:54 p.m.) An agenda item from City Manager Stephen Driscoll on behalf of the Sparks Legislative Team recommending the Council discuss and consider the merits of AB039, AB193, and SB434. The City of Sparks utilizes a Legislative Team for the purposes of engaging in the Nevada Legislatures bi-annual sessions. The Team consists of Mayor Geno Martini, Council Member Ed Lawson, City Manager Steve Driscoll, Legislative Liaison Kathy Clewell, and the City'S outside legislative strategists/lobbyists from Carrara Nevada. The Team, from time-to-time, determines some bills need to come before the Council for di scussion and the detennination of appropriate action.

The Legislative Team is requesting the Council discuss and consider providing direction on:

Assembly Bill 039 (Regional Planning) - Revises the provision goveming the appointment of representatives to a governing board for regional planning in certain counties (on behalf of Washoe County) for changing the membership makeup of the Regional Governing Planning Board (RPGB).

Assembly Bill 193 (Water Fluoridation) - Requires the fluoridation of water in certain circumstances (sponsored by Assemblymen Joiner and Sprinkle). If approved, this bill would require the 'l"ruckec Meadows Water Authority (TMWA) to add sodium nuoride to the region 's drinking water system. The addition of fluoride would increase the amount oflotal dissolved solids (mS) into the system at the source and a question of whether the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF) would need to remove the remnants of the solids from the water system before reentering the Truckee River.

Senate Bill 434 (Charter Change) - Requires certain city attorneys to be appointed rather than elected (sponsored by Senate Government Affairs Committee). If approved would create a change to the Sparks City Chartcr Section 1.060 removing the City Attorney as one oflhe elected officers of the city. Section 1.080 would add the City Attorney to the list of city appointed positions. Section 3.050 would define the duties of the City Attorney defining the City Council as providing " . general direction and supervision ... " and " ... serving at the pleasure of the City Council ...." This change to the City Charter was not the result of action taken by the Sparks Charter Committee.

The Council di scussed and considered the merits of AB039, AB193, and SB434. Based on the Council's deliberation on each of these bills, the Council voted as follows: Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 11 Monday, April 10, 2017

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Smith, to oppose AB039. Council Members Abbott , Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously. A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Sm ith, to oppose AB I93 Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

Public comment was opened at 4: 19 p.m. Council received a letter from Judy Moss opposing the change outlined in SB434. Ardena Perry spoke in opposition of the Bill stating people want their right to vote protected.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Smith, to oppose SB434. Council Members Abbott, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Council Member Lawson, Abstained. Motion carried 4-1 .

10_ Public Hearing and Action items Unrelated to Phlnning and Zoning 10.1 Public Hearing, consideration and possible approval of a request from Copper Canyon Partners, LLC to the C ity of Sparks for the abandonment of Salomon Courl public righl-of-way (AB-144). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 4:25 p.m.) An agenda item {'rom City Engineer Jon Ericson recommending Council approve the abandonment request. The City of Sparks has received this request to abandon or vacate their interest in public right-of-way fo r roadway and utility purposes granted to the city pursuant to Parcel Map 3649, file Number 2450998, as fi led for record on May 30, 2000, Official Records of Washoe County, Nevada. The right-of-way abandonment is located cast of Vista Boulevard and south of Salomon Circle. Copper Canyon Partners, LLC is the owner of all the property adjacent to the ri ght-of-way. The additional property will make way for a 124 room hotel on a site approximately 3.4 acres in size, in fu lfillment of the requirements listed in the Copper Canyon Planned Development llandbook. Staff has researched the request and is of the opinion that the publi c will not be materially injured by the proposed abandonment. There is no impact to the general fund.

Public hearing was opened at 4 : 27~ no conunents were received.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Mcmber Dahi r, to approve the public right-of-way aballdorunent request as outlined by staff. Council Membcrs Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

11. Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items 11.1 None

12. Comments 12.1 Comments from the Public (Time: 4:27 p.m.) - None.

12.2 Comments from City Council and City Manager (Time: 4:27 p.m.) City manager Driscoll announced the following open committee positions: • Civil Service Commission has openings for 2 members for a 3-year term • Parks and Recreation Commission has openings for 3 members for a 3-year term. • Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority Board of Trustees for 1 member for a 4-year term . Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 12 Monday, April 10, 2017

Mr. Driscoll announced it is Council Member Bybee's birthday. Mr. Smith recognized Ms. Bybee's parents who had just returned from an Honor Flight. Council Member Dahir asked the City Manager to direct staff to look in to available legislative grants. City Manager Driscoll wi ll di scuss wi th Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada (EDAWN).

13. Adjournment Council was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.


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>>> ------

MAYOR Geno Martini 5/8/2017 CITY COUNCIL AI 6.1 Donald Abbott, Ward I Ed Lawson, Ward /I Ron Smith, Ward III Charlene Bybee, Ward IV Kristopher Dahir, Ward V


CITY MANAGER Steve Driscoll

REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 2:00 P.M., Monday, April 24, 2017 City Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, Nevada

1. Call to Order (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The regular meeting of the Sparks City Council was called to order by Mayor Geno Martini at 2:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call (Time: 2:00 p.m.) Mayor Geno Martini, Council Members Donald Abbott, Ed Lawson, Ron Smith, Charlene Bybee, Kristopher Dahir (by phone; left the meeting at 3:50 pm), City Manager Steve Driscoll, City Attorney Chet Adams and City Clerk Teresa Gardner, PRESENT.


3. Opening Ceremonies 3.1 Invocation Speaker (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The invocation was provided by Bishop Matthew D. Lee, Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints

3.2 Pledge of Allegiance (Time: 2:01 p.m.) The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Regional Director of Volunteers of America Pat Cashell.

4. Public Comment (Time: 2:01 p.m.) A woman spoke anonymously on behalf of the re-survivors of domestic violence and the lack of justice they receive in the City of Sparks.

5. Agenda (Time: 2:05 p.m.) 5.1 Approval of the Agenda (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Consideration of taking items out of sequence, deleting items and adding items which require action upon a finding that an emergency exists.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve the agenda as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

6. Minutes (Time: 2:07 p.m.) Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 2 Monday, April 24, 2017

6.1 Consideration and possible approval of the minutes of the regular Sparks City Council meeting of April 10, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to approve the minutes of the regular Sparks City Council meeting on April 10, 2017. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir YES. Passed unanimously.

7. Announcements, Presentations, Recognition Items and Items of Special Interest (Time: 2:08 p.m.)

7.1 Proclamation: "Arbor Day" (Time: 2:08 p.m.) Mayor Martini proclaimed April 28, 2017 as Arbor Day and urged all citizens to celebrate Arbor Day and support efforts to protect our trees and woodlands. In honor of Arbor Day, there will be a tree planting at Greenbrae Elementary School on Friday, April 28 th , at 10:00 am. The proclamation was presented to Parks & Recreation Director Tracy Domingues.

7.2 Proclamation: "National Architecture Month" (Time: 2: 11 p.m.) Mayor Martini proclaimed April, 2017 as ational Architecture Month; recognizing the many valuable contributions made by the professional community and professional architects of Sparks, Nevada and extending sincere appreciation for the continued commitment to public services by these professionals. The procIan1ation was presented to Kevin Merkling of The American Institute of Architects (AlA) Nevada.

7.3 Proclamation: "National Records and Information Management Month" (Time: 2: 15 p.m.) Mayor Martini proclaimed April, 2017 as National Records and Information Management Month and joined with Council in acknowledging and thanking records employees Donna DiCarlo, Julie Torres Carrie Brooks, Cassie Dobbins, Bill Lutsch, Jeanette Martin, Teresa Wiley, Janice Borden, Sheila Lichius-Ill, Daphne Rizzuto, Helen Elliott, Elaina Heron, Symantha Miller, Dorothy Roth, Lori Schelvis, Marla Wetterling, Samantha Carr, Gerald Kaiser and all employees who handle city records. The proclamation was presented to Records Coordinator Julie Torres.

7.4 Presentation: RTC Draft 2040 Regional Transportation Plan (Time: 2: 18 p.m.) Executive Director Lee Gibson and Director of Planning Amy Cummings of the Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) gave a presentation on community outreach, and proposed projects, programs & services, ongoing programs, short range plans and the future transit vision ofRTC.

7.5 Presentation: Update on Community Assistance Center Operations (Time: 2:28 p.m.) Regional Director of Volunteers of America Pat Cashell introduced the new Director of Operations Diane Dullickson. Mr. Cashell gave an update on some of the services provided by the Community Assistance Center Operations.

7.6 Presentation: "Operation Downtown" (Time: 2:37 p.m.) Ken Krater gave an update on how Operation Downtown is addressing the homelessness, mental health and addiction issues, and the blight in downtown Reno.

8. Consent Items (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:59 p.m.) Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 3 Monday, April 24, 2017

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to approve consent items 8.1 through 8.8 as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir YES. Passed unanimously.

8.1 Report of Claims and Bills approved for payment and appropriation transfers for the period March 23, 2017 through April 5, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending the City Council approve the report of claims and bills as presented in the staff report.

8.2 Consideration and possible approval of the destruction and disposal of paper records of building plans and associated documents that have been saved to the electronic recordkeeping system. (City Clerk's Office) (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Records Coordinator Julie Torres recommending Council approve destruction/disposal of paper records of building plans and associated documents that have been saved to the electronic record keeping system.

In accordance with Nevada Revised Statute 239.051 , the custodian of a record may destruct/destroy documents only if an image of those records has been plac d on microfilm or has been saved in an electronic recordkeeping system which permits the retrieval of the information contained in the records and the reproduction of the records. Once an image of the record has been saved to the records database (electronic recordkeeping system), the digital image becomes the original and the paper version will be destroyed in accordance with the Clerk's office document destruction procedures. Microfilm will no longer be produced as a secondary record. Ceasing to produce and store microfilm will be a cost savings to the city and will allow the Clerk's office to comply with regulatory restrictions of duplicate "original" records. The city is required to maintain one original of any record. The Clerk's officc will continue to maintain the current microfilm/fiche, as it is in some cases the original record. The Clerk's office plans to eventually, as money and time pennits, digitize existing microfilm/fiche so that it can be stored in the electronic recordkeeping system. There will be a $4,000 annual savings to the general fund.

8.3 Consideration and possible approval of Interlocal Agreement (AC-5356) between the Washoe County Sheriffs Office and Sparks Police Department on Extradition Services. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Police Chief Brian Allen recommending Council approve the interlocal agreement. The Washoe County Sheriffs Office perfonns all extraditions for and with the Sparks Police Department. The Washoe County Sheriffs Office provides this service and appropriately bills the Sparks Police Department for the services on a quarterly basis. This process began in 2003 with an Interlocal Agreement between both agencies and their respective government entities. To date, this agreement has been beneficial to the City of Sparks and the Police Department specifically, as this is a cost-effective method for extraditing subjects with Sparks Police Department warrants.

The previous agreement (AC-5264) was signed in 2016 and will expire July 1, 2017. The tenns of the new agreement continue through June 30, 2019 (Two-year agreement). There is a $30,000 impact to the general fund. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 4 Monday, April 24, 2017

8.4 Consideration and possible award of the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility 2017 Pavement Preservation Project contract (AC-5357) to Sierra Nevada Construction in the amount of $61,300. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Treatment Plant Manager Michael Drinkwater recommending Council approve the contract to Sierra Nevada Construction. The pavement preservation project, located at the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF), will provide crack seal and slurry seal on identified asphalt pavement areas around the treatment plant. The pavement treatments established in the project scope will extend the life of the existing asphalt pavement around the plant. Funding is from the TMWRF administration operating budget; there is no impact to the general fund.

8.5 Consideration and possible approval of a supplemental agreement (AC-5358) with Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) in the amount of $140,222. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Utility Manager Andy Hummel recommending Council approve the supplemental agreement with UPRR. This supplemental agreement will modify the original agreement, License Audit No. 283911 , by clarifying the installation and coordination of 140 lineal feet of double eight-foot square box culvert and 40 lineal feet of double six-foot square box culvert for transporting and conveying storm water on railroad property. The work contained in the supplemental agreement is a component of the North Truckee Drain Phase 3 project. Funding is from the storm drains capital project fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

8.6 Consideration and possible approval of a request for authorization to purchase SCADA equipment and instrumentation, from George T. Hall Company, in the amount of $68,650. (FOR POSSmLE ACTION) An agenda item from Utility Manager Andy Hummel recommending Council authorize the purchase of SCAD A equipment and instrumentation. The SCADA equipment and instrumentation will provide remote control and monitoring of the Sparks Marina Pump Station and will integrate with the City's existing SCADA interface allowing for the elimination of the need to physically start and stop the pumps and measure the marina water level on site. Funding is from the storm drains capital project fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

8.7 Consideration and possible approval of a refund of sewer fees to the Regional Transportation Commission for the sewer account at 1421 Victorian Avenue in the amount of $37,166.39. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Customer Services Manager Jessica Easler recommending Council approve the refund to Regional Transportation Commission (RTC). RTC owns the property at 1421 Victorian Avenue. The Truckee Meadows Water Authority (TMW A) meter that services the property was calibrated incorrectly and meter readings have been overstated by a factor of 10. Due to the overstated TMW A meter readings, RTC requested a refund. Funding is fTom the storm drains capital project fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

8.8 Consideration and possible approval of a Final Map for Pionee." Meadows Village 10, Phase 1 Subdivision. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from City Engineer Jon Ericson recommending Council approve the final map as submitted. Pioneer Meadows Village 10, Phase 1 Subdivision will be generally located south of Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 5 Monday, April 24, 2017

Wingfield Hills Road, and north of Rolling Meadows Drive. This subdivision will create 88 residential lots on 10.32 acres. There is no impact to the general fund.

9. General Business 9.1 Consideration and possible approval of a contract (AC-5359) for the Sparks Marina Pump Station Project, to Farr Construction Corporation dba Resource Development Company, in the amount of $399,280. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:59 p.m.) An agenda item from Utility Manager Andy Hummel recommending Council approve the contract. The western pump station at the Sparks Marina is used for primary water level control while the eastern pump station is used for emergency level control. The existing pumps at the Sparks Marina western pump station are reaching the end of their service life and are no longer able to adequately maintain the marina water level due to flow demand doubling over the last 10 years. Funding is from the storm drains capital project fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, scconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve the contract as presented by staff. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Pa sed unanimously.

9.2 Consideration and possible approval of a consulting contract (AC-5360) with House Moran Consulting, Inc. for the Reach 9 Flood Control Channel Analysis in the amount of $92,000. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3 :03 p.m.) An agenda item from City ngineer Jon Ericson recommending Council approve the consulting contract. Reach 9 is a proposed Regional Flood Control Facility (channel), located in Impact Fee Service Area Number 1 (IFSA #1) in northern Sparks. The contributing drainage area (watershed) to Reach 9, beginning at the Lemmon Valley-Golden Valley ridge line, is prone to flash flooding and substantial sedimentation. The scope of services includes the tasks to analyze historic and recent (2017) storm events to develop appropriate regional impact storms for use in the mod ling, analysis, and design of future storm water infrastructure, roadway crossings, and sediment control measures for Reach 9. funding is from impact fee service area # 1; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Smith, to approve the consulting contract as presented by staff. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.3 Consideration, discussion, and possible approval of fiscal year 2017-2018 budget recommendations and fiscal items including 1) the City Manager's recommendations for the City of Sparks tinal budget; and 2) the proposed five­ year Capital Improvement Plan. (For Possible Action) (Time: 3:11 p.m.) An agenda item from City manager Steve Driscoll and Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending Council approve:

1) the City Manager's recommendations for the fiscal year 2017-2018 final budget; and 2) the proposed five-year Capital Improvement Plan. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 6 Monday, April 24, 2017

City Manager Driscoll and Financial Services Director Cronk presented the City Manager's final budget recommendations for fiscal year 2017-2018 (FY '18). Public hearings on the final budget will be held during thc May 22nd Council and SRA meetings.

Mr. Cronk reviewed the fiscal policies of the city and how the policies drive the budget process. City Manager Driscoll discussed the need for field replacements at Golden Eagle Regional Park (GERP) as one of the larger budget chaJlenges facing the city. Currently 3% of the utility franchise fees are allocated at 2% to roads and 1% to parks maintenance. Mr. Driscoll is proposing that 1% go to roads, 1% to GERP, and 1% to parks maintenance. Council discussed concerns about reallocating the money.

Public hearing was opened at 3:56 pm. The following citizens spoke in opposition of reallocating funds from roads to parks: Eloy Jara, Craig Madole, Ashtyn Thomas, Marc Markwell, and Robert Meshew. The following citizens did not wish to speak, but are also in opposition: Joseph Howard, Annando Rodriguez, Mike Kinney, Doris M Swank, Robert Perry, Tim G. Gary Benedict, Debbie 1. Howard Rod Young, and Phillip Herring. Public hearing was closed at 4:08 pm.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson seconded by Council Member Bybee, to direct staff to prepare the final budget including moving as estimated one million dollars from road fund to park fund will1 the stipulation that the million-dollar move is for one year only, find new revenue souree for next year, and set up a workshop to discuss the issue. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Bybee, YES. Council Member Smith, O. Council Member Dahir, ABSENT. Motion carried 3- 1.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve the City Manager's final budget recommendations for fiscal year 2017 -2018 and the proposed five­ year Capital Improvements Plan for fiscal years 2017-2018 through 2021-2022. Council Members Abbott Lawson, Smith, Bybee, YES. Dahir, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present.

10. Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning 10.1 None

11. Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items 11.1 Public hearing, consideration of and possible approval for NV Green, Inc. to move a medical marijuana production facility from an approved but not yet established location at 1492 Linda Way to a location at 1475 Hymer Avenue. (PCN17-0008) (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 4:28 p.m.) An agenda item from Development Services Manager Karen Melby recommending Council conduct the public hearing and grant NY Green, Inc. the requested approval. NV Green was originally approved by the city to establish a medical marijuana production facility at 1492 Linda Way in July 2014. NV Green, Inc. was unable to make the Linda Way location work for their operation and so the MME cannot be established at the Linda Way location. V Green Inc. submitted a new Administrative Review application for 1475 Hymer Avenue on February 22, 2017. On March 8 2017, the Administrative Review for the new location was approved with the condition that the new sitc must be approved by City Council in a public hearing, as required by Nevada law. This public hearing fulfilled the condition of approval. There is no impact to the general fund...... ------_._------

Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 7 Monday, April 24, 2017

Public hearing was opened at 4:31 pm; no comments were received.

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Smith, to approve the request from NV Green, Inc. to relocate a medical marijuana production facility from 1492 Linda Way to 1475 Hymer Avenue. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, YES. Council Member Dahir, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present.

12. Comments 12.1 Comments from the Public (Time: 4:32 p.m.) - None.

12.2 Comments from City Council and City Manager (Time: 4:32 p.m.) City Manager Driscoll announced the following committee appointments:

• Civil Service Commission, 2 members for a 3-year term • Parks and Recreation Commission, 3 members for a 3-year term • Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority, Board of Trustees, 1 member for a 4-year term

Applications will be accepted until close of business Thursday, May 25,2017 at 5:00 p.m.

Council Member Abbott announced that Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful (KTMB) will be holding KIMEs Great Community Cleanup on Saurday, May 6th , from 8:00 a.m. until noon.

13. Adjournment Council was adjourned at 4:33 p.m.



- Vr.LLU{}L .- GcutLftLf./l -< ~sa Gardner, Clty Clerk

» > Gono_MAYOR 5/22/2017 AI 6.1 CfTY COUNCIL Donald Abbott, Want I Ed Lawson, Ward /I Ron SmIth, Want III Charlene Byt.N:Ht, Wan1IV Krfsiopher Dahlr, Want V


CITY MANAGE.R steve Driscoll



8:30 a.m. Monday, May 1, 2017 Washoe County Administrative Complex, Commission Chamben, 1001 Ninth St., Reno, NV

1. Call to Order (rime: 8:30 a.m.) The special concurrent meeting of the Sparks City Council was called to order by Mayor Martini at 8:30 a.m.

2. Pledge of Allegiance (lime: 8:34 a.m.) The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Washoe County School District Chief Operating Officer Pete Etchart.

3. Ron Call (lime: 8:30 a.m.) Mayor Geno Martini, Council Members Donald Abbott, Ed Lawson, Ron Smith, Charlene Bybee, Kristopher Dahir, Assistant City Mannger Neil Krutz, and Assistant City Clerk Donna DiCarlo, PRESENT.

ABSENT: City Mannger Steve Driscoll, and City Attorney Chet Adams.

4. Publi< Comment (lime: 8:35 a.m.) Jeff Church who runs the website RenoTaxRevolt.com spoke about concerns on whether a government entity can belong, at taxpayer expense, to an organization that advocates for political and legislative issues, specifically the Charober of Commerce. Saro Dehne spoke about how mueh he has done for the City of Reno and spoke against the Reoo Gazette newspaper. John Hesse spoke on behalf of the Wildcreek Golf Course and in opposition of building the Wildcreek High School at that location.

5. Approval of the Agenda (For Possible Action) (lime: 8:44 a.m.) Consideration of taking items out of sequence, deleting items and adding items which require action upon a finding that an emergency exists. Concurrent Meed", MInutes - Pap 2 Monday. May 1, 2017

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Smith to approve the agenda as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dshir, YES. Passed unanimously.

6. Pr.. entation and update on Washoe County Question I (WC.I) and the Washoe County School District (WCSD) Infrastrueture Plan. (Time: 8:46 a.m.) A presentation by Washoe County School District Chief Operating Officer Pete Etchart showing the status of the Washoe County Sehool District (WCSD) today and the plans for WCSD's future. Schools are currently overcrowded and utilizes old portables as classrooms. The proposed plan will replace the old portables. Mr. Etchart discussed growth and new development plans for Washoe County. Mr. Etchart revealed the timeline of building and remodeling of schools planned by WCSD. Citizens can get live updates of school building and repairs at WCSDbuilding.com. The school district will start seeing the new sales tax in June and the sales tax is dedicated to building and repairing schools. Funding will go towards moving the WCSD grounds building. It is in the Sparks Iodustrial area and has flooded many times.

The following public comment was received:

o Sam Deboe spoke in favor of Storey County and Lyon County paying their fair share of taxes for the proposed school. o Jeff Church who runs the website RenoTaxRevolt.coIIl spoke about concerns of possible waste, fraud, and abuse on the spending of capital funds. Mr. Church spoke about a pending lawsuit over WC 1.

7. Presentation and discussion of the proposed WiIdcreek Project to be located at the current Wildcreek Golf Course location. (Time: 9:26 a.m.) A presentation by Washoe County School District Chief Operating Officer Pete Etchart and Washoe County Director of Management Services AI Rogers on the proposed Wildcreek High School and the proposed Hug Career & Technical Academy. Mr. Etchart presented the conceptual drswing of the high school and campus. When Wildcreek is built, the school district will instantly gain 1,000 seats for students. Because of Hug High's existing playing fields, the Hug Career & Technieal Academy will be able to offer sports.

The following public comment was received:

o Daryl Capurro spoke again)rt some of the details of the project o The following people spoke in favor of the new project: Carly Lott, Jana Moyer, Kirstie Terrabias, Kelly Van Home, and Renee Martin. o Fred Barrie expressed concern regarding the traffic the new school will generate, stating the traffic is already bad in the area. o Jeff Church of Tax Revolt spoke regarding concerns of possible waste, fraud, and abuse on the spending of capital funds. o Sam Deboe spoke against the school tax and the project

8. Discussion and pouible approval of a Letter of Intent between the Washoe County School District, Washoe County, City of Sparks, City of Reno, and the Reno..sparks Concurrent Meetl". Minutes - Pap 3 Monday, May 1, 2017

Convention and Visiton Authority to coopente in the development of a new high scbool in Sparks, Nevada and repurpose Proctor R. Hug High School In Reno, Nevada. (FOR POSSmLE ACTION) (Time: 10:39 a.m.) An agenda item from Washoe County School District Chief Operating Officer Pete Etchart and Washoe County Director of Management Services AI Rogers recommending Council approve the letter of intent between the entities to cooperate in the development of a new high school in Sparks, Nevada and to repurpose Hug High in Reno.

The following public comment was received:

• Andrew Diss of Grand Sierra Resort in support of the project. • Sam Dehne spoke in opposition of the school heing built at Wildcreek, suggesting it should he built in Storey County instead.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve the letter of intent Council Memhers Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

It was noted that RSCV A did not have a quorum. This issue will he reheard at the next regular RSCV A Board of Directors meeting scheduled for May 25, 2017.

10. Comments from the Councils, Commissions, Boards or Managen (Time 10:58 a.m.) Reno Council Member Duerr commented it is important to include the public and to he transparent. Ms. Duerr wants the school district to hold community forums. Washoe County Commissioner Lucy thanked everyone for their time. ll. Public Comment (Time 11 :00 a.m.)

Sam Dehne gave public comment regarding the Board at Renown and against the media. Ms. Carol Bums spoke in protest of the school heing built and the citizens losing another golf course.

12. Adjournment (Time: 11 :06 a.m.) Council was adjourned at 11 :06 a.m.



»> 5/22/2017 MAYOR GonoMarlini AI 6.1

CITY COUNCIL Donald AbboU. Ward I Ed L.8wson, WBR111 Ron Smith, Ward III Charlene Bybee, W8rd IV KtfsJopher D8h1r. WtW V



REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 2:00 P.M., Monday, May 8, 2017 City Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, Nevada

1. Call to Order (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The regular meeting of the Sparks City Couocil was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Ron Smith at 2:00 p.m.

2. Ron Can (Time: 2:00 p.m.) Council Members Donald Abbott, Ed Lawson, Ron Smith, Charlene Bybee, Kristopher Dahir, City Maoager Steve Driscoll, City Attorney Chet Adaros and City Clerk Teresa Gardner, PRESENT.

ABSENT: Mayor Geno Martini

3. Opening Ceremoni.. 3.1 Invocation Speaker (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The invocation was provided by Council Member Kristopher Dahir.

3.2 Pledge of AUegianee (Time: 2:01 p.m.) The Pledge of AUegiance was led by Former Sparks Mayor James Lillard's daughter Tina Leighton.

4. Public Comment (Time: 2:01 p.m.) A woman speaking aoonymously regarding domestic violence dis1ributed a letter filed June I, 2010 by Chief Judge T. Arthur Ritchie, Jr. regarding access to records regarding domestic violence and temporary protection orders; page 2 was missing.

George McNally and Jennifer Richards spoke of the Senior Law Project in honor of Older Americans Month to be sure seniors are aware of the program which provides free legal assistaoce to senior citizens and referrals to other agencies. Additional information can be found on their website www.n1slaw.netorby caUing 334-3050.

Joan Lee, a voluoteer of'the Rural Rerired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) spoke in honor of Older Americans Month and said RSVP provides free respite for caregivers. Their phone number is 358-1032.

Kim Ciesynski gave an update of 39 North Downtown activities; additional information can be found at www.39northdowntown.com. Recular Cfty Council Meetlna MInutes - Pap Z Monday. May 8. 2011

Scott Pierson sent an email for public comment in support of community gardens (read by City Clerk).

5. Agenda (Time: 2:14 p.m.) 5.1 Approval of the Agenda (FOR POSSIBLE ACI10N) Consideration of taking items out of sequence, deleting items and adding items which require action upon a finding that an emergency exists.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to approve the agenda as subntitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Sntith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

6. Minutes (Time: 2:14 p.m.) 6;1 Consideration and possible approval of1he miDutes of the regular Sparks City Council meeting of April 14, 1017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACI10N) A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve the min1!les of the regular Sparks City Council meeting on April 24, 2017. Council Merobers Abbott, Lawson, Sntith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

7. Announcements, Presentations, Recognition Items and Items of Special Interest (Time: 2:15 p.m.) 7.1 Proclamation: "Reno 1868FC" (Time: 2:15 p.m.) Mayor Martini recogoized Reno 1868 FC, welconting them to the Truckee Meadows and wished them many years of success. The proclamation was read by Mayor Pro Tero Sntith and presented to and Reno 1868 FC President Eric Edelstein. Mr. Edelstein distributed the Greater Nevada Field 2017 Community Report Update addressing community contributions, baseball, soccer, specil'l events, and the state of Greater Nevada Field.

7.2 Proclamation: "Older American'. Month" (Time: 2:23 p.m.) Mayor Miutini proclaimed May 2017 as Older Americans Month and urged residents to tske time duriog this month to ackoowledge older adults and the people who serve them as influential and vita! parts of our community. The proclamation was read by Council Member Donald Abbott and presented to City of Reno Serdor Citizen Advisory Comntittee Merober Donna Clontz. Ma. Clontz talked about some of the regional activities for seniors during Older Americans Month.

7.3 Presentation and Proclamation: "James Lillard Day" (Time: 2:29 p.m.) Mayor Miutini proclaimed Sunday, May 14,2017 as Jim Lillard Day, to honor the· anniversary of his death of the fonner Sparks Mayor, recognizing his many years of service to the .community. The proclamation was read by Councll Member Ed Lawson and presented to Mr. Lillard's daoghter Tina Leighton and gnwdson Tim Leighton, who thaoked the Councll for this honor and invited all to participate in a flag ceremony planned for 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 14, 2017 at the James Lillard Railroad Park on Victorian and reception following at Sparks High SchooL

7.4 Presentation and update of Federal Legislative topics (Time: 2:36 p.m.) Serdor Administrative Analyst Kathy Clewett introduced City of Sparks' Federal Lobbyist and Partner of Cardinal lnfrastructure Aoja Graves and Cardinal Infrastructure Manager of Government Relations Bennett Resnik who gave an update of federal legislative activities in Rqular CIty Coundl Meetlna: Minutes - Pile 3 Monday, May 8, 2017

Washington DC, including an update on the spending bill identifying funding of various projects including the Department of Defense, Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Community Oriented Policing Services program, Economic Development Administration, opioid abuse treatment, Veterans training, Department of Transportation programs, Homeless Assistance, and Community Development Block Grant. Although the President proposes a budget, Congress makes decisions on spending. Ms. Graves also commented on the need for the government to appoint personnel to bave the proper people in place to proceed with committee work. Ms. Graves also talked of the work of the local federal representatives in Washington and their willingoess to help our area.

8. Consent Items (FOR POSSmLE ACfION) (rime: 2:45 p.m.) A motion was mede by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to approve consent items S.l through S.6 as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dshir, YES. Passed uDanimously.

8.1 Report of Claims and Bills approved for payment and appropriation transfers for the period April 6, 1017 through April 19, 1017. (FOR POSSmLE ACTION) An agenda item from Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending the City Council approve the report of claims and bills as presented in the staff report.

8.2 Consideration and possible approval of a two-year Indigent Defense Contract (AC5361) with Daniel McCormick, Esq. for an annual amount of 5158,000.00 ellective July 1, 1017 through June 30, 1019. (FOR POSSmLE ACfION) An agenda item from Municipal Court Administrator Heidi Sbaw recommendiog Council approve the Indigent Defense Contract for Sparks Municipal Court. As required bY NRS l71.1SS Sparks Municipal Court provides the indigent with legal representation if the accused is facing the imposition of a jail sentence. Under the terms of the contract Mr. McCormick will provide legal representation of indigent defendants during all stages of criminal proceedings in the Sparks Municipal Court including in-custudy video arraigoments, trials, hearings and all appeals to the Second Judicial District Court of Washoe County. Most cases assigoed to Mr. McCormick are crimes of domestic battery. nUl charges, and other misdemeanor charges where a defendant is facing a jail sentence if convicted. Budget exists in the general fund.

8.3 Consideration and possible approval of reimbursement to the City of Reno in the amount of $107,441.15 for Sparks' share of a contract (AC5363) between the City of Reno and KG Walten Construction for the construction of1he Foam Control Project at the Truckee Meado... Water Reclamation Facility (fMWRF). (FOR POSSmLE ACfION) An agenda item from Treatment Plant Manoger Michael Drinkwater recommendiog Council approve the reimbursement of Sparks' share the contract between the City of Reno and KG Walters Inc. for the foam control project. The TMWRF outfall foam control system mjnirnius the amount offoam from the treatment plant outfall in Steamboat Creek and the Truckee River. Visible foam in Steamboat Creek downstream of the foam control system is prohibited by the TMWRF discharge permit. This project is part of the JCC approved TMWRF FYl7 Capital Improvement Program. Funding is from the sanitary sewer capital project fund; there is no impact to the general fund. Rel'dar CIty Coundl Meetln. Minutes - Pap 4 Monday, Maya, 2017

8.4 Consideration and possible approval of a construction contract (AC5364) for tbe Fire Station 4 Parking Lot Rebabilitation Project in tbe amount of 5217,007 to Sierra Nevada Comtruction, Inc. (FOR POSSmLE ACTION) An ageoda item from Capital Projects Manager Brian Cason recommeoding Council approve the contract Fire Station 4 was built more than 20 years ago, in 1995, and the existing parking lot surface is coming to the eod of its useful life. Over the years, the pavemeot has beeo patched numerous times and needs replacemeot. This project will rehabilitate the parking lot to safely handle the fire trucks that travel on the surface daily Funding is from the capital projects fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

8.5 Consideration and possible approval of a Final Map for Fountainbouse at Victorian Square, Pb.. e 2 Subdivision. (FOR POSSmLE ACTION) An agenda item from City Engineer Jon Ericson recommending Council approve the finaI map. The Fountainbouse at Victorian Square, Phase 2 subdivision will be genera1ly located east of 13" Street and north of Avenue of the Oaks. This subdivision will create 16 residential condominium lots on 15,480 square feet. The developer will be SWD - Quarry FVS, LLC. There.is no impact to the general fund.

8.6 Consideration and possible approval of a Final Map for Vicenza - Phase 2, Bolzano, Cortioa and Merano at D'Andrea Subdivision. (FOR POSSmLE ACTION) An agenda item from City Engineer Jon Ericson recommending Council approve the finaI map. The sUbdivision is a contioustion of the D' Andrea New Uiban District and will be generally located east of South D' Andrea Parkway. The subdivision will create 107 residential lots on 21.57 acres. The developer will be Lennar Reno, LLC. There is no impact to the general fund.

9. General Business 9.1 Consideration, discussion and possible approval of payment of a 510,000 donation to Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful (KTMB). (FOR POSSmLE ACTION) (Time: 2:45 p.m.) An agenda item from City Manager Steve Driscoll recommending Council approve a payment in the amount ofSI 0,000 to KTMB. KTMB has maintained a partnership with the City of Sparks on programming including Adopt-a-Spot; Adopt-a-Park; River Cleanup; Educational Programs; megal Dumping; Litter Campaigns and Christmas Tree Recycling. There is a SIO,OOO impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Dabir, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve payment of $10,000 to Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smi~ Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.2 Consideration, discDuion and pouible approval of a Forensic Support Services Agreement (ACS36S) for FY201712018 between the Washoe County Sherur. omce and the Sparks Police Department, and ratification of an expenditure in the amount of $435,500. (FOR POSSmLE ACTION) (Time: 2:48p.m.) An agenda item from Police Chief Brian Allen recommending Council approve the agreement and mtify the expenditure. The Sparks Police Department contracts annually with the Washoe County Sheriff's Office Forensic Science Division for evidence collection and .laboratory analysis for an Reaular City Council Meeting Minutes - Pap 5 Monday, May 8, 2017 array of services. These services are many times required as ".call outs" from the Sparks Police Detective Division on a 2417 basis. "Call outs" where the Forensic Science Division is commonly requested by Sparks Police Detectives include: homicides, sexual assaults, child abuse or child death, child sexual assault, suspicious deaths, shootings, stabbings, officer involved shootings SUd tnU'fic accidents with significant injury or death There is a $435,500 impact to the general fund.

This year's cost of$435,500 is 00 increase of$50,OOO from last year; however, the proposed full­ service cost was $768,000. Council Member Dshir said he would like a conversation to determine responsibility for services.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve the Forensic SupPort Servi"",s Agreement with the Washoe County Sheriffs Office ood.ratify the $435,500 expenditure for those services. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dshir, YES. Passed unanimousl)'.

9.3 Consideration, dis..... ion and possible approval to rejee.t all bid, Cor the Muni.ipal Court Security Entran.e Remodel Projee.t due to insuffi.ient funding. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:52 p.m.) An agenda item from Capital Projeets Maoager Brioo Cason recommending Council reject all bids. A security entrooce remodel project was approved by the City Council for the FYl7 ClP. The scope of the project included a new storefront, security desk, flooring, ceiling, soffits, HVAC, ood electrical work. The engineers estimate was $195,000 with the low bid coming in at $269,500. The low bid is 40% over the engineer's estimate, which places the current low bid well over available funding to proceed with the project as designed. City of Sparks Municipal Code ood Nevads Revised Ststutes require Council action"!o reject bids ifthe value of the bid exceeds $50,000. There is no impact to the general fund. City Maoager Drisco11 said based on a conversation with the Administrative Judge, the project will be re-evaluated.

A motion was made by Council Member Dshir, seconded by Council Member Smith, to reject all bids for the Municipal Court Security Entraoce Remodel Project. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dshir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.4 Consideration, discussion and potential direction r.egard.iDg a proposal from Taboe Reno Industrial General Improvement District (TRI GID) Cor ...e oC reclaimed ..ater Crom the Truckee Meado... Water Re.lamation Fa.ility (fMWRFj. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:57 p.m.) An agenda item from Assistaot City Maoager Neil Krutz recommending Co_il direct the City Maoager to negotiate with TRl Gill, the State of Nevada, the City of Reno ood the Truckee Meadows Water Authority (fMWA) ood to prepare a draft agreement for City Council Consideration based on the preliminary agreement terms outlined in this staff report. TRl Gill has approached the City of Sparks ood the City of Reno with a proposai to utilize up to 4,000 acre-feet of reclaimed water from (fMWRF) to serve the Taboe Reno Industrial Center (fRI Center). There is no impact to the general fund.

Council diSCU$sed the long-term effects of a 15-year agreement, drought years, current effluent programs, benefits of winter use of eflluent, and additional operating ood maintenaoce costs for TMWRF. TRl General Improvement District's Bob Sader said he supports the proposal ood said users woot to use processed water. Switch Attorney Paul Taggart said renewables ood Rqubir Oty Council Meetl." Minutes - Pap 6 Monday, Maya, 2017 envi,ronmental issues are important to Switch. Truckee Meadows Water Authority Genenll Manager Mark Foree and Planning and Management Director John Enloe were available to answer questions.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to direct the City Manager to negotiate with the Taboe Reno Industrial General hnprovement Disttic!, the State of Nevada, the City of Reno and the Truckee Meadows Water Authority and to prepare a draft agreement for City Council consideration based on the preliminary agreement tenns outlined in the staff report. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.5 Consideration, discussion and possible direction to initiate amendments to the Sparks Munitipal Code regarding the u.e of 8lripping containers and other options for the construction of small residential housing units. (FOR POSSmLE ACI'lON) (Time: 3:51 p.m.) An agenda item from Planning Manager Jim Ruodle recommending Council provide direction to the City Manager on potential Sparks Municipal Code amendments to facilitate the use ofshipping containers and other options for construction of small residential units.

At the February 27, 2017 Sparks City Council meeting, Council Member Lawson asked the City Manager to look at shipping containers as an alternate means of construction. Council Member Lawson subsequently tlatified to city staff that his question more specifically concerns possible lintitations in the Sparks Municipal Code (SMC) that would lintit or preclude construction of small residential units, including so called ''tiny houses", regard1ess of the building materials used. The SMC was not, however, specifically written to accommodate recent interest in the construction of small residential units or the use of steel shipping containers as a building material. There is no impact to the genenll fund.

Council discussed the need for affordable housing, changes to zoning, future cbanges to the unifonn building codes, and reduction of mjnimum lot sizes in the municipal code.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to direct the City Manager to conduct a workshop to discuss the use of shipping containers and other options for construction of small residential units. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously'.

9.6 Consideration, discussion and possible approval of transferring $251,910 from the Stabilization Fund to the General Fund to mitigate the ...t related to the Jannary 2017 Flood. (FOR POSSmLE ACTION) (Time: 4:06 p.m.) An agenda item from Senior Accountant and the Emergency Management Finance Section Chief Wayne Webber recommending Council approve $251,910 from the stabilization fund to the general fund to mitigate the cost related to the January 2017 flood. On January 6, 2017, the City of Sparks declared a local state of emergency due to a winter stonn event that began OIJ January 3, 2017, involving heavy rain that caused urban and Truckee River flooding in the City of Sparks. The approval to traosfer funding from the stabilization fund to the genenll fund is to mitigate the cost of the January 2017 flonding. There is a $251,910 impact from the s)abilization fund to the general fund. Repl., CIty Coundl Meetlna Minutes· Pap 7 Monday, May 8, 2017

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve the transfer of$251 ,91 0 from the stabi1ization fund to the general fund to mitigate the cost of the January 2017 flood. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed nnanimously.

9.7 Review, consideration, and discussion of the performance of Sparks City Manager Stephen Driscoll; discussion and possible approval of an employment agreement extension through June 30, 2018 punuant to NRS 241.031 and NRS 241.033; and consideration of a salary adjustment. (FOR POSSmLE ACTION) (Time: 4:08 p.m.) An agenda item from Human Resources Manager Mindy Falk recommending Council approve an extension of the City Manager employment agreement through June 30, 2018. Section 6 of City Manager Steve Driscoll's employment agreement requires that the Mayor and City Council review and evaluate the Manager's performance and salary on an annual basis. The Human Resources Department bas conducted a total compensation market analysis of City Manager's in Northern Nevada The City Manager respectfully requested that any discussion and decision regarding a potential salary adjustment be delayed until the lim City Council meeting following finalization of all current City of Sparks Labor Agreements. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Dabir, to renew City Manager Stephen Driscoll's employment agreement through June 30, 2018 and delay potential sa1ary adjustments and discussions to the City Manager's salary until the lim City Council Meeting following fiua1ization of all current City of Sparks Labor Agreements. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dabir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.8 Consideration, discussion and possible adoption of a Business Impact Statement regarding Restrieted Gaming Busines. Licon, ... (FOR POSSmLE ACTION) (Time: 4:12 p.m.) An agenda item from Senior Assistant City Attorney Doug Thomley, continued from the February 27, 2017 Council meeting, recommending Council adopt the Business Impact Statement. On January 23, 2017, the Sparks City Council directed city staff to exantine the city's licensing ordinances related to restrieted gaming. On January 27, 2017, letters were sent out to businesses in Sparks with gaming licenses for their input on the proposed changes to SMC Chapter 5.24. A business impact statement was created regarding those opinions. There is no impact to the general fund.

