Watertown Electric

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Watertown Electric Property of the Watertown Historical Society The watertownhistoricalsociety.orgWatertown - Oalcville TOWN Weekly TIMES Vol. 11, No. 555' Subscription Price, $3,75 Per Year. Single Copy, 10 Cents July 24, 1*58 Post Offices Note New Rates Calendar of Events Mid-Sept Opening Is Seen July 26 — New voters* session, 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Town Hall. To Become Effective August 1 July ,26 — Road Loafers auto club open "house event at Clubhouse, For Watertown Library Building The Postmasters at Watertown first ounce and five cents for each, Bunker Hill extension, 10 a.m.. Mid-September has been, set as place. It was reported. Present and Oakville have announced some additional ounce. to 5 p.m. Signs will be posted. the new target date for the opening' plans call for the installation of the of the new postage rates which will Post and Postal Cards will now July 26 — Evening banquet at. Da-of the new Watertown Library now new stacks by Remington Rand become effective on August 1, In requfce 'three cents postage, in- veluy's Restaurant honoring.. H. under construction on a Main, during the -last week of August, the hopes that local, residents, will stead of the former two cent rate... Raymond Sjostedt and William Street, site, according to officials and the 'transfer of the old stacks take note of the new rates and 'The three cent rate also applies ,D. Starr for their years of .serv- of the Watertown Library Associa- to the new building at the, same avoid inconvenience to themselves to' Canada, and, Mexico, with Post ice to' community Civil 'Defense. tion. time. , when the new rate schedule be- and Postal Cards to all other coun- August 4 through 15 — 'Vacation tries requiring five cents each. Although it had originally been To facilitate the 'moving of the comes effective. 1 Church, School at Christ Church hoped, that the $125,000' structure twenty-two thousand volumes from The new rate for First Class Air Mail, not exceeding eight from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. would be completed by mid-June, one building to the other, a, num- letters will be four cents per ounce ounces In weight, must bear seven, officials said that unusuallv poor ber of member^ of the Junior instead of three cents as was pre-cents per ounce in postage with weather conditions in the ear'1 Chamber of Commerce ha\e indi- viously the ease. The four cent this rate also including Canada and months of the year brought con cated a willingness to perform "the rate includes First Class Mail ad- Mexico, The old rate was six cents Oakville Man Is In struction to a virtual halt until \ital job of crating the hooks with dressed to Canada and Mexico1, "tt,jper ounce. mid-May." the suppr\ lsion of the Librarian, was announced that the rate^-for Air Post and Postal Cards will Marine Contingent It was noted that at the present Mrs Charles Shons First Class Mail to all other fcoun- be transmitted if they bear fne time, a delay in the fabrication ut Present plans call foi the old! tries will be eight cents for the cents in postage for each card, Landed In Lebanon the windows by a subcontractor i lihrar> on DeForest Street to be with this rate also, applicable to the only problem being fated b\ closed at b pm on Tuesdaj, Aug- Mexico and Canada. The old rate An Oakville man is among the the builder, Carl, Pederson Inc ust 12 to permit the packing of: was four cents. U S Marines recently landed by The project of mo\ ing books and books to begin with the new libra- Preparing For Ten In the case of third class mail, the Navy at Beirut, Lebanon, it equipment _of the old librarv into r\ to open at nnon on Monday, (circulars, merchandise, etc I the was learned this week. the new building will commpnee September 15 new rate is set at three cents for The Department oi the Navy re- as soon, as the windows arp in It v as noted th.it far* ks may be Year Revaluation the first two ounces, and one and ported that Marine Pfc. Anthony J. charged out for tins entii e period,, one half cents for each additional and officials pointed out that ""bor- Of All Properties ounce. The old third class rate w as rowers will help themselves and, Preparations are being made for two cents for the first two ounces Zoning Comm Plans the Jibrari tns b\ taking home a the full revaluation of property and one cent for each additional liberal supph assessments required by state law ounce. It was noted