Camilo Delgado-Correal Contact Astronomy and Physics lecturer Voice: (+57) 3196921460 Information Faculty of Engineering Francisco Jos´ede Caldas District E-mail:
[email protected] University of Bogot´a Bogot´a,Colombia Website: Research Science outreach, astronomy education, classical physics, physics education, relativistic astrophysics, Interests galaxy spectroscopy, strong gravitational lensing, galaxy evolution, galaxy clusters. Education University of Ferrara-IRAP, Ferrara, Italy PhD in Physics (Observational Cosmology), June, 2018 • Dissertation Topic: \On the Optical Properties of Cosmic Telescopes: A Spectroscopy study of the inner core of a Massive Galaxy Cluster" • Advisor: Prof. Piero Rosati National University of Colombia, Bogot´a,Colombia M.S., Astronomy, August, 2012 • Dissertation Topic: \Study of shock wave dynamics produced by interaction of a fireball with the surrounding medium to it, to explain the X-ray afterglow of Gamma Ray Burst-GRBs" • Advisor: Prof. Benjam´ınCalvo-Mozo National University of Colombia, Bogot´a,Colombia B.A., Physics, September, 2007 • Dissertation Topic: \Utilization of recycled neutron source to teach prompt gamma analysis activation-PGNA" • Advisor: Prof. H´ectorA. M´unera Honors and National University of Colombia, Faculty of Science: Research Fellowship. (2007-2009) Awards Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate Program Research Fellowship from the Agency EACEA of the European Commission.(2014-2017) Academic The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA Experience Research internship in infrared astronomy September to December 2012 Project description: Data analysis of a large infrared imaging survey of the solar neighborhood obtained at the UH88 telescope on Mauna Kea. Hawaii. International Centre for Physics (CIF), Bogot´a,Colombia Research internship in applied physics July, 2008 - May 2009 Project description: Study the propulsion system of Earth Observation Satellites and design a pro- tocol to do the Radiometric calibration of satellite imagery by using a spectroradiometer.