The Leffingwell Record
The Leffingwell Record OF LIEUT. THOMAS LEFFINGWELL ONE OF THE FOUNDERS OF NORWICH, CONN. BY ALBERT LEFFINGWELL, M.D. LIFE MEMBER OF THE LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY, AUTHOR OF "RAMBLES IN JAPAN," "THE INFLUENCE OF SEASONS UPON CONDUCT," "VIVISECTION IN AMERICA," ETC, AND CHARLES WESLEY LEFFINGWELL, D.D. RECTOR OF ST, MARY'S SCHOOL, KNOXVILLE, ILL,, AND EDITOR OF "THE LIVING CHURCH," CHICAGO, ILL, AURORA, NEW YORK : LEFFINGWELL PUBLISHING COMPANY 1897 This edition of THE LEFFINGWELL RECORD having been largely subscribed for in advance, only a limited number of copies will remain for sale after January, z898. The price of the work, for a short period, will be ten dollars. Application may be made to either of the Editors.,· to .Dr. Albert Leffingwell, Aurora, Cayuga Co., New York.,· to Charles W. Leffingwell, D.D., St. Mary's School, Knoxville, Ill., or to the publt'shers: THE LEFFINGWELL PUBLISHING CO., AURORA, NEW YORK. COPYRIGRT, 1897 BY ALBERT LEFFINGWELL THE TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE a: TAYLOR PRESS, NEW HAVEN, CONN, 1 ST, MARY'S SCHOOL, KNOXVILLE, ILL. A School for Girls; A College for Young Women. ,·nuodod in '"" by Ro,. Cba,Jos Wesley /~filngw,n, D.D., <he P'<~nt Recto, ,oa """gee, ,,.,,. PREFACE. THE LEFFINGWELL RECORD has a somewhat eventful history. Nearly thirty years since, the late Rev. E. B. Huntington began the collection of memoranda regarding the posterity of our common ancestor, Thomas Leffingwell. The work seems to have made but slow progress, yet it would un doubtedly have been published many years since, had not the author been struck down by apoplexy in 1877.
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