
US ISSN 0006-9698




ABSTRACT. Turtles are placed with increasing consistency by molecular phylogenetic studies within Diapsida as sister to Archosauria, but published gross morphology–based phylogenetic analyses do not recover this position. Here, we present a previously unrecognized unique morphological character offering support for this hypothesis: the presence in stem turtles of a laterosphenoid ossification identical to that in . The laterosphenoid is a tripartite chondrocranial ossification, consisting of an ossified pila antotica, pila metoptica, and taenia medialis + planum supraseptale. It forms the anterior border of the exit for the trigeminal nerve (V) and partially encloses the exits for cranial nerves III, IV, and II. This ossification is unique to turtles and Archosauriformes within Vertebrata. It has been mistakenly dismissed as anatomically dissimilar in these two groups in the past, so we provide a complete description and detailed analysis of correspondence between turtles and Archosauriformes in each of its embryologically distinct components. A preliminary phylogenetic analysis suggests other potential synapomorphies of turtles and , including a row or rows of mid-dorsal dermal ossifications.

KEY WORDS: Archosauria; Archosauriformes; Diapsida; origins; chondrocranium; ; ; fossil; braincase; interorbital ossification; Testudines

Turtles (Pantestudines; Joyce et al., 2004) that is ancestral for , includ- have traditionally been classified as ‘‘ana- ing , , , and psid’’ reptiles owing to their lack of the (Gauthier et al., 1988, and references there- lateral and dorsal fenestration of the in). Early gross morphology–based phyloge- netic analyses suggested that turtles are the 1 Department of Organismic and Evolutionary , sister taxon to Diapsida and thus one of the Harvard University, Biolabs room 4110, 16 Divinity two branches of the initial reptilian diver- Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, U.S.A.; e- gence (Gauthier et al., 1988). Most subse- mail: [email protected] quent morphological analyses have either 2 Division of , American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, supported this position (Brochu, 2001; New York, New York 10024, U.S.A. Laurin and Reisz, 1995; Lee, 1997) or have

E The President and Fellows of Harvard College 2009. 2 BREVIORA No. 518 placed turtles close to the marine er, the general consensus at the time, along the stem of the /tuatara including the hypothesis presented by Gaff- (Li et al., 2008; Rieppel and ney (1990), was that turtles were sister to all Reisz, 1999), thus suggesting that they are other extant reptiles. These elements were highly modified . One analysis thus termed ‘‘pleurosphenoids,’’ with the (Merck, 1997) similarly indicated affinities quotation marks indicating probable non- to the Euryapsida but recovered a novel homology with those of Archosauriformes. result because the included characters of We posit, in contrast, that they are in fact non-turtle euryapsids placed the entire turtle homologous to the laterosphenoids of Arch- + euryapsid clade as sister to the archosaur osauriformes. lineage (Brochu, 2001). In contrast, a growing body of molecular MATERIALS AND METHODS phylogenetic work strongly supports a posi- All specimens examined are from the tion of turtles within Diapsida as sister to the collections of the Museum of Comparative / clade Archosauria (Cao et al., Zoology, Harvard University. The following 2000; Iwabe et al., 2005; Kumazawa and specimens from the collection Nishida, 1999; Organ et al., 2008). Until were examined: mississippiensis now, no unique gross morphological support MCZ 17711, 34323; crocodilus has been reported for archosaur affinities of MCZ 5031; cataphractus MCZ turtles (Rieppel, 2000), and in particular, no 13985, 175004; C. niloticus MCZ 4372; C. morphological evidence has been forthcom- porosus MCZ 72937; gangeticus ing that would help place turtles along the MCZ 33950; Osteolaemus tetraspis MCZ archosaur stem. However, such evidence has 22913; palpebrosus MCZ existed, largely overlooked, since the further 84030; Tomistoma schlegeli MCZ 12459. preparation and monographic description by From the Ornithology collection: Tinamus Gaffney of the best-preserved stem turtle, major MCZ 342723, 342774. From the Proganochelys quenstedti, from the Late Paleontology collection: Eothyris () of Germany (Gaffney, parkeyi MCZ 1161. 1990). Phylogenetic analyses, as described below, A single specimen of P. quenstedti (SMNS used a modified version of the matrix from 15759) preserves the region anterior to the Dilkes (1998). Both used parsimony searches braincase. In this region, which would in life in PAUP* v4.0b10 (Swofford, 2001) with the have been occupied by the membranous branch-and-bound search option (1,000 rep- anterior braincase, a pair of dorsoventrally licates), specifying as the tall, flat ossifications articulate with the outgroup as in Dilkes (1998). The con- prootic and basisphenoid on each side strained search used the con- (Fig. 1A). The initial description of this straint option to unite Proganochelys with region by Gaffney (1990) documented the the archosauriform clade, including Eupar- form of these bones but did not treat the keria and . detailed morphology of each of their pro- cesses. It was noted that they are similar to a DESCRIPTION OF THE LATEROSPHE- pair of ossifications synapomorphic for the NOID IN PROGANOCHELYS clade Archosauriformes, the pleurosphe- noids (Fig. 1B), which are now usually called Following is a more complete description laterosphenoids (Clark et al., 1993). Howev- of the left laterosphenoid in Proganochelys 2009 ARCHOSAUR-LIKE LATEROSPHENOID IN EARLY TURTLES 3

