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THE BERLIN WEEKLY NEWS. Vol. II. N 'o .ll B E R LIiir, CONN-., TH U R SD AY, OCT. Q7 , 1 8 9 3 . Price 8 Cents. BERLIN BREVITIES. Columbua Day at SchooL EAST BERLIN ECHOES. Sunday Servieae. It is more than safe to say that the scholars Sunday, Oct. 30th, preaching at 10.4 s Boston A Heriden Still no signs of rain. LAST WKKK S CONCERT. of every school in the nine districts compris by the Rev. G. A. Hood of Boston. CLOTHIAG CO. Miss Kmily Brandegcc left for New York The concert given by the Banjo club as- ing Berlin, can give a very clear aud inter Sunday School at 12 o’clock. Laigt^st, Finest aud Best Fitting Stoek of (Nothing in the I'uesd.iy. si.sted by the male Quartet, and read Junior society of Christian Endeavor at Notice how the new moon was south ? esting history of who Christopher Columbus ings by Miss Hallie F. Gilbart, elocutionist, 4 .3 0 p.m. iState at Lowest Cash Prices. A sure sign of a w;irni spell. was, what he did to make his name so famous was held in the Methodist church last Thurs Less than two weeks before the political as it is today, what he was in youth, where Y. P. S. C. E. at 6 .30. day, as announced in vour last week’s issue, BOSTON iV: MEIMDEN agony will be over. Preaching at 7.30 by the pastor. 36 Colony St., Merid; 1. C L O T H IN O CO« he was born, how many times he came to .-ind was an agreeable surprise to all who The aiivcrtisement o,f Ives, Upham & America, etc., etc. For several weeks past were fortunate enough to secure tickets. It Preparatory lecture on Thursday evcaiac Rand this week, has interest for our ^vas given for the benefit of the East Berlin at 7.30. lady readers. the teachers have been rehearsing and coach ing their pupils in recitations, readings and Librarj’ association and the success which re The Ladies’ Benevolent soci^ will hold C. r Merwin has discontinued the blow- warded the efforts of all who took part in it their annual meeting in the ladies*’ |>arIor,parlor, oa ng of the “weather signals,” on account of singings, all commemorative of Columbus must be very encouraging and gratifying to Friday afternoon. The Ladies’ Missiooary BERLIN BRICK CO. the near appro.ich of closing down for the I ).iy, or the four hundredth anniversary of them. The entertainment opened with a society will also hold their annual meetiiig iii MARCUS E. JACOBS, Proprietor. winter. the discovery of America by Mr. Columbus, cornet solo by Mr. Henderer, with accom the same place at a.30 p.m. on Friday, Oct. It is reported that the Catholic church at of Genoa, Italy. paniment on the organ by Miss Bessie 28th. All ladies old and young, are invited. Kensington was broken into one night last Westcott. MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN FINEST QUALITY The program at the school in the fifth A cottage prayer meeting will be held at week, and robber of some of the altar ap The program which follows was then pro the residence of George Gray, in Beckley pointments. district last Friday, as previously advertised, ceeded with, the accompaniments of all the Quarter, tomorrow evening (Friday.) It ii Mrs. Charles E. Woodruff left yesterday was of a most interesting character and songs being played by the above mentioned earnestly desired that those who can will PALLET FACE, PALLET BUILDING AND young lady, with her accustomed skill and for New Britain where she will remain a witnessed by quite a large gathering of the tend these cottage prayer meetings «i correctness : called, and by so doing, will greatly help tha week before starting for St. Louis. Mo., friends and parents of the children. The PALLET SEWER PROGRAM. pastor in his work, and will also receive 1 where she will pa^. the winter. exercises were held in the South room which Invincible Guard March, B. E. Shattuck spiritual benefit from them besides. For lawn mowers, window screens, and had been very tastily decorated and trimmed Banjo Club. doors, refrigerators and hardware of all kinds, with flags and the national colors. The All are cordially invited to attend go to Herbert L. Mills, 336 Main street, Two Roses, .... Weiner services. black-boards all around the room bore evi Messrs. Bames, Bradley, Griggs and Fray. BRICK, New Britain. * dences of the pupils’ handiwork in drawing, Marguerite, - - - C. A. White iA portraits of the noted discoverer in almost Columbiui SerrioM »t the Cos- Bryan Atwater estimates the crop of apples Mr. Budd. gxegational Choroh. from his orchard at about 2000 bushels. He every phase of his life, beside