MUSIC PROGRAMME Ladyfest Brighton 119-19919---23232323rrddrd OOctoberctober 2005

WEDNESDAY 19th O C T O B ER Sussex Arts Club, 7 Ship Street, Brighton (01273 778020)

D oors: 7.30pm £7/5 (£4 w ith w /e pass)

Probably the hottest fem ale hip hop artist in the UK right now . Like her partner-in-rhym e Q Boy, she w as one of the original m em bers of the gay hip-hop collective Q -Fam . Get ready to succum b to her sassy lesbian rhym es w ith killer soulful harm onies. Support com es from beatboxing duo Bunty

V s Chicken Shit and local rappers My Plan B MZ FON T AIN E w w w .m

PrePrePre-Pre---salesale tickets for this event are available from : Ladyfest Brighton (w w w, Edgew orld (01273 325 440), Rounder (01273 628 262) and Resident (01273 606 312)

T H U R SDAY 2 0 th O C T O B ER St. And rew s Church, W aterloo Street, H ove

D oors: 7.30pm £3/2 (free w ith w ristba nd /inv ite)

Based in Brighton, Lianne H all has been w riting and perform ing songs for just over ten years. H er diverse career ranges from all- MMUSICUSIC FOR ON E fem ale jazz/punk group W itchknot through to the studio based electronica of Pico and her solo w ork. H er songs are intim ate folk affairs tinted w ith dark m oods w hich she w hispers in her unique pure tim bre.

Music for One is Sherry, a guitar or tw o and a barrage of effects. Soulful and abrasive, her m usic shines through in this age of loops and tricks.

LIANLIAN N E H ALL Plus: Bluesey/ rare records set from V ictoria Y eulet

w w w w w w .m

F R IDAY 2 1st O C T O B ER T he Core Club, 12-15 K ings R oa d , Brighton (01273 32684 8)

D oors: 7.30pm -2pm £7/6 (free w ith w ristband )

PART Y LIN E (exxx---Bratm obile, USA)

Partying and politics, im possible??? It could take 5 m inutes, or 5 seconds, for Partyline to convince the sceptics elsew ise! T hrashing vigilantly against boredom , the Bush regim e and body control, girls w ith glasses, they'll squash you like a bug! Partyline ladies, w elcom e to Brighton, w e’ve been expecting you!

Girls w ith glasses EP available now on Retard D isco! (+ T our EP w ith Spider and the W ebs on Local K id records) w w w w w w

JEN N Y W ILSON (((First(First Floor Pow er, Sw eden)Sweden)

For som e of us, Jenny’s album Love and Youth is already up there in our top ten favourites of 2005, although it has not yet been released in the UK (w atch out for it in early 2006). T he songs, perfect pop jew els w hich she w rote, produced and played on her ow n, carry a sense of urgency, hope and Jenny’s ow n brand of bittersw eet hum our. Rem em bering school days, falling in love, w andering the streets just for the hell of it… Jenny w ill com e to Brighton w ith her sister Sara to present these songs for the first tim e in the UK . w w w .jennyw

D ragularagulaDragula Q ueer-gore on the dancefloor

D JS: Ovary Action (N orw ay)

Babes in Boyland (France)

T he CoreyThe Corey ---O’sO’sO’s T he Corey Orbison’s in their ow n w ords: “pure-heart-stop-start-noise-nik trio, born from the craving of young hearts and a fervour for connection in a cold, cold w orld”. w w w .m /coreyorbison

Y uchiYuchiuchi T hese Brighton based kids have gone back to their nineties indie roots w ith a noisy tw ist (think Superchunk, Pavem ent), som ething fresh in the days of punk funk! Y uchi’s ace rhythm section w ith tw isted grooves w ill be hijacked by som e of the Ladyfesteuses, if w e get our arse into gear in tim e! In any case, think Y uchiYuchiYuchiYuchi! w w w

SATU R DAY 22nd O C TO B ER T he Sa llis Benney T hea tre, U niv ersity of Brighton, G rand P arad e, Brighton (01273 64 3010)

D oors: 8.00-12pm £10/9 (free w ith w ristband )

