Central Florida Future, Vol. 22 No. 58, April 17, 1990

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Central Florida Future, Vol. 22 No. 58, April 17, 1990 University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 4-17-1990 Central Florida Future, Vol. 22 No. 58, April 17, 1990 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 22 No. 58, April 17, 1990" (1990). Central Florida Future. 991. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/991 •. ' NEWSCLIPS ............... 3 Baseball ..· team's streak. ·, .. Earth. ~eek cele~ra. tion .OPINION .................... 8 i·. ends at·22 gaines ,., m.eans little in ··the long r ....n . LIFE IN HELL ............. 9 . CLASSIFIED ............. 10 Dean nets 4 shooters on signing day~ Sports · · if continued action is not taken - Opi.nion . SPORTS ................... 12 . :. Future Volume 22, Number 58 University of Central Florida/Orlando Tuesday April 17, 1990 .Factions offer opinions for WUCF review Committee hears comments, suggestions at open policy meeting by Rick Baker a.m. and plays alternative and CENTRAL FLORIDA FLJTURE progressive rock music. The general view of the stu­ AH parties involved in the dent assistants was expressed WUCF FM (89.9) evaluation by Michael Donaldson, who were given a chance to voice said the problem is not the their opinions to an evaluating dispute between classical and committee on Friday, but a rock music, but rather that written recommendation by there needs to be more student the group wi11 not be submit­ involvement at WUCF. ted to President Steven During the meeting, stu­ Altman for two weeks. dents and student assistants The three-member commit­ said they were also dissatis­ tee was formed by Altman to fied with the time placement of study the format and Knite Rock. Dougher said stu­ operations of the campus radio dents would like to listen to station. Knite Rock, but it is just too The members of the late at night. committee have past experi­ The student assistants also ence in radio station planning. said WUCF had too many Ted Clevenger is the dean of shows that are not produced by the college of communication students. Greg Morris, a stu­ at Florida State University, dent assistant, said, "The sta­ and Jim Fletcher is a professor tion needs to cut the number of at the University of Georgia. shows being fed in from satel­ Bob DuBord of the University lites and increase student in­ of Miami works in student af­ volvement." fairs. Peter Carroll, WUCF pro­ Clevenger, the committee gram director, commended the chairman, said, "This commit­ current disc jockeys for doing a tee will not make recommen­ great job. He also mentioned dations on a specific format, to· the committee that WUCF but instead on a device for had a great deal of quality choosing a format that will be programming because of the best for WUCF." amount of shows that are fed Pat Dougher, director of into the station by satellite. Knite Rock, said, "Students These shows require no stu­ Mke Pohl/CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE need a better say in the sta­ dents participation. THE FACTS OF LIFE · tion." Faculty members who At the wellness expo, sponsored by the UCF Wellness Center, Thursday on the green, Joanne Pi­ Knite Rock is a student-run showed up supported the cur- portion ofWUCF which broad­ ersall, UCF student, talks with Tammy Joy of the Women's Health Center about birth control. casts from midnight until 4 see WUCF page 4 Senate to buy inauguration buttons by Tom Kopacz The buttons will be handed out to students in the STAFF REPORTER days before the event, according to Sen. Dianne Goigel, who wrote the bill. They will feature black­ The student senate voted 19-6 Thursday to buy and-white photographs of Altman, his wife Judy and souvenirs for UCF president Steven Altman's upcom­ their dog. ing inauguration. The $400 allocation for the buttons caused a great The senate allocated $700 to buy 1500 buttons and deal of debate. The original amount was $700 for a 4-foot by 6-foot card. color buttons, but it had been cut out of the bill by the The card will be signed by students and presented to Altman at his inauguration April 27. see SENATE page 4 Delta Tau Delta actual second place winner by Joelle Subourne Tau Delta was the third place winner. ·The mistake in point totals was winner receives five. CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE However, it was found that a mis­ made when the committee added There was a four-way tie when the take was made in calculating the over­ points from the partieipation category. committee came to the participation Due to a mistake in counting points, all points. After correcting the