The Cord Weekly (February 1, 1995)

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The Cord Weekly (February 1, 1995) Production Posse's Funky Word of the Week An exclamation used to scare away hens, birds, etc. "The Hethethat binds since 1926" Volume XXXVCord • Issue Twenty • Wednesday, February 1,1995 • WLU StudentPublications THIS ISSUE Oh so sassy! Why do I think Sass Jordan just might not appreciate being called Sassy. Great picture, sassy! though. We would have liked to have run a great -»x«y strike picture on the cover, but guess what? There was no strike here. Anything that refers to a strike see page IS does not go over well at Lauiier. I wonder why. We play biz games instead. news Well, it was a great idea in theory. Student-run course evaluations have raised some controversy with their methods and results. So $7000 for "human error"? I low will VP McCormick deal with this in these pre-election days? Check out the story on page 3. Guess what? The govern- ment lied to us. I'm shocked. Check page 3. opinion Our pleas for letters really paid off. We were flooded with letters this week. It's great! But please remem- ber, we need a signed hard copy of the letter, even if it is sent via e-mail. How else do we know you sent it? Excellent editorial by Mark Heasley, the happy-go-lucky guy. He actually burned his S.I.N, card. Thanks for the fumes. feature Take a walk to the other side in this week's feature . about a few "alternatives" in Waterloo. A "random" selec- tion of places are reviewed. I love the Orange Monkey guy! Great pics Marion. Please notice the article about the music mosaic at Laurier. An under-rated treasure. Then again, when is the last time I went out to hear them. sports Just about everybody won MCKAY this week. Women's hockey blew away Windsor. The SCOTT Men's Basketball team final- ly won, and is brought to you in full colour by Ralph Spoltore, Laurier's PICTURE: number one fan. And a huge honkin' Leaf Talk. Don't forget the hockey pool, folks. Check the' Cord offices for full update of standings. entertainment "Brother, Great article by Eric Green canyou spare $17,000?" and after an Scott McKay TOM HRUBES YOUR PENSION The GSA also made 10 000 protest post- to visit exciting roadtrip Cord News • EAT THE RICH, BUT TAX THEM FIRST cards that were distributed to students across Sass. about Sorry the On January 25th the much-publicized and • PICK ON SOMEONE IN YOUR OWN TAX Ontario. The GSA is affiliated with the Stetson cut, guys. Fantastic much-debated national students' strike took BRACKET Canadian Federation of Students hut still from Brad this week. it out in trivia Ross Try Wilfs • place. Strikes were conducted at university WE DON'T NEED SCHOOL! WE'LL JUST chose not to participate in the strike due to for a laugh. I leaven knows you will have enough Campuses across Canada to protest the SELL DRUGS! practical considerations. time while waiting for your complicated salad and Liberal government's proposed changes to One of the popular chants was: "Striking is not in the l>est interests of the water. education funding. • LIBERALS TAX, LIBERALS AX, STABBING graduates" according to Dawn Porter, head of two cents worth I The protests lived up to expectations as STUDENTS IN THEIR BACKS the GSA, "since half the graduate population an approximate 80 000 to 94 000 students Locally, a group called WPIRG (pro- is off campus." Reading week...ahhh. Guess throughout Canada participated. The protests nounced Wuh-PURGH) or Waterloo Public She went on to defend the strike action, what? Student Publications were especially large and vocal in major Interest Group marched from U of W to the saying "The CFS has gotten a lot of negative might actually have a race cities such as Toronto and Montreal. offices of local MP Andrew Telegdi after tak- comments. They have sat in front of [federal for positions for their Board In Toronto, a crowd estimated between 6 ing part at a rally at the Daina Porter library. Human Resources Minister Lloyd] Axworthy in this year's election. Nice 000 and 10 000 people gathered at Ryerson According to organizers, approximately and talked to him. We realized that he wasn't change. But if you want real excitement, and the to protest the cuts and be entertained (or tor- 250 people took part. They were happy with going to listen. Why not let the students ability to change things, apply for Cord positions. 