Council Member Bybee said she would abstain from this item because her husband works for a nonrestricted ganting licensee that is a member of the Nevada Resort Association. She said she is unsure whether this specifically rises to the level of a disqualifying conflict under the Ethics in Government Law, but believed it is prndent to be cautious with respect to this type of issue. Therefore, as required by state law, she would not vote or advocate for or against the passage of this measure.

Council Member Dabir disclosed that his wife works for IGT; however, he will be voting on the item.

Council discussed the primary business (bar or restaurant) requirement to utilize 90% of the fioor and the incidental use (gaming) to utilize 10"10 of the floor; the grandfather provision to allow Repllar Oty Coundl Meetln, Minutes - Pqe 8 Monday, M.y 8, 2017 current businesses to operate as they are today and allow business license renewals; substantial changes or increase in number of machines would require a new business license; new facilities would have to comply; consistent rules for all; complimentary drinks being'recorded as revenue; and the term 'bar' not being defined in the code.

Dottys representative Seth Carlson said they operate both nonrestricted and restricted gaming in Sparks and provide employment to many residents. Mr. Carlson said the grandfather clause is appreciated but the restrictions jeopardize expansions and this ordinance eliminates competition.

Nevada Resort Association representative Michael Alonzo said local code requires gaming to be incidental, the proposed change allows for expansions, and neither state law or local code allow slot parlors in the City of Sparks.

Bully's manager Jo Sutter said she is not trying to cbange bow anyone does their business but does think all sbould be required to abide by the same rules and laws.

A motion was mede by Council Member Dahlr, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to adopt the Business Impact Statement related to the proposed amendment to SMC Chapter 5.24 concerning the operation of restricted gaming in the City of Sparks. Cnuncil Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Dabir, YES. Cnuncil Member Bybee, ABSTAIN. Motion carried 4-0.

9.9 FIRST READING, Bill No. 2715, an ordinance amending the Sparks Municipal Code Title 5 "Business Licenses, Tues and Regulations," Chapter 5.24 "Gambling Establisbments" to add dermitions and create tbe requirements of ban or bar-restaurants operating slot machines through a restricted gaming license, together with other matten properly related thereto. (Time: 4:39 p.m.) City Clerk Teresa Gardner read the Bill by title. The second reading and public hearing will be beld at the regular meeting on Monday, May 22, 2017.

9.10 FIRST READING, Bill No. 2716, an ordinance to rezone a site approximately 0.99 acres in size from SF40 (Residential Single Family - minimum lot size 40,000 sq. feet) to sno (Residential Single Family - minimum lot size 20,000 sq. feet) located at 3270 Spanish Springs Court, Sparks, (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 4:40 p.m.) City Clerk Teresa Gardoer read the Bill by title. The second reading and public hearing will be held at the regular meeting on Monday, May 22, 2017.

10. Public Hearing and Aetion Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning 10.1 None

11. Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Aetion Items 11.1 None

12. Comments 12.1 Comments from the Public (Time: 4:41 p.m.)· None 12.2 Comments from City Council and City Manager (Time: 4:42 p.m.) Regular City Council Meeting Minutes ~ Page 9 Monday, May 8, 2017

City Manager Driscoll announced the following committee vacancies available for volunteer opportunities: • Civil Service Commission, 2 members for 3-year terms • Parks and Recreation Commission, 3 members for 3-year terms • Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority, Board of Trustees, 1 member for a 4-year term Applications will be accepted until close of business Thursday, May 25, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.

Council Member Dahir said there will be an Honor March on May 29,2017 around the Marina led by Rich, a Gold Star father, and encouraged all to participate.

Council Member Abbott said the "s" will be repainted beginning at 9:00 am. on May 20, 2017 and all are welcome to help.

13. Adjournment Council was adjourned at 4:43 p.m.


- J1 _,(9.,~ ~..... LU,t....-...M~_l2--=,~~=-=:="==:",,,,-_~_~_ resa Gardner, City Clerk

»> 6/12/2017 AI 6.1 MAYOR Geno Martini

CITY COUNCIL Donald Abbott, Ward I Ed Lawson, Ward II Ron Smith, Ward III Charlene Bybee, Ward IV Kristopher Dahir, Ward V


CITY MANAGER Steve Driscoll

REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 2:00 P.M., Monday, May 22, 2017 City Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, Nevada

1. Call to Order (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The regular meeting of the Sparks City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro Tempore Ron Smith at 2:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call (Time: 2:00 p.m.) Council Members Donald Abbott, Ed Lawson, Ron Smith, Charlene Bybee, Kristopher Dahir (left at 3:18 p.m.), City Manager Steve Driscoll, City Attorney Chet Adams and City Clerk Teresa Gardner, PRESENT.

ABSENT: Mayor Geno Martini

3. Opening Ceremonies 3.1 Invocation Speaker (Time: 2:01 p.m.) The invocation was provided by Pastor Pete Vossler, Crosswinds Assembly of God Church. Mayor Pro Tempore Smith requested a moment of silence in memory of fallen police officer Larry D. Johnson, who lost his life in the line of duty twenty-two years ago, on May 22, 1995.

3.2 Pledge of Allegiance (Time: 2:02 p.m.) The Pledge of Allegiance was led by boy scout Dillon.

4. Public Comment (Time: 2:03 p.m.) Anonymous submitted a document regarding the destruction of child abuse documentation. Anonymous spoke of a previous document submitted, stating that she believes the lack of response assumes agreement.

5. Agenda (Time: 2:08 p.m.) 5.1 Approval of the Agenda (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Consideration of taking items out of sequence, deleting items and adding items which require action upon a finding that an emergency exists.

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve the agenda, moving agenda item 10.1 before agenda item 9.1 and to move agenda items 8.4 & 8.5 to general business after agenda item 9.2. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 2 Monday, May 22,2017

6. Minutes (Time: 2:08 p.m.) 6.1 Consideration and possible approval of the minutes of the Sparks City Council Special Concurrent meeting with the Reno City Council, Washoe County Board of Commissioners, Washoe County School Board of Trustees, and the Reno Sparks Convention and Visitors Authority Board of Directors of May 1, 2017 and the regular Sparks City Council meeting of May 8, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve the minutes of the Sparks City Council Special Concurrent meeting with the Reno City Council, Washoe County Board of Commissioners, Washoe County School Board of Trustees, and the Reno Sparks Convention and Visitors Authority Board of Directors of May 1, 2017 and the regular Sparks City Council meeting of May 8, 2017. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

7. Announcements, Presentations, Recognition Items and Items of Special Interest (Time: 2:09 p.m.) 7.1 Proclamation: "Emergency Medical Services Week" (Time: 2:09 p.m.) Mayor Geno Martini proclaimed May 21-27, 2017 as Emergency Medical Services Week. The proclamation was read by Council Member Dahir and presented to Sparks Fire Chief Chris Maples and REMSA Operations Chief Kevin Romero.

7.2 Proclamation: "Public Works Week" (Time: 2:13 p.m.) Mayor Geno Martini proclaimed May 21-27, 2017 as National Public Works Week and called upon all citizens to recognize the significant contributions which Public Works professionals make every day by always being there and always ready to provide for our health, safety, comfort and quality of life. The proclamation was read by Mayor Pro Tempore Smith and presented to Public Works Manager Ron Korman and Community Services Director John Martini. Mr. Korman acknowledged the Public Works supervisors individually and present staff by having them stand.

7.3 Presentation: "The Life Change Center" (Time: 2:22 p.m.) The Life Change Center's Executive Director John Firestone and Director of Finance Travis Duhn said an American dies of a heroin or pain killer overdose every 15 minutes and thousands of citizens go without the help that they need. Mr. Firestone and Mr. Duhn presented information on the Life Change Center and said its mission is to ensure that help is available. A rendering of the remodeled Sparks Addiction Wellness Campus was shown. The center can be reached by phone at 775-355-7734; the website is www.t1ccreno.org.

7.4 Presentation: RTC's "Pedestrian Safety" (Time: 2:38 p.m.) Regional Transportation Commission's (RTC) Executive Director Lee Gibson and Public Affairs Manager Michael Moreno presented infonnation on pedestrian safety initiatives and R TC' s guiding principle. Mr. Gibson also gave an update on on-going programs, projects, corridor improvements, safe routes to school, education and awareness initiatives, and pedestrian safety decals. Mr. Moreno gave an update on RTC's programs centered on pedestrian safety. Mr. Moreno spoke about free transit on holidays. Mr. Moreno said RTC is recruiting members for advisory committees and urged citizens to apply on-line through the website www.rtcwashoe.com. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 3 Monday, May 22, 2017

7.5 Presentation: Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority - Landing Benefit for our Region (Time: 2.53 p.m.) Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority President/CEO Marily Mora gave an update on the current Board of Trustees, strategic plan, air service additions, passengers served, upcoming programs, general aviation, the Reno-Stead airport, and concession opportunities.

7.6 Presentation: Update on Community Assistance Center Operations (Time: 3:14 p.m.) No presentation given.

8. Consent Items (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:14 p.m.) A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve consent items 8.1 through 8.3 and 8.6. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES . Passed unanimously.

8.1 Report of Claims and Bills approved for payment and appropriation transfers for the period April 20, 2017 through May 3, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending the City Council approve the report of claims and bills as presented in the staff report.

8.2 Consideration and possible approval to purchase a replacement Electronic Document Systems, OnBase, (AC-S368) per the Major Systems IT CIP as approved in the FY2017 Budget. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Information Technology Manager Steve Davidek recommending Council approve the purchase of a replacement Electronic Document System from Precision Document Imaging for $109,520.75 and first year maintenance of $21 ,807.50 totaling $131,328.25. The city purchased the current document management system, ApplicationXtender about 17 years ago. The system was originally purchased to scan and manage building plans submitted to the city but has grown over the years to encompass the City Clerk's office and is also used by the Police Department for their records management needs. The software is no longer being supported or upgraded. Funds were budgeted in FY17 and are available in the major systems IT CIP fund and the development services fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

8.3 Consideration and possible approval of funding allocation of $3333 as recommended by the Tourism and Marketing Committee for 2017 "Ride to Events" Campaign. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Special Events Supervisor Francine Burge recommending Council approve the funding allocation of $3,333 for the Ride to Events Campaign of the 2017 special events season as recommended by the Tourism and Marketing Committee. Funds are available from the room tax revenues from the Reno Sparks Convention & Visitors Authority and can only be used for the marketing and promotion of tourism in the City of Sparks and the operation and maintenance of capital improvements within redevelopment areas of the city; there is no impact to the general fund.

8.4 Consideration and possible approval to apply for National Endowment for the Arts "Our Town" Grant Program. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time 3.33 p.m.) (HEARD AFTER ITEM 9.2) Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 4 Monday, May 22, 2017

An agenda item from Special Events Supervisor Francine Burge. Ms. Burge introduced Sarah Toney, Development Director at Note Ables, Developmental Coach, and the Chair of the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee. The agenda item is recommending Council approve submission of an application for grant funding from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) to assist with development of downtown arts and/or historic district with the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee to incorporate art and placemaking projects in the downtown area. The grant requires a 50:50 match, which if approved, the match will be available from the allocation designated for art from the Downtown Facilities Revitalization fund, which was allocated in June 2016. The $150,000 budget from the Sparks Tourism and Revitalization Committee could be matched up to $150,000 to increase the funds to $300,000. These funds cannot be used for construction, but could be used for design fees, preparing space for an exhibit, installation or de-installation of art, and community planning. The estimated time to begin on plan, design and development would begin Spring 2018. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve applying for funds through The National Endowment for the Arts Out Town Grant Program. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, YES. Council Member Dahir, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present.

8.5 Consideration and possible approval of Memorandum of Understanding (AC- 5370) between the Washoe County Sheriffs Office and the City of Sparks to provide full time inmate labor to augment Public Works Maintenance. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time 3:37 p.m.) (HEARD AFTER ITEM 8.4) An agenda item from Public Works Maintenance Manager Ron Konnan recommending Council approve the memorandum of understanding. The City of Sparks Public Works Maintenance Division has utilized inmate labor provided by the Washoe County Sheriffs office on a part-time, seasonal basis to augment maintenance activities for weed control in the city's medians, roadside areas and city parks. Over the last year, Public Works Maintenance staff have been in discussion with the Washoe County Sheriffs office to provide a full-time inmate labor crew such that maintenance activities can be augmented throughout the year. The memorandum of understanding provides the tenns and costs associated with securing a full-time inmate labor crew from the Washoe County Sheriff s Office for fiscal year 2018 and provides for annual renewal thereafter. Sparks will reimburse the Washoe County Sheriffs Office the cost of one full-time Inmate Work Program Leader. There is a financial impact of$62,855.52 for fiscal year 2018 to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Smith, to approve the memorandum of understanding between the Washoe County Sheriff s Office and the City of Sparks to provide full-time inmate labor to augment Public Works Maintenance. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, YES. Council Member Dahir, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present.

8.6 Consideration and possible approval of 2017 Operating Plan (AC-5369) between the City of Sparks, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and US Forest Service (FS). This operating plan enables all entities to assist each other and receive payment for wildland fire suppression. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Fire Division Chief Jim Reid recommending Council approve the proposed 2017 Operating Plan between the City of Sparks, BLM, and FS. The current Cooperative Fire Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 5 Monday, May 22,2017

Protection Agreement (AC-5248, 6113/2016; AI 8.5) and operating plan between the Sparks Fire Department and the BLMlFS is still in effect. This new operating plan will be effective upon approval by the Sparks City Council, the BLM, and the FS. This combined contract is meant to streamline the contracts that the federal agencies must get signed every year. The operating plan is an addendum to the agreement and is intended to identify and define the operational aspects of the cooperative agreement. This operating plan may be renewed each year. There is no impact to the general fund.

9. General Business


9.1 Consideration and possible adoption of the Final budget for the City of Sparks for fiscal year 2017-2018. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:17 p.m.) (HEARD AFTER ITEM 10.1) An agenda item from City Manager Stephen Driscoll and Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending Council adopt the final budget for the City of Sparks for fiscal year 2017 -2018 as presented. In accordance with NRS 354.598, the Council must adopt a FY18 Final budget for the City of Sparks on or before June 1, 2017. The budget must be filed with the Department of Taxation in accordance with specific instructions for categorizing revenue and expenditures, and must be presented using prescribed filing forms and formats. The Financial Services Department believes the document presented fully complies with those requirements as established by the Department of Taxation; and aligns with the City Manager's recommendations presented to Council on April 24,2017.

The final budget, is virtually identical to the City Manager's budget recommendations presented to Council on April 24, 2017, except for a few immaterial clean-up items discovered during the preparation of the final document and applicable adjustment to the Funds related to the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) changes listed below: 1. The Electric and Gas Franchise Fee shift from Road Fund (1401) to Parks and Rec Project Fund (1402) which was originally shown in all five years of the CIP, is now only in year one (FYI8). The revenue shift was proposed to fund the replacement of aging artificial field turf at Golden Eagle Regional Park. Council directed staff to make this revenue shift effective for one year only while alternative funding sources for the artificial field turf replacement are explored. a. For purposes of clarification, it is important to note that the amounts of Electric and Gas Franchise fee revenues listed within the proposed budget for each Fund reflect estimated receipts assuming Council approves amending the existing Franchise Fee agreement that distributes the 5% fee assessment. Once Council approves the proposed change to the Franchise Fee agreement, the resulting fee distribution will be 2% to the General Fund, 2% to the Parks and Rec Project Fund, and 1% to the Road Fund. The fiscal effect of the Franchise Fee agreement change (which is reflected in the proposed FY18 Budget) would entail moving 1% fee assessment from the Road Fund to the Parks and Rec Project Fund. The proposed change to the Franchise Fee agreement will be presented to Council at a future date. 2. A $150K project was added to Victorian Square Room Tax Fund (1415) for Public Art for Victorian Square as recommended by the Sparks Tourism Facility and Revitalization Steering Committee. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 6 Monday, May 22, 2017

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to adopt the final budget for the City of Sparks for fiscal year 2017-2018 as presented. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, YES. Council Member Dahir, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present.

9.2 Consideration of and possible action on a Tentative Map request for 448 townhome lots on a site approximately 165.5 acres in size in the NUD (New Urban District - Miramonte Planned Development) zoning district located at the end of Belmar Drive, Sparks, Nevada. (PCN17-0011) (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:22 p.m.) An agenda item from Development Services Director Karen Melby recommending Council approve the tentative map for Miramonte Townhomes associated with PCNI7-0011. This request by Fort Apache Homes is for a Tentative Map for a 448-lot townhome subdivision in the Miramonte Planned Development. The site is 165.5 acres in size and has a zoning designation of NUD (New Urban District). The Miramonte Planned Development Handbook was approved in 2005 and amended in 2006, 2007, and 2014. The undeveloped area in which this townhome subdivision is proposed has been designated for townhomes/apartments since the original recordation of the handbook in 2005. The 2005 approval designated this site for up to 14 dwelling units per acre and the proposal would develop the site at 12.8 dwelling units per acres. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to approve the Tentative Map for the Miramonte Townhomes associated with PCNI7-0011 , adopting Findings Tl through T12 and the facts supporting these Findings as set forth in the staff report and subject to the Conditions of Approvall through 15 as listed in the staff report. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, YES. Council Member Dahir, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present.

10. Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning 10.1 PUBLIC HEARING as required by NRS 354.596 to allow public comment on the Tentative Budget of the City of Sparks for fiscal year 2017-2018. TO BE HEARD BEFORE AGENDA ITEM 9.1 (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:15 p.m.) An agenda item from Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending Council open a public hearing. NRS 354.596 states that the public hearing on the tentative budget must be held by the governing body not sooner than the third Monday in May and not later than the last day in May. The public notice, posted in the Reno Gazette Journal on May 10,2017, encourages citizens to review the budget on file in the Clerk's office and to express their views. There is no impact to the general fund.

The Public Hearing was opened at 3:16 p.m.; no comments were received; the Public Hearing was closed.

10.2 SECOND READING, Public Hearing, discussion and possible action on Bill No. 2715 amending the Sparks Municipal Code Title 5 "Business Licenses, Taxes and Regulations," Chapter 5.24 "Gambling Establishments" to add definitions and create the requirements of bars or bar-restaurants operating Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 7 Monday, May 22, 2017

slot machines through a restricted gaming license, together with other matters properly related thereto. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:41 p.m.) An agenda item from Senior Assistant City Attorney Doug Thornley recommending Council approve and adopt the proposed ordinance. The proposed amendment to SMC Chapter 5.24 will fix the ambiguity of current state and local law related to restricted gaming. It will add definitions and create the requirements of bars or bar-restaurants operating slot machines through a restricted gaming license, together with other matters properly related thereto.

Council Member Bybee said she would abstain from this item because her husband works for a non-restricted gaming licensee that is a member of the Nevada Resort Association. She said she is unsure whether this specifically rises to the level of a disqualifying conflict under the Ethics in Government Law, but believed it is prudent to be cautious with respect to this type of issue. Therefore, as required by state law, she would not vote or advocate for or against the passage of this measure.

Under Nevada law, restricted gaming is required to be "incidental to the primary business of the establishment." NRS 463.0189. In Sparks, restricted gaming is an "accessory use," which means that the gaming element of any business so licensed may not occupy more than ten percent of the building footprint associated with the principle use to which the restricted gaming operation is attached. SMC 20.03.002. With respect to restricted gaming, concerns related to the relationship between primary and incidental or accessory uses have surfaced over the past several years, resulting in significant changes to state and local gaming regulations. There is no impact to the general fund.

The Public Hearing was opened at 3:47p.m. Seth Carlson of Kaempfer Crowell spoke against passage ofthe Ordinance. Stephen Ascuaga of Pep permill Casinos and Michael Alonzo of Nevada Resorts Association spoke in support of the Ordinance. The Public Hearing was closed at 3:52 p.m.

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Smith, to approve and adopt Bill No. 2715. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, YES. Council Member Bybee, ABSTAIN. Council Member Dahir, ABSENT. Motion carried 3-0.

11. Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items 11.1 SECOND READING, Public Hearing, discussion and possible action on Bill No. 2716 to rezone a site approximately 0.99 acres in size from SF40 (Residential Single Family - minimum lot size 40,000 sq. feet) to SF20 (Residential Single Family - minimum lot size 20,000 sq. feet) located at 3270 Spanish Springs Court, Sparks, NV. (PCNI7-0010) (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:55 p.m.) An agenda item from Development Services Manager Karen Melby recommending Council adopt Bill No. 2716. Mr. Michael Ronning is requesting to rezone a site approximately 0.99 acres in size from SF40 (Residential Single Family - minimum lot size 40,000 square feet) to SF20 (Residential Single Family - minimum lot size 20,000 sq. feet). This rezoning request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan and is appropriate for the site location. The site is adjacent to similarly sized parcels zoned both SF20 and SF 15 . Staff believes that all the findings can be made and recommended approval to the Sparks Planning Commission. On April 6, 2017, the Sparks Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 8 Monday, May 22, 2017

Planning Commission voted to forward a recommendation of approval to the Sparks City Council. There is no impact to the general fund. Mayor Pro Tempore Smith asked the applicant Mr. Ronning if this request was for a business; Mr. Ronning stated no, it was for a hobby. Council Member Lawson asked Ms. Melby if Planning Commission received public comment. Ms. Melby said yes, the public comments were against the project because of noise concerns.

The Public Hearing was opened at 4:01 p.m.; no comments were received; the Public Hearing was closed.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to adopt Bill No. 2716 and approve the rezoning request associated with PCN17-0010 based on Findings Z 1 through Z3 and the facts supporting these findings as set forth in the staff report. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, YES. Council Member Dahir, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present.

12. Comments 12.1 Comments from the Public (Time: 4:01 p.m.) None.

12.2 Comments from City Council and City Manager (Time: 4:02 p.m.) City Manager Driscoll announced the following committee vacancies available for volunteer opportunities: • Civil Service Commission, 2 members for 3-year telms • Parks and Recreation Commission, 3 members for 3-year terms • Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority, Board of Trustees, 1 member for a 4-year term Applications will be accepted until close of business Thursday, May 25,2017 at 5:00 p.m.

City Manager Driscoll introduced intern Kendalynn Mowery. Ms. Mowery has been an intern for the last couple of months in the City Manager's Office. Ms. Mowery thanked the city for the opportunity to learn about local government.

13. Adjournment Council was adjourned at 4:03 p.m.



~A fJ< ~ GClAd IVA resa Gardner, CIty Clerk » > 6/26/17 AI 6.1 MAYOR Geno Martini

CITY COUNCIL Donald Abbott, Ward I Ed Lawson, Ward II City of Ron Smith, Ward III Charlene Bybee, Ward IV Kristopher Dahir, Ward V


CITY MANAGER Steve Driscoll

REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 2:00 P.M., Monday, June 12,2017 City Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, Nevada

1. Call to Order (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The regular meeting of the Sparks City Council was called to order by Mayor Geno Martini at 2:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call (Time: 2:01 p.m.) Mayor Geno Martini, Council Members Donald Abbott, Ed Lawson, Ron Smith, Charlene Bybee, Kristopher Dahir, City Manager Steve Driscoll, Acting City Attorney Shirle Eiting and City Clerk Teresa Gardner, PRESENT.


3. Opening Ceremonies 3.1 Invocation Speaker (Time: 2:01 p.m.) The invocation was provided by Gregory Hamilton, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

3.2 Pledge of Allegiance (Time: 2:02 p.m.) The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Acting City Attorney Shirle Eiting.

4. Public Comment (Time: 2:03 p.m.) Marsy Kupfersmith, previously a member of the Reno Senior Citizen Advisory Committee and the Washoe County Senior Services Advisory Board, recently moved from Reno to Sparks and had to resign those positions because of the relocation. Ms. Kupfersmith requested consideration of a Senior Citizen Advisory Committee for Sparks. Mr. Driscoll said Council Member Abbott is our representative on the County Board; Mr. Driscoll said he will take the suggestion under advisement.

39 North Downtown representative Kim Ciesynski gave an update on the group's activities including building playhouses to benefit Habitat for Humanity, the Nevada Arts Council Roundtable at the Museum, the Thursday evening marketplace, and motorcycle parking. The train is popular and although it is not paid for yet, it is close.

Reno Senior Citizen Advisory Committee Chair Donna Clontz said the items collected for Stuff a Bus exceeded the goals and Ms. Clontz thanked the City of Sparks for participating. Ms. Clontz Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 2 Monday, June 12, 2017 said she is interested in the demographics with regards to the senior population in Sparks and she supports creation of a Sparks Senior Citizen Advisory Committee.

Lynn Jenkins applied for appointment for the Reno Tahoe Airport Authority Board of Trustees, reviewed his qualifications, and said he would be honored to represent the City of Sparks on this Board.

5. Agenda (Time: 2.16 p.m.) 5.1 Approval of the Agenda (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Consideration of taking items out of sequence, deleting items and adding items which require action upon a finding that an emergency exists.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to approve the agenda as amended, removing items 9.10 and 9.11. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

6. Minutes (Time: 2:17 p.m.) 6.1 Consideration and possible approval of the minutes of the regular Sparks City Council meeting of May 22, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve the minutes of the regular Sparks City Council meeting on May 22, 2017. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

7. Announcements, Presentations, Recognition Items and Items of Special Interest (Time: 2:18 p.m.) 7.1 Proclamation: "Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month" & "The Longest Day" (Time: 2:18 p.m.) Mayor Martini proclaimed June, 2017 as Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month and June 21, 2017, as The Longest Day and presented the proclamation to Alzheimer's Association Special Events Manager Niki Rubarth and Edward Jones Financial Advisor William Palmer. Ms. Rubarth thanked the Mayor and Council and invited all to participate in the September 23 , 2017 Walk to End Al zheimer's being held at the Sparks Marina Park.

8. Consent Items (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:24 p.m.) A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve consent items 8.1 , 8.2 and 8.3. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

8.1 Report of Claims and Bills approved for payment and appropriation transfers for the period May 4, 2017 through May 24, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending the City Council approve the report of claims and bills as presented in the staff report.

8.2 Consideration, review and acceptance of the receipt of grant and/or donation money which is individually under $5,000. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Accountant II Rick Parton recommending Council accept the receipt of grant and/or donation money which is individually under $5 ,000. There is no impact to the general fund. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 3 Monday, June 12, 2017

Formal policy established for grants and donations directs that Council approve the acceptance of grant awards, less than $5,000 via a staff report which details the receipt of such grants and donations. The following donations were awarded to the City during the period from January 2017 to March 2017:

Donator Amount Purpose of Donation Various People $3 ,549.00 Violence Against Women David & Kay Dahl $1,500.00 Police Dept. General Donations Various People $955.75 Partners in Parks & Recreation

8.3 Consideration and possible approval of a construction contract for Fire Station 1 for the 3rd Floor Shower Remodel Project in the amount of $63,039 to Gill Construction Incorporated (AC5372). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Capital Projects Manager Brian Cason recommending Council approve the construction contract. Fire Station 1 was built more than 35 years ago, in 1981 , prior to many of the current accessibility code requirements and standard building practices. The shower remodel will reconfigure the shower to improve plumbing, remediate moisture infiltration, separate shower stalls, and improve ADA accessibility to the 3rd floor showers at Fire Station 1. Funding is from the capital facilities and capital projects funds; there is no impact to the general fund.

9. General Business 9.1 Consideration and possible approval of a contract to KG Walters Construction (AC5374) for a new entrance gate at the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF) in an amount not to exceed $528,710. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:24 p.m.) An agenda item from TMWRF Maintenance Manager Kim Laber recommending Council approve the contract. The Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF) completed construction of its new digester gas conditioning system in 2015. As part ofthis project a new gas flare was installed adjacent to the gas conditioning complex to fl are the excess digester gas. This new flare is close to the entrance road that leads to the septage receiving facility to which the public can easily access. The Washoe County Health District Air Quality Management Division (AQMD) regulates the pollutants emitted from this flare. Because the flare is near the publicly accessible septage receiving road, AQMD has determined that this is the compliance point for air quality. This determination has resulted in tighter restrictions on the pollutants coming from the flare. These restrictions become an issue during maintenance of the gas conditioning system when untreated raw gas is sent to the flare.

By installing a new gate and guard building approximately 1600 feet further from the main facility entrance and restricting the public from the interior of the plant TMWRF can service the gas conditioning system without potentially violating the air quality permit. Additionally, the new gate and guard building will restrict the public from accessing the interior of the plant resulting in a more secure facility. Funding is from the joint treatment plant fund and reimbursement from the City of Reno; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve the contract with KG Walters Construction for a new entrance gate at TMWRF in the amount of $528,710. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 4 Monday, June 12, 2017

9.2 Consideration and possible ratification of Change Order #1 to the existing contract with Sierra Nevada Construction (AC-5352) for the 2017 Street Patching Project in the amount of $60,035. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:29 p.m.) An agenda item from Transportation Manager Amber Sosa recommending Council ratify the change order. The change order is necessary to add additional street patching prior to the City FY 17/18 annual slurry seal project for which additional streets will be added to the slurry seal project. The contractor would have had patching scheduling issues which may have jeopardized the scheduled slurry seal project. Due to the immediate need and the fact that the contractor has been actively working to quickly provide the patches the city roads require, the City Manager authorized immediate execution of the Change Order with the intention of seeking ratification from the City Council after-the-fact. Funding is from the road fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to ratify Change Order No. 1 to the existing contract (AC-5352) with Sierra Nevada Construction for the 2017 Street Patching Project in the amount of $60,035. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.3 Consideration and possible approve the 2018 Street Preventative Maintenance Contract for the Slurry Seal Program, Bid No. 17/18-001, PWP # W A-2017- 144 to Sierra Nevada Construction (AC5375), in the amount of $439,104.56. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:32 p.m.) An agenda item from City Engineer Jon Ericson recommending Council approve the contract. The preventative maintenance, slurry seal program provides preventative maintenance treatments on candidate pavements included in the city's transportation maintenance plan. This program will be treating over 2.3 million square feet of roadway surface throughout the city with a rapid setting slurry seal. The project is scheduled to begin in mid-July, 2017 which coincides with the approved FY 17118 budget year. Funding is from the road fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Smith, to approve the 2018 Street Preventative Maintenance Contract for the Slurry Seal Program to Sierra Nevada Construction, in the amount of $439,104.56. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.4 Consideration and possible approval of Change Order #1 in the amount of $60,895.40 to the approved 2018 Street Preventative Maintenance Project for the Slurry Seal Program with Sierra Nevada Construction (AC5375). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:34 p.m.) An agenda item from City Engineer Jon Ericson recommending Council approve the change order. The Preventative Maintenance, Slurry Seal Program provides preventative maintenance treatments on candidate pavements included in the city's transportation maintenance plan. The change order will increase the current contract slurry seal amount by over 474,000 square feet which adds 14 more streets throughout the city to the program. The additional streets will be added to the approved 2018 Street Preventative Maintenance Project which is scheduled to begin in mid-July, 2017 and coincides with the approved FY 17118 budget year. Funding is from the road fund; there is no impact to the general fund. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 5 Monday, June 12, 2017

Council Member Dahir asked how someone could find out what streets are on the schedule and Mr. Ericson said he is putting together information on the condition of streets and past maintenance, and it should be on the website by the end ofthe 2017 calendar year.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve Change Order No.1 in the amount of $60,895.40 to the approved 2018 Street Preventative Maintenance Project for the Slurry Seal Program with Sierra Nevada Construction (AC-5375). Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.5 Consideration and possible approval to purchase an excess insurance policy for workers' compensation for the policy period 7/1/2017 to 6/30/2018 in the amount of $91,905 and authorization for the Contracts and Risk Manager to execute policy documents. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:36 p.m.) An agenda item from Human Resources Analyst II Jill Valdez recommending Council approve the purchase the excess insurance policy for workers' compensation to protect the financial interests of the City of Sparks for the next policy period. While the primary layer of risk exposure in the worker's compensation program is self-insured, the city purchases an excess insurance policy for two reasons. First, it is a requirement under Nevada law to carry excess coverage to have a self­ funded worker's compensation program. Second, the policy protects the financial interests of the city against unpredictable, catastrophic losses. Funding is from the worker's comp self-insurance fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Smith, to approve the purchase of an excess insurance policy for workers' compensation for the policy period 71112017 to 6/30/2018 in the amount of $91 ,905 and authorize the Contracts and Risk Manager to execute policy documents. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimousl y.

9.6 Consideration, discussion and possible approval to purchase stop loss insurance for the City's group health insurance self-funded plan for Fiscal Year 2018 in the amount of $417,237 and to give authorization for the Contracts and Risk Manager to execute policy documents. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:38 p.m.) An agenda item from Sr Human Resources Analyst Jen McCall recommending Council approve the purchase of stop loss insurance to protect the city's self-funded group medical plan from catastrophic losses. To protect the city's self-funded group health insurance program from individual catastrophic medical and pharmacy claims, the program purchases stop loss (re­ insurance) insurance which provides significant financial protection to the plan. Stop loss insurance is automatically budgeted annually from the group health insurance fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve the purchase of stop loss insurance with Companion Life Insurance Company for the city's self­ funded group medical benefits program for 2017118 in the amount of $417,237 and authorize the Contracts and Risk Manager to execute policy documents. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 6 Monday, June 12, 2017

9.7 Consideration and possible approval to purchase various commercial insurance policies not to exceed $569,053 to protect the financial interests of the City for the next policy periods and authorization for the Contracts and Risk Manager to execute policy documents. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:42 p.m.) An agenda item from Contracts & Risk Manager Dan Marran recommending Council approve the purchase of commercial insurance policies to protect the financial interests of the City of Sparks. While most primary layers of risk exposure are self-insured, the city purchases commercial insurance policies to protect its financial interests against unpredictable, catastrophic losses. These policies include: property & contents (including boiler & machinery, auto physical damage, flood damage and cyber liability), public agency general liability, employee dishonesty and tenant users' liability. Funding is from the municipal self-insurance fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

Mr. Marran said art purchased by the City of Sparks is covered under the city's current policy; however, if the artist maintains ownership and loans art to the city, the current policy would not cover that art. Council Member Dahir said a change would open the door to additional artwork and Council Member Bybee said this issue will likely be addressed as the new Arts and Culture Advisory Committee develops a Public Art Program. Mr. Marran also commented on the new concern of the use of drones in city operations; however, they are excluded from the current policiy and Mr. Marran recommends the city continue to use contractors to provide drone services at this time.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve purchase of insurance policies for 2017-2018 and authorize the execution of required policy documents as recommended by the Contracts and Risk Manager. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.8 Consideration and possible approval to purchase various commercial insurance policies not to exceed $308,919 to protect the financial interests of the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility for the next policy periods and authorization for the Contracts and Risk Manager to execute policy documents. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:53 p.m.) An agenda item from Contracts & Risk Manager Dan Marran recommending Council approve the purchase commercial insurance policies to protect the financial interests of the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF) for the next policy periods. Annual renewal of insurance policies purchased for TMWRF are to protect its financial interest relating to potential accidental losses. TMWRF purchases commercial property coverage to protect against losses relating to its property and contents (including boiler and machinery exposures). Additionally, a pollution liability policy is carried at the facility and renewed on a 3-year cycle which is due in the coming fiscal year. General liability coverage (to cover premises exposures and acts of its employees) is managed under the city's master general liability policies and programs. Funding is from the joint treatment plant fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Smith, to approve purchase of recommended insurance policies for 2017-2018 and authorize the execution of required policy documents as recommended by the Contracts and Risk Manager. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 7 Monday, June 12, 2017

9.9 Consideration, discussion and possible appointment to the Regional Planning Governing Board for a three-year term (from the following pool of applicants listed in alphabetical order: Donald Abbott; Charlene Bybee; Kristopher Dahir; Ed Lawson and Ron Smith. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:56 p.m.) An agenda item from City Manager Steve Driscoll recommending Council select the appointment to the Regional Planning Goveming Board. The Regional Planning Goveming Board is responsible for regional planning policy issues and adopts the regional plan based on recommendations put forward by the Regional Planning Commission. The board has ten members; three from Washoe County; four from the City of Reno; and three from the City of Sparks. The City of Sparks' 3 appointments to the Regional Planning Goveming Board are staggered, three­ year terms. Each appointee is an elected official; the current members are Mayor Geno Martini; Council Member Ed Lawson; and Council Member Charlene Bybee with Council Member Donald Abbott as an altemate. Council Member Charlene Bybee's appointment expires on June 30, 2017; she is seeking reappointment. There is no impact to the general fund.

Mayor Martini announced he will be resigning from his position on the Regional Planning Goveming Board and provided direction to the City Manager to prepare an agenda item to allow him to make an appointment to fill that seat at the next meeting.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to re­ appoint Council Member Charlene Bybee to the Regional Planning Goveming Board for a three­ year term of June 30, 2017 to June 30, 2020. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.10 Consideration, discussion and possible approval of the Mayor's recommendation of appointments to the Civil Service Commission (from the following pool of applicants listed in alphabetical order: Candie, Alexis; Greggio, Rita) (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) This agenda item was pulled from the agenda during agenda item 5.1

9.11 Consideration, discussion and possible approval of the Mayor's recommendation of appointments to the Parks and Recreation Commission (from the following pool of applicants listed in alphabetical order: Bayer, Laura; Cromeenes, Katie Jo; Furno, Elise; Johnson, Devyn; Lauzardo, Richard; Mullen, Marisa; Palmer, Omar) (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) This agenda item was pulled from the agenda during agenda item 5.1

9.12 Consideration, discussion and possible approval of the Mayor's recommendation of appointments to the Reno Tahoe Airport Authority Board of Trustees (from the following pool of applicants listed in alphabetical order: Cromeenes, Katie Jo; Jenkins, Lynn; Phillips, Steve; Schmitt, Ron; Shockett, David; Sperber, Art). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:01 p.m.) An agenda item from City Manager Steve Driscoll recommending Council confirm the Mayor's appointment. The appointment is for 1 member for a 4-year term. Several people submitted applications expressing interest in serving on the boards. Mayor Martini conducted brief interviews with the applicants and said there were several qualified applicants and thanked them for applying; Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 8 Monday, June 12, 2017 the Mayor appointed Mr. Art Sperber to serve on the Reno Tahoe Airport Authority Board of Trustees (RTAA).

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to confirm the Mayor's appointment of Art Sperber to the Reno Tahoe Airport Authority Board of Trustees. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Sperber thanked the Mayor and Council for the opportunity to serve on the R T AA and said he will resign his positions on the Planning Commission and Sparks Citizens Advisory Committee.

9.13 Consideration and possible approval of a contract for a Sewer, Storm Drain, and Effluent Systems Rate Study Analysis, with Farr West Engineering (AC5373), in the amount of$125,300. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:04 p.m.) An agenda item from Utility Manager Andy Hummel recommending Council approve the contract. A rate study, covering sanitary sewer, storm drain, and effluent systems, was completed in 2008 and subsequently updated in 2012. The economic climate has changed since 2012, affecting residential and commercial development as well as existing users. Completion of the 2016 City of Sparks Sanitary Sewer Master Plan identified significant capital investments required within the sanitary sewer infrastructure. These changes have prompted a detailed analysis of the utility rates, policy, and code. Farr West Engineering was selected by staffto perform the rate study due to their experience with similar studies and their knowledge of regional issues relating to the City of Sparks. Funding is from the sanitary sewer operating fund, the effluent operations fund, and the storm drains operations fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve a contract for a Sewer, Storm Drain, and Effluent Systems Rate Study Analysis, with Farr West Engineering, in the amount of $125,300. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.14 FIRST READING, Bill No. 2717, an ordinance to rezone a site approximately 4.09 acres in size from PO (Professional Office) to C2 (General Commercial) located at 4950 Vista Boulevard, Sparks, NV. (Time: 3:08 p.m.) City Clerk Teresa Gardner read the Bill by title. The second reading and public hearing will be held at the regular meeting on Monday, June 26, 2017.

9.15 FIRST READING, Bill No. 2718, an ordinance to amend Chapter 13 of Sparks Municipal Code modifying environmental control and pretreatment standards; and providing for other matters properly related thereto. (Time: 3:09 p.m.) City Clerk Teresa Gardner read the Bill by title. The second reading and public hearing will be held at the regular meeting on Monday, June 26, 2017.

9.16 An exempt meeting will be held after this regular meeting adjourns between the Council and management representatives for labor negotiation purposes as allowed per NRS288.220. (Time: 3:09 p.m.) An agenda item from Assistant City Manager Neil Krutz recommending Council adjourn to an exempt meeting. NRS Chapter 288, the Local Government Employee-Management Relations Act, Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 9 Monday, June 12, 2017

regulates relations between governments and public employees. Per NRS 288.220.4, certain proceedings, such as meetings between a local government employer and its management representatives, are not required to be open or public.

10. Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning 10.1 None

11. Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items 11.1 None

12. Comments 12.1 Comments from the Public (Time: 3:11 p.m.) - None 12.2 Comments from City Council and City Manager (Time: 3:11 p.m.) Council Member Dahir extended an invitation to all to attend the 39 North Downtown Farmers Market that takes place each Thursday between 4:00 and 9:00 p.m. on Victorian Square.

Council Member Smith said the completion of the restoration of Last Chance Joe ran into a permitting issue and he requested the City Manager see ifthe city can waive the fee for the museum to help the project reach completion. Mr. Smith also requested the City Manager provide a report on the county road maintenance money being reinstated to the city.

13. Adjournment Council was adjourned at 3:13 p.m.



~\:); \::s:.rJ-D ~ Teresa Gardner, City Clerk

»> 7/10/2017 MAYOR./\ I" AI 6 1 Geno Martini •

CITY COUNCIL Donald Abbott, Ward I Ed Lawson, Ward /I Ron Smith, Ward 11/ Charlene Bybee, Ward IV Kristopher Dahir, Ward V


CITY MANAGER Steve Driscoll

REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 2:00 P.M., Monday, June 26, 2017 City Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, Nevada

1. Call to Order (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The regular meeting of the Sparks City Council was called to order by Mayor Geno Martini at 2:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call (Time: 2:00 p.m.) Mayor Geno Martini, Council Members Donald Abbott, Ed Lawson, Ron Smith, Charlene Bybee, Kristopher Dahir, City Manager Steve Driscoll, City Attorney Chet Adams and City Clerk Teresa Gardner, PRESENT.


