Central Florida Future, Vol. 13 No. 06, October 3, 1980

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Central Florida Future, Vol. 13 No. 06, October 3, 1980 University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 10-3-1980 Central Florida Future, Vol. 13 No. 06, October 3, 1980 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 13 No. 06, October 3, 1980" (1980). Central Florida Future. 407. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/407 LI BRAR HIVES Black football players boycott. practice by Laura Hoffman Monday afternoon defrnsivC' end Sports editor Jcihn Anderson said, "Wc"rC' not going Alvin Palmer to practice, Coach Jonas wori't give us Future staff a chance to prove· ours(']V('s." Most of UCF's black footb<!Jl ·playcrs "It's thC' nature' c)f th(' coach," said skipp('d practice' Sunday, Monday, and running hack Gn·g Fullington. "HC' TuC'sday lwcaus(' of gri(•vancC's with discriminatc•s against the blaek thP coaching staff. players. Hr doc.'sn't giY<' them a chance' A('cording to a spokC'sman for th(' to play, not e'vPn in practice. We' can't group, Rickey Sampson, the players get to show what we• can do." an· .not giv<'n ('n<>ugh timC' to run their spl'cifi<' pla~1 s at practic('. Football page 17 Problems continue at r«A . WUCF-FM University of by Kathleen G. Fo~onda ~ Central Florida Future staff "We havC' no intrntion of "recom­ nwnding" that this proposal becomr a univC'rsity policy," said Student Body VicC' Presidrnt Marcos Marchena Volume 1,3 Friday, October 3, 1980 No.6 about the current Studrnt Gov('rnment proposal for the restructuring of WU CF-FM . · Last quarte•r, Marchena, his advisor Jl'ff FIPming and Communications Full parking lots plague drivers; Department Chairman Dr. Raymond Buchanan set about formula.ting a SG working on parking answer proposal on the organizational rC'struc­ turing of the campus station. This was by Kathle~n Foronda coming yrar, probably with the compacts·. du(' to the tl'<kral Communications and Michele Simos bookstore's profits," Goree said. He · Smith rstimates that 50 percent of Cqrnmission approval to boost WUCF­ Future staff estimated a parking lot would cost thP 12,700 vehicles registered on cam­ FM from a I 0 to 7, 940 watt station about ·$180,000. pus an• compact makes. Inst Fc·bruarv. Though Student Governmrnt 1s Howrver, in. response to congested If the survey shows a significant ·Dr. Frank Juge. Vic£' PrPsidmt of working toward solving UCF's trans- parking lots, John Smith, UCF's pohcr number of students drivr compact Aca.clem ic A Hai rs. was ask<'d bv portation nc·C'ds , tlw s<'arth f.or an <'lllp­ chief, is conducting a survey on the cars, rC'striping rxisting parking lots is Pr('sident Colhourn to work with th.e t:· parking spau· on campus ma\ possibility of designating and th e next step, hr said. group in organizing a policy which plagut' ct nvers tor another year. redc·signing a present parking lot for ThPrc.' are 2,929 paved parking would nwl't the nreds of the stations According to John Corer, vice eompact ears. spaces on campus and Smith said an projC'ded larg('r audiC'nC<' . president of busint'ss affairs, the What is a compact car? Thr rstimated 6,000 vehicles arr parked on In a nwding wiih JugC' Wedne·sdav. univPrsity has had to borrow moncv d<'finition keeps changing, according campus at a particular timr Marclwna and F kming said final poi~­ from par.king dt'cal funds to help covc.r to Smith. As long as cars continue to RPstriping would crrate more ts on the bill had been agrc.'C'd upon, but the costs of the new Health Center and get smallrr, th(',y will change in parking spaces since compact cars take whether th(' hill would h(' accept<1d as Student Union. Construction of dassification. ThNe arr 25 to 30 dif­ up less room. · UCF's standard-sized Parking lots is fundC'd by the decal tlw nl'w uniY<'rsity polic~ 1 or usc'd in ferent makes of compact cars on cam­ spacC's arr trn fret wide, one foot ovrr fund. · part with otl1C'r poJici~'S and proposals pus, Smith said. They range in size the national average. The compact was not finalizC'd. "We will r<'pa y thr