1 mented) by the sounds of Moxy Fruvous. the turnout after pointing out "a lack of sup- show Axworthy how they feel?" hear Editor-in-chief is a real hoot. Buy a popscicle. In Montreal, another crowd of approxi- port" from local student leaders. The GSA is currently also attempting to mately 10 000 to 15 000 showed up to Once at Telegdi's office, they crammed arrange a meeting with local MPs in conjunc- protest the government's proposals. In into his hallway where he came out to tion with Waterloo graduate students. ...Where it's at... Hamilton, 1 500 protesters blockaded address the group. Various people replied On the same campus, however, WLU Highway 403- and gave "thoughtful criticisms," according to Students' Union did nothing, although inter- Even in St. 000 News 2 Johns, 5 people gathered organizers. est was expressed in having an open fomm at their Student Union building for a protest. At the WLU campus, the Laurier Graduate where students could have their questions on Opinion 7 Many of the protesters carried colorful ban- Students' Association handed out infomiation the proposed reforms answered. Feature 10 ners and screamed various chants. packages to its members. Included in the With Parliament reconvening in a week, Sports 12 Some of the banners included: packages was the booklet the government and a budget clue in three weeks' time, Entertainment 15 • BRING BACK YOGIC FLYING gave to students that attempts to explain the January 25th may well have been the last Neu Student Kitsch 18 • BROTHER CAN YOU SPARE $7 000"' reasoning behind the proposed cuts to social gasp against the seemingly inevitable govern- • TODAY Classifieds 19 EDUCATION, TOMORROW security. ment cuts. Cmccm £xf>(t '95 M ' rtin C° BSE? y nfre i ! / " m "»* (>V~\rfmmI «««* Mortising u orn ur \ fj puting i° nalisni W I Consulting If Corrections otl,ishin 9 Teacher Education For / e,ASS,"' I ~ Primary and Secondary _ ___^ Ai^tnrm j by: February and July Intakes c>mr Seniees ty Approximate Tuition Fees: of Ari* and $ci e „ $ 9,500 Canadian *t Contact: K.O.M. Consultants P.O. Box 60524 Mountain Plaza Postal Outlet Dltf 112 #112 *I Hamilton, Ont. VWi# L9C 7N7 Telephone or Facsimile (905) 318 8200 AMONGTHE^ LEADERS OF J '"" ~ NOMINATIONS FOR THE WLUSU o AND WLUSP ELECTIONS CLOSE 112 } Ll^F FEBRUARY 2ND AT 4:30 PM. ~-&Wnr WLUSU PRESIDENT WLUSP PRESIDENT V ( 1y j WLUSU VP UNIVERSTIY AFFAIRS WLUSU BOARD OF DIRECTORS J ) WLUSP BOARD OF DIRECTORS I ELECTION PACKAGES AVAILABLE IN STUDENT UNION OFFICE NEWS Unemployment higher Why does the high student unemploymentrate go unreported? the employment situation is on the back from the government The last thing this generation bleak. telling us how things are better. In needs is to be told by those who Having worked at September of 1994, the same unem- have jobs to keep going to school, Statistics Canada I can honest- ployment rates had dropped to 18% when clearly most graduates don't ly tell you that the real situa- and 13.3% for males and females end up with the kind of work that tion (forget what the older respectively. This pathetically small they went to school for in the first generation says) is dishearten- change is mostly attributable to stu- place. Surely one does not need to ing for people our age. dentsreturning to school. incur four years worth of OSAP In August of 1994, the Keep in mind that the unem- debts to qualify for a chance at national unemployment rate ployment rate does not reflect those working at McDonald's. for males between the ages of who got discouraged and quit look- In these days of "awareness" of 15 and 24 was 18.3%. For ing for work. disadvantaged groups in society, the females it was 14.2%. We If it did, then the "real" unem- government and the media have haven't seen rates like that ployment rate would be near 25% failed to notice the largest disadvan- since the Depression (actually to 30%. The fortunate ones that are taged group of all. Perhaps they we have — in June of 1993 it hired typically don't find the jobs have noticed, but hope to smooth was up to 21.3% for males.) they were educated to do; rather, over the status quo. JAY SLADE For returning students, the So where's the headlines? Where they settle for anything that will get Students don't have the time and Cord News Commentary search will be limited to those four is "big brother" talking about a cri- their rent paid off. The government resources to demonstrate and February is a depressing sort of month "I'll do anything"-type jobs sis? If these kinds of figures were for and many academics suggest the protest anyway. The next time the month for thousands of students all until September. For graduating stu- your parents' generation there solution is job training programs media tells you that the nation's across Canada. Why? It's time again dents, the word "career" draws ever would be hell to pay.
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