Bolivia (Plurinational State Of)'S Constitution of 2009

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Bolivia (Plurinational State Of)'S Constitution of 2009 PDF generated: 26 Aug 2021, 16:19 Bolivia (Plurinational State of)'s Constitution of 2009 © Oxford University Press, Inc. Translated by Max Planck Institute Prepared for distribution on with content generously provided by Oxford University Press. This document has been recompiled and reformatted using texts collected in Oxford’s Constitutions of the World. PDF generated: 26 Aug 2021, 16:19 Table of contents Preamble . 6 PART I: FUNDAMENTAL BASES OF THE STATE: RIGHTS, DUTIES AND GUARANTEES . 6 TITLE I: FUNDAMENTAL BASES OF THE STATE . 6 CHAPTER I: Model of the State . 6 CHAPTER II: Principals, Values and Purposes of the State . 7 CHAPTER III: System of Government . 9 TITLE II: FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS AND GUARANTEES . 9 CHAPTER I: General Matters . 9 CHAPTER II: Fundamental Rights . 10 CHAPTER III: Civil and Political Rights . 11 Section I: Civil Rights . 11 Section II: Political Rights . 13 CHAPTER IV: Rights of the Nations and Rural Native Indigenous Peoples . 14 CHAPTER V: Social and Economic Rights . 16 Section I: Environmental Rights . 16 Section II: Right to Health and Social Security . 16 Section III: Right to Work and Employment . 18 Section IV: Right to Property . 20 Section V: Rights of Children, Adolescents and Youth . 21 Section VI: Rights of the Family . 22 Section VII: Rights of the Elderly Adults . 22 Section VIII: Rights of Disabled Persons . 23 Section IX: Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty . 24 Section X: Rights of Users of Services and Consumers . 24 CHAPTER VI: Education, Cultural Diversity and Cultural Rights . 25 Section I: Education . 25 Section II: Higher Education . 27 Section III: Cultures . 29 Section IV: Science, Technology and Research . 30 Section V: Sports and Recreation . 31 CHAPTER VII: Social Communication . 31 TITLE III: DUTIES . 31 TITLE IV: JURISDICTIONAL GUARANTEES AND ACTIONS OF DEFENSE . 33 CHAPTER I: Jurisdictional Guarantees . 33 CHAPTER II: Actions of Defense . 35 Section I: Action for Liberty . 35 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2009 Page 2 PDF generated: 26 Aug 2021, 16:19 Section II: Action of Constitutional Protection . 36 Section III: Action for Protection of Privacy . 37 Section IV: Action for Unconstitutionality . 38 Section V: Action for Compliance . 38 Section VI: Popular Action . 38 CHAPTER III: States of Emergency . 39 TITLE V: NATIONALITY AND CITIZENSHIP . 40 CHAPTER I: Nationality . 40 CHAPTER II: Citizenship . 40 PART II: FUNCTIONAL STRUCTURE AND ORGANIZATION OF THE STATE . 41 TITLE I: LEGISLATIVE ORGAN . 41 CHAPTER I: Composition and Attributes of the Pluri-National Legislative Assembly . 41 CHAPTER II: Legislative Procedure . 47 TITLE II: EXECUTIVE ORGAN . 49 CHAPTER I: Composition and Attributes of the Executive Organ . 49 Section I: General Matters . 49 Section II: Presidency and Vice Presidency of the State . 49 Section III: Ministers of State . 53 TITLE III: JUDICIAL ORGAN AND PLURI-NATIONALCONSTITUTIONAL COURT . 54 CHAPTER I: General Matters . 54 CHAPTER II: Ordinary Jurisdiction . 54 Sole Section: Supreme Court of Justice . 54 CHAPTER III: Agro-Environmental Jurisdiction . 56 CHAPTER IV: Rural Native Indigenous Jurisdiction . 57 CHAPTER V: Council of Ministers of Justice . 58 CHAPTER VI: Pluri-National Constitutional Court . 59 TITLE IV: ELECTORAL ORGAN . 61 CHAPTER I: Pluri-National Electoral Organ . 61 CHAPTER II: Political Representation . 62 TITLE V: FUNCTIONS OF CONTROL, DEFENSE OF SOCIETY AND DEFENSE OF THE STATE . 63 CHAPTER I: Function of Control . 63 Sole Section: General Comptroller . 63 CHAPTER II: Function of Defense of Society . 64 Section I: Public Defender . 64 Section II: The Public Ministry . 66 CHAPTER III: Function of the Defense of the State . 67 Sole Section: Office of the Attorney General of the State . 67 CHAPTER IV: Public Servants . 68 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2009 Page 3 PDF generated: 26 Aug 2021, 16:19 TITLE VI: PARTICIPATION AND SOCIAL CONTROL . 71 TITLE VII: ARMED FORCES AND BOLIVIAN POLICE . 72 CHAPTER I: Armed Forces . 72 CHAPTER II: Bolivian Police . ..
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