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Rainfall: IMD Issues Orange Alert for Raj, J&K !&! $ #&! ! !"!! #!! $ ! % " !!# "!!!"!!! " ! !! " $! !"! !! JAMMU, TUESDAY, JULY 13, 2021 VOL. 37 | NO.192 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] |www.glimpsesoffuture.com | Price : Rs. 2.00 11 people trapped in flash IN BRIEF Rainfall: IMD issues orange alert for Raj, floods rescued in J-K's Kathua ‘Don’t go near .A5B..;1(.:/.@<B;1 Chenab riverbanks’ J&K; yellow for many North Indian states ((//' 21.39<<1.92?A )?.3360 :<C2:2;A D.@ 92C2;=2<=92D2?2?2@ 16@?B=A21 <; A52 0B21<;"<;1.F3<99<D6;4 %.A5.;8<A.::B 5645 @=2?.1C6@<?F6@@B21/FA52 39.@539<<1@6; .A5B.16@ D.F1B2A<52.CF39<<16;4 .4596.?F1?<2920A?60%?<720A A?60A <3 .::B ?246<; A52F @.61 .116;4 A5.A . 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