The fifth review of the Bangladesh National Tuberculosis Control Programme took place from 2 to 12 October 2010. A team consisting of international and national reviewers including NTP staff, TB experts, public health experts, donor representatives and other stakeholders Fifth Joint Monitoring Mission of reviewed programme documents, visited various parts of the country and interviewed key informants in order to get first-hand experience of the Bangladesh National TB control in Bangladesh. The partnership approach and the availability of significant Tuberculosis Control Programme amounts of donor funding together with the leadership role played by the Government of Bangladesh are the basis of the success of the programme. This has resulted in achieving set programme targets and successful implementation of different components of the programme. 2-12 October 2010 The introduction and scale-up of new tools and the expansion of specific programme areas (such as management of drug-resistant tuberculosis, TB/HIV, engaging the private sector and strengthening the overall health system) pose new challenges. Provided adequate support is made available, the review team believes NTP is in a position to address all challenges. SEA-TUB-45 BAN-TUB-45 Distribution: General Fifth Joint Monitoring Mission of the Bangladesh National Tuberculosis Control Programme 2-12 October 2010 © World Health Organization 2011 All rights reserved. Requests for publications, or for permission to reproduce or translate WHO publications – whether for sale or for noncommercial distribution – can be obtained from Publishing and Sales, World Health Organization, Regional Office for South- East Asia, Indraprastha Estate, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, New Delhi 110 002, India (fax: +91 11 23370197; e-mail:
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