amount in this from mini~cars to sub-compacts and spaces would mrasurr 7.5 fC'et widC'-­ "WC' agrec'd that it would br up to saving 2.5 fret. th<' a elm in istra ti on an cl , S tude'n t . According to Robert Webb, Director CovC'rnment on what will lw done with of Facilitirs Planning,_ four compact th(' hill," Marchcna said. cars can fit into three standard size The· hill sets up tlw organizatior.al spaces. structure' for WUCF aft( r the powrr is Wrbb said restriping a portion of the in<.'l"C'<.lS<'d. · rxisting lots would add l 59 parking According to prc·vious bills concc•r• spac('s. ning the campus ~tation, ·Marchena HC' also said a new parking lot has heC'n de·sign('d for thC' arC'a across from said SC had always lwrn giv~'n clin'ct jurisdiction over the radio station. · thc police' station. This would accom­ . This was intt'nd£1d to go through as a ·moclnt<' both stanclarcl and compact bill and I prc'sunw that if signed by the ·sized ears. prl'siclrnt it would lw enactC'd to thC' let­ Student Bodv President James Blount ti·I:," Fll'ming said. said. SG is fin~lizing a proposal for a "Th is is . c.rn agrremen t between the possible' shuttlr bus to the university. administration and Studt'nt Cov<'r­ With onlv $15,000 for a bus shuttle, nnwnt to c•nsur<' that if an~ · changes an· Blount sai~I a proposa1 was droppC'd propose•d, all people eoncertH'd with because· Pstimatrd costs amounted to the: station will gd input," Marchena about $25.000 pN quarter. said. · · Last July, tlw qtwstion of whc·rc' ,.. authorit~" ovC'r tlw station would b<' Long lines are familiar to UCF students. Traffic is only one proble.m, Ca rs , page 1 c·stt•d l)('<.'anw tlw l'C'lltC'r of controY<'r­ the parking problem is even worse. S\' IH'twc·c·n thC' radio station staff, SC George Rodis/Future and tlw administration. Dr. Holwrt Arnold.•a nic·ml)('r of tlw In the Future stati<'m's Board of DirC'cto.rs .and Din·c­ tor or In~lrudional 1-ksourcc'S tried to organi:t<' a 11<'W hoard in Juh- without Studl'nt St•1wtc' appro\'al. Ac~·ording to SPIT Knight Games tliC' I ~l7S hill <rnd a I ~n~ anwndnwnt r<'garding WU CF-FM, any · changes would haY<' to bC' appro l'd bv Neic H'Cll'<' has hit Orlando. No it's not Sports Pditor Laura Hoffman has put tlw Student Senate'. th<' Surf Punks. SPIT is n rock cl11h that togPthPr a four pagP sef'tion on .UCF s hn~ the ~ lwnl<;st (/tfri1_1g 11<'lC u·arers in neicest sport-:foothall. GPt to know thP OtlH·r problems mC'r prograniming \lllC~ tll<' dt1~ lo da\ 111anag<'lllC'l1t or thc 111i11 cl. /lag,e I :J. players and Coach Don ]onas, pagPs 9- slalio11 \\'<'re· also i11cl1tclc·d. 12. Hilclio. pi1 .e.1· I Page2 Future-October 3, 1980 lYEWSFKOlYTS Village Center changes but keeps programs by Barbara Beutlich change's include• a complet(' sd of cur­ week long celebration include' a Fun Tlwre you can r<'nt out <·amping and tains, additiona-1 staging. grc•akr Dm·. c·arnival. a c·oncert at tlw Tup- <'quipnwnt. te•nts. <.·anoe's, box ganws · Micheile 'Simos lighti11g capacity. carpl'ting in tlw lob- 1wr~<irc Auditoriu1.11. f('aturinf,?; "Am- and hi<'y('lc's. Future etaff .by and a large' pr.oj('(.'tion sl'_ rc<'n moun­ _brosia .. , paradt•s, a pe•p rally. Gn•l'n ted in th<' c<'iling in· front of thc stag<' · Pnt<·rtainnwnt anti a semi-formal Tlw SC also sponsors the' Arts nnd for lllOVil'S. darw<'-all culrninating in UCF's .Crafts t't•nt<'r loc·nt<'d in SC 212. The Villag<' C<'nkr's n<'w nanw. the If vou a-rf' inkr<'sh'<I in bart<~nding. honwc:oming football ganw agai·nst tlw Th('f(' is a black & white darkroom Stuclpnt Center, r<'fl<'cts a m<"'tamor- . jazz "cfanc(', racquc-tba.H, yoga. watl'r­ Stat<· Univl'rsitY at Alham·. available for photo huffs. as :ve:ll as phosis. Ther<' is a nc•w philosophy. a skiin~. or photography, th<' Studmt For tlw a<·a·dl'micallv~inditwd, tlw tools and materials n<'l'C'ssan· for n<'w director, services and facilitiC's. CC'nt<'r offrrs thC's<' classes and nwl"<': Colle-g<' Bowl kicks off a.gain this quar­ C.'<'rn m ics. pott~·r y, le·atlwrwork: can­ Th<' VC name came• from the mastPr tc·r.
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