UNIDO EVALU ATION GROUP Printed in Austria ODG/EVA/12/R.19 - October 2013-60 UNIDO EVALUATION GROUP Independent UNIDO Country Evaluation REPUIndependentBLIC UNIDO OF ZAMBI CountryA Evaluation REPUBLIC OF ZAMBIA UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION UNITEDUNITEDUNITEDUNITED NA NATIONSTIONS NA NATIONSTIONS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUSTRIALTRIALTRIALTRIAL DEVEL DEVEL DEVEL DEVELOPMENTOPMENTOPMENTOPMENT ORGANIZA ORGANIZA ORGANIZA ORGANIZATIONTIONTIONTION VVienniennVViennaienna Int Intaernaern Int IntationationernernationationalalCCentrentralalCCe,entre,entrPP.O.Oe,e,.. PB PB.Oox.Oox.. 300B 300Boxox ,300 ,3001400 1400,, 1400 1400VVienniennVVienna,ienna, Au Aua,a,sstri Autri Auaasstritriaa TTelelephone:ephone:TTelelephone:ephone: (+4 (+43-1) 3-1)(+4 (+4 3-1)260 3-1)260 26-0260 26-026026-0,26-0,FFax:ax:,, F(+4 F(+4ax:ax:3-1) 3-1)(+4 (+4 3-1)26 3-1)2699 26-626 26-6269926-6926-69 99 EE-m-maiEaiE-ml:-ml:uuaiainido@unido@ul:l:uunido@
[email protected],g,. .orInt orIntg,g,ernet:ernet: Int Internet:ernet: www www www www.u.unidnid.u.uo.o.nidnidororgo.go.ororgg UNIDO EVALUATION GROUP Independent UNIDO Country Evaluation Republic of Zambia UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Vienna, 2013 Distr. GENERAL ODG/EVA/12/R.19 October 2013 Original: English The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Mention of company names and commercial products does not imply the endorsement of UNIDO.