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vol. 21, issue 36 www.kyivpost.com September 2, 2016 Forbidden Trade Despite Sanctions, International Trade with Crimea Continues

An aerial view of the seaport in Russian-occupied Sevastopol on Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula. Despite Western sanctions, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project has found that European ships continue to do business in the Crimean ports. (Courtesy)

Editor’s Note: The following After Russian troops occupied the Yet more than 600 vessels have What makes it easier for them named General flew the blue-and- report by the Organized Crime and Crimean peninsula two years ago, entered Crimean ports in the past is that to date, Ukraine has not yellow flag of the Republic of Palau as Corruption Reporting Project, a Kyiv the Kyiv government moved to block two years, and OCCRP research prosecuted a single vessel owner or it passed through the Bosphorus, the Post partner, was written by Oleksandr trade at all commercial ports—a indicates both Western and Middle captain. channel linking the Sea of Marmara Humeniuk, Maksym Kytsiuk, Olena move that was later supported by the Eastern businesspeople continue to to the Black Sea at Istanbul. Loginova and Andrii Ianitskyi. European Union, the United States trade with Crimea, in violation of the Ghost ships and other countries. policies of their own countries. In early December 2015, a vessel more Crimea on page 10

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Матерiали, надрукованi в газетi “Kyiv Post” є власнiстю видавництва, BY CHRISTOPHER J. MILLER захищенi мiжнародним та українським законодавством i не можуть бути вiдтворенi © Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty у будь(якiй формi без письмового дозволу More than a decade ago, Viktor Видавця. Думки, висловленi у дописах не Medvedchuk became known as the завжди збiгаються з поглядами видавця, “Gray Cardinal” because his low pro- який не бере на себе вiдповiдальнiсть за file masked unparalleled clout in the наслiдки публiкацiй. halls of power in Ukraine. These days, detractors have Засновник ТОВ “Паблік-Медіа” another nickname for the million- Головний редактор Брайан Боннер aire tycoon and backroom politician Відповідальний за випуск with close personal ties to Russian Люк Шеньє President Vladimir Putin: they call Адреса видавця та засновника him the Prince of Darkness. співпадають: Україна, м. Київ, 01004, A behind-the-scenes force in Ukrainian politics since Leonid вул. Пушкінська, 31А, 6-й поверх. Kuchma’s presidency, when he Реєстрацiйне свiдоцтво served as chief of staff from 2002 to Кв № 15261(3833ПР від 19.06.09. 2005, Medvedchuk holds no prom- Передплатний індекс ДП Преса 40528 inent post today – and he says Надруковано ТОВ «Новий друк», he doesn’t want one. In a recent interview, he told RFE/RL he feels 02660, Київ, вулиця Магнітогорська, 1, more “free” and effective without the тел.: 559-9147 confines of political office. Замовлення № 13-8040 But his influence has been thrown З приводу розміщення реклами into relief again by the upheaval звертайтесь: +380 44 591-77-88 that has hit Ukraine since protest- ers drove a Moscow-friendly presi- Відповідальність за зміст реклами dent from power in February 2014. несе замовник. Russia responded by seizing Crimea and fomenting unrest in eastern Mailing address: Ukraine, setting off a war between Then head of the presidential administration of Ukraine, (second from right), applauds Kyiv Post, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President as they arrive for a ceremony 31A Pushkinska, Suite 600, 6th floor Kyiv and Russia-backed separatists Kyiv, Ukraine, 01004 that has killed more than 9,500 marking the end of the Year of Russia on Jan. 23, 2004 in Kyiv. (AFP) Advertising people. tel. +380 44 591-7788 With ties in tatters, Ukraine’s new, spread concern and suspicion by the his closeness with Putin. On the Medvedchuk said that he under- fax +380 44 591-3345 [email protected] pro-Western leadership appointed Ukrainian public. contrary. stood their frustration and stressed Editorial staff Medvedchuk that June to act as a More than two years later, that “You know, those who talk about it, that legally, Crimea is part of tel. +380 44 591-3344 lead arbiter in dealings with Russia. wariness has not gone away. Several it seems to me they’re just jealous of Ukraine. “But de facto, unfortunate- fax +380 44 591-3345 The hope was that the Kremlin con- Ukrainians who were jailed in Russia me. They are just jealous of me, and ly, it belongs to Russia,” he said. [email protected] Subscriptions&Distribution nections of a man who has Putin as have returned home in swap deals, that’s it,” he said, adding that he has And don’t expect it be returned to tel. +380 44 591-3344 the godfather of his daughter would including the prominent former heli- nothing to hide: “I don’t even want Ukraine, he added, accusing the fax +380 44 591-3345 be helpful. copter navigator Nadia Savchenko, to make other comments on this sub- central government of pushing the [email protected] But Medvedchuk’s Kremlin but many others remain behind bars. ject, because my work is transparent.” peninsula away, alienating its resi- Employment Advertising tel. +380 44 591-3344 connections meant that, while Meanwhile, the peace deal Medvedchuk spoke to RFE/RL in dents, and prompting them to accept fax +380 44 591-3345 the appointment was celebrated Medvedchuk helped forge for east- a boardroom at his office, behind Russian control. [email protected] in Moscow, it was met with wide- ern Ukraine is in danger of falling heavy doors flanked by beefy securi- “If the authorities in Ukraine would apart. The cease-fire is in tatters, ty guards in an unassuming building like Crimea returned, they would not with increased fighting this summer off Kyiv’s Leo Tolstoy Square. cut the electricity, not cut the water stoking fears of a return to full-scale He wore well-shined loafers, and declare an economic blockade,” war. And political aspects of the pressed slacks, musky cologne, and Medvedchuk said. “It would not have Minsk accords, which were supposed a tight-fitting white shirt that set off stopped rail transport, both freight to reintegrate separatist-held terri- a fresh suntan he acquired in what and passenger. It would not have tory into Ukraine and restore Kyiv’s might seem like the last place a stopped trucking.” control over its border with Russia by Ukrainian politician would go for a Medvedchuk is in lockstep with the end of 2015, have gone largely summer vacation these days: Crimea. the Kremlin, or close, on other key unfulfilled. “It was perfect – a warm sea, issues. For many in Ukraine, questions nice temperature, great location,” While much of the world accus- about the motives of Medvedchuk said Medvedchuk, whose practiced, es Moscow of igniting the war in have only been amplified. pearly smile seemed to project a con- eastern Ukraine, Medvedchuk puts Medvedchuk is “Putin’s person- fidence grounded in careful prepa- most of the blame on the Ukrainian al representative in Ukraine,” said ration. “I first vacationed in Crimea government. He contended that Kyiv Taras Berezovets, director of the sometime in the early 1990s and I’ve is wrong when it says that elections Kyiv-based political consultancy firm continued that tradition since.” in the separatist-held territories, a Berta Communications. But this is not the early 1990s. key step on the path to peace set Today, Crimea is at the heart of out in the Minsk deal, are possible ‘Just jealous’ a rift between Moscow and Kyiv only after Ukrainian control over the Medvedchuk has said it is a “great that may never heal: Ukraine says border with Russia in those regions honor” to be counted among Putin’s it will never give up the peninsula, is restored. friends. The Russian president while Moscow says it will never give The accord called for an imme- reportedly baptized Medvedchuk’s back what Putin has called Russia’s diate and full bilateral cease-fire, daughter in St. Petersburg in 2004, holy land. Kyiv, rights groups, and followed by the withdrawal of all and cameras have repeatedly cap- Western governments say Russia has heavy weapons by both sides and the tured him at Putin’s side – whether abused and oppressed Tatars and establishment of an effective moni- it’s at a Formula One race in Sochi, other Crimeans who opposed the toring regime before local elections Contact Interdean: Russia, at a sambo martial arts meet, annexation in March 2014, and visi- should be held. Kyiv must also adopt T: +38 (044) 576 7370 or with wife and kids at a lavish tors from other parts of Ukraine have a law governing the elections and +38 (044) 384 2773 Crimean villa. been intimidated and threatened pass legislation providing amnesty to E: [email protected] In the interview with RFE/RL, with imprisonment by the Moscow- Medvedchuk made no apology for imposed authorities. more Medvedchuk on page 11 www.kyivpost.com September 2, 2016 National 3 Scores of Roma flee mob after death of 9-year-old

BY CHARLES RECKNAGEL ly. One house was set on fire. With just two Romany fami- Several hundred village residents lies remaining on Aug. 29, police © Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty also held a rally to demand authori- announced the “evacuation” opera- ties force the Roma out if they were tion had been canceled. The Roma Scores of Roma have fled from a unwilling to leave. The local district reportedly relocated to the nearby southern Ukrainian village after res- council subsequently held an emer- town of Izmayil. idents torched one Romany home gency meeting and voted to support Human rights group in Ukraine and demanded authorities evict all the residents’ demand. called the events in Loshchynivka an Romany families from the area fol- Yuriy Shishmash, the deputy of example of mob justice. lowing the killing of a 9-year-old girl. Izmayil district council, said on “You cannot project your hatred Amid soaring tensions, residents August 28 that the Roma would related to actions of an individu- and local officials said they would “get safe passage out of town” early al whom you consider a criminal provide a “safe corridor” on Aug. the next morning so that they against everyone else. There is no 29 for Romany families to leave the could “remove themselves and their such thing as collective responsi- village of Loshchynivka, near Odesa. belongings.” He also said, “We ask bility,” Yevhen Zakharov of the However, the eviction operation was everyone to refrain from any kind of Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights called off after some 40 of the vil- actions against them.” Union told RFE/RL on Aug. 28. lage’s total population of 50 Roma The head of the district council, “Generally speaking, a decision to left on their own overnight, carrying Valentina Stoykova, told reporters on evict an entire community is illegal.” only essential items and leaving most Aug. 28 that the Roma had agreed to In Ukraine’s last census, in 2001, of their belongings behind. Police surround the Roma villagers as they escape their homes, forced be evacuated because they “under- some 47,000 citizens identified The expulsion threat came after out by their neighbors in Loshchynivka, Odesa Oblast on Aug. 28. stand they cannot live here. themselves as Roma. However, unof- scores of villagers attacked Roma (UNIAN) As police were dispatched ficial estimates are much higher, homes following the killing and sus- in Ukraine continue to live at the Aug. 27. The Odesa Regional Police from Odesa to maintain order in with the European Roma Rights pected rape of the girl, who was not margins of Ukrainian society. In Department said that she had stab Loshchynivka, Odesa Governor Centre putting the number of Roma from the Romany community. Only Loshchynivka, as in many other wounds in the chest, that she proba- Mikheil Saakashvili said in a video in Ukraine at 120,000 to 400,000. two Romany families remained in places in Ukraine where Roma are bly died of injuries to her heart and message on Facebook that he shared The Budapest-based ERRC says the village on Aug. 29 -- one of them present, the Roma live in rented lungs, and that there were signs of the outrage of “all residents” of the that many Roma in Ukraine do the family of the suspected attacker, and often dilapidated buildings on rape. village. not have basic identity documents a 21-year-old Romany man who has the outskirts of town and are largely According to police, on Aug. 28 Without making any reference to and that they face discrimination in not been publicly identified and who mistrusted and feared by members an angry mob of residents surround- Roma, he said that “antisocial ele- housing and access to education and denies guilt. of other ethnic groups. ed the six homes inhabited by the ments” were involved in “massive employment. The outbreak of communal vio- Tensions exploded in Loshchynivka village’s Romany minority, kicking drug dealing” in Loshchinovka and RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service and lence underscores the tense con- after the girl’s body was found in down fences and shouting for all that “the killer” had been detained RFE/RL correspondent Merhat ditions under which many Roma an empty and ruined building on Roma to leave the village immediate- and would be punished. Sharipzhan contributed to this story 