3. Opening Ceremonies 3.1 Invocation Speaker (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The invocation was provided by Pastor Kristopher Dahir, Freedom Fellowship.

3.2 Pledge of Allegiance (Time: 2:01 p.m.) The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Lawson.

4. Public Comment (Time: 2:02 p.m.) Charles Albright spoke about decommissioning the dams and letting the Truckee River run naturally. Alicia Reban Executive Director of Nevada Land Trust, joined by Executive Director Christie Cakiroglu of Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful (KTMB), gave an update on KTMB and One Truckee River's (OTR) recent accomplishments and activities. Ms. Reban spoke of past and upcoming events.

5. Agenda (Time: 2:09 p.m.) 5.1 Approval of the Agenda (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Consideration of taking items out of sequence, deleting items and adding items which require action upon a finding that an emergency exists.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to approve the agenda as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 2 Monday, June 26, 2017

6. Minutes (Time: 2:09 p.m.) 6.1 Consideration and possible approval of the minutes of the regular Sparks City Council meeting of June 12,2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve the minutes of the regular Sparks City Council meeting on June 12, 2017. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

7. Announcements, Presentations, Recognition Items and Items of Special Interest (Time: 2:10 p.m.) 7.1 Presentation of the upcoming "Last Chance Joe" DMV license plates by Dick Dreiling of the Sparks Heritage Museum. (Time: 2:10 p.m.) Sparks Heritage Foundation Secretary Dick Dreiling presented the license plate design and information on the background leading up to production of the plate. The Museum will receive $20 dollars per plate issued. Donations can be made for completing the restoration of Last Chance Joe by sending a check to the Museum. Mr. Dreiling also presented a new book published about Sparks that will be available July 20, 2017.

7.2 Presentation on the summary and conclusion of the 79th Regular Session of the 2017 Nevada Legislature. (Time: 2:23 p.m.) Sr. Administrative Analyst Kathy Clewett and Rocky Finseth of Carrara Nevada introduced the Carrara Nevada staff and summarized the results of the 2017 Legislative Session.

8. Consent Items (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:54 p.m.) A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve consent items 8.1 through 8.5 as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

8.1 Report of Claims and Bills approved for payment and appropriation transfers for the period May 25, 2017 through June 7, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending the City Council approve the report of claims and bills as presented in the staff report.

8.2 Consideration and possible approval of an agreement (AC-5381) to continue phone service from Jive Communications at the rates defined in their proposal dated 5/3112017 for an estimated annual cost of $87,902.40. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from IT Manager Steve Davidek recommending Council approve the agreement with Jive conununications for continuing phone service in the estimated annual amount of $87,902.40. In April 2014, the city entered into a contract with Jive Communications for three years to provide telephone service using VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) technology. Jive has worked with the city to lower the cost of the initial three-year contract by creating two levels of phone use and lowering the per device connected charge by 75 cents each for a two-year continuation of service. These changes will save the city approximately $3000 a month in phone costs, and will give Information Technology (IT) time to search for either a replacement system or upgrades after CIP resources are available for major IT Projects in future budget years. There is an estimated annual cost of$87,902.40 spread across numerous programs and funds and represents an approximate annual savings of $36,000 compared to the previous contract. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 3 Monday, June 26, 2017

8.3 Consideration and possible approval of a construction contract (AC-5376) for the Community Services Wing Restroom Renovation and ADA Upgrade Project in the amount of $53,333 to Truckee Meadows Construction. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Capital Projects Manager Brian Cason recommending Council approve the contract. The restroom renovation will reconfigure the restrooms to improve the plumbing, replace deteriorating flooring, upgrade fixtures, replace non-compliant drinking fountain, and improve ADA accessibility to the Community Service Wing Restrooms at City Hall. Funding is from the capital projects fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

8.4 Consideration and possible approval of a construction contract (AC-5377) for the Truckee River Bike Path Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $73,995 to Apex Grading and Paving Inc. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Capital Projects Manager Brian Cason recommending Council approve the contract. This project will consist of grinding 2,700 lineal feet of existing asphalt concrete pathway and replacing it with 3" of new asphalt concrete from the western edge of Cottonwood Park to the McCarran bridge. Funding is from the parks and recreation project fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

8.5 Consideration and possible approval of a refund of building permit fees to Silverado Village 8, LLC for issued permits #AI601281 and A1601631 in the amount of $11,356.14 (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Development Services Manager Karen Melby recommending Council approve the refund. Silverado Homes applied for permits A1601281 and A1601631 to construct new single-family residences at 4127 Passage Dr. and 7044 Draco Dr. respectively. They were assessed the standard sewer connection fees. After issuance of the new permits, it was deternlined that the sewer connections had been established and paid for with the issuance of construction trailer permits at both locations. Funding is from development services fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

9. General Business 9.1 Consideration, discussion and possible approval of the Mayor's recommendation of appointments to the Civil Service Commission (from the following pool of applicants listed in alphabetical order: Candie, Alexis; Greggio, Rita; Rainey, Michael). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:55 p.m.) An agenda item from City Manager Stephen Driscoll recommending Council confirm the Mayor's appointments to the Civil Service Commission. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to confirm the Mayor's appointments of Rita Greggio and Michael Rainey to the Civil Service Commission to terms that expire on June 30, 2020. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.2 Consideration, discussion and possible approval of the Mayor's recommendation of appointments to the Parks and Recreation Commission (from the following pool of applicants listed in alphabetical order: Bayer, Laura; Cromeenes, Katie Jo; Furno, Elise; Johnson, Devyn; Lauzardo, Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 4 Monday, June 26, 2017

Richard; Lean, Thomas; Mullen, Marisa; Palmer, Omar; Sexton, David). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:56 p.m.) An agenda item from City Manager Stephen Driscoll recommending Council confirm the Mayor's appointments to the Parks and Recreation Commission. There is no impact to the general fund .

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to confirm the Mayor's appointments of Laura Bayer, Thomas Lean, and David Sexton to the Parks and Recreation Commission to terms that expire on June 30, 2020. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.3 Consideration of and possible approval of the Mayor's recommendation of the appointment of James Fewins to the Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Commission from the following potential appointees: Mary Brock, Scott Carey, James Fewins and James Gaba. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:57 p.m.) An agenda item from City Manager Stephen Driscoll recommending Council confirm the Mayor's appointments to the Regional Planning Commission. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to confirm the Mayor's recommendation to appoint James Fewins to the Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Commission to a term that expires on June 30, 2020. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.4 Consideration, discussion and possible appointments to the Regional Planning Governing Board for the remainder of two three-year terms (from the following pool of applicants listed in alphabetical order: Donald Abbott; Kristopher Dahir and Ron Smith.) (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:58 p.m.) An agenda item from City Manager Stephen Driscoll recommending Council appoint one member for the remainder of a three-year term. There is no impact to the general fund.

Council discussed the other appointment which is for a partial term. The agenda item for the partial term will be heard at the next City Council meeting.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to appoint Council Member Donald Abbott to the Regional Planning Governing Board for the remainder of a three-year term to June 30, 2018. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.5 Consideration and possible adoption of Resolution No. 3313 to augment the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 (FYI7) budget in the Parks and Recreation Fund and the Motor Vehicle Maintenance Fund. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:02 p.m.) An agenda item from Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending Council adopt the Resolution to augment the FYI7 budget in the following funds : • Parks and Recreation Fund (1221) - $315,000 • Motor Vehicle Maintenance Fund (1702) - $600,000 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 5 Monday, June 26, 2017

The procedures and requirements for budget augmentations are outlined in NRS 354.598005(1) and NAC 354.410. This augmentation request meets those requirements.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to adopt Resolution No. 3313 to augment the FY17 budgets of the Parks and Recreation, and Motor Vehicle Maintenance Funds. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.6 Consideration and possible acceptance of a 2016 Department of Homeland Security Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) (AC-5378) in the amount of $117,148 to purchase four 12-lead defibrillators to support the fire department's Paramedic program. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:06 p.m.) An agenda item from Fire Chief Chris Maples accompanied by REMSA's EMS Coordinator Captain Ed McDonald, recommending Council accept the 2016 Department of Homeland Security Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) for the purchase of four (4) defibrillators and related equipment. On November 17, 2016, the Sparks Fire Department applied for a AFG to purchase four (4) 12-lead defibrillators to support the department's Paramedic program. These units will replace four (4) aging defibrillators that do not have the capabilities needed to provide the advanced cardiac monitoring necessary under the department's paramedic protocols. The amount requested under the grant was $117,148.

On May 26, 2017, the Fire Department was notified the grant request had been approved. Under the terms of the grant, the federal government will provide $106,499 and the department will contribute matching funds in the amount of $10,649 for a total of $117,148. All funds must be expended by May 18,2018. There is a $10,649 impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to accept the 2016 Assistance to Firefighters Grant in the amount of $117,148, which includes $106,499 in federal funds and $10,649 in city funds. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.7 Consideration and possible approval of $470,000 for contracted laborers for Parks and Street Maintenance, Community Service crew during FYI8. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:08 p.m.) An agenda item from Public Works Manager Ron Korman recommending Council approve the expenditure for contracted laborers to support city services. FY18 will be the fifth full season that Public Works will utilize contracted workers from temporary agencies to support Parks Maintenance and Street Maintenance with the following tasks: trash pick-up, restroom cleaning, mowing, weed control, community service crew, crack sealing, street patching, filling pot holes and cleaning alleys. There an impact of up to $470,000 to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Smith, to approve the use of contracted laborers in the amount of $470,000 during FYI8. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.8 Consideration and possible approval of an Interlocal Cooperative Agreement (AC-5379) with Washoe County for the construction of an additional parking Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 6 Monday, June 26, 2017

lot at Golden Eagle Regional Park Little League fields in the amount of $300,000. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:11 p.m.) An agenda item from Capital Projects Manager Brian Cason recommending Council approve the agreement. Since the completion of two additional Little League fields at Golden Eagle Regional Park (GERP), parking has been limited. This agreement provides approximately eighty-eight additional parking spaces.

In the November 2000 election, voters approved the sale of bonds for acquiring, improving and equipping parks, trails and open space. This funding is for new items within or related to parks and not for maintenance of existing parks. The Washoe County Board of Commissioners approved a specific project list on April 25, 2000, which included the Spanish Springs Canyon Regional Park, (now known as the Golden Eagle Park & Sports Complex or Golden Eagle Regional Park). This agreement funds the construction of one parking lot with approximately eighty-eight spaces, pole lights, curb, drainage, and striping improvements on the north side of the existing Golden Eagle Little League fields. There is no impact to the general fund.

Council Member Dahir asked if it was possible to acquire money for field replacement. Rosemarie Entsminger, the Washoe County Fiscal Compliance officer, stated the money has been used but if there were any monies found as projects were completed, Washoe County would reach out to the City of Sparks.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve the interlocal cooperative agreement with Washoe County for the construction of an additional parking lot at Golden Eagle Regional Park Little League fields in the amount of$300,000. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.9 Consideration and possible approval of an Interlocal Cooperative Agreement (AC-5380) between the City of Reno, Washoe County and the City of Sparks for the operation of the Community Assistance Center (CAC) and other homeless services for fiscal year 2018 with Sparks' share being $277,410. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3;15 p.m.) An agenda item from Housing Specialist George Graham recommending approval of the agreement which is effective upon approval of all parties and is for the period from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 (FY 2018). The agreement specifies the funding that each of the local governments will provide for CAC operations during FY 2018. Sparks' contribution of CDBG funds is contingent on HUD's approval of the City's Annual Action Plan for 2017118. For the City of Sparks, the amount of this commitment is calculated by multiplying the assessed value of property within the City of Sparks (excluding Redevelopment Areas) by .0001 (i. e., one penny of property tax). For FY 2018, Sparks' assessed value equals $2,774,101,639. This amount is divided by 100 and multiplied by .01 , which equals $277,410. The FY 2018 contributions of the City of Reno and Washoe County are $773,762 and $2,418,189, respectively. Combined, the three jurisdictions will contribute $3,469,361.

Council expressed their concerns about the increased costs. Council Member Dahir asked if Council could tour the facilities being funded and if the funding could be delayed until after the tour. Community Services Director John Martini stated the money has already been budgeted, the city agreed to partner with the other entities, and urged Council to approve. Acting City Manager Neil Krutz said staff will provide financial reports of how the money was spent last year. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 7 Monday, June 26, 2017

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve the Interlocal Cooperative Agreement between the City of Reno, Washoe County and the City of Sparks for the operation ofthe Community Assistance Center (CAC) and other homeless services for fiscal year 2018 with Sparks' share being $277,410. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Council Member Smith, NO. Motion carried 4-1.

9.10 Consideration, discussion and possible adoption of a Business Impact Statement regarding proposed amendments to Title 5 of the Sparks Municipal Code entitled Business Licenses, Taxes and Regulations pertaining to licensing requirements and establishment of fees for medical marijuana establishments to operate "at retail" and marijuana distributors. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:35 p.m.) An agenda item from Development Services Manager Karen Melby recommending Council adopt the Business Impact Statement related to the proposed amendment to SMC Chapter 5.80 concerning the licensing and operation of existing medical marijuana establishments and distributors as 'at retail' marijuana establishments.

The medical marijuana industry has been operating for less than two years in Nevada. The operating history of Medical Marijuana Establishments (MMEs) in Sparks is limited. This makes it difficult to project City revenues and costs (for regulating and providing public services) resulting from the potential expansion of existing Sparks MMEs into "at retail" (a.k.a. non-medical or recreational) marijuana cultivation, production and sales. The proposed ordinance also provides for the licensing of distributors to transport retail marijuana. The proposed business licensing fees will, however, at least partially offset the City'S costs.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to adopt the Business Impact Statement related to the proposed amendment to SMC Chapter 5.80 concerning the licensing and operation of existing medical marijuana establishments and distributors as 'at retail' marijuana establishments. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Dahir, YES. Council Member Bybee, NO. Motion calTied 4-1.

9.11 FIRST READING of Bill No. 2719, an ordinance amending Title 5 of the Sparks Municipal Code (Sections 5.80.010 to 5.80.200 and adding 5.80.35, 5.80.55 and 5.80.195) to: license medical marijuana dispensaries to sell or dispense marijuana and marijuana-infused products at retail; license medical marijuana cultivation and production facilities to cultivate and produce marijuana and marijuana-infused products at retail; license independent testing laboratories to test marijuana and marijuana-infused products at retail; license distributors to transport marijuana and marijuana-infused products at retail; and other matters properly related thereto. (Time: 3 :53 p.m.) City Clerk Teresa Gardner read the Bill by title. The second reading and public hearing will be held at the regular meeting on Monday, July 10, 2017.

9.12 FIRST READING OF Bill No. 2720, an ordinance amending Title 20 of the Sparks Municipal Code (Sections 20.03.25, 20.03.26 and 20.08.002) to: permit licensed medical marijuana dispensaries to sell or dispense marijuana, edible marijuana products and marijuana-infused products at retail; permit licensed Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 8 Monday, June 26, 2017

independent testing laboratories and medical marijuana production and cultivation facilities to test, produce and cultivate marijuana, edible marijuana products and marijuana-infused products at retail; and other matters properly related thereto. (CA-2-17) (Time: 3:54 p.m.) City Clerk Teresa Gardner read the Bill by title. The second reading and public hearing will be held at the regular meeting on Monday, July 10, 2017.

10. Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning 10.1 SECOND READING, Public Hearing, discussion and possible adoption of Bill No. 2718, an ordinance amending Chapter 13 of Sparks Municipal Code modifying environmental control and pretreatment standards; and providing for other matters properly related thereto. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:55 p.m.) An agenda item from Utility Manager Andrew Hummel recommending Council approve Bill No. 2718. On September 8, 2014 City Council approved amendments to Title 13 of the Sparks Municipal Code regarding environmental control and pretreatment standards, among others. The United States Environmental Protection Agency has reviewed these amendments and requested additional changes. First Reading of Bill No. 2718 occurred on June 12,2017. Adoption of the proposed bill will amend, by ordinance, Title 13 of the Sparks Municipal Code. There is no impact to the general fund.

The Public Hearing was opened at 4:08 p.m. No comments were received.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to approve Bill No. 2718. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

11. Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items

11.1 SECOND READING, Public Hearing, consideration and possible adoption of Bill No 2717 to rezone a site approximately 4.09 acres in size from PO (Professional Office) to C2 (General Commercial) located at 4950 Vista Boulevard, Sparks, NV. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:58 p.m.) An agenda item from Development Services Manager Karen Melby recommending Council approve Bill No. 2717. Rock Community Church requested to rezone a site approximately 4.09 acres in size from PO (Professional Office) to C2 (General Commercial). This rezoning request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan and is appropriate for the site location. The site is adjacent to other C2 zoned properties and single family residential properties. Staff believes that all the findings can be made and recommended approval to the Sparks Planning Commission. On May 4,2017, the Sparks Planning Commission voted to forward a recommendation of approval to the Sparks City Council. There is no impact to the general fund.

The Public Hearing was opened at 4:08 p.m. No comments were received.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to adopt Bill No. 2717 and approve the rezoning request associated with PCN17-001S based on Findings Z1 through Z3 and the facts supporting these findings as set forth in the staff report. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 9 Monday, June 26, 2017

12. Comments 12.1 Comments from the Public (Time: 4:09 p.m.)

12.2 Comments from City Council and City Manager (Time: 4:09 p.m.) Acting City Manager Neil Krutz said the City of Sparks received a Certificate of Senatorial Recognition from Senator Dean Heller for Deer Park Pool. Mr. Krutz also announced that due to a resignation there is an opening on the Planning Commission Board for 1 member, the term is for the remainder of the vacancy to December 31 , 2018.

Council Member Dahir said the 39-North Downtown has events happening downtown Sparks and there are a lot of great activities to check out.

13. Adjournment Council was adjourned at 4: 11 p.m.

b R. nvvJ::. GENO R. MARTINI, Mayor


» > 7/24/2017 MAYOR AI 6.1 Geno Martini

CITY COUNCIL Donald Abbott, Ward I Ed Lawson, Ward 1/ Ron Smith, Ward III Charlene Bybee, Ward IV Kristopher Dahir, Ward V


CITY MANAGER Steve Driscoll

REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 2:00 P.M., Monday, July 10,2017 City Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, Nevada

1. Call to Order (Time: 2:00 p,m.) The regular meeting of the Sparks City Council was called to order by Mayor Geno Martini at 2:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call (Time: 2:00 p.m.) Mayor Geno Martini, Council Members Donald Abbott, Ed Lawson, Ron Smith, Charlene Bybee. Kristopher Dallir, City Manager Steve Driscoll, City Attorney Chet Adams and City Clerk Teresa Gardner, PllliSENT,


3. Opening Ceremonies 3.1 Invocation Speaker (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The invocation was provided by President Rajan Zed, Universal Society of Hinduism.

3.2 Pledge of Allegiance (Time: 2:02 p,m,) The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Charlene Bybee.

4. Public Comment (Time: 2:03 p.m,) The following citizens provided public comment in opposition of the proposed school at Wildcreek Golf Course: Liz Griffin, Darlene Hesse, John Capurro, George E. Lee, Darla A, Lee, Ardena Perry, and Kathleen Shupp,

The public comment provided expressed concerns regarding increased traffic problems, flooding, noise and light pollution, costs of bussing students to and from the school, air traffic issues, and reduction of green open space and quality of life.

Ardena Perry also spoke in opposition of the Ordinance to license and permit the cultivation, production and sale of recreational marijuana, Ms, Perry is concerned that marijuana is a federal crime, She also spoke about the dangers of second hand smoke, A woman spoke anonymously about children's legal causes of action regarding the survival of domestic abuse and the courts destroying evidence, Kim Ciesynski provided an update on 39 North Downtown and the events that have been happening in downtown Sparks, She requested the amphitheater and back storage area be cleaned due to health concerns, Ms. Ciesynski read a letter from 39 North Downtown in Regular City Council Meeting Minutes· Page 2 Monday, July 10, 2017 support of the marijuana industry. Gerard Mager and Geoff Staffelbach spoke opposing the Ordinance to license and permit the cultivation, production and sale of recreational marijuana. Dr. Shane Johnson spoke in favor of the Ordinance to license and permit the cultivation, production and sale of recreational marijuana.

5. Agenda (Time: 2:37 p.m.) 5.1 Approval of the Agenda (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Consideration of taking items out of sequence, deleting items and adding items which require action upon a finding that an emergency exists.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Smith, to approve the agenda as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

6. Minutes (Time: 2:37 p.m.) 6.1 Consideration and possible approval of the minutes of the regular Sparks City Council meeting of June 26, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve the minutes of the regular Sparks City Council meeting on June 26, 2017. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

7. Announcements, Presentations, Recognition Items and Items of Special Interest (Time: 3:38 p.m.) 7.1 Proclamation: "Parks and Recreation Month" (Time: 2:38 p.m.) Mayor Martini proclaimed July 2017 as "Parks and Recreation Month" acknowledging the importance of parks and recreation programs and recognizing the vital contributions of employees and volunteers. The proclamation was presented to Parks and Recreation Director Tracy Domingues.

7.2 Presentation: "Highlights and challenges within the Sparks Parks and Recreation Department" (Time: 2:45 p.m.) Parks and Recreation Commission Chair Jack Byrom presented highlights of recent successes and challenges regarding youth watch programming, special events, Golden Eagle Regional Sports Complex, and the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee.

8. Consent Items (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:55 p.m.) A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Smith, to approve consent items 8.1 through 8.6 as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

8.1 Report of Claims and Bills approved for payment and appropriation transfers for the period June 8, 2017 through June 21, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending the City Council approve the report of claims and bills as presented in the staff report. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 3 Monday, July 10, 2017

8_2 Consideration and possible approval to purchase plant mix of an amount not to exceed $70,000 during FY18 from mUltiple vendors, based on market conditions_ (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Public Works Manager Ron Komlan recommending Council approve the purchase. Due to the volatile nature ofthe base ingredients in plant mix, (oil) and the limited local supply base, the city has historically been unable to secure a firm, fixed price via formal bidding for the materials at hand. Suppliers have generally been unable to hold prices beyond a 30-60-day period. Public Works Maintenance Division will make purchases on an as needed basis using a "quick quote" process. When the need arises, the division will solicit written quotes for needed quantities from the local plants that have the capacity and available supply to deliver per the city's requirements. Individual purchase orders will then be generated to the lowest cost supplier. This process will meet the CUlTent city guidelines to seek multiple competitive quotes for individual purchases of less than $50,000 (the current formal bid limit for commodities); multiple purchases will not exceed $70,000 (cumulatively) for the balance of the fiscal year. Funds arc budgeted in the road fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

8.3 Consideration and possible approval to purchase a 2017 Ravo 5 Street Sweeper from Municipal Maintenance Equipment in the amount of 8232,636.70. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Public Works Manager Ron Korman recommending Council approve the purchase to replace an existing Street Sweeper (vehicle 729B) which has come to the end of its useful service life. Funds are budgeted in the motor vehicle maintenance fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

8.4 Consideration and possible approval to purchase PC's,notebooks, networking equipment, printers and storage not to exceed the approved Fiscal Year 2018 IT CIP budget of S238,820 with Summit Partners LLC. or other vendors as needed from the NASPO ValuePoint Contract (formerly known as the Western States Contracting Alliance or WSCA). (FOR POSSlBL~ ACTION) An agenda item from IT Manager Steve Davidek recommending Council approve the purchase. As approved in the FYl8 budget, IT has a limited number ofprojects planned, including scheduled refresh of certain servers, PCs, notebooks and tablets, adding additional disk space to the storage array, and other networking equipment. NRS Chapter 332.11 5(h) exempts computer hardware and software items from competitive bid. However, tllese purchases utilize the joinder provision allowed under NRS 332.195 and NASPO ValuePoint Contract (fonnerly known as the Western States Contracting Alliance or WSCA). Funds are budgeted in the IT crp FY 18 budget; there is no impact to the general fund.

8.5 Consideration and possible approval of a Final Map for The Foothills at Wingfield Village 11 - Phase 2 Subdivision. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from City Engineer Jon Ericson recommending Council approve the final map as submitted. The Foothills at Wingfield Village 11 - Phase 2 final map will create 51 residential lots within The Foothills at Wingfield Springs New Urban District. The final subdivision map and improvement drawings have been checked and found to be technically correct, conforming to local ordinances and state law. The appropriate plan checking and inspection fees have been paid. There is no impact to the general fund. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 4 Monday, July 10, 2017

8.6 Consideration and possible acceptance of the State of Nevada Office of the Attorney General Services-Training-Officers-Prosecutors (STOP) Violence Against Women Formula Grant in the amount of $64,426 to fund tbe existing Victim Advocate Position (AC-5382). (FOR POSSlBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Police Chief Brian Allen recommending Council accept the grant. In 2015, Adam Laxalt, the Attorney General of the State of Nevada, initiated a victim services pilot project grant program in Washoe County. The Sparks Police Department was invited to participate and was awarded $46,369 in 2015 and $64,459 in 2016 to fund 75 percent of the salary for a second victim advocate at the Sparks Police Department. This award will continue to fund 75 percent of the additional victim advocate's annual salary through June 30, 2018. There is a $21,475 impact to the general fund.

9. General Business 9.1 Consideration, discussion and possible approval of payment of $5,000 in membership dues to Western Nevada Development District (WNDD). (FOR POSSlBLE ACTION) Crime: 2:56 p.m.) An agenda item from City Manager Stephen Driscoll recommending Council approve the payment for the annual dues for the city's membership for FYI8. WNDD strives to promote and enhance collaboration towards the goal of the development of workforce and infrastructure for economic vitality. There is $5 ,000 impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to approve payment of $5,000 to Western Nevada Development District. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.2 Consideration, discussion and possible appointment of an alternate member to the Regional Planning Governing Board for the remainder of a three-year alternate term (from the following pool of applicants listed in alphabetical order: Kristopher Dahir and Ron Smith.) (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Crime: 3:01 p.m.) An agenda item from City Manager Stephen Driscoll recommending Council select the appointment to the Regional Planning Governing Board. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Lawson. to appoint Kristopher Dahir as an alternate to the Regional Planning Governing Board, filling the remainder of a three-year term through January 30, 2019. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.3 Consideration and possible approval to purchase a 2014 PeterbuiltNac-Con truck from Atlantic MachineryIMunicipal Maintenance Equipment in the amount of $412,230. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:02 p.m.) An agenda item from Public Works Manager Ron Konnan recommending Council approve the purchase. Mr. Konnan pointed out that the agenda item has a typographical error. The purchase is for a 2017 truck, not a 2014 truck. The Vac-Con (vehicle 740 C) needing replacement is over 17 years old and the costs to maintain this truck have dramatically increased during the past several years. This equipment is used to maintain the city's infrastructure on a daily basis. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 5 Monday, July 10, 2017

Staff considered what options would be beneficial to the city and determined a larger water tank capacity would mean less trips to fill up and a more efficient fan system would increase the versatility of this truck allowing Public Works Maintenance staff to more efficiently perform routine and emergency maintenance. Staff worked with the manufacturer to provide the most efficient machine to perform the work it needs to do. Funds are budgeted in the motor vehicle maintenance fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by COlUlcil Member Lawson, to approve the purchase of one 2017 PeterbuiltNac-Con truck from Atlantic Machinery/Municipal Maintenance Equipment in the amount of $412,230. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.4 Consideration and possible approval of a professional services contract (AC- 5383) to West Coast Code Consultants, Inc. for building permit plan review services, in an amount not to exceed $332,000. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:05 p.m.) An agenda item from Assistant Community Services Director Armando Ornelas reconmlending Council award the contract. The Building and Safety Division of the Community Services Department has experienced a steady increase in the number of applications for building permits. To provide timely building permit services to the development community, the use of outside plan checking services is needed to augment those provided by existing staff. The Building and Safety Division has been using the qualified professional services firm West Coast Code Consultants, Inc. West Coast Code Consultants, Inc. will provide plan review services on an as-needed basis. Funds are budgeted in the development services fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve a professional services contract with West Coast Code Consultants, Inc. for building permit plan review services, for an amount not to exceed $332,000. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

95 Consideration and possible approval of a professional services contract (AC- 5384) to Charles Abbott Associates, Inc. for building permit plan review services, in an amount not to exceed $144,000. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:09 p.m.) An agenda item from Assistant Community Services Director Armando Ornelas recommending Council award the contract. The Building and Safety Division of the Community Services Department has experienced a steady increase in the number of applications for building permits. To provide timely building permit services to the development community, the use of outside plan checking services is needed to augment those provided by existing staff. The Building and Safety Division bas been using the qualified professional services firm Charles Abbott Associates, Inc. Charles Abbott Associates, Inc. will provide plan review services on an as-needed basis. Funds are budgeted in the development services fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Dabir, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve a professional services contract to Charles Abbott Associates, Inc. for building permit plan review services, for an anlount not to exceed $144,000. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 6 Monday, July 10, 2017

9.6 Consideration and possible approval of Impact Fee Agreement #26 with Pioneer Meadows Development, LLC to allow for participation and use of credits in Impact Fee Service Area Number 1 (AC-5385). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:10 p.m.) An agenda item from Community Services Director John Martini recommending Council approve the agreement. This agreement is entered into for the Impact Fee Service Area#I(IFSA#I) impact fee credit program. Impact Fee Agreement #26 is a master agreement that will allow Pioneer Meadows Development, LLC to participate in the impact fee program. This agreement has been reviewed by the Impact Fee administrator and the City Attorney's office and has been found acceptable. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Conncil Member Smith, to approve Impact Fee Agreement #26 with Pioneer Meadows Development, LLC as recommended by staff. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.7 Consideration and possible award of bid# 17/18-002 to Lchr Auto Electric to complete Emergency Vehicle up-fits on an as-needed basis for an initial contract period of 12 months, with mutually agreeable options for extension of up to 3 additional years. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:13 p.m.) An agenda item from Public Works Manager Ron Korman recommending Council award bid# 17/18-002 for the contract. During vehicle replacement, the city uses vendors to supply and/or install equipment in vehicles that are used in the Police and Fire Departments. Items may include lights, sirens, radios, antennas, equipment mounts and all other associated materials that are installed after purchase and delivery of the base vehicle to the city. The city completed a bid process to identify a vendor that would provide these services on an as-needed basis. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to award Bid #17118-002 for Emergency Vehicle Upfit to Lehr Auto Electric. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed nnanimously.

9.8 Consideration, discussion and possible direction to the City Manager for possible amendments to Title!) and Title 12 of the Sparks Municipal Code regarding principal park rules in Sparks. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Crime: 3:15 p.m.) An agenda item from Parks and Recreation Director Tracy Domingues recommending Conncil direct the City Manager to proceed with potential Sparks Municipal Code amendments to assist with enforcement and education of principal park rules. Signage with code is extremely helpful to refer to when Sparks Police are dispatched to assist with non-compliant park users or when the general public wishes to assist with rule enforcement. Upon approval of SMC revisions, staff will create new signage to be prominently displayed at park entrances. The first parks will be those with the highest volume of park users such as Golden Eagle Regional Park, Pah Rah Park, Shadow Mountain Park, Sparks Marina Park, and Deer Park with the eventual goal of signage at every park.

Current parks rules include: Park Hours: 6:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. SMC 12.24.030 Dogs must be on a leash WCC 55.100 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 7 Monday, July 10, 2017

Pick up after your dog WCC 55.130 Alcohol prohibited SMC 5.28.165 Discharge of B-B guns prohibited SMC 9.66.010 Discharge of firearms prohibited SMC 9.66.020 Unauthorized motor vehicles prohibited SMC 12.24.020 Excessive noise prohibited SMC 12.24.080 Fires prohibited SMC 12.24.050 Camping prohibited in city parks SMC 12.24.040 Camping prohibited within 300' ofriver SMC 9.48.030

Additional rules recommended for codification include the following: Inflatables prohibited in city parks Add to Section 12.24 Archery prohibited in city parks Add to Section 12.24 Golfing prohibited in city parks Add to Section 12.24 Organized sports prohibited without a permit in city parks Add to Section 12.24 Metal Detectors prohibited without a permit in city parks Add to Section 12.24 Unmanned aerial vehicles prohibited without a permit in city parks Add to Section 12.24 Inflatables prohibited without a permit during special events Add to Section 9.34

The addition of these recommended rules will contribute to a safer environment in our parks. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to direct the City Manager to initiate amendments to the Sparks Municipal Code to include the proposed principal park rules. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

10. Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning 10.1 Public Hearing, consideration and possible approval of Resolution No. 3314, a Resolution authorizing the Financial Services Department to establish an interfund loan to the Community Development Block Grant Entitlement Fund, and/or the Community Development Block Grant Fund, and/or the Sparks Grants & Donations Fund, from the General Fund as needed. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:21 p.m.) An agenda item from Accounting Manager Debi Kinder recommending Council approve the Resolution. The city' s three grant funds are operated mainly on a reimbursement basis and as such may experience cash flow problems. NRS 354.6118 and NAC 354.290 have established that a public hearing is required for any interfund loans and that any fund with negative cash has been a party to such a loan. Since grant spending cannot always be predicted accurately, cash needs may not allow sufficient time to hold the required public hearing. This resolution will allow the Financial Services Director to manage the cash flow of reimbursement grant funds in a more efficient manner without potentially violating NRS public hearing requirements. This Resolution will allow for interfund loan(s) to be made from the general fund to one or all the city's three grant funds to the extent that the grant funds would not suffer a 'negativc' cash situation. There is no impact to the general fund.

Public Hearing was opened at 3:25 p.m.; no comments were received. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 8 Monday, July 10, 2017

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve Resolution No. 3314. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

10.2 Public Hearing, consideration and possible approval of Resolution No. 3315, a Resolution authorizing the Financial Services Department to establish an interfund loan to the General Fund from the Motor Vehicle Maintenance Fund of the City of Sparks as necessary for General Fund cash flow purposes. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:25 p.m.) An agenda item from Accounting Managcr Dcbi Kinder recommending Council approve the Resolution. The Financial Services Department can manage cash flow morc efficiently and effectively in accordance with Nevada law with the ability to issue short term inter fund loans on an 'as needed' basis. The city pools the cash from all funds for investment purposes; however, NAC 354.290 states that if any single fund experiences negative cash, regardless of duration, the city would be deemed to have created an interfund loan in violation of NRS 354.6118. Specifically, NRS 354.6118 requires that a city wishing to make an interfund loan hold a public hearing to determine use and availability of funds and to establish a loan agreement. As payment outnows C31mot always be predicted accurately, cash needs may not allow sufficient time to hold the required public hearing. This resolution will allow the Financial Services Director to manage the cash flow in a more efficient manner without potentially violating NRS 354.6118. This Resolution allows for interfund loan(s) to bc made from the motor vehicle maintenance fund to the general fund to the extent that the general fund would not suffer a 'negative' cash situation. There is no impact to the general fund .

Public Hearing was opened at 3 :27 p.m. ; no comments were received.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve Resolution No. 33 15 authorizing an interfund 10311 to the general fund of the City of Sparks as necessary for general fund cash flow purposes. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

10.3 SECOND READING, Public Hearing, discussion and possible action on Bill No. 2719, an ordinance amending Title 5 of the Sparks Municipal Code (Sections 5.80.010 to 5.80.200 and adding 5.80.35, 5.80.55 and 5.80.195) to: license medical marijuana dispensaries to sell or dispense mari.juana and marijuana-infused products at retail; license medical marijuana cultivation and production facilities to cultivate and produce marijuana and marijuana­ infused products at retail; license independent testing laboratories to test marijuana and marijuana-infused products at retail; license distributors to transport marijuana and marijuana-infused products at retail; and other matters properly related thereto. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:28 p.m.) An agenda item from Assistant Community Services Director Armando Ornelas recommending Council approve and adopt the ordinance. Thc proposed ordinance amends Chapter 5 of the Sparks Municipal Code to permit the city to license, and impose associated fees for, existing Medical Marijuana Establishments to engage in "at retail" (i.e., non-medical or recreational) marijuana cultivation, production, testing and sales pursuant to a license issued by the State of Nevada under Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 9 Monday, July 10, 2017 the authority of Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 4530. Bill No. 2719 also provides for the licensing of distributors to transport marijuana.

The license fees proposed for retail cultivation, production, sale and distribution of marijuana and marijuana-infused products are a one-time application fee of $5 ,000 and, for each quarter based on the establishment's gross receipts for the previous quarter, an additional fee of three percent (3%). The additional three percent fee is the maximum amount the State of Nevada permits local governments to charge a retail marijuana establishment, as provided for in Senate Bill 487. Please note that Senate Bill 487 was passed by the Nevada legislature in 2017 and has been approved by Governor Sandoval. However, as of the date this staff report was prepared, implementation ofSB 487 was pending the outcome of a legal challenge. Bill No. 2719 also proposes that marijuana independent testing laboratories pay the license fees applicable to other non-privilege business licenses in Sparks, as specified in Section 5.12.100 of the SMC.

Senate Bill 487 also stipulates that marijuana establishments need to designate their marijuana inventory as medical or retail. Marijuana inventory can be kept as a single inventory until the point of sale to the consumer. The proposed city Ordinance requires, however, that any marijuana establishment licensed by the State of Nevada as a marijuana establishment under the authority of NRS Chapter 4530 (for retail marijuana) obtain a City of Sparks retail marijuana establishment license.

The medical marijuana industry has been operating for less than two years in Nevada. The operating history of Medical Marijuana Establishments (MMEs) in Sparks is limited. Tbis makes it difficult to project city revenues and costs (for regulating and providing public services) resulting from tbe potential expansion of existing Sparks MMEs into "at retail" (a.k.a. non-medical or recreational) marijuana cultivation, production and sales. The proposed Ordinance also provides for the licensing of distributors to transport marijuana. The proposed business licensing fees will, however, at least partially offset the city's costs. Impact to tbe general fund is unknown.

Public Hearing was opened at 3:39 p.m. The following citizens spoke in opposition of passing tbe Ordinance: Ray Rocha, Gerard Mager, Jennifer Snyder, Geoff Staffelbacb, Larry Osslund, and Cher Daniels.

The following citizens did not wisb to speak but wanted to go on record in opposition of passing the Ordinance: R. Ricbard Franklin. Helene Franklin, George E. Lee, Darla A. Lee, Lea Maser, and Rebecca Gassa.

The public comment provided expressed concerns regarding marijuana still being illegal at tbe federal government, the increase in crime, accidents, cost of police, personnel costs, and risk to our children.

Will Adler of the Sierra CaJmabis Coalition spoke in support of passing the Ordinance. Mr. Adler stated tbat marijuana is legal in Nevada as of January 1"; tbe Ordinance is not about making marijuana legal.

Public Hearing was closed at 3:57 p.m. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 10 Monday, July 10, 2017

Council Member Bybee stated her concerns with the issues recreational marijuana use causes. Ms. Bybee also stated that her Ward voted no on the recreational marijuana and she represents her Ward. Council Member Dahir asked about the ability to enforce the law about use in public. Police Chief Allen said there are state and city codes in place and the police department will enforce the law. Council Member Lawson stated that hi s Ward did vote yes and he answers to his Ward. Council Member Smith stated he opposes but will also support the Ordinance according to the will of his constituents.

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Lawson. to approve and adopt Bill No. 2719, an ordinance amending Title 5 of the Sparks Mlmicipal Code. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, YES. Bybee, Dahir, NO. Motion carried 3-2.

11. Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items 11.1 SECOND READING, Public Hearing, discussion and possible action on Bill No. 2720, an Ordinance amending Title 20 of the Sparks Municipal Code (Sections 20.03.25, 20.03.26 and 20.08.002) to: permit licensed medical marijuana dispensaries to sell or dispense marijuana, edible marijuana products and marijuana-infused products at retail; permit licensed independent testing laboratories and medical marijuana production and cultivation facilities to test, produce and cultivate marijuana, edible marijuana products and marijuana-infused products at retail; and other matters properly related thereto. (CA-2-17) (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 4:14 p.m.) An agenda item from Development Services Manager Karen Melby recommending Council approve and adopt the Ordinance. Title 20 Zoning Code is being amended to permit licensed medical marijuana dispensaries to sell or dispense marijuana, edible marijuana products and marijuana-infused products at retail ; permit licensed independent testing laboratories and medical marijuana production and cultivation facilities to test, produce and cultivate marijuana, edible marijuana products and marijuana-infused products at retail.

On May 8, 2017, the Tax commission adopted temporary regulations that will allow existing Medical Marijuana Establishments (MMEs) that are in good standing with the State of Nevada to apply for a temporary license to sell, manufacture, cultivate or produce non-medical marijuana. Existing MMEs can apply to the Department of Taxation (Department) by May 31, 20 17 for a temporary license. The Department has indicated its intention to approve MMEs to begin cultivating, processing, testing and distributing and selling non-medical marijuana on July 1, 2017. The Department is using the term "marijuana establishment" to refer to such businesses.

Title 20 does not include (non-medical) Marijuana Establishments as a permitted use in any of Sparks' zoning districts. On April 10, 2017, the Sparks City Council directed the City Manager to prepare, for future City Council consideration, amendments to Title 20 to permit existing MMEs in Sparks to be approved as marijuana establishments, which city staff are referring to as "at retail" marijuana establi shments. On that date, the City Council also directed the City Manager to prepare amendments to Title 5 to enable the city to license existing MMEs for at retail operations.

It is anticipated that the Department will publish the permanent regulations by the end of 2017. The City Council can then decide if they want to again amend the Sparks Municipal Code to allow Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 11 Monday, July 10, 2017 businesses other than the existing medical marijuana establishments to grow, produce or sell at retail marij uana.

On June 1,2017, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on CA-2-17. The Planning Commission recommended that the City Council approve the amendment to Title 20. There is no impact to the general fund.

