Women in Power
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Women in power Women Women in power: challenges for the 21st century GENERAL MANUELA SAENZ (1797-1856) is the controversial GROUP OF WOMEN PARLIAMENTARIANS OF THE AMERICAS FIPA and challenging Ecuadorian patriot whose picture illustrates the cover of these memoirs. Her relationship to Simón Bolívar Quito, 11-12 August 2010 and her many services to the fights for Independence in Ecuador, Colombia and Peru won her recognition as “the liberator of the Liberator”. One of the often forgotten causes to which she devoted her efforts is the rights of women, and she is also renowned for her firm, feminist stance. She died in exile, and almost complete neglected in Paita, Peru, during a diphtheria outbreak. She was buried in a common grave, but her campaign in Pichincha and Ayacucho has not been forgotten. The current Ecuadorian President declared her century st “Honorable General” on 22 May 2007, thus acknowledging a 1 military rank already awarded to her in history books. Sketch of Manuela Sáenz, by Oswaldo Guayasamín © Sucesión Guayasamín Challenges for the 2 Challenges for GRouP of WomEN PaRlIamENTaRIaNS of ThE amERIcaS fIPa PRESIDENT Linda Machuca Moscoso FINAL PROJECT DOCUMENTATION Gayne Villagómez Sandra Álvarez EDITORIAL COORDINATION AND PHOTOGRAPHY Directorate of Communication Ecuador’s National Assembly TITLE PAGE Sketch of Manuela Sáenz, by Oswaldo Guayasamín © Sucesión Guayasamín Assembly Member Linda Machuca Moscoso PRESIDENT DESIGN Luis Miguel Cáceres Verónica Ávila Diseño Editorial PRINTING Quito, 11-12 August 2010 FIRST EDITION Asamblea Nacional del Ecuador Quito, November 2010 TaBlE of coNTENTS I. Background 6 II. opening Remarks Foro Interparlamentario de las Américas Fórum Interparlamentar das Américas Licenciada Linda Machuca, President of the Group of Women Parliamentarians of the Americas 8 Mr. Fernando Cordero, architect by profession, President of the National Assembly of Ecuador 11 Senator Celine Hervieux, Executive Committee, FIPA 15 Ms. Dr. Silvia Vega, UNIFEM-Ecuador Delegate 18 Forum interparlementaire des Améqiques III. Round Table Discussions: Papers Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the Americas Some Thoughts on the human Rights of Women across National legislations in the americas Dra. Roxana Arroyo, Costa Rica 22 The Exercise of Power from the Perspective of Personal Experience Dra. Enoé Uranga, Mexico 30 Otilia Lux de Cotti, Guatemala 41 Project undertaken with the financial assistance of the Government of Canada through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) Aluki Rojas, Nunavut, Canada 44 Angela Guimaraes, Brazil 47 Gender-oriented Democracy: Progress and Setbacks Anunziatta Valdez, Ecuador 52 Cecilia Ayllón, Bolivia 61 Gina Godoy, Ecuador 65 Women Politicians and the media Cecilia Medina 68 Tachi Arriola 71 José Ignacio López Vigil 75 IV. final Statement V. list of Participants 82 fifth meeting of the Group of Women the Framework of the Sixth Plenary Assembly of FIPA, the Background Assembly made the following recommendations: Parliamentarians of the americas 1. That legislative measures be implemented to ensure equal 13-15 September 2009, ottawa, canada. Women in Power Meeting: representation of men and women in parliaments in the st The Group of Women Parliamentarians of the Americas held Americas. Challenges for the 21 Century its Fifth Meeting on 13-15 September 2009, in Ottawa, Can- 2. That women parliamentarians in the Americas participate ada with the participation of men and women parliamentar- fully in the legislative process, moving beyond social and ians from 17 countries in the Americas. Canadian Senator educational issues to deal with matters involving the econ- The Group of Women Parliamentarians held a meeting under Said event was held in Quito, Ecuador, at the National Assembly, Céline Hervieux-Payette, former President of FIPA, chaired the omy, defence, security, etc. the name “Women in Power: Challenges for the XXI Century”. on 11 and 12 August this year. It was aimed at further devel- meeting. 3. That parliaments in the Americas work together to ensure Linda Machuca, Ecuadorean Assembly Member for the migrant oping women parliamentarians’ political skills from a gender that crimes such as rape, sexual abuse, family violence, community of the United States and Canada, elected President and human rights perspective. The meeting followed an agenda The presentation by the keynote speaker, the Honourable Lynn etc., face sanctions when their perpetrators cross borders. of the Group of Women Parliamentarians in September 2009, which was developed based on the current scenario in the Holowesko, President of the Senate of the Association of Carib- 4. That women parliamentarians become interested in led the organization of the meeting, which was attended by Americas and the status of women’s rights, classified under the bean States, highlighted that each gender makes a contribution strengthening alliances and solidarity networks with women delegates from 16 countries in the Americas. following themes: that will lead to balancing