Eye on the News
[email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:XI Issue No:269 Price: Afs.20 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes WEDNESDAY . MAY 03. 2017 -Sawar 13, 1396 HS AT News Report AT News Report But the culture ministry says that it makes efforts to decrease vio- KABUL: Afghanistan’s media KABUL: Violence against journal- lence cases against journalists. The professionals, who continue to ists is in highest record in 2016 and chief executive also says that the work against immense challenges, the first quarters of 2017 with 128 government is firm on its commit- are to be commended for their cases from which 14 are murder, ments in supporting journalists courage and determination, the UN according to reports. The chief ex- and gives priority to fulfill the law Secretary-General’s Special Rep- ecutive expressed concerns over the of information access. Abdullah resentative for Afghanistan said at increasing violence against journal- Abdullah says that the current sit- a Kabul event marking World Press ists, but said Tuesday that the na- uation of violence against journal- Freedom Day. “Freedom of tional unity government is commit- ists is unacceptable and government speech, particularly the freedom ted to the principles of the free- works to change the situation. of press, is what I consider to be dom of speech. Journalists from However, the UN representative different provinces are in Kabul on for Afghanistan believes that Af- one of the most important features ghan journalists are facing several in a mature, open society,” said the occasion of the media interna- tional day to share their problems problems, but have got achieve- Tadamichi Yamamoto, who joined ments despite the problems.