Public Hearing was opened at 4: 18 p.m. Public comment was received by the following citizens who spoke in opposition of the proposed ordinance and against the Council 's previous vote: Gerard Mager and Ray Rocha.

Public Hearing was closed at 4:20 p.m.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to adopt Bill No. 2720 amending Title 20 of the Sparks Municipal Code. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, YES. Bybee, Dahir, NO. Motion carried 3-2.

12. Comments 12.1 Comments from the Public (Time: 4:21 p.m.) None.

12.2 Comments from City Council and City Manager (Time: 4:21 p.m.) City Manager Driscoll announced that due to a resignation there is an opening on the Sparks Planning Commission for 1 member, the term is for the remainder of the vacancy to December 31, 2018. Applications will be received until close of business on July 14, 2017. Mr. Driscoll introduced the new Community Relations Manager Julie Duewel and highlighted a few of the functions she will be performing.

13. Ad.journment Council was adjourned at 4:24 p.m.


ATTEST: £ c.:!r~/l_ '-~ /' i ~/f~ 'PUJVC9 -+-P->lJ""""w~AL..I.£ b£w(j"'-"A..,,-,{f,,-,,,t-eA-...,...-· '-"='_ Teresa Gardner, City Clerk

»> MAYOR 8/14/2017 Geno Martini AI 6.1 CITY COUNCIL Donald Abbott. Ward I Ed Lawson, Ward II Ron Smith. Ward III Charlene Bybee. Ward IV Kristopher Dahir, Ward V


CITY MANAGER Steve Orisco"

REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 2:00 P.M., Monday, July 24, 2017 City Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, Nevada

1. Call to Order (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The regular meeting ofthe Sparks City Council was called to order by Mayor Geno Martini at 2: 00 p.m.

2. Roll Call (Time: 2:00 p.m.) Mayor Geno Martini, COlmcil Members Donald Abbott, Ed Lawson, Ron Smith, Charlene Bybee, Kristopher Dahir, City Manager Steve Driscoll, City Attorney Chet Adams and City Clerk Teresa Gardner, PRESENT.


3. Opening Ceremonies 3.1 Invocation Speaker (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The invocation was provided by Pastor Barb West, Sparks Church of the Nazarene.

3.2 Pledge of Allegiance (Time: 2:01 p.m.) The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Donald Abbott.

4. Public Comment (Time: 2:03 p.m.) A woman said she was speaking anonymously due to the pushback survivors of domestic violence and their children are receiving from the government and gave an update on legal causes of action, and provided documentation.

City of Sparks Special Events Coordinator Francine Burge, RTC Public Aililirs Administrator Michael Moreno and City of Reno Arts, Culture and Events Manager Alexis Hill talked about the "Don't Drive Arrive" campaign encouraging citizens to walk, bike or use public transportation to attend special events.

Wesley Griffin, George Lee and Darlene Hesse all spoke against losing the Wildcreek Golf Course to Washoe County School District for a possible high school site. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes· Page 2 Monday, July 24, 2017

5. Agenda (Time: 2:24 p.m.) 5.1 Approval of the Agenda (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Consideration of taking items out of sequence, deleting items and adding items which require action upon a finding that an emergency exists.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve the agenda as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

6. Minutes (Time: 2:24 p.m.) 6.1 Consideration and possible approval of the minutes of the regular Sparks City Council meeting of .July 10, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:24 p.m.) A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve the minutes of the regular Sparks City Council meeting on July 10, 20 17. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

7. Announcements, Presentations, Recognition Items and Items of Special Interest (Time: 2:25 p.m.) 7.1 Presentation: NDOT / Spaghetti Bowl Project (Time: 2:25 p.m.) Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) Senior Manager Nick Johnson gave an update on the spaghetti bowl project. The purpose of the proposed project is to improve safcty, design and functionality, current and future congestion, interchange capacity demands and address future regional transportation needs. NDOT will be providing outreach to the City of Sparks with public meetings, stakeholder meetings and ongoing updates. Information is available at www.ndotspaghettibowl.com.

7.2 Presentation: Nevada Chapter of the American Planning Association's 2017 Nevada Planning Guide and an overview of the Nevada Leadership Program at the University Center for Economic Development at the University of Nevada, Reno. (Time: 2:39 p.m.) American Planning Association Chapter Planning Official Development Officer and Washoe County Senior Planner Julie Hunter and American Planning Association Chapter Secretary and Assistant Research Professor for the Center for Economic Development at UNR Frederick Steinmann gave an overview of the Nevada Planning Guide which is available on-line. The American Planning Association's mission is to provide educational and professional development opportunities.

8. Consent Items (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:43 p.m.) A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to approve consent items 8.1 and 8.2 as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

8.1 Report of Claims and Bills approved for payment and appropriation transfers for the period June 22, 2017 through July 5, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending the City Council approve the report of claims and bills as presented in the staff report. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 3 Monday, July 24, 2017

8.2 Consideration and possible approval of an application for a Gaming License for Plantation Investments, LLC dba Rail City Casino, located at 2121 Victorian Avenue, Sparks, NV, submitted by Mr. Stephen Joseph Yarrow aka Stephen Francis Yarrow. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Police Chief Brian Allen recommending Council approve Mr. Stephen Joseph Yarrow aka Stephen Francis Yarrow's application for a Gaming License for Plantation Investments, LLC, dba Rail City Casino, located at 2121 Victorian Avenue, Sparks, Nevada, contingent upon the location being inspected and approved by every city, county, district, and state agency having jurisdiction over the matter and upon fingerprints being returned from the FBI that do not reflect any disqualifying arrests/convictions. There is a $21 ,525 quarterly positive impact to the general fund.

9. General Business 9.1 Presentation, discussion and possible approval of staffing complement changes needed to accommodate proposed staffing changes within the Community Services Department and the Financial Services Department. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:45 p.m.) An agenda item from Human Resources Manager Mindy Falk and Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending Council approve the staffing complement changes. The retirement of the Sr. Administrative Analyst at the Truckee Meadow Water Reclamation Facility has afforded the opportunity to evaluate accounting, budgeting, and financial analysis needs within the Community Services and Financial Services departments and to align resources to meet those needs. The department heads met, reviewed the duties, and agreed it would be best if the accounting, budgeting, and analysis duties shifted to the Financial Services department. There is a positive impact of $7,059 to the general fund for fiscal year 2018.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Cowlcil Member Abbott, to approve the staffing complement changes as proposed within the Community Services department and the Financial Services department. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.2 Consideration and possible approval of reimbursement to the City of Reno in the amount of $567,508.96 for Sparks' share of a construction bid award to Applied Mechanical, Inc. for the Various Buildings HV AC Replacement Project at the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:46 p.m.) An agenda item from TMWRF Plant Manager Michael Drinkwater recommending Council approve Sparks' share the contract. This project will replace aged HVAC facilities for six existing buildings at the plant: Chemical Building #1 , Digester #4 Control Building, Electrical Building, Methanol Building, Filter Building, and Primary Sludge Screening Building. Replacement of these systems will result in more efficient operation, improve safety and working conditions for plant employees, and help reliably maintain facility operations. Funding is from the sanitary sewer capital project fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Smith, to approve reimbursement to the City of Reno for Sparks' share of the various buildings HV AC replacement project in an amount not to exceed of $567,508.96. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dallir, YES. Passed unanimously. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes· Page 4 Monday, July 24, 2017

9.3 Consideration and possible approval of a reimbursement to the City of Reno in the amount of $161,226.11 for Sparks' share of a contract with KG Walters Construction for the 2017 Clarifier Rehabilitation Project at the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:48 p.m.) An agenda item from TMWRF Plant Manager Michael Drinkwater recommending Council approve Sparks' share the contract. The rehabilitation project consists of the repair of expansion joints, replacement of the steel roller wear ring, providing minor repairs to the grout beds, concrete walls and some portions of the steel hardware. This work is considered necessary to prevent further deterioration of aging concrete structural components, which if not addressed could result in the need to replace the structure. Funding is from the sanitary sewer operations fund; therc is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to approve the reimbursement to the City of Reno (or the Sparks' share of the construction of the 2017 Clarifier Rehabilitation Project in an anlount not to exceed $161,226.11. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

10. Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning 10.1 Public Hearing, consideration and possible approval of the Program Year 3, Fiscal Year 2017/18 Community Development Block Grant ($738,362.25 is available) and HOME Consortium Annual Action Plan (AC-5390). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:50 p.m.) An agenda item from Housing Specialist George Graham recommending Council approve the submittal to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development the FY 2017/2018 Annual Action Plan and proposed project funding allocations. The Action Plan serves as the application for CDBG Entitlement Communities such as the City of Sparks. The 2017/2018 Annual Action Plan outlines the activities the City of Sparks plans to undertake in Program Year 3 (FY 20 17/2018) of the City'S Consolidated Plan for the 2015-2019 period, leveraging CDBG funding to address housing needs, public services and homelessness prevention under the objectives of a suitable living environment and decent housing. The 2017/18 Annual Action Plan allocates a total of $738,362.25, which is comprised of$622, 192 in new CDBG entitlement funding plus $116,170.25 in lUlspent funds from previous years that will be reprogrammed and used to fund previously approved activities. There is no impact to the general fund.

The Public Hearing was opened at 2:53; no comments were received.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Smith, to approve the proposed project funding allocations and to submit the Program Year 3, Fiscal Year 2017/2018 Annual Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dal1ir, YES. Passed unanimously.

U. Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items 11.1 Appeal of a Planning Commission decision on PCN 17-0030 to deny a Conditional Use Permit request to allow a minor recreational facility on a site 1.68 acres in size in the 1 (Industrial) zoning district located at 1455 Deming Way, Sparks, NV. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:54 p.m.) Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 5 Monday, July 24,2017

An agenda item from Assistant Community Services Director Armando Ornelas and Assistant Senior Civil Attorney Doug Thomley recommending Council hear the appellant's presentation. PCN 17-0030 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a minor recreational facility on a site 1.68 acres in size in the I (Industrial) zoning district located at 1455 Deming Way, Sparks, NV. The Planning Commission considered the request on July 6, 2017 and, after conducting a public hearing, denied the request. On July 10, 2017, the applicant, Rival Enterprises, LLC, appealed the Planning Commission's decision to the City Council. There is no impact to the general fund.

Mr. Ornelas said the purpose of a CUPs is to promote the public health, safety and general welfare by providing for special safeguards in the location and design of certain uses and safeguards in certain zoning districts, and by allowing for minor adjustments in the impact of some regulations of the planning and zoning code (SMC 20.05.08).

The Planning Commission expressed and di scussed their concerns regarding whether the amount and location of off-street parking available to Rival Enterprises would prevent their clientele fTom parking on Deming Way and creating potential traffic and pedestrian safety conflicts with the large number of trucks used by neighboring businesses. The Planning Commission denied the application for a CUP by a 3-2 vote; the motion for denial was an inability to make two findings:

Finding C I - the proposal, as submitted and conditioned, is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan; and

Finding C2 - the application, as submitted and conditioned, is compatible with the existing or permitted uses of adjacent properties.

Council discussed concerns with parking and staff pointed out the areas of concern on a map.

Rival Enterprises' Kristian Meyer presented his appeal by reviewing the Planning Commission's denial and explaining the Rival Battle Arena's recreational business. Mr. Meyer discussed parking and why he believes there is adequate parking based on their peak days and hours of operation. Mr. Meyer discussed a parking study he conducted based on Rival's hours of operation and utilizing the parking area to the rear of the building, in which he could provide rear access. Mr. Meyer also surveyed other businesses in the area and said he had support for this use from 16 of 20, and 4 were not available to survey. Mr. Meyer requested approval of this project. Mr. Meyer's presentation is attached to the staff report.

City Attorney Adams confirmed with Mr. Meyer that the parking study and agreement of other tenants was the only new information provided. Council further discussed the parking situation, current ordinances and codes, and city staffs recommendation to the Planning Commission to approve the CUP. Mayor Martini said he would encourage the Council to makc a decision and not remand to the Planning Commission. City Attorney Adams said if the Council decides to overturn the decision of the Planning Commission, it should be based on the same evidence presented to the Planning Commission. If new evidence is considered, it may be circumventing the purpose of the Planning Commission. Council has the option to affirm or reverse the Planning Commission's decision, or remand PCN17-0030 back to the Planning Commission. Council Member Lawson said he supports remanding this back to the Planning Commission with City Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 6 Monday, July 24, 2017

Council imput. Community Services Director John Martini requested a recess to allow staff to prepare additional recommended conditions if the Council was considering approval of this appeal.

The Public Hearing was opened at 3:38 p.m., no comments were received.

A five-minute recess was held.

Senior Assistant City Attorney Doug Thomley proposed two additional conditions of approval be included: 4. The applicant provide and maintain, with an adjacent property owner, a reciprocal parking and access agreement. 5. The applicant establish and provide alternate access to the west side of the property with approval by the administrator.

Applicant Kristian Meyers agreed with the original three conditions and agreed with the two additional conditions.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to reverse the decision of the Planning Commission and approve the Conditional Use Permit request associated with PCN17-0030 with the additional 2 conditions for a total of 5 conditions. Council Members Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, NO. Motion carried 3- 2.

12. Comments 12.1 Comments from the Public (Time: 3:51 p.m.) - None 12.2 Comments from City Council and City Manager (Time: 3:51 p.m.) City Manager Driscoll announced one vacancy on the Sierra Arts Foundation Board of Trustees for a one-year term. Applications will be accepted until Monday, July 3 J, 2017 at 4:00 p.m.

Council Member Dahir requested the City Manager research options for a community garden in the City of Sparks.

13. Adjournment Council was adjourned at 3:53 p.m.


ATTEST: o Cityof~_ .f.-./2~t,..IWOALA.o1.J~(~!,2,,·d..l.· Cvl.G~~~I...--~~~~-pJCIJ«f(S teresa Gardner, City Clerk

»> MAYOR Gena Martini

CITY COUNCIL Donald Abboff, Ward I Ed Lawson, Ward /I .' City of ~ Ron Smith, Ward Ifl Charlene Bybee, Ward IV Kristopher Dahir, Ward V

CITY A7TORNEY ~'(JJJf11%3 ChetAdams CITY MANAGER Steve Driscoll

REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 2:00 P.M., Monday, August 14, 2017 City Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, Nevada

1. Call to Order (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The regular meeting of the Sparks City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro Tempore Ron Smith at 2:00 p,m,

2. Roll Call (Time: 2:00 p.m.) Council Members Donald Abbott, Ron Smith, Charlene Bybee, Kristopher Dahir, City Manager Steve Driscoll, City Attorney Chet Adams and Acting City Clerk DOlma DiCarlo, PRESENT.

ABSENT: Mayor Geno Martini, Council Member Ed Lawson,

3. Opening Ceremonies 3.1 Invocation Speaker (Time: 2:01 p,m,) The invocation was provided by Bishop Evan Marchant, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints,

3.2 Pledge of Allegiance Crime: 2:02 p.m.) The Pledge of Allegiance was led by City Manager Steve Driscoll.

4. Public Comment (Time: 2:02 p,m.) - None A woman speaking anonymously talked about statistics of domestic violence court cases involving children, Kathleen Shupp, Mike Brierly, and Wesley Griffin gave public comment in opposition of the proposed school at the Wildcreek Golf Course location. They encouraged the city to try to save Wildcreek. Mr. Griffin used his phone to show a picture from the web of a figure with an albatross around their neck and stated the golf course is not an albatross.

5. Agenda (Time: 2:14 p.m,) 5.] Approval of the Agenda (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Consideration of taking items out of sequence, deleting items and adding items which require action upon a finding that an emergency exists,

A motion was made by Cowlcil Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve the agenda as submitted, Council Members Abbott, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES, Council Member Lawson, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 2 Monday, August 14, 2017

6. Minutes (Time: 2:14 p.m.) 6.1 Consideration and possible approval of the minutes of the regular Sparks City Council meeting of July 24, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve the minutes of the regular Sparks City Council meeting on July 24, 2017. Council Members Abbott, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Council Member Lawson, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present.

7. Announcements, Presentations, Recognition Items and Items of Special interest (Time: 2:15 p.m.) 7.1 None.

8. Consent Items (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:15 p.m.) A motion was made by Council Member Damr seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve the consent items as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Council Member Lawson, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present.

8.1 Report of Claims and Bills approved for payment and appropriation transfers for the period July 6, 2017 through July 19,2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending the City Council approve the report of claims and bills as presented in the staff report.

8.2 Consideration and possible approval of a contract with ADS Environmental Services (AC-5393) for flow monitoring services for the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility in the amount of $52,200. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from TMWRF Plant Manager Michael Drinkwater recommending Council approve the contract. The sanitary sewer collection system that flows to TMWRF is metered in key locations to measure the contributions from Reno and Sparks in order to proportion the operational costs of the plant. Flow monitoring services had historically been managed by the City of Reno tl1fough the capital improvement program, however, staff, with the support of the Directors, chose to move that cost to the operational budget in 2017. The contract is for flow monitoring services for an initial period of 12 months, with multiple 12-month extensions available upon mutual agreement. Funding is from the joint treatment plant fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

8.3 Consideration and possible approval of a contract for design services for EI Rancho Sewer Improvements with Axion Engineering (AC-5396), in the amount of $115,890. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Utility Manager Andy Hummel recommending Council approve the contract. The design services will include topographic survey of the project area, groundwater and soils investigation, and improvement plans. This project was identified as a priority in the 2016 Sewer Model Update. Funding is from the sanitary sewer capital project fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

8.4 Consideration and possible approval of a contract for Sewer Pipeline Assessment Project using a Rapid Assessment Tool for the City of Sparks with Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 3 Monday, August 14, 2017

Poggemeyer Design Group (AC-5397) in the amount of $208,477. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Utility Manager Andy Hwnmel recommending Council approve the contract. The city evaluated and purchased a rapid assessment tool which performs a quick asscssment of a pipe's level of capacity using acoustic signals and assigns a score fTom 1 to 10. Pipes with a lower score are indicative of blockages due to roots, line breakage, grease, or debris while a higher score is indicative of clean pipes in good condition. This contract will provide an initial rating of all sewer mains within the city which will assist stalf in prioritizing assessment, maintenance and rehabilitation efforts. Funding is from the sanitary sewer operations fund; there is no impact to the general fi.lI1d.

8.5 Consideration and possible approval of a contract for design services for East Prater Way Storm Drain Improvements with Atkins North America, Inc. (AC- 5398) in the amount of $229,000. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Utility Manager Andy Hummel recommending Council approve the contract. The design services will include evaluation of alternatives, hydraulic analysis and reporting, topographic survey of the project area, groundwater and subsurface soils investigation, and improvement plans. The 2011 City of Sparks slormwater basin master plan identified numerous storm drainage system capacity deficiencies. The area of East Prater Way, specifically at the Vista Boulcvard intersection, was identified as needing improvements to alleviate drainage impacts during rain events such as those seen in the summer of 2015. Funding is from the storm drains capital project fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

9_ General Business 9_1 Consideration, discussion and possible approval of the Mayor's recommendation of an appointment to the Sierra Arts Foundation Board of Trustees for a one year tcrm (from the following pool of applicants listed in alphabetical order: Francine Burge). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:16 p.m.) An agenda item from City Manager Steve Driscoll recommending Council approve the Mayor's recommendation. The Sierra Arts Foundation's mission as a local arts agency since 1971 is to be the region's premier arts organization with an emphasis on teaching, nurturing and supporting the arts in our community. Sierra Arts strives to provide educational opportunities for artists of all ages, as well as development and training, financial support and promotional and marketing assistance. Sierra Arts creates and manages spaces and venues tlu'oughout our community for artists to perform and display their work. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to confirm the Mayor's appointment of Francine Burge to the Sierra Arts Foundation Board of Trustees. Council Members Abbott, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Council Member Lawson, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present.

9_2 Consideration and possible approval of Impact Fee Credit Agreement No. 23 (AC-5395) betwcen the City of Sparks and Pioneer Meadows Development, LLC. (Impact Fee Service Area No.1) including $171,906.71 impact fee credits that may be used for any future building permits issued within IFSA No.!. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:17 p.m.) Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 4 Monday, August 14, 2017

An agenda item from Community Services Director John Martini recommending Council approve the agreement. Pioneer Meadows Development, LLC has constructed a portion of the Spanish Springs Regional Trail included in the capital improvements plan for Impact Fee Service Area No. 1 (IFSA No. I). Per the terms of the general administrative manual for IFSA No.1, the developer is entitled to impact fee credits that may be used to pay IFSA No.1 fees for fulure building pemlits within IFSA No. I. Staff has reviewed ilie actual and estimated cost for the constructed faci lities, has inspected the constructed facilities and found the work to be complete and acceptable. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve Impact Fee Credit Agreement No. 23 between the City of Sparks and Pioneer Meadows Development, LLC. Council Members Abbott, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Council Member Lawson, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present.

9.3 Consideration and possible approval of Change Order #1 to the existing contract with Q&D Construction (AC-5319), to replenish the force account, for the North Truckee Drain Realignment Phase 3 Project in the amount of S300,000. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:21 p.m.) An agenda item from Utility Manager Andy Hummel recommending Council approve Change Order # 1. The Change Order replenishes the force account used for the removal of non-excavatable material encountered during construction of the North Truckee Drain Realignment Phase 3 Project. Drilling and blasting was required to break up the non-excavatable rock material to allow for removal. The non-excavatable rock formation was confined to a relatively small area in between two sample boring locations performed in conjunction with ilie design phase geotechnical exploration; therefore, the rock material was not identified until it was encountered during construction. Funding is from the storm drains capital project fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve the change order. Council Members Abbott, Smiili, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Council Member Lawson, ABSENT. Passed unanimously wiili those present.

9.4 Consideration and possible approval of a claim for reimbursement of moving expenses related to the construction of the North Truckee Drain Realignment Phase 3 project, by Soil Tech, a lessee of 2090 Kleppe Lane, Unit C, in the amount of $62,631.61. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:28 p.m.) An agenda item trom Utility Manager Andy Hummel recommending Council approve the claim for reimbursement. The claim by Soil Tech covers moving expenses from the existing yard at Kleppe Lane, which is significantly impacted by tI1e North Truckee Drain Phase 3 construction, to a temporary yard at UNR Farms. Funding is from the storm drains capital project fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve the claim for reimbursement of moving expenses by Soil Tech in the amount of $62,631.61. Council Members Abbott, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Council Member Lawson, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 5 Monday, August 14, 2017

9.5 Consideration and possible approval of an Interlocal Cooperative Agreement (ICA) with Washoe County, City of Reno, City of Sparks, and the Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) of Washoe County (AC-5394) for Projects included in the RTC's FY 2018 Program of Projects (POP)(overall funding for the region-wide RTC and Federally funded categories for the FY 2018 POP is estimated to be $310,883,583). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:31 p.m.) An agenda item from Transportation Manager Amber Sosa recommending Council approve the Interlocal Cooperative Agreement (lCA). The ICA approves the fiscal year (FY) 20 18 RTC Program of Projects. The City of Sparks pavement quality team and utility division work very closely with the RTC to prioritize regional road projects in the City of Sparks. Tbc anticipated pavement preservation and corridor improvement projects in Sparks include 4th & Prater Bus Rapid Transit Project (Evans to Pyramid), Preventative Maintenance (slurry seals, etc., city wide), Annual Pavement Preservation - Clean Water Way (McCan'an Blvd. to Treatment Plant), and Oddie / Wells Corridor Multi-Modal Improvements (Kuenzli St to Pyramid Hwy). Tbe anticipated capacity and congestion relief projects in Sparks include Pyramid Freeway/US-395 Li nk (to be determincd) US -395 to Pyramid Hwy (preliminary design only), McCarran/Pyramid Intersection Project, Traffic Engineering Spot Intersection 6 & 7 (city wide intersecti on capacity improvements), and Traffic Management 20 16, 20 17, and 2018 (Design and Pilot Project, Fiber Optic and ITS Equipment). Tbere is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve the Interlocal Cooperative Agreement with Washoe County, City of Reno, City of Sparks and the Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County for the FY 2018 program of projects. Council Members Abbott, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Council Member Lawson, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present.

9.6 Consideration and possible adoption of Resolution No_ 3316 authorizing the transfer of the City's 2017 Private Activity Bond Capacity (PABC) of $4,947,997.41 to be divided between the Nevada Housing Division (NHD) and Nevada Rural Housing Authority (NRHA) to support their respective single family housing programs in Sparks, Nevada. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:37 p.m.) An agenda item from Housing Specialist George Graham recommending Council adopt the Resolution and authorize the transfer. Under the 1ederal tax reform act enacted in 1986, the State of Nevada receives an annual allocation of tax exempt private activity bond cap (PABC) authority. PABC provides states and local governments' authority to issue federally tax-exempt bonds on behalf of private infrastructure, utility and affordable housing projects and programs. The city's 20 17 PABC share ($4,947,997.41) will be divided between the Nevada Housing Division (NHD) and Nevada Rural Housing Authority (NRHA) to support their respective single family housing programs. City staff recommend that the City Counci l allocate 75 percent ($3,710,998.06) to NHD and 25 percent ($1,236,999.35) to NRHA There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Dabir, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to adopt Resolution No. 3316 authorizing the transfer of the City 'S 2017 tax exempt bond volume capacity to be divided as follows: 75 percent to thc Nevada Housing Division (NHD) and 25 percent to the Nevada Rural Housing Authority (NRHA) to support their respective homeownership and single family housing programs. Council Members Abbott, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Council Member Lawson, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 6 Monday, August 14, 2017

9.7 FIRST READING, Bill No. 2721, an ordinance amending Chapter 12.48 of the Sparks Municipal Code, "Electrical System Franchise Agreement," to allow the City Council to distribute a portion of natural gas franchise fees between a fund for street maintenance and a fund for park maintenance in such proportions as the City Council directs from time to time; and providing other matters properly related thereto. (Time: 2:44 p.m.) Assistant City Clerk Donna DiCarlo Read the Bill by title. The second reading and public hearing will be held at the regular meeting on Monday, August 28, 2017.

9.8 FIRST READING, Bill No. 2722, an Ordinance amending Chapter 12.46 of the Sparks Municipal Code, "Natural Gas Franchise Agreement," to allow the City Council to distribute a portion of natural gas franchise fees between a fund for street maintenance and a fund for park maintenance in such proportions as the City Council directs from time to time; and providing other matters properly related thereto. (Time: 2:45 p.m.) Assistant City Clerk Donna DiCarlo Read the Bill by title. The second reading and public hearing will be held at the regular meeting on Monday, August 28,2017.

10. Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning ]0.1 None

11. Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items 11.1 None

12. Comments 12.1 Comments from the Public (Time: 2:46 p.m.) Bill Wagner spoke in opposition of PCN 17-0032 which is for a 64 unit apartment. He asked the City Council to respect the Plalll1ing Conunission's decision to not allow a rezone for the apartments.

12.2 Comments from City Council and City Manager (Time: 2:48 p.m.) Mayor Pro Tempore Smith asked the City Manager to look into changing the ordinance on operational hours for the recreational marijuana dispensaries. Mr. Smith also requested the City Manager move the September 25 th agenda item for PCN 17-0032 to the end of the meeting with a time certain. City Manager Driscoll said he will review the rules, discuss them with the attorney's office, and determine what the options arc.

13. Adjournment Council was adjourned at 2:49 p.m.

GENO R. MARTTNI, Mayor ATTEST: r-/'\-"-l-Yv'"",:,:,,u,,,,,,A,,,,,,CL,,-,::b,--,-,,' ~~-,="l...tU"'-t'------'$~~&pca;is ~a Gardner, CIty Clerk »> MAYOR 9/11/2017 Gena Martini AI 6.1

CITY COUNCIL Donald Abbott, Ward I Ed Lawson, Ward 11 Ron Smith, Ward III Charlene Bybee, Ward IV Kristopher Dahir, Ward V


CITY MANAGER Steve Driscoll

REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 2:00 P.M., Monday, August 28, 2017 City Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, Nevada

1. Call to Order (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The regular meeting of the Sparks City Council was called to order by Mayor Geno Martini at 2:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call (Time: 2:00 p,m.) Mayor Geno Martini, Council Members Donald Abbott, Ed Lawson, Ron Smith, Charlene Bybee, Kristopher Dahir, City Manager Steve Driscoll, City Attorney Chet Adams and City Clerk Teresa Gardner, PRESENT.


3. Opening Ceremonies 3.1 Invocation Speaker (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The invocation was provided by Pastor Barb West, Sparks Church of the Nazarene.

3.2 Pledge of Allegiance (Time: 2:02 p.m.) The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Bybee.

4. Public Comment (Time: 2:03 p.m.) Hannah Hoobyar gave public comment on her nonprofit called Project Bear Hugs. She is doing a donation drive for the victims of Hurricane Harvey at the Atlantis August 31, 2017. Ms. Hoobyar can be reached at 775-750-0531 or www.projectbearhugscares.com. Kathleen Shupp gave public comment on saving Wildcreek. Bill Wagner spoke in opposition of the rezone on Los Altos Parkway PCNI7-0032. City Manager Driscoll stated there is a 60 day delay in the Public Hearing and it will not be heard until November. Danielle Mestre spoke in opposition of all the apartment complexes being built. Wesley Griffin gave public comment on saving Wildcreek. Wilbert Gilbert (AKJA Benjamin W. Creveling, IV) spoke in favor of saving the watershed lands.

5. Agenda (Time: 2:21 p.m.) 5.1 Approval of the Agenda (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Consideration of taking items out of sequence, deleting items and adding items which require action upon a finding that an emergency exists. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 2 Monday, August 28, 2017

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve the agenda as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, DahiT, YES. Passed unanimously.

6. Minutes (Time: 2:22 p.m.) 6.1 Consideration and possible approval of the minutes of the regular Sparks City Council meeting of August 14, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve the minutes of the regular Sparks City Council meeting on August 14, 2017. Council Members. Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

7. Announcements, Presentations, Recognition Items and Items of Special Interest (Time: 2:22 p.m.) 7.1 None

8. Consent Items (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:22 p.m.) A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve consent items 8.1 through 8.3 as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

8.1 Report of Claims and Bills approved for payment and appropriation transfers for the period July 20, 2017 through August 9, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending the City Council approve the report of claims and bills as presented in the staff report.

8.2 Consideration, review and acceptance of the receipt of grant and/or donation money which is individually under $5,000. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Accountant II Rick Parton recommending Council accept the receipt of grant andlor donation money which is individually under $5,000. The following donations were awarded to the city from April 2017 to June 2017: various people donated a total of$2170 to the Police Canine program and $281.25 to the Partners in Parks & Recreation program. There is no impact to the general fund.

8.3 Consideration and possible approval of the City Attorney's request to accept part-time outside employment (teaching). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from City Attorney Chet Adan1s recommending Council approve the City Attorney's request to accept a part-time faculty position at Western Nevada College. Western Nevada College has offered a part-time faculty position to the City Attorney for the Fall 2017 semester. These classes are scheduled for Wednesday evenings, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. in Fallon, NV beginning August 30,2017 and concluding on December 13,2017. Western Nevada College has also indicated the possibility of future teaching assignments beginning in 2018. There is no impact to the general fund.

9. General Business 9.1 Consideration of and possible approval of the Mayor's recommendation ofthe appointment of Shelley Read to the Sparks Planning Commission for the remainder of a four-year term from the following pool of applicants, listed in Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 3 Monday, August 28, 2017

alphabetical order: Jeff Bowling, Joshua Fink, Paul Freeman, Johanna Lee, Jennifer Martinez and Shelley Read. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:23 p.m.) An agenda item from City Manager Steve Driscoll recommending Council confirm the Mayor's appointment. The City of Sparks Planning Commission has one vacancy due to the resignation of Art Sperber. Shelley Read will fill the vacancy left by Commissioner Sperber. There is no impact to the general fund .

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to confirm the appointment of Shelley Read to the Sparks Planning Commission for the remainder of a four­ year term through December 31 , 2018. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.2 Consideration of Demand Letter from Omar Rosales and Possible Action to Settle Claim Against City in an Amount Not to Exceed Insurance Policy Limits. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:45 p.m.) An agenda item from City Attorney Doug Thomley asking the City Council to consider whether to accept or reject a demand letter sent to the city in relation to a personal injury claim against the city. Omar Rosales said he stepped on a concrete utility box access lid on September 2,2015 during the Rib Cook-Off. Mr. Rosales said the lid crumbled causing him to fall into the utility box and hurt his lower back. Mr. Rosales claims to have incurred medical expenses related to the treatment of his injuries, wage losses and out-of-pocket expenses and now seeks recovery of those expenses and any additional future expenses. There would be an impact to the general fund.

Council Member Lawson recused himself as he has an appointment with the same attorney representing Mr. Rosales on Tuesday regarding the attorney possibly representing Mr. Lawson's wife.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Dabir, to reject Omar Rosales's demand of the City of Sparks's policy limit ($1 ,000,000 per occurrence and $5,000,000 umbrella). Council Members Abbott, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Council Member Lawson, ABSTAIN. Motion carried 4-0.

9.3 Discussion and possible direction to the City Manager to negotiate and prepare a Disposition and Development Agreement with Silverwing Development for the prospective sale and redevelopment of the C Street parking facility property located at 955 C Street and having Assessor's Parcel Number 032-193-19. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:27 p.m.) An agenda item from Assistant Community Services Director Armando Ornelas recommending Council direct the City Manager to negotiate and prepare the agreement. Silverwing Development recently completed construction of the Fountainhouse at Victorian Square multi-family project. Silverwing is currently constructing the Fountainhouse mixed-use and the Bridges projects on various properties they acquired from the Sparks Redevelopment Agency. Silverwing is now proposing a project for the site of the city-owned C Street parking facility located at 955 C Street and having Assessor's Parcel Number 032-193-19. Their proposal calls for retaining the existing parking structure but adding another parking level, a podium and 5 stories of apartments (approximately 175 units), which would result in a 1O-story structure. In exchange for the property, the developer is proposing to grant the city the right to use, for public parking, a to-be-determined Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 4 Monday, August 28, 2017 number of parking spaces which would be maintained by the developer. The Disposition & Development Agreement (DDA) will discuss compensation for the property, possible modifications to the property, the responsibilities of each of the parties should there need to be mitigations, and any conditions that need to be written into the DDA. There is no impact to the general fund.

Mr. Witt spoke about the project. He will be having discussions with tbe existing businesses when the DDA is in place and a plan going forward is coming together.

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to direct the City Manager to negotiate and prepare for future consideration by the Agency and City Council a proposed 2017 DDA with Silverwing Development for the sale and redevelopment of the C Street parking facility propel1y. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.4 Consideration and possible approval of an interlocal agreement (AC-5399) between the City of Reno, on behalf of the Reno Police Department, Washoe County, on behalf of the Washoe County Sheriffs Office, and the City of Sparks, on behalf of the Sparks Police Department: For the management and disposition of 2017 .Justice Assistance Grant (.JAG) Program Award in the amount of $26,234. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:47 p.m.) An agenda item from Police Chief Brian Allen recommending Council approve the interlocal agreement. The U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance is offering a 2017 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Award collectively in the amount of $131 ,170 to the Reno Police Department, Washoe County Sheriffs Office and the Sparks Police Department. This funding can be used towards law enforcement training, law enforcement equipment, and law enforcement personnel overtime expenses. The Sparks Police Department's allocation of funding is $26,234. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to accept and approve the interlocal agreement with the City of Reno, Washoe County, and the City of Sparks for the management and disposition of the 2017 Justice Assistance Grant Program Award in the amount of $26,234. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.5 Consideration, discussion and possible adoption of a Business Impact Statement (AC-5400) regarding Resolution No. 3317 amending and updating fees charged by the Fire Department of the City of Sparks for certain Fire Inspections, Re-Inspections, Fire Suppression and Fire Prevention Services. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:50 p.m.) An agenda item [TOm Fire Marshall Robert King recommending Council adopt the Business Impact Statement (BIS). The Fire Prevention Bureau (FPB) fee schedule was created in 1999 to cover the cost of an additional fire inspector. Resolution No. 2578 on July 8, 1999, and Resolution No. 2735 on June 25, 2001 established and amended fees charged by tbe Sparks Fire Department for certain fire and life safety inspections, re-inspections, fire suppression, and fire prevention services. Nevada Law (NRS 237.090) requires a BIS when proposing new fees. There is no impact to the general fund. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 5 Monday, August 28, 2017

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to adopt the Business Impact Statement related to the proposed Resolution No. 3317, amending Resolution Nos. 2578 & 2735 concerning Fire Department fees for fire inspections, re-inspections, fire suppression, and fire prevention services. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.6 An exempt meeting will be held after the regular Council and SRA meetings adjourn between tbe Council and management representatives for labor negotiation purposes as allowed per NRS288.220. (Time: 3:02 p.m.) An agenda item from Assistant City Manager Neil Krutz recommending Council adjourn to an exempt meeting. NRS Chapter 288, the Local Government Employee Management Relations Act, regulates relations between governments and public employees. Per NRS 288.220.4, certain proceedings, such as meetings between a local government employer and its management representatives, are not required to be open or public. There is no impact to the general fund.

10. Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning 10.1 SECOND READING, Public Hearing, discussion and possible action on Bill No. 2721, an Ordinance amending Chapter 12.48 of the Sparks Municipal Code, "Electrical System Franchise Agreement," to allow the City Council to distribute a portion of the electrical system franchise fees between a fund for street maintenance and a fund for park maintenance in such proportions as the City Council directs from time to time; and providing other matters properly related thereto. (Time: 3:03 p.m.) City Manager Driscoll armounced that the first reading for this item was held on August 14th with the second reading and public hearing scheduled to be heard today. Mr. Driscoll suggested the second reading be rescheduled to the next regular meeting of Monday, September II. 2017. However, based on normal process when the city posts for a public hearing item, Mr. Driscoll suggests the item be opened for public comment for anyone that wishes to speak.

Public hearing was opened at 3:04 p.m. No comments were received.

10.2 SECOND READING, Public Hearing, discussion and possible action on Bill No. 2722, an Ordinance amending Chapter 12.46 of the Sparks Municipal Code, "Natural Gas Franchise Agreement," to allow tbe City Council to distribute a portion of natural gas francbise fees between a fund for street maintenance and a fund for park maintenance in such proportions as the City Council directs from time to time; and providing other matters properly related thereto. (Time: 3:04 p.m.) City Manager Driscoll announced that the first reading for this item was held on August 14th with the second reading and public hearing scheduled to be heard today. Mr. Driscoll suggested the second reading be rescheduled to the next regular meeting of Monday, September II. 2017. However, based on normal process when the city posts for a public hearing item, Mr. Driscoll suggests the item be opened for public comment for anyone that wishes to speak.

Public hearing was opened at 3 :05 p.m. No comments were received.

11. Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items 11.1 None Regular City Council Meeting Minutes· Page 6 Monday, August 28, 2017

12. Comments 12.1 Comments from the Public (Time: 3:05 p.m.)· None

12.2 Comments from City Council and City Manager (Time: 3:05 p.m.) City Manager Driscoll announced that Landstar requested an extension of the public hearing process for the request for rezoning. The first and second readings were originally scheduled for September. The first and second readings will be delayed until November. Notices will be sent to those that would regularly be noticed for this issue. The same exact process that would have been done in September will be done in November.

13. Adjournment Council was adjourned at 3:07 p.m.



»> 9/25/2017 AI 6.1 MAYOR Geno Martini

CITY COUNCIL Donald Abbott, Ward I Ed Lawson, Ward /I City of Ron Smith, Ward 11/ Charlene Bybee, Ward IV " Kristopher Dahir, Ward V \. CITY ATTORNEY ChetAdams

CITY MANAGER Steve Driscoll

REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 2:00 P.M., Monday, September 11,2017 City Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, Nevada

1. Call to Order (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The regular meeting ofthe Sparks City Council was called to order by Mayor Geno Martini at 2:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call (Time: 2:00 p.m.) Mayor Geno Martini, Council Members Donald Abbott, Ron Smith, Charlene Bybee, Kristopher Dahir, City Manager Steve Driscoll, City Attorney Chet Adams and City Clerk Teresa Gardner, PRESENT.

ABSENT: Council 'Member Ed Lawson.

3. Opening Ceremonies 3.1 Invocation Speaker (Time: 2:01 p.m.) The invocation was provided by Council Member Kristopher Dahir. Council Member Bybee asked for a moment of silence to remember 9/11.

3.2 Pledge of Allegiance (Time: 2:04 p.m.) The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Smith.

Mayor Geno Martini introduced Reno Councilman Oscar Delgado.

4. Public Comment (Time: 2:04 p.m.) - None

,5. Agenda (Time: 2:04 p.m.) 5.1 Approval. of the Agenda (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Consideration of taking hems out of sequence, deleting items and adding items which require action upon a finding that an emergency exists.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council 'Member Abbott, to approve the agenda as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Council Member Lawson, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Pag~ 2 Monday; September .11, 20.17

.6. Minutes' (Time: 2:05 p.m.) 6;1 Consideration and possible'approyal of the minutes of the regular Sparks 'City COllnc", meeting ofAugus~ 28,2017. (I!ORPQSSIBLE ACTION) A motion was made by Council Member'Dahir, seconded by '< Cotttlcil Membet Bybee, to approve the. minutes of the re'gular Sparks City Council meeting of AugUst 28, 2017. C6.Uhcil Members Abbott, Smith"Bybee, Dahir, YES. C0uncil Member Lawson, ABSENT ..Passed unanhnously with those ·present.

7. Announcements, Pr.esentations, Recognition Items and ItemS of Special .Interest (Time:, 2:06 p.m.) 7.1 Cominendation: The eity of Sparks Band, White Water (Time: 2:06 p.m.) The band. White Water performed at many clubs in,I10l1hern Nevada and northern California. White Water is also known as the City of S'parks' band as many members worked: for 'and retired from the City of Sparks. Mayor Martini joined the City Council in congratulating band members' Michael C. Kelly, Le,e Miles, Mike Go'ss, Ron Laylon, Mike Biselli,and Elise Weatherly for their many years of .coiitributions to the cbinmuhity in both their volunteer work and sharing their gift of muSic. The band is having 'a 30th anniversary CD rel~ase party at the' Great Basin. Brewing Co. on Saturday, September 23, 2017 benefiti~g the Children's Capinet. The COrnniendations were presented to band memh,ers Mike Biselii, Michael Kelly, Mike Goss, and Elise Weatherly.

