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New test of weak equivalence principle using polarized light from astrophysical events Xue-Feng Wu1,2,3∗, Jun-Jie Wei1,4, Mi-Xiang Lan1, He Gao5, Zi-Gao Dai6, and Peter M´esz´aros7,8,9 1 Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China 2 School of Astronomy and Space Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, China 3 Joint Center for Particle, Nuclear Physics and Cosmology, Nanjing University-Purple Mountain Observatory, Nanjing 210008, China 4 Guangxi Key Laboratory for Relativistic Astrophysics, Nanning 530004, China 5 Department of Astronomy, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China 6 School of Astronomy and Space Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China 7 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pennsylvania State University, 525 Davey Laboratory, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, USA 8 Department of Physics, Pennsylvania State University, 104 Davey Laboratory, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, USA 9 Center for Particle and Gravitational Astrophysics, Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos, Pennsylvania State University, 525 Davey Laboratory, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, USA ∗Electronic address: [email protected] (Dated: July 5, 2021) Einstein’s weak equivalence principle (WEP) states that any freely falling, uncharged test particle follows the same identical trajectory independent of its internal structure and composition. Since the polarization of a photon is considered to be part of its internal structure, we propose that polarized photons from astrophysical transients, such as gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and fast radio bursts (FRBs), can be used to constrain the accuracy of the WEP through the Shapiro time delay effect. Assuming that the arrival time delays of photons with different polarizations are mainly attributed to the gravitational potential of the Laniakea supercluster of galaxies, we show that a strict upper limit on the differences of the parametrized post-Newtonian parameter γ value for the polarized optical emission of GRB 120308A is ∆γ < 1.2 × 10−10, for the polarized gamma-ray − emission of GRB 100826A is ∆γ < 1.2 × 10 10, and for the polarized radio emission of FRB 150807 − is ∆γ < 2.2 × 10 16. These are the first direct verifications of the WEP for multiband photons with different polarizations. In particular, the result from FRB 150807 provides the most stringent limit to date on a deviation from the WEP, improving by one order of magnitude the previous best result based on Crab pulsar photons with different energies. PACS numbers: 04.80.Cc, 95.30.Sf, 98.70.Dk, 98.70.Rz arXiv:1703.09935v3 [astro-ph.HE] 4 May 2017 I. INTRODUCTION izations) or different compositions, if emitted simultane- ously from the same astronomical source and traveling across the same gravitational field, should be received Einstein’s weak equivalence principle (WEP) is a fun- at the same time by the observer. The energy and po- damental postulate of general relativity and of other ma- larization independence of photons and electromagnetic tric theories of gravity. One statement of the WEP is that (EM) wave packet propagation in spacetime is one of the the trajectory of any freely falling, uncharged test body consequences of the WEP. is independent of its internal structure and composition In the parametrized post-Newtonian (PPN) formalism, [1]. In the simplest case of considering two different bod- the validity of the WEP can be characterized by con- ies in a gravitational field, the WEP states that these straints on the differences in the PPN parameters (e.g., two bodies fall with the same acceleration. Put differ- the parameter γ which represents the level of space cur- ently, any two different kinds of massless (or negligible vature per unit rest mass) for different particles, since all rest mass) neutral particles, or two of the same particles gravity theories satisfying the WEP predict γ1 = γ2 ≡ γ, with different internal structures (e.g., energies or polar- where the subscripts correspond to two different particles 2 [1]. According to the Shapiro (gravitational) time delay distribution [18]. Regarding the nature or the internal effect [2], the time interval for particles to pass through structure of the photon, that has been discussed in de- a given distance is longer by tail by Ref. [19]. The main views concerning an under- standing of the photon structure are as follows. Einstein 1+ γ re t = − U(r)dr (1) considered the photon as a singular point which is sur- gra c3 Z r0 rounded by EM fields. In quantum electrodynamics, the in the presence of a gravitational potential U(r), where photon is viewed as a unit of excitation associated with the quantized mode of the radiation field, characterized re and ro denote