X Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências – X ENPEC Águas de Lindóia, SP – 24 a 27 de Novembro de 2015

Ciência na Colômbia: o caso do astrônomo Garavito contribuições para ensino de ciências a partir de uma perspectiva sócio-cultural

Science in : the case of astronomer Garavito contributions to science teaching from a sociocultural perspective

Resumo Dentro do ensino da ciência pouca pesquisa sobre a formação da cultura científica colombiano são, a história da ciência evidência como o processo de ensino e aprendizagem é marcado por práticas científicas ocidentais, como sugerido por Anderson e Buck (1980), o processos de desenvolvimento científico no Terceiro Mundo são desenvolvidos de acordo com as expectativas ocidentais. Isto sugere que o papel dos conteúdos ensinados e seu impacto sobre a apropriação social do conhecimento científico. Neste sentido ciência reconhecer produções que foram gerados na Colômbia torna-se relevante, a história da ciência apresenta o caso de Julio Garavito; Matemático e astrônomo colombiano cujo trabalho científico especialmente em astronomia levou ao desenvolvimento do país durante o século XIX na construção do conhecimento endógeno. Este estudo de caso é entendida a partir da perspectiva sociocultural em que a ciência é vista como uma atividade cultural, com contextos específicos e com um caráter social.

Palavras chave: Ensino de ciência, perspectiva sócio-cultural, Julio Garavito, conhecimento endógeno, história da ciência.


Within the teaching of science little research on formation of the Colombian scientific culture are, the history of the evidence science how the process of teaching and learning is marked by Western scientific practices, as suggested by Anderson and Buck (1980), the scientific development processes in the Third World are developed according to Western expectations. This suggests the role of content taught and its impact on the social appropriation of scientific knowledge. In this sense science recognize productions that have been generated in Colombia becomes relevant, the history of science presents the case of Julio Garavito; Colombian mathematician and astronomer whose scientific work especially in led to the development of the country during the nineteenth century in the construction of endogenous knowledge. This case study is understood from the sociocultural perspective where science is seen as a cultural activity, with particular contexts and with a social character.

Key words: Science teaching, socio-cultural perspective, Julio Garavito, endogenous knowledge, history of science.

History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science in Science Education 1 X Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências – X ENPEC Águas de Lindóia, SP – 24 a 27 de Novembro de 2015

Introduction This proposal of educational intervention that is part of the teaching practice is part of the interests of the research group: science, education and diversity, from the Institute of education and pedagogy at the University of Valle, Cali Colombia. It was designed to be addressed in the university context, particularly in the course of Science, Culture and Creativity and whose interest is to generate reflection on students toward science as a cultural activity, subject to social dynamics according to each context, visible knowledge Colombian endogenous scientific and recognition of it, at first through the case study of Julio Garavito. In this regard the use of seminars as a tool for discussion and socialization in the classroom makes sense from the sociocultural perspective invites reflection and knowledge dialogue while allowing the relationship between students, teachers and social context, where the subject expresses his knowledge against the other and know that. From this becomes relevant data collection by students of the course and discussion of these results that show some final considerations about the teaching experience.

History of science It is very interesting to find that the history of science plays a fundamental role in the teaching of science, but soon this relationship is evident in the process of teaching and learning. According Gagliardi, R. and Giordan, A. (1986) the science history can to show in detail some of the moments of profound transformation of a science and indicate what were the social, economic and political relations that came into play. This analysis can provide the conceptual tools to help students understand the current state of science, its dominant ideology and sectors that control and benefit from the results of scientific activity. Therefore worth noting that the history of science provides important elements in the construction of alternative forms of teaching where science is not presented in ahistorical way or isolated from social facts that contributed to the development of endogenous science productions. According to Roche (1982) a history of our science and our technology is needed to better understand our national identity, to explain why, how and in what social context have performed our scientists, and to demonstrate that our current scientific movement does not arise of nothing or only foreign models. In these trends visualize the relevance of endogenous science and everything around it is presented to get the student to think of science from its social context, their problems and their needs are recognized. From this Garcia E. (1999) proposes a fundamental way how we relate to the history of science, not the contents or theories, but with the same experience that allows us to understand the physical phenomena and construct explanations that are significant from our own concerns and interests.