7..2 P·roclamation: National Firefighters Memorial Service (Time: 1: 13 p.m ~ ) Mayor Martini called on the citizens of the City of Sparks 'J,nd upon an patriotic" civic, and educational organizations to ob~erve the' day of October 8, .201 7" in recQgnition of the patriotic service and ded'icated efforts of our fire.and emergency services personnel by lowering American flags on all buildings to half-staff .and to remember all fire and emergency personhel who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service 'to their community. The Proclamation was presented tp Fire· Chief Chris Maple'S'. .

'73 Pr()clam.ation; STEPtember for Cerebral Palsy (Time: 2:20 p.:m.) Mayor Martini proclaimed September 2017 as STEPtem:ber ,and called oriaH Citizens within the City ·of Sparks to, join himjnpariicipatingin the challenge of taking 10,000 steps,each day to raise awareriessof, and to better Understand and support those with ~~rebral palsy ~d other disabilities. Council Member Donald Abbot spoke ip.,sllPport otSTEPtemb~r, The.Prociamation was presented to Moruca. Elbrocl~, CEOl;lnd Erik Jirnenez1, Board Member of United Cerebral Palsy .(UC~) of N~vada. Reno City CounCil Member Delgado and Sparks City CoUncil Member Abbott will be joining UCPWedIiesday. Septertiher 20th at 11 a.m. to do a couple of laps around Virginia, Lake: Mn Delgado spoke in support of UGP and itsinariy programs'. Mr. Abbott said it 'is a .. great 'GauSe . .Ms. Elsbro.ck announced UCP recently opened its Sparks office.

7.4 Presentatio~: the Children's CabineJ (Time:. 2<27 p.m.) Children's Cabinet Communications Manllger Amy Riley gave an update on the programs and a.ccomplishments of the Children's Cabinet. Ms. Riley provided. an overview of the various programs ,and campuses throughout Nevada and the different events that happen during. the year. For over 30 years the Children's Cabinet has provided assistance to over 11,000, families throughout Nevada. . C Regular city Council Meeting Minutes'- Page 3 lYIon:day, Se, ptenl .~el\l1, 2011

7.5 Pres'entatioil: 'Community Health,Alliance Update (Time: 2:37 p.m.) ContrnUIiity Health Alliance CEO Chuck Duarte thanked the Mayor and, Council for the'ir support and introduced Director of Mark.eting AftpnNewfeldand . Oirec~or 'Of CommunIty Relations. Oscar Delgado., Mr. Du~rte gave an overview on.C'Ommunity Health,Alliance' smission:and the different programsCornmunity Health AllianceniakeS available to. the. community. Mr. Duarte received anda:nswered a question from the floor a:boutfufure p'roj.ects for Community Health Alliance.

8. Consent hem,s (FOR rO$SIQLE ACTION) (Time: 2:47p.m.) A motion was made by Council Member Dahir,seco'nded by Council Member Smith, to' !apprONe consent items 8J an:d :8'.2 as submitted. Council Members Abbott,Sniith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Council Member Lawson, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present.

8.1 Report ofCiaims andBilbapproved for payment ,and~ appropriation transfers fox tbe P~r19.d August 10~ 2017 thr9ugh August 23, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item [i'om Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending the City Council approve the report of claims .and bills as presented in the staff report:

.8.2 CC)DSiderati9n ,and possibl~ approval of a consulting c9ntract with Lloyd Civil &Sports Engine,ering (AC-540~) for-the design of Golden Eagle Regional Park Multi-Use Field' 7 & '8 synthetic rurf 'replacement.in the ,amount of $68,120. (FOR POSSIBLE' ACTION) An agenda item from Capital Projects Manager Brian Ca$oQ, r~commending Council approve the consulting contract, Golden Ea,gle Regional Park Multi-Use Fields 7 &. 8 .have: reached the ,end ,Of their useful life and. require replacement. This consulting contract will be for the. review' of synthetic turf and. padding types available, preparation of bids documentS, and construction, support. Funding is from the park & recreation project fund; there:is nQ impact to the geIJ,eral fund.

9. .General Busi~es, s 9,a Consideration and possible approval of Resolution No. 3317 amending and updatingJees c'harged by the Fire Department of the City of Sparks for-certain fireinspections,re-irispeciions, tlte suppression and fire prevention services. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 1:48 p.m,) An agenda 'itern from Fire ~ia.rshall Bob King r~commendingCo.uncl1 a,pprove the Resolution a.rnending the fire department fee .Schedule. The Fire; Prevention Bureau (FPB) fee schedule was created in 1999 to cover the. cost of serVices to hitean additional fire inspector. The FPB fee 'schedule' has. not been updated since 2001. The. proposed adjustment in inspection fees wiil generate'the additional revenue needed to pay fOi"the Fire Inspector II position. A Business 'Impact :Statement for the fee increase was adopted by Council on AJ-lgJIst 28, 2017 .. There is: an. expected increase of$71,OOO to the g,ener~l fUnd.;

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Abbo,tt, to approve Resolution No. 3 317 amending and updating fees charged, by the Fire Department ,of the. City of Sparks for c'ertain fire inspections, re,.in:spectibns~ fire suppression and fi~e prevention services. Council Members Abbo.tt, Smith, Bybee, Damr, YES. Council Member 'Lawson, ABSENT~ . Passed unanimously with those presel1t. . Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 4 Monday, September 11, 2017

9.2 Consideration and possible approval of Resolution No. 3318, authorizing certain individuals to make financial commitments to purchase, sell and approve collateral for investment securities on behalf of the City. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:50 p.m.) An agenda item from Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending Council approve Resolution No. 3318. The City enters into financial investment transactions with various brokers and banks as outlined in NRS 355.170. A Resolution, authorizing those individuals who may conduct financial investment transactions in the name of the City of Sparks is required by the brokers and banks. This Resolution adds Jennifer Parmenter. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve Resolution No. 3318 authorizing certain individuals to make financial commitments to purchase, sell and approve collateral for investment securities on behalf of the City. Council Members Abbott, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Council Member Lawson, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present.

9.3 Consideration and possible approval of a construction contract (AC-5403) for the Silverton Shores Park and Wingfield Trail Project, Bid No. 17/18-006, PWP #WA-2017-244, in the amount of $572,583 to Garden Shop Nursery Landscaping Division, Inc. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:52 p.m.) An agenda item from Capital Projects Manager Brian Cason recommending Council approve the contract. This project will construct a new park in the Wingfield Springs Planned Unit Development and includes enhancements to the Wingfield Trail. The improvements will proyide residents with better aC,cess to the park. Silverton Shores Park is the last park identified for construction as part of the Wingfield Springs Planned Unit Development. Funding is from rec & parks dist. no. 3 and impact fee service area # 1 funds; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by CounCil Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Smith, to approve the contr,!-ct for the Silverton Shores Park and Wingfield Trail Project in the amount of $572,583 to G'!-fden Shop Nursery Landscaping Division, Inc. Council Members Abbott, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Council Member Lawson, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present.

9.4 Consideration and possible approval of a purchase of play equipment for Silverton Shores Park, in the amount of $74,327.32 from BCI Burke Company, LLC. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:56 p.m.) An agenda item from Capital Projects Manager Brian Cason recommending Council approve"the purchase. The proposal for play equipment from BCI Burke is based upon the City of Sparks Park and Recreation Commission recommendations. The playground equipment will consist of two main play areas. One area is for 2-5 year olds and another for 5-12 year olds. The cost of the installation of the equipment is included within the bid for construction of the Silverton Shores Park and Wingfield Trail bid. Mr. Cason corrected the date of when the Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed play equipment recorded in the agenda item from December 14, 2017 to December 14, 2016. Funding is from the park district 3 fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve a purchase of play equipment for Silverton Shores Park, in the amount of $74,327.32 from BCI Re~ular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 5 Monday, September 11, 2017

Burke Company, LLC. Council Members Abbott, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Council M,ember Lawson, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present.

9.5 Consideration, discussion @nd possible approval of an agreement (AC-S406) for trea.ted effluent between the City of Sparks, the City of Reno and the Tahoe Reno Industrial General Improvement District. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:58 p.m.) An agenda item from Community Services Director John Martini recommending Council approve the agreement. At the City Council meeting of May 8, 2017, staff presented a proposal from the Tahoe Reno Industrial General Improvement District (TRIGID). In the proposal, TRIGID set forth a general framework to annually make use ,of up to 4,000 acre-feet of treated effluent from the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF) to meetthe process water requirements of'current and future customers of TRIGID located in the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center (TRIC). Under the direction of the Sparks City Manager, staff has meet with representatives of TRIGID, SWITCH, the City of Reno, the Governor's Office of Economic Development (GOED) and TMWA. Using the general framework set forth in the TRIGID proposal as the basis for discussion and negotiation, the parties prepared the treated effluent agreement. The agreement is scheduled for approval by the City of Reno at the September 13,2017 Reno City Council meeting. There is no impact to the general fund.

Mr. Martini and Council thanked staff for their work on the agreement. Council Member Bybee asked what the timeline is for the project. Mr. Sader ofTRIGID said the project will start moving forward as soon as the return flow agreement is in place and expects to be ready to receive water in two or two and half years. Preliminary work is already being done.

A motion was made by'Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Abbott,to approve the' agreement for treated effluent, as proposed by staff, between the City of Sparks, the City of Reno and the Tahoe Reno Industrial General Improvement District as submitted by the City Manager. Council Members Abbott, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Council Member Lawson, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present.

9.6 Consideration and possible approval to purchase methanol in an amount not to exceed. $250,000 during FY18 from multiple vendors, based oliIilarket conditions. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:23 p.m.) An agenda item from TMWRF Plant Manager Michael Drinkwater recommending Council approve the purchase of methanol. Methanol is used at TMWRF in the denitrification reactor, the final step in the removal of nitrogen from the wastewater. The city currently has a contract with Thatcher Chemical to supply methanol, however, Thatcher's plant is located in Houston Texas. The impact to the facility from Hurricane Harvey and the subsequent flooding is not known at this time. While the vendor has' assured staff that delivery of methanol will continue, the possibility of interruptions in this delivery cannot be entirely dismissed. TMWRF is seeking authorization to purchase methanol from alternative vendors if necessary at market prices. If delivery interruptions cause TMWRF to seek alternative suppliers, the intent is to return to Thatcher Chemical when supply again becomes available. There are currently two rail cars somewhere between Houston and Sacramento to be delivered soon. Future deliveries are contingent on when the railway system out of Houston is functional again. Funding is from the joint treatment plant fund; there is no impact to the general fund. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 6 Monday, September 11, 2017

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, secondeQ by Council Member Abbott, to approve the purchase of methanol from multiple vendors in an amount not to exceed $250,000 during FYI8. Council Members Abbott, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Council Member Lawson, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present.

9.7 FIRST READING of Bill No. 2723, an Ordinance amending Title 15 of the Sparks Municipal Code (adding Section to require all permanent buildings or facilities constructed on or after October 1, 2017 that are used by the public and contain a public restroom to provide a baby changing table(s) and other matters properly related thereto. (Time: 3:26 p.m.) City Clerk Teresa Gardner read the Bill by title. The second reading and public hearing will be' held at the regular meeting on Monday, September 25, 2017.

9.8 FIRST READING of Bill No. 2724, an Ordinance for voluntary annexation into the City of Sparks of two parcels totaling 3.47 acres in size located at 3650 Wedekind Road. Upon annexation, the parcels shall convert from a Washoe County zoning designation of E-1 (Estate Residential 15,000 sq. ft.) to City of Sparks SF15 (Residential Single Family, 2.9 units per acre) zoning. (Time: 3:26 p.m.) City Clerk Teresa Gardner read the Bill by title. The second reading and public hearing will be held at the regular meeting on Monday, September 25,2017.

9.9 FIRST READING of Bill No. 2725, an Ordinance to rezone two parcels totaling' 3.47 acres in size located at 3650 Wedekind Road, Sparks, Nevada from SF15 (Residential Single Family, 2.9 units per acre) to SF6 (Residential Single Family, 7.26 units per acre). (Time: 3:27 p.m.) City Clerk Teresa Gardner read the Bill by title. The second reading and public hearing will be held at the regular meeting on Monday, September 25, 2017.

10. Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning 10.1 SECOND READING, Public Hearing,discilssion and 'possible adoption of Bill No. 2721, an Ordinance amending Chapter 12.48 of the Sparks Municipal Code, "Electrical System Franchise Agreement," to allow the City Council to distribute a portion of the electrical system franchise fees between a fund for street maintenance and a fund for park maintenance in such proportions as the City Council directs from time to time; and providing other matters properly related thereto. (FOR POSSmLE ACTION) (Time: 3:28 p.m.) An agenda item from Capital Projects Manager Brian Cason recommending Council approve the amendment. The city collects a five percent (5%) franchise fee from the Electrical System Franchise Agreement of which fees in excess of two percent (2%) up to the five percent (5%) maximum allowed by state law are allocated to fund 1401 (road fund) and 1402 (parks and recreation fund). This Bill will reallocate the franchise fees to provide one third of the fees to fund 1401 and two thirds of the fees to fund 1402 for one year. Currently two thirds of the franchise fees received from the electrical system franchise agreement are allocated to fund 1401 and one third of the fees go to fund 1402. Two of the artificial turf fields at Golden Eagle Regional Park are deteriorating and in need of replacement during FY 18. Financial resources within fund 1402 are insufficient and additional funding is needed to replace the turf. This amendment will allow Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 7 Monday, September 11, 2017 the city to replace the two deteriorating turf fields within FY 18. Funding is from the electrical system franchise fee; there is no impact to the general fund.

Public Hearing was opened at 3:30 p.m. No comments were received.

City Manager Driscoll stated during the budget process Council directed the City Manager to adjust the percentages for one year to reflect 2% going to parks for field replacement and 1% to roads. The percentage is and stays 3% but this Bill gives the Council flexibility going forward on how the 3% is used.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Smith, to adopt Bill No. 2721, an Ordinance amending Chapter 12.48 of the Sparks Municipal Code. Council Members Abbott, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Council Member Lawson, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present.

10.2 SECOND READING, Public Hearing, discussion and possible adoption of Bill No. 2722, an Ordinance amending Chapter 12.46 of the Sparks Municipal Code, "Natural Gas Franchise Agreement," to allow the City Council to distribute a portion of natural gas franchise fees between a fund for street maintenance and a fund for park maintenance in such proportions as the City Council directs from time to time; and providing other matters properly related thereto. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3 :33 p.m.) An agenda item from Capital Projects Manager Brian Ca,son recommending Council approve the amendment. The city collects a five percent (5%) franchise fee from the Natural Gas Franchise Agreement of which fees in excess of two percent (2%) up to the five percent (5%) maximum allowed by state law are allocated to fund 1401 (road fund) and 1402 (parks and recreation fund). This Bill will reallocate the franchise fees to provide one third of the fees to fund 1401 and two thirds of the fees to fund 1402 for one year" Currently two thirds of the franchise fees received from the natural gas franchise agreement are allocated to fund 1401 and one third of the fees go to fund 1402. Two of the artificial turf fields ,at Golden Eagle Regional Park are deteriorating and in need of replacement during FY 18. Financial resources within fund 1402 are insufficient and additional funding is needed to replace the turf. This amendment will allow the city to replace the two deteriorating turf fields within FY 18. Funding is from the natural gas franchise fees; there is no impact to the general fund.

Public Hearing was opened at 3:35 p.m. No comnients were received.

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Smith, to adopt Bill No. 2722, an Ordinance amending Chapter 12.46 of the Sparks Municipal Code. Council Members Abbott, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Council Member Lawson, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present.

10.3 Public Hearing, consideration and possible approval of the bargaining agreement (AC-5404) between the City of Sparks and the Operating Engineers Local No.3 Supervisory Unit for the period of July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:34 p.m.) An agenda item from Assistant City Manager Neil Krutz recommending Council approve the bargaining agreement. The Operating EngineersLocal No.3 Supervisory contract expired June Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 8 Monday, September 11, 2017

30,2017. The City of Sparks and Operating Engineers Local No.3 Supervisory Unit, submitted a one year agreement covering July 1,2017 through June. 30,2018. The agreement includes a two percent (2%) Cost ·of Living Adjustment (COLA) retroactive to the first full pay period after July 1, 2017 and an increase the tuition reimbursement from $1,500 to $1,800. The City and the Supervisory Unit believe the agreement fairly represents a good faith effort to reach agreement involving wage rates and benefits. The Unit ratified the agreement. There is a $16,000 to $18,700 impact to the general fund and a $29,000 to $33,500 impact to other funds.

Public Hearing was opened 3:38 p.m. No comments were,received.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve the bargaining agreement between the City of Sparks and the Operating Engineers Local No.3 Supervisory Unit covering the period of July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Council Members Abbott, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Council Member Lawson, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present.

10.4 Public Hearing, consideration and possible approval of the bargaining agreement (AC-5405) between the Operating Engineers Local No.3 Non­ Supervisory Unit for the period of July 1,2017 through June 30, 2018. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:39 p.m.) An agenda item from Assistant City Manager Neil Krutz recommending Council approve the bargaining agreement. The Operating Engineers Local No.3 Non-Supervisory contract expired June 30, 2017. The City of Sparks and Operating Engineers Local No.3 Non-Supervisory Unit, submitted a one year agreement covering July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. This agreement includes a two percent (2%) Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) retroactive to the first full pay period after July 1, 2017, an increase to the special assignment for Emergency Communications Dispatcher Trainers and Police Assistants who train new employees from $50 to $75 biweekly or from $5 per to $10 per day and an increase the boot allowance from $275 to $300 and an increase in the tuition reimbursement from $1,500 to $1,800. This agreement also increases the tool allowance for the title of Equipment Service Worker increases from $180 per quarter to $400 per quarter and for the titles of Mechanic IIIIIII, the tool allowance increases from $360 per quarters to $400 a quarter. The City and the Non-Supervisory Unit believe the agreement fairly represents a good faith effort to reach agreement involving wage rates and benefits. The Unit ratified the agreement. There is a $93,600 to $113,100 impactto the general fund and,an $156,695 to $188,495 impact to other funds.

Public Hearing was opened at 3:43 p.m. No comments were received.

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve the bargaining agreement between the City of Sparks and the Operating Engineers Local No.3 Non-Supervisory Unit for the period from July 1,2017 through June 30, 2018. Council Members Abbott, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Council Member Lawson, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present.

10.5 Public Hearing, Consideration; and possible approval of the Confidential Employee Resolution No. 3281 for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:44 p.m.) Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 9 Monday, September 11, 2017

An agenda item from Assistant City Manager Neil Krutz recommending Council approve the Resolution. The Confidential Employee Resolution is for employees whose jobs include duties considered confidential under NRS 288 laws. It must be separate from the Operating Engineers Local No.3 Non-Supervisory contract, but at the same time mirror those contract terms. The resolution reflects corresponding changes in the Operating Engineers Local No. 3 Non­ Supervisory bargaining unit proposed contract changes. There is a $7,000 to $8,200 impact to the general fund.

Public hearing was opened at 3:47 p.m. No comments were received.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve the Resolution between the City of Sparks and the Confidential Employees for the period of July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Council Members Abbott, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Council Member Lawson, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present.

11. Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items 11.1 PUBLIC HEARING, consideration and possible adoption of Resolution No. 3319 certifying an amendment of the Comprehensive Plan to change the land use designation from LDR (Low Density Residential) to IDR (Intermediate Density Residential) on two parcels totaling approximately 3.47 acres located at 3650 Wedekind Road, Sparks, NV (PCNI7-0024IMPA-0001). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:49 p.m.) An agenda item from Development Services Manager Karen Melby recommending Council adopt the Resolution. The subject property is on the south side of Wedekind Road and bounded on the west and south by the Sparks City limits. The parcels are currently designated on the Land Use Map in the Comprehensive Plan as Low Density Residential (LDR). The density for LDR is 3 to less than 6 dwelling units per acre. The property owner is seeking an approximate density of 7 dwelling units per acre. This Comprehensive Plan amendment is requesting an Intermediate Density Residential (IDR) designation which permits a density of 6 to less than 10 dwelling units per acre. IDR is the only land use designation accommodating 7 dwelling units per acre. Based on the density range for IDR, the number of units which would be permitted on the site ranges from 21 to 34. There is no impact to the general fund.

Public Hearing was opened at 3:59 p.m. Greg Evangelatos spoke in support of the comprehensive plan amendment.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Smith, to adopt Resolution No. 3319 certifying a Comprehensive Plan amendment to change the land use designation from LDR (Low Density Residential) to IDR (Intermediate Density Residential) on a site approximately 3.47 acres in size located at 3650 Wedekind Road, Sparks, Nevada. Council Members Abbott, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Council Member Lawson, ABSENT. Passed unanimously with those present.

12. Comments 12.1 Comments from the Public (Time: 4:02 p.m.) Bill Wagner spoke in in opposition ofPCN170032 which will be heard by Council in a couple of months. His concern is the traffic. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 10 Monday, September 11, 2017

12.2 Comments from City Council and City Manager (Time: 4:03 p.m.) Council Member Abbot requested the City Manager create a Senior Citizens Board whose bylaws mirror the Sparks Citizens Advisory Board.

Cbuncil Member Smith asked Chief Allen if there are grants the city can 'apply for to help with traffic control. Chief Allen said there are a n:wnber of grants the city can apply for that would cover overtime costs for campaigns such as traffic control, however, he has reduced the number of grants applied for due to a shortage of officers.

Mr. Smith also mentioned the Sparks Fire Department pancake breakfast that is happening Saturday, October 14th.

Mr. Smith would like a Proclamation for CD Cement for their help during the floods. Mr. Smith would also like to see a coalition to help the elderly that are not able to fill their own sandbags.

Council Member Dahir said there is a Veterans Memorial barbecue being held at the Marina on September 30th from 12-2 p.m.

City Manager Driscoll announced one vacancy for the Civil Service Commission for a'partial term ending June 30, 2019. Applications will be accepted until the close of business on Friday, October 13,2017. Mr. Driscoll also recognized Contracts and Risk Manager Dan Marran who is the new voice of the pride of the Sierra and said he is proud of him for representing the city and community well.

13. Adjournment Council was adjourned at 4:03 p.m.



»> 10/9/2.017 AI 6 ·.1 MAYOR Geno:.Marfint

. ,CIT]"I;O&f.!I{;IL Donald Abbo.l!" W~irIl Ed Lawson, Ward II' Ron Smith, Ward III Charlene Bybee, Ward IV Kri$tdphff!r Da"hir, Ward'V CITY ,)fttORNE'Y 'Cffet,;A'oams

CITYMANAGER ' St~v~ B.ijs¢611

REGULAR-CIty COUNCIL MEETING MlNUTES 2:00 P.M., Monday., September.25, 2017 City C91,1neil ChaDibets" Legislati¥e .Bliilding, 745F.ourth Street, Sparks, Nev;~da

1. Call to Order (Time: 2:01 p,m,) The regularroee,ting of the Sparks City Council was called to order byMayor Geno MllJjjni at 2,:01 p,m"

:2'. Ron CliU(Time: 2:0ip,m.) MayorGeno Martirii, CouncilMewbers Donaid Abboti, ,Ed Lawson; 'Ron Btnith, Charlene Bybee, Kristopher D(ihir, City Manager- S,te;ve Driscoll, City Attorney Chet Adams and City Clerk Teresa Gardner, PRESENT.


3, Openi.ng ;Cerem()nies 3.i. Iiw()cationSpeaker (Time: 2:01 p',iiI.) The invocation was provided by Pastor Barb West, Sparks Chur,ch ofthe Nazarene.,

3.2, Pledge of AllegJ!ln!!e Crime: 2:03 p;m.} ThePleoge'ofAllegiance,wasle.d ~y. CounciLMembet Abbott.

4. Public Comment (Time1 2:0:4 ·p.m.) , Darlene HesSe. showed pictures from her phone oftbe ,flooding afWildcreek in January. Ms. Hesse asked thatWildcreek GolfCowse Pe saved and spoke in opposition ofa school being ,built 'at the Wildcreek location. Wesley GdffiJ)' spoke in opposition ofa school bemg built at Wflq<;re~k. Bill. Wagner spoke iiP!)J.lt curreQt ,trll.ffic issues on Vista and in opposition of PCN'17-0032.. J.>:l!tl;tleen Shotlpe sPIilj(erl!l'o,PP,ositionof a Iligh 'school befu'g JilUlll at Wildcreek ,qolf,€;oUI'se sta.t!ng e.oncerns ,of'increaseocfime.

5. Agenda Crime: 2:15 p.m.) 5.1 A.pproval of th~ Ag~nda (FOR pogSmLE ACTION) Consideration ottwngitem~ Q\lt:, of sequence; ddeting items and, adding items wru9h require ,action UPOJl (lJinding that anemergeney .exists. .

A motionwas"madeby Collndl Member Smith, sec!))1ded by Councii Member Bybee, io.approve the agenda as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES ..Passed Unanimously. R,egular (:ity ' Co'un'ci! ; ,\it~eting !\iiinutes - Page 2 Monday. September 2S. 2017

6_ Minutes (time: 2:16 p,m,) 6.1 COllsi~erationandpossii>i~ IIPpr;oval ofthe~ill)lte~ oethe regular Spar~ City Council meeting of September n,2017. (FOR :POSSIBLE ACllON) Amotion was made.. by Council Memb:er. D'ahit, see-anded b,yCo.Un-cil. Member Bybe~; la' 'I\pprove the minuteS' ofthetegiilar'Spatks City .coUiicii :meeting on Sep'fem:be'r' 11,,2017. COi:lhtiLMemoers Abbott, Smith, Bybee, Dah'ir, YES, Council Member Lawson; ABSTAINED. Motion carried 4"0.

CO,uncil Member Lawson abstained bec:l)use he, was not present at the September 11 til meeting. , 7. Aimouncemeilts, Presentations, Recognition Items lind Items of Spedal Interest CTime: 2:17 p.m,) 7,1 CIlQJmeo4atlon: Sp,aoii.b $p,I:iIngs;llighS\;hoQ'l,CQ\lgar: !\llirching Qand' (lime: 2d'lp.m.) Mayor Martini and. the, City Council .commended Jhe Spanish Springs, Cougar Matching:' Band, staff and volunteers fottheir-outstafiding 'seasOil a1id' fot representing themselves, Spanish Springs High School, the entire Sparks community and the County of Washoe with distinction tIITough tlJeir talent, hard work and determm"qol). ,i!). 'hosting' the Nevada Day Battle of the Bands,. the ,Commendation W<\S roead by Councii Membef Dabir and presented to seven yoe<\f bl)lld dad and ,coordinator of the 'Nevada Day Battle of the' :Bands. Dan Marran" ·.and. 'band memo:ers' OJ Latham and Bradley Burgett

7.2 l'rol!lama.tion: IllternllJi!lIll!.t;Wlilk to Scholil' D'ay {time: 2:24p.m;,) Mayor Martini proclalmed Wednesday, Odoberll, 2017 asJntoematlonaJ Walk to SchooiUay and encouraged the' citizens of Sparks, Nevada to walk or bicycle with their children to s.cho,ol while celebrating the benefits of increased safety and health. The Proclamation was presented to Officer M. J. Cloud whoViill be returning to Patrol. Officer, Roger Markensert will be taking over as the safe rol!te to $chool coordinl)tor. officc;;r ¢lQudthanked (jo\lIl~il Member Bybee for attending :s@fety week;foJ.tbe homeowner!>. ofthe Y.'j$);as.

73 £roclamation: TheCominittee·to Aid Abused Women Day (Time: 2:J;1 p.m.) Mayor Martini proclaimed September 2'8, ,20:)'7 'as a day irthOnor.ofthe Committee to Ai'd Abused Women. The Committee to Aid Abused 'Women (CMW), is celebrating 40 ye<\fS, of'p,oyidmg services and $IlPpoq to victims of dome,stic, violence. The Proclamation was read, by Council Memper Byb~ .and presented to Denise. Yoxsimer. City Attorney Chef Adam thanked Ms. Yoxsimer far what. CAAW does.'tO protect the 'women in our' community.

7A Ptoclamation:Fire Pre:ven(ion Week (Time: 2:3.5' pcm,:). Mayor Martini proclaimed October :8'-14, 20'I/lI,'l' Fire PrevenJ;ion. We~k : and urged ih~ c.mzel1s or, the City ofSparkl> to cl'evelop a home fire 'es.cape plan witli'aU membJ!rs of the hou,seholQ, practice it twice a year and to participate in theml)llY public safety actlvi'tioes and efforts of SparkS: fire: and emergency ,services during Fire Prevention Week 2017. The.Prociamation was presented to Fire Marshall .Bob King. Marshall King' gave, ,a history overview' of Fire Prevention Week and, 'announced the 28th annual pane-like breakfast 'which will oe held October 14t1l from 8' a.m. until noon .. Thebost is:$5 per person and $2 for children and seniors'. There, will also be th~ , ~rd annuaJ l SI ,,1<\fffi,fITe' ~k. willktnm prior. ,to theiPimc!lkeQr.eakf(lSt.

7.5.Pl'esentation: Project SAFE Golf Fundraiser res-ults. and plaquepresenfations (Time: 2:49 p.m.) R~ii:Pl;i~' cjty C9:ut,cllll/leetli1g Mi.n~t·~ , . 1?~.gi) . 3 Monday, September '25\. 2017'

; Fi'r.~ M.!!r~bAilBQi): King· g~yj': ·th~ Jc. ~~l.t!i 'Qf'!h'c 40ft .i}f.9j~C:f ;S..A:FEgp'if':6mdr.aXse!,; MarsiWiKW:g, · pr~s~n.te4 ~i~gu~s .· to· 'die fOl!rJol'1 i s.pOllSP~S · o:f the exent.~ plaqueswere pFesente't\to.Nic\< tBrQWIT .of .ABCHFe'& ;G)jlinder' Set¥fces who. hasl b~e.efi Ii premi'et: s:ponsorlsince:2m:o, .Gfu'is'Nelsbii of'Belfot PteperiyResioiatioll wh\) has ;been.a premier ·~ponsOf.SiiJ.ee:2O]:Z, Lonnie Fixel ofCo it ReIl,o"wl;w 'haS Deeh a preni.ier .sponsor sinee 21914, anc:L!he 1r ,21111, '. . . ..

'7,.6: Presentation:: Aiislind :Ec.tinc)'iiiic Pt:ospefity S'iiftiey::i National. Nev;lidaand: CitY' of. Reno O:ime: 2'i14g, ·p.tft : ~ . ShOshiiha -Zelifuet .6£ the State' ofNe¥aga . Mt.~: ' C(inm~H '≶ ~lei)!>' liitu 'ofthe :CityofReIl,!li gave la: pre~e!1tat~Qn, ~m the An!>' &. ·E~Qn:QmJ'cBmspedJy 5i .S!I!'Vj':)' I:eswls.; .

7:.7' Presentation:, EDAWN Expansion & WotIffot;ce €:rmu~: '1:58 p.fii.): A pteSefttafi'eii .I:5)"Sr. Viice Presid'eiitof Retentioii;Eiiipahsioh"ahd ViI orkforce Deve'lopD,lellf'N'

7:.l! Pr-esentatiQn:JTire .~Q1;; Rtigioiilll .Plan: U'pdate :CTime: 3::(J8 p'Ji() Exec.ative: Ditecior Kim RebifiStifi .preserltedi the 20;17 Tlifekee Meadows .reglonal p1;11).lIpd.'lJe. fOf the 'Triicke.eMeadoWs Re~iOiJ.aI:Pl1urninf5 Agency. ~ . ,

: l!\Co!ls.~n(lj:~lI!s : (,FQR fQSSIRLE;AcaT:lQN) {J'ime.:: 3~22p;m ,1 {HEARD .kIlTER ITEM. ll.2J A nfofi~ii was made byCe.l1hciLMember SmIth"secoDded .b;y CouncIL MemoerLawsQn, ~P ll.p.llfoye c.o-nseiititems,·8'.'f tm6iIgn ;8,g' iis' subillitted.Cbuncil Memb~r:s .A:ppott, t .aws.Q\1, Smltb".BYQe.e.; I}~ 'yf}S. 'Passed .unaillmo~ly. .. .

11.1 Rep'ort: (ff;ClajQiS ·and; BillS :a ppr.o~ea· for"'p'ayfiielit'lind 'a:m>roprilitiOfifrilnsfers fur th~(p:eriOd Ai.lgii'Sf,l~, : Z017 thtOiigp; Sl\ptemlier ' 6., 21li'Z~ (FtfRP.ofrsiBtE ,ACnOr.i;) . . . Ail ag~nda . 'item fr0mFi~!l,Ilci!!l S'~~\le.~ : Dir~ctQr If;,ff CIQclc r~g0lllm!:ndlng th~Cltr :C.0un"eiJ.

8.2 C.(jns'ia~ratiOll·, discussion. and :possiDle .ap.jJroval fopullchasll two 1'QrQ GtOiiildsfiiilSfei"® mowers from' ''furf:St~r ' Wes~el\!! : ip the ilmQlm' Qf ,$H6;S-l.6.:3.7, (Fait POSSIBLE!.(\:CtlO~) Pm : iig~nda . item from Pteet 'and Raif1it(es. Nfil,llitgef RJ).I1 ~9rman: reCQlIi)illeudmg ,Cowrci:l ·aPP(ov.e th€) pl.i,f(:ih~.e o.tfuj': AI.9we.l:S. The X~g~ fa:ih¥Jl.Y:m!'l.wer'#82.61 and :smiiller ,quad s.te:er 4WD mow.et #.81' 4j wt~fi pr00m Md' .qqickmPJ,!Ilt fa.«a'ehment Will replace 824C and 8,O.6E .. Be¢liifse ofbfidget fS!:s.tFictl

8:1 ' Consideraifun~ d,ili!!uS_S,IQ!l llP'cl PQs$!ble' !lp,prI)v;!1 lo PUf¢b'.!l'S.e' .PI!a:se 1 and 'Fh.3~~ ' ~ of!l !)ityw:jcte lJ.!!llcligg AIl.c.es,S, CQntl'9J System from Po.'W,erComm for 190,'53/.!." (!EQRI'O,SSlRLE ttc.nQ~ ~ Irg~nda,iteJll' f(GIn' Ga:piflfL Prej e-Cts Mana:g~r .' Bt.i"an Gasofi:fecorflfiiendifig CO.iilieil. appro¥e.the jlurchasll •. Ov..etthe p-ast:25 'years, .•the city.has iU'stalleo rtiultiplebuilding ~cj f(lcj~!lY~teglmniP l!egulartit.Y Council Meeting Minutes - Page 4 Monda.v, September 25,. 2017

'access' systems. 'The tc,9hnoiogy : in~f!il:1ed ill our various facilities has reached 'the end6flife and support.

As part of the ~pprov.ed . Capital .Improvement P-rcog!'OSSIBLE.AC.TION) (Time: 3:22 p,m.) An agenc\a: item from City Manager Sfe,ve DrisCOlL 'recommending Council' 'approve the 2017-18 d..ues for the' Nevada, League ,of Cities &, Muru.c'ipalities (N:L0M). MembershiP fo the NLGM supports the' ·cHy in ful'filliilg its adopted state legisl'ative platform. Exel;Utive Director Wes Hendersort gave an update of legislative actions during the.2017 Legislativ:e Session, reViewing the,legislation affectingth,e City ofSpar-ks. Mr. Henderson spoke about the lipcomingconferen.ces statewide llli!ilnternatlQualiy. This year ,the NLCMwiU be helQ in Mesquite 'N~vad!l. (In' ,Q(;:tober lOth through the 12m., Tne national. conference Will be he14 'i)1 Charlot1~ ; North Car<'llinaon Nbvembei, 151\1 tlrroughthe ISm. Additionalfy, The NLCM offers a number of learning opportunities and soCial. events to be able. to interac.! with other elected officials throughout the :state. Wes· 'Henderson l!Il..dthe NL.CM .organization has been 'a strong partfier with the City of Sparks o,n I~gishlt{v~ :affaIrs., There 'is 1l.$QO,4'18.62 'irnpact'to the ;general fund~ , '

.A motion was made by CoUncil Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Smith, to' approve. the.20 17 -lS dues for the Nevada League of Cities; ,& MUnicipalities in the. amount of ,$20;41 S.62. Council Members' Abbott, ,J,l}ws,Qn, :smitn, Bybee~, l)ahir, YES', :PaSsed ,u:na:nifuously.

9.2 Consideration, discussiOn and possible approva) of the funding allocation of $15,000 to Supplement the Nugget's Rib Cook. Off and Hot August Nights for additional police !!o, ~t~ : as xec,illnQlended by the Tour.ism and Matkeiing Committee" .{FOR '{!QSSIBLE ACT,ION) (Time: 3:3 S p.m.), An agenda item from SpeqiaJ Events Sl.lpervisorFrancine Burge recominending Council approve the funding a1lQcation. The City of Sparks receives an annual allocation of room tax revenue.S from the Reno SPMks convention & Visitors' Authority Which can ,only Pe used for. the 'mar\<:e.tIng and PfOlllotion ' oJ to,urism in the City of '8,parks ,and the oper,l!ti~n: ,l!Ild maiptenance, of Mpital l'mpro'lements within fe~everopment areas of 'the «tty. Each year, the To.u:rism & Marketing Commiiteesolicits fundiftg;application,s from the sppnsors of tire speci'a] evertts which take 'place irt.sparks and recommends ,funding allQcations to help pay for the cost of the, events. Tne Sparks City CounCil 'is responsfbI~ for the aufuorizationand expenditures .O'heom tax revenu,esqeposited ':\\!'iihin the

A'motionwas made by Coun~il Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Lawson"toapprove tbe funding.aJiloca!tOlvof$IS,QOO,tp supplement the Nugget's,R'ib Cook Off and got,AUgtlsJ Nights for additiomil police costs as recommended by the Tourism and Marketing Committe,e. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, 'Bybee, Dahlr, YES. Passed unaninrously.

9',3 Consideration, disc,ussion and possible acceptance of the Arts and Culture AlI,vjsory Committ!l.e's Mission and, strategic Plan 2!l17-20ZQ. (FOR PQSSIBLE ACTIQN): (Tinl.e: 1:44 p.m.) An agencIaitem from Special EventsStipervisor Francine Burge and Chair or the Arts and Culture Adyisory Committe'e (ACAC) Sarah ToneY recommending, Council. accept the Colnmittee':s Mission and, Strategic Plap. Ms. To.ney ,talked abO)lt ACAe"s Missioli Statement and 'howthc ACAC carries out the'Misslpn statement. Ms. Toney gave ali ,overview of the Strategic Plan. The pllfPose of; the ACAC is to provide a plan and guidance for arts and, ,<-ultuJ.:al .\dated activities on Public pr0,perty ot]ifojectsuiilizing :city resourceswitlW-tthe City of Sparks: The~ ACAC-perforrtis in:apositive; professional and collabgrative manner to gather Information and provide constructive feedback and suggestions't9 the Spilfks Mayor ,and City CO.uncil on City programs, initi.aliyes lilla. matters rererred,to the A¢~C by the, Spark~ ' City Cotilicii. •

CpUI)cil Member Bybee commended, Francine Burge for being voted Art Aclvoeate of the year during the EDAWN Arts ani:! BusinessLun~heon. .

City Attorney Adams asked for clarification on whether the agenda item had a financiillmpalit today.City;:&1;mag!;fDriscolldarified thereis'rfo financial inl.pactt.othe general fund in the agencla itelJlbeing heard today.

A motion. Was .made, by COIJJWil. McniherSrnith, seconded by Cotiflcil Member Dahir,~o acc.ept the. Arts and Cult\!rc Advisory Committee's Mission and Strategic Plan 2017-2020. Council Members A~bott, L.aWcson, Smith, .Ry'bee, Dahir, YES'. Passed .llllan,imously.

9.4 Consideration, discussion an~ possi'bleapproval of acontracl: (AC-5409) with Aspen Dellelopers.C9rporation, for the. Be~gin Way Storm Drain. Project, 'in the amount of $423,14,0. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 4:()O p.m,:) . An agenda item from'Utility Manager AndyHummel.recommending CO)lllcil approve the;contrac1. The ' Cityj)f Spi!Fks' StorlnWater Basin MasterFlan idel)tificd. til!!. neecl for storm dra1h improvcmenfs at the intersection Qf'Sergin Way andOyermyer Road andadjac'ertt pnJPerty. The area identified experiences frequent, logalized flooding from :stormwater .conveyed off McCarran Blvd. This project will proYlde .storm drain, infrastructure to coliVey'the. stormwater llllciergrolllld to .the city's existing, storrndrain Hne at Glendale Av.e. A stOFmwater intercepJpr vaun wiilbe cOhstructed to capture and treat stormwater prior to dischargiJig to the Glendal.e Ave storm drain line ..Funding isJrom the stQrmdrainscapitai project fund; there is no, im.pac:t to the, general. fund.

Council Member SIi1ith stated he will abstaip froIl'l. voting on this item. His son-in_law is the general manager fotAspen DevelOpe~Cprp.Qflltion.