Back to school Left: A first-grader rings a symbolic bell DISCOVERY SPORT to give a start to the new school year READY FOR ADVENTURE at the Ivan Bogun Military Lyceum in OF ANY SIZE Kyiv on Sept. 1. In accordance with www.landrover.ua the tradition, he is carried by a senior student. (UNIAN) Bottom: First-graders play with a balloon on their first day at the Meridian International school in Kyiv on Sept. 1. This year, the Kyiv schools were for the first time allowed to cancel the long and tedious official cer- emonies that tradi- tionally opened each new school year. (Anastasia Vlasova)

«Winner Imports Ukraine, Ltd», 20054535 4 Opinion September 2, 2016 www.kyivpost.com

NEWS ITEM: Protests against police Editorials violence took place in Kryve Ozero of Mykolayiv Oblast after a local man What is it with this Vradiyivka: appeared to be shot dead with Mob rule rubber bullets after an encounter oblast? Maidan II with six police officers. The It’s an ugly story. A nine-year-old girl, living in Loshchynivka village in police official statement after Odesa Oblast was murdered on Aug. 26, apparently after being raped. the incident said that the Immediately, the police singled out a suspect, a 21-year-old man, who man “suddenly felt bad” as the officers attempted to lived nearby and happened to be an ethnic Roma. The villagers, predom- detain him. The event is being inantly Bulgarian, began attacking the Roma houses, eventually forcing compared to the mass protests all Roma to flee the village. Kryve Ozero: that took place in 2013 in The local government did nothing to interfere with what human rights Maidan III Vradiyivka, a town just 23 advocates classified as a “blatant violation of human rights and Ukrainian kilometers from Kryve Ozero, and international laws.” after police officers raped Apparently, trying to restore the order and protect the Roma’s stay at a local woman. The protests their homes was not on law enforcement’s agenda. in Vradiyivka are considered The awkward wording of a police news report said that the Roma man a precursor of the EuroMaidan was “reasonably suspected” of the crime, as if suggesting that this is ReRevRevolution.oluo tioioonn.. not always the case when it comes to Ukraine’s police picking up their suspects. While we hope that the investigation and trial of a young Roma will Are be transparent and unbiased, the parallels with Harper Lee’s “To Kill a there bundle Mockingbird” inevitably come to mind, as a case of investigation and trial with a pre-determined outcome. deals for And so far, we haven’t seen a modern Odesa version of Atticus dictators? Finch, a person of honor determined to get to the truth of what hap- pened against all odds. Instead, we’ve seen Odesa Governor Mikheil Saakashvili who, as the Roma were forced to flee the village, called them “antisocial elements” who should no longer be comfortable in their homes. While Saakashvili stopped short of endorsing the human rights viola- NEWS ITEM: The internal documents listing the tion taking place in the village, he did nothing to prevent it. Moreover, the expenses of ex-President Viktor Yanukovych’s Party of Regions, obtained by the National governor vowed to ensure that the “drug dealer neighbor” who is sus- Anti-Corruption Bureau, mention that Larry pected of murdering the girl would get a maximum sentence. Obviously, King, an acclaimed American TV host the fact that he made the statement on the very same day the official and journalist, has allegedly received investigation was started didn’t bother Saakashvili that much. He got $225,000 as an advance payment for 3,000 likes on Facebook. doing an interview with then-Prime Minister Mykola Azarov in 2011. King has also drawn criticism for hosting a show for the Kremlin’s propaganda TV War for truth station RT since 2013.

For more than two years, hundreds of journalists and photojournalists have been risking their lives to show the world the truth about the war in the Donbas. Several were killed on the job. So it’s no wonder that the photojournalists quickly suspected that an impressive battle photo that went viral online was actually Sold! To the For sale: staged. gentleman in the An American journalist Its author, Dmytro Muravsky, an amateur photographer employed by president’s chair the Defense Ministry as an adviser, couldn’t prove the picture showing a shell explosion in the frontline village of Shyrokine was documentary. His portfolio spoke against him: He used to make staged pictures for the army to use as promo images. And still, Muravsky got enormous support from the public, who didn’t seem to care whether the photo was staged or real – some of them said just so. We do care. If the picture was indeed staged, it devalues honest media coverage of the war and the work of the war journalists. It endangers the reputation of Ukraine, suggesting that its media and authorities manip- ulate facts and, pointing at Russian lying propagandists with one hand, produce fakes with another. It took the Defense Ministry a week to choose sides. Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak fired Muravsky on Aug. 28, “considering the public reaction” to his photos. The ministry’s press service noted that it did not distribute the images as documentary ones. But is it enough? The Defense Ministry hasn’t had a great record in cooperating with journalists. They were known to throw harsh and unfair criticism on journalists whose coverage wasn’t in line with the army’s position. Their press accreditation allows extremely limited access to the front lines. To really cover the war, the reporters have to disobey and use personal contacts with soldiers. Maybe it’s time for Ukraine’s authorities to come to peace with jour- NEWSNEWN SIS ITEM:TEMM TheTh internalit l documentsd t off thetht PartyP t off Damn nalists, allow them to do their job and realize that photographs have to Regions, obtained by the National Anti-Corruption you, America! be real to be valuable. Bureau, mention that a large sum of money was paid to the judges of the Constitutional Court about What’s your the same time that it issued rulings in favor of problem with then-President Viktor Yanukovych. The judges have me? not been suspended and are still working.

Mohammad Zahoor, Publisher Luc Chénier, Chief Executive Offi cer NEWS ITEM: Ex-Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin Brian Bonner, Chief Editor has been worried that Ukraine was surrendering to Editors: Euan MacDonald, Allison Quinn, Olga Rudenko the interests of the U.S., he said in an interview with Staff Writers: Olena Goncharova, Oksana Grytsenko, Isobel Koshiw, Josh Kovensky, Channel 112. He also claimed that the former U.S. Denys Krasnikov, Vlad Lavrov, Veronika Melkozerova, Victoria Petrenko, Yuliana Romanyshyn, Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt was trying to Daryna Shevchenko, Oleg Sukhov, Nataliya Trach, put together a compromising dossier against him. Anna Yakutenko, Alyona Zhuk Photo Editor: Pavlo Podufalov Shokin’s grudge for America may be explained by the Photographers: Kostyantyn Chernichkin, Volodymyr Petrov, Anastasia Vlasova Pyatt’s recent comment that confirmed what many Chief Designer: Vladyslav Zakharenko suspected - that the U.S. pushed hard to dismiss Shokin. Social Media Manager: Iryna Savchuk Commercial Director: Alyona Nevmerzhytska Transport Manager: Mykola Andrusha Sales Managers: Yulia Kovalenko, Chief Accountant: Galyna Rogachova Yulia Krus, Vita Shvets, Accountant: Yana Chernik Elena Symonenko, IT Manager: Oleksiy Bondarchuk Feel strongly about an issue? Agree or disagree with editorial positions in this newspaper? Subscription Manager: Svitlana Kolesnikova Graphic Artist: Stella Shabliovska The Kyiv Post welcomes letters to the editors and opinion pieces, usually 800 to 1,000 words in length. Please email all corre- To inquire about distribution of the Kyiv Post, please contact Svitlana Kolesnikova spondence to Brian Bonner chief editor, at [email protected]. All correspondence must include an email address and at [email protected] or by phone at 591-3344 contact phone number for verifi cation. www.kyivpost.com September 2, 2016 Opinionpinionp 5 Reformer of the week Anti-reformer of the week VOX Olga Khudetska Vadym Denysenko populili Olga Khudetska, a journalist and a for- Vadym Denysenko, a lawmaker from President

mer member of a police vetting com- ’s Bloc, lashed out at the elec- WITH ANNA YAKUTENKO mission, earlier this week exposed the tronic declaration system last week, saying that flaws of police reform that she said led information in property and asset declarations Should the state stop to a high-profile murder in Kryve Ozero, could be used by robbers. giving support to all Mykolayiv Oblast, on Aug. 24. Justice Minister Pavlo Petrenko echoed According to eyewitness testimony, six Denysenko’s thoughts on Aug. 30, saying par- scholarship students? police officers beat and killed a man after liament could pass a law to limit public access Editor’s note: The Finance Ministry his wife called the police and complained to declarations in an effort to protect their proposed to stop paying a Hr 825 about him. property from criminals. monthly grant to all students with Four of the suspects successfully passed In February, Denysenko sponsored contro- an average score of B or higher, vetting earlier this year, and one failed to versial loopholes that would allow corrupt offi- and instead pay it only to the pass vetting but was reinstated by a court. cials to escape punishment for lying in declarations, though his amendments financially-challenged students Khudetska, who was a member of a vetting commission in the oblast were subsequently canceled by parliament. and to those who show academic until May, says that police officers in Oblast and elsewhere Critics see attempts to limit public access to electronic declarations as yet excellence. have not been vetted properly. another excuse for derailing the electronic declaration system. Oleksandr Commission members were overloaded with work and had to inter- This fall the will also try to block electronic declarations by Khlopenko, view about 30 officers every day for about 15 minutes each, and many enabling officials not to include their relatives’ property, limiting officials’ crimi- fifth-year stu- officers were vetted in absentia, Khudetska said. nal responsibility for lying in declarations and exempting from criminal liability dent In May, civil society lost control of many vetting commissions when those who pay a 5 percent tax on declared wealth, Vitaly Shabunin, head of the “I think it’s Interior Ministry representatives and activists linked to the ministry Anti-Corruption Action Center’s executive board, wrote on his blog on Aug. 31. a populist began to dominate the vetting process. Several civil society groups left The declaration system was formally launched on Sept. 1 but declarations decision. The the commissions to protest against the decision, saying that Interior could not be uploaded due to technical difficulties, which some attributed authorities are Minister Arsen Avakov is effectively killing the reform. either to another sabotage attempt or incompetence. just distracting – Oleg Sukhov – Oleg Sukhov people’s attention from more seri- ous problems. Nobody discusses To nominate someone as reformer or anti-reformer of the week, write to [email protected] the reform of education, everybody is worried about grants. As a stu- dent, I’m counting on this money. ”

Viola Martyniuk second-year Babyn Yar, the ravine student “On the one hand, the competi- tion for high where 100,000 killed grades would be reduced. Students would start studying for knowledge, not grades. But on the other hand, there are people who can’t afford to pay for their dorms and are not supported by their parents. They NATALIA A. would end up spending time on a FEDUSCHAK side job instead of studying.”