ELECT RELAN E T heir live perform ances balance tight arrangem ents and m om ents of im provisation, always w ith an intensity w hich reaches for these pure m om ents of euphoria tinted w ith sadness. w w w

AAFRIRAMPOFRIRAMPO (Japan) Meet Oni and Pika from Osaka, Japan. T he duet drum s, guitars, shouts and breathes freedom . Afriram po m eans naked in the Osaka language and these young ladies bare their soul on stage w ith furious sonic experim entations. w w w .afriram

T heThehe Polly Shang K uan Band T his Brighton based band is always a surprise, changing line-ups, changing instrum ents (or w hat they chose to be instrum ents) and m aking uncom prom ising noise. K aren, Caroline and Maya form the core of the band, sw itching from drum kit to tape m achine, som etim es even record players or pieces of m etal banged w ith an axe.

Fake V ALERIE action T his is Jo and Elvis from the fantastic V alerie together w ith Ingvild from Scandinavian Riot grrl band Fake. w w w

PrePrePre-Pre---salesale ticksale ticketstickets for this event available from :

Ladyfest Brighton (w w w Edgew orld (01273 325 440) Rounder (01273 628 262) Resident (01273 606 312) Below : Spider & the W ebs, H elen McCookerybook, SU NDAY 2 3 rd O C T O B ER Bat for Lashes, W et D og T he E ngine R oom s, 12-15 K ings R oad (01273 7289 9 9 )

D oors: 1pm -10.30pm £7/6 (free w ith w ristba nd )

T H E EN GINE ROOMSE ROOMS all all----dayerdayerdayerdayer::::

(w ith stalls, distros, zines, cakes, and ‘Sew laroids’)

Spider and the W ebs (ex-(ex---BikiniBikini K ill, USA) H ard to talk about Olym pia activist T obi V ail w ithout m entioning the riot grrrlz, but freshen up and be ready for som ething else. Spider and the W ebs sees Ms V ail associate w ith Chris Sutton (D ub N arcotic Sound System ) and Jam es Maeda for som e ecstatic psychedelic punk affair! w w w .m /spiderandthew ebs

Ill Ease (USA) "A lot of the songs are negative, dark characters or alter egos that I'm exorcising. Music is just a cathartic experience." w w w

Bat for Lashes T his girl has bats for lashes. N atasha K han has been one of the m usical revelations around Brighton in 2005. Som ew here in betw een Bjork and PJ H arvey, her intense and enigm atic songs get you spellbound. w w w

Caroline Martin Caroline w eaves tales in a know ing and subtle w ay, cutting through the usual singer-songw riter nonsense w ith exposed lyrics and a startlingly direct delivery. w w w .sm

Pool Cleaner An im provised project w ith strings, guitar and vitriol.

Bela Em erson Brighton’s finest cello diva, Bela is a true perform er, constantly striving to push the boundaries of this traditional instrum ent. w w w

V ale Poher (France) V ale (pronounce valé) is French but sings in English. W here a lullaby turns into a dow nw ard spiral of anger and despair w w w

H elen McCookerybook H elen has been around m aking m usic since the late seventies. After an excursion in punk w ith the Chefs, H elen and the H orns w as born. T hey w ere a strange m elange of jazz and country w estern w here H elen, a psychedelic D oris D ay, fronted and w rote the songs. H ere she perform s solo.

T he Alsatians Grace m ay have a troubled child. H er songs, w hispered one m om ent, then sw irling into a turm oil of distortion, are dark soul searching adventures.