Amotion was made by COIlllcil Member Dahlr; seconded by Council Membcr.Abbott, to approve the contrapt with Aspen Develepers {':6q>oratiofi, for the Berg~n Way S.torm DralnPrpjeet; in the, all'lPunt of $423,140. Coooeil Members Abbott; Lawson, B¥bee; Dairlr; YES.CoUlicil Member Smith, ABSTAINED. Motion carried 4-0. Regular City Counfil Meeting Minutes. Page .6 MQrida.,,;Septenjb.er 25, 2017

9;5 Consideration, dis~gssion and,. possible approval of Amendment No< 1 to the Pisposition. and Development Agreement .(AC~S2S1) between SWlM~uar!'Y ItJ:li!lges, L1.C; the Redevelopnient Agency of the ·City of Spar~ .alld the City .0f'Sparks 'for an air space, easement across City' property And permission for The Bridges residents to parJ(. up to SO passenger vehicles in the Cityparkin.g garage. (FOR POS$JBLE ACTION) (Time: 4:05 p.m.) .. Anagcada. itll!l!, £ro.Q!! As~.l$fant , Commuruty SerQices Dit.eeto.r Atrhartde. Ornelas reco.mn1eIlding Co.wlcIl'appro.ve the amendment. The amendinent to. tlie DDA wo.u14 grant the Develo.per an. al~ space .easement across city pro.perty to. co.nstruct a pedestrian bridge co.nnecting The Bridges pro.ject to.. the city parking garage Io.cated 4irectly adja~ellt to. the Victo.rian. Square moVie.theater .. It also pro.vides :fo.tallo.wing, 1:he :8ildges residents to. park up to. 50 passenger vehieIes ifithe·City parking garage. 'Co.uncilexpressed concerns abo.ut the fifty parking spots and if there is any way to. trag\<,. Mr. Qmelas stated there. is not a way to track currently, butthere is IJ9tC\ll:fently a.charge to. P

A mo..tio.n was maile by Council MeinberBybee, seco.nded by Co.UIlcH Member Abbo.tt, to.. approve Amendment No. . .1 to. the Dispo.sitio.n and J)evelo.PIllent ,Agreement fo.r The Bridges project. Council Memb'efsAbbo.tt, Law~(m" smith,. Bybee, Dahir;,'YES, Passed unanimOUsly; .

9,6 Consideration and possible affirmation of the City of Sparks'intent to continue to participate, during fiscal Y!:l!.rs 201lhZOZO, .as a' memb:er of the Washoe County .HOMEConsllrtium (WCHc)., (tr~R POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 4:21p.m.) . , An agenda item rro.mPlaJllling Manag~r Jim Rundle reco.mmending Co.uncil affirm in writiJlg the city's intent to. continue to. participate' as a member o.f the, WCHC during fi'sc31. years 2<'Hs·2020. Th~W:CHC : is' !a partnership, fo.rmalized wotighan :inter.go.vemmenta! agreemeIlt; between Washo.e Co.untya:nd the cities o.f Reno. a:nd Sparks. The WCHC :is a regio.nal mechanism fo.r pro.viding state and federal funding to. ;rtIo.rdablc ho.)lsing pro.j,ects and pro.grams. The City of Reno. setves,:as the leail : ag~ncy· an,tl:. the.City'o.f'sparks a:nd,Washo.e · County are participa:tingj~dicti,:ms . There is no. impactto ,tht; ,geperal fund. ,. .

A.mo.tion was made by Co.uncil Member Lawso.n, seco.pd'ed by Co.uncil Member ,Smith.: to.. dire.ct theChy Manager\fo affirm inwriting:tei·the Ci1:y o.:t;Reno., thdea:d agency for the. WCHC, the City o.fSparks' intent to co.ntinue to. parti'c'ipate as amernber o.f the Washo.e Co.unty HOME Co.nso.rtiwn during fiscal yeats 20IS·20'20. Co.uncil Memh,ers Abbo.tt, Lawso.n, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed Unanimo.usly,.

10. Public 'Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to planning and Zoning 10.1 Public Hearing, consideration and Pll.ssibljl approval to submit the Consolidated Annual .Pl)lior:lPal!ce and .Evaluation Report: (CAPER) for ;Ptogram 'Year 2, Fiscal Year 2016~17 for the City of Sparks to the U~S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). (FOR PossmLE ACTION) Cl'ime:4:24.p.m.) . An agt;pda item. irem He.using Spe:cihlist GeotgeGtaham .reco.mQ1endlllg: COUllcilapprove submissIo.n o.f the CAPER., The CAPER pro.vides aflQverview o.fho.wthe City o.f'Sparks expended ltegular·City. tfliunc!l i'4e,eJ[ng·.I\t1inQt!is;- Pagl!:7 MO)'iClay., September<25, 2017 .

Com:munityflevelopm~ntBr<:>ek Grant:(,CDBG,J funding, how theWCm: 'spetit HOME; fun(l~\:lUld reviews the jUrisa:i~tions 'community ' development and. affordable housing accompiishments dwIng Program Year 2, Fiscal Year 2016-17. Each year,the City 'Of Sparks is requiredtoprepate and: submit a CAPER to·HUn . SUbmission of.t!\~ CAPElhs a cOFIdi'tron.of re'eeiving:federal COBO and' HOME Partnership program fund'ipg. ·s.p

The Public Hearing; was opened. at A:iJ p.m.; J\o .comments were re.ceivecl. The Public .He!lring was :clCised.

A motion WflS made by Council Member Smith, seconded :t)y COlIDc,il Mimiber Bybee, toapprMe. SJlPo:llttal of the :Consdlidaied Annual PetfoTmanct; and Evaluafi0n Rep'or! fot-Program Year 2, Fiscal Year 2016-17 'for the City of Sparks t9 ·the tJ:S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Council Mempers Abbott, Lawson, Smith, By.bee, Dahir, 'YES.J,>!lSsed ·iirfartimousiy. . . ~

10.2 SECOND READING, Public He,aring, discussion.and p,ossible ado,ption.ofBill No., 21723', ,an Ordinan~e amendIng Title: 15 .of .the Stiiitks M.un'ici'paiCo~e (adding'SectiQn 15.0$-.104'.1.4) to require all periminelit bu'ildings orfaciiities constrncted on 'Qr after October I, 2017 that ate.used by ntepubi,ic alld.contain a pubJtcr~stroom to ,provide a baby changing, ,t~bl~(s) and I)th!!r matters· propetlyrelatedthetet6.,(FORPOSSlBLE ActiON) (Tiine: 4:24 p.m.) An agenda item from Building OffiCial Mark. Meranda recommending Council adopt the BiU. During the recently ·concludei} 19.th, S.t:l~sion of the NeMada State. LegiSlature, AB441-Ri WM passe-d and signedint<;> law lily Governor. Sandoval. The Bill mandates that lo.cal , gov~rnm:ents reqUite certle accessible to men. and. at least ioneoaby changing table accessible tow.6men. Iii addition, Section 150li.l04.1.4 would requiTe that the ,Installation' cf all baby changing tables comply with ioc.aI, state, and federal laws relating.to ·accessto persons with disability. There is no h:npacttc the general furtd.

The. public Hearing was opened at 4:30 p.m.; no.. comments wer,e received. The Public Hearing was,cio.sed. .

A. motion was made. by Council Mernb.er Bybee, seconded by CoUnCil Member Abbott, to adopt Bill No. 2T1,3, an Ordinanceamendll1'g Title: 1-5 to add, Section 15:0S.t:Q!\.lA to the :Sparks Municipal CQde. COllncii Members Abbott', LawsoD.\ 'Smith, 'ijybee; .Qahir, YES, Passed unanimously. . R~gular <::ltv Council ,Meeting Minutes - Page 8 Miiodav, September 25,'2017

10.3 J'ublic he);lring, consideratioil, and possIble approval of the collectjye bargaining agreemenqAC-S412), between the City oLSp;u:ks a,nd, the Sparks Rolice P.'to,teciiv,e Associa:tion -Non"S~perY:isory ,Unlf (or-the period July' 1, 2'017 througnJune 30,2020. (F()~ PQSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 4:30 p.nt.) An a:genda item from Assi~tant City Manager Neil Krutz rec()mmending Council approve the collectivepargaiping agre~ement~ The Sparks Polic,e' Protective:Association Non-SuJ:1!'lrvisory Unlt cPntrllct ex;pi~ed June :30, 2CH7. The: City of Sparkis and 'the: Sp

The Public Hearing was opened at 4:{8 p.m.; no 'comments were'received. The Public H~aring waS :closed. .

A rnplion was made .by, 'C.ouneil Merfibet Abbott; seconded by CQ.u.ncil Memb.er' Smith,; fo. approv.e tb:eco.l1ec.tive b'argaining agreement between the City ofSpaJ.'ks';mdthe Sparks' Police Protective AssoCiation - NOri"Supervisory Unit for the peiiod:of July 1,2'0.17 throughJune 30, 202:0. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Srnith" Byb,ee, Dahir, YES. Passedtil1animously.

lQAP,ublic, heating, consideration, and posslpI~ appr~val of th'e: collective bargaining agreement (AC-S41O) between the City of Sparks and the Sparks Police Protective A~solliation - Sergeants Unit for -the 'period July 1, 2011 through Jllpe.3Q. 2020. (EORPQSSIBLEAC.TIO~ (Time: 4:49 p ..m J ,An, agenda item f'(O,m Asshtant City Mahager Neil Krutz recornmendiI\g, Coundfapprove the] collective bargaining agreement. The Sparks Police Protective Association - Sergeants Unit contra.ct expired June 30, 20.17. The Cit' .of Sparks l!Ild the Spm-k:s Police .Protective Association - Sergeants Unit. submitted a tentative !!g!'eemel1t..AQvering July 1, 2017tliro,ugli JUi1e 30,2020, 111i's ii"grll'ement:ihcludes' a costofliviqg :adjllstment,EGOLA) ()f l.'8!Yoabov.e 'the'base s<:l,i,aryrate in effect June 30, 201'7. The rust.fuJI pay period after July 1,2018, employees will receive a COLA ofhoJess than 1.0% and no greater than 3. .0 %. Effective the firstfull pay peiiod after July 1; 201 Q, emplOYees will regeiYea COLA-ofn() less ,than 1; 0% ,and no greateJ than 4, 0%. Each. COLA wilL be cakulated, ,\l,Stng the Consumer Price Index. 'There i's an :add!:cl. special :assignment for a :Majot Investigation ream and an. adjustinent 'in how night differential is 'paid. There is an estimated $114,600 to the general fund in FY1&, ;mestimated $\60,600-$205,6,00 impactto the genera:l fund in FY19 and' all .estimated: $2:45;,600 ... $34.1 ;600 impact to the general fuIidiii FY20, '

The p'\lblic Heanng was opened at 4:50 'p.m.; no cotninents were received. The Public Hearing w~cJose4. R.e$ular·!:ity'Council Meeting;Minutes·-;Page 9. Monday, 'September '25, 2911

Amotion w:as) nade by Council Member Lawson, sce~onded bycQuncilMember D'ahir, to ,ap.prove the, ):oll'ec.tiVe: ,15ru-gainihg agreeinent ·betw!;!ep. the. City of Sparks and the Sparks PoliceP.rotective Association - Sergeants Unit for July 1, Zi117 through June 3D, 2020. Council Members ,Abbott, Lawson, Smith;Bybe~ ~ Dahir, YES. Passed unanimoUSly ..

10.5 ·Public .hearingl con.siderailon,aJld possible approval of the collective bargaining agreement (AC-5411) between the City of SparkS 'and the SparkS Police Protective; Asso.da.ti!)n - lJie,utenants lJnit' fof :the peri'od Jldy 1,;2017' througbJune 30,2020. (FOR' POSSmLE ACTION) (Time: 4:~1 p.m.) . An agenda item from Assistant City Manager Neil Krutz recommending Council approve the coUeGtivebl!!'gaining ,agreement. The. Sparks Poli'ge':ProtectiYe Asso.dation - Lieutenants; Unit contract e~pire:d Jufie 3'0, 2017 .. The CitY o.t'Sparks·. and the, Sparks Pbtice Protective Associ'ation - Lieutenants,Unit subrrtitted.a te.nta!ive agreement cQvering July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2020. This agreement incll!de~a cost .ofllving adjustment CCOLA)'of 1.8% above the b&se salary rate in effect June )0; ~20 17~. E{(~l:tive ; tire firSt' fult 'pay period after JlIlyj., zt)ii 8, empl'oyees will'te:C.eive a COlA of' no less than LO% and no greater than .3.0%. Effective the :first full pay period after July 1; 2019, employees Will receive a COLA of no less than·j,O% and no ,greater than 3.0%. Each COLA win be, calculated using, the ConSJlR')erPriee Jnde~ ..There is an. adjustment to, how n'ight diffe-rentialls,pru.d. There i;s an.e$tiInated $4:6,000 impact to the general fund in FYi 8,an'estimated $76,OOO-$96,Q(J0 impact to the general fund in FY19 and an e$tllnated $llQ;000-$1.51,000 impact to the ,generai fllnd.in FY2Q.

The~ Public Hearing was' opened l!.t 4:51 p.m.; no comments. Were received. TheP\!blic Hearing was Closed.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by'Co.unci'l Member .Bybee, to approve the,coUective bargaining ,agreement between.the City ,of Sparks 'and the. SParks PoliceProtectiye Ass.o.eiation ~ Lieutenants Uni~ for, Jl!ly' 1" .201'7 furQIIgh June.10" 2020. Ceuncit: Mempers. Abb.ott, LaWson, Smith, Bybee, DaIti'r, YES. :PassedunarumoUs{Y.

to.6 .PIIblichearing, cimsidera'tlon, and possib1..f 3Pproyalof the Deputy Chief 'Employee' Resohdion . No~ ~320 :fortbe' period July '1, 2017tJitough June 30, .2'020. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 4:52 p.m.) Anagendil item from Assistant .city Manager Neil Krutz recommending Coppell adopt the Resolution. The prev{oJ!s Dep.uty Chief Em:ployee Resolution .expired,Jooe· 30,201'7. The new Resolution will c.over Juiy 1, 2017 through June 3Q, 2020 .. 'This ResoluJion crumges the rate of dependent health care from 50% of cost to 25% of CO$t to aiign with the bargaining units. This Re$oMion inciudesa ,cost ·of living adjustrnl;'(nt (COLA,:) of 1.. 8% abo,ve; thebase salary mtein effeci,J.Une, JQ; 20:17. Effective the;firwfull pay perlo'dafter July 1, 201'8, employees will reqei've a C_OLA .of no less than ..l.O% and,no greater than 3.0%. Effective the first fijJl pay perio:d after July 1, 2019, employeeS ·w,ill receive a COLA of no Jess than 1.0% and n!il. gre.l!.te.than 3.0%" Each, COLA will kc!iIq.ilat!

The Public Heating was .opened at 4:54 p.m. Mr, Bill Wagner. asked ifthere was moneY in.the City of Sparks budget to pay·tor all of this. City Manager Driscoll stated there was. TheJ?ublic Hearing was .Closed. Regul~r City counCil Meeting Minutes - Page 10 Monday,'september 25, 2017

A motion was wade by ¢p_uncil Member Dahlr, secoIid~d by CoUncil MerIib ~ r Bybee, to adopt the Dep4ty, Chief Employee Resolution No. 3320 for the period ofJuly 1, 2.017 throug4).ime3.O, 2.02.0. CQUllCll Memb.ets Abbott" Lawson, Smith,. Bj'pee, D

10. 7 Public bearing, consideration, .andpossible approval of ~h.e coll.ective ,bargaining agreement (A:C~5413) between the. City of Sparks and lhe Association of Sparksi Firel Department .Crassiji~d Cble{Officers Unit for th-e period July I, 2017 through JQne 30, 2020. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 4:55 p.m,) An ,agenda i'tem from~s$istant c.~ty Manager; Neil Krutz recommending, Cow'wH' 1!ppr(i)ye, the, collective ba,rga'U.Ung ·ljgreement. The, AssoCiation of Sparks Fire Department Classified. Chief Officers Unit contract expired June 3.0, 2.017'. The City of Sparks and the. A ssociation of Sparks Fire Department Classified Chief Officers UniJ s)Jbmiltt:d.. ateritlJ,tixe agreemen't coyenng: July, 1, 2.01.7 through Jline 3D, 2U;ZO. TheagJ'eeme)1t ihciudesa,c.ost ofliving adjustment (COLA)onJ% above the base salary rat~ in effect June 3D, 2.017, a COLA of 2 ..0 % above the base salary rate 111 effecUlme 30, ,2.018, a COLA of 2 ..0% above the base salary rljfe in effect. June 30,; 2.019 and _sp,editiJ;.s. aC.ting PI\Y for werking in.apositl'6Ii.above the paYJ'aJlge:

Employees m!l.Y ,rf:quest 'a, payout pf'their cotnpens'atory fime.There' i's poteniil)i for up to an $18,dQ.O i'mpact to the general fund for. FY18, up to a $20,5.00 impacno the. general fund for FY19 and up to a $2.0,0.0.0 impact to the general fund for FY40~

The. ,Public Hearing was opened at 4:59 p.m.; no comments Were received. the P)lpli'c Hearing was closed.

A,motlj)n was made. by CounCil Memoer Abb<;itt" secolldeJi by Council Member. Smith, to appro:ve the bargaining agreement between the City or Sparks and the Association of Sparks Fire Department Classified Chief Office~s U nit fodhe pedod of Jilly 1" 2.017 tfuough Jll.l!e 3D, 20.20. CounCil Memb<;rs ,Abbott" :0

jil.8 Public Hearing, consideration, andpo.s~~ble approval .of th'e Assistant; Senior; aild Chief Assistant City AttQ!'!J~Ys Res.o.lutio.n No'. 3321 for theperidd July 1; 1017 through Jillld!l,!i,020 ~ (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 5':Q.O p.m.) An agenda item ITom Assistant City Manager Neil Krutz recotnInendillg c<;mnc\l adopt the Resolution. The previo.us. 'Resolution ~xpire:d June, 3D" 20:1 7, the; newRe~91ution »,1:11. c,ovet the perio\f l )lly i , 2017 through' JUne 31'),\ :2.0:2.0 .. This Resolution includes a .cost of living 'adjustment (CotA) of 1.8% above the base salary rate in effect i1llle 3D, 20)7. Effective the first full pay period.a,fter July 1., 2.018 ,.employees' willreceive: .a.COLA of no less than 1.0.% and no greater than 3 .Q% , Effective· we first:fun pay peri'od .afte.f' ;t~y 1, .2019, empl'o,yees will.teceive:a .GOLA ofn~ less thart 1...0% 'liiid.no greate( than :3 .0%. Each COLA wIll be 'caicutatedusing the Consumer Pric~ Index; There is an estimated $ 14,QO.O-$24,.O.OO impact to the general fund for FYI8, a,n estimated $22,OOO~$·37 , O.O(jjJ.l)pacHp the gen'eral fund for FY1.9 and an estimated $'lQ,QOd.;$61.,OOQ.impaet to the: ;gf;:!}eral fund for F'YZO'.

I he, Resolution alsochahges sick le:av,t:, conveI:sion and, slck leav.e .cash-.out. There, is potential for up,to a '$'49,.0.0.0 irnpacHo i(he: g~nef.ljf t'lmd oY~r-the thre.e"year term. ' Regular.City C04n1;[ll\IIee~iQgi. l\illlilites : . \ Pjl!l1l1l Il/fQ.ni;l~y; ; Se:ptemi!er25, 2017

The Public Hearing was opened. at ~:02, p.m.;· no c;omments were receive1i. The Piibli'c Heari,\g. was dosed,

Amotion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by COl,ll1cil Member Dahir', to adopt'the Assistant, Seru@t, . andChiefAssis~ City A1tQmey.s :R.esolutlon N:I'l. 33:l1 for tile period of July 1, 2017 furoug/1 June 30; 2020. Council MembersAbbott, Lawson, Smitli,Bybet:: bMir, Y;E:S. Passed unanimously.

ro.' fu'blic Hearing, c'oiiside"a~ion, andpo$sible adoptIon, of Ore 'Mi!hManagement, Professional and Technical, Jtesolution No. 3322 for the period July 1, .2017 through June 30, i020. (FOR ·POSS18LE ACTION) CTime: 5.:03 p:m) An, agenda itemfrPIn A:~sistant ~.lW Manager; Neil. Krutz- recommendIng CotffiQil ad'opt the Reso!'\!tioI,l. The prev'iousResoluii'enexpire'd Jiine 30,2017, th!) new Res.oiution wtl1 cover the period July 1,2017 through June 3.0, 2020. This ResoXution inci.lldes a. cost of living adjustment (COLA) I'lf 1.8% above tliebase salfl!¥ ratsdn, eff'ecJ,JJme 30, 2017. Effe

The Resolution changes .employee dependent health ang insurance pr.emiums; the Resolution also ch(illges sick leave. conversion and siCk le~We CashcOIl,t, There is potential fotup to a $394,000, impae'i .to the ~ert:etal fund and a $4i)~, 000imp.aet to,other funds0ver the 'thfee-year tel1I!.

The Public Hearing WaS opened at, 5::04 p.rn:. no comme'nts were ,received. T.he Pubiic Hearing w.as, clQsed,

A ml'ltion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by COllncil Member Smith, to adopt the Mid_Mana~ement, Pr9f~ssionai.lll1d Technical Resolution, No. 3322' for the per!..oil Qf Juiy I" '20,17 'through :IllI'le 30, 2Q20. Counc~l Members Abbett, Lawson" ~m'ith, :8.ybee, D'ahiJ:, YES'. Passed ]Jllanimou.sly.

ro~iO P'ublic Hea"ing,con~ideJ:ati!l.n" laDd possible 'approVal' 'of' the ' Ci)Dr.lIenti~J Employee Resolution 'No. 3323 fortb:e period July 1, 2017' through June 30, 2018. (FOR tORR£CTIVEACTION)(Time: 5:05 p.m.) . ' An agenda item, from AS.Iil~ant City. Manager Neil KrUtz· recofnffiending :Oo!lllc.U apprO:ve and ratifYlhe CorreG,ted:ResoluJion. Tlie: ' Confid~ntiaLEmpl(),yee Resglution for July 1, 2Ql7 to June 3'0, 201,8 -was approved' at ·the September 11 ,.201'7 Counc'il meeting as Resoiution No. 3281. The ReSQ.iJlti0n nuniber was incorrect and this agend;i item submits ' the. same,. Res.olution with the correct;Kesollltion No. 33'23. The, GonfideI1tial )~.mploy.e~ Res(}lutionrs, for :employees 'whose jOQS' inc\u&~ , dllties ' considered confidential ,\lIlder N;R:S 288 laws" It mustbe separate from the Operating Engineers Local.No. 3 NoP"Supervisory contra.ct, but at the same time mirror those cQntract terms. The.resolution reflects the sa111e. chan'gesin the' Operatin~ Engineers,Local NQ. 3 NQn,Supervisoty c:ontr;,lef, Tht: Resolution includes a ,be'st oflivifig adj'ustn}ent (COtA) ,0[2% and art 'increase, of Regular (:it'( Council Meeting Minutes - Page:12 Monday, September '25,. 2017

$:i0'Olo( mhi91lr~imbursem:ent , There is an .estimated $7,OOoc$8 ,200:to the g~Re.rfllifund. Impac.t: to the general fund.

The Public Hearing was open~d . at ~:J)6 p.m~; np comments were received. The Public .Hearing was .elosed.

A rp.~ti9n was made ,by Council :Membef Diihit, secongc;d.by CPJlI\c{t: Member Smith, to approve the Ci'>ITected Resolution No. 3323 between the City of Sparks and.the ' Confidential Employeesfor the period of July J, 2017 through June 30, 201S. C.ouncil Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES . .J>l).$sed unanirnot!sly.

iJ.. r.Janning:aird' ZoningP'uI)\ic Hearings and Action Itel!J~ ILl SECOND READING, Public Hearmg, considerati~o of and possible action on Bill No. 2724, an Ordinance for voluntary annexation into the CitY, of Sparks of two parceis totaiing 3.47 acres.in size located at 3650 Wedekind.. Road. U pOI;1. an/lcxa.tion, thep.arcels shall Moyert from 'a' Washoe CQ\lllty zQning desigl;lation of E~l (Estate Resid'en(i!ioI 15;000 sq,)'!..;), to Clty 'of SJiarks SF15 (Residential Single RamiI'y, 2.9 ·uuit.s· per acre)' zoning. (FOR; .POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time:'3:fS p.m.) (HEARD AFTER ITEM 7.S) An agenda item from Assistant Community Services Director Amiando Ornelas .recommending Council remand the iJ.emb;wk to Planning Commissiort to .consider rtew'informatiO!lJCceived. The. ,c'ity bas,received important new informatiilnfrom Garrett Gordon , V(h~Q h .rc;presentin'g:theapplicant regarding a· ne,W,]jrirrtary-access to 'the: property iJw.j weutd preclude ,the City ·of Sparks having to annex.portions ofWedekind Road. .

The Public Hearing was 9pen~d, at 3 ~Qp.m. ; no com:rrtents were received. ThePuQijc Hearing was ; clo.s~ li.

A mou'on Wasmadeb;V CO,lili.cil' Member Lawson, seconlied by COllllcil Member DaIfu, 'to remand the item back to the Planning Commission to consider·the new easement that has been presented. Council Members Abbott, Laws,on, Smith, Bybee, Dahlr, YES. Passed lihanimousl¥,

ll.~' SECOND READING,j Public Headng , consi~~rat{(,-n!lnd· p'ossible':adion' on BIIl N:o'., 2725" an' or.din'ance, to rezone :two parcl;i~ ti!:ta,iing 3.4 7 acr~sin size; lo.cated at 3650 Wedekind Road, SparkS,; Nevada fr.)m SFI5 (R~si!lential Single Family, 2.9 units per acre) to SF6 (Residential Single Family, 7:26 units per act:e). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTiON) (Time: 3:21p.m.)

The,P.l!bl tc 'H.eJlIin,gw.as: epened at: } ~2'1 p.m.,; no. cominents were receJved. The Ptiblic Hearing: was,do .sed.

No action.was taken on.the rezone as,the annexatiOll did,not happen.

12. :Comments. 11:.j' Commentdrom the Public (Time: 5::0·gp.m.) Non~ 12.2 Comnients from Cit'yCouncii and C1tr Manager (Time: 5:0S p.m.) Regu!ar ,City (o.uncll Meeting Minutes· PageU Monday, September 1S, 1017

COUQG.ii M¢me:er -S.m:ith saili. there'WiIL be.it Nevaq~ \'e.!erans Memorial Funclraisitig ,dinner at the nd Peppermill 'On November the 2 '. The Keynote speaker is medal 'Ofhon'Orretipient Ty Carter.

CCiUJicil MeIhber :Sybee sa!~ they Will be unveiling the si'gil, and l'Oca~on: 'Qf' the neW' Veterans Memorial Plaza at the Marina Satlitday fr'Om N'O'On until 2 R.m. There ",,111 be free hot d'Ogs for the first twp hundr.ed people,

City Manager Driscoll ann'Ounced 90,1< vaclWcy f'Orthe Sparks Planning C'OrnrnissiQn: f'Or a partial term ending December n, :iJ)20" :Applications will :be accepted, until the' close ofb.llsiness 'On Friday, Oct'Ober 13, 2dl7. Mr,. Driscoll ann'OUnced one vacancy f'Or :the clvli Servic.e C'Omrrtission fora p;mial term ending June" 30,2019. Applicati'Ons, will be accepfe.d until the dose 'Of business on Ed.day, Odo'ber 13',.2017'. .'

1'3. AdjO:urnment 'Coi:ih'cil 'Was, adJourm~d 'atS::! I p:m.,



» >. 10/23/2017 At 6.1 MAYOR Geno Martini

CITY COUNCIL Donald Abbott, Ward I Ed Lawson, Ward /I . Ron Smith, Ward 11/ Charlene Bybee, Ward IV Kristopher Dahir, Ward V


CITY MANAGER Stephen Driscoll

CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP 8:30 A.M., Monday, September 25,2017 Sparks City Hall, Lower Level; 431 Prater Way, Sparks, Nevada

1. Call to Order (Time: 8:30 a.m.) The workshop of the Sparks City Council was called to .order by Mayor Pro Tempore Ron Smith at 8:30 a.m.

2. Roll Call (Time: 8:30 a.m.) Council Members Donald Abbott, Ed Lawson, Ron Smith, Charlene Bybee, Kristopher Dahir, City Manager Steve Driscoll, Chief Assistant City Attorney Shirle Eiting and City Clerk Teresa Gardner, PRESENT.

ABSENT: Mayor Geno Martini.

3. Pledge ofAlleghmce Crime: 8':31 l:l;m,) The Pledge of Allegiance wasl~d :byCity:Manager DdscolL

4. 'Public Comment {Time: 8;3'l:a::m.),;. None

5. Agenda (Tihle':8:3l: a.m ~ ) 5.1 Approval ofthe ,Ag~ml~ (J?dJ~~POSSIBtE-, ACTION) Consideration of taI

.A motion' Was made by Co:unciLMembet Darur, seconded,by Council Member Bybee, to approve the, agenda. as submitted. Council Members' A1;>bott, Lawson? Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

6. PresentatiOI,l, disc.ussion ~nd possible acceptance ofthe Strategic Plan, Environmental Scan and the Annual Report. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION), (Time: 8:3.1 a.m.) An agenda item from City Manager Steve Driscoll recommending Council accept the reports. The Strategic Plan is a dynamicdocUinent thatis·ihe.road ml:lp forhow staff, through the City Manager, implements the Vision and Mission of the :CoUIJ.~il. There are short term and longer term goals in the Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan allows staff to focus, on operational items that will have the . most impact on the city's,fisca1.and physical health While allowing staff to get ahead of future items before they become unmanageable. The Environmental Scan is a pictorial highlight from some of the city departments showing budgets, where the city's capital improvement plan monies are spent, (itv:.co':indt WorkShop Mlnu"tes - P,age :2 Monday; 'September '25~ 'zon

,11),-,t wh~re thetf~nds ar~: :fOf' the, ,Fire. and Polic~e; departntents " The AIirilial Ri~p'c5rt and HIe :Environmental Scan. are doe,tunetits that alloW the Councilahd the, public to see what was aC'complishecl, b,y 'staffdiliirtg)'the(pteviotls, fiscal year , which 'is from July'l to JWIe .j 0:' Qr-(!1lY yea,J:. The Atlifual R~poft '.is wrItten, by each depC:!l1In~n,t, calliJ;lg i o~J t.h~ i~ h1ghHght~ cm,d ! SUc_cesse~ . .


A~sfsU!tlt 'CQu},Jl)JJnity ,$er.vi'ces: Director, Armando 'Ornelas; ,said: the: comprehensiv.e plan 'Was' ll;pdate:d 'in 'October :0["2010. Mr·; Ornelas said tne ,numoer of planning entitlements' is ,down thi~ ' year' but tIle ,c:omplexit:y o:fthe, ertfitfemeflts' has. increased.Mr.bmela~ sdid tbt?r~are < ~}:H~l:l~ng~~ jn ,eod'e enforcement,due to staffing .levels, respon~e~ to :GOmpl~lflt~I).1flY ~ak~ s,~v~nli days'. '

..BuH9.ing :O(fi :~hdM.~k 'Meranda sij'd the· main focus of building, has been 'apartments' and multi­ rcunij'y, .For single family; th~te : ate cottently 8 builders, working ,on 14 ptdjects. Mr. 'Meranda said buil'dinR staffing increase:d :witfUtnew'peiiiiit tech ahd ~ a hew senior plans' exaJI1.,ip.~t. th~ d'ty w~n~ : live 'With the\fleW Accelaproject last year <111dp!lrIgip;g:1S ' hoping to' go tQelectmnfc 'plan f~view soon ..

(:i:1¥' Engi1wer,JQn BriGs,on falke.d :a:bout the cremo,del pioje'cts dohe in: City' hall tnispast year, 'the neW sewer'testihg~prb-gtam andptogress on theiNorth TiuGkee drain, COWJ.~n 1Yte!11pir,D~r ~ked 'aooutthe. condition of"t0ads after the last winter; Mr. EdY_~Q.n gave an, QvervIew, 'Qf what has:: be:en doile; and what will be qQn_~ to the roa9'~ this y¢,at:. CQundi Mem.ber Smitl1 said, the,pto-gtam fot' weeds 'i,s wQ(king ~eqaJJs.e he 'is: n()tgetfi'ng ,cpmplaintsoo

T(Uckee Meaaows1 'Water Reclamation FaCilityPlaht Manager MIchael 'p:ti~ater: s~Id 'Cbmpliahcewith'the N e'Yada Div,isi0nofEnvironm~l1ta.1 P:rote.cti~p. . (ND EI'J :for 201 (): was stellar' blWthere will be aXew,chilfeIlges. tljjs' y~cu::.Ihe <;,!p,ital. :inun:ovement program to. re,pait or tepfcie.e equiprrum.t ~~ thee,J;ld .of its s~(Vic.eHf~ d0eschang~ i the cone:entration of v.arious Iititrierttntl'fnbets a 1fttl~ be,cause ofc;h'l11ge in,processes;artd taking eqUipment .offline" out the plant will not b~ cl()s~ t!) ianY vi'01ati(i)hs, Mr" Drinkwater gave '.art .o:v.etView6f's6me of the up<;Qmip,g,prOJe ,cts:. T.h~ plant is seeiirgtorIiover as senior' emplq),ees' -retire P.llt :Mr.. Drh'Ikwa.t~r : isasti¥~ly ~{(idres.sfug the;issue Withinewiemploy;ees'., to@cil Mewpe.s :tawsQn: s~:i'dthe ~e:a lse~p:e'Cfing 250,000 h10te 1pe:ople:; in the ne~l Jew yeafs; wrd \Y~te.d to' ~(i)W if the; plant will he; a:bl'e to handle 'the i'rictease~ : Mr~ Drinkwater ~~a.ic( the, pi~t is aggr.e's'sixely' watching permits to :i:rtake.' sure 'the: plant has' capacity., . CQIU1llJm'ity s,erVkes. :Ulr.ect(i)f: John Martini t'alk:edab'o~tit: the ,strategicp,lanniiig. for the; treatmeqt, piant and the Jre.w ~ inted()'ca1 ~greement .cllrrently beiri.g, he~pthiled.

P.ublieWotks NitartagetRon. KOFman t~lkeg Ci.pout the VarinllSipr.oj~cts · the , maint~nance , departmeIif worked ,on tms yew in~ludiJlg \Ve~ed cQntl'Q):, dean;,~p along the' :r1verdue: ,to. the! homeless: pOPlJla~i9A, d~~ling :' with the ffp~,d ;situations' this:past Spring ancitfsebf,the Shenlf' Gffice"s work crew w'&kli he1p~d , by 'prov,iding "the Work ,of:thte:efulbtime employees. Gourtci'l Member~ .Bybee an-d Smith tha,,'iked the maintenance ,de.pa..-1ment '~6r the greatj o'h the,Y diClthi~ year. .

:Fiharfcial Services :Director. Jert c.ronk gave an,oyeryiew lofthe y'~a;r e:nd re'suIts. Mr. Cronk ,said' :finance 'i~ . CQmp:ri_s~d of :tfue~ dlvisrQ[l~;budgetlng; ac:counting,.ancl Information teCl1il0logy 'and City Council Workshop Minutes - Page 3 Monday, September 25, 2017 financial services has the greatest staff Fjscal Year (FY) 2017 pe:t:formed exactly as planned, the budget came ,within '$24,000 of the ,$67 mlHion budget with a$2.2 million net spend. The proj ec1ed ending fund balance was, 6% ,and the final Was 6.3%. FY 2018' will be a flat budget proJected at 6%. Mr. CroIik,: said there is a sales' t~refun:dowed back to a business who overpaid that will affect the cify'for ,about $1.1 million which brings the city's yearend balance down toA5% since the money has to be put on the books torFY 2017 even though the city does not know when the $1.1 million needs to be paid.

Fire Chief Maples talked about the two primary missions of the fire department, responding to emergency incidents and fire prevention,. The fire departmeIlt j~ comprised of four divisions; operations, prevention, training and cOnmJ,and, Mr. Maples ,gave an overview .of thee,aUs ,and resPQns~s ,for the past year and,said ,then~ was :a 7% increase in .calls which increased the' response times. FiFe was compliant 62% of the time in responses accordif1!tto the National Fite Prevention Association's standards (NFP A). Chief Maples highlighted a few of the larger events the department resp6'nded to and some of the projects carried out by the fire department. The fire department hired a new plans examiner which helped reduce turnaround time for plans review. Council Member Smith asked about the, increase of 911 calls and Chief Maples said he is looking for ways to control the inappropriate uSe .of911 calls.

Parks & Recreation Director Tracy Dorn'inglJes g<;l.ve ,a fiscal o;v~ryiew ,of the departmentstatihg the city's parks ang recreation. program cost rec~very 1's weii abpve the national average"s, Ms'. Domingues sai'd the, city added SlJllburst park last year and discussed some of the proposed park changes. Ms. Domingues thanked Council for the new staff position parks and recreations received last year which was an aquatics position. Ms. Domingues highlighted some of the challenges of maintaining afterschool programs at the various schools. Ms. Domingues thanked the volunteers for all the hours they gave to the different parks and recreation programs. Council Member Smith asked if the special events allocations shouid be reviewed as special events and the cost ofspecial events is increasing. City Manager Driscoll stated that the Reho,-Sparks Convention & VIsit.or,s Authority (RSeVA) would need to take, fIfe lead on legislation to change the allocati.ons, and RSCVA is not'willihg to take the 'lead.

Police Chief Allen discussed the department's succession plartning to keep knowledge as retirements happen. Chief Allen gave an overview of the successes and challenges for the program assisting the homeless along the river and of crime statistics. Next year there will be body cameras worn throughout the area and the department needs political support to assure Sparks obtains sufficient funding. Council Member Dahir ~asked the Chief how many ,additional positions are needed in strategic planning to keep up vyIth growth. Chief Allen statedthat the ,city needs' to, spend about three milli'oIl:dol.tars to get thepplice 'force to where,it 'needs to be ,now. Council Member Smith ,asked :about. the, community barbeque's, Chief Allen said they will continue; the events are funded,with seizure funds.

Council took a fifteen minute break.

Attorney Shirle Biting said there are thre,e divisions in the Attorney's office. The victim advocate maintains contact; With victims and witnesses and assists with c6l1ti matters as well as helping victims with locating. he'lp resources .outside, tlie courts. 'The, civil division includes three ~tfPri}(~ys ' who succeSSfully defended tlie city agairist all claims this past ,fiscal, year. The civil di:v:isio,rr also handles forfeitures and are cross tra:in~d to assist the criminal diVIsion. The civil and criminal City Council Workshop Minutes - Page 4 Monday, September 25, 2017 divisions provide legal counsel to the Mayor, the City Council, all the Boards & Commissions and the Department Heads. The criminal division includes two attorneys who handle DUls and domestic battery cases. Ms. Eiting said the attorney's office works within theirbJ1dget guidelin~s. The Attorney's office hired a new attorney, Aly,son McCormick, last year,:",ho handl(!s code enforcement and the police department,matters.

Assistant City Manager Neil Ktutz highlighted successes and challenges for 6ustomer :Service, Human Resources and Purchasing. Customer Setvice handles all business, li<:)ense~? SeWer billings ,and passports. HUIIian Resources had a foc~$ ' 'O~ wellness this past year, updated. the,, pharmacy plan and 'worked on the learnillg and 'd'yvelopment plan. Purchasing targeted spending ta~ dollars in Sparks or northern Nevada as much as possible.

·City Manager Driscoll spoke about legislative changes; ward only voting and the requirement for judges to be attorneys. Mr. Driscoll gave an overview ofthe function of the Clerk's office,andthe changes in community relations since the, hinng of the new Community Relations Manager.

City Manager Driscoll discussed the strategic plan and said fiscal stability and employees relations are still keystone and strategic objectives include managed growth; affordable housing; community character; resiliency and sustainability;connectivity; and community faCIlities and services.

A motion was made by Council Member'Abbott, seconded by Council Member Bybe~, to accept the 2017 annual report, the 2017,envirorirrlental 'scan and, the 2017 to 2022 strategic p1&l1 as presented. Council Members. Abbott" LaWson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES.. Passed unanimously.,

7. Presentation of Sparks ' P.oIl~e Support Services community programS. (Time: 1.0:44 (;t.m) Police, Chief Bri'an Allen discussed the renewal of the citizens academy and what the police rlepartmenthas done with the grant monies it received.

Police Officer Damon O'Connell highUghted programs including 360 Blueprint and 'its two components, reading and relationship, the importance of each, and the parent project which is aimed at changing destructive adolescent behavior. Other outreach programs include school presentations; the miniature Police cars Sparky and Sparky II and the gift card program. The gift card program is provided by local churches to help families in need.

Ken Gallop highlighted community engagement programs including the community BBQ events held four times a year; coffee with a cop; community outreach long the Truckee River.; the Citizen ,Police Academy; the Public Infonnation Officer; media relations and the power ofsocial me(l,ia; and recruitment for the police department.

Dennis: Rodrigue highlighted programs including Northern Nevad.a Organized ,ReJaiT Crime' Allianc,e (NNORCA); summons; hIde, 19Ck~'takt<; neighborhood watch; Volunteers Assisting,!the Sparks Community (VASC); child ID;and 'Crime Free: Multi -H()using~ 'Chi'(;!fAlbm announced the Police Department:would like direction on updating the Municode to. implement mandatory training fot crime free multi-housing for the owners or property managers of properties over a certain size.

8. Comments City Council Workshop Minutes - Page 5 Monday, September 25~ 2017

8.1 Comm:~nts from the Public:(Time: : 11:45 a.m.) None.

8.2 Comments from City Councii and City Manager (Time: 11:45 a.m.) Council Member Lawson gave direction to the City Manager to explore an Ordinance requiring owners of multi-family buildings to attend mandatory training for crime free multi-housing.

9.. Adjournment (Time: 11.:46 a.m.) Council was adJoumed.atlJ,:46 a.m.



»> .1'0/2 '3/2 (j 1'1' ~I 6.1 MAYOR, 'Geno)'i1sriini

c!TY· <;OUN,C.I~. DQP~Iq.A'p'bQtt; , 'fa.,,!1 Edtawsoh" Ward Ii' R'cms""iih; Ward Ii/· Charlene By~ , Ward,IV Kristqph,er Oahir, :Ward· V

CIT¥ A FiORNEY Che/Adams,

'crr¥MANAGER' .Stftv:e,Oriscplt

REGULAR CITY COlJNCIL MEETING, MINUT.ES 2:00F.l\-t; Monday, October9,21H 'l'2QtT Citr Council:Cham!>ers •.Le~~I;J.J!ve Building. 745' :F1U.!rth8treet, : $P~17k$" Neyada,

1. Call to, Order (rime: 2~ OO ' p',iti . ) Tlie regUlar meeting: of the 'Sparks:City Council was called to:order by MaYQ~ ,!irQ Tempore Ron S'initli.at,2':OO p.m.. . .. ,

2.. Roll Ca,U (Tlme: :Mo' p'.m.) Council MembersDonalilAbboti;.Ed Lawson, Ron Smith:, Charlene Bybee; Kfistopher Dahlr; City Manager .Stev.e Driscoll, Chief Assistant City AttomeyShirle, £i~ing ljm! 'City C.!erk Teresi!. Gilid'ner, .Plffi'SEN.T. . . .