Alice Chikal The official 75th anniversary commemorations of first-year stu- the Nazi massacres that took place at the Babyn dent Yar ravine in Kyiv will take place in the Ukrainian “I’m not receiv- capital between Sept. 23-29. The Ukrainian Jewish ing a scholar- Encounter, a Canada-based nongovernmental ship, but I think organization, working in cooperation with the that people who World Jewish Congress, Ukraine’s government came to Kyiv and other Ukrainian Jewish and diaspora organi- from smaller zations, will also sponsor a series of public events cities and villages should get it. Many in memory of what took place. of them have parents who can’t On a sun-drenched Kyiv afternoon, Sept. 29, support them. I think that instead of 1966, the Ukrainian writer and dissident Ivan canceling scholarships, the author- ities should eliminate corruption Dziuba addressed a crush of several hundred from universities, so that children of people surrounding him. the wealthy people can’t enroll by “I want to say a few words — a 1,000th part of what bribing.” I am thinking today and what I would like to say,” he told the crowd. “I want to turn to you as people, as to Arie Mora A man places flowers at the Babyn Yar memorial in Kyiv. Nazi Germany executed 100,000 people my brothers in humanity. I want to address you, Jews, fifth-year stu- during a two-year period in the Kyiv ravine, including 34,000 Jews on Sept. 28-29, 1941. (Ukrafoto) as a Ukrainian, as a member of the Ukrainian nation, dent to which I proudly belong. Babyn Yar, this is a trag- up modern-day Ukraine. Because of its sheer its grounds. “I don’t get it edy of all humanity, but it happened on Ukrainian magnitude, Babyn Yar survived in the collective In related events, the Pinchuk Art Centre is when they say soil. And that is why a Ukrainian does not have the memory of Ukrainians, even as first German, and currently hosting the exhibition “Loss. In Memory that scholar- right to forget about it, just as a Jew [doesn’t]. Babyn then Soviet, authorities tried to destroy all traces of Babi Yar”, which features the works of contem- ships should Yar, this is our common tragedy, a tragedy first of all of the crime. porary artists Christian Boltanski, Berlinde De be canceled to of the Jewish and Ukrainian people.” To commemorate Babyn Yar’s 75th anniver- Bruyckere and Jenny Holzer. A cinema series and allocate more Fifty years later, Dziuba is expected to return to sary, Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko has documentary photo exhibit will also take place in money for the army. You can’t sac- the place where he uttered those words, the ravine launched a series of commemorative state events. Kyiv that week. rifice education for supporting the army. But I don’t think that schol- in Kyiv known simply by its citizens as Babyn Yar, In addition, a series of non-governmental com- In his 1966 speech, Dziuba spoke not only of the arships are the main motivation to to take part in a ceremony. memorative events are planned. Public events importance of memory, but of the many factors study well – it’s too low for that.” It is here, in a wooded area of Ukraine’s capital, sponsored by the UJE include a youth conference that led to Babyn Yar: “This tragedy was brought that one of the greatest single Nazi massacres of that will bring together 200 young people from to our nations by fascism. But do not forget that Valeria World War II took place: Over a two-day period Ukraine, the United States, Canada, Israel and fascism does not start with Babyn Yar and it does Zelenkova in 1941, on Sept. 28-29, over 34,000 Kyivan Jews Europe to participate in a week-long program not end there. Fascism begins with disrespect for a second-year were shot to death. During the next two years of that will focus on Babyn Yar and the Holocaust, person, and ends with the destruction of a person, student Kyiv’s German occupation, more killings and buri- emphasize historical awareness, mutual respect a destruction of nations — but not necessarily only “I think that als of peoples the Nazis deemed enemies occurred toward ancestral heritage and civic responsibility; with such destruction as in Babyn Yar.” even this small at the ravine. These included Ukrainians, Roma, a symposium devoted to Babyn Yar as a signal He asked in those distant days of 1966 for scholarship is Soviet POWs and others. event of the Holocaust; and a memorial concert Ukrainians to look within, to recognize similarities very helpful for Yet of the estimated 100,000 victims at Babyn that will feature works by Max Bruch, Yevhen between the two peoples and to honor those Jewish the students Yar, over two-thirds were Jews. Stankovych and Johannes Brahms. figures rooted in Ukrainian lands. He expressed who come from outside Kyiv. Babyn Yar is the most potent symbol of what has The Ukrainian Jewish Encounter has also sup- shame at the anti-Semitism he still saw among his Without it, they would have to look for a job, and a job distracts them become known in recent years as “the Holocaust ported an international landscape competition, own people, and asked that Jews also show under- from their studies, and they will be by Bullets.” recently completed, that will expectantly act as a standing and tolerance. “As a Ukrainian, I am less educated – all these things are Between 1941 and 1945, some 1.5 million first step in helping transform Babyn Yar, currently ashamed that among my nation — as among other connected.” Ukrainian Jews were systematically shot in fields deemed a recreational area, into a memorial park and ravines throughout the territory that makes that will honor those killed and buried beneath more Feduschak on page 9 6 Business Focus September 2, 2016 www.kyivpost.com Education Special news coverage ahead Sept. 16 Sept. 23 To advertise, email: [email protected], on the following topics in Business Focus: IT / High-Tech education Agribusiness in Ukraine or call 591-7788 Ukrainian schools abroad teach language, history

BY ANNA YAKUTENKO [email protected]  ‘I dream Russia N

Alexander Frisk, 5, is still a year away that my kids Norway 1000 km from starting elementary school in Sweden, where his Ukrainian family Estonia don’t have United lives. But he is starting school this Canada Latvia Finland Kingdom Russia September anyway: In a Ukrainian Sweden Nether. a language Pol. Saturday school, Ukrainsk skola i Belgium Ger.Czech Ukraine Sverige. Slovakia barrier France His mother, Viktoria Frisk, who Austria Moldova Georgia USA Switz. moved to Malmo from the Ukrainian Italy Bulgaria Armenia city of Novovolynsk six years ago, when in Spain Turkey Azer. wants her son to know Ukrainian Countries with language and culture. Two years ago Ukraine.’ Ukrainian schools Portuguese Greece she enrolled him into Ukrainian lan- guage classes for toddlers. Now, his – Viktoria Frisk two-year-old brother Mikael will start enroll in a public Swedish-language Ukrainian schools abroad the same class, and for Alexander it school but continue going to his Argentina Latvia is time to start Ukrainian school. Ukrainian school every Saturday. Armenia Moldova “It’s important to me that my chil- Brazil Austria Norway dren know their roots,” Frisk says. Migration and schools Azerbaijan Poland Belgium Portuguese “Of course, they’ll grow up more First Ukrainian schools abroad Argentina Swedish than Ukrainian, but I dream opened in the territory of mod- Bolgaria Russia Brazil Slovakia Russia Canada USA that they will come to Ukraine and ern-day Serbia in the middle of 18th Czech Spain 10 000,000 1 209,000 893,000 not have any language barriers.” century by Ukrainian migrants from Estonia Sweden Ukrainsk skola i Sverige, the first Zakarpattya region. Finland Switzerland Ukrainians Ukrainians Ukrainians Ukrainian school in Malmo, opens Since then, hundreds of thousands France Turkey its doors for the first time this year. of Ukrainians have left Ukraine in Georgia U.K. In the first year, it will teach the several migration waves, most of Greece U.S. students the by them in the 20th century. Today, Italy Uzbekistan singing folk songs, reading Ukrainian over 10 million Ukrainians live out- By Ira Movchan | Kyiv Post 12 80 45 fairy tales and playing games with side Ukraine – and many want their Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ukraine International School schools a Ukrainian-speaking teacher. The children to visit Ukrainian-language school is funded by the Swedish gov- schools. At least 10 million Ukrainians live outside of Ukraine. Dozens of Ukrainian schools function in every country ernment and the parents. with a Ukrainian diaspora to teach the second-generation Ukrainians their history and language. Next year, Alexander Frisk will more Schools on page 7

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BY YULIANA ROMANYSHYN dents. Nine of them applied, and through a three-round application [email protected] five were admitted to the boarding process that includes an essay, schools, all expenses covered. English and math tests, and two For a regular Ukrainian trying to “Five out of nine is a pretty good 30-minute interviews. During the Children attend a geography lesson in a Ukrainian School in Vienna, get into a top college or a boarding result because all of these kids got interview, the selection committee which has classes on Saturdays. It’s one of two Ukrainian schools in school in the West, the competition full financial aid together and a pays attention not only to strong Austria that provide classes in Ukrainian. (UkrSchuleWien/facebook) isn’t even the hardest part. The ticket to a “top” university (in the academic record and extra cur- hardest is to find money for tuition future),” Sychikova said. riculum activities but also to the in a poor country with no student Five finalists started their first applicant’s wish to contribute to the loan opportunities. year in the New York University Abu Ukraine’s society after graduation. That’s where Ukraine Global Dhabi, Leysin American School in Another finalist, a 15-year old Schools around Scholars steps in. The initiative Switzerland, and an all-girls board- high school student Vladyslava launched in 2015 aims to guide ing Emma Willard School. To cover Sirychenko said that the interview high school students through the their expenses, they won around $1 with Global Scholars wasn’t difficult process of application and getting a million in scholarships. for her as she already knew what globe offer classes scholarship. In 2016, Global Scholars decided she plans to do in the future. Her Five Ukrainian Ivy League grad- to expand and announced 20 final- passion is applied mathematics. uates and current students founded ists out of 350 applicants, who are After graduating a Kyiv school, taught in Ukrainian Ukraine Global Scholars to help now preparing for the application she will start the tenth grade of a high school students to get the best process. The mentors conducted a boarding school abroad, and then education in the U.S. and Europe. six-week online test camp, preparing go to a university. She said that They select motivated participants for TOEFL and SAT exams, and a while her father supports her goals, Schools from page 6 The list of countries where throughout Ukraine and prepare two-week camp covering the full her mom says it is a waste of time to Ukrainian communities have them for admission into board- cycle of the application process. study so long. In Canada, where there are 1.2 Saturday or Sunday schools also ing schools and colleges overseas, Besides constant mentorship, the Sirychenko’s classmates also don’t million people of Ukrainian origin, includes Norway, Switzerland, hoping to get a contribution to organization covers tests and appli- share her wish to study abroad. They there are about 80 bilingual schools Bulgaria, U.K., Argentina, Brazil, and the development of Ukraine in the cation fees and advises on financial want to go to the top Ukrainian and kindergartens with classes both countries of former future. aid and scholarship opportunities. universities. in English and Ukrainian. as Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, “At some point, other people As a non-profit venture, Global “They think that I’m a bit crazy,” In the U.S., the government counts Moldova, Uzbekistan, Estonia and helped us get into good schools and Scholars covers the expenses she said with a smile. 893,000 ethnic Ukrainians, while the Latvia. taught us how to apply, and showed through fundraising, spreading the As a backup, Sirychenko also diaspora members have an unoffi- By contrast, in Russia, the country us everything we needed to know, information about the program plans to apply to a Ukrainian cial estimation of 1.5 million. There with the biggest Ukrainian diaspora so this is our way of paying back,” among the diaspora, alumni, and university. are 45 bilingual Ukrainian-American of 2 million people according to the said Yulia Sychikova, co-founder and business community. In 2016, they However, not every skilled stu- schools that 3,000 students attend. official statistics and about 10 million mentor of Global Scholars. hope to raise $50,000 to cover the dent plans to invest in Ukraine after The schools are coordinated by in unofficial estimations, there are Other goals are to increase the fees the entire application process. graduating one of the world’s top the Ukrainian Educational Council, only 12 Ukrainian schools that have number of Western-educated pro- One of the 2016 finalists is Ihor schools. Sychikova said that during which trains and hires teachers, classes on Saturdays, and not a single fessionals in Ukraine and the net- Barakaiev, a high-school student the selection process, they met a lot develops a curriculum and covers a full-time school. work of Ukrainian experts around from Kirovohrad. He plans to of talented students with academic part of the textbook expenses. the world. apply to a boarding school and a achievements whose goal was to Some of the Ukrainian schools Representing Ukraine When one tries to apply to the college abroad to study computer study abroad and stay there. in the U.S. are full-time bilingual Ukrainian schools abroad are top college or boarding school with- programming. After gaining some “It is understandable that many schools, while most only have classes founded by churches, Ukrainian out any assistance, the chance to experience in a foreign company, students want to do that, but when- on Saturdays and are an addition to community centers, or independent be admitted is below 1 percent, Barakaiev hopes to come back to ever we heard that, it was a red regular American schools that their parent committees. The classes are Sychikova said. Ukraine to work in IT. flag for us,” Sychikova said. “We are students attend. usually held on Saturdays or Sundays In 2015, the program announced While selecting the 20 students, looking for those who have passion School of in public schools, Ukrainian muse- their first call and selected 13 stu- Global Scholars carried them for Ukraine.”  Ukrainian Studies in Washington and ums or cathedrals. Parma, as well as Cleveland School The Ukrainian program in such of Ukrainian Studies in Parma have schools usually consists of Ridna classes every day. Shkola (Native School) classes for T HE O NLY I NTERNATIO NAL Europe boasts Ukrainian schools, elementary students who learn the B ACCALAUREATE SC H OOL IN KYIV too. basics of the Ukrainian language, and FULLY AUTHORISED TO TEACH Eight Ukrainian schools hold Kursy Ukrainoznavstva (Courses of ALL THREE IB PROGRAMMES SINCE 2000