Figure 1. (A) Left laterosphenoid of Proganochelys quenstedti SMNS 15759 in lateral view, after Gaffney (1990). (B) Right laterosphenoid of Proterosuchus fergusi NMQR 1484 in lateral view, reflected, after Clark et al. (1993). (C) Chondrocranium of Crocodylus porosus after ref 1 with region ossified as laterosphenoid filled in. BS, basisphenoid; FR, frontal; EP, epipterygoid; LS, laterosphenoid; OP, opisthotic; PA, parietal; PF, postfrontal; PO, postorbital; PR, prootic; Q, quadrate. 4 BREVIORA No. 518 than was offered in the original monograph. would have formed around cranial nerve II Our goal is to elucidate the developmental (optic nerve) and its associated neurovascu- origins of the turtle laterosphenoid and thus lar structures. Thus, topologically and mor- demonstrate its exact correspondence to the phologically, this strut corresponds to the archosauriform morphology. pila metoptica of the embryonic Mediolaterally, the laterosphenoid is thin, chondrocranium (Fig. 1C), an observation especially near its periphery, and it is inclined not made in the description by Gaffney ventromedially, reflecting the angulation of (1990). the wall of the membranous braincase within The third major component of the latero- which it ossified (Fig. 1A). It has three major sphenoid is an anterodorsally directed, ter- components. The first is a strut that extends minally expanded lobe (Fig. 1A) connected anterodorsally from the clinoid process of basally to both of the other two components the basisphenoid, but whose posterodorsal whose broadly curved anteroventral margin portion forms a small contact with the forms the majority of the emargination for anterodorsal portion of the prootic. The cranial nerve II and whose posterodorsal posterior margin of the strut forms the margin borders an aperture that might anterior half of the border of the trigeminal represent the fenestra epioptica of the (prootic) foramen transmitting cranial nerve diapsid embryo (Bellairs and Kamal, 1981). V, which is fully encircled by virtue of its As noted in the description by Gaffney dual contacts—the ventral, broad contact (1990), the dorsal and anterior margins of with the clinoid process of the basisphenoid the lobe appear unfinished. This morphology and the dorsal, attenuate contact with the could represent breakage, but considering prootic. The anterior margin of the strut the general completeness of the surrounding forms the posterior border of a ventrally elements, we think it more plausible that it is incomplete aperture that in life would have instead the border between the ossified and been formed around cranial nerves III and cartilaginous portions of the structure. The IV. Topologically and morphologically, this rough but not jagged texture of the surfaces strut corresponds exactly to the pila antotica supports this interpretation. The original of the embryonic amniote chondrocranium description emphasizes that there are no (Fig. 1C; Bellairs and Kamal, 1981), as signs on the parietal of a bony with suggested but not fully explicated in the the laterosphenoid. Topologically and mor- description by Gaffney (1990). The meeting phologically, the lobe corresponds to the with the prootic and thus closure of the taenia medialis and perhaps a portion of the trigeminal foramen, however, is a unique planum supraseptale of the chondrocranium feature of laterosphenoids. (Fig. 1C)—not the planum supraseptale ex- The second major component of the clusively as suggested by Gaffney (1990). laterosphenoid is a broad, dorsoventrally oriented strut whose posterior margin arches COMPARATIVE NOTES over to form the anterior half of the aperture for cranial nerves III and IV (Fig. 1A). The The laterosphenoid of Proganochelys is strut becomes anteroposteriorly wider at its identical to the laterosphenoid present in the base and then ends, presumably where it clade Archosauriformes (Clark et al., 1993) would have sat upon the unossified fused with the sole exception that it retains an open trabeculae cranii. Its anterior margin forms suture with the . The stem turtle the lower portion of an emargination that Kayentachelys aprix, closer to the crown than 2009 ARCHOSAUR-LIKE LATEROSPHENOID IN EARLY TURTLES 5