ABSENT.: MaYor' Geno,Martini.

:3. Opening Ceremonies '1.1 Invocation Speaker (time; 2;00 p,;m.} the fuvoqtjon,wa,s,pr.ovided' Qy'CeunciiMeIJipei KrlstQpher' nahir; ML Dahlr asked,for a mome-ni Q.r silence for tbQs,e fual rQstth~irJlyes , in 'Las.Vegas.

'3.2, Pledge of Allegiance (Time: 2:01 p.m.) The Pled&~ ·of Allegiance wasledg':y Assi,stll,llt city, MaIJ.l:\ger·M'et! T<}utz,

4. rlJ,blicC"mme!1t. (Time:2!Q2 p.m,), A woman s~oke anony,mo.usly about c'o:ur.i .clerks flOHiling.docilIrients .and abOut the Spl!l'ks Y SJ§arks 'case; shoWing 'various dacumentS, on ;the overhead proJector. .Kath1e~t:l S'htlP'P ,spoke in qpposition,bf a school being built on theiWildcreekdolf Course, andfue inti:asIJUcfJJl'eair§adY .in place being used by the schooL Kiln Cit)sY.l1~ki ,g(lX!l !!lI !.!pi1ate OIl 39 North Downtown,e,Yents in Sparks and v i!. goJfcours.eor ,lit )'e<\sJ a,gr.e.en spa,ce; Ms. Tracy. believes th,ere,l!l'e,!JtaIJ.yotherplilc-e s;tlie schObi .CM be built.

S. Agenda (Time: 2)2,3 P.m,9 .5.1' ApprllV:af o"Hhe Agenda '(F0R,PO'SSlIlLE ACTION) Regular City !:ouncil Meeting Minutes - Page 2 Monday. :October 9. 2017

Consideration 'of taking items out of sequence, dt:lelillg. items and adding items which req1,!.ire. action upon a finding that an emergency exiS:ts.

A'moti6nwasmade by Council Member Laws·on"se.contletl by Council Member Dahie, to.a:pprove the. agenda as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. :Passed uJlanimously.

6. Minutes (Time: 2;23 p.m.) 6_1 Consideration and possible approval ofthe minutes ofthe regular Sparks City Council meeting of September 25,2017_ (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve the minutes of the regular Sparks City Council meeting on September 25,2017. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

7. Announcements, Presentations, Recognition Items and Items of Special Intere.st (Time: 2:24 p.m.) 7.1 Proclamation: Bicentenary of the Birth of Baha'u'llah (Time: 2:24 p.m.) Mayor Martini proclaimed Sunday, October' 22; 2017 as the bicentenary of the birth of Baha' U Llah and urged everyone to promote withirt themselves attributes that will help promote. the rec0grution of the oneness of humanity and pe!lce; to enibrace diversity; and to wO.rk for uni:ty iJ); tb,e.Sparks community, our country am} .in :the world. . The Proclamation was read i:Jy MayoF' Pxo Tempore Smith and presented to FedQra Mcpherson\ Andreini. Husbands-McPherson; Andreina: .McPherson-Shelton and Roxanne McPherson• .

The members from the local spiritual assembly of the Baha'is presented the CO).lJlcji With invitations to their celebration event for the 200th birthday of Baha'u 'llah and sang a 'song for the Co.uncil and audience.

7.2 Proclamation: Good Neighbor Day (Time: 2:35 p.m.) Mayor Martini proclaimed October 18,2017 as Good Neighbor Day. Sparks Florist will give away 1500 dozen roses for free on the condition that everyone keeps one rose for themselves and gives the other eleven roses away to neighbors, co-workers, and strangers as a gesture of neighborly .goodwill. Mayor Martini encouraged all citizens to participate. The Proclamation was read by MayOf Pro Tempore Smith and presented 'to Suzanne Shepherd of Sparks Florist.

7.3 Presentation: EPAW,N E.nt.repreneurial Development(Time: 2:3.8 p.m,) Sr .. Vice .I~resid

8. Consent Items (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:49 p.m.) A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve consent items 8.1 through 8.4 as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously. Regular chy (ouneil MeetinllMinute~5 . - P~ge 3 Monday, October 9, 2017

8.1 Report of Ciaill)s and Bills approved for payment and appro.priation transfers for the. period September 7, 2017 through September 20, 2.017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending the City Council approve the report of claims and bills as presented in the staff report.

8.2 Consideration .and possible approval to purchase three vehicles from Champion Chevrolet in the amount of $119,474.39. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Publ!!.; Works Manager Ron Korman recommending Council approve the purchase. The purchas.ed vehicles will replace three vehicles; two vehicles for ·the· Police Department. 'and one for Parks' Maintenance Department. These vehicles. have reached and exc.eeded their life cycle. .F.tinding i's from the motor vehicle maintenance fund; there is.no impact to ihe genet~l fund.

8.3 Co!)sid:e)!atij)n and possible approval of an application fot It (laming. License for Jett Gaming LLC db at Safeway #4626, located. at: 2808 Vi·sta. Boulevard, Sparks, NV .89434,- submitted by Mr. Forrest. WilIiam.Bietz. '(FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Police Chlef Brian Allen on behalf of Mr. Forrest WflItam Bietz recommending Counci1

8.4 Consideration and possible approval of an application for a Gaming License for Jett Gaming LLC db at Safeway #2656, located at 2858 Vista Boulevard, Sparks, NV 89434, submitted by Mr. Forrest William Bietz. (FOR fOSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Police Chief Brian Allen on behalf of Mr. Forrest William Bietz recommendingCouncii approve Mr. Bietz's application for a gaming licen'secontingent upon the location being inspected and approved by every city, county, district, and. state agency having jurisdiction oVer the matter and upon fmgerprints being returned from the FBII.CJIS that do not reflect any disquruifying arresWconviciions. There is an estimated increase 0[$450 per quarter to the generai fund.

9.. General Business 9.1 C.onsideration and possible approval to purchase one. nre :pumper from Graham Fir.e ApparatuslRosenbauer in theamoqnt of $6Z2;28.S. (FOR POSSffiLE ACTION) (Time: 2:49 p.m.) . An agenda item from Public Works Manager Ron Korman recommending Council approve the purchase of one tIre pumper #3126. . This vehicle will. replace one of four eX·isting fire pumpers. The existing pumpers are American LaFrance trucks and have not been mechanically reliable. The manufacturer has gone out of business, and replacement parts are increasingly getting hard to acquire. The new pumper will not arrive until October 2018. Equipment services requested authority to choose which of the four existing pumpers would be replaced based on unit operational Regular .City·Council.r.lh,eting Minutes,- Page:.4 IVIQnday,0tt()ber 9, 2M? readiness .durmgthe, nextye:ar.Filliding isfrOfn themototV.ehicle:fund;tliete isM impact 'to the general fund.

Co.um;ilM~mID_er Lawson .commendedPubik Works,. .sfating the City. oJ Sparks pays. . caSh for vehicles since. the 'City fnade a .change in 20,11 to quit leasilrgyehiGles.

A.fnotion was made by CounCil Member ];)<\hir,seconded by Coun.:{(l Memb~rLawsQJ), to!'lPPIOVe the purQllase of one ' nre plill1per from Graham FJ1!e APPat'atus!Rosenp;J.\lerin the amount of ~$62'2,2&$ .. Councii Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, ~ybee, Dahir, Y.ES, Passedunanihlously.

9.2 Consideratioii, dis'cussion ilnd. possiJjJe ilpproval of ·the Phase 8 Final OevelopmentHanl,ay,east. Of QavitlAllen Parkway and. west .of Kfley .Pari<;way. The handbp.ok establishes. develbpmerttstandards for the bllsiMss park; multi­ finrtily,single family andopert. space uses. It also applles ail ,o:verlay designation of schocit (elementary and middle) o:ver Vi11~ges 17®Q.18., Uere'h np Impact t('j .the genef!lk fund.

CouJlciJ Member Qahir ,stated t1iede:veloper said. he was ple:ased with the customer senzlce they re.ceive.d white working with. stafr;

Amotioii.was made by €Jeundl Memberba:hir, : secom:1edQyGollllcjt'Mem_be~ 'Byb,e.e, toapproye. the Kney~ch. 'Nprfu'Phase ' ~ P1®I1ed·DeYclopIIJ.'.mt.lf!m9bo

9;J Cons'iilera(ionan.a 1!9s~fbleill!pr9val 9( Am-en:tober rO,2Ql6. . Peri'fs·tetnrs, the: city agreed to 'c'Ontihueprovlding free parking fer'tire· movi'e :theater, OWhedby Sytlfy Ehtetprises, in theadjaceiit,City-oWnedViCtorian S:qOatep'aikiIfgsttuctUre ifthertheater is .teiio'vated.and reopens prior to DecemberJ,1,;20J ?; S,YuJy tequestedanine-itionth :extension from December 31" 201.7 to $ePt~oo:ber .3(l, 40}8 to' PfOVid\) SyuJy !lLl9 Gl!i·axyl'he.!'lhres, t$Y\lfy'!inewten@tfor the tiIe.ater,.addhion;rl time to: fuily renovate We propeny, InadditlbI),.Syufy arid 'Ga:ia)icy hayerequested ill\lPrPval from.the city to instaila dued entrancehetween .thethell'terand the parkingsttuct\:lfe to. fiuti!itate access for their:JlatrGnS. There i's :no irhp'act to the' genetal 'ftihd. ' Regular City Council. Meeting Minutes,- Page 5 Monday, October 9, 2017

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve Amendment No, I to the Parking Agreementbetween the Sparks Redevelopment Agency, the City of Sparks and Syufy Enterprises, Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously,

9.4 Consideration and possible approval of Amendment No. 1 to the Financial Incentive Agreement (AC-5343) between the City of Sparks and Syufy Enterprises that extends the completion date of the project, modifies the payment schedule and ,ref;iuc,es the number of required auditoriums. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) crime: 2:58 p:m,) An agenda item from Assistant COmn1unity S:ervices Director Armando Ornelas recommending, Council approye the amendment. The City Council approved the agreementconFebruary 27; 20 n. Per its terms, if S yufy and Galaxy collectively 'invest 'at least $6, I 00,000 to renovate and fe-open the-theater with fourteen auditoriums" the City will contribute $\,500,000 from lodging taxes, a:s. follows: i) $1,000,000 upon the opening ofa:H 14 auditoriUms of the theater to the, general public; and, ii), provided the theater remains op'en to.-the public, :$100,000 per year for five years. The Financial Incentive Agreement 'currently,reqwres that the renovated theater open to the public prior to December 31, 2017, or it expires. Syufy requested a nine-month extension from December 31, 2017 to September 30, 2018 to provide GallR'Y Theatres, Syufy' s new tenant for the theater, additional time to fully renovate the property. In addition, Syufy and Galaxy requested approval from the city to install a direct entrance between the movie theater and the City's adjacent parking structure to facilitate access for its tenants and customers. This change may reduce the number of auditoriums in the facility from fourteen to thirteen, as one auditorium may be used partly or wholly to accommodate the alternate entrance. 8yufy requested the Financial Incentive Agreement be amended to reduce the minimum number ofrequired auditoriums to thirteen. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, ,seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve Amendment No. I to the Financial Incentive Agreement with Syufy Enterprises. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.5 Consideration and possible,approval of Memorandum of Understanding (AC- 5414) between 'the Washoe County 'Shel1iff's Office and, the oCity of Sparks to proville fuli-time iUnulte, la,box to!lugment Public Works Maintenance in an amount not to exc,eed $62,855..52 for fiscal year 2018. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:58p.m.) AxI. agenda item from Public Works Manager Ron KOrman recommending Council approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), This item was reintroduced because changes were made by Washoe County after the Sparks City Council approved the item at the May 22l\d Council meeting.

The City of Sparks Public Works Maintenance Division has utilized inmate labor provided by the Washoe County Sheriff's Office on a part-time, seasonal basis to augment maintenance activities for weed control in the city's medians, roadside areaS, and city parks. Over the last year, public works maintenance staff have been in discussion with the Washoe County Sheriff's Office to provide a full-time inmate labor crew to augment Plaintenance activities throughout the year. Per the MOU, inmate labor will be provided to, the City of Sparks on a full-time basis; the City of Sparks will reimburse the Washoe County Sheriff's Office the cost of an Inmate Work Program Regular,City'Coundl Meeting Minutes,- Page 6 i\oi''1,n:

Leader (Sheriffs Office employee) on a full-time basis. The MOU provides the termS ,and costs associated with securing a full-time inmate labor crew from the Washoe County Sheriffs Office for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 and provides for annual renewal after that. There is ah impact of an amount not to exceed $62,855 ..52 to the general fund for FY 2018.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve 'the Memorandum of Understanding between the Washoe County Sheriffs Office and. the City of Spatks to ptovide full-time itt/fiate labor to augment public 'Works maintenancem,anainount' not to exceed $62,855.52 for fiscal year 201,8. Council Members Abbott, Lawson; 'Smith, Bybee, D'ail.r, YES. Passed unanimOlily.

9.6 FIRST READING of Bill No. 2726, an Ordinance amending Chapter 9.34 of the Sparks Municipal Code to prohibit inflatables during special events without a permit, and other matters properly related thereto. (Time: 3:01 p.m.) City Clerk Teresa Gardner read the Bill by title. The second. reading and public hearing will be beld at the reglilar meeting on Monday, October 23, 2011. .

9.7 FIRST READING of Bill No. 2.727, ail Ordinance amending Chapter 1'2.24 of the Sparks MuniCipal Code. to pr.ovide prinCipal park rules', and' other ~ matters properly related thereto. (Time: :3·:02 p.m.) City Clerk Teresa Gardner read the Bill by title. The second reading and public hearing will be held at the regular meeting on Monday, October 23, 2017.

10. Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning 10.1 None li~ Planning ,and Zoning 'Public Hearings aod,Ac.ti.oo Items 11.1 None

12. Comments 12.1 Comments from the Public (Time: 3:03 p.m.) None.

12.2 Comments from City Council.and City Manager (Time: 3:03 p.m.) City Manager Driscoll announced.on e vacancy for the·Civil Service Commission for a.partial.term ending June, 30, 20.19 and one vacancy due to ,a resignation forthe, SparksPlanning Commission. (or a partial term ending December 31 , 2020. Appliqltions will be accepted l.!Iltil the ,close of business on Friday, Octo'ber 13, 2017. Mr. Driscoll :also announced Washoe County will have an opening on their Animal Control Board as of December 7, 2017. Washoe County is. looking for an applicant that owns or has previously owned exotic animals. Interested parties can apply online at the Washoe County website.

Council Member Dahir ~i\l be I;lttended the eveningip. blues event fundraiser fo,r family members of falien,officers and thanked me Police 6t6Chlef for the event.

nd Council Member Bybee encoura:ged people to attend the Pumpkin PalO,Oia eli Qctober 22 : Ms. Bybee encouraged city staffto get their pumpkins rea-dylo race and challenged the. Council to join the race. Regular CitY CCluncil Meeting Minutes - Page 7 Monday, October'g, 2017

Mayo.r ,Pro Tempo.re Smith mentio.ned the Las Vegas Sho.o.ting event and that the City Clerk fro.m Hend~r,so.n ""as sho.Un the leg. Mr. Smith thanked the Po.lice Chieffo.r the greatjo.b they do. at city eVents.

Co.uncil Member Lawso.n thanked the Po.lice Chieffor how well prepared the city' s police ,are for protecting, the citizens at public events.

Councii Member Dahirinvited the public to attend the Veterans Memo.rial dinner being held at the nd Pepperrtiill on No.Vember 2 • Infonmition o.li the Veterans Memo.rial and the dinner'can be found at lie"l!daveteransinemotial.org.

Lt, Adlo.ul'!!ment Counc'il was a~Jouniedat 3:09'p:m'.



,resa, Gardner; City Clerk ,

»> MAYOR Geno Martin; 11/13/2017 AI 6.1 CITY COUNCIL Donald Abbott, Ward I Ed Lawson, Ward II Ron Smith, Ward 111 Charlene Bybee, Ward IV Kristopher DBhir, Ward V


CITY MANAGER Steve Driscoll

REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 2:00 P.M., Monday, October 23, 2017 City Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, Nevada

1. Call to Order (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The regular meeting of the Sparks City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro Tern Ron Smith at 2:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call (Time: 2:00 p.m.) Council Members Donald Abbott, Ed Lawson, Ron Smith, Charlene Bybee, Kristopher Dahir, Acting City Manager Jeff Cronk, City Attorney Chet Adams and Assistant City Clerk Donna DiCarlo, PRESENT.

ABSENT: Mayor Geno Martini

3. Opening Ceremonies 3.1 Invocation Speaker (Time: 2:01 p.m.) The invocation was provided by Pastor Omar Palmer, Sparks Seventh Day Adventist Church.

3.2 Pledge of Allegiance (Time: 2:02 p.m.) The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Acting City Manager Jeff Cronk.

4. Public Comment (Time: 2:03 p.m.) A woman spoke anonymously about the minimum retention schedule for domestic violence court cases.

Darlene Hesse, Kim Tracy, Kathleen Shupp and Wesley Griffin spoke in opposition of building a high school in place of Wildcreek Golf Course and of concerns with traffic, flood, flight path, and crime and presented a flyer for a town hall meeting to be held October 25.

Bill Wagner spoke in opposition ofPCN17-0032 and the current and future traffic problem in the area of Los Altos Parkway.

5. Agenda (Time: 2:22 p.m.) 5.1 Approval of the Agenda (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Regular City Council Meeting Minutes· Page 2 Monday, October 23, 2017

Consideration of taking items out of sequence, deleting items and adding items which require action upon a finding that an emergency exists.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve the agenda as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

6. Minutes (Time: 2:23 p.m.) 6.1 Consideration, discussion and possible approval of the minutes of the Sparks City Council Annual Reports Workshop of September 25, 2017 and the regular Sparks City Council meeting of October 9, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve the minutes of the Sparks City Council Annual Reports Workshop of September 25,2017 and the regular Sparks City Council meeting of October 9, 2017. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

7. Announcements, Presentations, Recognition Items and Items of Special Interest (Time: 2:23 p.m.) 7.1 Commendation: Vance DeMars & 3D Concrete (Time: 2:23 p.m.) Mayor Martini commended Vance DeMars and 3-D Concrete for being outstanding members of our community and for their willingness to help during the 2017 flood events and using ingenuity to fill sandbags with his cement trucks. The Commendation was read by Mayor Pro Tern Smith and presented to Vance DeMars.

7.2 Presentation: RSCV A Annual Update (Time: 2:27 p.m.) President and CEO Phil DeLone gave an update on Reno-Sparks Convention & Visitors Authority (RSCV A) activities including their mission, objectives, hotel room night data, growth, the National Bowling Stadium, the Reno Events Center and the Reno-Sparks Livestock Events Center.

7.3 Presentation: Annual EDAWN Update (Time: 2:49 p.m.) President and CEO Mike Kasmierski gave an update on some of the effective development programs of the Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada (EDA WN) including workforce development, prospect visits, manufacturing, workforce availability, workforce development activities, and community development initiatives. Mr. J. Witt and Mr. Frank Lepori spoke in support of ED A WN.

8. Consent Items (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:12 p.m.) A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve consent items 8.1 through 8.8 as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

8.1 Report of Claims and Bills approved for payment and appropriation transfers for the period September 21, 2017 through October 4, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending the City Council approve the report of claims and bills as presented in the staff report. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 3 Monday, October 23, 2017

8.2 Consideration, discussion and possible acceptance of the receipt of grant and/or donation money which is individually under $5,000. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Accountant II Rick Parton recommending Cowlcil approve the acceptance of grants andlor donations. Various people donated $75 to the Partners in Parks & Recreation during the period from July 2017 to September 2017. There is no impact to the general fund.

8.3 Consideration, discussion and possible acceptance of a Traffic Safety Grant (AC-5416) in the amount of$49,000 to participate in the State of Nevada Office of Traffic Safety 2018 Joining Forces Project. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Police Chief Brian Allen recommending Council accept the grant. For the past 14 years, the Sparks Police Department has participated in the State of Nevada Officc of Traffic Safety's Joining Forces program. This national award-winning program focuses all of the State's participating agencies on the same type of enforcement during the same period of time. Along with paid media advertising, each event is intended to raise public awareness and education about hazardous crash-causing driving behaviors that contribute to the fatal crashes in this state. Often these programs coincide with national events such as "Click-it or Ticket" or "You Drink, You Drive, You Lose." This program has been credited with making a substantial contribution to the dramatic decrease in the fatal crash rate the State has experienced tor the past several years. There is no impact to the general fund.

8.4 Consideration, discussion and possible acceptance of a Justice Assistance Grant in the amount of$20,000 from the State of Nevada Department oCPublic Safety, Office of Criminal Justice Assistance. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Police Chief Brian Allen recommending Council accept the grant. The purpose of the grant funds is to continue to assist with the implementation of the requirements set forth by the Adam Walsh Act. The funds will benefit the Regional Sex Offender Notification Unit (RSONU) by purchasing access to the OffenderWatch Mobile Application, two tablet computers, cellular data plans for the tablets, a desktop digital scanner, and personnel overtime funding necessary to conduct compliance checks of sex offenders registered in Washoe County. There is no impact to the general fund.

8.5 Consideration, discussion and possible approval to purchase two vehicles from Reno Buick GMC Cadillac in the amount of $99,841.54. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Public Works Manager Ron Korman recommending Council approve the purchase. The purchase will replace two vehicles for the Drains Department. Units 526B and 538A have reached or exceeded their scheduled life cycle. Funding is from the motor vehicle maintenance fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

8.6 Consideration, discussion and possible approval to purchase seven vehicles from Carson Dodge in the amount of $197,173.75_ (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Public Works Manager Ron Korman recommending Council approve the purchase. The purchase will replace seven vehicles for the Police Department, six units that have reached or exceeded their scheduled life cycle and one unit that was totaled in an accident. Funding is from the motor vehicle maintenance fund; there is no impact to the general fund. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 4 Monday, October 23, 2017

8.7 Consideration, discussion and possible approval of a final map for Stonebrook Village Al & Bl Subdivision. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from City Engineer Jon Ericson recommending Council approve the final map. Stonebrook Village Al & B 1 Subdivision will be generally located south of La Posada Drive and west of the existing Cimarron Subdivision. This new subdivision will create 105 residential lots on 21.31 acres. The developer will be RR W Stonebrook, LLC. There is no impact to the general fund. 8.8 Consideration, discussion and possible approval of a final map for Stoncbrook Village D1 Subdivision. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from City Engineer Jon Ericson recommending Council approve the final map. Stonebrook Village Dl Subdivision will be generally located south of La Posada Drive and west of the existing Cimarron Subdivision. This new subdivision will create 113 residential lots on 20.73 acres. The developer will be RRW Stonebrook, LLC. There is no impact to the general fund.

9. General Business 9.1 Consideration, discussion and possible approval of the Mayor's recommendation of an appointment to the Community Assistance Center - Transitional Governing Board from the following pool of applicants listed in alphabetical order: Donald Abbott; Charlene Bybee; Kristopher Dahir; Ed Lawson and Ron Smith. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:13 p.m.) An agenda item from City Manager Steve Driscoll recommending Council confirm the appointment of Council Member Kristopher Dahir. The City of Sparks, Washoe County and City of Reno created a Transitional Governing Board (TGB) for the purpose of oversight, planning, coordinating and managing resources for the provision of shelter operations and services at the Community Assistance Center (CAC) and to establish policies and priorities as they relate to these operations. Working with the TGB, the three jurisdictions jointly collaborate and support the operations and management of the shelter services provided at the CAC, including negotiations of contracts, budgets, reporting requirements and program oversight. Mayor Martini is stepping down and recommended Council approve his appointment of Council Member Kristopher Dahir to take his place. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to confirm the appointment of Kristopher Dahir to the CAC-Transitional Governing Board. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.2 Consideration, discussion and possible approval of a payment for the city's annual support of tbe Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada (ED AWN) for the fiscal year 2017-18 in the amount of $100,000. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:14 p.m.) An agenda item from City Manager Steve Driscoll recommending Council approve the funding request. EDA WN is the partnering agency providing economic development support to the city and the region. EDA WN's strategic plan and goals include quality job creation, assistance with the city's visitation program, and annual reporting to the city providing dashboard-metrics updates to the Board of Trustee representing the City of Sparks at the monthly EDA WN Board of Trustee meetings. There is an $100,000 impact to the general fund. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 5 Monday, October 23, 2017

Council discussed the necessity of increasing Sparks' presence; the amount of monetary support from other entities being less than that of Sparks; and the need to closely review the contribution for next year's budget.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve payment for the city's annual support of EDA WN for fiscal year 2017-2018 in the amount of $ J 00,000. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.3 Consideration, discussion and possible adoption of Resolution No. 3324 providing for the adoption of the Nevada Public Records Act, the Nevada Local Government Records Retention Schedules, and the Nevada Local Government Records Program Manual; defining extraordinary use of personnel and technology; defining confidential records; policy for establishing and waiving fees associated with public records requests; and providing for matters relating thereto. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:19 p.m.) An agenda item from Records Coordinator Julie Torres recommending Council adopt the Resolution. The Resolution provides for a city-wide records management program including rules for maintaining, retaining, and destroying public records; establishing fees for public records requests in accordance with Nevada Revised Statute as well as requirements to waive said fees; definitions for confidential information, and definitions for extraordinary use of personnel and technology. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to adopt the Resol ution. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.4 Consideration, discussion and possible approval of payment for reimbursement for moving expenses and operating costs related to the construction ofthe North Truckee Drain Realignment Phase 3 project, by Cal Freight, a lessee of2090 Kleppe Lane, Unit A, in the amount of$1l2,OOO. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:23 p.m.) An agenda item from Utility Manager Andy Hummel recommending Council approve the reimbursement. The reimbursement is for moving expenses and increased operating costs related to the construction of the North Truckee Drain Realignment Phase 3 project for Cal Freight, a lessee of 2090 Kleppe Lane, Unit A. The construction caused Cal Freight's yard space to be temporarily unusable. Funding is from the storm drain capital project fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Dahlr, to approve payment for reimbursement of moving expenses and operating costs related to the construction of the North Truckee Drain Realignment Phase 3 project by Cal Freight, a lessee of 2090 Kleppe Lane, Unit A, in the amount of$112,000. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.S Consideration, discussion and possible approval of a reimbursement to the City of Reno for Sparks' share of a contract (AC-5415) with Nelson Electric for the Electrical Substation Rehabilitation Project at the Truckee Meadows Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 6 Monday, October 23, 2017

Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF) in an amount not to exceed $292,117.44. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:28 p.m.) An agenda item from Treatment Plant Manager Michael Drinkwater recommending Council approve the reimbursement. This item is scheduled to be heard by the Reno City Council at their regular meeting on October 25, 2017. Staff asked the Sparks City Council to approve this item first to expedite the procurement of necessary materials, primarily the transformers. Staff is anticipating a large increase in factory orders for transformers and related electrical equipment as a result of flood damage to electrical systems throughout the south-eastern United States and Puerto Rico.

TMWRF is serviced by two incoming 24.9 kilovolt (kV) sources provided by NV Energy. Each incoming service is connected to a transformer through a closed switch that converts the 24.9 kV to 2,400 volts. The reduced voltage is then sent to the TMWRF's main electrical switch gear for distribution throughout the plant. The current 24.9 k V transformers were installed in 1986 and are reaching the limits of their intended reliable service life. Over the last five years, tests have found degradation of the transformer oil indicating the equipment is beginning to fail. Additionally, the 2007 Arc Flash study identified these transformers as presenting a dangerous arc flash hazard. The substation rehabilitation includes the two primary transformers, the feeders and switches. Funding is from the sanitary sewer capital project fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve a reimbursement to the City of Reno for Sparks' share of a contract with Nelson Electric for the Electrical Substation Rehabilitation Project at TMWRF in an amount not to exceed $292,117.44. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.6 Consideration, discussion and possible approval of the transfer of real property (C Street parking garage, APN 032-193-19), located in Redevelopment Area 1, from the City of Sparks to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Sparks. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:31 p.m.) An agenda item from Assistant Community Services Director Armando Ornelas recommending COlmcil approve the transfer. Washoe COlmty Assessor's records reflect that the City acquired title to the property at 955 C Street in Redevelopment Area 1 in 1986. The property is approximately 42,000 square feet (.964 acre) in size and has a 3-story (4 deck) parking garage constructed in 1988 containing approximately 341 parking stalls. The garage is managed by the City as free public parking.

On August 28, 2017, the City Council directed the City Manager to negotiate and prepare a Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) providing for the sale and redevelopment of the C Street property to Silverwing Development. The proposed transfer of the C Street garage property would provide the Redevelopment Agency and City Council greater flexibility to consider, at a future date, such an agreement. Council discussed a parking analysis, plans for future parking, and confirmed the property could be converted back to the City of Sparks if desired. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to approve the transfer of the C Street parking garage property from the Ci ty of Sparks to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Sparks. Conncil Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 7 Monday, October 23, 2017

10. Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning 10.1 SECOND READING, Public Hearing, discussion and possible adoption of Bill No. 2726, an Ordinance amending Chapter 9.34 of the Sparks Municipal Code to prohibit inflatables during special events without a permit, and other matters properly related thereto (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION). (Time: 3:39 p.m.) An agenda item from Parks and Recreation Director Tracy Domingues recommending Council adopt the Bill. The recommended amendments to Chapter 9.34 of the Sparks Municipal Code will define "inflatable" and prohibit inflatables on public property during special events without a permit. Adopting these amendments will promote the safety of spccial event attendees and provide clarity to the public and special event promoters and vendors regarding the use of inflatables during special events. The next step would be the development of the policy and permitting process, which will determine specific restrictions and guidelines, by the Parks and Recreation Commission. Council clarified the ordinance does not include a permit fee, permits would be per event and permits are not required for yard art. Council asked if the 39 NorthPole plans will be accepted and Ms. Domingues said the permits would be evaluated on a case by case basis by the Parks and Recreation Department according to the policy and require passage of an inspection by the Fire Department. Council said a 5' height limit may be too restrictive; proper safety/engineering guidelines could allow flexibility. Ms. Domingues discussed the safety concerns associated with inflatables. Assistant City Attorney Alyson McCormick said a 5' limit is currently in the proposed policy, however, the Parks and Recreation Commission can make adjustments prior to approval. There is no impact to the general fund.

The Public Hearing was opened at 3:55 p.m.; 39 North Downtown representative Kim Ciesynski spoke against the 5' height limit, and in support of the 50 lb. weight limit. The Public Hearing was closed at 3:57 p.m.

Council discussed approval of the ordinance to include specific restrictions. City Attorney Chet Adams said the ordinance is intended to be broad in scope and gives the Parks and Recreation Commission the authority and discretion to determine the details. If it is discovered the approved ordinance is not effective, you could bring it back for amendment. Council expressed concern for an upcoming event that may be negatively affected. Mayor Pro Tern Smith suggested an effective date of2018 which will coincide with approval of the 2018 special events.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Smith, to adopt Bill No. 2726, an Ordinance amending Chapter 9.34 of the Sparks Municipal Code to be effective January I, 2018 with an update of the Parks and Recreation Commission's policy presented to Council at a January meeting. Council Members Abbott, Smith, Dahir, YES. Council Members Lawson, Bybee, NO. Motion carried 3-2.

10.2 SECOND READING, Public Hearing, discussion and possible adoption of Bill No. 2727, an Ordinance amending Chapter 12.24 of the Sparks Municipal Code to provide principal park rules, and other matters properly related thereto (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION). (Time: 4:06 p.m.) An agenda item from Parks and Recreation Director Tracy Domingues recommending Council adopt the Bill. The recommended amendments to Chapter 12.24 of the Sparks Municipal Code will provide principal park rules. Adopting these rules by Ordinance will make enforcement of the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes· Page 8 Monday, October 23, 2017 rules easier and provide clarity to the public regarding what activities are permitted in City parks, and prohibiting inflatables. The Parks and Recreation Commission will provide a metal detector policy to provide clear guidelines. There is no impact to the general fund.

The Public Hearing was opened at 4:08 p.m.; no comments were received. The Public Hearing was closed.

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to adopt Bill No. 2727, an Ordinance amending Chapter 12.24 of the Sparks Municipal Code to provide principal park rules. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

10.3 PUBLIC HEARING, consideration, and possible approval of a collective bargaining agreement (AC-5418) between the City of Sparks and the International Association of Firefighters Local No. 1265 for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 4:09 p.m.) An agenda item from Human Resources Manager Mindy Falk recommending Council approve the collective bargaining agreement. The International Association of Firefighters Local No. 1265 contract expired June 30, 2017. The City of Sparks and the International Association of Firefighters Local No. 1265 submitted a one-year agreement covering July 1,2017 through June 30, 2018. The agreement includes a cost of living adjustment (COLA) of 2.0% above the base salary rate in effect June 30, 2017 retroactive to the first full pay period after July 1,2017, a change in special duties differential pay and a change in the accrual rate and maximum accumulation for annual leave. The estimated financial impact to the general fund is $260,000 per fiscal year in FYI8, FY19 and FY20. The estimated financial impact to other funds is estimated at $3,200 per fiscal year in FYI8, FY 19 and FY20. The changes also have a total estimated potential liability increase of up to $19,000 combined for FYI8, FYI9 and FY20.

The Public Hearing was opened at 4:12 p.m.; no comments were received. The Public Hearing was closed.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve the collective bargaining agreement between the City of Sparks and the International Association of Firefighters Local No. 1265 for the period of July I, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

11. Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items 11.1 None

12. Comments 12.1 Comments from the Public (Time: 4: 13 p.m.) - None , 12.2 Comments from City Council and City Manager (Time: 4:13 p.m.) Council Member Bybee said the Pumpkin Palooza event was awesome and thanked staff and volunteers; Ms. Bybee said Parks and Recreation took first place in the city pumpkin derby and she took second; and Council Member Abbott won best dressed. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 9 Monday, October 23, 2017

Council Member Dahir invited all to attend the Nevada Veterans Memorial dinner/fundraiser on nd November 2 • This is a statewide memorial and an educational piece. Additional information is available at www.nevadaveteransmemoriaLorg.

13. Adjournment Council was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.



»> 11/27/2017 AI 6.1 MAYOR Geno Martini

CITY COUNCIL Donald Abbott, Ward I Ed Lawson, Ward" Ron Smith, Ward '" Charlene Bybee, Ward IV Kristopher Dahir, Ward V


CITY MANAGER Steve Driscoll

REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 2:00 P.M., Monday, November 13, 2017 City Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, Nevada

1. Call to Order (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The regular meeting of the Sparks City Council was called to order by Mayor Geno Martini at 2:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call (Time: 2:00 p.m.) Mayor Geno Martini, Council Members Donald Abbott, Ed Lawson, Ron Smith, Charlene Bybee, Kristopher Dahir, City Manager Steve Driscoll, City Attorney Chet Adams and City Clerk Teresa Gardner, PRESENT.


3. Opening Ceremonies 3.1 Invocation Speaker (Time: 2:00 p.m.) A moment of acknowledgement to honor veterans and an invocation was provided by Pastor Kristopher Dahir, Freedom Fellowship.

3.2 Pledge of Allegiance (Time: 2:02 p.m.) The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Charlene Bybee.

4. Public Comment (Time: 2:04 p.m.) City Manager Steve Driscoll said a letter was received by the applicant requesting a zoning change to withdraw the request. The item was scheduled as a first reading on this agenda; however, he will be requesting that item be removed from the agenda. If the developer wants to move forward, the process will start over with the Planning Commission.

Bill Wagner thanked Council Members and requested notification of any future development plans in the Vistas. A woman identifying herself as Anonymous spoke against destruction of court records of victims of domestic violence. Community Foundation of Western Nevada representative Nick Tscheeker distributed the Washoe Caregivers Guidebook to the Basics of Beginning Care published thru the Caregiver Support Initiative of the Community Foundation. Northern Nevada Apprentice Coordinators Association representative Randy Canale spoke to recognize National Apprenticeship Week, introduce the programs they provide and invite Council to tour the facility. Brandon Alarcon said he is in the apprenticeship program and spoke of the benefits of the program. Kathleen Shupp and Darlene Hesse spoke in opposition of a high school Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 2 Monday, November 13, 2017 being built at Wildcreek. Peggy Rew spoke in favor of growth and progress; however, spoke against development that would negatively affect traffic on Los Altos.

5. Agenda (Time: 2:30 p.m.) 5.1 Approval of the Agenda (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Consideration of taking items out of sequence, deleting items and adding items which require action upon a finding that an emergency exists.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to remove item 9.7 from the agenda approve as amended. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

6. Minutes (Time: 2:32 p.m.) 6.1 Consideration and possible approval of the minutes of the regular Sparks City Council meeting of October 23, 2017. A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to approve the minutes of the regular Sparks City Council meeting on October 23,2017. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

7. Announcements, Presentations, Recognition Items and Items of Special Interest (Time: 2:33 p.m.) 7.1 Proclamation: Alpha-1 Awareness Month (Time: 2:33 p.m.) Mayor Geno Martini proclaimed November 2017 as "Alpha-I Awareness Month". A nationwide awareness campaign will take place throughout the country to educate the public as well as the medical community on Alpha-I detection and treatment for those affected by this condition. The proclamation was read by Council Member Abbott and presented to members of the Alpha-l support group, Norma Leising, Steve Faucett, John and Sally Dorf, Dianna Harvey, Karen Rollsten and Heather Toepfer. Plasma donations that can be made at Grifols on Prater Way and testing through '23 and Me' were discussed.

8. Consent Items (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:44 p.m.) A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve consent items 8.1 through 8.5 as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

8.1 Report of Claims and Bills approved for payment and appropriation transfers for the period October 5,2017 through October 25, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending the City Council approve the report of claims and bills as presented in the staff report.

8.2 Consideration and possible approval of a Final Map for Kiley Ranch North Village 37A - Phase 1 Subdivision (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from City Engineer Jon Ericson recommending Council approve the final map. The Kiley Ranch North Village 37A - Phase I Subdivision is a continuation of the Kiley Ranch North New Urban District and generally located east of Hemy Orr Parkway and south of Kiley Parkway. This subdivision will create 84 residential lots on 10.96 acres. The developer will be Lennar Reno, LLC. The final map and civil improvement drawings have been reviewed by the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 3 Monday, November 13, 2017

Community Services Department and have been found to be acceptable. There is no impact to the general fund.

8.3 Consideration and possible approval of a Final Map for Kiley Ranch North Village 37B - Phase 1 Subdivision (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from City Engineer Jon Ericson recommending Council approve the final map. The Kiley Ranch North Village 37B - Phase 1 Subdivision is a continuation of the Kiley Ranch North New Urban District and generally located south of Windmill Farms Parkway and east of Kiley Parkway. This subdivision will create 48 residential lots on 7.09 acres. The developer will be Lennar Reno, LLC. The final map and civil improvement drawings have been reviewed by the Community Services Department and have been found to be acceptable. There is no impact to the general fund.

8.4 Consideration and possible approval of a Final Map for Kiley Ranch North Village 43 - Phase 1 Subdivision (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from City Engineer Jon Ericson recommending Council approve the final map. The Kiley Ranch North Village 43 - Phase 1 Subdivision is a continuation of the Kiley Ranch North New Urban District and generally located south of Kiley Parkway and east of Henry Orr Parkway. This subdivision will create 54 residential lots on 5.34 acres. The developer will be Lennar Reno, LLC and Kiley Ranch North Landscape Association Inc. The final map and civil improvement drawings have been reviewed by the Community Services Department and have been found to be acceptable. There is no impact to the general fund.

8.5 Consideration and possible approval of a Final Map for Kiley Ranch Village 38 - Phase 3 Subdivision. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from City Engineer Jon Ericson recommending Council approve the final map. The Kiley Ranch Village 38 - Phase 3 Subdivision is a continuation of the Kiley Ranch North New Urban District and will be generally located east of Sparks Boulevard and south of Kiley Parkway. This subdivision will create 36 residential lots on 4.80 acres. The developer will be Jenuane Communities Kiley Ranch, LLC. The final map and civil improvement drawings have been reviewed by the Community Services Department and have been found to be acceptable. There is no impact to the general fund.