Sunday classes in Italy. At least 11 Ukrainian Studies) for older students, 7A, VICTORA ZABILY STR, KYIV, UKRAINE Ukrainian schools are available in where they study Ukrainian gram- 044 377 5292, WWW.PSI.KIEV.UA Spain. The Netherlands and Austria mar, literature, geography, history each have two Ukrainian-language and culture – all being taught in the schools. Some 14 Ukrainian schools Ukrainian language. WORLD CLASS GRADE 12 RESULTS are found in Poland, where 49,000 “We, the Ukrainians living abroad, PSI SCORES 34 POINTS ethnic Ukrainians live. Fourteen are the face of our nation (for other Ukrainian schools function in nationalities),” Frisk says. “Ukrainian Germany, most of them founded by schools abroad are so important churches, according to Ukrainian because they help (ethnic Ukrainians) Saturday School in Munich data. to represent our nation to others.” 


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BY YULIANA ROMANYSHYN, GROWTH OF PAYOUTS The Deposit Guarantee Fund has paid bank’s shareholders “maintain con- Over the past two years, the JOSH KOVENSKY, FROM THE DEPOSIT out more than Hr 78 billion ($2.9 billion) structive relations with the National National Bank declared some 80 NATALIE VIKHROV GUARANTEE FUND TO to depositors since 2014, as of the Bank.” Political analysts and politi- banks insolvent, leaving only 100 [email protected] DEPOSITORS IN 2016 Aug. 31, 2016, exchange rate. cians have suggested in the past that functioning banks in Ukraine. [email protected] the bank is used as a suicide belt [email protected] January 2,536 by Kolomoisky, with him threaten- China to build textile February 2,666 ing to default on the bank’s loans, plant in Rivne Oblast March 2,728 provoking a country-wide finan- Chinese textile company Yuyue Investment in fixed cial crisis, in exchange for political Home Textile Co. plans to build April 2,800 assets rises to 9.6 concessions. a flax processing facility in Rivne percent May 2,848 Though a step towards stability, Oblast. The company is investing Ukraine saw a rise in fixed asset June 2,865 the move has not totally reassured $20 billion in the construction, which investment during the first half of July 2,940 other analysts. is set to begin in 2016 and will take the year, recording a leap to 9.6 per- 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 “Such a capital increase, with- five years to finish. cent growth for the first six months out additional contributions from The facility will produce flax-based of 2016. $ million PrivatBank shareholders, seems to textiles from start to finish, beginning

This follows a relatively tepid 0.7 *Calculation doesn’t include: Kiev, Omega and Astra banks. be a small part of a broad program with growing the crop to processing percent growth for the first quarter By Stella Shabliovska, Kyiv Post I Source: Deposit Guarantee Fund of Ukraine. of the restructuring (recapitalization) it into cloth. The company will rent of 2016, according to government of the bank,” wrote Concorde Capital about 30,000 hectares of land for statistics released on Aug. 26 report- analyst Alexander Paraschiy, “whose the plant and a flax field. ed by Concorde Capital. ing a flurry of panicked press releas- before the shareholder meeting at potential capital gap ranges from Hr The authorities hope to employ Fixed asset investment fell by 9.2 es over the past week, claiming an which the restructuring plan is set 15 billion to Hr 128 billion, as was around 1,000 people, with 90 per- percent in the first half of 2015, last ongoing assault from regulators while to go for a vote, timing that Rollins hinted by main shareholder Igor cent of the jobs going to local citizens. year’s rating. complaining of ongoing non-pay- called “remarkable.” Kolomoisky.” This year’s growth occurred ments from its parent company, “Licenses suspension won’t help Bank Mikhailovsky across Ukraine’s economic sectors, . Ukrnafta, whose minority the state to reach its desired goal National Bank to depositors receive Hr except for telecommunications which shareholder Ihor Kolomoisky exerts of having the tax debt repaid,” he liquidate another bank 1.02 billion recorded a 65 percent drop. Finance de facto control over the company, added. Ukraine’s state banking regulator has The Deposit Guarantee Fund has saw a fall of 11 percent, construction is trying to dig itself out of debt revoked the license of yet another paid out nearly Hr 1.02 billion ($38.8 of 2 percent, and arts and sports of under the chairmanship of Britain- PrivatBank ups capital bank - KSG Bank. According to million) to depositors of insolvent 28 percent. born Mark Rollins, a longtime oilman by $100 million the National Bank press release, Bank Mikhailovsky – 94 percent of According to Alexander Paraschiy, who started working at the firm in PrivatBank, the country’s largest KSG systematically violated law and the total owed, the Fund said. an analyst at Concorde Capital, while October 2015. financial institution, upped its reserve was allegedly involved in money The fund’s press service the news is encouraging, it is not The largest share of the debt is an capital by $100 million amid ongoing laundering. announced it will be halting pay- clear if the growth constitutes a sta- Hr 15 billion ($570 million) unpaid reports of the bank’s instability, the According to the National Bank ments from Aug. 27 to Sept. 2 to ble pattern. tax bill, while there are additional bank announced on Aug. 26. website, the bank suspiciously trans- add more depositors entitled to “It’s not clear how sustainable financial disputes between Naftogaz The bank said that its total share ferred millions of hryvnia into the compensation to the registry, which this two-digit growth might be and Kolomoisky. capital would increase to Hr 23.8 accounts of their clients, who then will see payouts increase by Hr amid volatility of the current econ- Rollins has tried to tie the compa- billion ($900 million), a Hr 2.6 bil- cashed the money. The National 88.87 million. omy,” Paraschiy wrote. “Still, even ny’s recovery to a debt restructuring lion ($99 million) increase from its Bank discovered that a number of The collapsed Bank Mikhailovsky the results observed till now give plan which, he says, would allow the previous amount of Hr 21.2 billion these accounts were opened using was owned by Ukrainian business- the grounds for a potential upward firm to become solvent within 10 ($800 million). lost or stolen passports. man Viktor Polishchuk, who set revision of our investment forecast. years, permitting board approval. The bank said that it would The person who conducted the up a fraudulent deposit scheme Initially, we estimated 2.3 percent But Ukrnafta now says that Naftogaz increase the capital by jacking up transactions had 500 credit cards that offered high growth rates and year over year of investment growth is holding the restructuring plan the value of its shares by Hr 34.03 a issued in his name, while his pass- attracted more than Hr 1 billion in in 2016 but if current tendencies hostage in exchange for Ukrnafta piece, Reuters reported. port was registered as stolen. deposits. are preserved, we can’t rule out 10 ceasing to attempt to recover natural The news, which comes after The regulator says it will alert the The money was not insured by the percent expansion this year.” gas extracted from 2006 to 2012, numerous reports that the bank’s police. Deposit Guarantee Fund but after a which it says Naftogaz stole. credit portfolio is shot through with The liquidation of the bank will series of protests from the bank’s for- Ukrnafta hits gusher of Since then, the government has insider lending and non-performing have no impact on the stability of mer clients in June, the fund decided regulatory and financial threatened to revoke Ukrnafta’s loans, provoked positive reactions financial markets, given the limited to compensate depositors. woes licenses for 17 of its oil produc- from many analysts. number of customers (around 1,200 It started making payments from Ukraine’s majority state-owned oil tion and extraction facilities across Dragon Capital said in a research clients) and minor amounts of assets, July 15 following weeks of protest extractor Ukrnafta has been releas- Ukraine. The moves come days note that the news suggested the says the National Bank. from defrauded clients.  ON THE MOVE Advertisement