Sociocultural perspective in science teaching For decades science teaching was taken as a transfer of scientific knowledge, leading the student to memorize and then repeat this knowledge, but far less appropriate them and relates them to their context. As Garcia (2009) suggests recognize that science is a cultural activity has allowed researchers to build alternative proposals for science teaching where knowledge

History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science in Science Education 2 X Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências – X ENPEC Águas de Lindóia, SP – 24 a 27 de Novembro de 2015 is seen as a social construct that responds to the needs and problems of various kinds: social, political, economic and ideological, and therefore should be taught within these aspects. Thus as Ayala (1988) points out the science rather than a collection of knowledge with a role of absolute truth, it is a cultural activity since it is made by human groups who argue and validate the explanations about the world around them. In this way the sociocultural perspective gives you a sense to transformation to sciences teaching where the student enters to play an important role not as a mere recipient of data and information to understand the student but as an isolated subject without history but as a subject immersed in a socio-cultural context that defines and enables you to live and think the world around him (Ayala & Guerrero, 2004). According to the above makes sense to understand the processes of teaching and learning from the socio-cultural approach that invites reflection at first the teacher as transformative thinking about phenomena and the world around him so after intervening in the classroom and put into play this way to understand and relate science to the social contexts in students.

Science teaching The science teaching, it evidences with multiple studies concern about job of the teacher and student learning, this relationship teaching and learning takes on a meaning that goes beyond the tradition of transmitting knowledge when the contents presented are placed in game, this triad of teacher, student and contents presented in the classroom offer a different way of conceive the sciences teaching understood from the sociocultural perspective where what is taught is permeated by a cultural context full of meanings that give a sense. As Geertz suggests quoted by (Austin 2000) the cultural context is a process (or net, mesh or lattice) of meanings in an act of communication, objective and subjective, between mental processes that create the meanings. Complementing the above, Elkana (1983) proposes the science as a cultural system, subject to interactions, experiences and different ways of understanding the world. Endogenous knowledge; in this case the contributions of Julio Garavito to science that are hope to rescue in this document show us an alternative to science education from the endogenous, to rethink science that must appropriate and from the cultural identity formation in terms science for the development of the nation. In this trend Garcia, E. (2009) states that we must begin to understand the processes of formation of the scientific culture of the region to better understand the conditions of our historical insertion into modernity, since it has become the science of the West which generates valid knowledge regardless of the context where it is employed, has become the answer to the social needs of development from people and paradigm of the progress and welfare. Finally becomes a concern the issue of social appropriation of knowledge as if in science teaching is not included in the content aspects of endogenous science and own scientific culture, certainly continue to think the world from decontextualized interpretations, solving problems from different backgrounds and preserving as a Western science itself. As Vessuri (2002) suggests The Westernisation (or de-Europeanization) of scientific vision, thinking science as culture, spend the prevalence of social actors who are" gatekeepers "that open the doors to foreign technologies from the developed world to the rise of endogenous technological vectors, rethinking of scientific disciplines that are reservoirs of knowledge developed by other cultures (such as anthropology for example) the revaluation of the local common sense and the (re) construction of traditions and social participation in building technology.

History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science in Science Education 3 X Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências – X ENPEC Águas de Lindóia, SP – 24 a 27 de Novembro de 2015

The case of Garavito. As already mentioned history of science provides elements that help build alternative ways of understanding the world and nurturing way to teach science forms, but not about the story itself, concise and without interaction, but the relationship between this and socio-cultural approaches that coexist in the realities of students and why not say teachers. This is where the case of Julio Garavito is pertinent to introduce in the classroom element of social, political, economic and ideological which were mentioned as aspects which should move the teaching of science. The Colombian scientific culture from the history of science has shown representatives in various scientific fields this is the case of Julio Garavito Armero. As stated Arboleda (2001), Garavito was the man of science with greater recognition within the Colombian academic elite in the late nineteenth century and well into the twentieth century. He was recognized as an engineer, astronomer, mathematician, economist and public administration official, shared that vision of comprehensive national development science applied to intervene in the different problems and needs that the country was going through. Arguably historical Garavito continued work begun by Mutis a century earlier, aimed at consolidating the country's modern educational institutions, organize and disseminate scientific higher education through such a solid scientific culture.

Among his major contributions to science are: The discovery of the latitudinal location of Bogotá, studies of comets that passed through the between 1901 and 1910 (the latter Halley), the solar eclipse of 1916 (seen in much of Colombia), among others. But perhaps his most important contribution was the study of , which eventually became the study of lunar fluctuations and their influence on the temporal behavior, climate, water and polar ice and the Earth orbital acceleration issue would be confirmed later. According to the above Quintero (2001) adds that the purpose of Garavito was to build tables on the lunar motion that would allow any astronomer formulated with sufficient precision the different lunar cycles to determine the occurrence of eclipses or some calculations on his concealment. The work of Garavito was loaded by strong intentions to respond to the needs of their context and in the implementation of its productions in improving their nation, but besides this look validated at first with the national scientific community for their contributions so practical and applied and also a foreign validation from their productions with theoretical approach.