mistake · There are five categories in Greek category and each group that tied got the second and third place winners of and recounting the points, the second Week: service, participation, spirit, five and a half points added to their the fraternity 'Greek Week were not place winner is Delta Tau Delta, and Greek sing and games. score. correct as announced at the April 7 the third place winner is Kappa Sigma. The first place winner in each cate­ Lambda Chi Alpha was not one of ; awards ceremony. Tau Kappa Epsilon claimed the first gory receives 10 points toward their the groups that tied, but the committee Lambda Chi Alpha was announced place trophy for the 11th time in 12 overall total, the second place winner as the second place winner, and Delta years. receives seven and the third place see GREEK page 6 2 The Central Florida Future April 17, 1990 • • • 'l1 Hl~lll~ lllll~ S'l,IJl)l~N'I, t•Ct\7J~llNtll~N'l1 SJ•CtNSCtlll~I) • 1.. 1~1 · )J~llSHll1 S(~HC)J.JlllSHII•S J\ \ 71\ll.J\llJ.. I~! TO BE ELIGIBLE YOU MUST: • Plan to be enrolled during the 1990-91 academic year and were not at any time within the 9 (nine) months prior to the application due date, paid Student Government Officials. • The scholarships will be awarded to ten students 11who have improved student life on campus. 11 • APPLICATIONS ARE DUE THURSDA~, APRIL 20, 1990! THE APPLICATIONS MUST BE RETURNED TO THE OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT FOB SnJPEMT AFFAIRS, DR. LEYESTER TUBBS • • • • • CANDIDATES ARE: I Donna Anderson-President Running Unopposed .. Angela Burns-Vice President Running Unopposed Tricia Phillip-2nd Vice President Running Unopposed • Old members must have an AASU membershig agr;>lication on file before voting. • A MembershiQ Drive for new members will be held on • AQril ·17th from 11am-!2Qm. Pick UQ aPQlicai:ions in Student Center Room !2!25. • The Central Florida Future April 17, 1990 3 . More campuses High time have white unions for pot by Dacia Dorres COLLEGE PRESS SERVICE Group is pushing for Promoting themselves as anti-racism and anti­ legalization of marijuana affirmative action groups, "white student unions" have formed on several Midwest and southern cam­ by Melissa Stoker puses in recent weeks. CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE Campus critics, however, maintain that the groups are related to the Ku Klux Klan, the 135-year­ She wasn't shy. She reached into her old group that has been tied to murders of and pocketbook and grabbed some mari­ violence against Catholics, Jews and, most fre­ juana, unco11cerned about whether a quently, black people who, the KKK charges, police officer was watching or not. Elvy threaten to "mongrelize" the ·white Protestant Musikka's fearless behavior stems I "races." from the fact that she is one of six In March, a White Student Union CWSU) won Americans who can legally smoke official student organization recognition at the Uni­ marijuana for medical reasons. versity of Florida. Efforts to organize White Student Musikka, who has glaucoma, is just Unions were also launched at the universities of one member of the two-month-old Tal­ Nebraska-Lincoln and Southwestern Louisiana. In lahassee chapter of the N ationa1 Or­ February, a recruiting drive began at Bradley Uni­ ganization for the Reform of Marijuana versity in I!linois. Laws. This chapter sponsored a rally at A White Student Union, moreover, has existed the state capital Saturday for the le­ since 1988 at Temple University in Philadelphia. galization of marijuana. Whether the rise of the scattered groups, which all ''We don't advocate smoking," said use similar language and organizing tactics, is a Alan Howell, a representative of coincidence is open to question. NORML in Tallahassee. ''We advocate During the height of the controversy over the the right to smoke." Howell said their White Student Union at the University of Florida goal was to educate people on the bene­ campus, a member of the campus's Committee in fits of marijuana, and allow them to Support of the People of Latin America said he saw make rational choices. WSU organizer Mark Wright speaking to Klan "The biggest problem is education," members. Wright admitted he did speak to two men said Mary Lambert, a supporter of Feb.1, but said he didn't know they were members of NORML. the KKK. Lambert said she thinks the legali­ At Temple, organizer Michael Spletzer told the zation of marijuana would alleviate the Owl, the student paper, that "Blacks can achieve, but problem of overcrowded prisons caused they should be taught to achieve, not think there's College Presa Ser-vice by marijuana arrests.
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