BY YULIANA ROMANYSHYN prosecutors called him as a witness released so far from Russia’s prisons. [email protected] to the trial of Sentsov and Kolchenko. “I am the only person who was There, Afanasiev surprised every- convicted of terrorism in Russia and Although he tries to lighten the mood one: He withdrew his testimony. then released,” says Afanasiev. with jokes, Hennadiy Afanasiev’s Standing in the Moscow court he voice still trembles when he talks announced that he signed the testi- Prison’s toll about the more than two years he mony against Sentsov and Kolchenko For the first year and five months spent in Russian jails as a political under torture. The two met this con- of his time in the Russian prison, prisoner. fession with applause. Afanasiev wasn’t allowed to meet One of the more noteworthy In the end, however, Sentsov and his family or a representative of figures among the 28 Ukrainian Kolchenko were still found guilty of Ukrainian authorities. political prisoners held in Russia, terrorism and sentenced to 20 years “I was in a vacuum,” he recalls. “No Afanasiev was charged with terror- in prison. The Ukrainian authorities one was there, not a consul or a law- ism. He signed a confession under are negotiating for their release. yer. They didn’t even give me letters.” torture, but then recanted publicly at But for Afanasiev, this rebellion He also got no medical care. a trial, all to no avail. lifted his spirit. “They take a pill of aspirin, break He returned to Ukraine after a He stopped being afraid of tor- it in half and say: ‘This one’s for your prisoner exchange with Russia tures and began to resist the prison’s headache, this one’s for diarrhea – on June 14. He is one of only administration. He wrote up to 12 do not mix them.’ That was all the three Ukrainian political prisoners Hennadiy Afanasiev stays on Poshtova Square near River in Kyiv complaints and appeals every week, treatment,” he says. released so far. during the Kyiv Post interview on Aug. 18. (Anastasia Vlasova) complaining about severe conditions. So when he got serious ulcers on Afanasiev was released on June 14. one hand and needed to stop the Torture for testimony of preparing to blow up two Soviet agents as saying. After 10 days of tor- The Russian authorities exchanged infection from spreading, he had to The Russian security service agents monuments in Crimea. ture, Afanasiev signed a pre-written him and Yuri Soloshenko for two improvise. arrested Afanasiev, then a 23-year- To get him to sign a confes- testimony saying that he was prepar- prisoners held in Ukraine, Ukrainian “I sharpened a piece of iron and old photographer and pro-Ukrainian sion and testify against his alleged ing a terrorist attack with Sentsov citizens Olena Hlishchynska and had to cut off pieces of my skin… I activist, on the street of his native conspirators, the agents tortured and Kolchenko. Vitaliy Didenko, charged with pro- couldn’t get rid of inflammation. To Simferopol in Crimea. Afanasiev for 10 days. A Moscow court used this testi- moting separatism in April 2014 in cut it off hurt less,” he says. On May 9, 2014, two months after Beatings on the head and stomach mony to convict the two in 2015. Odesa. He ended up catching a blood Russia invaded Crimea, Afanasiev were easier to take than what came “Under that torture, I could sign any- infection that became a formal rea- was returning from a pro-Ukrainian later. When that didn’t work, they thing against anyone, to be honest,” son for his release. He’s been treat- rally, one of the last ones that took put a plastic bag over Afanasiev’s Afanasiev says today.  ‘Under ing it even now. place. The date, a World War II head. Then came a gas mask with a Afanasiev claims that the agents For the last three months before Victory Day, has a special meaning closed hose that meant he struggled who tortured him were former offi- that the release Afanasiev was put in sol- in Russia, where the authorities use to breathe. The hose would finally cers from the Ukrainian Security itary confinement. it to remind of the country’s military be opened, but only for the jailers to Services who were hired by Russia’s torture, I “I could only talk to myself and the power. pour in some liquid that made the security service, the FSB, after the cockroaches,” he says. As he headed to meet a friend, prisoner choke and vomit – while occupation of Crimea. could sign He recalls how the prison was several agents approached, put a bag the gas mask was still covering gradually changing his personality. over his head and threw him into a his face. For the culmination, they Fighting back anything “In the first year you dream about car. First, they took him to his own would send an electrical current After initial questioning in freedom, you remember it,” he says. apartment and searched it. Then, he through his genitals. The jailers also Simferopol, Afanasiev and other “After two years, the degradation was put in a security service com- woke him up constantly during the arrested Crimeans were sent to against starts and you are just surviving, like pound in Simferopol. night. Moscow for trial. a wolf.” That’s when the hell started. What helped to crack him in the Afanasiev’s trial was the fastest. anyone, to After the release, Afanasiev has Afanasiev was accused of pre- end, however, were the threats to his Since he already had pled guilty, in returned to Crimea-related activism paring terrorist attacks with movie mother. December 2014 he was sentenced to be honest‘ - although he can’t return to Crimea, director Oleg Sentsov, activists “’We will bring your mother to seven years in prison for plotting a he has been working on making a Oleksandr Kolchenko and Oleksiy the next room, and you will hear us terrorist attack. Afanasiev, Soloshenko and map of all the violations of human Cherniy, who were arrested two days doing the same to her’,” Afanasiev’s Afanasiev made it back into the Ukrainian pilot Nadia Savchenko are rights in Crimea after the Russian after Afanasiev. They were accused lawyer Alexander Popkov quoted the spotlight in July 2015, when Russian the only Ukrainian political prisoners occupation. 

Feduschak: Babyn Yar lessons, 75 years later

Feduschak from page 5 of Ukraine and UJE to an individu- — the great silence of thousands of al in Ukraine, Israel or the diaspo- people. Maybe for us here, it is fit- nations — there is anti-Semitism, ras for work in fostering Ukrainian- ting to do without words and silently there is a shameful, unworthy human Jewish relations. Previous recipients think the same thing. But silence only phenomena called anti-Semitism,” he of the award were Ukrainian Jewish says much there, where all that can said. “We, Ukrainians, should in our Encounter board chairman James C. be said has already been said. But environment fight against any show Temerty and Ukrainian businessman when much still has not been said — of anti-Semitism or disrespect to . when nothing has been said — then Jews, a non-understanding of Jewish Dziuba’s most important message silence becomes the accomplice of problems. You, Jews, should in your 75 years after the Babyn Yar tragedy lies and non-freedom. That is why environment fight against those who and his address to those present at we speak and must speak — where do not respect the Ukrainian person, the ravine a half-century ago is about we can and where we can’t, using the Ukrainian culture, the Ukrainian the danger of remaining silent. all opportunities which happen to us language, who unfairly sees in every “There are things”, he said, “there infrequently.” Ukrainian a hidden anti-Semite.” are tragedies before which the enor- Natalia A. Feduschak is director Dziuba, who recently turned 85, mity of any word is powerless and of communications at the Ukrainian will receive during the commemora- about which silence will say more Jewish Encounter.  tive week the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Award, which is con- This article originally appeared in the Odessa Review and is reprinted with the ferred by the Jewish Confederation author’s permission. 10 National September 2, 2016 www.kyivpost.com Dozens of European ships docking in forbidden ports

Crimea from page 1 Palmali owner Mübariz Mansimov A vessel named “The General” was officialy slated to travel from Nemrut Bay, Turkey to Gurbanoglu, a Turk of Azerbaijani The ship was heading towards Kherson, Ukraine. However, residents of Crimea descent, explained his company’s Ukraine, its official route stated as: AN ILLEGAL VOYAGE took pictures of the boat loading scrap metal at success to Forbes Russia as follows: Nemrut Bay (near the Turkish city UKRAINE Sevastopol port. Officials say the vessel must have “We are [an] international company. MOLDOVA of Izmir on the Aegean Sea) to turned off its AIS system, which would allow the In Turkey, we are considered as Kherson, a Black Sea port city on the Kherson ship to evade detection in Crimea. Turkish, in Russia – as Russian, in Source: Christi Dimitriu/OCCRP southern Ukraine mainland north- ROMANIA Azerbaijan – as Azerbaijani com- west of Crimea. CRIMEA RUSSIA pany. The strategy is to belong However, on Dec. 4 the vessel Sevastopol everywhere.” lay near the entrance to Sevastopol He did not respond to OCCRP’s harbor in southwest Crimea, the pen- request for comment. insula’s largest city and home to the When OCCRP journalists visited Russian Navy’s Black Sea Fleet. The the company’s office in Istanbul, they General disappeared from interna- BULGARIA were not allowed to film the office tional tracking radar for 10 days. or environs and were told to contact On Dec. 14, its onboard navigator the media department. The latter was turned back on, and General Istanbul did not respond over the course of returned to the Turkish port. It several months. apparently never went to Kherson. “Turkey does not recognize the According to international naviga- TURKEY annexation of Crimea. We will not tion standards, every international compromise our principles for trade vessel must carry an electronic “nav- Nemrut Bay with a small piece of land. It was igator” linking it to the Automatic clear from the start,” said Yönet Can Identification System, a global net- Tezel, the Turkish Ambassador in work that tracks vessels using sat- Official route Ukraine. “Turkish ships cannot leave ellites, reports from passing ships Actual route the Turkish port saying that they and radar. It is possible to follow the are going to the Crimea. But maybe movement of vessels throughout the some of the ships with the flags of world via AIS navigators, using the international navigation. rienced huge problems because its Ukraine, nor the company owning other countries are pretending to go website http://www.marinetraffic. Subsequently the EU and US also vessel had entered Crimea. However, the vessel, would say what it was Russia, but they actually go to the com/. banned entrance into Crimean he did not answer the letter. doing in Crimea. Crimea. This is ... not connected with Reporters for OCCRP did just that ports and imposed corresponding Krey Schiffahrts inspector, captain In October of 2015, another ship the official position of Turkey.” for almost a year, following vessels sanctions. Maxim Babenko, tried to explain arrived in Crimea to pick up a cargo around Crimea including tracking Despite this, hundreds of ves- over the phone, how the German of scrap metal, also from Sevastopol. Violators go unpunished the disappearance of the General. sels flying flags of various coun- company generally operated: “Our The vessel was named Ramzi and it Currently, Ukrainian police are inves- Experts say the ship must have tries continue to visit the peninsula. vessels are contracted by third par- flew the Togolese flag. tigating four criminal cases involving turned its AIS navigator off, which is Information on these vessels is being ties that find cargoes and transport This ship is owned by a Romanian illegal entry into occupied Crimea only possible if the power on board gathered by both governmental and them. I mean, we do the transporta- company, JSM Maritime Ltd., which during the past two years. In the is cut off. non-governmental institutions. tion, but they find the cargoes. in turn is owned by the family of port of Kherson, there is an arrested From Dec. 9 to Dec. 11, at the According to data collect- “We have a list of exceptions, Syrian businessman Johar Hasan. Turkish vessel, the Kanton: in 2014, request of OCCRP journalists, ed by the State Hydrographic places where our vessels do not go From Crimea, the Ramzi headed it arrived in Crimea, and in March Sevastopol residents took a series of Service of Ukraine, the Ministry for certain reasons. This is a separate to the Lebanese ports of Beirut, 2015 it arrived in Kherson, where it photos showing the General loading of Infrastructure of Ukraine, and list, and it is discussed with each con- Tripoli, and Jieh. was detained. scrap metal in Sevastopol’s harbor at the non-governmental organization tractor. Regarding Crimea... whether The Embassy of Romania in Ilya Ryzhkov, acting head of the Inkerman Pier. Maidan of Foreign Affairs, as of it is Ukrainian or Russian, we do not Ukraine did not consider the Ramzi administration of Kherson sea port The photos demonstrate that, in June 2016, 602 vessels have entered have a clearly-defined position on a Romanian responsibility, noting complains that no court decision has defiance of international prohibi- Crimean ports. Most of them are this, just as, it seems to me, the rest that Romania only controls ships that been issued. “The captain and the tions, the General spent at least registered in Russia or fly Russian of the world doesn’t.” fly the Romanian flag. crew have left the vessel,” Ryzhkov five days in the port of Sevastopol flags or are Ukrainian registered The Embassy of Germany in said. loading goods. ships seized and operated by Russia. Ukraine promised to alert relevant Change of flags The prosecutor’s office is inves- Who authorized the load of scrap However, Europeans are also authorities in Germany regard- A ship may be owned by a compa- tigating three other illegal entry metal—or the visit to Sevastopol— doing business with Crimea despite ing a possible prosecution. “[The] ny from one country, and navigate cases. Four persons have been could not be determined. Reporters the sanctions: over the past two Government of Germany and its under the flag of another; or, a ship declared suspects and put on the for OCCRP did establish that the years, 24 vessels bearing EU coun- partners in the EU have more than found in violation of some law can wanted list. General is owned by a Lebanese tries’ flags, 43 vessels registered in once proved (their) determined con- easily switch its flag to a different According to the Criminal Code of company, New Marine Co. There the EU and 22 vessels owned by EU demnation of the illegal annexation country with different laws. Ukraine, only the captain and mem- is no information on this company beneficiaries have entered Crimea. of Crimea and Sevastopol by the Ali Aliyev, former employ- bers of the crew of the violating ves- available in Lebanese open regis- The vessel MS Südkap, owned Russian Federation, and will not ee of Turkey’s Palmali Group of sel can be prosecuted. If convicted, tries. Attempts to contact the compacompa- by the German company Krey recognize it. This position remairemains Companies, says Palmali changes they can face up to 5 years in prison, ny were unsuccessful. SchiffahrtsSchiffahrts GmbH,GmbH, was in the east- unchanged,”unchanged,” a written statemstatemente flags when its ships head to the but there is no legal way to pursue ern Crimean poportrt citcityy of Kerch from the embassyembassy said.said. Kerch Strait, which connects the Sea the company operating the vessel, or Europeanp inin late JuJulyly of 2014. ReReportersporters for The reaction of other EuropeanEurope of Azov to the Black Sea, separating its owner. flags OCCRP first sent a letter with quesques-- embassiesembassies to thethe violationsviolations wasw Crimea from Russia. “Back in the The Ministry of Infrastructure is OnOn June 16, tions to the GGermanerman company; next, muted, or,or, in some cases,cases, non-existent.non-existen day, when passing the Kerch Strait, building dossiers on the vessels that 2014, several anan OCCRP journalist called its office For instance, the Embassy of we used to raise the Ukrainian flag, have visited Crimea since the ports monthsmonths aftafterer and talkedtalked toto its chiefchief eexecutivexecutive Greece did not respondrespond to ques-que and now we raise the flag of Russia,” were closed, passing this information RussiaRussia annexed officer, Daniel GGrensemann.rensemann. tions about a lalargerge tanker, the KKriti,r he said but denied the ships are vis- to the prosecutor’s office and the thethe CrimeaCrimea,, The onlyonly thing he said was that arrived in Kerch in June 2014.201 iting Crimean ports. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. UkraineU kraine thatthat his companycompany had expe- AlthoughAlthough at thatth The Palmali Group is one of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Pavlo closedclosed tthehe time UkraineUkraine hadha best-known logistics companies in Klimkin says every violation is inves- peninsu-peninsu- notnot yetyet officiallyofficially closedclos Turkey. Palmali’s fleet has more than tigated. “Firstly, we make an offi- lala toto the CrimeanCrimean commer-comme 100 vessels. cial protest. Secondly, the violators cial ports,ports, the GeneralGener Among its largest clients are lose access to Ukrainian ports; we AssemblyAssembly ofof the United NatiNationso Russia’s Lukoil and Azerbaijan’s approach others asking to influence hadhad alreadyalready published a resolutionresolutio SOCAR. In late 2015, international the violators, and almost always we Ilya Ryzhkov, statingstating that countries includiincludingn media reported that Maltese author- get an official response.” acting head of the GreeceGreece supportedsupported Ukraine’s territerrito-t ities were looking into Palmali’s Klimkin said he was familiar with administration of Kherson sea port. rial integrity.integrity. involvement in oil trade with the the ships and countries that OCCRP (Kyrylo Lazarevych) The Kriti is partpart ofof the fleetfle Islamic State. has investigated and noted that the believed to be owned byby the wealthywealt During the past two years, records number of violations has decreased VardinoyannisVardinoyannis familfamilyy of GGreece.reec show six Palmali vessels arrived in lately.  Neither the Embassy of Greece in Crimea. www.kyivpost.com September 2, 2016 National 11 Kremlin’s stooge? Medvedchuk says he’s not