excellent dtaw- Reading, III GItys passed thrwtli a Disintergrator which Separates and Throws Out has shipped about 150 barrels of his prime of his ships, his landing on San Salva- Mtes Gelbart. Last Sunday may be regarded as a nMnao- hand-picked, to New York- •, the Indians, flags in colored crayon We’ll Have to Mortgage the Farm, White rable day in the history of the Second Gmi- . all S ten s. M. E. Jacob’s has sold anoth^. build: _ ;c., showing both skill and taste on the Mrs. Brown, the Misses Wescott, Paddock, of the scholars. gregational church of Berlin. The occaskm lot adjoining Patrick Roche’s. B#^L. Nort6n Messrs. Bames and Budd. was the observance of the 400th anniversary has the contract to build Quite a large board ..^he exercises began promptly at ten The Darkey’s Dream, - G. L. Lansing Correspoudeiice with Coiiti’a«tor8 and JJuilders esjteeially in* ing house on the lot for Xeiillngton parties. ^crelock by saluting the flag. Th^s was very Banjo Club. of the discovery of America by Christopher j^ ttily executed by the schohir$ .marching Rock of Ages, - - E. O. Excell. Columbus. The church was very tastily vited. Prices quoted on any number of Bricks. Hon. Jos. L. Baaboiir of Hartford will o^t of the schoolroom, around the flag, speak in Brandegee’s hall, Saturday night, The Misses Paddock, Westcott, F. Paddock decoraed with flags and the natioiud cokm. 2 sUging and returning to the schAplroom Large orders solicited. Proni >t de Nov. 5th, under the anspices of the Young and McCrum, Messrs. Woodward, While the exercises of both morning and ^^in^ Rey. Mr. Clayton made a few ye»y Bradley, Paddock and Henderer. delivery. Satisfactiou Mens Republican club. appropri..^'em arks. This was followed by evening services were of a Columbian natwe, J. C. Lincoln is laying the foundation for At My Window, - - Henry Parker Guaranteed. the readii^*lH the Governor’s proclamation. Miss Penfield. those of the evening were specially his new hotel and restaurant at the rear of Readings, recitations, essays and singing, all Office and Yard on Middletown Branch N. Y.. N. H. & H. R. R. Three minutes from his store. The building is to face the new Reading. priate to the day. The music, both yfcal pertaining to the life and work of Columbus, Miss Gelbart. Herlin I )epot. Connected by Telephone. depot, and will be Quite an addition to this and histrumental. was of a very superior iriade up a most interesting morning enter- We Meet Again To-Night, - Yale Glees already busy center. ^ t^nment. All the exercises were rendered order. The violin accompaniments of Miss Messrs. Barnes, Bradley, Griggs and- Fray. Beeman, and the sweet voice of Miss Kinf, A d d k e s s a l l communications t o It will be interesting to many of our read «yth accuracy and without that diffidence uiually so noticable in a gathering of small The opening piece by the Banjo club was made this part ot the service most dellghtfai ers to know that Miss Florence L. Peck, the indeed. young lady who has been a visitor at Mrs. clildren, showing the careful study that had played with an accuracy of time and unity B erlin , Ooxxxx. b|en given to it. Both teachers and soholars that pleased the audience and called forth a The discourse in the morning, from th« E. C. Woodruff’s all summer, was married text, “Behold the Sower went forth to sow," at New Haven last week, to Mr. Frank S. a ^ to be commended for the success attend deserved encore, but “The Darkey’s ing their efforts to celebrate Columbus Day Dream,” in the second portion of the pro while not specially appropriate to the occa* Ilinman of that city. sion was noted for the b»uty of itslanguaf*. ill an appropriate manner. gram was still more appreciated and on being BRAINARD & WILCOX, Is a n expert in the pre»ervatioD of the natm^ The work of laying the foundation for our encored they respond^ by singing “The That pvt of it describing the scene arooad The only complete Bicycle repair shop be handsome new depot has commenced. While AT TH E e i g h t h DISTRICT SCHOOL. Old Cabin Home,” with banjo accompani the sea of Gallilee, where the Saviour w tat tween Hartford and New Haven. Lock, teeth and a thoroughly reliable operator in all we are unable to present an outline of the {The following program prepared for the ment forth to preach to the moltitude, was a per Gun and Umbrella repairing. A tine line of branches £ dentistry. plan of architecture of it, we can say that it Sbuth school was carried out in Quite an The members of the Banjo club must be fect oral paintii^.