Central Florida Future, Vol. 27 No. 40, February 9, 1995

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Central Florida Future, Vol. 27 No. 40, February 9, 1995 University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 2-9-1995 Central Florida Future, Vol. 27 No. 40, February 9, 1995 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 27 No. 40, February 9, 1995" (1995). Central Florida Future. 1282. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1282 Golden Knights finally get a win against Centenary, 101-92, see Sports, p. 16 • Future Vol. 27 • No. 40 Serving the University of Central Florida since 1968 _ Feb. 9, 1995 l-~-Jr31 Culture and heritage highlight ')}f' ......,... Bl k H. M nth UCF '.il.. • r ~ ac istory 0 at .~j)~~1!~~ [i!i~! :~~=DAJANI ,i fl n C:: ~:~:d~~ s~: s~~.wn and remem- • l · ~ .:··j' ""') Although Tice concedes that February is a very special overt racism and prejudice has month for 30 million black Ameri­ declined considerably, she be­ cans. It is a time to celebrate ~nd lieves that it is still alive in a more reflect their heritage and contri­ subtle way. butions in all fields .and to reflect "If you pick up a history on the past year and plan for the book in a course anywhere from next. elementary school to high school, For over two decades, black you' re not going to see many b1 ack Americans in different cities have people in it," she said. celebrated February in their own Others use the month as an unique way. Some focus on art opportunity to reflect. and Ii terature, others on role mod­ Linda Hursey, administra­ els and historical personalities. At tive assistant for the public rela­ UCF, the African-American Stu­ Americans and to promote under- . tions department of the National dent Union will cover most areas standing and toleration ·between Association for the Advancement with over a dozen activities. all ethnic and racial groups. of Colored People, said, "We have As the oldest student asso­ Michelle Tice, 22, a hospi­ seen a decline in employment and ciation, the AASU has been serv­ tality management major, is help­ housing discrimination against ing UCF's black students for a ing coordinate the campus activi­ African-Americans, but we remain quarter of a.century. Since its in­ ties during Black History Month. concerned about economic oppor- ception, AASU's goals have been "We would like the history and to create a unified voice for black contributions of African-Ameri- see MONTH, page 2 Greeks may not need parking decals soon by BRADI.EY BLOOM , "It really [angers me] that I decal. Butthey should be absolutely Staff writer have to purchase a decal to park my forbidden to issue tickets after 7 truck at my own house. First off, the p.m. Monday through Friday, be­ Don't have a Greek parking school hasn't helped us out with the cause the visitor's ticket booth isn't decal? Soon, you may not need one house, and now they just start writ­ .open for people to get a pass after lbe Research Park ·soo: to park at Greek houses on campus. ing tickets. It's like they were just then." Many students, alumni and waiting for fresh territory to appear Sigma Phi Epsilon alumnus visitors have received parking tick­ so they could go ticket-crazy," he Jeff Blye feels similarly. Study io help reduce traffic noise ets for_not having a purple decal said. "When I was a new student, I by MATTHEW THOMPSON foot intervals and drivers were in- allowing them to park at Greek O'Toole added, "Who in the was issued a ticket for parking at the Contributing writer • structed to accelerate at a normal- houses. Alpha Tau Omega Presi­ hell do they think they are writing house without a purple decal. I had pace until they reached a top speed dent Tim O'Toole is one of them. tickets at.5 in the morning? I under­ a green decal and was not aware that About l 00 participants, many of 40 miles per hour. From .there, He recently received a ticket ·at 5 stand in accordance with current of them UCF students, took part in they continued down the road with- a.m. regulations, they can ticket us for no see DECAL, page 4 a "drag race" Feb. 1 on the main outacceleratingfurther, whilemoni- strip of Challenger Parkway in Re- tors recorded the sounds from the search Park. The race helped gather vehicle. Drivers then made a "pit research for a federal study on the stop," where the noise from the effects of noise emitted from motor vehicle's engine would be finally vehicles. tested. The study, contracted through By collecting enough data to the Volpe National