Medvedchuk from page 2 came home, Medvedchuk was able to get Russia to release and return separatists who have not committed Ukrainians Hennadiy Afanasyev and heinous crimes, something that has Yuriy Soloshenko, in exchange for become a contentious political issue two Ukrainian citizens charged with in Kyiv and is yet to be done. promoting separatism in Odesa. “Without these political changes… Since then, though, the swaps have the Minsk deal won’t budge an inch,” stalled, and each side still holds many Medvedchuk said. Echoing Moscow’s dozens of people in custody. Among line, he said Kyiv must reach a the Ukrainians held by Russia are consensus directly with the separat- Oleh Sentsov – a filmmaker who Sergei Glazyev, an adviser to Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Viktor Medvedchuk (R), a friend of Putin’s, ist leadership, “because there is no was detained in Crimea in May 2014 hold a news conference in 2012 in Zaporizhya to support their “Ukrainian Choice” movement which urged other way to bring these territories and sentenced to 20 years in pris- Ukrainians to reject closer ties to the European Union in favor of a Moscow-led Customs Union. (UNIAN) back.” on in August 2015 on a terror plot “Well, there is one more way, but conviction that supporters say is a Ukraine’s democratic institutions is to be stable, meaning that that Medvedchuk, RFE/RL visited the it is unrealistic,” he continued. “The travesty of justice – and Oleksandr and processes.” regional authorities including the front-line positions of a Ukrainian Ukrainian army must go on the Kolchenko, who was detained at the A White House statement also separatists in the east should be battalion in Maryinka, a town 28 offensive and seize these territories same time and sentenced to 10 years. said that Medvedchuk had “provid- granted more power. kilometers from the center of the by force. But neither Washington nor The U.S. State Department has ed financial, material, or technolog- “Medvedchuk is a political genius,” separatist stronghold of Donetsk. Brussels will let Ukraine do that.” called the charges against Sentsov ical support” to Viktor Yanukovych, said Berezovets. “But his efforts There was no cease-fire. In contrast with Medvedchuk and and Kolchenko “groundless” and the president who was pushed from are directed at Putin’s success, not On July 27, tanks unleashed a bar- the Kremlin, Kyiv and the West have said they “were taken hostage on power and fled to Russia after set- Ukraine.” rage of shells on the battalion’s posi- stressed the need for Russia to fulfill Ukrainian territory.” ting Ukraine’s upheaval in motion Medvedchuk vehemently denied tions from the separatist-held side its obligations under the Minsk deal, Medvedchuk said the men are by scrapping plans for a far-reach- such accutions. about 100 meters away, setting off which requires the withdrawal of “all in a different category than those ing Association Agreement with the blasts that rocked the town and set foreign armed formations, military detained on the Donbas battlefields. European Union and seeking closer ‘Real peace’ one home ablaze. There was nobody equipment, as well as mercenaries” In Russia’s view, he said, the cases of ties with Russia. Right now, Medvedchuk said, he is inside; many have fled Maryinka from Ukraine. Sentsov, Kolchenko and some oth- That decision was in line with pol- using his influence to seek an end to since the start of the war. ers are different because “they were icies advocated by Medvedchuk, who the war in Donbas. It is coincidence, It’s a conflict that many of those Swap deals convicted of an offense committed had been criticizing the EU for years. he says, that his position that Donbas fighting want to end. Asked about In addition to being an architect of on the territory of Crimea, which In 2012, his nonprofit political is part of Ukraine is shared by Putin. the Minsk deal and Medvedchuk’s the Minsk deal, Medvedchuk has de jure is perceived by Russia as its group Ukrainian Choice pushed for “[Putin says] that there should role as an arbiter between Kyiv, become a key go-between for Kyiv territory.” a referendum on Ukraine’s accession be peace in Donbas. He also rec- Moscow, and the separatists, battal- and Moscow in arranging prisoner According to Medvedchuk, more to the Moscow-led Customs Union. ognized and continually said that ion commander Vyacheslav Vlasenko exchanges – most notably the swap than 600 people whose release is Ukrainian Choice also played a the Donbas is the territory of echoed what has become a wide- of Savchenko, on May 25, for two sought by the separatists are being role in stirring up anti-EU sentiment Ukraine,” Medvedchuk said. “Putin, spread sentiment in war-torn eastern Russians Kyiv says were military held on Kyiv-controlled territory. He ahead of the November 2013 summit however, also repeatedly said that Ukraine: “I don’t care.” intelligence officers. In all, he claims said that’s about equal to the number in Vilnius during which Yanukovych he thinks about the safety of the “It could be the devil or Adolf to have helped the release of 402 of those held by the separatists and had been set to sign the Association Russian-speaking population in the Hitler himself,” Vlasenko told RFE/ persons since December 2014. Russia combined. Agreement. In a nationwide cam- Donbas…as outlined in the Minsk RL at the battalion’s Maryinka head- In this area, he is quick to tout his From Kyiv to Washington, many paign, it put up billboards showing agreements.” quarters. “If this person brings real importance. have long viewed Medvedchuk as same-sex stick-figure couples holding Two days after interviewing peace, then I don’t care who he is.”  “I am the only person conducting a Russian stooge, an accusation he hands and the words: “Association negotiations with the administrations vehemently denies. with the EU means same-sex of the [Kremlin-controlled separatist When Russia seized control of marriage.” republics] and with the adminis- Crimea, the United States imposed Born in Siberia to a father who tration of the Russian Federation,” sanctions on Medvedchuk for “threat- was deported there from western EASE YOUR MIND! he said, grasping his chest with his ening the peace, security, stability, Ukraine after suffering political AFFORDABLE HEALTH hands and leaning over the table. sovereignty, or territorial integrity repression for participating in nation- INSURANCE PLANS Three weeks after Savchenko of Ukraine, and for undermining al movements, Medvedchuk was not always such a critic of the West. East and West While a deputy in Ukraine’s par- liament between 1997 and 2002, he often spoke well of Europe and especially Poland, where he enjoyed working relationships with govern- AMC Health Insurance Plans, starting at $45 per month:* ment officials. Those who know him say they noticed a shift to pro-Rus- • Physician and Specialist consultations • 24-hour Outpatient and emergency treatment sian views when he worked as • Radiology and Laboratory services (X-Ray, Ultrasound, Diagnostics) Kuchma’s chief of staff from 2002 to • Child vaccinations (according to US schedule) 2005. Since then, Medvedchuk has • Home or office doctor visits helped shape political and economic • Expert second opinion with US and European Hospitals policies in a way that detractors say *The AMC Health and Wellness Plan is a licensed healthcare delivery plan, paid on an annual basis, designed to provide primary and urgent care health and assistance services. plays directly into Putin’s hands. The above price is AMC’s basic Outpatient Plan, covering all outpatient services with a plan They point to his involvement utilization limit of $10,000 per person, per year. For more information about this and other health insurance products, please call us at 490.7600 or visit us at www.amcenters.com in drafting a contentious 2010 gas agreement signed by Putin, then prime minister, and his Ukrainian Viktor Medvedchuk speaks with the Kyiv Post on Jan. 28, 2014 in Kyiv. counterpart Yulia Tymoshenko, as an Kyiv: +38 (044) 490 76 00 Medvedchuk faces sanctions by the United States for “threatening the example of him brokering a deal that Lviv: +38 (032) 253 70 00 Tbilisi: +99 (532) 250 00 20 peace, security, stability, sovereignty, or territorial integrity of Ukraine, favored Moscow. www.amcenters.com and underminining Ukraine’s democratic institutions and processes.” More recently, he has said that (Pavlo Podufalov) Ukraine must be “federalized” if it The Martial Arts Festival takes place on Sept. 18. Follow all the best events at www.kyivpost.com/lifestyle.