Con Mun Gos Stoner rock. W here other fem ale fronted hardcore bands rely on squeals or w hines, Gill and Missy Em ’s vocals rem ain m inim al and androgynous. w w w .m /conm ungos

W et D og (m inus one) Minim al punk clatter w ith tunes (early Fall, Au Pairs)- W et D og take their hypnotic scratchy grooves to Ladyfest Brighton as a tw o piece w etdogm usic@ gm

Ray Rum ours Ray Rum ours (T he Battys, Lesbo Pig, Electrelane, Sisisi Sisisi Sisi) has m any m usical talents, is a bit shy and likes drinking tea. H er songs last only for a m om ent like shooting stars. She w ill perform her songs w ith friends just for you. rayrum ours@ hotm

T he C andy B ar After-Show P arty

129 St Ja m es‘s Street, Brighton (01273 6224 24 ) 10pm -2am £5/4 (free to w ristband s)

SSMARTMART Y PAN T S W hat happens w hen a T H EORET ICAL GIRL In Sm artypants’ w orld, the library lady enam oured w ith no w ave and post punk w ants to do it turns a place of steam y eroticism , her ow n w ay? She becom es the T heoretical Girl. Energetic and the dancefloor becom es a m usic, slightly electro and m aybe robotic, the girl seem s pressure cooker w here it’s do-or-die. unreal w w w w w w .m /sm artypantsdisco BLOODBLOOD RED SH OES T his is Laura-Mary from London band Lady Muck and Steven from Brighton's Cat On Form . T he duo takes on the stage w ith an energy so fierce it could lead Red Bull to bankruptcy. Im m ediate gratification through hip shaking punk disco aw aits you! w w w .catonform

D AUGH T ERS OF KAOS (Club Motherfucker, Potty Mouth) Beck and Z ena are the D aughters of the K aos. T he D J duo has been turning the London queer club scene on its head for the last tw o years w ith Club Motherfucker and Pottym outh. Expect som e m ischief. w w w .clubm

WORKSHOP PROG RA M M E 21-23rd October 2005

FRID A Y 21st OC T OB ER 2005

B righton Women's C entre B asement, B righthelm C entre, N orth Road, B righton, (01273 749567)

10.00am-11.30am RELA T ION SHIP ST YLES A w orkshop providing a space to explore different types of relationships, e.g. open relationships, monogamy, and polyfidelity. We'll discuss definitions and issues such as safety, boundaries, jealously, communication, intimacy, political theories, kids, etc. Facilitated by members of the Brighton Women's Health C ollective

11.30am-1.00pm Q U EERIN G U P FEM IN ISM A slide show from Q ueeruption and Ladyfest B erlin, follow ed by a discussion of experiences & strategies in queer and feminist spaces (both good and bad). Reflections, fun and ideas w anted! Faciliatated by A ndrea Kuhnke, a queer/feminist activist from B erlin

1.00pm-2pm LU N C H C heap & delicious vegan food served up by the A narchist T ea-pot collective

2.30pm-4.30pm WOM EN A N D M EN T A L HEA LT H A significant proportion of w omen experience some form of mental health difficultly in their lifetime. T he purpose of this w orkshop is to look at the effect that mental health issues can have on an individuals’ self esteem and self image, e.g. a sense of failure, fear of rejection, a lack of trust in oneself. T he aim of the w orkshop is to be pro-self-acceptance through positivity and supportive discussion. Facilitated by E mma C orbett-A shby.

T he Peace and E nvironment C entre 39-41 Surrey Street, B righton, (01273 766610)

10.00am-11.30am D EA LIN G WIT H ST REET HA RRA SSM EN T T his w orkshop w ill look at verbal strategies and responses for dealing confidently w ith street harassment in all its forms.

11.45-1.00pm B A SIC IN T RO T O FEM IN IST D .I.Y. HEA LT H Exploring the history of the w omen's health movement and re-defining ideas around health and sexuality. A lso looking at the politics if the menstrual cycle, 'PM S' and the toxic 'feminine' hygiene industry. Facilitated by members of the B righton Women's Health C ollective.

2.00pm-3.30pm B ISEX U A LIT Y: Sit on the fence and admire the view Where are you placed if you identify as neither hetero nor homosexual? How does bisexuality relate to these 'scenes'? What's bisexuality's relationship to Q ueer? A w orkshop and discussion session draw ing on experiences, life stories, and theory. A ll w elcome, w hether bi-idenitifed or

7 not. Facilitated by B righton B othw ays committee member and Ladyfest organiser C amel G upta. BAN D PHOTOG RAPHYYYY A n introduction to taking photos at live music events, including technical and practical aspects. Please bring a gig photo that you like- it can be your ow n or from a magazine. N o camera necessary. Places are limited so please book in advance by emailing w orkshoplfb@ Facilitated by professional band photographer B ec C halkley.


