Leffingwell Record : a Genealogy of the Descendants Of
mm? &'*--Mi ^ ; ^»> i^L cAT? csii.Lvh?> \ is: M IMP » rifeTV -s^ / < •n 1> A i Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Public Library http://www.archive.org/details/leffingwellrecorOOIeff P <a Q bn 11 "u 3 bn < = in J O iJ 1637-1897 The Leffingwell Record §, €>c»ral«5»i of the §tmn&mt# LIEUT. THOMAS LEFFINGWELL ONE OF THE FOUNDERS OF NORWICH, CONN. ALBERT LEFFINGWELL, M.D. LIFE MEMBER OF THE LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY, AUTHOR OF " RAMBLES IN JAPAN,' " THE INFLUENCE OF SEASONS UPON CONDUCT," " VIVISECTION IN AMERICA," ETC. AND CHARLES WESLEY LEFFINGWELL, D.D. RECTOR OF ST. MARY'S SCHOOL, KNOXVILLE, ILL., AND EDITOR OF " THE LIVING CHURCH, CHICAGO, ILL. AURORA, NEW YORK : LEFFINGWELL PUBLISHING COMPANY 1897 • ' g ~ D ®i\ tA /? 6 r I) '^ •*> 4 t £$ / 7%/j edition of The Leffingwell Record having been largely subscribed for in advance, only a limited number of copies will remain for sale after January, i8g8. The price of the work, for a short period, will be ten dollars. Application may be made to either of the Editors ; to Dr. Albert Leffingwell, Aurora, Cayuga Co., New York; to Charles W. Leffingwell, D.D., St. Mary's School, Knoxville, III., or to the publishers : The Leffingwell Publishing Co., AURORA, NEW YORK. Copyright, 1897 BY ALBERT LEFFINGWELL THE TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR PRESS, NEW HAVEN, CONN. ; PREFACE. The Leffingwell Record has a somewhat eventful history. Nearly thirty years since, the late Rev. E. B. Huntington began the collection of memoranda regarding the posterity of our common ancestor, Thomas Leffingwell.
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