LifestylePlay | Food | Entertainment | Sports | Culture | Music | Movies | Art | Community Events September 2, 2016 www.kyivpost.com Book Donetsk art center finds Revieww WITH NATALIYA TRACH [email protected] ways to flourish in exile 'The Road to Donetsk' wins UK readership

“The Road to Donetsk,” a fic- tion account of Western aid to Ukraine in the 1990s, suddenly became popular in Great Britain, surprisingly even for its author, Diane Chandler. Recently the novel won the 2016 People’s Book Prize for Fiction – one of the most pres- tigious literary awards in the United Kingdom where the win- ner is selected through online voting. Chandler explains such popularity among the picky British readers with the nov- el’s vivid description of life in Ukraine to those who knew nothing about the country. The book abounds with neat descriptions of Ukrainian land- scapes, cities, family lives, fashion and leisure of Ukrainians in the mid-1990s which gives a reader a feeling of place. The author has lived in Ukraine for several years Mykhaylo Hluboky, a project coordinator of Izolyatsiya, a Donetsk non-profit platform for contemporary culture, gives and inserted many of her real an interview to the Kyiv Post in the former laboratory of the experiences in her novel. Kyiv Shipbuilding and Ship Repair plant on Aug. 22. Around In the 1990s Chandler used him hang the photos from an exhibition dedicated to Ukraine’s to work at an international aid Independence Day and called “The Birth of Ukraine” by Russian program in Kyiv and vividly photographer and journalist Victoria Ivleva. (Anastasia Vlasova) describes the country’s social and political situation as well as the people’s moods at those times. BY NATALIYA TRACH Russian-backed separatists seized A giant lipstick, an installation by money doesn’t allow Izolyatsiya to “The novel is based on a mix [email protected] the former insulation factory in Pascale Marthine Tayou dedicated operate at full capacity. of research, memories and imag- Donetsk where the art center was to the women of Donbas, was blown All of Izolyatsiya’s 15 employees ination,” she says. In June 2014, amid Russia’s mili- located since 2010 and destroyed up for fun, while other metal objects, are Donetsk natives, though some The book’s protagonist, tary invasion of eastern Ukraine, most of Izolyatsiya’s artworks. The including a metal deer figure, a sym- of them are blacklisted by Russia- Vanessa Parker, young and a bit a non-profit platform for contem- separatists have since turned the bol of industrial beauty, were likely backed separatists and have not naive, comes to Ukraine in 1994 porary culture was forced to leave former art center into their training scrapped, Hluboky said. been to Donetsk for two years now. as head of a British aid program. Donetsk and relocate to Kyiv. area, a prison and a storage site for Izolyatsuiya is owned and spon- Two years in exile have been fruit- Vanessa is full of enthusiasm and Since settling in Kyiv, Izolyatsiya weapons. sored by Liubov Mykhaylova, a busi- ful, nonetheless. has many ideas of how to help (Isolation) has become one of the Hluboky said Izolyatsiya’s portfolio nesswoman and daughter of the In 2015, Izolyatsiya launched people in a country that faced capital’s major cultural institutions, made it a target. It used to orga- last Soviet director of the Donetsk Izone, a creative space where any- hard times after the collapse of but its employees still dream of nize Ukrainian literature festivals in insulation factory that hosted the art one can attend workshops in photo, the Soviet Union – lots of state- returning to Donetsk when the war Donetsk and various cultural and center. While in Donetsk, Izolyatsiya silkscreen decoration or lithogra- run enterprises stopped operat- ends. educational projects that “did not fit accepted donations from local phy. This year alone, Izolyatsiya has ing and people stopped getting “We will return,” says Mykhaylo the separatists’ ideology,” according businesses – but never from Rinat already held seven art exhibitions. salaries and pensions while the Hluboky, Izolyatsiya’s project coor- to Hluboky. Akhmetov, the richest Ukrainian In September, Izolyatsiya will national currency was rapidly dinator, during a Kyiv Post interview “We were allowed to take only who hails from the Donbas. set up an interactive sculpture and depreciating. from the group’s new headquar- something flat – mainly paintings Now, it has to seek grants from the Still, lots of Vanessa’s plans ters – a former laboratory of Kyiv and photographs. Most of our collec- European Union and private dona- for Ukraine never came true for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair plant. tion of art was lost,” says Hluboky. tions. Hluboky says that the lack of more Art on page 13 many reasons including sluggish- ness of Ukrainian officials as well Advertising: +380 44 591-7788 [email protected] Editorial staff: +380 44 591-3344 [email protected] Subscriptions: +380 44 591-7788 [email protected] as the inefficiency of foreign aid programs in Ukraine back then. The novel offers a captivating Want to advertise in Lifestyle? look into the backstage of the foreign aid programs in Ukraine in the 1990s. Chandler describes the failures and the shortcom- Lebanese & European ings of the overseas aid pro- Cuisine grams in detail – including the corruption of Ukrainian officials Business Hr 72 who wanted to get rich by milk- lunch ing foreign donors, incompetent 11:00 - 16:00 Western experts, many of whom were more interested in the Reservation & Delivery Please call (+38) 044 591-7788 11 Yaroslav Val st., 124 Zhilyanskaya st., more Book on page 13 or mail [email protected] + 38 044 235 15 96 + 38 044 465 24 37 www.kyivpost.com September 2, 2016 Lifestyle 13

Small town in Chernihiv Oblast offers history, architecture

BY NATALIYA TRACH [email protected]

Sedniv, a cozy little town in Chernihiv Oblast on the pictur- esque banks of the Snov River, is rarely mentioned in the travel guides. And this is a bit unfair to Sedniv, as it is the place of dramatic history, stunning architecture and beautiful landscapes. Founded in the early 11th cen- tury, the town saw its peak in 16th – early 20th centuries when it was the family nest of the Lyzohubs, a Cossack dynasty. The history of this “The Road to Donetsk,” a novel about western aid to Ukraine in the family is closely interwoven with the 1990s by British author Diane Chandler has been awarded the People’s history of Ukraine. Book Prize for Fiction 2016, one of the most famous and prestigious The Lyzohubs took part in many literary competitions in the UK. (Anastasia Vlasova) historical battles, they influenced Ukraine’s political and econom- ic landscape for centuries till the beginning of the 20th century when Fedir Lyzohub, the family’s last Book Review: How representative, who was Ukraine’s A romantic pergola was built on the bank of the Snov River in early Prime Minister briefly in 1917, 19th century. The pergola was a part of the 22-hectar landscape park fled to Serbia after the Bolshevik that surrounded the Lyzohub family’s manor in Sedniv, Chernihiv British readers were Revolution. Oblast. (Dvdobraia) The memory of this glorious Church which is not far from the Yard) holiday cottage offers tradi- Cossack family now lives in sever- Kamyanytsya is also worth visiting. The tional Ukrainian cuisine – varenyky enchanted by novel al Sedniv buildings that form the ancient church has beautiful baroque (dumplings) with various stuffing, picturesque architectural ensemble architecture and for centuries was used Ukrainian beetroot soup borshch, in the center of the town. One as the Lyzohubs’ burial vault. salo (pork lard) with garlic, and a of those buildings, the one-domed Time did not spare the Lyzohub duck stuffed with apples. A dinner set in 1990s Ukraine wooden St. George Church, dates palace. Today it is a shabby and without drinks costs Hr 100 per back to the 16th century. It is built empty building. However, the aris- person on average. without a single nail in so-called tocratic balls and receptions of the The highlight of staying at the Book from page 12 ful and confident businesswomen. Cossack baroque style. Apart from past years echo within its walls. cottage is the eco-friendly accom- “I wanted to highlight some of the the unique architecture, the church The palace is surrounded by a modation – guests can sleep on the local strip clubs than giving actual problems and also some of the posi- is known as a filming location for landscape park. It was built during mattresses stuffed with fresh hay. advice and helping the country. Also tives,” Chandler says. “Viy” (1967), the first Soviet horror the 19th century as a one-storied The room costs Hr 200 per night. many foreign aid programs were not A beautiful love story of Vanessa movie and an adaptation of a story building with the oriel window in One may also take a horse- always well coordinated and dupli- and American Dan Mitchell, intro- by Mykola Gogol. The church is the center. After the Soviets came back-riding lesson here for Hr 150 cated each other back then. duced in the book as a deputy open daily from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. to power in 1919 the manor was per hour. For more information visit And yet not everything was so bad. bureau chief of the U.S. Agency Near the St. George church looted and the park was destroyed. www.koni.in.ua. Vanessa finds many devoted people, for International Development in there is a so-called Lyzohub’s Nowadays the Chernihiv Historical both Ukrainians and expats, whose Ukraine, eases the hard business Kamyanytsya, a white-stone 17th Museum allocates money for the How to get there hard work leads to real change for and social topics raised in the novel century house. Kamyanytsya is building’s restoration. By car. Take the E95 road from the better. and enriches the book with another believed to be the oldest stone One can order a guided English Kyiv to Chernihiv. From Chernihiv The main character reaches suc- catchy plot line. The novel holds the building in Sedniv. Its architec- language tour at www.sedniv.esy.es take road P13 to Sedniv. The drive cess with her aid programs in a reader’s curiosity until the last page. ture combines fortification features for Hr 200 for a group on weekends is around 170 kilometers and 2.5 village in Donetsk Oblast in eastern “The Road to Donetsk” can be and traditional Ukrainian berth’s only. It’s recommended to book a hours. Ukraine when Vanessa urges a group ordered on Amazon.com for $15. design – the building has four tour a week in advance. By bus. Take a Kyiv – Chernihiv of miners’ wives to take micro-credits Chandler is currently seeking a rooms while its exterior looks like bus from near Demiyanivska metro from her aid program fund to set up 2,000 euro donation to translate her a two-tier tower with merlons and Where to eat, sleep and station in Kyiv for Hr 174-188. Then their personal small businesses. Step book into Ukrainian and publish it in counterforts. entertain take an hourly bus from Chernihiv by step these ladies turn into success- Ukraine.  The Voskresenska (Resurrection) A café at the Kinniy Dvir (Horse to Sedniv for Hr 15. 