9. General Business 9.1 Consideration and possible confirmation of the Mayor's recommendation to appoint Karim Shabazz to the Sparks Planning Commission from the following pool of applicants, listed in alphabetical order: Joshua Fink, Paul Freeman, Johanna Lee, Karim Shabazz and William Wagner. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:45 p.m.) An agenda item from City Manager Steve Driscoll recommending Council confirm the appointment of Mr. Karim Shabazz to the Sparks Planning Commission. Mr. Shabazz will serve the remainder of Commissioner Gaba's term that expires on December 31, 2020. Mr. Shabazz will then have an opportunity to be reappointed for an additional term. Mr. Shabazz is a long-time resident of the City of Sparks and has witnessed a great deal of growth and redevelopment. Mr. Shabazz would like to join the team and help make smart growth decisions while maintaining the city's identity and history. There is no impact to the general fund. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 4 Monday, November 13, 2017

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Smith, to confirm the appointment of Mr. Karim Shabazz to the Sparks Planning Commission through December 31, 2020. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.2 Consideration, discussion and possible adoption of Resolution No. 3325 repealing Resolution No. 2690 and establishing the procedure for appointment of persons to represent the City of Sparks on various Boards, Commissions, or similar groups, and providing for matters relating thereto. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:46 p.m.) An agenda item from City Clerk Teresa Gardner recommending Council approve Resolution No. 3325. The previous Resolution was adopted October 23,2000 and outlined the procedure for the appointment of citizens to boards, commissions or similar groups. Over the years, the procedure has evolved and the proposed Resolution will incorporate, clarify and update procedure changes including an update of the current boards, commissions and similar groups; allows the Mayor to waive or temporarily change a procedure; allows adult citizens to apply at any time using the form available on the website or by obtaining one from the City Clerk's office; updates the recruitment procedure, including announcements at the Council meeting and on social media; eliminates interviews of applicants at public meetings; eliminates term limit requirements in the Resolution and defers to the bylaws of the individual boards, commissions or similar groups; allows the Mayor to approve a citizen to serve on multiple boards, commissions or similar groups; and outlines the nomination procedure when no applications have been submitted after a recruitment. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve Resolution No. 3325. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.3 Consideration and possible approval of a construction contract (AC-5419) for the Victorian Square Infrastructure-Phase 1 Project, Bid No. 17/18-008, PWP #W A-2018-010, in the amount of $634,000 to Q & D Construction, Inc. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:51 p.m.) An agenda item from Capital Projects Manager Brian Cason recommending Council approve the contract which consists of the removal and replacement of existing pavers, removal of existing tree planters, the construction of new larger tree planters, removal and replacement of existing sidewalk, and installation of electrical for future tree lighting on the north side of Victorian Avenue from Pyramid to 10th Street. Funds are from the Parks and Recreation Project fund, the Victorian Square Room Tax fund and the Redevelopment Agency Revolving fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve the construction contract for the Victorian Square Infrastructure-Phase 1 Project with Q&D Construction, Inc., in the amount of$634,000. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.4 Consideration, discussion, and possible authorization to the Sparks City Attorney's Office to file or cause to be filed an appeal of an arbitrator's decision in a personnel matter to the Washoe County District Court and for legal fees of an estimated $5,000. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:57 p.m.) Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 5 Monday, November 13, 2017

An agenda item from Chief Assistant City Attorney Shirle Eiting recommending Council authorize the filing of an appeal. On September 30, 2017, a decision was rendered by an arbitrator in a personnel matter. It is believed that the decision reached by the arbitrator violates the Civil Service Regulations of the City of Sparks and the Sparks Police Protective Association ("SPP A") Sergeants Collective Bargaining Agreement. Based upon the noncompliant nature of the arbitrator's decision, the City believes that it is necessary to appeal the arbitrator's decision to the Washoe County District Court. There is an impact of an estimated $5,000 to the general fund.

The employee representative in the arbitration, Frank Flaherty spoke regarding risks of filing an appeal and his belief the arbitrator's decision is valid and the city is obligated to accept the decision.

Chief Assistant City Attorney Eiting said she disagrees with Mr. Flaherty's position and recommends the appeal is filed. City Attorney Chet Adams said the Nevada Supreme Court requires a governmental attorney to appear before their governing board and request permission to file an appeal; the merits and city's position are not an issue.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Smith, to authorize the appeal of the arbitrator's decision in the personnel matter based on the attorney's advice. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.5 Consideration, discussion, and possible decision regarding a Settlement Offer of $42,000 for a Personal Injury Claim. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:03 p.m.) An agenda item from Assistant City Attorney Alyson McCormick recommending Council reject the settlement offer made by Rene House. In November 2016, Rene House was involved in a motor vehicle collision with a City of Sparks vehicle driven by a City of Sparks employee. Through the Risk Management Committee, the city settled Ms. House's insurer's claim for property damage in the amount of $18,602.19 in May 2017. The property damage settlement did not include damages for personal injury, the extent of which was not yet known at the time. As of October 17, 2017, Ms. House had incurred medical costs in the amount of$10,363.26, which she alleges were necessary due to the collision. Through counsel, Ms. House sent a demand letter to the City of Sparks, seeking to settle Ms. House's personal injury claim "for $42,000 or policy limits, whichever is less." There is no additional impact to the general fund ifthe claim is rejected.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Smith, to reject the settlement offer of$42,000 based on the attorney's advice. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.6 Presentation, discussion, and possible approval of a request to the Nevada Department of Environmental Protection (NDEP), Washoe County Health District (WCHD), and Truckee Meadows Water Authority (TMWA) to report within 30 days the result of negotiations on re-instating a "Water Projects Waiver" to TMWA and to provide the local elected officials status reports on the processing of "Water Projects" at least quarterly. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:04 p.m.) An agenda item from City Manager Steve Driscoll recommending Council ask the Nevada Department of Environmental Protection (NDEP), Washoe County Health District (WCHD), and Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 6 Monday, November 13, 2017

Truckee Meadows Water Authority (TMW A) to report within 30 days the result of negotiations on re-instating a "Water Projects Waiver" and to provide the local elected officials status reports on the processing of "Water Projects" at least quarterly.

At the November 6, 2017, Concurrent Meeting of the City of Sparks Council (Sparks Council), the City of Reno Council (Reno Council), the Washoe County Board of County Commissioners (WC-BCC), and the Truckee Meadows Water Authority Board (TMWA Board), a presentation on "Water Projects" was given by Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP), Washoe County Health District (WCHD), and Truckee Meadows Water Authority (TMWA) senior management personnel.

After the presentation there was discussion and questions from the elected bodies and comments from the public. The Reno Council and WC-BCC members approved individual motions related to future reporting by the presenters. The City of Sparks had a quorum at the beginning of the meeting; however, that quorum ceased to exist at 10:45 a.m., prior to any direction being given. There is no impact to the general fund.

Council discussed efficiencies to the development community when TMWA has a waiver to approve certain projects independently. In addition, it was discussed that political influence by Council Members sitting on other boards can ensure reports are brought to the Council as requested. The negative effects of increasing rental costs, homelessness and rising construction costs were also discussed. Mr. Dahir said the decision to pull the waiver made by the Health District was not brought before the Health District's Board.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to request NDEP, WCHD, and TMWA to provide certain information on a timely basis. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.7 First Reading of Bill No. 2728, a general ordinance rezoning a site 7.72 acres in size from PD (Planned Development - The Vistas) to MF2/PD (Residential Multi-family) located at 2255 S. Los Altos Parkway, Sparks, NV. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) This item was pulled from the agenda because the applicant withdrew the request to rezone.

10. Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning 10.1 Public hearing, consideration, discussion, and possible approval of Resolution No. 3326 establishing certain benefits offered to the City Attorney and Municipal Court Judges. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:14 p.m.) An agenda item from Assistant City Manager Neil Krutz recommending Council approve Resolution No. 3326 replacing the existing Resolution No. 2596 passed by City Council on August 9, 1999 with an Amendment via Resolution No. 2620 adopted on October 11, 1999. Substantive changes include removal of auto and cell phone allowance, removing the connection between the Executive Resolution and the City Attorney and Municipal Court Judge Resolution and health insurance premiums. There is no impact to the general fund.

The Public Hearing was opened at 3 :20; no comments were received. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 7 Monday, November 13, 2017

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve Resolution No. 3326 establishing certain benefits offered to the City Attorney and Municipal Court Judges. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

10.2 Public hearing, consideration, discussion, and possible approval of Resolution No. 3327 establishing certain benefits offered to the Mayor and the City Council. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:21 p.m.) An agenda item from Assistant City Manager Neil Krutz recommending Council approve Resolution No. 3327 replacing Resolution No. 2596 passed by City Council on August 9, 1999 with an Amendment added via Resolution No. 2620 on October 11, 1999. Substantive changes include removing the connection between the Executive Resolution and the Mayor and City Council Resolution and health insurance premiums. There is no impact to the general fund. Council Member Bybee said payment of 50% of dependent insurance premiums is generous. Council Member Dahir said equity across the board is important.

The Public Hearing was opened at 3:24; no comments were received.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to approve Resolution No. 3327 establishing certain benefits offered to the Mayor and the City Council. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Dahir, YES. Council Member Bybee, NO. Motion carried 4-1.

10.3 Public hearing, consideration, discussion, and possible approval of Resolution No. 3328 for Executive Employees for the period July 1,2017 through June 30, 2020. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:26 p.m.) An agenda item from Assistant City Manager Neil Krutz recommending Council approve Resolution No. 3328. Executive Employee Resolution No. 3278 was approved by the Council on June 8, 2015 and it expired June 30, 2017. The new Resolution No. 3328 will cover the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2020. Substantive changes include effective date, cost of living adjustments, base pay range adjustments, removal ofthe auto and cell phone allowances, reducing dependent care premiums for employees hired after July 1,2010, changing sick leave conversion and cash-out accrual rates; and providing for the repeal of all prior resolutions related to these employees in the designated titles. Council discussed the reductions taken by this group, along with the Management, Professional, Technical group, during the recession and the benefit to retirement calculations of having the auto and cell phone allowances be part of salary.

The estimated financial impact to the general fund is a range of $46,300 to $61 ,300 for FY18, $63,300 to $96,300 for FY19 and $80,300 to $147,300 for FY20. The estimated fiscal impact to other funds is $12,400 for FYI8, a range of $16,400 to $24,400 in FY19 and a range of $20,400 to $41,400 in FY20.

The Public Hearing was opened at 3:32; no comments were received.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve Resolution No. 3328 for Executive Employees for the period of July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2020. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 8 Monday, November 13, 2017

10.4 Public hearing, consideration, discussion and possible approval of Amendment No.1 to City Manager Stephen W. Driscoll's employment agreement (AC-5366) to increase the salary and benefits commensurate with other City Resolutions. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:33 p.m.) An agenda item from Human Resources Manager Mindy Falk recommending Council approve Amendment No. 1 to City Manager Stephen Driscoll's employment agreement to include the proposed salary and benefit changes. On May 8, 2017 City Council approved the extension of City Manager Stephen Driscoll's employment contract and delayed salary and benefit changes until after the collective bargaining agreements and employment resolutions had been finalized. Seven labor contracts and four employment resolutions have been approved by City Council and are in effect as of October 23, 2017. One remaining resolution was approved by Council as a previous agenda item today. There is an estimated $6,850 impact to the general fund.

The Public Hearing was opened at 3:35; no comments were received.

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve Amendment No.1 to City Manager Stephen W. Driscoll's employment agreement to include the proposed salary and benefit changes. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

City Manager Driscoll thanked the Council for the opportunity to continue to serve the City of Sparks and its citizens. Council Member Dahir thanked Mr. Driscoll for all the work done at the City of Sparks.

11. Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items 11.1 None

12. Comments 12.1 Comments from the Public (Time: 3:36 p.m.) Ron King said he was grateful for the acknowledgement of the A-I group and spoke of concern with the lack of sufficient medical care in the area. Jacqueline Miller spoke of concern with the effects of traffic in the roundabout from the potential proposed development on Vista. Bill Wagner asked for information regarding the large financial payment due from the City of Sparks that he saw on the news. Mayor Martini requested the Financial Services Director to contact Mr. Wagner.

12.2 Comments from City Council and City Manager (Time: 3:43 p.m.) Council Member Smith said the Veterans Memorial dinner/fundraiser held November 2 was a great success. Next year's event will be held at the Nugget on November 8, 2018.

City Manager Driscoll announced a vacancy on the Sparks Planning Commission for a 4-year term. Applications will be accepted until December 15,2017.

Mr. Driscoll also said the proposed special concurrent meeting scheduled for December 4, 2017 to discuss regional homeless services has been cancelled and homeless services will be discussed at the regularly scheduled concurrent meeting in February 2018. Mr. Driscoll said based on a discussion with Mayor Martini, he plans to discuss future agendas and calendars for concurrent meetings, as well as what has been accomplished and what has not, with the managers from Reno and Washoe County. Mayor Martini suggested the Sparks Council discuss concurrent meetings Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 9 Monday, November 13, 2017

during a regular meeting; Mayor Martini said the meetings were beneficial in 2014 and were used to discuss regional issues; however, he is not seeing regional cooperation at this time. City Manager Driscoll will take that direction forward to the other agencies.

Mr. Driscoll suggested the second meeting, in December be cancelled. No objections were expressed; therefore, the December 26, 2017 meeting will be cancelled.

13. Adjournment Council was adjourned at 3:49 p.m.



»> 12-11-2017 AI 6.1 MAYOR Geno Martini

CITY COUNCIL Donald Abbott, Ward I Ed Lawson, Ward" Ron Smith, Ward 11/ Charlene Bybee, Ward IV Kristopher Dahir, Ward V


CITY MANAGER Steve Driscoll

REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 2:00 P.M., Monday, November 27,2017 City Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, Nevada

1. Call to Order (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The regular meeting of the Sparks City Council was called to order by Mayor Geno Martini at 2:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call (Time: 2:00 p.m.) Mayor Geno Martini, Council Members Donald Abbott, Ed Lawson, Ron Smith, Charlene Bybee, Kristopher Dahir, City Manager Steve Driscoll, City Attorney Chet Adams and City Clerk Teresa Gardner, PRESENT.


3. Opening Ceremonies 3.1 Invocation Speaker (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The invocation was provided by Pastor Barb West, Sparks Church of the Nazarene.

3.2 Pledge of Allegiance (Time: 2:01 p.m.) The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Lawson

4. Public Comment (Time: 2:03 p.m.) Erienne Overli gave public comment about the homeless shelters being full and the need for volunteers to staff an additional emergency overflow shelter being set up through a partnership including the City of Reno, ACTIONN and local religious groups. Ms. Overli provided contact information for anyone wishing to volunteer.

5. Agenda (Time: 2:05 p.m.) 5.1 Approval of the Agenda (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Consideration of taking items out of sequence, deleting items and adding items which require action upon a finding that an emergency exists.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to approve the agenda as amended, pulling agenda item 9.7. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 2 Monday, November 27, 2017

6. Minutes (Time: 2:06 p.m.) 6.1 Consideration and possible approval ofthe minutes ofthe regular Sparks City Council meeting of November 13, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve the minutes of the regular Sparks City Council meeting on November 13,2017. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

7. Announcements, Presentations, Recognition Items and Items of Special Interest (Time: 2:06 p.m.) None.

8. Consent Items (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:06 p.m.) A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to approve consent items 8.1 and 8.2 as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

8.1 Report of Claims and Bills approved for payment and appropriation transfers for the period October 25, 2017 through November 8, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending the City Council approve the report of claims and bills as presented in the staff report.

8.2 Consideration and possible approval of a reimbursement to the City of Reno for Sparks' share of a consultant agreement (AC5421) for construction management services with AECOM Technical Services, Inc., for the TMWRF Electrical Substation Rehabilitation Project in an amount not to exceed $79,606.08 (Sparks' Share) (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Treatment Plant Manager Michael Drinkwater recommending Council approve Sparks' share of the consultant agreement. The Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility is serviced by two incoming 24.9 kilovolt (kV) sources provided by NV Energy. Each incoming service is connected to a transformer through a closed switch that converts the 24.9 kV to 2,400 volts. The reduced voltage is then sent to the TMWRF's main electrical switch gear for distribution throughout the plant. The current 24.9 kV transformers were installed in 1986 and are reaching the limits of their intended reliable service life. Over the last 5 years, tests have found degradation of the transformer oil indicating the equipment beginning to fail. Additionally, the 2007 Arc Flash study identified these transformers as presenting a dangerous arc flash hazard. The agreement is for construction management services during the project that includes inspection, testing, engineering support and detailed coordination to maintain power to TMWRF throughout the project. Funding is from the sanitary sewer capital project fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

9. General Business 9.1 Consideration and possible approval of a reimbursement to the City of Reno for Sparks' share of a contract (AC5422) with KG Walters Construction Co, Inc for the RAS Pumping Improvements - System 1 Project at the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF) in an amount not to exceed $792,406.20 (Sparks' Share) (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:07 p.m.) Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 3 Monday, November 27, 2017

An agenda item from Treatment Plant Manager Michael Drinkwater recommending Council approve Sparks' share of the contract. One of the key treatment processes at TMWRF consists of providing the correct balance of nutrients, air and microorganisms in a mixed-liquor aeration basin to properly treat the raw sewage. The control of this process requires the ability to accurately set the pumping rates from the secondary clarifiers back to the aeration basin. The existing pump station is at the end of its service life and is undersized for the current plant operation. Funding is from the sanitary sewer capital project fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve the reimbursement to the City of Reno for the Sparks' share of the RAS Pumping Improvements - System 1 Project at TMWRF in an amount not to exceed $792,406.20. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.2 Consideration and possible approval for reimbursement to the City of Reno for Spark's share of a consulting agreement (AC5423) for construction management services with HDR Engineering, Inc. for the TMWRF RAS Pumping Improvements - System 1 Project in an amount not to exceed $93,137.22 (Sparks' Share) (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:09 p.m.) An agenda item from Treatment Plant Manager Michael Drinkwater recommending Council approve Sparks' share of the consultant agreement. One of the key treatment processes at TMWRF consists of providing the correct balance of nutrients, air and microorganisms in a mixed-liquor aeration basin to properly treat the raw sewage. The control of this process requires the ability to accurately set the pumping rates from the secondary clarifiers back to the aeration basin. The existing pump station is at the end of its service life and is undersized for the current plant operation. The agreement will provide construction management services during project construction that includes construction management, engineering services during construction, inspection, testing, startup assistance and O&M documentation. Funding is from the sanitary sewer capital project fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Smith, to approve reimbursement to the City of Reno for Spark's share of a consulting agreement for construction management services with HDR Engineering, Inc. for the TMWRF RAS Pumping Improvements - System 1 Project in an amount not to exceed $93,137.22. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.3 Consideration, discussion and possible approval to participate in an agreement (AC5424) with Tahoe-Pacific Hospital to provide rehabilitation services to employees, dependents and retirees covered by the City's Group Health Plan, and authorization for the City Manager to execute the participation agreement for these services. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:11 p.m.) An agenda item from Sr. Human Resources Analyst Jen McCall recommending Council approve to participate in the agreement. Tahoe-Pacific provides rehabilitation services through a stand­ alone clinic inside Northern Nevada Medical Center. The current participation agreement with Tahoe-Pacific Hospital will expire on December 31,2017. This request allows the City's Group Health Plan to continue to utilize Tahoe-Pacific Hospital as an additional option to members utilizing rehabilitation services. There is no impact to the general fund. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 4 Monday, November 27, 2017

A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve to participate in an agreement with Tahoe-Pacific Hospital to provide rehabilitation services to employees, dependents and retirees covered by the City's Group Health Plan, and authorization for the City Manager to execute the participation agreement for these services. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.4 Consideration, discussion and possible approval to participate in a letter of agreement (AC5425) negotiated by Nevada Health Partners (NHP) with the University of Utah to provide hospital services to employees, dependents and retirees covered by the City's Group Health Plan and authorization for the City Manager to execute the letter of agreement for these services. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:14 p.m.) An agenda item from Sr. Human Resources Analyst Jen McCall recommending Council approve to participate in the letter of agreement. In recent years, the City self-insured group health plan has signed letters of agreement with various facilities throughout the United States to provide essential health services to members unable to receive the same care in Northern Nevada. This request allows the City's Group Health Plan to utilize the University of Utah and their Centers of Excellence. Employees, dependents and retirees on the City's Group Health Plan, needing health options not available in Northern Nevada will have the University of Utah as an additional option for care. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Smith, to approve to participate in a letter of agreement with the University of Utah for hospital services for employees, dependents and retirees covered by the City's Group Health Plan, and authorization for the City Manager to execute the letter of agreement for these services. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.5 Consideration, discussion and possible approval to participate in an agreement (AC5426) negotiated by Nevada Health Partners (NHP) with Carson-Tahoe Health Services (CTHS) to provide hospital services to employees, dependents and retirees covered by the City's Group Health Plan for the period of January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019, and authorization for the City Manager to execute the participation agreement for these services. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:19 p.m.) An agenda item from Sr. Human Resources Analyst Jen McCall recommending Council approve to participate in the agreement. The current three-year agreement with CTHS will expire on December 31, 2017. This agenda item allows the City'S Group Health Plan to continue to utilize CTHS as an in-network provider hospital, providing services to employees, dependents and retirees on the City's Group Health Plan. The agreement is for a two year extension of the current agreement with no rate increase for services. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Smith, to approve to participate in an agreement negotiated by NHP with CTHS for hospital services for employees, dependents and retirees covered by the City's Group Health Plan for the period of January 1, 2018 through December 31,2019, and authorization for the City Manager to execute the participation agreement for these services. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 5 Monday, November 27, 2017

9.6 Consideration, discussion and possible approval to participate in an agreement (AC5427) negotiated by Nevada Health Partners (NHP) with Northern Nevada Medical Center (NNMC) to provide hospital services to employees, dependents and retirees covered by the City's Group Health Plan for the period of January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018, and authorization for the City Manager to execute the participation agreement for these services. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 2:22 p.m.) An agenda item from Sf. Human Resources Analyst Jen McCall recommending Council approve to participate in the agreement. The current three-year agreement with NNMC will expire on December 31,2017. This agenda item allows the City's Group Health Plan to continue to utilize NNMC as an in-network provider hospital, providing services to employees, dependents and retirees on the City's Group Health Plan. There is 2.38% increase to the rates for hospital services; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve to participate in an agreement negotiated by NHP with NNMC for hospital services for employees, dependents and retirees covered by the City's Group Health Plan for the period January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018, and authorization for the City Manager to execute the participation agreement for these services. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.7 Consideration, discussion and possible approval to make plan design changes to the City of Sparks Group Health Plan as recommended by the City of Sparks Group Health Committee effective January 1,2018. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: p.m.) This item was pulled.

9.8 First Reading of Bill No. 2729 amending Title 20 ofthe Sparks Municipal Code to revise definitions, permitted uses, landscaping, density, parking and design standards and providing other matters related thereto. (CA-3-17) (Time: 2:24 p.m.) City Clerk Teresa Gardner read the Bill by title. The second reading and public hearing will be held at the regular meeting on Monday, December 11, 2017.

10. Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning 10.1 None

11. Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items 11.1 None

12. Comments 12.1 Comments from the Public (Time: 2:25 p.m.) None.

12.2 Comments from City Council and City Manager (Time: 2:25 p.m.) City Manager Driscoll announced the following Boards and Commission vacancies; a vacancy for the Sparks Planning Commission for one member for a four-year term, a vacancy for the Enterprise Fund Advisory Committee for one member for a four-year term that is from the residential Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 6 Monday, November 27,2017 construction industry and a vacancy for the Airport Noise Advisory panel for one member for a two-year term. Applications for these openings will be accepted until close of business on December 15, 2017. Mr. Driscoll also announced a vacancy for the Civil Service Commission for one member for a partial term ending on June 30, 2019. Applications will be accepted until close of business on January 12,2018.

City Manager Driscoll announced that the December 26th City Council meeting is cancelled.

Council Member Smith recommended the city rejoin the National League of Cities. Mr. Smith invited everyone to attend the tree lighting ceremony this Friday at 7:00 p.m., the Hometown Christmas Parade on Saturday and the 39 North events that will be happening all weekend.

Council Member Bybee said the multi-family rezoning request for Los Altos was withdrawn and there will not be a special meeting Monday night.

Council Member Dahir spoke about the homeless shelter issue mentioned in public comment and said anyone wanting to be involved can call 848-5859.

13. Adjournment Council was adjourned at 2:32 p.m.



resa Gardner, City Clerk

»> 01/08/2018 AI 6.1 MAYOR Geno Martini

CITY COUNCIL Donald Abbott, Ward I Ed Lawson, Ward II Ron Smith, Ward III Charlene Bybee, Ward IV Kristopher Dahir, Ward V


CITY MANAGER Steve Driscoll

REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 2:00 P.M., Monday, December 11, 2017 City Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, Nevada

1. Call to Order (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The regular meeting of the Sparks City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro Tempore Ron Smith at 2:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call (Time: 2:00 p.m.) Council Members Donald Abbott, Ed Lawson, Ron Smith, Charlene Bybee, Kristopher Dahir, City Manager Steve Driscoll, City Attorney Chet Adams and City Clerk Teresa Gardner, PRESENT.

ABSENT: Mayor Geno Martini.

3. Opening Ceremonies 3.1 Invocation Speaker (Time: 2:00 p.m.) The invocation was provided by Pastor Omar Palmer, Sparks Seventh Day Adventist Church.

3.2 Pledge of Allegiance (Time: 2:02 p.m.) The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Senior Administrative Analyst Kathy Clewett.

4. Public Comment (Time: 2:02 p.m.) A woman speaking anonymously spoke against the destruction of court records of child abuse cases. Kathleen Shupp spoke in opposition to building a school on the Wildcreek Golf Course property. Tom Young of Great Basin Brewing Co. spoke in support of the development coming to Victorian Square, but has concerns about having sufficient parking in Victorian Square when the development is complete.

5. Agenda (Time: 2:11 p.m.) 5.1 Approval of the Agenda (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Consideration of taking items out of sequence, deleting items and adding items which require action upon a finding that an emergency exists.

A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve the agenda as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 2 Monday, December 11, 2017

6. Minutes (Time: 2:21 p.m.) 6.1 Consideration, discussion and possible approval of the minutes of the regular Sparks City Council meeting of November 27, 2017 and the Concurrent Meeting of November 6, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve the minutes of the regular Sparks City Council meeting of November 27,2017 and the Concurrent meeting of November 6, 2017. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

7. Announcements, Presentations, Recognition Items and Items of Special Interest (Time: 2: 13 p.m.) 7.1 Presentation: Jordan Van Worth, "Miss Sparks 2017" (Time: 2:13 p.m.) Miss Sparks 2017 Jordan Van Worth gave an overview of the process of becoming Miss America. Miss Sparks spoke about the process including the Miss America Organization layout and the stages of the competition.

7.2 Presentation and update on the Northern Nevada State Veterans Home being built in Sparks. The 102,000 square foot facility will have 96 beds and a host of amenities. Groundbreaking took place on July 17, 2017 and is slated to be open in December 2018. (Time: 2:24 p.m.) Senior Administrative Analyst Kathy Clewett introduced Deputy Director of Health and Wellness Wendy Simons who gave an overview of the new Northern Nevada Veterans Home approved by Governor Sandoval and the 2017 Legislature. The design will be a house with eight private rooms with a living room, den, dining and a shared country kitchen. There will be households which will be two houses combined. There will be a neighborhood which is two households combined. The home will have a community center that includes a barber shop, beauty shop, sports bar, dining commons, commissary, chapel, coffee/ice cream shop, physical therapy gym and meeting rooms.

7.3 Presentation and update of Western Nevada Development District's Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy and City of Sparks' Projects (Time: 2:50 p.m.) Executive Director Ron RadiI gave an update on the Western Nevada Development District's (WNDD) Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). The CEDS document is updated every year and WNDD does a major rewrite every five years. CEDS provides an assessment of regional economic opportunities, has a project listing and contains goals and strategies identified by region. The CEDS project listing aids public and private entities in receiving funding for projects. The deadline to submit project listings to WNDD is January 30th and the projects can be short term or long term. Council Member Lawson said this is an opportunity for the city and gave direction to City Manager Driscoll to prepare a list ofprojects to by submitted.

8. Consent Items (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:01 p.m.) A motion was made by Council Member Lawson, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve consent items 8.1 through 8.3 as submitted. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

8.1 Report of Claims and Bills approved for payment and appropriation transfers for the period November 9, 2017 through November 22, 2017. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 3 Monday, December 11, 2017

An agenda item from Financial Services Director Jeff Cronk recommending the City Council approve the report of claims and bills as presented in the staff report.

8.2 Consideration, discussion and possible approval of a professional services contract (AC-5428) with Premier Inspection Services for contract labor to provide building inspection services for the remainder of FY18 in an amount not to exceed $125,000. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Assistant Community Services Director Armando Ornelas recommending Council award the contract. Since June 2015, Community Services Building Inspection Division has utilized contract workers as building inspectors through third party vendors to help with the demands of increased building inspections. Funding is from the development services fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

8.3 Consideration, discussion and possible approval ofImpact Fee Agreement #27 (AC-5429) with Toll NV Limited Partnership to allow for participation and use of credits in Impact Fee Service Area Number 1. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) An agenda item from Community Services Director John Martini recommending Council approve the agreement. Impact Fee Agreement #27 is a master agreement that will allow Toll NV Limited Partnership to participate in the impact fee program. The agreement is the city's standard master form agreement and establishes the administrative rules for the use of impact fee credits within Impact Fee Service Area #1. Toll NV Limited Partnership will be eligible to receive impact fee credits for use within Impact Fee Service Area #1. There is no impact to the general fund.

9. General Business 9.1 Consideration, discussion and possible approval to make plan design changes to the City of Sparks Group Health Plan as recommended by the City of Sparks Group Health Committee effective January 1,2018. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:03 p.m.) An agenda item from Senior HR Analyst Jen McCall recommending Council approve the changes. The City of Sparks provides a self-insured group health plan that includes medical, dental, pharmacy, vision and life insurance for employees, retirees and dependents. In 2017, through the open meeting law process, the City of Sparks Group Health Committee reviewed the current benefit structure to determine if savings could be realized within the current plan design, without significantly impacting group health plan members, and to find areas where the benefit design could be updated while remaining competitive.

The plan changes include an increase in the annual deductible for out-of-network services, an increase in the annual out-of-pocket maximums for out-of-network services, adding the Intercept Rx Program and eliminating deductible carry-over. The proposed changes also reduce the number of back on track visits, adds a pre-certification requirement for all in-patient and out-patient admissions, adds the optomap retinal exam, and increases the annual dental benefit maximum. There is an estimated net annual saving of $9,493 expected to the group health self-insurance fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve the recommended changes to the City of Sparks Group Health Plan effective at the beginning of Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 4 Monday, December 11, 2017 the plan year which is January 1,2018. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.2 Consideration, discussion, and possible direction to the Sparks City Attorney's Office to cause to be filed an amicus brief in pending litigation regarding the Little Valley Fire. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:18 p.m.) An agenda item from Assistant City Attorney Alyson McCormick recommending Council authorize the Sparks City Attorney's Office to file or cause to be filed an amicus brief. In October 2016, the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) and Nevada Division of Forestry (NDF) initiated a controlled bum in the Whittell Forest and Wildlife Area. Embers from the controlled bum escaped the bum area, causing a wildfire and significant property damage. The property owners and their insurers sued UNR and NDF for various claims, including inverse condemnation. UNR and NDF moved to dismiss the inverse condemnation claims, and the District Court denied the motions. UNR and NDF have filed a Petition for a Writ of Mandamus in the Nevada Supreme Court, asking the Court to order the District Court to dismiss one of those claims called a takings claim. Several local government entities are considering participating in the litigation before the Nevada Supreme Court by jointly filing an amicus brief in support of UNR's and NDF's position. If the District Court's conclusions are adopted by the Nevada Supreme Court, they will have far-reaching implications for the City of Sparks and other government entities within the State of Nevada. The District Court's conclusions would tum any damages resulting from a negligent act into a constitutional violation. There is a $5,000 impact to the general fund.

Council Member Lawson stated it needs to be clear that the city is not taking a position on the lawsuits associated with the fire, the amicus brief is on the narrow legal issue of takings claim.

Mr. Doug Thomley of Fennemore Craig said the city would not be taking a position on the Little Valley Fire; the amicus brief only addresses the takings clause and the brief will be written in a neutral fashion.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to authorize the Sparks City Attorney's Office to file or cause to be filed an amicus brief in the Nevada Supreme Court regarding the Little Valley Fire. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.3 Consideration, discussion and possible acceptance of the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for fiscal year 2016-2017, possible approval of the City's Plans of Corrective Actions relating to the City's external auditors' conclusions and recommendations, and authorization for the Financial Services Director to distribute the CAFR to interested parties and to the GFOA for award consideration. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 4:04 p.m.) (HEARD AFTER AGENDA ITEM 10.1) An agenda item from Accounting Manager Debi Kinder recommending Council accept the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), Plans of Corrective Action for fiscal year 2016- 2017, and authorize the CAFR to be distributed to interested parties and be submitted to the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for consideration for its Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting award. Per Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 354.624, all Nevada local governments must provide for an annual audit by a professional accounting firm. The CAFR is the report representing the city's compliance with state law. Two Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 5 Monday, December 11, 2017 plans of corrective action are needed based on the results from the external audit. First, NRS 354.6245 and Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) 354.721 require that Council advise the Department of Taxation what action has been, or will be, taken to prevent recurrence of NRS violations discovered during our audit. Second, the Code of Federal Regulations 2 CFR §200.511 (c) require the city to prepare a corrective action plan relating to audit findings of the financial statements. The federal plan is required for all years the city is subject to an audit in accordance with the generally accepted government auditing standards (GAGAS). The city is subject to GAGAS audit standards due to receipt of government awards (grants).There is an estimated $580 impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Dahir, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to accept the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and approve the Plans of Corrective Action for fiscal year 2016-2017 as presented, and authorize the Financial Services Director to distribute the CAFR to interested parties and to the GFOA for award consideration. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.4 Consideration, discussion and possible approval of a contract (AC-5430) to Triumph Electric, Inc. to remove and replace Motor Control Center (MCC) 6 at the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF) in an amount not to exceed $396,100. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 4:11 p.m.) An agenda item from TMWRF Maintenance Manager Kim Laber recommending Council approve the contract. The Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF) utilizes numerous Motor Control Centers (MCC) to distribute power within buildings for the electrical equipment contained in the building. MCC 6 was installed as part of the 1978 TMWRF expansion and after 39 years has performed beyond its useful life. Typical electrical gear of this type has a service life of 25 to 30 years. This MCC has begun to experience failures, which affects both plant performance and processes. In addition, the new MCC will incorporate the latest in ARC flash safety upgrades. The replacement of MCC 6 makes the Thickened Waste Activated Sludge (TWAS) facility more reliable. This facility is an integral component of the wastewater treatment process. The TWAS system is critical in ensuring that the proper pounds of activated sludge are continuously maintained in the aeration systems to treat the incoming wastewater. The project also includes the replacement of corroded conduit from the MCC to electric motors and controls. Funding is from the joint treatment plant fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to approve a contract to Triumph Electric, Inc. to remove and replace Motor Control Center (MCC) 6 at the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF) in an amount not to exceed $396,100. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.5 Consideration, discussion and possible approval of an Interlocal Cooperative Agreement (AC-5432) with the Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) of Washoe County for the Signal Timing 5 Project in an amount not to exceed $25,000. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 4:15 p.m.) An agenda item from Transportation Manager Amber Sosa recommending Council approve the Interlocal Cooperative Agreement (lCA). The City of Sparks will provide staff to assist the RTC in implementing new signal timing into the City of Sparks central traffic system. The ICA allows the RTC to reimburse the City of Sparks up to $25,000 ofthe city's staff time. The funding for the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 6 Monday, December 11, 2017 project is 95% reimbursable from the Nevada Department of Transportation utilizing Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) funds. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve the Interlocal Cooperative Agreement with the Regional Transportation Commission for the Signal Timing 5 Project in an amount not to exceed $25,000. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

9.6 Consideration, discussion, and possible approval of the City Manager to prepare a letter(s) for the Mayor's signature endorsing and supporting the Team Nevada Delivers public-private partnership application to the United States Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for designation as a select participant in the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration Pilot Program announced by the President. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 4:18 p.m.) An agenda item from City Manager Steve Driscoll recommending Council approve the Mayor sending a letter. The City of Sparks has confidence in the Team Nevada Delivers (Flirtey) public­ private partnership as a select participant in the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration Pilot Program (Program). Flirtey was the first company to conduct an FAA-approved drone delivery in the United States in collaboration with NASA; the first to perform a fully autonomous drone delivery to a home in collaboration with the Nevada Institute for Autonomous Systems, and the first to launch a commercial drone delivery service. There are currently only five licenses in the U.S.

Flirtey has asked the City of Sparks to submit a letter(s) of support for the program. If Flirtey is one of the successful applicants, the company will conduct its drone delivery research and testing in the Reno-Sparks area utilizing different businesses as suppliers and various private addresses for delivery locations. Sparks addresses would be within the testing areas. The intended ultimate delivery services will include private products delivered from retail companies being sent to individual addresses for a whole host of products. One specific drone delivery service being contemplated through the partnership with the Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority (REMSA) is to provide automated external defibrillators (AED) to patients in the field in advance of either REMSA or Sparks Fire Department EMS arrival. There is no impact to the general fund.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to direct the City Manager to prepare a letter(s) for the Mayor's signature to endorse and support the application being prepared and submitted by Team Nevada Delivers to the United States Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration for designation as a select participant in the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration Pilot Program. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

10. Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning 10.1 PUBLIC HEARING, consideration and possible adoption of Resolution No. 3329 approving the sale by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Sparks to SWD Partners, LLC of a parcel 0.96 acres in size and improved with a four­ level parking garage at 955 C Street in Sparks, Nevada and having Assessor's Parcel Number 032-193-19. This agenda item also provides for the consideration and possible approval by the City Council of a Disposition and Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 7 Monday, December 11, 2017

Development Agreement (AC-5431) between the Redevelopment Agency, the City and SWD Partners, LLC. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 3:27 p.m.) (HEARD AFTER AGENDA ITEM 9.2) An agenda item from Assistant Community Services Director Armando Ornelas recommending Council adopt the Resolution and approve the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA). The Resolution makes certain findings and approves the sale by the Redevelopment Agency of a parcel 0.96 acres in size at 955 C Street improved with a parking garage (Project Property) to SWD Partners, LLC (Developer), as set forth in the proposed DDA. The Developer plans to renovate the existing parking garage and construct a new high-density apartment building, currently referred to as The Deco, on the Project Property.

The Project Property has an appraised value of $950,000. As compensation for the Project Property, the Developer will provide the entire first level of the parking garage (90+/- parking spaces, after restriping) as public parking for a period of 50 years. The Developer will bear all costs associated with the development of the project and all costs for the maintenance of the dedicated public parking. The Deco project will provide a minimum of 175 and a maximum of 212 apartment units plus administrative offices, maintenance facility, lobby, clubhouse/gym, and swimming pool. All parking for project residents will be located on levels 2 to 4 of the parking garage.

Council Members stated their concerns of whether there will be adequate parking for existing businesses when the project is complete. Sparks City Engineer Jon Ericson and Traffic Works LLC Engineer Loren Chilson explained there was an extensive parking analysis that looked at parking, especially during peak times. The parking analysis also takes into account parking once the downtown project is complete and is fully built out. Mr. Chilson explained that during the peak time there will be an estimated excess of 260 spaces for parking in the area.

Mr. Witt said the goal is to provide a walkable high-density area. Mr. Witt stated there will be some methodology, including signage, to assure the lower level parking stays available for public use.

There is an approximate $4,000 impact to the redevelopment revolving fund; there is no impact to the general fund.

The Public Hearing was opened at 3 :58 p.m. Tom Young of Great Basin Brewing Co. said he likes the project but is concerned about parking. Bill Wagner spoke his concerns regarding the parking and people, especially seniors, having to walk farther when the project is done.

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Bybee, to adopt Resolution No. 3329 approving the Redevelopment Agency's sale of the parking garage at 955 C Street to SWD Partners, LLC. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Dahir, to approve the Disposition and Development Agreement with SWD Partners, LLC. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 8 Monday, December 11, 2017

11. Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items 11.1 PUBLIC HEARING, consideration and possible approval to amend the Sierra View Town Homes Planned Development Handbook to revise various design and development standards and other matters properly related thereto for a site approximately 30.5 acres in size in the NUD (New Urban District) zoning district generally located south of Desert Highlands Drive, north and west of Los Altos Parkway, and east of Vista Boulevard, Sparks, NV. (PCNI7- 0028/PDI7-0002) (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 4:26 p.m.) An agenda item from Development Services Manager Karen Melby recommending Council approve the amended final handbook. The handbook amendment applies to the Sierra View Town Homes Planned Development, consisting of a total of 30.5 acres and a proposed 45-lot town home development. Based on a slope analysis in the planned development handbook, the developable area is limited to 15.09 acres. The area to be improved for the 45 town home lots is 4.33 acres. The amendment proposes new architecture in a contemporary design for the town homes. The new design of the town homes is based on split level units which reduces the overall site grading. There is no impact to the general fund.

The Public Hearing was opened at 4:36 p.m. Developer Ken Krater spoke thanking staff for their work on the project. Mr. Krater requested the proposed private street be allowed to become a public street.

Community Services Director John Martini stated for the road to become a public street, the road would have to be widened and the cul-de-sac would need to be enlarged. Mr. Martini said for the conversation to be opened the agenda item for the proposed plan would need to be tabled so the Community Services Department would have time to review the proposal with the developer. Mr. Krater said he is ready to move forward with the project and will accept the Council's decision that the road remain private.

A motion was made by Council Member Bybee, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to approve the amendment to the final planned development handbook for Sierra View Town Homes associated with PCN17-0028 as the amended final handbook supports the findings as set forth in the staff report. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

11.2 SECOND READING, Public Hearing, discussion and possible action on Bill No. 2729, amending Title 20 of the Sparks Municipal Code to revise definitions, permitted uses, landscaping, density, parking and design standards and providing other matters related thereto. (CA-3-17) (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) (Time: 4:48 p.m.) An agenda item from Planning Manager Jim Rundle recommending Council approve the amendments to Title 20. The City of Sparks adopted the "new" Sparks zoning code in October of 2015. The city has now been using the amended Title 20 for over two years. Based on this experience, city planning staff have identified refinements and revisions. The code amendment changes to Title 20 to revise definitions, procedures, permitted uses, and landscaping, density, parking and design standards. The Sparks Planning Commission unanimously forwarded a recommendation of approval ofthe proposed changes to the City Council at its November 2,2017 meeting. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes - Page 9 Monday, December 11, 2017

Mr. Rundle proposed one amendment in the sign code to include language that states monument sign separation restrictions do not apply to drive through uses. There is no impact to the general fund.

The Public Hearing was opened at 5:07 p.m.; no comments were received.

A motion was made by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to adopt Bill No. 2729 amending Title 20 of the Sparks Municipal Code and the amendment as presented. Council Members Abbott, Lawson, Smith, Bybee, Dahir, YES. Passed unanimously.

12. Comments 12.1 Comments from the Public (Time: 5:08 p.m.) None.

12.2 Comments from City Council and City Manager (Time: 5:08 p.m.) City Manager Driscoll announced a vacancy on the Civil Service Commission for 1 member for a partial term ending June 30, 2019. Applications will be accepted until the close of business on Friday, January 12,2018.

Council Member Dahir said the 39North event and the parade were awesome and thanked the Parks & Rec department for their work. Mr. Dahir said the homeless overflow shelter needs volunteers and interested parties can contact him at [email protected] and he will give them the information of how to volunteer.

13. Adjournment Council was adjourned at 5: 11 p.m.