Proganochelys, also possesses laterosphe- turtles (Lee, 1993, 1995, 1997). Interestingly, noids (again described as ‘‘pleurosphe- a rebuttal of many of the conclusions of that noids’’), though in existing specimens their work (de Braga and Rieppel, 1997) asserted detailed morphology is not discernable that both stem turtles and have (Sterli and Joyce, 2007). This distribution sphenethmoids. However, the anatomical suggests their ancestral presence in the turtle criteria they set out for a sphenethmoid lineage. Unfortunately, specimens of the (e.g., complete enclosure of the optic nerve oldest known stem turtle, foramen) do not describe the structure in semitestacea, are dorsoventrally crushed, Proganochelys, although it does fit the obscuring the relevant region (Li et al., structure in pareiasaurs. Simultaneously, 2008). In modern turtles, ventral down- their criteria for a true laterosphenoid growths of the parietal articulate directly (‘‘pleurosphenoid’’) precisely describe the with the prootic and have thus obliterated structure in Proganochelys. The only plausi- any remnant of the laterosphenoids. ble explanation for this oversight is that the The archosauriform laterosphenoid shows authors of that paper accepted the homology the three components listed above in every assessments of the study they were rebutting case where it is known, though there is some (Lee, 1995) without referring to the descrip- variation in their relative prominence tion of Proganochelys by Gaffney (1990). (Fig. 1C). In crocodylians, for instance, and particularly Alligator, the pila metoptica CHARACTER DISTRIBUTION ON THE component is reduced but present. The ARCHOSAUR STEM WITH morphology and topology of the latero- TURTLES INCLUDED sphenoid in turtles and Archosauriformes are unique among all . It appears Not all stem archosaurs have a latero- that the identity of the turtle laterosphenoid sphenoid—as described earlier, the bone is a has simply been overlooked. The element is synapomorphy of Archosauriformes (Clarke not mentioned in comprehensive reviews of et al., 1993), which excludes protorosaurs, the archosaur condition (Clark et al., 1993). , and (Dilkes, As noted in the original description of 1998; Modesto and Sues, 2004; Sues, 2003). Proganochelys and in subsequent works, The presence of a laterosphenoid in turtles stem reptiles had a more anterior spheneth- suggests a close relationship to Archosaur- moid ossification, Y-shaped or V-shaped in iformes to the exclusion of non-archosauri- transverse section. This ossification is lost in form archosauromorphs. Additionally, the diapsids (de Braga and Rieppel, 1997). There presence of a tight suture of the latero- is limited overlap between the region of sphenoid to the parietal might unite Arch- ossification of the stem sphenethmoid osauriformes to the exclusion of turtles, and the turtle/archosauriform laterosphe- suggesting, on the basis of this character, a noid. The posteriormost interorbital region, sister-group relationship between the two. notably the base of the pila antotica, is only Unfortunately, the highly derived nature of ossified in Archosauriformes and turtles (de the remainder of the turtle skull and post- Braga and Rieppel, 1997; Gaffney, 1990). cranium results in widely inconsistent results The stem reptile sphenethmoid and turtle when turtles are included in morphological laterosphenoid were confounded and character matrices taken from other studies claimed to be homologous in some recent of reptilian relationships that did not initially work, suggesting affinities for include turtles. Typically, these analyses have 6 BREVIORA No. 518 not included a large number of characters turtles appear to have a single row of discrete within that would allow ossifications, whereas Archosauriformes the precise placement of turtles within that have two, but despite this difference, they clade (e.g., Mu¨ller and Reisz, 2006, and share the presence of a longitudinal series of references therein). A full analysis of rela- dermal bone elements in the mid-dorsal tionships will require considerable additional region. work. In addition to the synapomorphies includ- As a preliminary exercise, we scored P. ed in the matrix, P. quenstedti has what quenstedti using the 144-character matrix by appears to be a typical diapsid infraorbital Dilkes (1998), the most comprehensive arch- foramen, despite the lack of a separate osauromorph matrix in the literature. The ectopterygoid. This infraorbital foramen characters listed by Dilkes (1998) as candi- becomes progressively smaller along the dates for ordering were ordered. To his lineage to extant turtles and is given the matrix, we added three characters: name ‘‘foramen palatinum posterius’’ (Joyce, 145. Laterosphenoid (0) not sutured to parietal or (1) 2007). This terminology implies homology to sutured to parietal. a very small vascular foramen present in 146. Skull (0) broadly wedge-shaped or (1) tall and stem reptiles (Gaffney, 1990), despite the mediolaterally narrow. greater resemblance of the large foramen of 147. Mid-dorsal region dermal ossifications (0) absent or plesiomorphic stem turtles to the diapsid (1) present. infraorbital foramen. Only more crown-ward We briefly discuss each of these in turn. turtles have a very small foramen. See the Appendix for individual character The first, unconstrained parsimony analy- scores. sis yielded a single most parsimonious tree of The skull of and archosaurs is 397 steps and recovered P. quenstedti as tall and mediolaterally compressed com- sister to Archosauromorpha (Fig. 2), sug- pared with that of non-Archosauriformes gesting archosaurian affinities for turtles, but and to an extent Proterosuchus. Progano- a dual origin of the laterosphenoid. Synapo- chelys shows what appears to be the primi- morphies supporting this placement are: tive condition. Scoring of this character does 36(1), quadrate exposed laterally; 47(1), not affect the current analysis, but it is a crista prootica present; 107(1), entepicondy- codification of this basic observation on lar foramen absent; 122(1), fifth metatarsal skull proportions and will be useful as more hooked without deflection. Unambiguous taxa within Archosauria are added to the synapomorphies along the lineage leading analyses. A row of ossifications close to the to Archosauriformes, but lacking in Proga- midline of the back is another overlooked nochelys (requiring reversal if Proganochelys potential synapomorphy of turtles and Arch- is allied to Archosauriformes), are: 2(1), osauriformes. It is especially interesting snout greater than or equal to 50% of skull because Odontochelys has only the mid- length; 5(1), present; 8(1), dorsal ossifications, the rest of the carapace maxillary ramus of premaxilla extends as remaining unossified (Li et al, 2008). If this is posterodorsal process to form caudal border the primitive condition in the turtle lineage, of naris; 18(1), ratio of lengths of nasal and it would be even more similar to the state in frontal greater than 1.0; 29(0), Archosauriformes, which have a pair of rows present; 37(1), quadrate emargination pre- of osteoderms running down the center of sent with conch; 43(1), orientation of basip- the back (Gauthier et al., 1988). It is true that terygoid processes lateral; 45(1), internal 2009 ARCHOSAUR-LIKE LATEROSPHENOID IN EARLY TURTLES 7