Izolyatsiya dreams of going home to Donetsk

Art from page 12 provoked a discussion about what Hluboky says that the modern should replace the demolished Ukrainian artistry is gaining more architecture installation by Irish monument. international attention. artists Brendan Jamison and Mark In 2015, Izolyatsiya made head- “I’d say that because of the war Revels called “Sugar Democracy” lines internationally when it staged people started to pay more attention that refers to the historic houses an art performance “On Vacation” to what has changed in Ukraine,” in Kyiv, many of which are built by at the Russian pavilion at the Venice Hluboky says. “It is very important the Tereshchenko family, the wealthy Biennale to mock Vladimir Putin’s for us to demonstrate to the West sugar magnates of the early 20th statements denying Russian military how Ukrainian artists see the events century. invasion into Ukraine’s Crimea in in their country.” Also in September, Izolyatsiya is March 2014. The platform keeps close ties with bringing 10 curators from around Back then, Putin described Russian the Donbas by organizing various the globe to meet local artists and camouflaged military personnel in art exhibitions and projects in the art collectors and get to know about Crimea as tourists vacationing in Kyiv-controlled cities of Sloviansk, modern Ukrainian art. Crimea and masquerading as the Kramatorsk and Mariupol in Donetsk The foundation’s events often military. The performance featured Oblast. cause a stir. a group of people handing out the “We organize cultural events there One of Izolyatsiya’s recent instal- military uniforms to Biennale visi- because culture should be a bridge lations was “Inhabiting Shadows,” a tors encouraging them to take selfies between the modern Ukraine and metal staircase installed over the in camouflage and post them on the Ukraine that we plan to rebuild French conceptual artist Daniel Buren works in Donetsk on his on-site plinth of the toppled Vladimir Lenin social media with the #onvacation in the east,” Hluboky says, after the installation for Izolyatsiya’s project “Where is the Time?” on Aug. 6, 2012. (Ruslan Semichev/Izolyatsiya) monument in the center of Kyiv. It hashtag. war.  14 Entertainment Guide September 2, 2016 www.kyivpost.com

Sept. 3-4 Sept. 18 (Volodymyr Petrov) (Volodymyr (Nick P) Martial Arts Festival

The masters of martial arts Capoeira, Taekwondo and Kyokushin Kaikan Karate will demonstrate their skills at a gathering in Nature Park. Designer market Martial Arts Festival. Sept. 18. 2 p.m. Feofaniya Nature Park (37 Academic Lebedev St.). Hr 50 Kyiv fashion designers will gather at the M17 Modern Art Center to sell clothes and accessories. The visitors on Fashion Air Days can also make use of services of professional stylists while shopping. Fashion Air Days. Sept. 10. 11 a.m. M17 Modern Art Center (102-104 Antonovycha St.). Hr 80 Sept. 10

Smooth (Charity Weekend) Outbreak (jazz)

Ukrainian jazz band Smooth Outbreak (pixabay.com) will present its new show. Apart from original songs, the show will include the works of world famous jazz musicians such as Brian Culbertson, Dave Koz, Marcus Johnson into their song list. Smooth Outbreak. Sept 5. 8 p.m. Caribbean Club Concert Hall (4 Symona Petlury St.). Hr 80-300 Charity Weekend Sept. 5 Ukrainian TV presenter Masha Efrosinina together with the team of professional fi tness and dance instructors will hold an outdoor workout session to raise Hr 1 million needed to buy ultrasound equipment for the children’s reanimation department at the Mykola Amosov Healthcare Institute in Kyiv. Charity Weekend. Sept. 3-4. 2 p.m. Sky Family Park (2 Vatutina Ave.). Hr 100-200 Sept. 5

(UNIAN) Sept. 2-14 (Courtesy)

‘Captain Fantastic’ (in English)

“Captain Fantastic” is a family drama about a dad who taught his kids Ukraine vs. Iceland (fan zone) everything except how to deal with modern society. The fi lm, starring Viggo Mortensen, won the “Best Directing” award at the Cannes Ukraine’s national soccer team will play its fi rst game in the selection for the 2018 World Championship with Iceland International Film Festival in 2016. in Kyiv on Sept. 5. No fans will be allowed into the stadium due to a FIFA sanction caused by the demonstration of the “Captain Fantastic.” Sept. 2-14. 4:50 p.m and 9 p.m. Zhovten (26 Nazi symbols by the Ukrainian soccer fans in a 2013 game with San Marino. But the fans are given an alternative – a Kostyantynivska St.). Hr 40-80 fan zone near the stadium, where they can watch the game and enjoy the show by the Ukrainian hip-hop band TNMK. Ukraine vs. Iceland (fan zone). Sept. 5. 7 p.m. Olympiyskiy Stadium (Troitska Square). Hr 40 Compiled by Veronika Melkozerova www.kyivpost.com September 2, 2016 Employment/Tenders 15

A Project funded by the European Union

SUPPORT FOR THE HARMONISATION OF THE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT Pact seeks a Senior Program Manager for an anticipated USAID-funded civil society SYSTEM IN UKRAINE WITH EU STANDARDS VXSSRUWSURMHFWLPSOHPHQWHGE\3DFW8NUDLQH&RXQWU\2IˋFH The EU funded Project: “Harmonisation of Public Procurement System in Ukraine with EU Standards” has operated in Ukraine since 2013 and is being Senior Program Manager (SPM) provides mentoring to CSOs in leadership, constitu- led by Crown Agents Ltd. The Project provides support for the reform of public ency building and communications; integrates program elements, adapting design procurement regulation and operations in Ukraine in line with EU standards. based on lessons learned; oversees quality of capacity development and activities #VǾVJKUUVCIGVJG2TQLGEVYKUJGUVQTGETWKV The National Democratic GLUHFWO\LPSOHPHQWHGE\3DFW7KH630DVVLVWVWKH&23DQG'&23LQSURJUDPTXDO Institute for International Affairs (A) JUNIOR EXPERT – Public Procurement (Ref: UAE 3) ity assurance of grant activities; in development of key program documentation (NDI) KUCPQPRTQƒVQTICPK\CVKQP and deliverables including implementation plans, monitoring and evaluation plan, The Project is seeking an enthusiastic Junior Expert to assist the Project Team working to strengthen in a range of operational areas related to the core business of the Project in UHSRUWVDQGRWKHUOHDUQLQJGRFXPHQWV7KH630VXSHUYLVHVSURMHFWSHUVRQQHOFRQ democracy worldwide. CFXCPEKPITGHQTOUKPVJGƒGNFQHRWDNKERTQEWTGOGPVKPNKPGYKVJ'7UVCPFCTFU VXOWDQWVDQGRWKHUSHUVRQQHODVDVVLJQHG NDI-Ukraine is currently seeking The successful candidate will work within the Project Team to ensure the timely a Regional Program Coordinator Education and Experience Requirements: delivery of operational results, the implementation of Project activities and for its Women’s Political URGEKƒECUUKIPOGPVUKPENWFKPITGUGCTEJ • Master degree in law, international development, political science, Participation Program, who will Candidates are required to have a higher education diploma in law, economics SXEOLFSROLF\VRFLRORJ\RUUHODWHGˋHOG be based in Dnipro. QTCPQVJGTFKUEKRNKPGTGNCVGFVQVJGYQTMƒGNFUQHVJG2TQLGEVCOKPKOWOQH Interested applicants should • At least 3-years’ experience in managing donor-funded programs; VJTGG[GCTURTQHGUUKQPCNGZRGTKGPEGHWNNRTQƒEKGPE[KP'PINKUJCPF7MTCKPKCP submit CVs and motivation • At least 5-years of experience in public interest legal advocacy, civil languages, a good knowledge of EU/Ukrainian relations and at least a basic knowledge of the Ukrainian public procurement system. Preference will be given letters in English by email to the VRFLHW\FDSDFLW\GHYHORSPHQWFRDOLWLRQEXLOGLQJFRQˌLFWPLWLJDWLRQRU to candidates who can demonstrate a substantial knowledge of one or more of following email address: VLPLODUˋHOGV VJGUGƒGNFU [email protected]. • Knowledge and experience of US Government rules and regulations; (B) PROJECT MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT (Ref: PMA 1) Deadline: • Experience in designing and implementing civil society assistance The Project Management Assistant will work closely with the Project Manager programs; The deadline for the KPMG[CTGCUKPENWFKPIQTICPKUCVKQPRNCPPKPIƒPCPEGRGTUQPPGNCPFNQIKUVKEU submission of the required • Demonstrated leadership and management skills related to Candidates should be proven self-starters with a relevant higher education documents is by close of program management; SWCNKƒECVKQPTGNGXCPVRTGXKQWUGZRGTKGPEGRTGHGTCDN[CURCTVQHCPKPVGTPCVKQPCN business on team or organisation and full fluency in English and Ukrainian/ or Russian. • Demonstrated understanding of cultural sensitivity principles and September 14, 2016. ability to maintain unbiased relationships with various stakeholders; Application details Only selected candidates will • 'HPRQVWUDWHGDELOLW\WRWKLQNVWUDWHJLFDOO\ To apply please send a CV in EU format (downloadable from be invited for written and oral http://eupublicprocurement.org.ua/vacancy.html?lang=en) with details of three tests and an interview professional references (or details of references from each employer if less on September 21-22. To Apply:3OHDVHVHQG\RXU&9DQGFRYHUOHWWHUWRMREV#SDFWRUJXDDQGSXWȤ6HQLRU than three) along with a letter of interest (and quoting the relevant job reference Full text of the advertisement Program Manager” in the subject by September 14, 2016. Short-listed candidates as above) to [email protected] by 9 September 2016. Only will be invited for interview. short listed candidates will be contacted. can be viewed here.


Business assistance Assistant to a foreign businessman QT CǾ EQORCP[ UGVVKPI WR DWUKPGUU KP 7MTCKPG RTQXKFKPI OCTMGVKPI TGUGCTEJ KPHQTOCVKQPVTCPUNCVKQP 'PINKUJ4WUUKCP  QH FQEWOGPVU PGIQVKCVKQPU YGDUKVGU -PQYNGFIG QH )GTOCP 2TQOQVKQP QH CǾEQORCP[CPFKVURTQFWEVUCVGZJKDKVKQPU 'ZEGNNGPV EQOOWPKECVKQP UMKNNU DWUKPGUU National open tender for procurement CPFTGUWNVQTKGPVGFOGGVKPIFGCFNKPGU QHǾOGFKECNGSWKROGPVJQWUGJQNFGSWKROGPV Natalia and medical consumables +38-098-293-38-33 [email protected] Tender Reference N: KOS/PR/16/16052-1/022 The Kyiv Post is looking to hire Première Urgence Internationale intends to award a purchase contract for: MULTIPLE POSITIONS AVAILABLE: • Procurement of medical equipment, household equipment and medical )NQDCN%QOOWPKVKGUKUUGGMKPISWCNKƒGF news reporters consumables. CPFǾGZRGTKGPEGFRGTUQPPGNHQTVJGƒXG[GCT With financial assistance from European Commission Humanitarian USAID-funded Decentralization Offering Better Office – DG ECHO 4GUWNVUCPF'HƒEKGPE[ &1$4' RTQLGEV We are looking for people who: This project will strengthen local governments The tender documentation can be received from PUI Office, in newly consolidated communities to • have aggressive, competitive instincts and see the big picture; 34, apt. 2 Gorkogo/Antonovicha st, 1st floor, Kiev, Ukraine, effectively manage resources and services •   b  ïN + 380 50 337 40 23 that respond to community priorities and • can work in a fast-paced, deadline-oriented environment. + 380 63 314 71 81 improve citizen engagement and oversight in local governance. Fluency in English, Russian and Ukraine is a must. [email protected] Open positions are available: Send CV, three story ideas and three writing samples to: The tender documentation can be received from 29th August 2016 until 23rd YYYM[KXRQUVEQORC[OGPVXCECPE[ 5GRVGODGTFWTKPIYQTMFC[UHTQOVQCV27+QHƒEG6JGQHHGTU Full job descriptions can be found at Brian Bonner, chief editor, [email protected] must be submitted on before 23rd September 2016 17:00. YYYINQDCNEQOOWPKVKGUQTIECTGGTU

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