T he C ow ley C lub 12 London Road, B righton (01273 696104)

11.00am11.00am11.00am-11.00am---12.30pm12.30pm12.30pm12.30pm CLASS BACKG ROU N D S: Where & w hat feels like 'home' A discussion session primarily for w omen from w orking class backgrounds, but open to anyone w ho is confused or affected by class issues. We w ill discuss our backgrounds and current experiences, and look at ideas of family, home, mobility, shame, pride, class guilt, and class prejudice. Facilitated by Ladyfest organiser, Red C hidgey.

11.0011.0011.00-11.00---1.00pm1.00pm1.00pm1.00pm COM PU TER M U SIC PROD U CTION : Programming B eats/Sequencing U sing the popular and easy to use 'Reason' softw are, this w orkshop w ill show you the basic tools for all beat-based electronic music. Faciliated by Sherry Ostapovitch (freelance studio sound engineer, M usic for One) and Iris G arrelfs (emotive, improvised glitch-tech music w ith band Spraw l). LULUNCH N C HLU H C heap & delicious vegan food served up by the A narchist T ea-pot collective COM PU TER M U SIC PROD U CTION : Recording A udio A n introduction to recording your voice or guitar (or anything else for that matter) into the computer. With the help of the freely available 'Audacity', you w ill gain an understanding of the basic issues around digital recording and editing. Facilitated by Sherry Ostapovitch and Iris G arrelfs. C onfronting White Privilege A discussion-based w orkshop aimed at thinking beyond the racist myth that in today’s society ‘race doesn’t matter’ and to examine the w ays in w hich w hiteness structures our everyday lives. T he discussion w ill be geared tow ards developing strategies for how to interrogate and subvert racism. Participants are encouraged to also attend the afternoon w orkshop facilitated by Humey Saeed for continued discussion. Facilitated by Ladyfest B righton organiser T erese.

8 444.00pm4.00pm.00pm.00pm----5.30pm5.30pm5.30pm5.30pm Silkscreening & Stencil M aking Hands-on w orkshop making stencils and then screenprinting using "low -fi-diy-on-yr- bedroom-floor" methods. A lso looking at how to stencil on other surfaces w ith spraypaint, so bring your ideas for designs! Faciliatated by G eorgina and Hoyden.

4.304.304.30-4.30--- 6.00pm D ealing w ith Racism in alternative communities A discussion-based w orkshop that w ill draw on personal experiences of alternative and activist communities and the barriers to participation w ithin them. We w ill also discuss strategies for building communities that are more diverse in terms of race and ethnicity. A ll w elcome! Facilitated by Ladyfest organiser Humey Saeed.

T he M arlborough T heatre 4 Princes Street, B righton RIOT G RRRL PA N EL £££4/3£4/3 (free to w /bands) A look at the legacy of this cultural movement w ith original organisers A Allison llison Wolfe (, G irl G erms) and T obi V ail (Bikini KillKill). A lso a discussion about w hat happened to riot grrrl w hen it crossed the A tlantic, w ith Julia (M anifesta) and Red (riot grrrl E ssex, fingerbang distro). With riot grrrl zines, music, and manifestos – this is an utterly unique opportunity to find out about a girl feminist movement w hich inspired Ladyfest and activism for our generation. Plus screening of riot grrrl documentary D on’t N eed You

Sunday 23rd OC T OB ER

T he C ow ley C lub 12 London Road, B righton (01273 696104)

11.00am-12.00pm How to be a Fat A ctivist A fatphobia-free zone in w hich w e get to discuss the possibilities for creating radical body- positive activism. Facilitated by C harlotte C ooper, author of Fat and Proud: T he Politics of Size and boss bitch of plus-sized girl gang, 'The C hubsters'.

11.00am-1.00pm Female Ejaculation (w omen only) Intimate and safe w orkshop providing information on the history of female ejaculation. We'll be looking at books, discussing our experiences, and w atching a film (note: this is very explicit and may not be suitable for minors). Facilitated by members of the B righton Women's Health C ollective.

