
Patient letter from Rose

I recently received news that my cancer is progressing. The overwhelming anxiety I feel about having to start treatment again consumes me. Here I am again, having to face the reality of my situation. I don’t want to die yet.

Throughout my journey with cancer, Lucy, my hospice Community Nurse, has been with me, propping me up when my life is in turmoil. She is there when I am terrified and full of anguish, when I feel like I just can’t cope any more.

Nothing can prepare you for being told you have a rare cancer (GIST) and that they can’t cure it. I was in a hell of a mental state.

I felt completely alone and abandoned before the “This Christmas, I hope to be at hospice stepped in and I met Lucy. She gave me home with my family. I want to be happy and make precious so much in those early days and has continued memories for my husband and to provide all the encouragement, practical and daughter. This will only be emotional help and care I have desperately needed. possible with Lucy’s support.” Rose, Weston Hospicecare patient When I received the recent oncology results, I was very confused, not knowing which way to turn. Every time I receive bad news, have to face treatment and the side effects, I fall to pieces.

Lucy was able to take the time to explain everything, so that I understood exactly what was happening to me and know what to expect depending on which route of treatment I went down. This helped me to make choices that really matter to me.

Living with cancer can be devastating at times, I worry about more bad news. It weighs heavily on me. I worry for my daughter. Even though she is grown up, I still feel that she needs me because she is on her own. I suppose every parent can relate to that.

Lucy not only offers her professional, practical and compassionate care, advice and support but she arranges further hospice services to help me during my darkest times. I have received a great deal of help from Karen and Ann from the hospice Chaplaincy Team. They have been such a comfort to me, always finding the words to settle my mind.

The hospice Complimentary Therapist, Alison has been wonderful, helping me to find a way to relax and find the strength to carry on.

Continued… I’m hoping to be able to visit the Day Hospice again soon. It’s such a happy place to be and so nice to be fully cared for. The food is fantastic and I really enjoy the social side of it. I always have a good laugh. I’ve met some lovely people there, all in the same boat as me. There’s a real sense of camaraderie. It really helps me to open up and talk about how I feel.

I see Lucy as a dear friend. She helps me to find a way of living with cancer. She picks me up when I am down, she treats me with respect and knows exactly what is important to me. She provides a shoulder to cry on, someone to turn to, and is someone I can trust. When the reality of my situation overwhelms me she is there, right by my side.

The whole hospice team including the lovely volunteers go over and above any expectations I might have had. They truly care about me. They give me light in a dark place.

Gradually, with the help of the hospice keyworkers, I am thinking less about my death and more about living the time I have left to the fullest. I am depending on Lucy and her team to be with me every step of the way.

This Christmas, I hope to be at home with my family. I want to be happy and make precious memories for my husband and daughter. This will only be possible with Lucy’s support.

Please help Lucy and her team in any way you can. There are many people like me who depend on keyworkers at the hospice. I can’t think about what it would be like to go through this without them.

With heartfelt thanks to my hospice and everyone who supports it.

Rose, Weston Hospicecare Patient

Your donation is urgently needed to ensure Rose and people like her can make the most of the time they have left. Please donate today.