the locations of the source and the observer, respectively. If the WEP fails, the γ values by a precise momentum, energy, and polarization. In will no longer be the same for different particles, lead- sum, the polarization can be considered as one of the pa- ing to the two particles emitted simultaneously from the rameters characterizing the internal structure of photons same source to have different arrival times. The relative (see, e.g., Ref. [20]). Furthermore, the polarization of Shapiro time delay is then given by photons is a common and interesting observational fea- ture of some transient events. Thus, measurements of γ − γ re ∆t = 1 2 U(r)dr , (2) polarization can not only be used to explore the nature gra 3 Z c ro of the transient, but may also be used to test the ac- curacy of the WEP (more on this below). It has been − where the difference of the γ values ∆γ = γ1 γ2 can be proposed that polarization is important in verifying the used as a measure of a possible violation of the WEP. Einstein equivalence principle (see, e.g., Ref. [21]). It is Up to now, the observed time delays of different types worth pointing out that some measurements of polarized of messenger particles (e.g. photons, neutrinos, or grav- light are, in fact, polarized EM waves, i.e., a collective itational waves), or of the same types of particles but phenomenon as opposed to a property of the individual with different energies from astronomical sources have photon. For such a case, we suggest two EM waves with been used to test the accuracy of the WEP through different polarizations can also be used to test the WEP. the relative differential variations of the γ values, such Similarly, besides two correlated photons with different as the particle emissions from supernovae 1987A [3, 4], energies, two light curves in different energy bands have gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) [5, 6, 7], fast radio bursts also been used to test the WEP. (FRBs) [8, 9], blazars [10, 11], the Crab pulsar [12, 13], Tests of the WEP at the post-Newtonian level have and gravitational wave (GW) sources [14, 15]. Partic- reached a high precision, but we note that all the tests ularly, with the assumption that the arrival time de- so far have relied on the relative arrival time delays of lays of FRB photons with different energies are caused the same species of particle with varying energies or of dominantly by the gravitational potential of the Milky different species of messenger particles. Since the WEP Way, Ref. [8] placed a stringent limit on γ differences of emphasizes that any freely falling, uncharged test body ∆γ < 4.36 × 10−9, improving the previous results by 1–2 will follow a trajectory independent of its internal struc- orders of magnitude. Moreover, it has been shown that ture and composition [1], multiband EM emissions ex- much more severe constraints on the WEP accuracy can ploiting different internal structures (e.g, polarizations) be achieved (∆γ ∼ 10−13) when considering the gravita- are an essential tool for further testing the WEP to a tional potential of the large-scale structure rather than higher accuracy level. Here we propose for the first time the gravity of the Milky Way [16, 17]. Most recently, that the time delays of photons and EM waves with dif- Ref. [12] showed that a giant pulse from the Crab pul- ferent polarizations from astrophysical transients, such sar with a 0.4-ns residual time delay between energies set as GRBs and FRBs, can also be used to constrain the the current best limit on a deviation from the WEP of WEP, thus extending the tested WEP internal structure ∆γ < (0.6 − 1.8) × 10−15, even though the Crab pulsar to the polarization and thereby obtaining the strictest is in the Milky Way. limit so far on the WEP. The photon is generally viewed as a massless bundle of EM energy and the photon momentum is defined as the ratio between the photon energy and the speed of light. Maxwell’s theory implies that EM radiation carries II. METHOD DESCRIPTION both energy and momentum [18]. The Poynting vector E×B gives the linear momentum density, and the cross To calculate the relative Shapiro time delay with product of the Poynting vector with the position vector Eq. (2), one needs to know the gravitational potential represents the angular momentum. Furthermore, circu- U(r) along the propagation path. Recent studies suggest larly polarized light can have angular momentum, which that incorporating the large-scale gravitational potential is defined as the ratio between the free energy per unit can provide better constraints on the WEP accuracy [16]. volume and the angular frequency. Thus, the photon an- Laniakea is a newly discovered supercluster of galaxies, of gular momentum has two components: one is the spin which our Milky Way galaxy as well as the Local Group angular momentum, depending on the polarization; the are part [23].