
The word has come from the Latin word vocalis, meaning "vocal". Vowel is a speech sound in which the air flows from the lungs and passes through the mouth. In other words, in a vowel sound the air released from the lung passes through the mouth cavity unobstructed or with minimal obstruction and without audible friction as 'i' in fit or 'a' in pack. are usually voiced sounds.

Normally English vowel sounds are not nasal. The quality of a vowel sound is determined by the position of the tongue, lower jaw and lips, because they change the shape of the resonance chamber as the air passes through.

Three major classifications of the vowel sounds are as given below:

High vowel

Mid vowel

Low vowel

High vowel: A high vowel such as 'i' in "machine" and 'u' in "rule" is pronounced with the tongue positioned towards the roof of the mouth.

Mid vowel: For a mid vowel such as '' in "bed"and 'o' in "pole" the tongue is positioned between extremes of high and low.

Low vowel: A low vowel like 'a' in "father" or " had" is produced with the tongue placed in a relatively flat and low state in the mouth and the mouth remains slightly wider than for high vowel.

The high, middle and low vowels are also classified on the basis of which part of the tongue is raised. They are categorised according to a front to back dimension.

A is pronounced with the highest part of the tongue pushed forward in the mouth and somewhat arched. Four pure vowels in English can be identified as /i:/, /i/, /e:/,and/ae/ high vowels.

/ i:/ For articulation of this the front of the tongue is to be raised to the hard palate.Sometimes the tongue is brought so close that it creates a sound.It is pronounced with lips spread and pulled back and the lower jaw raised.It occurs in all three position as given below:

Initial. Medial. Final

even. People. tea

eat. meals. flee

/i/ For this vowel sound the front of the tongue is used.It is also the close or the middle vowel in that the position of the jaw and tongue remains slightly raised.The lips remain slightly spread.

Initial Middle. Final it. bit. city

I'll. mist. dirty

/e/ This vowel is pronounced with the front of the tongue raised in the direction of the hard palate between high-end and low-mid position. The lips drawn back and the lower jaw is a bit dropped.

Initial. Medial. Final

elm. Let. they enter get. stay

This is also described as unfounded vowel.

/ae/ For the articulation of this vowel the front part of the tongue is raised.It is an open or low vowel this means that tongue in a low position withthe jaw also being lowered.The lips are slightly spread.

Generally a short vowel but this becomes slightly longer than the other short vowels.

Initial. Medial. Final

at. fat

ass. man