12.00-1.00pm Who U C allin' a B itch? D isabling the negative though creative w riting and role-play. Facilitated by poet/w riter/performer Ebele A jogbe, B lack pixie, mango lover, and bad-ass w omen's w orkshop facilitator w ith performing credits at G lastonbury, WOM A D , and B B C Radio 3.

1.00-2.00pm LUNCH C heap and delicious vegan food served up by the A narchist T ea-pot collective


2.00- 3.00pm B urnin' U p the Keyboard: Writing Women's Porn T his w orkshop w ill include a reading from C herry, a dyke porn book that w as seized for obscenity, a discussion about w hat makes good porn, and an opportunity to produce a short piece of Ladyfest porn by ourselves. B ring your dirty mouths and open minds! Facilitated by C harlotte C ooper, author of C herry and associate editor of C heap D ate magazine. N .B . N ot suitable for minors

2.00-3.30pm A bortion: T he Struggle for A utonomy T his is a space to share ideas and experiences around abortion, including looking at access to abortion globally; underground abortion movements; and herbal abortion. Facilitated by the B righton Women's Health C ollective.

3.30pm-4.30pm A lternative M enstrual Products A w orkshop looking at the more body and environmentally friendly alternatives to conventional tampons and pads. Practical information, FA Q , and benefits w ill be discussed. Facilitated by holistic therapist, A lice-A manda Hinton (w w w .holisticw

3.30-4.30pm Women's Self D efence A n introduction to the basics of feminist self defence, including identifying boundaries, assertiveness, using our voice and body language, and other strategies. Facilitated by Isy, self- defence instructor at the C ow ley C lub.

4.30-6.00pm Eco-Living and C onsumer C ultures: Localisation vs. G lobalisation A discussion session trying to make sense of how to live ethically and green in this day and age, including topics such as capitalism (w hat is it?), organic food, fair trade, local w orkers co-ops, and individual change.

T he M arlborough T heatre 4 Princes Street, B righton (01273 775648)

12.00-2.00pm Radical C heerleading Radical C heerleading is a new form of subversive protest w hich combines routines, chants, and politics. T his w orkshop w ill be a training session follow ed by a public direct action. Facilitated by members of the London Radical C heerleaders.

2.30-3.30pm Just G et U p and D o It: Songw riting w orkshop A basic songw riting w orkshop based on 2 minute autobiographical stories brought along by participants. N obody needs to be at all "musical" for this. Facilitated by Helen M cC ookerybook, w ho started her musical life as a bass player in a B righton punk band in the late 1970s, plays solo, and is not currently finishing a book about female punk instrumentalists.

3.30-4.30pm A frican D rumming Workshop Participants w ill learn some D jembe drumming techniques and some A frican rhythms. Facilitated by Lynx Wildw ood, w ho runs the A frican drumming performance group B angshee.

10 T he Engine Rooms 135 Kings Road, B righton (01273 728999)

From 1pm Sew lariods C ross-stitch portrait-sew ing w orkshop from Polaroids. Facilitated by Sonja T odd, cross-stitch artist w ho stitches record sleeves in miniature, from A phex T w in to Kylie, and has cross- stitched outside D ow ning Street to demonstrate for electoral reform. For more info and charts, see w w w

T he Prince A lbert 48 T rafalgar Street, B righton (01273 730499)

11.00am11.00am11.00am-11.00am---1.30pm1.30pm “Start A Ladyfest” Panel & screening of LadyfestoLadyfestoLadyfesto documentary £4/3 (free to w /b) Ever w ondered how to put on a Ladyfest? T hink Ladyfests are amazing? Or that they’ve become formulaic, non-inclusive, and that its time w e start something new ? How do you put on a d.i.y. feminist event w hich has the right mix of music, culture, and education to reach out to more than a niche crow d? T his panel, featuring Ladyfest organisers past and present, w ill let all the secrets out of the bag about w hat w e did and w ant w e w ish w e could have done better. C ome w ith your criticisms, questions, or praise! T he past, present, and future of feminism panel & screening of I Was a T eenage Feminist documentary £4/3 (free to w /bands) T his panel features speakers from several generations of feminist activism as w ell as contemporary “post-feminists”. We’ll look at: What does feminism mean? What is their left to fight for? What do “post-feminists” w ant? What about men’s rights?

