Memorandum 24 January 2020 To: Auckland Council Planning Committee. From: Jacques Victor, General Manager, Auckland Plan Strategy and Research Subject: Auckland Council submission on Waikato District Growth and Economic Development Strategy – Waikato 2070 Contact
[email protected] or
[email protected] information: Purpose • To inform all elected members of Auckland Council’s submission on the draft Growth and Economic Development Strategy for Waikato District, Waikato 2070. Summary • On 13 November 2019 Waikato District Council published its draft Growth and Economic Development Strategy, Waikato 2070. Submissions close on 24 January 2020 • Council staff have prepared a submission on the Strategy, which is attached to this memo. • The submission has been approved under delegated authority by the Deputy Mayor and Chair of the Planning Committee, as per the earlier memo circulated 12 December 2019. The approved submission was forwarded to Waikato District Council on 24 January 2020. • Council’s submission is focused on areas of the Strategy where additional information could be included to provide greater clarity and reduce uncertainty, thereby improving alignment between delivery agencies. Context • The draft Growth and Economic Development Strategy, Waikato 2070 takes an integrated approach to planning for future growth in the Waikato District by addressing economic and community development focus areas together with future land use and infrastructure planning. • A copy of the Strategy is attached as Attachment A. • The Strategy will help to deliver on Waikato District’s contribution to the region’s Future Proof Growth Strategy and spatial plans developed through the Hamilton to Auckland Corridor Plan. • The Strategy includes a development plan for each settlement in the district outlining the location of future growth areas and the indicative uses.