Figure 2. Single most parsimonious tree resulting from unconstrained phylogenetic analysis with the use of modified matrix from Dilkes (1998). carotid foramina on ventral surface of determine potential synapomorphies in the parasphenoid; 53(1), post-temporal fenestra case of a single origin of the laterosphenoid. small; 75(1), upturned retroarticular process; A single most parsimonious tree of 413 steps 76(1), lateral mandibular fenestra; 79(0), was recovered (Fig. 3). In this tree, the postaxial cervical intercentra present; 87(2), Proganochelys/Archosauriformes clade was second sacral rib bifurcate with caudal sister to the remaining archosauromorphs. process truncated sharply; 88(2), proximal Synapomorphies supporting a sister-group caudal neural spies very tall; 96(0), inter- relationship between P. quenstedti and Arch- clavicle broad diamond; 97(1), notch in osauriformes are: 14(1), septomaxilla absent; interclavicle between clavicles; 104(1), ante- 50(1), laterosphenoid present; 74(2), retro- rior apron of pubis present; 109(1), medial articular process present, large, and formed centrale of carpus absent; 116(1), lateral by articular; 77(1), slender and tapering tuber of calcaneum; 126(1), pterygoids re- cervical ribs at low angle to vetebrae present; main separate cranially. 83(1), notochordal canal absent in adult; For the second analysis, we constrained P. 89(1), ratio of lengths of caudal transverse quenstedti to be sister to Archosauriformes to processes and centra greater than 1.0; 102(1), 8 BREVIORA No. 518