A ll w orkshops £1 donation/free to w ristband holders(w here places are limited, priority goes to w /bands)

11 ART PRO G RAM M E 212121-21---23232323rdrdrd O ctober 2005 St. Andrews Church, Waterloo Street, Hove 1 0 am - 4 p m

Set in a beautiful Regency church in H ove, the Ladyfest Brighton 2005 exhibition uses w ooden pew s and unconventional set ups to feature w ork from w om en in photography, sculpture, textiles, painting, and installation.

Including the photography of PAM H AY N ESHAY ES “After 5 years in a dom estic violence relationship living in fear for m e and m y children, I found m y escape. Leaving w ith w hat I stood up in and m y 3 girls in tow (m y tw ins then 2 & eldest then 7), w e fled the scream ing abuse. Thanks to the support of The W om en’s Refuge Project, w ho gave m e refuge and sanctuary, and the calm ing space of The W om ens’ C entre, I w as able to gain the strength to find freedom & safety. N ow 3 years on I feel like I am flying; w ith m y children safe, m y cam era in hand & m usic in m y ears. People everyw here dancing, sm iling, laughing. "TRAN C ESPIRATIO N " is a collection of arty photos captured at “180” D J nights since January 05. This is m y w ay of show ing others freedom and saying thank you to The W om en’s Refuge & The W om ens’ C entre.”

The exhibition starts 20th 0ctober @ The V olks Tavern 9pm -3am during 180 (last club night for this year), then on to Ladyfest 21st - 23rd.

Ladyfest BLadyfest Brighton PRIV ATE V IEW £3/2 (free w ith w ristband/invite) Thursday 20th O ctober, St.Andrew s C hurch, W aterloo Street D oors: 7.30pm LIV E SETS from Lianne H all and M usic for O ne SPOKEN WORD PROGRAMME 232323rdrdrd October 2005

Sanctuary C ella 51-55 Brunsw ick Street H ove (01273 770002)

£3/2 (free w ith w ristband) 1-5pm

A relaxed af A relaxed afternoon of m usic, zine readings, and spoken w ord. T here are also open m ic slots for you to take to the stage!


Ebele Ajogbe B lack Pixie. Mango Lover. w w w

Madeleine B ridgett "T he B righton to London Poet"

Abi C urtis B righton-based poet, w riting teacher, and Eric Gregory aw ard w inner

Left to right and round again: H elen Wickham , C harlotte C opper, Ebele Ajogbe, Doon MacDonald, Lady Gaby, Nadine C larissa Ford Khouri. Graduate of the U EA MA in C reative Writing, and published poet

With m usic from … Gaby B ila-Günther Lady Gaby hails from B erlin and pushes Doon MacDonald boundaries and buttons w ith her w ork w w w .doonm http://w w w /gabycbila D oon MacDonald is a refreshing and fascinating singer and songw riter. H er m usic m ixes Jazz,folk and rock to form a H elen Wickham totally original sound. Z ine w riter (T his Is!) and poet, H elen w rites bits of autobiography w ith lies and Nadine Khouri digressions. w w w Influenced by the likes of Nina Sim one and Ani Difranco, Nadine delivers dark, lyrical, folk-rock, w ith her un ique voice and energetic guitar playing.

Jo and Mary Local folk perform ers

FILM PRO G RA MME 22212111ststst---2-2223333rdrdrd O ctober 2005

FR ID A Y 21FR 21ststst O CTO BER 2005

T he MarlboroughMarlborough T heatre 4 Princes Street, B righton D oors: 11Doors: 11-11--- 5pm £4/3 for each session (free w ith w ristband)

SESSIO N O N E: 11.0011.0011.00-11.00--- 1.0 1.00pm0pm0pm0pm Ladyfest zines, breakdancers,breakdbreakdbreakdancers, and radical cheers!