tint In an effort every ten years, it was announces It is requested that any individ- Permit Fee Raise to make the furnishings nt the new by First Selectman G. Wilmont ual's interested in other changes in lihrarj harmoni e v ith the mod- Hunger ford, 'The assessors have the postal rate schedules contact enn constiULt) in eni| 1 \ ed all new been obtaining estimated costs for their Postmaster for further infor- Draws New Budget furniture has been designed parti- the project from various firms mation. The Planning and Zming Com culailv for the building h> archi- who do this type of work so that' mission prepared, a tentative es terts Carl in and Mil laid of New the selectmen may have some idea timated budget, for the taming Ha\ en what amount to include in the bud- year with, an. Increase of approxi TAO outstanding features of the get for 1958-59. mately 54,200 over the previous new Mam StieU hui ding are a, Rough estimates indicate the Waterbury Savings year with an increase of approxi large meeting n m and an ample cost may be 520.000 to $25,000 to Monday. parking area behind the library revalue the real and personal pro- 'The new budget proposes an in building which v ill facilitate its perty held here. Selectman Hun- To Open A Branch crease in the salary of the zoning use hv those In ing at a distance. ger ford said that he plans to in- enforcement officer frarn S2 bUO a 411 residents of Qak\ ille and clude an initial 515,000 for the year to $3,120. It also includes Watertown ma\ use the facilities evaluation work in next fiscal Office In Oakville $1,000 for hiring the sen ices ot a cf the Watertou-n Libian Associa- year's budget as the work: will zoning consultant and $41 ill far tion free it vis i tinted out, and probably not: be completed until Plans for the opening of a Wat- printing revised maps and book the trustees have expressed the I960. erbury Savings Bank branch office lets, both of which will reflect hope that circulation will double The last completed revaluation in Oakville were made public ^his changes or amendments in the in the next fi\ e y ears a*> it has in In town in 1950 was done by an week by Earl W. McGann, Presi- original, zoning regulations i the past outside group of appraisal ex- dent of 'the institution. Pfc Anthony J. Rinald:- 'The 1957-58 budget of the com perts. The revaluation raised the Mr. McGann, announced that mission, amounted to $4 080 com- Grand List about seven, and one-State Bank Commissioner has Rinaldi, son • of Mr. and, Mrs. Sa-pared to the new proposed budget Scholarships Given half .million dollars, from $15,- proved, 'the bank's application, ffir verio Rinaldi, Tucker Avenue, was of $4,500. 812,662 to $23,471,108. Its cost an, office in the community. Hie part of the third increment of U.S., The commission conferred witn To Area Students to' the town was approximately also revealed that Waterbury Savr Marln.es landed, at 3:30 a.m., East- Theodore L. Scott-Smith engineer 528,000 and provided a complete ings Bank is already serving many. ern Daylight. Time, at .Beirut, Leb- at its meeting regarding proposals By University Club new set of cards with detailed pro families in the Oakville area. anon. to change the town s zoning map -perry listings and also a set of Approximately two' thousand Rinaldi was one of approximate- so that it may be brought up to Peter K Laue of the Class of (Continued on Page 5) Oakville residents are depositors ly 1,800 men of the First Battalion, date with 'respect to changes in 115S at W atertnvvn High School of Waterbury Savings Bank. In Eighth, Marine Regiment, under zoning classifications of various and Diana J Dav is of Woodbury the command of Lf. Col. J. H. areas. High School were among thirty- New Voter Session (Continued on. Page 5* Brickley, who were landed by four The commission also plans to fi\ e bo\s and girls resident. In. A session for swearing in those ships of Transport Squadron 4. propose an increase in the amount Lifchfield countv. tu receive scho- who apply to be made voters of Members of the Battalion have charged, for building permits The larships from the Litchfield County the town will be held on July 26 been in 'the Mediterranean area present fee for permits is $2 00 re- Universit\ Club it w -is announced, .in Town Hall from 9 am. until since January, and were scheduled gardless of the size of the dwelling recenth noon The Selectmen and Town $75,000 Gift To to return home last May, accord- or structure.
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