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A 2016 documentary film by Dinesh Das Sabu and Kartemquin Films

Unbroken Glass is a documentary about filmmaker Dinesh Das Sabu's journey to understand his parents, who died 20 years ago when he was just six years old. Traveling to India and across the United States, Dinesh pieces together the story of his mother's schizophrenia and suicide, and how his family dealt with it in an age and culture where mental illness was often misunderstood, scorned and taboo.

Unbroken Glass weaves together Dinesh’s journey of discovery with cinema-verite scenes of his family dealing with still raw emotions and consequences of his immigrant parents’ lives and deaths. Dinesh hopes that telling this story will raise awareness and reduce the stigma of mental illness, while at the same time empower suicide survivors and families of the mentally ill to share their stories.

Unbroken Glass is Dinesh’s first feature film for Kartemquin Films. A graduate of University of , Dinesh is an independent documentary filmmaker. His work includes shooting part of Kartemquin’s American Arab and The Homestretch, as well as cinematography for Waking in Oak Creek, How to Build a School in Haiti and the forthcoming End of Love.

In fall 2016, the team behind UNBROKEN GLASS is launching a robust community outreach campaign to screen the film and host discussions nation-wide. If you would like to schedule a screening, please contact [email protected]. The film is funded in part by the Sage Foundation, Firelight Media and the Asian Giving Circle.