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Mauritius Times Epaper Tuesday 16 March 2021 66th Year -- No. 3660 Tuesday, March 16, 2021 18 Pages - ePaper MAURITIUS TIMES l "Ultimately, the greatest lesson that Covid-19 can teach humanity is that we are all in this together." -- Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw LLoocckkddoowwnnss:: NNeeeedd ffoorr ssoommee rreeaalliissmm There should not be any extension of the lockdown if we Stay Home, Stay Safe Dr R Neerunjun Gopee + See Page 3 When Populists Collide Encounter Nanda Pavaday: “Covid-19 is showing us that we are not what we have but what we contribute” + See Pages 8-9 The economic situation is dire, yet all traditional parties keep on having the same "let us pay them more with money we do not have" reflexes. This path will lead the country to a deeper hole By Sameer Sharma + See 4-5 5 strategies to prepare now for the next pandemic A l'autre bout de By Tiffany A. Radcliff - Associate Dean for Research and Professor of Health Policy and Management & Angela Clendenin - Instructional Assistant Professor l'individu-roi of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Texas A&M + University + See Page 2 By Nita Chicooree-Mercier See Page 18 Mauritius Times Tuesday, March 16, 2021 Edit Page 2 The Conversation Being Wise After The Event 5 strategies to prepare now rom its very onset the Covid-19 infec- recall also that stockpiles of AstraZeneca tion, and later pandemic, has played have been lying unused in Germany, and that for the next pandemic out on a matrix of uncertainties which the US administration has already paid up for F Shoring up surveillance and response systems and learning one could say was hardwired into it. After all, an additional 100 million doses of the lessons from how the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded will help even after the WHO visit to Wuhan a whole AstraZeneca vaccine. the world be ready the next time around year into the epidemic, its exact origin has still In this charged atmosphere of handling from infectious disease to natural not been determined with any degree appro- what is an unprecedented ongoing emergen- disaster to terrorist attack. ximating certainty. Was the mission doomed cy situation caused by the equally unprece- One practical way to be pre- to fail from the start? After all, it was clearly dented complex behaviour of a novel virus of impossible for the WHO team to travel back in pared for a future pandemic is to unknown origin, every country has tried to ensure that all these systems and time and inspect let alone gather original evi- swim against the rolling tides of uncertainties structures remain stable. That dence. So, the jury is still out – in other words, and find some sense of direction based on the means maintaining funding, trai- uncertainty still prevails as to where the best expert advice available, which kept ning and personnel for a rapid Covid-19 came from. changing save for just one thing: the package global response even when no pandemic threats are visible on The story repeats with all the other aspects of public health measures, which has The public health response in Guinea was swift when new the horizon. of the pandemic as it relentlessly made its way remained the only constant throughout. cases of Ebola virus disease were identified in February 2021. to affect all countries in the world. It was It is quite normal for all citizens to be con- Carol Valade/AFP via Getty Images 2. Prepare the public to do evolving as rapidly as it was changing dyna- its part cerned for themselves and their families, and hile the world is still reeling from mically, so that tracking its path to devising to want rapid and sure solutions from their the Covid-19 pandemic, public Effective pandemic response requires strategies of prevention and control to finding governments. But it is not normal for lay peo- Whealth and emergency manage- a clear, consistent voice and an ac- the appropriate treatment(s) were proving to ple who have no knowledge of the complexi- ment experts are already preparing for the tionable message that reflects best prac- be major challenges for the scientists and ties to question the recommendations of re- next one. After all, biologists are certain tices based on sound science. Messaging health professionals who were working in cognized bodies such as the WHO and other another dangerous new pathogen will and data that clearly explain how each overdrive to limit spread, reduce severity of established regulatory bodies. Worse still is it emerge sooner or later. individual has an important role in curbing the pandemic – and that it might evolve as the disease and save lives where possible. to spread false information or to compare We are public health researchers the pandemic unfolds over time – are cri- They are still at it, fighting the same battle but oranges to apples by contrasting what coun- engaged in both leading public health di- tical. with new and additional challenges. tries with hugely different resources and saster response and evaluating emer- The message to stay home and “flat- On top of that the national authorities were demographics were doing. So being wise after gency management. ten the curve” to avoid overwhelming faced with overwhelming of their health sys- the event is not an option in this unbelievably Here are five strategies that will give health care resources with Covid-19 complex scenario. the world a head start – and maybe even tems even in the most developed nations with cases was an essential early public health help prevent the next outbreak or epi- enormous resources, and equally forging their One aspect in which the government could message that resonated with many demic from blowing up into a pandemic. way to cope with the logistics of providing have done better here is vaccine procurement Americans who were not designated as medicines and equipments for treatment as – and the money was there: the Rs 500 M that 1. Shore up the systems already essential workers. However, once initial well as for protection of those working in close were dilapidated on Pack and Blister for in place shutdown orders were lifted and new contact with patients, and disposing of the defective equipment – they were not ventila- The identification in February 2021 of treatments emerged, there was general mounting numbers of the dead. Mass graves tors. Much less was required to secure an a new outbreak of Ebola in Guinea confusion about the safety of public ga- in civilian times in democracies? Who could additional one million vaccine doses from the showed how critical surveillance and therings, particularly since guidance va- ried by state or locality. have imagined that? Yet all this was hap- Serum Institute of India which sold it to the reporting are for rapidly responding to and pening, and still is. Not later than two days Indian government at Rs 200 Indian per dose. containing infectious disease. Guidance is also most effective if it’s ago France was struggling to find place in its With the help of the Indian government, the The process generally works like this: tailored to different audiences. In the ICUs choked with 4000 patients (with 26000 one million doses could definitely have been Once an astute clinician diagnoses a di- South, distrust of testing and vaccination efforts by government and health care new cases that single day), heliporting others secured, for Rs 100 M, instead of us going sease that is on the watch list of the World providers is directly linked to language to locations elsewhere including Belgium. with a begging bowl while squandering from Health Organization and the Centers for barriers and immigration concerns. One And now to complicate matters, several the taxpayers’ kitty. And it is still not too late to Disease Control and Prevention, she reports the case to local health authorities strategy to reach diverse and often under- European countries have declared a stop to do that. to investigate. The information gets served populations is to rely on leaders in the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine because a And there’s another thing that can be passed up the chain to the state, federal the local faith community to help deliver few patients suffered from blood clotting. And done: vaccinate as many people as possible and international levels. public health messages. this is in spite of the EU regulatory body and as soon as possible by working out a new Clinicians, public health practitioners Preparedness requires an “all of com- WHO, as well as other experts, firmly recom- strategy. Concentrate on the quick doables and labs all around the world send di- munity approach” that engages everyone mending that it is safe to use the vaccine as and deliverables to instill trust in the popula- sease reports to groups like the WHO’s in the planning stages, especially those there is no causal relationship established tion and get back to normal with their coope- Global Outbreak Alert and Response from underserved or vulnerable popula- on the basis of evidence available. One can ration. That’s the only viable way forward. Network. It aggregates all that data and tions. Building relationships now can helps identify outbreaks of new infectious improve access to information and re- diseases and their pandemic potential. sources when the next disaster strikes, helping ensure equity and agility in If a pathogen does make it past local Mauritius Times response. monitors and starts to spread, govern- Founder/Editor: Beekrumsing Ramlallah - Aug 1954-Sept 2000 ments have emergency management Science and risk communication Editor-in-chief: M.
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