PPP SCHOOL MODERNISATION PROJECTS AND THE LOSS OF OPEN SPACE IN SCOTLAND Holmhills Wood Community Park Action Group (HWCAG) October 2005 © Holmhills Wood Community Park Action Group (HWCAG) For further information or copies of this report, contact: Holmhills Wood Community Park Action Group 92 Stewarton Drive, Cambuslang Glasgow, G72 8DJ Tel: 0141 641 6890 Email:
[email protected] ii Preface This report is the first-ever national survey of how PPP school projects are damaging Scotland’s greenspace. It examines how, across Scotland, Councils are building new schools on parks and community playing fields, often at the behest of multinational construction companies and their advisers, whose concept of ‘best value’ cares little for the interests of communities or the environment. The report has been drafted by the Holmhills Wood Community Park Action Group (HWCAG). HWCAG is a community group set up to voice public opposition to South Lanarkshire Council’s plans to rebuild two schools on a public park, taking one-third of the park area from free community use. In the course of its campaign, HWCAG realised that South Lanarkshire Council is not alone in its environmental vandalism. We found that South Lanarkshire is just one – albeit one of the worst offenders – in a long list of local authorities building schools on Scotland’s greenspace. This prompted HWCAG to undertake a national survey, using Freedom of Information requests, of the open space implications of all Scottish Councils’ PPP programmes. We also investigated the role of the key statutory consultees (sportscotland, Scottish Natural Heritage) and the oversight role meant to be exercised by the Scottish Executive.