Lab, included determine an average for test emis- data gathered from three different sion levels, researchers could create locations throughout the United a model that would help them deter- States. UCFwaschosenasatestsite minenoiseatintersections, Wayson after putting in a bid for the project. said. By comparing that data to cer- Another company in Cambridge, tain job criteria, such as landfill Mass., also took part in the testing. trucks barreling along a highway, The testing at UCF and in steps could be taken to reduce the Massachusetts will be used to make noise level in surrounding commu- a federal vehicle noise database. nities. This will help determine what can Sound walls could be placed be done in the future to reduce noise along highways with frequent traf- on the highways. fie, allowing the noises from traffic Roger Wayson, a professor to either bounce off or be absorbed, ofcivil engineering at UCF, and preventing infection into the sur- several student assistants, spent the • rounding neighborhoods. Insulating day recording and characterizing public structures is a way that could the types of noise emitted by ve- reduce the noise from passing traf- hides as they accelerated d?wn the "race course." Monitors were placed at 50- see NOISE, page 4 News 1-5 Opinion 6-7 Classified 8 Features 9-14 Chat with Orlando Opera Aida director - see p.11 Sports 15-16 • 2 •The Central Florida Future• Feb. 9, 1995 Some black groups support 'Contract with America' MONTH, from page 1 ago, has attempted to change the of conservative philosophy in the • direction of what they call way African-Americans lived and Check out our new arrivals: tunities that are still out of "Washington's civil rights estab­ conducted their Ii ves." • Killer Instinct the reach of many in our commu­ lishment." Project 21 wholeheart­ Among the many activities • nity." edly supports the Republican celebrating Black History Month • Daytona USA But some have argued that Party's Contract with America. is a forum with UCF President Dr. • Crusin' USA African-American groups have fo­ "We are against the liberal John Hitt, an Army lecture titled • cused too much on civil rights tendencies for social engineering," "Black Archives in Today's Mili­ Located at University Shoppes legislation and not enough on eco­ said Arturo Silva, Project 21 co­ tary," and an evening with the 12239 University Blvd., Orlando nomic issues. ordinator, referring to affirmative prominent poet and writer, Maya and also at Project 21, a black conser­ action and civil rights laws. He Angelou. For more information, Lake Howell Sq. Shopping Center vative group formed two years added, "There's a long tradition call the AASU office at 823-3910. 1271 Hwy 436, Casselberry Magaline says priesls shouldn't take • Ir--------------------, ~, I • I I cellular phones into confessional box I c:lfi I Reuters magazine Vita Pastorale (Pastoral the Catholic magazine Famiglia I I Life) said in an editorial in its Cristiana (Christian Family), said I I ROME - Even Italians February edition. confessing her sins to a priest was I Buy $1.00 in tokens I who religiously carry their cellu­ "Can' t one distinguish stressful enough without being in­ • I I lar phones while dining in restau­ between when toreceivetelephone terrupted by a ring of a cellular Get $1.00 in Tokens FREE rants or jogging in forests might calls and when not to? Have we phone in the dark box. I I draw the line against priests using become so addicted?" it asked. A cartoon in the left-lean­ I Lmut' : one per person per d ay. M ust present coupon. Exp. 3/15/95 .JI them in the confessional box. The editorial in the maga­ ing daily La Repubb1ica showed a L An Italian Catholic maga­ zine, which specializes in parish priest in a confessional box hold­ r--~-------~---------,-------------------­ zine has told priests who own such affairs, followed a complaint by a ing a celluarphone to his ear while I I phones to keep them out ~f the woman in northern Italy who said simultaneously hearing a member I I confessional box or at least turn she was shocked when the cellu­ of the faithful confess. I I them off while administering the lar phone of the priest who was "Say three Our Fathers I I sacrament to the faithful. hearing her sins rang in the con­ and three Hail Marys ... No, no I • "Has good sense escaped fessional box. wasn't talking to you," the priest I I even men of God," the monthly The woman, in a letter to says to the ca11er.
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