governance in an increasingly com- women groups. plex society. Mrs. Holowesko pointed out that Parliaments in The Group of Women Parliamentarians was created in 2003 • Exercising Power: The Experience of a Woman Politician. the Americas are seeing slow progress in achieving equal rep- Recognizing the importance of the Congress called “Towards for the purpose of strengthening the leadership of women par- resentation of women, and that some countries have no elected a Gender-Sensitive Legislative Agenda for Development in the • Current Situation of Women’s Rights in the Americas: A liamentarians in the Americas, their democratic participation women parliamentarians. Americas”, held by the Group of Women Parliamentarians of the Critical Look at National Legislatures. and the development of initiatives with a view to contributing Americas in Bogotá, Colombia on 20-21 November, 2008, the towards equality of conditions between men and women. The • Women Politicians and the Media. At that meeting, the new President of FIPA’s Group of Women Plenary Assembly recommends: Group is part of the Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the Americas Parliamentarians of the Americas was elected at a special – FIPA, an independent network comprising national parlia- First-order speakers with expertise in women’s human rights, session held on 15 September 2009. Mrs. Linda Machuca • Endorsing the recommendations adopted by parliamentari- ments from all 35 OAS Member States, the aim of which is pro- their progress and setbacks, and with broad experience in the Moscoso, member of the National Assembly of Ecuador, was ans gathered at the Congress “Towards a Gender-Sensitive moting inter-parliamentary participation in the Inter-American political exercise and in contexts of policy-making favouring elected to replace Colombian Senator Cecilia López, upon con- Legislative Agenda for Development in the Americas”; and system, and contributing to dialogue regarding issues in the women, shared their valuable experiences with the partici- clusion of her term of office. hemispheric agenda. pating women parliamentarians, and engaged in a mutually- • Inviting FIPA Member Parliaments to report on progress enlightening dialogue. On the basis of deliberations during the Fifth Meeting of the made in the implementation of these recommendations at Group of Women Parliamentarians of the Americas, held within the next Plenary Meeting of FIPA. 6 P a R l I a m ent a R y gr o u P for the rights of women E c u a D o R W o m en in P o wer m eeting : challenges for the 2 1 st century 7 n the past few days we have celebrated the first displays of It is not only in far away lands where such prisons exist, how- suffered from. I therefore wish to acknowledge the presence of our people’s rebellion and love for freedom. Quito, the Light ever. This is why the stance that women have taken, that of men parliamentarians present here with us today and who will I of the Americas, finds the raison d’etre for its national con- claiming for their rights persists in today’s world as a key to continue to participate during this meeting. stitution in the liberation exploit dating back some two hundred democracy and to the respect for human rights, even more so years. From this space of dignity and love to this great Moth- when the agenda of this meeting relates to women in power or Hundreds of women are being murdered in Juárez and no one erland, the New Continent, may I warmly welcome you all and the powers that these women have already conquered. What is ever brought to account for this; the greatest power these wish that our work present us with significant challenges in the good are they? Why do we work from the positions of power criminals have is negation, concealment and certainly impunity struggle we still face within each of our countries and peoples. we have attained? for their crimes. Which are the rates of femicide in our coun- tries? How frequently do they murder us women in an attempt Even today, six out of every ten women suffer from systematic It is equally imperative to re-examine key concepts such as to control us? How frequently do they continue to incarcerate intra-family violence in Ecuador. And if we believe there are equality or the principle of equity within a democratic soci- us behind burqas or behind conceptions that downplay us on many forms of violence, then the figures multiply due to the ety. Have we really overcome discrimination? Is the political an ongoing basis? abuse suffered by women at their work or study places. These participation of women respected under equal conditions? In figures are repeated here and elsewhere and leave us with the this very room we are honoured with the presence of repre- This must be the opportunity to empower us, and for this rea- following question: How much have we actually progressed in sentatives from different peoples and human collectives who son we have come up with topics which relate to the expe- the pursuit of our rights? What good is any type of power to us perhaps do not feel duly represented in their parliaments, and riences women politicians have had.