Fauna Distribution Modelling for Cape York Peninsula
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NATURAL RESOURCES ANALYSIS PROGRAM m) FAUNA DISTRIBUTION MODELLING FOR CAPE YORK PENINSULA D. G. Glasco, M.P. Bolton and A.J. Bryett Environmental Resources information Network Department of the Enviro~iment,Sport and Territories 1995 . .a CYPLUS is a joint initiative of the Queensland and Commonwealth Governments CAPE YORK PENINSULA LAND USE STRATEGY (CYPLUS) Natural Resources Analysis Program FAUNA DISTRIBUTION MODELLING FOR CAPE YORK PENINSULA D.G. Glasco, M.P. Bolton and A.J. Bryett Environmental Resources Information Network Department of the Environment, Sport and Territories 1995 CYPLUS is a joint initiative of the Queensland and Commonwealth Governments Final report on project: NR19 - FAUNA DISTRIBUTION MODELLING Recommended citation: Glasco, D.G., Bolton, M.P. and Bryett, A.J. (1995). 'Fauna Distribution Modelling for Cape York Peninsula'. (Cape York Peninsula Land Use Strategy, Office of €he Co- ordinator General of Queensland, Brisbane, Department of the Environment, Sport and Territories, Canberra.) Note: Due to the timing of publication, reports on other CYPLUS projects may not be fully cited in the REFERENCES section. However, they should be able to be located by author, agency or subject. ISBN 0 7242 6215 6 @ The State of Queensland and Commonwealth of Australia 1995. Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any means without the prior written permission of the Office of the Co-ordinator General of Queensland and the Australian Government Publishing Service. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to: Office of the Co-ordinator General, Government of Queensland PO Box 185 BIUSBANE ALBERT STREET Q 4002 The Manager, Commonwealth Information Services GPO Box 84 CANBERRA ACT 2601 CAPE YORK PENINSULA LAND USE STRATEGY STAGE I PREZ'ACE TO PROJECT REPORTS Cape York Peninsula Land Use Strategy (CYPLUS) is an initiative to provide a basis for public participation in planning for the ecologically sustainable development of Cape York Peninsula. It is jointly funded by the Queensland and Commonwealth Governments and is being carried out in three stages: Stage I - information gathering; Stage I1 - development of principles, policies and processes; and Stage III - implementation and review. The project dealt with in this report is a part of Stage I of CYPLUS. The main components of Stage I of CYPLUS consist of two data collection programs, the development of a Geographic Information System (GIs) and the establishment of processes for public participation. The data collection and collation work was conducted within two broad programs, the Natural Resources Analysis Program (NRAP) and the Land Use Program (LW). The project reported on here forms part of one of these programs. The objectives of NRAP were to collect and interpret base data on the natural resources of Cape York Peninsula to provide input to: evaluation of the potential of those resources for a range of activities related to the use and management of land in line with economic, environmental and social values; and formulation of the land use policies, principles and processes of CYPLUS. Projects examining both physical and biological resources were included in NRAP together with Geographic Information System (GIs) projects. NRAP projects are listed in the following Table. I Physical Resource/GIS Projects Biological Resource Projects Bedrock geological data - digitising and Vegetation mapping (NRO1) integration m05) Airborne geophysical survey (NR15) Marine plant (seagrass/mangrove) distribution (NR06) Coastal environment geoscience survey Insect fauna survey (NR17) (NR14) Mineral resource inventory (NRM) Fish fauna survey (NR10) Water resource investigation (groundwater) Terrestrial vertebrate fauna survey (NR03) W16) Regolith terrain mapping (NR12) Wetland fauna survey (NRO9) 1 Physical ResourcelGIS Projects Biological Resource Projects Land resource inventory (NR02) Flora data and modelling (NR18) Environmental region analysis (NR11) Fauna distribution modelling (NR19) CYPLUS data into NRIC database FINDAR Golden-shouldered parrot conservation mo) management (NR2 1) Queensland GIs dev$lopment and maintenance (NRO8) * These projects are accumulating and storing all Stage I data that is submitted in GIs compatible formats. Research priorities for the LUP were set through the public participation process with the objectives of: collecting information on a wide range of social, cultural, economic and environmental issues relevant to Cape York Peninsula; and highlighting interactions between people, land (resource use) and nature sectors. Projects were undertaken within these sector areas and are listed in the following Table. People Projects