Ladyfest Shorts E lectrical D ragon of V enus (Jo B arnes/ 2005/ U K / 5m in) T aking its title from lightening storm s that happen under the clouds of V enus, this film is a folklore about young girls sexuality. T race/SpurraceTracerace/Spur (K erstin Schroedinges/ 2005/G erm any/10m in) Experim ental anim ation G irls Just W anna H ave Fun (K atanina Maltsson/2005/5m in) A gang of boys m eets a hotheaded girl in this fun and quirky short

G R R LY SH O W (K ara H erold/ 2001/ U S/ 18 m in) w w w .grrlyshow .com T aking a stylish and com ical look at w om an-m ade m edia, G R R LY SH O W brings to the surface alternative voices from w om en’s underground and independent publications. Features interview s w ith m aga/zine editors from B ust,ustBustust B am boo G irlirl, H uesuesHues and B itch.itchBitchitch

If I C an’t D ance, It’s not m y revolution (Sw eden/ 28 m in) A film about separatist Sw edish w om en breakdancers

D on’t Let the System G et Y ou D ow nn---- C heer U p! (Mary C hristm as and Jennifer N edbalsky/U S/2004/ 13 m in) w w w C H EER U P docum ents the vibrant m ovem ent of radical cheerleading as a new form of protest. Part D IY dance video and part herstory lesson, this peek into the politics of cheerleading takes place at the

2004 m arch for W om en’s Lives in W ashington, D .C .

R adical C heerleading dem onstration W ith protests against Playboy stationary and D SE I, the London R adical C heerleaders centre their spontaneous public actions on creative subversion. T hey w ill be on hand after the film to answ er SESSION TW O: your questions about radical cheerleading, and to m ake you w anna grab your pom pom s w ith a live cheerleading dem onstration. w w w .// 13 1.301.301.30-1.30--- “B etw een skin and skin, there is nothing but light” Sexuality, Sex, and V isibility

1.301.301.30-1.30---2.302.302.302.30 pm SLU TSLUT (Patricia D 'Tillio & R ina B arone / 2004/ C anada/ 45m in) w w w .triconfilm

Film m akers R ina B arone and Patricia D iTillio explore the creation and evolution of the four-letter w ord “Slut” and its pow er w hen used as a w eapon against w om en.

D on’Don’on’ton’t Y ou W orry, It W ill Probably Pass (D u Ska N og Se, A tt D et G ar O ver) (C ecilia N eant-Falk/ 2003/ Sw eden/ 74 m in)

A w ard-w inning film follow ing three teenage girls on their paths to com ing out. “D on’t Y ou W orry” w as film ed over four years as My, Joppe and N atalie locked the door, turned on the cam era and revealed everything. A bout m um and dad w ho know nothing, about the science teacher w ho saw s hom osexuals have a genetic flaw , about living in a com m unity w here everyone know s everything about everything and everyone. T ender and inspiring docum entary m aking.

44.25- T he V agina Monologues: StoriesStories from C hina

A docum entary about the first C hinese-language production of Eve Ensler's fem inist one-w om an show at Z hongshan U niversity in G uangzhou, C hina.

Follow ed by a brief discussion session w ith Ladyfest organiser C am el- bring your experiences of T he V agina Monologues!


T he Marlborough T heatre 4 Princes Street, B righton

14 D oors: 12Doors: 12-12--- 5pm £4/3 for each session (free w ith w ristband)

SESSIOSESSIO N O N E: 121212-12--- 1.30pm O ur B odies, O ur C hoice: A bortion testim onies

Speak Out: I Had an Abortion (Gillian Aldrich & Jennifer Baumgardner/ 2005/ US/ 55 min)

Behind activists yelling about murder and rights, and the din of politicians waxing lyrical about “life” and “choice”, there are the stories of women who have had abortions. The documentary SPEAK OUT: I HAD AN ABORTION features 11 women, ages 21 to 85, telling their abortion experience- both legal and illegal. A powerful and emotional film using women’s testimony to look at the issues and complications surrounding a women’s right to choose what happens to her future.