Garavito not only concerned with the application of astronomy to the main interests of engineering, science and the country at the time, but also decided to give a theoretical approach to their work. That is, with strong local interests, Garavito achieve the unconditional support of the national scientific community; but to develop theoretical works on astronomy that community it would start to look like a character worthy of universal science. (Quintero, 2001, pag .23).

In this sense his contributions were recognized as having a strong impact on the country's development and science in general in the field of astronomy, mathematics and optical physics mainly whose productions brought him national recognition by the bank of the republic seek homage issuing the $ 20,000 from its name, its shape and with a reference to his most important works on the and mathematics in particular figures of non-Euclidean

History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science in Science Education 4 X Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências – X ENPEC Águas de Lindóia, SP – 24 a 27 de Novembro de 2015 geometry, and an international recognition that the International Astronomical Union is to baptize with his name a set of selenite craters on the far side of the moon.

Methodology For the development of the proposal for a review of printed and digital material that realizes the life and work of Julio Garavito, an analysis of some of the documents to show their contributions in astronomy, physics and mathematics is done is done; on the other hand the analysis of some school textbooks physical area where this character is not evidence in any of the thematic and conversely strong reference is made to foreign scientists. This in a first time, and as a second measurement is taken into account that students are the backbone of the training process for this reason we work with seminars and consulting accompaniments for each session. What was done was to implement the proposal that included topics such as:

between science and culture).

These themes were carried out at first through the Case Study Garavito, whose purpose goes beyond talk of a Colombian scientist whom little is known, is an excuse to introduce in the classroom all those dynamic social type moving in the construction of scientific knowledge in the social appropriation of this knowledge and the impact it generates in a given context. According to the above application is considered relevant investigative seminar, understanding this as the space in which they consider and discuss ideas at a seminar on the relationship is dynamic which leads who does not seek to teach things but rather build around reflections that are rescued by bus. Finally I will work with reading reports and workshops that realized the level of ownership of the reflections on each session.

Results Given the seminar entitled: "SCIENTIFIC CULTURE IN COLOMBIA : THE CASE OF GARAVITO" information from students on their knowledge of science endogenous collected, the existence of scientific Julio Garavito, their contribution to the development of the country, by why not talk about it in the classroom and the relationship science culture. This through image of the ticket twenty thousand Colombian pesos see image 1 that received by their total ignorance of who was this character was evidenced also three questions that generated discussion at the seminar took place, so I was evident, ignorance character Julio Garavito by students, because did not even know his name, on the other hand the questions

History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science in Science Education 5 X Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências – X ENPEC Águas de Lindóia, SP – 24 a 27 de Novembro de 2015 most evident in lack of anonymity of endogenous science in Colombia, only two students had some awareness on this phenomenon.

Image 1: Bill Twenty thousand Colombian pesos $ 20,000.

From the analysis of each seminar and workshops and reports I read it was evident that at first students were not familiar with the thought of the relationship science culture and less the existence of endogenous science, it became evident from their oral statements and writings; but present something very special is that as the year progressed and discussion topics were addressed from the current context where the relationship science included - culture students from their own experiences reflection is generated and even questioned the ways where he was taught science and to their university education. That is, this perspective is not evident in all students, even to the end of the course work in which a permeated by this proposed educational intervention speech was no evidence found.

Final thoughts

The formation of scientific culture in Colombia provides important elements in the teaching of science, in the exercise of teachers as transformative social and cultural and social appropriation of knowledge by students; to this extent the socio-cultural approach recognizes that science is a cultural activity taking place in social, political and ideological aspects and allows to read out the world around us.

Recognize and legitimize the scientific productions made in Colombia allows visible other ways of understanding science education and exercise teacher, cases like Julio Garavito are a clear example that each country has representatives in the field of science with contributions significant in its social context and respond to the needs there are evident; the interesting thing is whether these contributions are included in the teaching of science, and how contextualized science are the contents that are offered in the classroom. Within this idea socio-cultural approach permits such relationships between science and the social context in

History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science in Science Education 6 X Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências – X ENPEC Águas de Lindóia, SP – 24 a 27 de Novembro de 2015 which Western science and teaching is not invalid, but it is redefining the ways in which this knowledge is applied regardless concerns that suffer our context.

Cases like Garavito realize many of the problems and needs that are evident in our social context and that if they are taken into account play an important role in the way of teaching science and appropriate it; from teaching show that Western science is not the only one there and the only one who "served".


God first and then to students and teachers of the course participants science, culture and creativity 2013 of the University of valley -Cali (Colombia).


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