Land Projects Nature Projects Population Current land use Surface water resources Tmnsport services and Land tenure Fire infrastructure Values, needs and aspirations Indigenous management of land Feral and pest animals and sea Services and idmstructure Pastoral industry weeds Economic assessment Primary industries (non-pastoral, Land degradation and soil non-forestry) erosion Secondary and tertiary industries Forest resources Conservation and natural heritage assessment Traditional activities Commercial and non commercial Conservation and National Park fisheries management Current administrative structures Mineral resource potential and mining industry Tourism industry TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents 1 List of Figures, Tables, Maps and Appendices iii Abbreviations iv Executive Summary vii 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Preamble 1.2 Aims of Project 2.0 Methods 2.1 Overview of Methods 2.2 Collation 2.2.1 Identification 2.2.2 EvaluatiodNegotitation 2.2.3 Specification 2.2.4 Conversion/databasing 2.2.5 Supply to ERIN 2.2.6 Feedback to Custodian Taxon Listing Integration 2.4.1 Duplication control Packaging 2.5.1 Database design 2.5.2 Database building 2.5.3 Data documentation 2.5.4 Additional (value added) data 2.5.5 Data extraction and GIs tools 2.5.6 System documentation Analysis 2.6.1 Species distribution modelling at ERIN 3.0 Results 3.1 Data acquisition 3.1.1 Identified datasets 3.1.2 Acquired datasets 3.1.3 Excluded datasets 3.2 Metadata documentation on source datasets 3.3 Value-adding and packaging 3.3.1 Geocode data validation 3-3.2 Applied categories 3.3.3 Data extraction and GIs tools 3.4 Summary of consolidated CYP fauna dataset 3.4.1 Dataset summaries 3.4.2 Taxonomic and spatial summaries of consolidated database 3.4.3 Temporal extent of consolidated database 3.5 Species distribution mapping 3.6 Analyses 3.6.1 Species diversity 3.6.2 Distribution modelling 4.0 Discussion 4.1 Data Compilation 4.1.1 General discussion 4.1.2 Excluded datasets 4.1.3 Data quality 4.1.4 Value-added data 4.1.5 CYPLUS Flora & Fauna GIs 4.1.6 Database summaries 4.2 Data availability and restrictions 4.3 Analyses 4.2.1 Species distributions 4.2.2 Species modelling 4.4 Potential Uses in CYPLUS LUP and Stage 2 4.4.1 CYPLUS Land Use Program 4.4.2 CYPLUS Stage 2 4.5 Significance of results 4.5.1 Evaluation against objectives 4.5.2 Methodological advances 4.5.3 General community benefits 5.0 Acknowledgements 6.0 Bibliography LIST OF FIGURES, TABLES, MAPS AND APPENDICES List of Figures Figure 1 Overview scheme for production of fauna component of CYPLUS GIs List of Tables Table 1 Institutions with CYP Fauna Data Table 2 Summary species counts by class Table 3 Summary counts for orders Table 4 Temporal extent of CYP vertebrate records supplied to the CYPLUS GIs List of Maps Map 1 Amphibian records of CYPLUS Study Area Map 2 Reptile records of CYPLUS Study Area Map 3 Mammal records of CYPLUS Study Area Map 4 Bird records of CYPLUS Study Area Map 5 Terrestrial vertebrate records &om CYP Map 6 Insect specimen records from CYP Map 7 Endemic mammals of CYP (after page) Map 8 Endemic mammals of CYP (after page) Map 9 Lates calcifr (l3arrarnundi) freshwater penetration (after page) Map 10 Onthophagus consenfaneus(dung beetle) predicted range (after page) Map 11 Coptodactyla rnonstrosa (dung beetle) predicted range (after page) Map 12 Golden-shouldered Parrot predicted habitats (after page) List of Appendices Appendix I Metadata Report of Fauna Datasets included in CYPLUS GIs Appendix II Fauna Species of Cape York Peninsula ABBREVIATIONS AHC Australian Heritage Commission AM Australian Museum, Sydney AMNH American Museum of Natural History, New York ANCA Australian Nature Conservation Agency ANIC CSIRO Australian National Insect Collection ANPWS Australian National Parks and Wddlife Service (now ANCA) ANUZ Australian National University Zoology Department ANWC CSIRO Australian National Wildlife Collection BMNH Natural History Museum, London CAS California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, USA CCNT Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation CYP Cape York Peninsula CYPLUS Cape York Peninsula Land Use Strategy DDC Data Dictionary and Catalogue DD&C Data Dictionary and Catalogue DPIM Department of Primary Industries, Mareeba, Queensland DPIQ Department of Primary Industry, Queensland DWE Division of Wildlife and Ecology (of CSIRO) ERIN Environmental Resources Information Network ENS Environmental Resources Information System FMNH Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago GIs Geographic Information System(s) IMVS Institute of Medical and Veterinary Sciences, Melbourne KU University of Kansas Museum of Natural History JCT James Cook University of North Queensland, Townsville