Plus “Jellybean” (Sarah J. Gibson), a fictional short

film about school-age abortion

SESSION TWO: film & panel discussion 2.00-5.00pm Riot Grrrl: Young Women and Activism

Don’t Need You (Kerri Koch/ 2001/ US/ 40 min)

The Riot Grrrls were unapologetic, aggressive, in-your-face activists who acted out against domination and refused to play by anyone's rules but their own. Kerri Koch’s “Don’t Need You” documents the origins of the 1990s Riot Grrrl movement in the Pacific Northwest. This feminist movement evolved into a revolutionary underground network of education and self-awareness through music, writing, activism and building a women-friendly community - changing the history of music and feminism forever. Includes footage of Bratmobile, Bikini Kill, and , and interviews with Allison Wolfe and

PANEL: A look at the legacy of this cultural movement with original riot grrrl organisers Allison Wolfe (Bratmobile, ), Tobi Vail (Bikini Kill), chaired by Julia Downes (Manifesta) and Red rdrdrd Chidgey (riot grrrl Essex, fingerbang distro). With riot grrrl zines, SU N D A Y 23 music, and manifestos – this is an utterly unique opportunity to find out O C T O B ER about a girl feminist movement which inspired Ladyfest. 200520052005

15 T he PThe PrincePrince A lbert (upstairs) 4488 T rafalgar Street, BrightonBrighton righton (01273 730499) D oors: 12Doors: 12-12---6pm6pm6pm6pm £££3£333/2/2/2/2 each session (free w ith w ristband)

SESSIO N O N E: 12.00- 1.45pm H ow to start a Ladyfest

Ladyfesto (Anne Cremieux/ 2004/ US/ 50min)

Ladyfesto was shot during Ladyfest Philly, March 2003. The main organizers are interviewed as well as artists and attendees. They talk about the war in Iraq that broke out as the festival started, feminism, arts and crafts, consensus-based organizing, inclusion, and the sisterly city of Philadelphia. Both an account of the festival and a guide to DIY political and artistic organizing.

“Start A Ladyfest” Panel Ever wondered how to put on a Ladyfest? Think Ladyfests are amazing? Or that they’ve become formulaic, non-inclusive, and that its time we start something new? How do you put on a d.i.y. feminist event with the right mix of music, culture, and education to reach out to more than a niche crowd? This panel, featuring Ladyfest organisers past and present, will let all the secrets out of the bag about what we did and want we wish we could have done better. Come with your criticisms, questions, or praise!

SESSION TW O: 2.00- 3.30pm A perfectperfecA perfect size and age Wet Dreams & False Images (Jesse Epstein/ 2003/ USA, 12 mins)

In a Brooklyn barbershop, a self-proclaimed "booty expert" learns more than he wanted about the art of photo manipulation. WET DREAMS AND FALSE IMAGES is an award-winning documentary which uses humor to raise serious concerns about the marketplace of commercial illusion and unrealizable standards of physical perfection.

STILL DOING IT: The intimate sex lives of women over 65 (Deirdre Fishel / 2005/ US/ 54 min)

Flying in the face of this culture's extreme ageism, STILL DOING IT explores the lives of older women. Partnered, single, straight, gay, black, and white; nine extraordinary 16 women, ages 67 – 87, express with startling honesty how they feel about themselves, sex, and the poignant realities of aging. SESSIO N FO U R: 3.45- 6.00 pm G enerations & Fem inism

I Was a Teenage Feminist (Therese Shechter / 2004/ US/ 62 min)

I WAS A TEENAGE FEMINIST is a personal journey into a powerful movement that once sparked passionate response and social revolution, but now routinely evokes discomfort and indifference. Features insightful commentary from Gloria Steinem and Ms. founding editor Letty Cottin Pogrebin, as well as noted Third Wave activists Jennifer Baumgartner (co-author of Manifesta) and Jennifer Pozner (of Women In Media & News). Soundtrack by Ani DiFranco, Gina Young and the legendary Helen Reddy.

The past, present, and future of feminism panel: This panel features speakers from several generations of feminist activism. We’ll look at: What does feminism mean? What is there left to fight for? What are the most urgent agendas for equality and change?