Figure 3. Single most parsimonious tree resulting from phylogenetic analysis with Proganochelys quenstedti constrained as sister to Archosauriformes with the use of modified matrix from Dilkes (1998).

dorsal margin of ilium with large posterior emerge on the basis of this dataset both as a process and smaller anterior process; 143(1), diapsid and as part of the archosaur stem distal ends of cervical neural spines expanded lineage. Constraining Proganochelys as sister in form of flat table; 147(1), mid-dorsal to Archosauriformes (and therefore forcing a region dermal ossifications present. single origin of the laterosphenoid) pulls that clade into a sister-taxon relationship with the DISCUSSION remaining archosauromorphs. That Proga- nochelys would exert a pull toward the The tree recovered by our first (uncon- archosauromorph base is unsurprising given strained) analysis agrees in its general topol- that the apparently primitive reptilian char- ogy with the preferred tree discussed by acters of turtles generally place them as the Dilkes (1998). This topology suggests a dual sister taxon to the remaining reptiles in origin of the laterosphenoid; note, however, morphological phylogenetic analyses (Gau- the caveats below about the overall topology thier et al., 1988). Additionally, the positions of the tree. Nevertheless, Proganochelys does of Trilophosaurus and are labile, 2009 ARCHOSAUR-LIKE LATEROSPHENOID IN EARLY TURTLES 9 with Prolacerta jumping from an affinity determination (de Queiroz, 1985). Rather, with Archosauriformes in the unconstrained characters from different times in an organ- tree to a more traditional position allied with ism’s existence simply represent additional other ‘‘primitive’’ archosauromorphs in the points of identity between putatively homol- constrained tree. Trilophosaurus is highly ogous structures. The total existence of every autapomorphic and jumps from a sister- organism in time consists of a series of taxon relationship to a ‘‘higher’’ archosaur- ‘‘frames’’ or semaphoronts (sensu Hennig, omorph clade, including Archosauriformes, 1966), and points of identity that might be in the unconstrained analysis to a position homology relations can be sought between sister to the ‘‘primitive’’ archosauromorph any semaphoronts, no matter their relative clade in the constrained analysis. Note that sequence. Interestingly, Owen (1848) already the new characters we added did not affect understood, as stated explicitly in the intro- the broad-scale topology of the tree exclusive duction to the cited work, that different of Proganochelys. modes of development (early semaphoronts) Because of the lability of the trees recov- do not preclude homology of later struc- ered using the matrix from Dilkes (1998) and tures. the incongruence among various hypotheses Although the debate on turtle origins and of diapsid relationships, we consider that a the evolution of their unique anatomy good deal of additional work is required to remains unresolved, molecular studies over- create a truly comprehensive character list whelmingly indicate archosaurian affinities allowing a robust placement of turtles among for turtles. The preliminary analyses we ran fossil and extant taxa. The exercise described identified a number of interesting characters above is directed only at examining, in a that might represent synapomorphies of preliminary way, the distribution of poten- turtles and various archosauromorph . tially interesting characters within Archo- Yet, the laterosphenoid alone is a character sauromorpha if turtles have archosaur affin- shared between turtles and a monophyletic ities. The continued lack of consensus about group within archosauromorphs that does relationships within archosauromorphs is not appear elsewhere among vertebrates. It why we are careful to distinguish between represents potential morphological support physical identity between the laterosphenoids for the hypothesis that turtles are part of a of turtles and archosauriforms, which we major stem archosaur radiation and another have shown, and homology between the example of the immense variety of the structures. We subscribe to the ‘‘historical’’ archosaur lineage. homology concept, elegantly stated by Van Valen (1982) as ‘‘continuity of information’’ from ancestor to descendant. Thus, a con- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS clusive homology statement depends on a robust . We thank , Tyler Lyson, The laterosphenoids in turtles and arch- and Farish Jenkins for discussion of the osauriforms fulfill the requirements for a structure in question. Jonathan Losos, Jose´ hypothesis of homology as set forth by Rosado, Farish Jenkins, and Bill Amaral Patterson (1982), including topology and permitted access to comparative specimens. ontogeny. Ontogeny, however, has since Reviews by Chris Brochu, Michael Lee, and been discredited as a separate, special crite- Randy Irmis were uniformly insightful and rion for homology or character polarity constructive. 10 BREVIORA No. 518

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